## FAQ **Q:** If Textadept is so minimalist, why are the downloads around 10MB in size and the unzipped folders 10s of MBs in size? **A:** Each download contains 2 executables: a GUI version and a terminal version. Furthermore, the Windows and macOS packages bundle in GTK runtimes, accounting for some 3/4 of the total application size. (GTK is the cross-platform GUI toolkit Textadept uses.) Then, starting in version 10, in order to be able to run on older Linux systems whose libstdc++ does not support newer C++ symbols, the Linux executables statically link in a newer version of libstdc++. Finally, nightly builds are compiled with debug symbols enabled in order to aid debugging of various issues. - - - **Q:** On Linux I either get one of the following error messages when trying to run Textadept, or I get odd behavior in the terminal version, even crashes. * `error while loading shared libraries: : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory` * `//libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_' not found` How do I fix this? **A:** Short answer: you will need to [compile][] Textadept manually for your system, which is a very straightforward and easy process. Long answer: it is difficult to provide a binary that runs on all Linux platforms since the library versions installed vary widely from distribution to distribution. For example, "libpng14" was available for many distributions starting in late 2009 while Ubuntu 12.04 (circa 2012) used "libpng12". More recently, some distributions have started using "libncurses6" while many distributions are still on "libncurses5". The only way to avoid problems that stem from these cases is to compile Textadept for the target system. [compile]: manual.html#compiling - - - **Q:** On Windows my anti-virus software says Textadept contains a virus. Does it? Or is this a false-positive? **A:** Textadept does not contain any viruses and it certainly is a false positive. The likely culprit is the `textadept-curses.exe` executable, which runs in the Windows command prompt. - - - **Q:** Why can't Textadept handle HUGE files very well? **A:** Textadept is an editor for programmers. It is unlikely a programmer would be editing a gigantic log file. There are other tools for that case. - - - **Q:** When I open a file in a non-English language, I see a lot of strange characters. **A:** Textadept was not able to detect the file's encoding correctly. You'll need to [help it][]. [help it]: manual.html#encoding - - - **Q:** When I click the "Compile" or "Run" menu item (or execute the key command), either nothing happens or the wrong command is executed. How can I tell Textadept which command to run? **A:** The LuaDoc describes [compile and run commands][] and you can configure them in your [preferences][]. [compile and run commands]: api.html#_M.Compile.and.Run [preferences]: manual.html#textadept - - - **Q:** In the terminal version on Linux, pressing `^Z` suspends Textadept instead of performing an "Undo" action. How can I disable suspend and perform "Undo" instead? **A:** Place the following in your `~/.textadept/init.lua` file: events.connect(events.SUSPEND, function() buffer:undo() return true end, 1) - - - **Q:** In Linux, middle-clicking in the terminal version does not paste the primary selection and selecting text does copy to the primary selection. All other terminal apps support this functionality, why not Textadept? **A:** It does; use the `Shift` modifier key with your middle-clicking and text selecting. Textadept interprets non-`Shift`ed mouse events like a GUI application. - - - **Q:** The terminal version does not support feature _x_ the GUI version does. Is this a bug? **A:** Maybe. Some terminals do not recognize certain key sequences like `Shift+Arrow` for making selections. Linux's virtual terminals (the ones accessible with `Ctrl+Alt+FunctionKey`) are an example. GNOME Terminal, LXTerminal and XTerm seem to work fine. rxvt and rxvt-unicode do not work out of the box, but may be configurable. Please see the [terminal version compatibility][] section of the appendix. If the feature in question is not listed there, it may be a bug. Please contact me (see README.md) with any bug reports. [terminal version compatibility]: manual.html#terminal-version-compatibility - - - **Q:** Pressing `^O` in the terminal version on macOS does not do anything. Why? **A:** For whatever reason, `^O` is discarded by the terminal driver. To enable it, run `stty discard undef` first. You can put the command in your *~/.bashrc* or *~/.bash_profile* to make it permanent. - - - **Q:** How can I get the terminal version on macOS to show more than 8 colors? **A:** Enable the "Use bright colors for bold text" setting in your Terminal.app preferences. - - - **Q:** Why does Textadept remember its window size but not its window position? **A:** Your window manager is to blame. Textadept is not responsible for, and should never attempt to set its window position. - - - **Q:** I am not able to use the "Consolas" or [insert other Windows font package here] on Windows. Textadept just uses a default font. How can I get it to use my font? **A:** You'll have to provide the full name of the font, such as "Consolas Regular", rather than just the name of the "ttf" file in your Fonts directory. - - - **Q:** On my Windows HiDPI display, Textadept's fonts look fuzzy or blurred. How can I make them crisp like other HiDPI-aware applications? **A:** GTK 2.0, the cross-platform GUI toolkit Textadept uses, is not HiDPI aware, so you need to instruct Windows to take over font rendering. Right-click on the Textadept executable and select "Properties". Click on the "Compatibility" tab and then the "Change high DPI settings" button. Check the "Override high DPI scaling" checkbox towards the bottom of the pop-up dialog. The next time you run Textadept, the fonts should look much better. You may have to tweak other settings in the dialog, but the above worked for me.