-- Copyright 2007-2020 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. -- Textadept autocompletions and API documentation doclet for LuaDoc. -- This module is used by LuaDoc to create Lua autocompletion and API -- documentation files that Textadept can read. -- To preserve formatting, the included *luadoc.patch* file must be applied to -- your instance of LuaDoc. It will not affect the look of HTML web pages, only -- the look of plain-text output. -- Also requires LuaFileSystem (lfs) to be installed. -- @usage luadoc -d [output_path] -doclet path/to/tadoc [file(s)] local M = {} local CTAG = '%s\t%s\t/^%s$/;"\t%s\t%s' local string_format = string.format local lfs = require('lfs') -- As a special case for Textadept API tags, do not store the local path, but -- use a `_HOME` prefix that will be filled in by consumers. Do this by making -- use of a custom command line switch: --ta-home="path/to/ta/home". local _HOME for i = 1, #arg do _HOME = arg[i]:match('^%-%-ta%-home=(.+)$') if _HOME then _HOME = _HOME:gsub('%p', '%%%0') break end end -- Writes a ctag. -- @param file The file to write to. -- @param name The name of the tag. -- @param filename The filename the tag occurs in. -- @param code The line of code the tag occurs on. -- @param k The kind of ctag. The Lua module recognizes 4 kinds: m Module, f -- Function, t Table, and F Field. -- @param ext_fields The ext_fields for the ctag. local function write_tag(file, name, filename, code, k, ext_fields) if _HOME then filename = filename:gsub(_HOME, '_HOME') end if ext_fields == 'class:_G' then ext_fields = '' end file[#file + 1] = string_format(CTAG, name, filename, code, k, ext_fields) end -- Sanitizes Markdown from the given documentation string by stripping links and -- replacing HTML entities. -- @param s String to sanitize Markdown from. -- @return string local function sanitize_markdown(s) return s:gsub('%[([^%]\r\n]+)%]%b[]', '%1') -- [foo][] :gsub('%[([^%]\r\n]+)%]%b()', '%1') -- [foo](bar) :gsub('\r?\n\r?\n%[([^%]\r\n]+)%]:[^\r\n]+', '') -- [foo]: bar :gsub('\r?\n%[([^%]\r\n]+)%]:[^\r\n]+', '') -- [foo]: bar :gsub('&([%a]+);', {quot = '"', apos = "'"}) end -- Writes a function or field apidoc. -- @param file The file to write to. -- @param m The LuaDoc module object. -- @param b The LuaDoc block object. local function write_apidoc(file, m, b) -- Function or field name. local name = b.name if not name:find('[%.:]') then name = string.format('%s.%s', m.name, name) end -- Block documentation for the function or field. local doc = {} -- Function arguments or field type. local class = b.class local header = name if class == 'function' then header = header .. (b.param and string.format('(%s)', table.concat(b.param, ', ')) or '') elseif class == 'field' and b.description:find('^%s*%b()') then header = string.format('%s %s', header, b.description:match('^%s*(%b())')) elseif class == 'module' or class == 'table' then header = string.format('%s (%s)', header, class) end doc[#doc + 1] = header -- Function or field description. local description = b.description if class == 'module' then -- Modules usually have additional Markdown documentation so just grab the -- documentation before a Markdown header. description = description:match('^(.-)[\r\n]+#') or description elseif class == 'field' then -- Type information is already in the header; discard it in the description. description = description:match('^%s*%b()[\t ]*[\r\n]*(.+)$') or description -- Strip consistent leading whitespace. local indent indent, description = description:match('^(%s*)(.*)$') if indent ~= '' then description = description:gsub('\n' .. indent, '\n') end end doc[#doc + 1] = sanitize_markdown(description) -- Function parameters (@param). if class == 'function' and b.param then for _, p in ipairs(b.param) do if b.param[p] and #b.param[p] > 0 then doc[#doc + 1] = string.format( '@param %s %s', p, sanitize_markdown(b.param[p])) end end end -- Function usage (@usage). if class == 'function' and b.usage then if type(b.usage) == 'string' then doc[#doc + 1] = '@usage ' .. b.usage else for _, u in ipairs(b.usage) do doc[#doc + 1] = '@usage ' .. u end end end -- Function returns (@return). if class == 'function' and b.ret then if type(b.ret) == 'string' then doc[#doc + 1] = '@return ' .. b.ret else for _, u in ipairs(b.ret) do doc[#doc + 1] = '@return ' .. u end end end -- See also (@see). if b.see then if type(b.see) == 'string' then doc[#doc + 1] = '@see ' .. b.see else for _, s in ipairs(b.see) do doc[#doc + 1] = '@see ' .. s end end end -- Format the block documentation. doc = table.concat(doc, '\n'):gsub('\\n', '\\\\n'):gsub('\n', '\\n') file[#file + 1] = string.format('%s %s', name:match('[^%.:]+$'), doc) end -- Returns the absolute path of the given relative path. -- @param string path String relative path. -- @return absolute path local function abspath(path) path = string.format('%s/%s', lfs.currentdir(), path) path = path:gsub('%f[^/]%./', '') -- clean up './' while path:find('[^/]+/%.%./') do path = path:gsub('[^/]+/%.%./', '', 1) -- clean up '../' end return path end -- Called by LuaDoc to process a doc object. -- @param doc The LuaDoc doc object. function M.start(doc) -- require('luarocks.require') -- local profiler = require('profiler') -- profiler.start() local modules, files = doc.modules, doc.files -- Map doc objects to file names so a module can be mapped to its filename. for _, filename in ipairs(files) do local doc = files[filename].doc files[doc] = abspath(filename) end -- Add a module's fields to its LuaDoc. for _, filename in ipairs(files) do local module_doc = files[filename].doc[1] if module_doc and module_doc.class == 'module' and modules[module_doc.name] then modules[module_doc.name].fields = module_doc.field elseif module_doc then print(string.format('[WARN] %s has no module declaration', filename)) end end -- Convert module functions in the Lua luadoc into LuaDoc modules. local lua_luadoc = files['../modules/lua/lua.luadoc'] if lua_luadoc and #files == 1 then for _, function_name in ipairs(lua_luadoc.functions) do local func = lua_luadoc.functions[function_name] local module_name = func.name:match('^([^%.:]+)[%.:]') or '_G' if not modules[module_name] then modules[#modules + 1] = module_name modules[module_name] = { name = module_name, functions = {}, doc = {{code = func.code}} } files[modules[module_name].doc] = abspath(files[1]) -- For functions like file:read(), 'file' is not a module; fake it. if func.name:find(':') then modules[module_name].fake = true end end local module = modules[module_name] module.description = string.format('Lua %s module.', module.name) module.functions[#module.functions + 1] = func.name module.functions[func.name] = func end for _, table_name in ipairs(lua_luadoc.tables) do local table = lua_luadoc.tables[table_name] local module = modules[table.name or '_G'] if not module.fields then module.fields = {} end local fields = module.fields for k, v in pairs(table.field) do if not tonumber(k) then fields[#fields + 1], fields[k] = k, v end end end end -- Process LuaDoc and write the tags and api files. local ctags, apidoc = {}, {} for _, module_name in ipairs(modules) do local m = modules[module_name] local filename = files[m.doc] if not m.fake then -- Tag and document the module. write_tag(ctags, m.name, filename, m.doc[1].code[1], 'm', '') if m.name:find('%.') then -- Tag the last part of the module as a table of the first part. local parent, child = m.name:match('^(.-)%.([^%.]+)$') write_tag( ctags, child, filename, m.doc[1].code[1], 'm', 'class:' .. parent) end m.class = 'module' write_apidoc(apidoc, {name = '_G'}, m) end -- Tag and document the functions. for _, function_name in ipairs(m.functions) do local module_name, name = function_name:match('^(.-)[%.:]?([^.:]+)$') if module_name == '' then module_name = m.name end local func = m.functions[function_name] write_tag( ctags, name, filename, func.code[1], 'f', 'class:' .. module_name) write_apidoc(apidoc, m, func) end if m.tables then -- Document the tables. for _, table_name in ipairs(m.tables) do local table = m.tables[table_name] local module_name = m.name if table_name:find('^_G%.') then module_name, table_name = table_name:match('^_G%.(.-)%.?([^%.]+)$') if not module_name then print('[ERROR] Cannot determine module name for ' .. table.name) elseif module_name == '' then module_name = '_G' -- _G.keys or _G.snippets end end write_tag( ctags, table_name, filename, table.code[1], 't', 'class:' .. module_name) write_apidoc(apidoc, m, table) if table.field then -- Tag and document the table's fields. table_name = string.format('%s.%s', module_name, table_name) for _, field_name in ipairs(table.field) do write_tag( ctags, field_name, filename, table.code[1], 'F', 'class:' .. table_name) write_apidoc(apidoc, {name = table_name}, { name = field_name, description = table.field[field_name], class = 'table' }) end end end end if m.fields then -- Tag and document the fields. for _, field_name in ipairs(m.fields) do local field = m.fields[field_name] local module_name = m.name if field_name:find('^_G%.') then module_name, field_name = field_name:match('^_G%.(.-)%.?([^%.]+)$') if not module_name then print('[ERROR] Cannot determine module name for ' .. field.name) end end write_tag( ctags, field_name, filename, m.doc[1].code[1], 'F', 'class:' .. module_name) write_apidoc(apidoc, {name = field_name}, { name = string.format('%s.%s', module_name, field_name), description = field, class = 'field' }) end end end table.sort(ctags) table.sort(apidoc) local f = io.open(M.options.output_dir .. '/tags', 'wb') f:write(table.concat(ctags, '\n')) f:close() f = io.open(M.options.output_dir .. '/api', 'wb') f:write(table.concat(apidoc, '\n')) f:close() -- profiler.stop() end return M