-- Copyright 2007-2022 Mitchell. See LICENSE. package.path = table.concat({ _USERHOME .. '/modules/?.lua', _USERHOME .. '/modules/?/init.lua', _HOME .. '/modules/?.lua', _HOME .. '/modules/?/init.lua', package.path }, ';'); package.cpath = table.concat({ string.format('%s/modules/?.%s', _USERHOME, not WIN32 and 'so' or 'dll'), string.format('%s/modules/?.%s', _HOME, not WIN32 and 'so' or 'dll'), package.cpath }, ';') -- Populate initial `_G.buffer` with temporarily exported io functions now that it exists. This -- is needed for menus and key bindings. for name, f in pairs(io) do if name:find('^_') then buffer[name:sub(2)], io[name] = f, nil end end textadept = require('textadept') local SETLEXER = _SCINTILLA.properties.i_lexer[2] -- Documentation is in core/.view.luadoc. local function set_theme(view, name, env) for k in pairs(lexer.colors) do lexer.colors[k] = nil end -- clear mimic if not assert_type(name, 'string', 2):find('[/\\]') then name = package.searchpath(name, string.format('%s/themes/?.lua;%s/themes/?.lua', _USERHOME, _HOME)) end if not name or not lfs.attributes(name) then return end if not assert_type(env, 'table/nil', 3) then env = {} end local orig_view = _G.view if view ~= orig_view then ui.goto_view(view) end loadfile(name, 't', setmetatable(env, {__index = _G}))() -- Force reload of all styles since the current lexer may have defined its own styles. (The -- LPeg lexer has only refreshed default lexer styles.) -- Note: cannot use `buffer.set_lexer()` because it may not exist yet. buffer:private_lexer_call(SETLEXER, buffer._lexer or 'text') if view ~= orig_view then ui.goto_view(orig_view) end end events.connect(events.VIEW_NEW, function() view.set_theme = set_theme end) view.set_theme = set_theme -- needed for the first view -- On reset, _LOADED['lexer'] is removed. Force a reload in order for set_theme to work properly. if not arg then view:goto_buffer(buffer) end -- The remainder of this file defines default buffer and view properties and applies them to -- subsequent buffers and views. Normally, a setting like `buffer.use_tabs = false` only applies -- to the current (initial) buffer.However, temporarily tap into buffer and view's metatables in -- order to capture these initial settings (both from Textadept's init.lua and from the user's -- init.lua) so they can be applied to subsequent buffers and views. local settings = {} local buffer_mt, view_mt = getmetatable(buffer), getmetatable(view) local function repr(v) return string.format(type(v) == 'string' and '%q' or '%s', v) end for _, mt in ipairs{buffer_mt, view_mt} do mt.__orig_index, mt.__orig_newindex = mt.__index, mt.__newindex mt.__index = function(t, k) local v = mt.__orig_index(t, k) if type(v) == 'function' then return function(...) local args = {...} if type(args[1]) == 'table' then table.remove(args, 1) end -- self for i = 1, #args do args[i] = repr(args[i]) end settings[#settings + 1] = string.format('buffer:%s(%s)', k, table.concat(args, ',')) return v(...) end elseif type(v) == 'table' then local property_mt = getmetatable(v) setmetatable(v, { __index = property_mt.__index, __newindex = function(property, k2, v2) settings[#settings + 1] = string.format('buffer.%s[%s]=%s', k, repr(k2), repr(v2)) local ok, errmsg = pcall(property_mt.__newindex, property, k2, v2) if not ok then error(errmsg, 2) end end }) end return v end mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v) settings[#settings + 1] = string.format('buffer[%s]=%s', repr(k), repr(v)) mt.__orig_newindex(t, k, v) end end -- Mimic the `lexer` module because (1) it is not yet available and (2) even if it was, color, -- style, and property settings would not be captured during init. local property = view.property local colors = setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function(t, name, color) if type(color) == 'string' then local r, g, b = color:match('^#(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)$') color = tonumber(string.format('%s%s%s', b, g, r), 16) or 0 end property['color.' .. name] = color rawset(t, name, color) -- cache instead of __index for property[...] end }) local styles = setmetatable({}, { __newindex = function(_, name, props) local settings = {} for k, v in pairs(props) do settings[#settings + 1] = type(v) ~= 'boolean' and string.format('%s:%s', k, v) or string.format('%s%s', v and '' or 'not', k) end property['style.' .. name] = table.concat(settings, ',') end }) lexer = setmetatable({colors = colors, styles = styles}, { __newindex = function(_, k, v) property[k ~= 'folding' and k:gsub('_', '.') or 'fold'] = v and '1' or '0' end }) -- Default buffer and view settings. local buffer, view = buffer, view view:set_theme(not CURSES and 'light' or 'term') -- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space buffer.multiple_selection, buffer.additional_selection_typing = true, true buffer.multi_paste = buffer.MULTIPASTE_EACH -- buffer.virtual_space_options = buffer.VS_RECTANGULARSELECTION | buffer.VS_USERACCESSIBLE view.rectangular_selection_modifier = view.MOD_ALT view.mouse_selection_rectangular_switch = true -- view.additional_carets_blink = false -- view.additional_carets_visible = false -- Scrolling. view:set_x_caret_policy(view.CARET_SLOP, 20) view:set_y_caret_policy(view.CARET_SLOP | view.CARET_STRICT | view.CARET_EVEN, 1) view:set_visible_policy(view.VISIBLE_SLOP | view.VISIBLE_STRICT, 5) -- view.h_scroll_bar = CURSES -- view.v_scroll_bar = false if CURSES and not (WIN32 or LINUX or BSD) then view.v_scroll_bar = false end -- view.scroll_width = -- view.scroll_width_tracking = true -- view.end_at_last_line = false -- Whitespace view.view_ws = view.WS_INVISIBLE -- view.whitespace_size = -- view.extra_ascent = -- view.extra_descent = -- Line Endings buffer.eol_mode = WIN32 and buffer.EOL_CRLF or buffer.EOL_LF view.view_eol = false -- Styling if not CURSES then view.idle_styling = view.IDLESTYLING_ALL end -- Caret and Selection Styles. -- view.sel_eol_filled = true -- view.caret_line_visible_always = true -- view.caret_period = 0 -- view.caret_style = view.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK -- view.caret_width = -- buffer.caret_sticky = buffer.CARETSTICKY_ON -- Margins. -- view.margin_left = -- view.margin_right = -- Line Number Margin. view.margin_type_n[1] = view.MARGIN_NUMBER local function resize_line_number_margin(shrinkable) -- This needs to be evaluated dynamically since themes/styles can change. local buffer, view = _G.buffer, _G.view local width = math.max(4, #tostring(buffer.line_count)) * view:text_width(view.STYLE_LINENUMBER, '9') + (not CURSES and 4 or 0) view.margin_width_n[1] = not shrinkable and math.max(view.margin_width_n[1], width) or width end events.connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, resize_line_number_margin) events.connect(events.VIEW_NEW, resize_line_number_margin) events.connect(events.FILE_OPENED, resize_line_number_margin) events.connect(events.RESET_AFTER, resize_line_number_margin) events.connect(events.ZOOM, function() resize_line_number_margin(true) end) -- Marker Margin. view.margin_width_n[2] = not CURSES and 4 or 1 -- Fold Margin. view.margin_width_n[3] = not CURSES and 12 or 1 view.margin_mask_n[3] = view.MASK_FOLDERS -- Other Margins. for i = 2, view.margins do view.margin_type_n[i] = view.MARGIN_SYMBOL view.margin_sensitive_n[i], view.margin_cursor_n[i] = true, view.CURSORARROW if i > 3 then view.margin_width_n[i] = 0 end end -- Annotations. view.annotation_visible = view.ANNOTATION_BOXED view.eol_annotation_visible = view.EOLANNOTATION_BOXED -- Other. buffer.buffered_draw = not CURSES and not OSX -- Quartz buffers drawing on macOS -- buffer.word_chars = -- buffer.whitespace_chars = -- buffer.punctuation_chars = -- Tabs and Indentation Guides. -- Note: tab and indentation settings apply to individual buffers. buffer.tab_width, buffer.use_tabs = 2, false -- buffer.indent = 2 buffer.tab_indents, buffer.back_space_un_indents = true, true view.indentation_guides = not CURSES and view.IV_LOOKBOTH or view.IV_NONE -- Margin Markers. view:marker_define(textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK, view.MARK_FULLRECT) view:marker_define(textadept.run.MARK_WARNING, view.MARK_FULLRECT) view:marker_define(textadept.run.MARK_ERROR, view.MARK_FULLRECT) -- Arrow Folding Symbols. -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, view.MARK_ARROWDOWN) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDER, view.MARK_ARROW) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- Plus/Minus Folding Symbols. -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, view.MARK_MINUS) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDER, view.MARK_PLUS) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, view.MARK_EMPTY) -- Circle Tree Folding Symbols. -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, view.MARK_CIRCLEMINUS) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDER, view.MARK_CIRCLEPLUS) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, view.MARK_VLINE) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, view.MARK_LCORNERCURVE) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, view.MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, view.MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED) -- view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, view.MARK_TCORNERCURVE) -- Box Tree Folding Symbols. view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, view.MARK_BOXMINUS) view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDER, view.MARK_BOXPLUS) view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, view.MARK_VLINE) view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, view.MARK_LCORNER) view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, view.MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED) view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, view.MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED) view:marker_define(buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, view.MARK_TCORNER) -- view:marker_enable_highlight(true) -- Indicators. view.indic_style[ui.find.INDIC_FIND] = view.INDIC_ROUNDBOX view.indic_under[ui.find.INDIC_FIND] = not CURSES view.indic_style[textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH] = view.INDIC_BOX view:brace_highlight_indicator(not CURSES, textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH) view.indic_style[textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = view.INDIC_ROUNDBOX view.indic_under[textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT] = not CURSES view.indic_style[textadept.snippets.INDIC_PLACEHOLDER] = not CURSES and view.INDIC_DOTBOX or view.INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX -- Autocompletion. -- buffer.auto_c_separator = -- buffer.auto_c_cancel_at_start = false -- buffer.auto_c_fill_ups = '(' buffer.auto_c_choose_single = true -- buffer.auto_c_ignore_case = true -- buffer.auto_c_case_insensitive_behavior = buffer.CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOR_IGNORECASE buffer.auto_c_multi = buffer.MULTIAUTOC_EACH -- buffer.auto_c_auto_hide = false -- buffer.auto_c_drop_rest_of_word = true -- buffer.auto_c_type_separator = -- view.auto_c_max_height = -- view.auto_c_max_width = -- Call Tips. view.call_tip_use_style = buffer.tab_width * view:text_width(view.STYLE_CALLTIP, ' ') -- view.call_tip_position = true -- Folding. lexer.folding = true -- lexer.fold_by_indentation = true -- lexer.fold_line_groups = true -- lexer.fold_on_zero_sum_lines = true -- lexer.fold_compact = true view.automatic_fold = view.AUTOMATICFOLD_SHOW | view.AUTOMATICFOLD_CLICK | view.AUTOMATICFOLD_CHANGE view.fold_flags = not CURSES and view.FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED or 0 view.fold_display_text_style = view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_BOXED -- Line Wrapping. view.wrap_mode = view.WRAP_NONE -- view.wrap_visual_flags = view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN -- view.wrap_visual_flags_location = view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT -- view.wrap_indent_mode = view.WRAPINDENT_SAME -- view.wrap_start_indent = view.layout_threads = 1000 -- will be reduced to system specs -- Long Lines. -- view.edge_mode = not CURSES and view.EDGE_LINE or view.EDGE_BACKGROUND -- view.edge_column = 80 -- Accessibility. buffer.accessibility = buffer.ACCESSIBILITY_DISABLED -- Load user init file, which may also define default buffer settings. local user_init = _USERHOME .. '/init.lua' if lfs.attributes(user_init) then local ok, errmsg = pcall(dofile, user_init) if not ok then events.connect(events.INITIALIZED, function() events.emit(events.ERROR, errmsg) end) end end -- Generate default buffer settings for subsequent buffers and remove temporary buffer and view -- metatable listeners. local load_settings = load(table.concat(settings, '\n')) for _, mt in ipairs{buffer_mt, view_mt} do mt.__index, mt.__newindex = mt.__orig_index, mt.__orig_newindex end local SETDIRECTFUNCTION = _SCINTILLA.properties.direct_function[1] local SETDIRECTPOINTER = _SCINTILLA.properties.doc_pointer[2] local SETLUASTATE = _SCINTILLA.functions.change_lexer_state[1] local CREATELOADER = _SCINTILLA.functions.create_loader[1] -- Sets default properties for a Scintilla document. events.connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function() local buffer = _G.buffer buffer:private_lexer_call(SETDIRECTFUNCTION, buffer.direct_function) buffer:private_lexer_call(SETDIRECTPOINTER, buffer.direct_pointer) buffer:private_lexer_call(SETLUASTATE, _LUA) buffer:private_lexer_call(CREATELOADER, _USERHOME .. '/lexers') buffer:private_lexer_call(CREATELOADER, _HOME .. '/lexers') load_settings() buffer:private_lexer_call(SETLEXER, 'text') _G.lexer = require('lexer') -- replace mimic if buffer == ui.command_entry then ui.command_entry.caret_line_visible = false end end, 1) -- Sets default properties for a Scintilla window. events.connect(events.VIEW_NEW, function() local buffer, view = _G.buffer, _G.view -- Allow redefinitions of these Scintilla key bindings. for _, code in utf8.codes('[]/\\ZYXCVALTDU') do view:clear_cmd_key(code | view.MOD_CTRL << 16) end for _, code in utf8.codes('LTUZ') do view:clear_cmd_key(code | (view.MOD_CTRL | view.MOD_SHIFT) << 16) end -- Since BUFFER_NEW loads themes and settings on startup, only load them for subsequent views. if #_VIEWS == 1 then return end load_settings() -- Refresh styles in case a lexer has extra style settings. When load_settings() calls -- `view.property['style.default'] = ...`, the LPeg lexer resets all styles to that default. -- However, some lexers have extra style settings that are not set by load_settings(), and -- thus need refreshing. This is not an issue in BUFFER_NEW since a lexer is set immediately -- afterwards, which refreshes styles. -- Note: `buffer:set_lexer()` is insufficient for some reason. buffer:private_lexer_call(SETLEXER, buffer._lexer or 'text') end, 1)