-- Copyright 2007-2022 Mitchell. See LICENSE. -- Abbreviated environment and commands from Jay Gould. local M = ui.command_entry --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Textadept's Command Entry. -- It supports multiple modes that each have their own functionality (such as running Lua code -- and filtering text through shell commands) and history. -- @field height (number) -- The height in pixels of the command entry. -- @field active (boolean) -- Whether or not the command entry is active. module('ui.command_entry')]] -- Command history per mode. -- The current mode is in the `mode` field. -- @class table -- @name history local history = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) if type(k) ~= 'function' then return nil end t[k] = {pos = 0} return t[k] end }) -- Cycles through command history for the current mode. -- @param prev Flag that indicates whether to cycle to the previous command or the next one. local function cycle_history(prev) if M:auto_c_active() then M[prev and 'line_up' or 'line_down'](M) return end local mode_history = history[history.mode] if not mode_history or prev and mode_history.pos <= 1 then return end if not prev and mode_history.pos >= #mode_history then return end M:line_delete() local i, bound = prev and -1 or 1, prev and 1 or #mode_history mode_history.pos = math[prev and 'max' or 'min'](mode_history.pos + i, bound) M:add_text(mode_history[mode_history.pos]) end --- -- Appends string *text* to the history for command entry mode *f* or the current or most -- recent mode. -- This should only be called if `ui.command_entry.run()` is called with a keys table that has a -- custom binding for the Enter key ('\n'). Otherwise, history is automatically appended as needed. -- @param f Optional command entry mode to append history to. This is a function passed to -- `ui.command_entry_run()`. If omitted, uses the current or most recent mode. -- @param text String text to append to history. -- @name append_history function M.append_history(f, text) if not assert_type(text, 'string/nil', 2) then f, text = history.mode, assert_type(f, 'string', 1) if not f then return end end local mode_history = history[assert_type(f, 'function', 1)] mode_history[#mode_history + 1], mode_history.pos = text, #mode_history + 1 end --- -- A metatable with typical platform-specific key bindings for text entries. -- This metatable may be used to add basic editing and movement keys to command entry modes. It -- is automatically added to command entry modes unless a metatable was previously set. -- @usage setmetatable(mode_keys, ui.command_entry.editing_keys) -- @class table -- @name editing_keys M.editing_keys = {__index = {}} -- Fill in default key bindings for Linux/Win32, macOS, Terminal. local bindings = { -- Note: cannot use `M.cut`, `M.copy`, etc. since M is never considered the global buffer. [function() M:undo() end] = {'ctrl+z', 'cmd+z', 'ctrl+z'}, [function() M:undo() end] = {nil, nil, 'meta+z'}, [function() M:redo() end] = {'ctrl+y', 'cmd+Z', 'ctrl+y'}, [function() M:redo() end] = {'ctrl+Z', nil, 'meta+Z'}, [function() M:cut() end] = {'ctrl+x', 'cmd+x', 'ctrl+x'}, [function() M:copy() end] = {'ctrl+c', 'cmd+c', 'ctrl+c'}, [function() M:paste() end] = {'ctrl+v', 'cmd+v', 'ctrl+v'}, [function() M:select_all() end] = {'ctrl+a', 'cmd+a', 'meta+a'}, [function() cycle_history(true) end] = {'up', 'up', 'up'}, [cycle_history] = {'down', 'down', 'down'}, -- LuaFormatter -- Movement keys. [function() M:char_right() end] = {nil, 'ctrl+f', 'ctrl+f'}, [function() M:char_left() end] = {nil, 'ctrl+b', 'ctrl+b'}, [function() M:vc_home() end] = {nil, 'ctrl+a', 'ctrl+a'}, [function() M:line_end() end] = {nil, 'ctrl+e', 'ctrl+e'}, [function() M:clear() end] = {nil, 'ctrl+d', 'ctrl+d'} } local plat = CURSES and 3 or OSX and 2 or 1 for f, plat_keys in pairs(bindings) do if plat_keys[plat] then M.editing_keys.__index[plat_keys[plat]] = f end end -- Environment for abbreviated Lua commands. -- @class table -- @name env local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, k) if type(buffer[k]) == 'function' then return function(...) return buffer[k](buffer, ...) end elseif type(view[k]) == 'function' then return function(...) view[k](view, ...) end -- do not return a value end return buffer[k] or view[k] or ui[k] or _G[k] or textadept[k] end, -- LuaFormatter __newindex = function(self, k, v) local ok, value = pcall(function() return buffer[k] end) if ok and value ~= nil or not ok and value:find('write-only property') then buffer[k] = v -- buffer and view are interchangeable in this case elseif view[k] ~= nil then view[k] = v elseif ui[k] ~= nil then ui[k] = v else rawset(self, k, v) end end }) -- Executes string *code* as Lua code that is subject to an "abbreviated" environment. -- In this environment, the contents of the `buffer`, `view`, `ui`, and `textadept` tables are -- also considered as global functions and fields. -- Prints the results of expressions like in the Lua prompt. Also invokes bare functions as -- commands. -- @param code The Lua code to execute. local function run_lua(code) local f, errmsg = load('return ' .. code, nil, 't', env) if not f then f, errmsg = load(code, nil, 't', env) end local result = assert(f, errmsg)() if type(result) == 'function' then result = result() end if type(result) == 'table' then local items = {} for k, v in pairs(result) do items[#items + 1] = string.format('%s = %s', k, v) end table.sort(items) result = string.format('{%s}', table.concat(items, ', ')) if view.edge_column > 0 and #result > view.edge_column then local indent = string.rep(' ', buffer.tab_width) result = string.format('{\n%s%s\n}', indent, table.concat(items, ',\n' .. indent)) end end if result ~= nil or code:find('^return ') then ui.print(result) end events.emit(events.UPDATE_UI, 1) -- update UI if necessary (e.g. statusbar) end args.register('-e', '--execute', 1, run_lua, 'Execute Lua code') -- Shows a set of Lua code completions for the entry's text, subject to an "abbreviated" -- environment where the contents of the `buffer`, `view`, and `ui` tables are also considered -- as globals. local function complete_lua() local line, pos = M:get_cur_line() local symbol, op, part = line:sub(1, pos - 1):match('([%w_.]-)([%.:]?)([%w_]*)$') local ok, result = pcall((load(string.format('return (%s)', symbol), nil, 't', env))) if (not ok or type(result) ~= 'table') and symbol ~= '' then return end local cmpls = {} part = '^' .. part local XPM = textadept.editing.XPM_IMAGES local sep = string.char(M.auto_c_type_separator) if not ok or symbol == 'buffer' or symbol == 'view' then local sci = _SCINTILLA local global_envs = not ok and {buffer, view, ui, _G, textadept, sci.functions, sci.properties, sci.constants} or op == ':' and {sci.functions} or {sci.properties, sci.constants} for _, t in ipairs(global_envs) do for k, v in pairs(t) do if type(k) ~= 'string' or not k:find(part) then goto continue end local xpm = (type(v) == 'function' or t == sci.functions) and XPM.METHOD or XPM.VARIABLE cmpls[#cmpls + 1] = k .. sep .. xpm ::continue:: end end else for k, v in pairs(result) do if type(k) == 'string' and k:find(part) and (op == '.' or type(v) == 'function') then local xpm = type(v) == 'function' and XPM.METHOD or XPM.VARIABLE cmpls[#cmpls + 1] = k .. sep .. xpm end end end table.sort(cmpls) M.auto_c_order = buffer.ORDER_PRESORTED M:auto_c_show(#part - 1, table.concat(cmpls, string.char(M.auto_c_separator))) end -- Mode for entering Lua commands. -- @class table -- @name lua_keys local lua_keys = {['\t'] = complete_lua} local prev_key_mode --- -- Opens the command entry, subjecting it to any key bindings defined in table *keys*, -- highlighting text with lexer name *lang*, and displaying *height* number of lines at a time, -- and then when the `Enter` key is pressed, closes the command entry and calls function *f* -- (if non-`nil`) with the command entry's text as an argument. -- By default with no arguments given, opens a Lua command entry. -- The command entry does not respond to Textadept's default key bindings, but instead to the -- key bindings defined in *keys* and in `ui.command_entry.editing_keys`. -- @param f Optional function to call upon pressing `Enter` in the command entry, ending the mode. -- It should accept the command entry text as an argument. -- @param keys Optional table of key bindings to respond to. This is in addition to the -- basic editing and movement keys defined in `ui.command_entry.editing_keys`. `Esc` and -- `Enter` are automatically defined to cancel and finish the command entry, respectively. -- This parameter may be omitted completely. -- @param lang Optional string lexer name to use for command entry text. The default value is -- `'text'`. -- @param height Optional number of lines to display in the command entry. The default value is `1`. -- @see editing_keys -- @usage ui.command_entry.run(ui.print) -- @name run function M.run(f, keys, lang, height) if _G.keys.mode == '_command_entry' then return end -- already in command entry if not assert_type(f, 'function/nil', 1) and not keys then f, keys, lang = run_lua, lua_keys, 'lua' elseif type(assert_type(keys, 'table/string/nil', 2)) == 'string' then lang, height, keys = keys, assert_type(lang, 'number/nil', 3), {} else if not keys then keys = {} end assert_type(lang, 'string/nil', 3) assert_type(height, 'number/nil', 4) end if not keys['esc'] then keys['esc'] = M.focus end -- hide if not keys['\n'] then keys['\n'] = function() if M:auto_c_active() then return false end -- allow Enter to autocomplete M.focus() -- hide M.append_history(M:get_text()) if f then f(M:get_text()) end end end if not getmetatable(keys) then setmetatable(keys, M.editing_keys) end history.mode = f local mode_history = history[history.mode] M:set_text(mode_history and mode_history[mode_history.pos] or '') M:select_all() prev_key_mode = _G.keys.mode -- save before M.focus() M.focus() M:set_lexer(lang or 'text') M.height = M:text_height(1) * (height or 1) _G.keys._command_entry, _G.keys.mode = keys, '_command_entry' end -- Redefine ui.command_entry.focus() to clear any current key mode on hide/show. local orig_focus = M.focus M.focus = function() keys.mode = prev_key_mode orig_focus() end -- Configure the command entry's default properties. -- Also find the key binding for `textadept.editing.show_documentation` and use it to show Lua -- documentation in the Lua command entry. events.connect(events.INITIALIZED, function() M.h_scroll_bar, M.v_scroll_bar = false, false for i = 1, M.margins do M.margin_width_n[i] = 0 end M.call_tip_position = true for key, f in pairs(keys) do if f ~= textadept.editing.show_documentation then goto continue end lua_keys[key] = function() -- Temporarily change _G.buffer and _G.view since ui.command_entry is the "active" buffer -- and view. local orig_buffer, orig_view = _G.buffer, _G.view _G.buffer, _G.view = ui.command_entry, ui.command_entry textadept.editing.show_documentation() _G.buffer, _G.view = orig_buffer, orig_view end ::continue:: end end) --[[ The function below is a Lua C function. --- -- Opens the command entry. -- @class function -- @name focus local focus ]]