## Changelog [Atom Feed](https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases.atom) **Please [donate][] or purchase the [book][] to help fund continuous development.** [donate]: https://gum.co/textadept [book]: book.html ### 11.2 beta (01 Apr 2021) Download: * [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Mac OSX 10.7+][] * [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed inability to replace found text with escapes like '\n' and '\t'. * Fixed custom theme's overriding of default theme's colors. * Do not mark GCC-style "note:" output as compile/run/build/test errors. * Modules: Fixed inability to handle large LSP notifications. * Modules: Prefer asynchronous LSP response reading on Windows in order to prevent hanging. * Modules: Fixed bug where LSP is not notified of files opened during a session. * Modules: Fixed LSP startup errors if the LSP command is ultimately nil. * Modules: Fixed debugger status when paused. Changes: * Added `ui.SHOW_ALL_TABS` option for `ui.tabs`. * Added support for TypeScript. * The terminal version now uses a native terminal cursor instead of an artificially drawn one. * Modules: Keep current line's scroll position when displaying LSP diagnostics. * Modules: Added option to turn off LSP diagnostic display completely. * Modules: Added `debugger.project_commands` for making project-specific debugging easier. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.4.2. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 5.0.0. [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.2_beta/textadept_11.2_beta.win32.zip [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Mac OSX 10.7+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.2_beta/textadept_11.2_beta.macOS.zip [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.2_beta/textadept_11.2_beta.linux.tgz [Textadept 11.2 beta -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.2_beta/textadept_11.2_beta.modules.zip [Lua]: https://lua.org [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 11.1 (01 Feb 2021) Download: * [Textadept 11.1 -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.1 -- Mac OSX 10.7+][] * [Textadept 11.1 -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.1 -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Do not prompt for file reload during `io.close_all_buffers()`. * Ensure a bare `ui.find.focus()` call resets incremental and in files options. * Fixed `buffer:reload()` only reloading up to a NUL byte, if present. * Fixed minor file extension issues. * Fixed bug restoring view state in an intermediate buffer after closing one. * Fixed navigating back through history from a print buffer. * Modules: Fixed incorrect LSP mouse hover query position. * Modules: Only notify LSP servers about opened files after startup in order to avoid overwhelming the connection. Changes: * Save the current session prior to loading another one. * Do not show deleted files in recent file list. * Updated various lexers and fixed various small lexer issues. * Added support for Clojure, Elm, Fantom, fstab, Julia, Meson, Pony, Reason, RouterOS, Spin, systemd, systemd-networkd, Xs, and Zig. * Compile, run, and build command functions can also return environment tables. * Added [`textadept.run.test()`][] and [`textadept.run.test_commands`][]. * `io.get_project_root()` accepts an optional flag for returning a submodule root. [Textadept 11.1 -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.1/textadept_11.1.win32.zip [Textadept 11.1 -- Mac OSX 10.7+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.1/textadept_11.1.macOS.zip [Textadept 11.1 -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.1/textadept_11.1.linux.tgz [Textadept 11.1 -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.1/textadept_11.1.modules.zip [`textadept.run.test()`]: api.html#textadept.run.test [`textadept.run.test_commands`]: api.html#textadept.run.test_commands ### 11.0 (01 Dec 2020) Please see the [10 to 11 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 10 to Textadept 11. Download: * [Textadept 11.0 -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.0 -- Mac OSX 10.7+][] * [Textadept 11.0 -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.0 -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed find & replace entry unfocus when window is refocused. * Modules: Fixed bug initializing spellcheck module in some instances. Changes: * Added optional mode parameter to `ui.command_entry.append_history()`. * `keys[`*`lexer`*`]` and `snippets[`*`lexer`*`]` tables are present on init. * Added [`events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND`][]. * Added [`events.UNFOCUS`][]. [10 to 11 migration guide]: manual.html#migrating-from-textadept-10-to-11 [Textadept 11.0 -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0/textadept_11.0.win32.zip [Textadept 11.0 -- Mac OSX 10.7+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0/textadept_11.0.macOS.zip [Textadept 11.0 -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0/textadept_11.0.linux.tgz [Textadept 11.0 -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0/textadept_11.0.modules.zip [`events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND`]: api.html#events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND [`events.UNFOCUS`]: api.html#events.UNFOCUS ### 11.0 beta 2 (01 Nov 2020) Download: * [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Mac OSX 10.7+][] * [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed the listing of bookmarks for all open buffers. * Fixed "Enclose as XML Tags" with multiple selections. * Fixed clearing of "Replace" entry in Find & Replace pane on reset in the GUI. * Fixed lack of statusbar updating when setting options like buffer EOL mode, indentation, and encoding from the menu. * Do not clear highlighting when searching inside the "Find in Files" buffer. * `textadept.editing.strip_trailing_spaces` should not apply to binary files. * Handle recursive symlinks in `lfs.walk()`. * Modules: Fixed Lua debugger crash when inspecting variables with very large string representations. * Modules: Support non-UTF-8 spelling dictionaries. * Modules: Fixed YAML syntax checking notification. * Modules: Fixed various small issues with the C debugger. Changes: * New [`textadept.history`][] module. * Updated German and Russian translations. * Added [`ui.command_entry.append_history()`][] for special command entry modes that need to manually append history. * Implement `\U`, `\L`, `\u`, and `\l` case transformations in regex replacements. * Added [`textadept.run.set_arguments()`][]. * Modules: Each module in the separate modules download has its own repository now, but all are still bundled into a single archive for release. * Modules: Greatly improved the speed of file comparison. * Modules: Added ability to switch spelling dictionaries on the fly. * Updated to [CDK][] 5.0-20200923. * Updated to [LuaFileSystem][] 1.8.0. [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta_2/textadept_11.0_beta_2.win32.zip [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Mac OSX 10.7+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta_2/textadept_11.0_beta_2.macOS.zip [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta_2/textadept_11.0_beta_2.linux.tgz [Textadept 11.0 beta 2 -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta_2/textadept_11.0_beta_2.modules.zip [`textadept.history`]: api.html#textadept.history [`textadept.run.set_arguments()`]: api.html#textadept.run.set_arguments [`ui.command_entry.append_history()`]: api.html#ui.command_entry.append_history [CDK]: https://invisible-island.net/cdk/ [LuaFileSystem]: https://github.com/keplerproject/luafilesystem ### 11.0 beta (01 Oct 2020) Download: * [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Mac OSX 10.7+][] * [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed word left/right key bindings on macOS. * Fixed regression with showing "No results found" in searches. * Fixed regression in showing images in Lua command entry completions. * Fixed restoration of Replace entry text in various instances, such as after "Find in Files" and "Replace All". * Prevent infinite loops when highlighting found text. * Fixed bugs in `events.KEYPRESS` handlers when command entry is active. * Fixed bug in "Find in Files" results highlighting when jumping to a result of length 1. * Fixed emission of `events.UPDATE_UI` when resuming from terminal suspend. * Fixed initial query of `ui.find.find_text` and `ui.find.repl_text` in the terminal version. * Fixed incorrect CSS key prefix incompatibility notice. * Fixed error reporting the number of zero-length find results. * Fixed call tip display in the terminal version. * Always refresh during incremental find in the terminal version. * Fixed `io.quick_open()` doing nothing when file limit was exceeded. * gtDialog: Fixed potential crash when canceling a running progressbar dialog. * Scintilla: Fixed position of marker symbols for `view.MARGIN_RTEXT` which were being moved based on width of text. * Scintilla: Fixed hover indicator appearance when moving out of view. * Scintilla: Fixed display of `buffer.INDIC_TEXTFORE` and gradient indicators on hover. Changes: * Rewrote manual and updated lots of other documentation and the documentation generation pipeline. * Prefer passing an environment table to `os.spawn()`. * Updated find & replace key bindings. * Use comma-separated patterns in find & replace pane's "Filter" field. * Removed "View EOL" menu item, key binding, and buffer setting. * Accept a directory as a command line argument. * Save the current working directory to session files. * "View > Toggle Fold" toggles folding for the current block, regardless of line. * Recognize Fossil projects. * Added [`textadept.editing.auto_enclose()`][] for auto-enclosing selected text. * Show "Match X/Y" in statusbar when searching for text. * Added [`ui.command_entry.active`][]. * Improved handling of print buffers and splits. * Added "Edit > Preferences" menu item and key binding for opening *~/.textadept/init.lua*. * Disable `ui.find.highlight_all_matches` by default. * GCC 7.1+ is now required for building, added support for [building with Docker][], and dropped automated Linux i386 builds. * Added [`events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND`][]. * Added [`ui.find.active`][] and prevent word highlighting when searching. * Added support for jq language. * Record directory in "Find in Files" searches. * Added `ui.update()`, mainly for unit tests. * Added [`events.FILE_BEFORE_RELOAD`][] and [`events.FILE_AFTER_RELOAD`][] events, and save/restore bookmarks. * Added [`events.COMMAND_TEXT_CHANGED`][] for when command entry text changes. * Added `_NOCOMPAT` option to disable temporary key shortcut compatibility checking. * Updated Spanish translation. * gtDialog: Improved responsiveness for huge lists (greater than 10,000 items). * Scintilla: Added [`view.multi_edge_column`][]. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 4.4.5. * Switched back to utilizing [Scintillua][] and [Scinterm][]. [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta/textadept_11.0_beta.win32.zip [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Mac OSX 10.7+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta/textadept_11.0_beta.macOS.zip [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta/textadept_11.0_beta.linux.tgz [Textadept 11.0 beta -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_beta/textadept_11.0_beta.modules.zip [`textadept.editing.auto_enclose()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.auto_enclose [`ui.command_entry.active`]: api.html#ui.command_entry.active [building with Docker]: manual.html#compiling-using-docker [`events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND`]: api.html#events.FIND_RESULT_FOUND [`ui.find.active`]: api.html#ui.find.active [`events.FILE_BEFORE_RELOAD`]: api.html#events.FILE_BEFORE_RELOAD [`events.FILE_AFTER_RELOAD`]: api.html#events.FILE_AFTER_RELOAD [`events.COMMAND_TEXT_CHANGED`]: api.html#events.COMMAND_TEXT_CHANGED [`view.multi_edge_column`]: api.html#view.multi_edge_column [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Scintillua]: https://orbitalquark.github.io/scintillua [Scinterm]: https://orbitalquark.github.io/scinterm ### 11.0 alpha 3 (01 Aug 2020) Download: * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Mac OSX 10.6+][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Linux x86_64][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed toggling of Find & Replace Pane visibility with `ui.find.focus()`. * Fixed potential hangs with `os.spawn()` in the terminal version. * Fixed `--line` command line option. * Fixed `ui.dialogs.optionselect()`'s `text` option. * Call `os.spawn()` exit callback after `proc:wait()`. * Fixed an instance of buffer selection data not being saved to a session. * Fixed initial setting of `ui.find.replace_entry_text` in the GUI. * Fixed `keys.keychain[i]` access if its length ever exceeded 1. * Modules: Fixed custom Lua regex for generating Ctags. * Modules: Fixed file comparison colors in the terminal version. * Modules: Fixed many bugs in file comparison and merging. * Modules: Fixed export of styles defined only in lexers. * Scintilla: Fixed crash when *lexer.lua* cannot be found. * Scintilla: Fixed crash when setting a style with no token. Changes: * Renamed `buffer:set_theme()` to [`view:set_theme()`][]. * Replaced `lfs.dir_foreach()` with [`lfs.walk()`][] generator. * Renamed some buffer/view fields to use American English instead of Australian English (e.g. "colour" to "color"). * Changed key binding modifier keys from `c` (Ctrl), `m` (Meta/Command), `a` (Alt), and `s` (Shift) to `ctrl`, `meta`/`cmd`, `alt`, and `shift`, respectively. * Renamed `ui.bufstatusbar_text` to `ui.buffer_statusbar_text`. * Only save before compile/run if the buffer has been modified. * Added support for Fennel. * Added [`buffer:style_of_name()`][] as an analogue to `buffer:name_of_style()`. * When requiring modules, read from `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH` environment variables instead of `TA_LUA_PATH` and `TA_LUA_CPATH`. * `ui.goto_file_found()` and `textadept.run.goto_error()` arguments are now optional. * Moved Find Incremental into the Find & Replace pane (via [`ui.find.incremental`][]), eliminated `ui.find.find_incremental()` and `ui.find.find_incremental_keys`, and added [`events.FIND_TEXT_CHANGED`][]. * Replaced `textadept.editing.highlight_word()` with [`textadept.editing.highlight_words`][] auto-highlighting option. * Find & Replace Pane now allows file filters to be specified for Find in Files. * Use monospaced font in Find & Replace Pane text entries. * Removed legacy "refresh syntax highlighting" feature. * Modules: Added documentation for generating ctags and API files. * Modules: Improved in-place editing of files during comparison. * Scintilla: added [`lexer.colors`][] and [`lexer.styles`][] tables for use in themes. Also added new way to [define and reference styles][]. * Scintilla: Added [`lexer.fold*`][] options instead of setting view properties. * Scintilla: Optimized performance when opening huge files. * Scintilla: Added [`buffer.eol_annotation_text`][] analogue to `buffer.annotation_text`, but for EOL annotations. * Scintilla: Display DEL control characters like other control characters. * Scintilla: Allow caret width to be up to 20 pixel. * Scintilla: Updated markdown and C lexers. * Scintilla: Fixed bug with GTK on recent Linux distributions where underscores were invisible. * Scintilla: Fixed GTK on Linux bug when pasting from closed application. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.21.0. [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_3/textadept_11.0_alpha_3.win32.zip [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Mac OSX 10.6+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_3/textadept_11.0_alpha_3.osx.zip [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_3/textadept_11.0_alpha_3.i386.tgz [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Linux x86_64]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_3/textadept_11.0_alpha_3.x86_64.tgz [Textadept 11.0 alpha 3 -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_3/textadept_11.0_alpha_3.modules.zip [`view:set_theme()`]: api.html#view.set_theme [`lfs.walk()`]: api.html#lfs.walk [`buffer:style_of_name()`]: api.html#buffer.style_of_name [`ui.find.incremental`]: api.html#ui.find.incremental [`events.FIND_TEXT_CHANGED`]: api.html#events.FIND_TEXT_CHANGED [`textadept.editing.highlight_words`]: api.html#textadept.editing.highlight_words [`lexer.colors`]: api.html#lexer.colors [`lexer.styles`]: api.html#lexer.styles [define and reference styles]: api.html#styles-and-styling [`lexer.fold*`]: api.html#lexer.fold_by_indentation [`buffer.eol_annotation_text`]: api.html#buffer.eol_annotation_text [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 11.0 alpha 2 (01 Jun 2020) Download: * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Mac OSX 10.6+][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Linux x86_64][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed some drive letter case issues on Windows resulting in duplicate open files. * Fixed `os.spawn` exit callback and `spawn_proc:wait()` inconsistencies. * Restore prior key mode after running the command entry. * Fixed regression with word completion not respecting `buffer.auto_c_ignore_case`. * Scintilla: Fixed display of windowed IME on Wayland. Changes: * Views can be used as buffers in most places, resulting in new [API suggestions][] for `buffer` and `view`. * Scintilla: Added [`buffer:marker_handle_from_line()`][] and [`buffer:marker_number_from_line()`][] for iterating through the marker handles and marker numbers on a line. * Scintilla: Deprecated `lexer.delimited_range()` and `lexer.nested_pair()` in favor of [`lexer.range()`][], and added [`lexer.to_eol()`][] and [`lexer.number`][]. * Scintilla: Automatically scroll text while dragging. * Scintilla: Improved behavior of IME. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.20.0. [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_2/textadept_11.0_alpha_2.win32.zip [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Mac OSX 10.6+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_2/textadept_11.0_alpha_2.osx.zip [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_2/textadept_11.0_alpha_2.i386.tgz [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Linux x86_64]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_2/textadept_11.0_alpha_2.x86_64.tgz [Textadept 11.0 alpha 2 -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha_2/textadept_11.0_alpha_2.modules.zip [API suggestions]: manual.html#view-api-additions-and-buffer-api-changes [`buffer:marker_handle_from_line()`]: api.html#buffer.marker_handle_from_line [`buffer:marker_number_from_line()`]: api.html#buffer.marker_number_from_line [`lexer.range()`]: api.html#lexer.range [`lexer.to_eol()`]: api.html#lexer.to_eol [`lexer.number`]: api.html#lexer.number [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 11.0 alpha (31 Mar 2020) Download: * [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Win32][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Mac OSX 10.6+][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Linux][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Linux x86_64][] * [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed `--help` command line option. * Fixed Textadept API autocompletion and documentation on Windows. * Fixed bug that regards lexer-specific snippet files as global. * Fixed hangs on Win32 terminal version with `textadept.editing.filter_through()`. * Fixed issues with buffer z-order when switching between views. * Fixed accidental clipping of first character in a snippet under certain circumstances. * Fixed C autocompletion error with typerefs. * Fixed skipping of event handlers that come directly after one that was just run, but disconnected. * Fixed bugs in the return values of `ui.dialogs.standard_dropdown` and `msgbox` dialogs. * Fixed `events.FILE_CHANGED` not emitting a filename. * Fixed bug with pipes in `textadept.editing.filter_through()`. * Fixed tab label display on Windows. * Fixed bug in syntax highlighting with PHP, Django, and other lexers that embed themselves. Changes: * All buffer positions, lines, and countable entities start from 1 instead of 0. * Support more Alt and Shift+Alt keys in the Win32 terminal version. * `textadept.editing.api_files` acts as if it already has lexer tables defined. * `textadept.run.goto_error()` wraps searches now. * Added snippet trigger autocompletion via `textadept.editing.autocomplete('snippet')`. * Improved Lua API documentation generator. * Localization keys in `_L` no longer contain GUI mnemonics ('\_'). * `textadept.snippets` functions no longer have a '\_' prefix. * `--help` command line options are alphabetized. * The Lua command entry can now run any `view` functions by name (e.g. split). * Auto-pair, type-over, and auto-deletion of matching braces now works with multiple selections. * Removed `textadept.file_types.lexers` table in favor of asking the LPeg lexer for known lexer names. * Updated German translation. * Changed `textadept.bookmarks.toggle()` to only toggle bookmarks on the current line. * Removed '=' prefix in command entry that would print results; printing results has been the default behavior for quite some time. * Replaced `buffer.style_name[]` with [`buffer:name_of_style()`][]. * Session files are now Lua data files; old formats will no longer work. * Added [`events.SESSION_SAVE`][] and [`events.SESSION_LOAD`][] events for saving and loading custom user data to sessions. * Removed *~/.textadept/?.lua* and *~/.textadept/?.{so,dll}* from `package.path` and `package.cpath`, respectively. * Lua errors in Textadept can now be jumped to via double-click or Enter. * `ui.dialogs.filteredlist()` dialogs have a reasonable default width. * Renamed `keys.MODE` to [`keys.mode`][]. * Moved individual buffer functions in `io` into `buffer`. * Event handlers can now return any non-`nil` value instead of a boolean value and have that value passed back to `events.emit()`. * Lua command entry completions show images just like in Lua autocompletion. * Align block comments by column if possible, not indent. * Added per-mode command entry history which can be cycled through using the `Up` and `Down` keys. * Added [`ui.dialogs.progressbar()`][], utilize it with Find in Files, and removed `ui.find.find_in_files_timeout`. * GUI find/replace history Up/Down history key bindings swapped, mimicking traditional command line history navigation. * The statusbar now indicates an active snippet. * Updated to [PDCurses][] 3.9. * Experimental set of "standard" modules is provided in the modules archive instead of just language modules. [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha/textadept_11.0_alpha.win32.zip [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Mac OSX 10.6+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha/textadept_11.0_alpha.osx.zip [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha/textadept_11.0_alpha.i386.tgz [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Linux x86_64]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha/textadept_11.0_alpha.x86_64.tgz [Textadept 11.0 alpha -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_11.0_alpha/textadept_11.0_alpha.modules.zip [`buffer:name_of_style()`]: api.html#buffer.name_of_style [`events.SESSION_SAVE`]: api.html#events.SESSION_SAVE [`events.SESSION_LOAD`]: api.html#events.SESSION_LOAD [`keys.mode`]: api.html#keys.mode [`ui.dialogs.progressbar()`]: api.html#ui.dialogs.progressbar [PDCurses]: https://pdcurses.sourceforge.io/ ### 10.8 (01 Jan 2020) Download: * [Textadept 10.8 -- Win32][] * [Textadept 10.8 -- Mac OSX 10.6+][] * [Textadept 10.8 -- Linux][] * [Textadept 10.8 -- Modules][] Bugfixes: * Fixed incorrect event arguments for `events.AUTO_C_SELECTION_CHANGE`. * Fixed bug in "Replace All in selection" with match at the end of a selection. * Fixed long line output for run, compile, and build commands. Changes: * Changed [`events.TAB_CLICKED`][] to emit button clicked as well as modifier keys. * Autocompletion and documentation for Textadept's Lua API only happens in Textadept files now (i.e. files in `_HOME` and `_USERHOME`). * `textadept.editing.api_files` and `_M.lua.tags` can contain functions that return file paths. * Added support for txt2tags. * Scintilla: Added access to virtual space at the start and end of multiple selections. * Scintilla: The target can have virtual space. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.11.2. [Textadept 10.8 -- Win32]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_10.8/textadept_10.8.win32.zip [Textadept 10.8 -- Mac OSX 10.6+]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_10.8/textadept_10.8.macOS.zip [Textadept 10.8 -- Linux]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_10.8/textadept_10.8.linux.tgz [Textadept 10.8 -- Modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept/releases/download/textadept_10.8/textadept_10.8.modules.zip [`events.TAB_CLICKED`]: api.html#events.TAB_CLICKED [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 10.7 (01 Nov 2019) Bugfixes: * Fixed scroll issues when toggling line wrap. * Properly handle absolute paths in run/compile/build output and also case-insensitivity on Windows. * Restore virtual space state when switching between buffers. * Restore rectangular selection state when switching between buffers. * Fixed opening of non-UTF-8-encoded filenames dropped into a view. * Fixed macro toggling with some key combinations. * Ensure `events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH` is emitted properly during `buffer.new()`. * Prevent double-counting fold points on a single line. Changes: * Refactored "Replace All" to be more performant. * Added back [`textadept.editing.paste_reindent()`][] as a separate menu/key/command from `buffer.paste()`. * Enabled all theme colors by default, and changed line number color in the terminal version. * Replaced `ui.command_entry.enter_mode()` and `ui.command_entry.finish_mode()` with simplified [`ui.command_entry.run()`][]. * Added `ui.find.find_incremental_keys` table of key bindings during "Find Incremental" searches. * Replaced `textadept.macros.start_recording()` and `textadept.macros.stop_recording()` with [`textadept.macros.record()`][]. * Updated C, Rust, Prolog, and Logtalk lexers. * Added MediaWiki lexer. * Scintilla: Updated case conversion and character categories to Unicode 12.1. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.11.1. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [`textadept.editing.paste_reindent()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.paste_reindent [`ui.command_entry.run()`]: api.html#ui.command_entry.run [`textadept.macros.record()`]: api.html#textadept.macros.record ### 10.6 (01 Sep 2019) Bugfixes: * Fail more gracefully when users attempt to create buffers on init. * Improve caret sticky behavior when switching between buffers. * Do not auto-indent when pressing enter at the start of a non-empty line. * Scintilla: Fix deletion of isolated invalid bytes. * Scintilla: Fix position of line caret when overstrike caret is set to block. Changes: * Use CP1252 encoding instead of ISO-8859-1. * Added support for ksh and mksh. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.11.0. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 10.5 (01 Jul 2019) Bugfixes: * Do not advance the caret on failed incremental find. * Fixed bug with filters that have extension includes and pattern excludes. Changes: * Added case-insensitive option to [`textadept.editing.show_documentation()`][]. * Updated the default window size and some default dialog sizes. * Updated Markdown lexer. * Improved C++ lexer to support single quotes in C++14 integer literals. * Scintilla: Improved performance opening and closing large files with fold points. * Scintilla: Tweaked behavior of `buffer.style_case`'s `buffer.CASE_CAMEL` option to treat only letters as word characters. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.10.6. [`textadept.editing.show_documentation()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.show_documentation [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 10.4 (01 May 2019) Bugfixes: * Fixed scrolling found text into view on long lines. * Fixed crash on Mac with malformed regex patterns. Changes: * Recognize `.vue` and `.yml` file extensions. * Line number margin grows for large files as needed. * Do not emit `events.SAVE_POINT_LEFT` event for unfocused views. * Updated CSS lexer to support CSS3. * Updated YAML lexer. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.10.4. * Updated to [LuaFileSystem][] 1.7.0 and [LPeg][] 1.0.2. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [LuaFileSystem]: https://keplerproject.github.io/luafilesystem/ [LPeg]: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ ### 10.3 (01 Mar 2019) Bugfixes: * Fixed block comment support for Nim. * Fixed escaping of newlines (`\n`) in Lua and C API documentation. Changes: * Version control markers like `.git` are not limited to directories. * Allow redefinition of `WGET` in Makefile for * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.10.2. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 10.3 beta (01 Jan 2019) Bugfixes: * Ensure `Esc` clears highlighted words. * Fixed behavior of `Home` and `Shift+Home` keys on non-OSX platforms. * Fixed some instances of snippet next/prev not working correctly. * Fixed Alt+Gr key handling in the Windows terminal version. * Only pass command entry text to function passed to `ui.command_entry.finish_mode()`. * Fixed handling of escaped double-quotes in `os.spawn()` in the terminal version. * Ensure long filenames are visible in the reload dialog prompt in the terminal version. Changes: * Added optional position argument to [`textadept.editing.show_documentation()`][]. * `textadept.editing.highlight_word()` does not select the word by default anymore. * Changed [file filter][] format to be more flat and intuitive. * Added `-l` and `--line` command line options to jump to a buffer line. * Updated to [PDCurses][] 3.6 for the Windows terminal version. [`textadept.editing.show_documentation()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.show_documentation [file filter]: api.html#io.quick_open [PDCurses]: https://pdcurses.sourceforge.io/ ### 10.2 (01 Nov 2018) Bugfixes: * Fixed error when performing "select enclosed" on a non-ASCII character. * Fixed regression of Retina display support of Mac OSX. * Fixed key handling on some international keyboards. * Fixed tab labels not updating when loading message buffers from a session. * Fixed potential crashes in `string.iconv()` with tiny strings. * Fixed inability to resize one split view configuration with the mouse in the terminal version. Changes: * Renamed `spawn()` to [`os.spawn()`][]. * `os.spawn()` now allows omission of `cwd` and `env` parameters. * `spawn_proc:wait()` returns the process' exit code. * `textadept.editing.filter_through()` halts on non-zero status instead of clobbering the buffer or selected text. * Removed `textadept.editing.paste()` and `textadept.editing.paste_reindents` option; Textadept no longer reindents pasted text by default. * Experimentally added [`textadept.macros`][] module for recording, playing, saving, and loading keyboard macros. * Scintilla: Improve efficiency of idle wrapping. * Scintilla: Updated case conversion and character categories to Unicode 11. * Scintilla: Updated ConTeXt, HTML, and Markdown lexers. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.10.1. [`os.spawn()`]: api.html#os.spawn [`textadept.macros`]: api.html#textadept.macros [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 10.1 (01 Oct 2018) Bugfixes: * Fixed view focus synchronization issues when dropping files into split views. * Fixed potential crash with non-UTF-8 bytes copy-pasted into non-UTF-8 buffer. * `spawn_proc:read()` correctly handles `\r\n` sequences. Changes: * Added ability to save/restore persistent data during a reset event via [`events.RESET_BEFORE`][] and [`events.RESET_AFTER`][]. * Replaced `ui.find.find_in_files_filter` with [`ui.find.find_in_files_filters`][] table for project-specific filters. * Added Chinese localization. * Updated to GTK 2.24.32 on Windows, which fixes a number of various GTK-related issues. [`events.RESET_BEFORE`]: api.html#events.RESET_BEFORE [`events.RESET_AFTER`]: api.html#events.RESET_AFTER [`ui.find.find_in_files_filters`]: api.html#ui.find.find_in_files_filters ### 10.0 (01 Aug 2018) Please see the [9 to 10 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 9 to Textadept 10. Bugfixes: * Fixed markdown lexer lists and C# lexer keywords. * Fixed child lexers that embed themselves into parents and fixed proxy lexers. * Fixed handling of custom fold functions in legacy lexers. * Fixed `buffer:set_theme()` for lexers that have their own styles. * Scintilla: Fixed potential crash with newer versions of ncurses. * Scintilla: Fixed some regex searching corner-cases. Changes: * Updated German localization. * Scintilla: Added new `buffer.INDIC_GRADIENT` and `buffer.INDIC_GRADIENTCENTRE` indicators. * Scintilla: Added `buffer.WRAPINDENT_DEEPINDENT` line wrapping option. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.10.0. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.3.5. [9 to 10 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-9-to-10 [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Lua]: https://lua.org ### 10.0 beta 2 (01 Jun 2018) Bugfixes: * Fixed unset lexer bug upon splitting a newly created buffer. * Fixed a potential infinite loop with "replace in selection". * Fixed crash on Mac OSX with regex searches. * Fixed selection of "find in files" result if it's at the start of the line. * Properly handle abbreviated setting of write-only buffer properties via command entry. Changes: * Removed `bit32` module in favor of Lua's bitwise operators. * Makefile can be used to build on case-insensitive filesystems. * Interpret `\uXXXX` sequences in regex replacement text. ### 10.0 beta (01 May 2018) Bugfixes: * Fixed incorrect style settings when splitting views. * Fixed restoration of vertical scroll for buffers with different line heights. * Fixed potential crash in terminal version with newer versions of ncurses. Changes: * Change SQL comments to use `--` instead of `#`. * Updated Textadept icon. * Minimum required Mac OSX version is now 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or higher. * Removed LuaJIT version of Textadept. ### 10.0 alpha 3 (01 Apr 2018) Bugfixes: * Fixed hang in the terminal version on Windows. * Fixed accidental stripping of leading newlines in pasted text. * Fixed initialization errors not showing in the terminal version. Changes: * Textadept requires GCC 4.9 (circa early-2014) or later to _compile_ (not run). * C++11 regex replaces old TRE library. * Scintillua and Scinterm were merged into Scintilla and are no longer dependencies. * Emacs-style `^K` for OSX and the terminal version joins lines at EOL. * Pasted text reindents an extra level after a fold header. * `buffer.set_theme()` now takes an initial buffer argument like all other buffer functions and does not have any call restrictions. * Scintilla: Added [`events.AUTO_C_SELECTION_CHANGE`][] event. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.8.0. [`events.AUTO_C_SELECTION_CHANGE`]: api.html#events.AUTO_C_SELECTION_CHANGE [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 10.0 alpha 2 (01 Mar 2018) Bugfixes: * Fixed clang build warnings/errors regarding LuaJIT. * Fixed busy wait in second instance of Textadept on Windows. * Fixed bug in remote-controlled Textadept when no arguments were initially given. * Fixed session loading when only it is provided as a command line argument. * Fixed copy-paste between views in the terminal version. * Fixed crash when attempting to show a badly-encoded filename in the titlebar. * Scintilla: Fixed double-click word selection on Windows 10. * Scintilla: Fixed rectangular and line modal selection movements. Changes: * Added `fold.compact` buffer property. * Added [`buffer.move_extends_selection`][] for enhanced modal keyboard movement. * Auto-detect UTF-16-encoded files automatically. * Save to the loaded session on quit and removed the `textadept.session.default_session` option. * Various Makefile improvements. * The terminal version can immediately focus on a clicked split view. * Textadept only minimally supports GTK3 now -- it still compiles, but deprecated function calls have not been, and will not be migrated. * The terminal key sequence for `Ctrl+Space` is now `'c '` instead of `'c@'`. * The terminal version can now remap `^H` (which was previously locked to `Backspace`). [`buffer.move_extends_selection`]: api.html#buffer.move_extends_selection ### 10.0 alpha (01 Jan 2018) Bugfixes: * Scintilla: Fixed a couple of wrapped line drawing cases. * Scintilla: Ensure overtype caret is drawn when manually set. * Scintilla: Fixed some instances of incorrect scrollbar drawing and flickering. * Scintilla: Fixed line selection when clicking in the margin when scrolled. Changes: * Textadept requires GTK 2.24 (circa early-2011) or greater. * Pasted text is reindented by default via `textadept.editing.paste()`, and is configured with `textadept.editing.paste_reindents`. * Replaced `textadept.editing.match_brace()` with a menu function, enhanced `textadept.editing.select_enclosed()` behavior, and removed redundant "Select in ..." menu items. * Removed the need for *~/.textadept/properties.lua*. All `buffer` settings set in *~/.textadept/init.lua* will apply to the first and subsequent buffers. * Renamed `ui.set_theme()` to `buffer.set_theme()`. * Enforce extra argument to [`buffer.brace_match()`][] added back in Scintilla 3.7.0. * Added [`events.ZOOM`][]. * New, object-oriented way to [create lexers][]. [`buffer.brace_match()`]: api.html#buffer.brace_match [`events.ZOOM`]: api.html#events.ZOOM [create lexers]: api.html#lexer ### 9.6 (01 Nov 2017) Bugfixes: * Regular expressions consider `\r` to be a newline character. * Fixed block comments for APDL. Changes: * Scintilla: Block caret appears after selection end instead of on it. (Reverts change from Textadept 9.3) ### 9.5 (01 Sep 2017) Bugfixes: * Do not attempt to provide code completions when there is no context. * Properly handle `buffer.margin_left` and `buffer.margin_right`. * Ensure context menus are configurable outside of `events.INITIALIZE`. * Various fixes in diff, Forth, and Elixir lexers. * Character transposing is now UTF-8-aware. Changes: * Added z-order parameter to [`ui.switch_buffer()`][]. * When searching in files, show more lines below a match. * Added optional encoding parameter to [`io.open_file()`][]. * Improved file associations on Mac OSX. * Added support for Myrddin. * The terminal version updates its cursor position for display in tools like tmux. [`ui.switch_buffer()`]: api.html#ui.switch_buffer [`io.open_file()`]: api.html#io.open_file ### 9.5 beta (01 Jul 2017) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug that deleted characters outside of mangled snippets. * Fixed start-anchored "Find Prev" regex searches. * Correctly handle multiple '!'-prefixed patterns in file filters. * Scintilla: Pressing `Esc` while rectangular selection is active does not collapse it. Changes: * Changed "Cancel Snippet" key binding from `Ctrl+Shift+K` (`⌥⇧⇥` on Mac OSX | `M-S-K` in curses) to `Esc`. * Added [`buffer.caret_line_frame`][] option for outlining the current line. * Added [`buffer:line_reverse()`][] for reversing selected lines. * Added [`ui.dialogs.colorselect()`][] and [`ui.dialogs.fontselect()`][] dialogs. * Handle pipes in shell commands for [filter-through][]. * The [Lua command entry][] prints results like Lua 5.3's interactive prompt (e.g. no need for explicit '=' prefix). * The Lua command entry now invokes bare functions as commands (e.g. `copy` invokes `buffer:copy()`, `split` invokes `view:split()`, etc.). * Scintilla: Updated case conversion and character categories to Unicode 9. * Scintilla: Update scroll bar when annotations are added, removed, or changed. * Effectively updated to [Scintilla][] 3.7.5. [`buffer.caret_line_frame`]: api.html#buffer.caret_line_frame [`buffer:line_reverse()`]: api.html#buffer.line_reverse [`ui.dialogs.colorselect()`]: api.html#ui.dialogs.colorselect [`ui.dialogs.fontselect()`]: api.html#ui.dialogs.fontselect [filter-through]: manual.html#shell-commands-and-filtering-text [Lua command entry]: manual.html#lua-command-entry [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 9.4 (01 May 2017) Bugfixes: * Fixed some C++ and Moonscript file associations. * Fixed some bugs in "Replace All". * Fixed some instances of snippet insertion with selected text. * Fixed `make install` for desktop files and icons. * Scintilla: Fixed crash in edge-case for fold tags (text shown next to folds). * Scintilla: Fixed stream selection collapsing when caret is moved up/down. * Scintilla: Fixed bugs in fold tag drawing. * Scintilla: Fixed crash in GTK accessibility (for screen readers) code. * Scintilla: Only allow smooth scrolling in Wayland. * Scintilla: Fixed popup positioning on a multi-monitor setup. Changes: * Added support for Logtalk. * Scintilla: Accessibility improvements including the ability to turn it off. * Effectively updated to [Scintilla][] 3.7.4. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 9.3 (01 Mar 2017) Bugfixes: * Improved LuaJIT compatibility with 3rd-party modules. * Do not move over selected typeover characters. * Fixed "Match Case" toggling during "Regex" searches. * Fixed building from the source when dependencies are updated. * Fixed folding in multiple-language lexers. * Fixed accidental editing of cached lexers. * Scintilla: Minimize redrawing for `buffer.selection_n_*` settings. * Scintilla: Fixed individual line selection in files with more than 16.7 million lines. * Scintilla: Various accessibility fixes for GTK on Linux. * Scintilla: Fixed a couple of folding regressions. * Scintilla: Fixed various issues on GTK 3.22. * Scintilla: Fixed inability to extend selection up or down in stream selection mode. Changes: * Lexer initialization errors are printed to the Message Buffer. * Updated Polish locale. * Updated C, C++, Scheme, Shell, and JavaScript lexers. * Added support for rc and Standard ML. * Scintilla: Block caret appears on selection end instead of after it. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.7.3. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.3.4. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Lua]: https://lua.org ### 9.2 (21 Dec 2016) Bugfixes: * Scintilla: Fixed crash when destroying Scintilla objects. Changes: * None. ### 9.1 (11 Dec 2016) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in find/replace with consecutive matches. * Fixed encoding detection for encodings with NUL bytes (e.g. UTF-16). * Fixed duplicate entries in `io.recent_files` when loading sessions. * Scintilla: Fixed caret placement after left or right movement with rectangular selection. * Scintilla: Fixed GTK 3 incorrect font size in autocompletion list. * Scintilla: Fixed various minor GTK bugs. Changes: * Added support for Protobuf and Crystal. * On Linux systems that support it, `make install` installs `.desktop` files too. * Removed MacRoman encoding detection and options. * Scintilla: Character-based word selection, navigation, and manipulation. * Scintilla: Added [`view.EDGE_MULTILINE`][], [`view:multi_edge_add_line()`][], and [`view:multi_edge_clear_all()`][] for multiple edge lines. * Scintilla: Added `buffer.MARGIN_COLOUR` and [`buffer.margin_back_n`][] for setting arbitrary margin background colors. * Scintilla: Added [`buffer.margins`][] for more margins. * Scintilla: Added accessibility support for GTK on Linux. * Scintilla: Added [`buffer:toggle_fold_display_text()`][] and [`buffer.fold_display_text_style`][] for showing text next to folded lines. * Scintilla: Added new `buffer.INDIC_POINT` and `buffer.INDIC_POINTCHARACTER` indicators. * Scintilla: Added [`buffer.tab_draw_mode`][] for changing the appearance of visible tabs. * Scintilla: Margin click line selection clears rectangular and multiple selection. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.7.1. [`view.EDGE_MULTILINE`]: api.html#view.EDGE_MULTILINE [`view:multi_edge_add_line()`]: api.html#view.multi_edge_add_line [`view:multi_edge_clear_all()`]: api.html#view.multi_edge_clear_all [`buffer.margin_back_n`]: api.html#buffer.margin_back_n [`buffer.margins`]: api.html#buffer.margins [`buffer:toggle_fold_display_text()`]: api.html#buffer.toggle_fold_display_text [`buffer.fold_display_text_style`]: api.html#buffer.fold_display_text_style [`buffer.tab_draw_mode`]: api.html#buffer.tab_draw_mode [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 9.0 (01 Oct 2016) Please see the [8 to 9 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 8 to Textadept 9. Bugfixes: * Better error handling with "filter-through". * Fixed error in building projects. * Better handling of key bindings on international keyboards. * Scintilla: Respect indentation settings when inserting indentation within virtual space. * Scintilla: Fixed bug with expanding folds. * Scintilla: Fix GTK 3 runtime warning. Changes: * Added TaskPaper lexer. * Scintilla: Added `buffer.VS_NOWRAPLINESTART` option to `buffer.virtual_space_options`. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.6.7. [8 to 9 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-8-to-9 [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 9.0 beta (01 Sep 2016) Bugfixes: * Fixed potential bug with `events.disconnect()`. * Fixed potential infinite loop with "Replace All" in selection. * Fixed passing of quoted arguments to OSX `ta` script. * Fixed CapsLock key handling. * Fixed button order in the terminal version's dialogs. * Fixed potential crash on Windows with `textadept.editing.filter_through()` and some locales. * Fixed infinite loop in "Replace All" with zero-length regex matches. Changes: * Added [`events.TAB_CLICKED`][] event. [`events.TAB_CLICKED`]: api.html#events.TAB_CLICKED ### 9.0 alpha 2 (11 Jul 2016) Bugfixes: * Check range bounds for `buffer:text_range()`. * Fixed inability to properly halt `lfs.dir_foreach()`. Changes: * Replaced Lua pattern searches with [regular expressions][]. * Added timeout prompt to Find in Files. (10 second default.) * Better differentiation between Python 2 and 3 run commands. [regular expressions]: manual.html#regular-expressions ### 9.0 alpha (01 Jul 2016) Bugfixes: * Fixed stack overflow when accessing `nil` keys in `textadept.menu`. * Fixed inability to re-encode files incorrectly detected as binary. * Scintilla: Fixed crash when idle styling is active upon closing Textadept. * Scintilla: Fixed various bugs on GTK 3.20. * Lua: Fixed potential crash with four or more expressions in a `for` loop. Changes: * Renamed `io.snapopen()` to [`io.quick_open()`][] and tweaked its arguments, renamed `io.SNAPOPEN_MAX` to [`io.quick_open_max`][], and renamed `io.snapopen_filters` to [`io.quick_open_filters`][]. * Removed BOM (byte order mark) encoding detection. (BOM use is legacy and discouraged.) * Removed detection and use of extinct `\r` (CR) line endings. * Removed project support for CVS and assume Subversion v1.8+. * Key and menu commands [must be Lua functions][]; the table syntax is no longer recognized. * Renamed `lfs.FILTER` to [`lfs.default_filter`][] and tweaked arguments to `lfs.dir_foreach()`. * Locale files can optionally use `#` for comments instead of `%`. * Renamed `ui.SILENT_PRINT` to [`ui.silent_print`][]. * Renamed all [`textadept.editing`][]`.[A-Z]+` options to their lower-case equivalents and renamed `textadept.editing.braces` to [`textadept.editing.brace_matches`][]. * *post_init.lua* files for language modules are [no longer auto-loaded][]; use [`events.LEXER_LOADED`][] to load additional bits instead. * Renamed `ui.find.FILTER` to [`ui.find.find_in_files_filter`][] and added an optional argument to [`ui.find.find_in_files()`][]. * Renamed all [`textadept.session`][]`.[A-Z]+` options to their lower-case equivalents. * Removed syntax checking support, renamed `textadept.run.RUN_IN_BACKGROUND` to [`textadept.run.run_in_background`][], removed `textadept.run.cwd` and `textadept.run.proc`, added optional arguments to [`textadept.run.compile()`][], [`textadept.run.run()`][], and [`textadept.run.build()`][], and changed the format of [`textadept.run.error_patterns`][]. * Rewrote sections 7-9 in the [manual][] and added a new part to section 11. Understanding how to configure and script Textadept should be easier now. * `textadept.editing.goto_line()` takes a 0-based line number like all Scintilla functions. * `ui.goto_view()` and `view:goto_buffer()` now take actual `view` and `buffer` arguments, respectively, or a relative number. * Added [file-based snippet][] capabilities. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.6.6. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.3.3 [`io.quick_open()`]: api.html#io.quick_open [`io.quick_open_max`]: api.html#io.quick_open_max [`io.quick_open_filters`]: api.html#io.quick_open_filters [must be Lua functions]: manual.html#key-and-menu-command-changes [`lfs.default_filter`]: api.html#lfs.default_filter [`ui.silent_print`]: api.html#ui.silent_print [`textadept.editing`]: api.html#textadept.editing [`textadept.editing.brace_matches`]: api.html#textadept.editing.brace_matches [no longer auto-loaded]: manual.html#language-module-handling-changes [`events.LEXER_LOADED`]: api.html#events.LEXER_LOADED [`ui.find.find_in_files_filter`]: api.html#ui.find.find_in_files_filter [`ui.find.find_in_files()`]: api.html#ui.find.find_in_files [`textadept.session`]: api.html#textadept.session [`textadept.run.run_in_background`]: api.html#textadept.run.run_in_background [`textadept.run.compile()`]: api.html#textadept.run.compile [`textadept.run.run()`]: api.html#textadept.run.run [`textadept.run.build()`]: api.html#textadept.run.build [`textadept.run.error_patterns`]: api.html#textadept.run.error_patterns [manual]: manual.html [file-based snippet]: manual.html#snippet-preferences [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Lua]: https://www.lua.org ### 8.7 (01 May 2016) Bugfixes: * Much better UTF-8 support in the terminal version. * Completely hide the menubar if it is empty. * Fix building for some BSDs. * Added some block comment strings for languages lacking them. * Fixed a number of small encoding issues in various corner cases. * Fixed bug in `textadept.editing.convert_indentation()` with mixed indentation. * Fixed an obscure side-effect that reset buffer properties when working with non-focused buffers. * Fixed incremental find with UTF-8 characters. * Fixed bug in session restoration of scroll and caret positions in multiple views. * Fixed bug where existing files were not closed when a session is loaded. * Fixed corner case in "replace within selection". * Fixed regression for `%<...>` and `%[...]` in snippets. * When executing compile/run commands from a different directory, indicate it. * Fixed error when showing style popup at the end of a buffer. * "Find in Files" should not print the contents of binary files. * Fixed lack of environment in spawned processes on Linux. * Scintilla: Support longer regexes in searches. Changes: * Support UTF-8 pattern matching in "Lua Pattern" searches by incorporating bits of [luautf8][]. * Improved efficiency of autocompleting words from all open buffers. * "Find in Files" defaults to the current project's root directory. * Submenus and menu items can be accessed by name. (See [`textadept.menu.menubar`][] for an example.) * Only show snippet trigger and text when selecting from a dialog. * More efficient screen refreshes in the terminal version. * Save and restore horizontal scroll position when switching buffers. * The undocumented `keys.utils` was removed. This will break custom key bindings that depend on it. See [this mailing list post][] for more information. * The menubar is loaded on `events.INITIALIZED` now. See the above mailing list post for more information. * Allow file-specific [compile commands][] and [run commands][]. * Added new dialog for specifying compile/run command arguments to "Tools" menu. * `textadept.editing.enclose()` works with multiple selections. * Disabled `textadept.run.CHECK_SYNTAX` by default. * Updated to lspawn 1.5. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.6.5. * Updated to Scinterm 1.8. [luautf8]: https://github.com/starwing/luautf8 [`textadept.menu.menubar`]: api.html#textadept.menu.menubar [this mailing list post]: https://foicica.com/lists/code/201604/3171.html [compile commands]: api.html#textadept.run.compile_commands [run commands]: api.html#textadept.run.run_commands [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 8.6 (01 Mar 2016) Bugfixes: * Prevent silent crash reports from being generated on Mac OSX when child processes fail to be spawned. * Do not "busy wait" for spawned process stdout or stderr on Mac OSX. * Fixed bug in escaping `([{<` after mirrors in snippets. * Only change spawned process environment if one was specified on Mac OSX. * Fixed focus bug in `view:goto_buffer()` with non-focused view. * Fixed building the terminal version in debug mode. * Fixed potential crash with malformed style properties. * Fixed unlikely buffer overflow in messages coming from Scintilla. * Fixed potential memory access error when closing Textadept while a spawned process is still alive. * Fixed bug in setting view properties when restoring sessions with nested splits. Changes: * Added support for APL, Docker, Faust, Ledger, MoonScript, man/roff, PICO-8, and Pure. * Enabled idle-styling of buffers in the background in the GUI version. * Undocumented `buffer:clear_cmd_key()` only takes one argument now. * Added `-v` and `--version` command line parameters. * Added single-instance functionality on Win32. * Require GLib 2.28+. * Recognize the `weight` [style property][]. * Added [`lexer.line_state`][] and [`lexer.line_from_position()`][] for [stateful lexers][]. * Updated to lspawn 1.4. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.6.3. * Updated to Scinterm 1.7. [style property]: api.html#styles-and-styling [`lexer.line_state`]: api.html#lexer.line_state [`lexer.line_from_position()`]: api.html#lexer.line_from_position [stateful lexers]: api.html#lexers-with-complex-state [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 8.5 (01 Jan 2016) Bugfixes: * Fixed some '%' escape sequences in snippets. * Fixed bug resolving relative paths with multiple '../' components. * Do not visit buffers that do not need saving in `io.save_all_files()`. * Fixed various small bugs in snippets. * Fixed restoration of split view sizes in large windows. * Lua: Fixed potential crash in `io.lines()` with too many arguments. Changes: * Allow [compile, run, and build commands][] functions to specify a working directory. * Added support for SNOBOL4. * Added support for Icon. * Added support for AutoIt. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.3.2. [compile, run, and build commands]: api.html#textadept.run.build_commands [Lua]: https://www.lua.org ### 8.4 (11 Nov 2015) Bugfixes: * Various fixes for snippet bugs introduced in the refactoring. * Fixed `S-Tab` in Find & Replace pane in the terminal version. * Do not error when attempting to snapopen a non-existant project. * Scintilla: fixed height of lines in autocompletion lists. * Scintilla: fixed bug in `buffer:line_end_display()`. Changes: * Bookmarks are saved in sessions. * New snippet placeholder for a list of options (`%`_`n`_`{`_`list`_`}`). * Snippets can now be functions that return snippet text. * Added Lua API tags to the "ansi\_c" module. * Updated Swedish translation. * Added support for Gherkin. * Scintilla: whitespace can be shown only in indentation. * Scintilla: optimized marker redrawing. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.6.2. * Updated to [LPeg][] 1.0. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [LPeg]: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ ### 8.3 (01 Oct 2015) Bugfixes: * Stop annoying black box from flashing when saving some files on Win32. * Fixed bug in parsing Ruby error output. * Do not emit `events.LEXER_LOADED` for the command entry. * Fixed bug with Python syntax checking on Win32. * Scintilla: fixed bug in `buffer:count_characters()`. * Scintilla: small GTK fixes. Changes: * Improved API documentation lookup behind the caret. * [Refactored snippets][] to longer display placeholder text. * [`os.spawn()`][] can now optionally specify the child's environment. * Added Gherkin lexer. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.6.1. [Refactored snippets]: https://foicica.com/lists/code/201509/2687.html [`os.spawn()`]: api.html#os.spawn [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 8.2 (01 Sep 2015) Bugfixes: * Fixed crash when quitting while the command entry is open. * Block commenting respects indentation levels. * Handle `typeref` in ansi\_c module's ctags support. * Do not error when block commenting in an unsupported language. * Scintilla: fix scrollbar memory leaks. Changes: * Highlight found text in "Find in Files" searches. * Added Italian translation and updated French translation. * Added automatic syntax checking as source files are saved, along with `textadept.run.CHECK_SYNTAX` and `textadept.run.GOTO_SYNTAX_ERRORS` configuration fields. * Scintilla: multiple selection works over more key commands like caret movement, selections, and word and line deletions. * Scintilla: new [`events.AUTO_C_COMPLETED`][] event for when autocompleted text has been inserted. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.6.0. [`events.AUTO_C_COMPLETED`]: api.html#events.AUTO_C_COMPLETED [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 8.1 (01 Jul 2015) Bugfixes: * Detect `#!/usr/bin/env ...` properly. * Fix incorrect menu shortcut key display on Windows. * Fixed ASP, Applescript, and Perl lexers. * Fixed segfault in parsing some instances of style definitions. * Scintilla: fixed performance when deleting markers from many lines. * Scintilla: fixed scrollbar drawing on GTK 3.4+. * Scintilla: respect encoding for margin text. Changes: * Added support for Elixir and Windows Script Files (WSF). * Added parameter to [`textadept.editing.select_word()`][] for selecting all occurrences. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:multiple_select_add_next()`][] and [`buffer:multiple_select_add_each()`][] for creating multiple selections from selected text. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:is_range_word()`][] and [`buffer:target_whole_document()`][] helper functions for search and replace. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.5.7. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.3.1. [`textadept.editing.select_word()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.select_word [`buffer:multiple_select_add_next()`]: api.html#buffer.multiple_select_add_next [`buffer:multiple_select_add_each()`]: api.html#buffer.multiple_select_add_each [`buffer:is_range_word()`]: api.html#buffer.is_range_word [`buffer:target_whole_document()`]: api.html#buffer.target_whole_document [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Lua]: https://lua.org ### 8.0 (01 May 2015) Please see the [7 to 8 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 7 to Textadept 8. Bugfixes: * Fixed filename encoding issues on Windows. Changes: * Added [`textadept.run.RUN_IN_BACKGROUND`][] for shell commands. [7 to 8 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-7-to-8 [`textadept.run.RUN_IN_BACKGROUND`]: api.html#textadept.run.run_in_background ### 8.0 beta (21 Apr 2015) Bugfixes: * Fixed `require()` bug with lfs and utf8 libraries in LuaJIT version. * Fixed Perl lexer corner-case. * VB lexer keywords are case-insensitive now. Changes: * Added `symlink` filter option for ignoring symlinked files and folders to [`io.snapopen()`][], `lfs.dir_foreach()`, and [`ui.find.FILTER`][]. * Added [`_FOLDBYINDENTATION`][] field for lexers that fold by indentation. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.5.5. [`io.snapopen()`]: api.html#io.quick_open [`ui.find.FILTER`]: api.html#ui.find.find_in_files_filter [`_FOLDBYINDENTATION`]: api.html#fold-by-indentation [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 8.0 alpha (01 Apr 2015) Bugfixes: * Ensure `events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH` is fired before `events.BUFFER_DELETED`. * Prevent command line help options from exiting an open instance of Textadept. Changes: * Upgraded to Lua 5.3, LPeg 0.12.2, lfs 1.6.3, and lspawn 1.2. * Removed `keys.LANGUAGE_MODULE_PREFIX`, but left that prefix unused on all platforms. * `textadept.editing.filter_through()` now uses `os.spawn()`. * Removed long-hand [compile and run macros][] in favor of shorter ones. * [`textadept.bookmarks.toggle()`][] accepts an optional line to bookmark. * Added support for Rust and TOML. * "Goto Bookmark" now lists bookmarks in all open buffers. * [`spawn_proc:kill()`][] can send signals to processes. * New [`lexer._FOLDBYINDENTATION`][] field for lexers that fold based on indentation. [compile and run macros]: api.html#textadept.run.compile\_commands [`textadept.bookmarks.toggle()`]: api.html#textadept.bookmarks.toggle [`spawn_proc:kill()`]: api.html#spawn_proc:kill [`lexer._FOLDBYINDENTATION`]: api.html#fold-by-indentation ### 7.9 (11 Mar 2015) Bugfixes: * Fixed command entry's abbreviated environment to allow functions to return values. * Fixed accidental firing of "Escape" key on window focus lost. * Fixed tab stop calculation in the terminal version. * Improved performance of lexers that fold by indentation. * Scintilla: fixed adaptive scrolling on Mac OSX. Changes: * The following view-specific properties are now considered buffer-specific: "view EOL", "view whitespace", "wrap mode", "margin type", and "margin width"; updated the "Buffer" and "View" menus appropriately. * Officially supported language modules moved to a [new repository][]. * Added Fish lexer and updated PHP and Python lexers. * Merged `events.FILE_SAVED_AS` into [`events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE`][] as a new parameter. * Merged `textadept.file_types.shebangs` into [`textadept.file_types.patterns`][]. * Removed `io.boms`. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.indic_hover_fore`][] and [`buffer.indic_hover_style`][] for styling indicators differently when the mouse is over them. * Added new `buffer.INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN`, `buffer.INDIC_FULLBOX`, and `buffer.INDIC_TEXTFORE` indicators. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.5.4. [new repository]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept-modules [`textadept.file_types.patterns`]: api.html#textadept.file_types.patterns [`events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE`]: api.html#events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE [`buffer.indic_hover_fore`]: api.html#buffer.indic_hover_fore [`buffer.indic_hover_style`]: api.html#buffer.indic_hover_style [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.8 (01 Feb 2015) Bugfixes: * Fixed snippets bug where name matches lexer name. Changes: * Removed language-specific context menus; manipulate `textadept.menu.context_menu` directly from language modules. ### 7.8 beta 3 (21 Jan 2015) Bugfixes: * Fixed opening files with network paths on Win32. * Fixed minor GTK 3 issues. * Fixed bug in hiding caret when Textadept loses focus. * Fixed bug in overwriting fold levels set by custom fold functions. * Scintilla: fixed placement of large call tips. * Scintilla: fixed background color of annotation lines with text margins. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of paste on Mac OSX. * Scintilla: fixed incorrect margin click handling in the terminal version. Changes: * Restore `^Z` key binding as "undo" if terminal suspend is disabled. * Added [`events.SUSPEND`][] and [`events.RESUME`][] events for terminal suspend and resume. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.5.3. [`events.SUSPEND`]: api.html#events.SUSPEND [`events.RESUME`]: api.html#events.RESUME [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.8 beta 2 (11 Jan 2015) Bugfixes: * Improved C module's ctags lookups and autocompletion. * Do not select a line when clicking on its first character in the terminal version. * Fixed some cases of toggling find options via API in the terminal version. * Improved folding by indentation. * Scintilla: fixed caret blinking when holding down `Del`. * Scintilla: avoid extra space when pasting from external applications. Changes: * The terminal version can suspend via `^Z` (changed "undo" key binding to `M-Z` and added additional `M-S-Z` "redo" binding). * Added [`spawn_proc:close()`][] for sending EOF to spawned processes. * Updated Tcl lexer. * Scintilla: Added `buffer.ANNOTATION_INDENTED` for indented, non-bordered annotations. * Scintilla: tab arrows, wrap markers, and line markers are now drawn in the terminal version. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.5.2. [`spawn_proc:close()`]: api.html#spawn_proc:close [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.8 beta (01 Dec 2014) Bugfixes: * Fixed extra space pasting from external Win32 apps. * Fixed bug in C autocompletion. * Disable GCC optimizations when compiling with debug symbols. * Ensure "find in files" is off when activating normal find. * Fixed return values from `ui.dialogs.optionselect()`. * The command entry does not hide when the window loses focus. * Fixed '//' bug when iterating over root directory with `lfs.dir_foreach()`. * Fixed bug in jumping to compile/run errors and clear annotations before building projects. * Fixed memory leaks in `ui.dialog()`. Changes: * Replaced the command entry text field with a Scintilla buffer and added [`ui.command_entry.editing_keys`][] for changing the editing keys in all modes. * Added lexer and height parameters to `ui.command_entry.enter_mode()`. * Support bracketed paste in the terminal version. * Allow handling of unknown [CSI events][]. * Added mouse support for buffers and eliminated many [terminal version incompatibilities][]. * Added [`_G.LINUX`][] and [`_G.BSD`][] platform flags for the sake of completeness. * [Rectangular selections][] with the mouse on Linux use the `Alt` modifier key instead of `Super`. * Display the current working directory in fileselect dialogs. * Added [`_SCINTILLA.next_image_type()`][] for registering images. * Added Arabic translation. * File dialogs in the terminal span the whole view. * Added basic UTF-8 support for terminal widgets -- locales such as Russian now display properly. * Added UTF-8 input mode for Mac OSX (`⌘⇧U`) and the terminal version (`M-U`). * Show character information in "Show Style" popup. [`ui.command_entry.editing_keys`]: api.html#ui.command_entry.editing_keys [CSI events]: api.html#events.CSI [terminal version incompatibilities]: manual.html#terminal-version-compatibility [`_G.LINUX`]: api.html#LINUX [`_G.BSD`]: api.html#BSD [Rectangular selections]: manual.html#rectangular-selection [`_SCINTILLA.next_image_type()`]: api.html#_SCINTILLA.next_image_type ### 7.7 (01 Oct 2014) Bugfixes: * Fixed corner-case in switching to most recent buffer after closing. * Fixed find/replace bug when embedded Lua code evaluates to a number. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of the autocompletion window not showing up. * Scintilla: fixed sizing of the autocompletion window. Changes: * Mac OSX GUI version can truly `os.spawn()` processes now. * Improved performance for lexers with no grammars and no fold rules. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.5.1. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.6 (01 Sep 2014) Bugfixes: * Recognize DEL when emitted by the Backspace key in the terminal version. * Scintilla: fixed `buffer:del_word_right()` selection redrawing bug. * Scintilla: fixed autocompletion list memory leak. * Scintilla: fixed overtype caret when it is over multi-byte characters. Changes: * Terminal version can truly `os.spawn()` processes now. * Added Linux .desktop files for menus and launchers. * Indicate presence of a BOM in the statusbar. * Switch to previous buffer after closing a buffer. * More options for `lfs.dir_foreach()`. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.5.0. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.5 (11 Jul 2014) Bugfixes: * Fixed Bash heredoc highlighting. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of indicators not being removed properly. * Scintilla: fixed crash with Ubuntu's overlay scrollbars. Changes: * New [`events.FOCUS`][] event for when Textadept's window receives focus. * Condensed manual and API documentation into single files. * Added Polish translation. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.auto_c_multi`][] for autocompleting into multiple selections. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.4.4. [`events.FOCUS`]: api.html#events.FOCUS [`buffer.auto_c_multi`]: api.html#buffer.auto_c_multi [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.4 (11 Jun 2014) Bugfixes: * Fix crash in Windows with sending input to spawned processes. * Fix compile, run, and build command output with split views. * Fix `#RRGGBB` color interpretation for styles. * Fix word autocompletion when ignoring case. Changes: * Pressing the Enter key in the message buffer and find in files buffer simulates a double-click. ### 7.3 (01 Jun 2014) Bugfixes: * Export Lua symbols correctly on Windows. * Fixed occasional bug when double-clicking in the message buffer. * Fixed an edge-case in word highlighting. * Fixed some folding by indentation edge cases. * Scintilla: fixed caret invisibility when its period is zero. * Scintilla: fixed flickering when scrolling in GTK 3.10+. Changes: * Added reST and YAML lexers and official language modules for each. * Use `os.spawn()` for launching help. * Renamed `io.set_buffer_encoding()` to [`buffer:set_encoding()`][]. * Removed Adeptsense in favor of [autocompleter functions][], but kept existing [api file format][]. * Renamed `textadept.editing.autocomplete_word()` to [`textadept.editing.autocomplete`][]`('word')`. * New [`textadept.editing.AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL`][] field for autocompleting words from all open buffers. * Dropped support for official java, php, rails, and rhtml modules; they are on the wiki now. * Removed `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_BRACES` option, as indicator style can be changed to hide highlighting. * Removed `textadept.editing.select_indented_block()`. * In-place menu editing via [`textadept.menu.menubar`][], [`textadept.menu.context_menu`][], and [`textadept.menu.tab_context_menu`][] tables. * Removed `textadept.command_entry.complete_lua()` and `textadept.command_entry.execute_lua()` and moved their key bindings into their module. * Updated D lexer. * Scintilla: added `buffer.FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE` for lexer debugging aid. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.4.2. [`buffer:set_encoding()`]: api.html#buffer.set_encoding [autocompleter functions]: api.html#textadept.editing.autocompleters [api file format]: api.html#textadept.editing.api_files [`textadept.editing.autocomplete`]: api.html#textadept.editing.autocomplete [`textadept.editing.AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL`]: api.html#textadept.editing.autocomplete_all_words [`textadept.menu.menubar`]: api.html#textadept.menu.menubar [`textadept.menu.context_menu`]: api.html#textadept.menu.context_menu [`textadept.menu.tab_context_menu`]: api.html#textadept.menu.tab_context_menu [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.2 (01 May 2014) Bugfixes: * Fixed cases of incorrect Markdown header highlighting. Changes: * Message buffer can send input to spawned processes. ### 7.2 beta 4 (11 Apr 2014) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in parsing output from a canceled dropdown dialog. * Always use absolute file paths so sessions are saved and reloaded properly. * Temporarily disabled asynchronous spawning on OSX due to GLib crashes. Changes: * None. ### 7.2 beta 3 (01 Apr 2014) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in Win32 terminal version with "shifted" character input. * Scintilla: fixed bug when moving caret down on wrapped lines. * Scintilla: fixed instances of bad caret positioning within characters. * Scintilla: fixed automatic indentation when the caret is within virtual space. * Scintilla: fixed annotation deletion from lines. * Scintilla: fixed placement of large call tips. Changes: * New [optionselect][] dialog. * Added [`ui.SILENT_PRINT`][] option for printing messages. * The GUI version can [spawn processes][] in separate threads. * Removed experimental Windows `io.popen()` and `os.execute()` replacements due to spawning support. * [Snapopen][] now supports projects; added new menu entry and key command. * Added support for [building projects][]. * Scintilla: draw unicode line ends as blobs. * Scintilla: added `buffer.WRAP_WHITESPACE` for wrapping on whitespace, not style changes. * Updated to [LuaJIT][] 2.0.3. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.4.1. [optionselect]: api.html#ui.dialogs.optionselect [`ui.SILENT_PRINT`]: api.html#ui.silent_print [spawn processes]: api.html#os.spawn [Snapopen]: manual.html#quick-open [building projects]: api.html#_M.Build.a.Project [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.2 beta 2 (01 Mar 2014) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with empty entries in multiple entry inputboxes. Changes: * Terminal version now has split views along with key bindings for them. ### 7.2 beta (11 Feb 2014) Bugfixes: * Handle *./* and *../* sequences in filepaths. * Correctly restore views with word wrap enabled. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of caret placement when scrolling. Changes: * Added Swedish translation. * Added support for multiple entry boxes in [inputdialogs][]. * Updated LaTeX and Go lexers. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:drop_selection_n()`][] for dropping a multiple selection. * Scintilla: added `buffer.call_tip_pos_start` for altering call tip backspace behavior. * Scintilla: added `buffer.MARK_BOOKMARK` marker symbol. * Scintilla: better marker drawing. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.3.9. [inputdialogs]: api.html#ui.dialogs.inputbox [`buffer:drop_selection_n()`]: api.html#buffer.drop_selection_n [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.2 alpha (01 Jan 2014) Bugfixes: * Honor `ui.maximized` setting in session files. * Do not halt opening files if one of them is already open. * Better key input handling in the terminal version. * Fixed Makefile bug in grabbing dependencies with older versions of wget. * Recognize lower-case drive letter names for files passed from external programs in Windows. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of adjacent indicator drawing. * Scintilla: fixed scroll width tracking for annotated lines. * Scintilla: fixed horizontal scroll bar range. * Scintilla: fixed caret placement when margins change. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of incorrect selection redrawing. Changes: * Added Dart lexer. * Do not split the view when printing messages if tabs are enabled. * Look for *~/.textadept/osx_env.sh* for [OSX environment variables][] due to changes in Mac OSX 10.9. * [Experimental] Replaced Lua's `io.popen()` and `os.execute()` with versions that do not flash the "black box" on Windows. * Added read-only access to the current key chain via `keys.keychain`. * Renamed "hypertext" lexer and its corresponding module to "html". * Added configurable tab context menus via `textadept.menu.set_contextmenus()`. * New GUI theme for Mac OSX. * [Experimental] Merged separate lexer states into Textadept's Lua state. * Updated HTML lexer. * Scintilla: the `Ctrl` modifier in Mac OSX mouse clicks is recognized as `buffer.MOD_META`. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.representation`][] for changing the representation of characters. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:position_relative()`][] for character navigation. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.mouse_selection_rectangular_switch`][] for aiding in rectangular selection creation. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.2.3. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.3.7. [OSX environment variables]: manual.html#mac-osx-environment-variables [`buffer.representation`]: api.html#buffer.representation [`buffer:position_relative()`]: api.html#buffer.position_relative [`buffer.mouse_selection_rectangular_switch`]: api.html#buffer.mouse_selection_rectangular_switch [Lua]: https://lua.org [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.1 (11 Nov 2013) Bugfixes: * Textbox dialogs' `scroll_to` option works correctly. * Emit autocompletion and hotspot events properly. * Handle replacement captures with escapes properly. * Fixed slowdown in processing long lines for folding. * Fixed slowdown with large HTML files. Changes: * Tabs for multiple buffers along with [`ui.tabs`][] API. * Split C/C++ lexer into separate lexers and replaced default "cpp" module with "ansi\_c". * Find and replace text may utilize "%0" capture containing the entire match. * Disable `textadept.editing.STRIP_TRAILING_SPACES` by default. * `ui.clipboard_text` is no longer read-only. * Added [`events.FILE_CHANGED`][] event. [`ui.tabs`]: api.html#ui.tabs [`events.FILE_CHANGED`]: api.html#events.FILE_CHANGED ### 7.0 (01 Nov 2013) Please see the [6 to 7 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 6 to Textadept 7. Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with `buffer.SCFIND_REGEX` flag. * Fixed OSX Command key recognition for click events. * Fixed compile error with GTK3. * HTML and XML lexers maintain their states better. Changes: * Added Assembly (NASM) lexer with compile and run commands. * `textadept.adeptsense.goto_ctag()` can show all known tags now. * `textadept.editing.enclose()` encloses the whole current word. [6 to 7 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-6-to-7 ### 7.0 beta 5 (21 Oct 2013) Bugfixes: * Show more helpful user-init startup error messages. * Lua run command buffers output correctly. * Fixed corner case in paragraph selection. * Fixed corner case in block uncommenting. * Disable folding when `fold` property is `0`. Changes: * Changed `ui.set_theme()` API to accept a table of property assignments. * Added Nimrod lexer and compile and run commands. * Use [`textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH`][] indicator for brace highlighting instead of styles. * The `buffer` API applies to all buffers now, not just the global one. * Added "Save All" to the menu. * Updated D lexer. * Added additional parameter to [`lexer.load()`][] to allow child lexers to be embedded multiple times with different start/end tokens. * Lexers do not need an "any\_char" [rule][] anymore; it is included by default. * [Child lexers][] do not need an explicit `M._lexer = parent` declaration anymore; it is done automatically. [`textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH`]: api.html#textadept.editing.INDIC_BRACEMATCH [`lexer.load()`]: api.html#lexer.load [rule]: api.html#rules [Child lexers]: api.html#child-lexer ### 7.0 beta 4 (01 Oct 2013) Bugfixes: * Fixed various compile and install errors. * Fixed error when block commenting plain text. * Fixed occasional crash when getting the lexer name in a multi-language lexer. Changes: * [`events.disconnect()`][] now accepts function argument instead of ID. * `buffer.filename` and all internal filenames are no longer encoded in UTF-8, but in [`_CHARSET`][]. * Removed many unused Scintilla constants and stripped many constants of `SC` and `SC_` prefixes. * Changed marker margin symbols via *properties.lua*. * Calling `textadept.editing.select_word()` repeatedly makes multiple selections. * Renamed `buffer:convert_eo_ls()` to [`convert_eols()`][]. * Added [`textadept.run.MARK_WARNING`][] marker. * Renamed `textadept.run.compile_command` and `textadept.run.run_command` to [`compile_commands`][] and [`run_commands`][], respectively. * Renamed `textadept.run.error_detail` to [`error_patterns`][] and changed its internal structure. * Compile and run commands for languages that support them are now built-in along with their respective warning and error messages. The supplemental ones on the wiki are no longer needed. * New [`ui.dialogs`][] module for more user-friendly dialog support. Removed `ui.filteredlist()` as a result. * Changed [`io.open_file()`][] and [`io.snapopen()`][] to accept tables of files and paths instead of "\n" delimited strings. * Changed `lexer.get_fold_level()`, `lexer.get_indent_amount()`, `lexer.get_property()`, and `lexer.get_style_at()` functions to be [`lexer.fold_level`][], [`lexer.indent_amount`][], [`lexer.property`][], and [`lexer.style_at`][] tables, respectively. * Added [`lexer.property_int`][] and [`lexer.property_expanded`][] tables. * Changed API for [`lexer.delimited_range()`][] and [`lexer.nested_pair()`][]. * Only enable `fold.by.indentation` property by default in whitespace-significant languages. [`events.disconnect()`]: api.html#events.disconnect [`_CHARSET`]: api.html#_CHARSET [`convert_eols()`]: api.html#buffer.convert_eols [`textadept.run.MARK_WARNING`]: api.html#textadept.run.MARK_WARNING [`compile_commands`]: api.html#textadept.run.compile_commands [`run_commands`]: api.html#textadept.run.run_commands [`error_patterns`]: api.html#textadept.run.error_patterns [`ui.dialogs`]: api.html#ui.dialogs [`io.open_file()`]: api.html#io.open_file [`io.snapopen()`]: api.html#io.quick_open [`lexer.fold_level`]: api.html#lexer.fold_level [`lexer.indent_amount`]: api.html#lexer.indent_amount [`lexer.property`]: api.html#lexer.property [`lexer.style_at`]: api.html#lexer.style_at [`lexer.property_int`]: api.html#lexer.property_int [`lexer.property_expanded`]: api.html#lexer.property_expanded [`lexer.delimited_range()`]: api.html#lexer.delimited_range [`lexer.nested_pair()`]: api.html#lexer.nested_pair ### 7.0 beta 3 (11 Sep 2013) Bugfixes: * User functions that connect to `events.BUFFER_NEW` and `events.VIEW_NEW` are run on startup. * Fixed potential crash caused by split views. Changes: * Copied constants from `_SCINTILLA.constants` into `buffer`. * Renamed `events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED` to [`events.LEXER_LOADED`][]. * Renamed `gui` to [`ui`][]. * Renamed `_M.textadept` to [`textadept`][]. * New [`events.INITIALIZED`][] event. * Renamed `buffer:get_style_name()` to `buffer.style_name`. * Renamed `ui.docstatusbar_text` to `ui.bufstatusbar_text`. * Removed `textadept.bookmarks.BOOKMARK_COLOR`, `textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR`, and `textadept.run.ERROR_COLOR` while exposing their respective marker and indicator numbers for customization. * Moved buffer IO functions into [`io` module][]. * Updated to [CDK][] 5.0-20130901. [`events.LEXER_LOADED`]: api.html#events.LEXER_LOADED [`ui`]: api.html#ui [`textadept`]: api.html#textadept [`events.INITIALIZED`]: api.html#events.INITIALIZED [`io` module]: api.html#io [CDK]: https://invisible-island.net/cdk/cdk.html ### 7.0 beta 2 (11 Aug 2013) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with theme loading when resetting. * Fixed bug with property settings in `gui.set_theme()` not persisting. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of case conversions. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of word wrapping and improved performance. * Scintilla: fixed minor memory leak. Changes: * New [`gui.maximized`][] field so Textadept can remember its maximized state. * Changed `lexer._tokenstyles` to be a map instead of a list. * Scintilla: improved UTF-8 case-insensitive searching. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.3.4. [`gui.maximized`]: api.html#ui.maximized [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 7.0 beta (11 Jul 2013) Bugfixes: * Added file type for Go. * Fixed disorienting scrolling in some instances of splitting views. * Fixed corner-case bug in Lua Pattern "Replace All". Changes: * Renamed `_M.textadept.mime_types` to [`_M.textadept.file_types`][]. * Eliminated *mime_types.conf* files. Add or modify file type tables [directly][]. * Changed scrollbar look and feel on Mac OSX. [`_M.textadept.file_types`]: api.html#textadept.file_types [directly]: manual.html#file-types ### 7.0 alpha 2 (01 Jul 2013) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in user theme loading. * Fixed "Enter" key autocompletion in the terminal version. * Fixed crash when transposing in an empty buffer. * Fixed bug in find and run double-click event handlers. Changes: * Makefile improvements. See [compiling][] for more information. The source release is no longer necessary. * Removed `_G._LEXERPATH` and `_L._EXISTS()`. * Renamed Adeptsense image fields. * Renamed `_M.textadept.editing.STRIP_WHITESPACE_ON_SAVE` to `STRIP_TRAILING_SPACES`. * `_M.textadept.editing.block_comment()` supports block comment delimiters. * Block comments for languages is now built-in. The supplemental ones on the wiki are no longer needed. * `gui.set_theme()` accepts key-value argument pairs for overriding theme properties. * Removed `gui.select_theme()` since selected themes do not persist. * Removed `_G.RESETTING` flag. * Consolidated `_M.textadept.bookmarks.goto_*()` functionality into [`_M.textadept.bookmarks.goto_mark()`][]. * Updated to [LuaJIT][] 2.0.2. * New [nightly builds][]. [compiling]: manual.html#compiling [`_M.textadept.bookmarks.goto_mark()`]: api.html#textadept.bookmarks.goto_mark [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org [nightly builds]: index.html ### 7.0 alpha (01 Jun 2013) Bugfixes: * Scintilla: fixed memory access bug. * Scintilla: fixed crash when pasting in Windows. * Scintilla: fixed some event reporting in GTK 3.x. * Scintilla: fixed undo grouping with tab and backtab. Changes: * Completely new [theme implementation][]. * New [*properties.lua*][] for custom buffer and view properties. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.3.3. [theme implementation]: manual.html#themes [*properties.lua*]: manual.html#buffer-settings [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 6.6 (01 Jun 2013) Bugfixes: * Fixed GTK assertion errors in find/replace history. * Command entry loses focus less often. * Allow empty tables as keychains if they have metatables. * Fixed caret placement in block comment/uncomment. * Use '\n' keycode in the terminal version instead of '\r'. * Fixed crash caused by split views. * Scintilla: fixed typing into multiple carets in virtual space. Changes: * Removed `_M[lang].set_buffer_properties()` functions. Set properties through `events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED` instead. * Print the results of '=' Lua commands. * Updated D lexer. * Scintilla: added `buffer.INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHICK` indicator. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.3.2. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 6.6 beta (01 May 2013) Bugfixes: * Fixed rendering on Mac OSX retina displays. * Fixed rectangle indicator display in the terminal version. * Fixed Fn key recognition on Mac OSX. * Fixed compile errors for Mac OSX. * Find Previous for Lua patterns works. Changes: * Textadept supports multiple curses platforms, not just ncurses. Make targets now use "curses" instead of "ncurses". * Better 16-color terminal support in lexer theme. * Reduced the delay when pressing `Esc` in the terminal version. * [Messagebox][] dialogs can show icons via `--icon` and `--icon-file`. * New Win32 terminal version. * New [key modes][] functionality. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.auto_c_order`][] for sorting autocompletion lists. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.3.1. * Renamed `_G.buffer_new()` to [`buffer.new()`][]. * Changed the display of highlighted words, including removing `_M.textadept.editing.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA`. * Changed `_M.textadept.editing.autocomplete_word()` API. * Removed `_M.textadept.menu.menubar`, `_M.textadept.menu.contextmenu`, and `events.handlers` tables from the API. * Moved `_M.textadept.filter_through` module functionality into [`_M.textadept.editing.filter_through()`][]. * Mark errors in compile/run commands and added [`_M.textadept.run.goto_error()`][] menu options and key shortcuts. * Renamed `gui.find.goto_file_in_list()` to [`gui.find.goto_file_found()`][]. * Consolidated `_M.textadept.editing.grow_selection()` functionality into [`_M.textadept.editing.select_enclosed()`][]. * Renamed `io.try_encodings` to [`io.encodings`][]. * No need for '!' in front of font faces anymore. [Messagebox]: https://orbitalquark.github.io/gtdialog/manual.html#messageboxes [key modes]: api.html#modes [`buffer.auto_c_order`]: api.html#buffer.auto_c_order [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [`buffer.new()`]: api.html#buffer.new [`_M.textadept.editing.filter_through()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.filter_through [`_M.textadept.run.goto_error()`]: api.html#textadept.run.goto_error [`gui.find.goto_file_found()`]: api.html#ui.find.goto_file_found [`_M.textadept.editing.select_enclosed()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.select_enclosed [`io.encodings`]: api.html#io.encodings ### 6.5 (01 Apr 2013) Bugfixes: * Only consider visible directories in *_USERHOME/themes/* as themes. * Indicator for highlighted words works in ncurses. * Improved message double-clicking behavior for compile and run commands by adding `_M.textadept.run.cwd`. * Fixed disorienting scrolling when wrapping only one search result. * Fixed crash when attempting to load a non-existant lexer. * Fixed CSS preprocessor styling. * Fixed labels for inputbox dialogs. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of incorrect folded text display. * Scintilla: fixed `buffer:visible_from_doc_line()` to never return a line beyond the end of the buffer. * Scintilla: fixed `buffer:line_scroll()` for negative columns. * Scintilla: fixed tab marker display when indentation lines are visible. Changes: * Reset Lua state after selecting a new theme. * Added `lfs.dir_foreach()`. * Added file and directory [filtering][] for Find in Files. * Moved `_M.textadept.snapopen` into `io`. * Renamed some [`lexer` constants][]. * Added Less, Literal Coffeescript, and Sass lexers. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:scroll_range()`][] for scrolling ranges into view. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.3.0. * Updated to [Lua][] 5.2.2. [filtering]: api.html#ui.find.find_in_files_filter [`lexer` constants]: api.html#lexer.FOLD_BASE [`buffer:scroll_range()`]: api.html#buffer.scroll_range [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Lua]: https://lua.org ### 6.4 (01 Mar 2013) Bugfixes: * Dialogs belong to the Textadept window. * Double-clicking a filteredlist item selects it. * Fixed bug in documentation link generator. * Fixed bug with indexable buffer properties that return strings. * Scintilla: fixed scrollbar drawing when toggling visibility. Changes: * Added [command line options][] for loading sessions on startup. * Added [command line options][] for running Lua code on startup. * Updated AWK lexer. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.2.5. * Updated to [LuaJIT][] 2.0.1. [command line options]: manual.html#command-line-parameters [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org ### 6.3 (01 Feb 2013) Bugfixes: * Do not error on non-existant dropped URIs. * Fixed crash in Python module when parsing some syntax error messages. * Scintilla: fixed pasting with NULL bytes. * Scintilla: autocompletion should only have one undo step. * Scintilla: fixed crash when drawing very long lines. * Scintilla: fixed unexpected collapse of selections when extending by character. Changes: * Use Scintilla API for ncurses mark mode. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.caret_line_visible_always`][] for showing the caret line despite not having focus. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.2.4. * Added [typeover characters][]. [`buffer.caret_line_visible_always`]: api.html#buffer.caret_line_visible_always [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [typeover characters]: api.html#textadept.editing.typeover_chars ### 6.2 (01 Jan 2013) Bugfixes: * None. Changes: * Greatly improved speed when loading large files. * `make install` and `make ncurses install` install separate binaries on Linux. * Changed API for [`_M.textadept.snapopen.open()`][] and removed `PATHS`. [`_M.textadept.snapopen.open()`]: api.html#io.quick_open ### 6.1 (11 Dec 2012) Bugfixes: * Do not set current directory when opening/saving files. * Detect Linux processor arch better. * Recognize special ncurses keys better. * Fixed potential bug with determining `_HOME` on Linux. * Fixed bug when opening non-existent files from the command line. * LuaJIT compiles correctly on ARM now. Changes: * Improved speed and memory usage of lexers. * Better Makefile support for building packages for Linux distros. * Rewrote LuaDoc [API documentation][]. * Added French translation. * Updated to [LuaJIT][] 2.0.0. * Improved speed and memory usage of lexers. * Updated Java lexer. [API documentation]: api.html [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org ### 6.0 (01 Nov 2012) Please see the [5 to 6 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 5 to Textadept 6. Bugfixes: * Handle rapidly pressing `Esc` twice in ncurses dialogs. * Complete transition to `buffer.tab_size` from `buffer.indent`. * Fixed regression in ncurses command selection. * Fixed GUI menu key shortcut handling. * Fixed string collation bug in ncurses due to CDK. * Pass `Esc` to Scintilla correctly in ncurses. * Fix errors when specifying directories and files for file dialogs. * Fixed some operators in Bash lexer. * Scintilla: fixed hang when removing all characters from an indicator at the the end of a buffer. * Scintilla: fixed crash when drawing margins in GTK 3. * Scintilla: do not draw spaces after an italic style at the end of a line in the terminal version. Changes: * Added key binding for toggling fold points. * Added ncurses key bindings for bookmarks. * Added [`event.FIND_WRAPPED`][] event. * Removed `_M.textadept.run.execute()`. * Updated documentation and documentation formatting. * Added [Python module][]. * Rewrote Makefile lexer. * Scintilla: improved performance when performing multiple searches. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.2.3. * Updated to [LuaJIT][] 2.0.0-beta11. [5 to 6 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-5-to-6 [`event.FIND_WRAPPED`]: api.html#events.FIND_WRAPPED [Python module]: api.html#_M.python [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org ### 6.0 beta 3 (01 Oct 2012) Bugfixes: * Canceling in `buffer:close()` caused unwanted key propagation. * Correctly emit `RUN_OUTPUT` events. * Fixed bug with extra empty entry in the buffer browser. * Fixed incremental find in ncurses. * Fixed ncurses crash when pasting with no clipboard text. * Keep termios disabled in ncurses CDK widgets. * Do not write ncurses initialization errors over titlebar. * Fixed bug in `string.iconv()`. * Include `_` as identifier char in Desktop lexer. Changes: * Attempt to autodetect locale using `LANG` environment variable. * Removed `_M.textadept.menu.rebuild_command_tables()`. * Manual and Lua API documentation largely re-written. * Key Bindings reference moved from Appendix to [`_M.textadept.keys`][] LuaDoc. * Plain text lexer name changed from `container` to `text`. * New application icon. * Removed `./?.lua` and `./?.so` from `package.path` and `package.cpath`, respectively. * Added marks for making selections in ncurses. [`_M.textadept.keys`]: api.html#textadept.keys ### 6.0 beta 2 (01 Sep 2012) Bugfixes: * Disabled `--help` option to ncurses version due to terminal output mangling. * ncurses replace entry can now be focused. * Fixed ncurses memory leaks. * Fixed multiple selection in Mac OSX. * Show key shortcuts in ncurses `_M.textadept.menu.select_command()`. * Scintilla: fixed rectangular selection range after backspacing. * Scintilla: fixed bug with negative ranges in call tip highlighting. Changes: * Added `make install` and `make uninstall` rules for optional installation. * Updated manual with ncurses key bindings. * Consolidated `_M.textadept.bookmarks.add()` and `_M.textadept.bookmarks.remove()` into [`_M.textadept.bookmarks.toggle()`][]. * Updated manual images. * `_M.textadept.snapopen.DEFAULT_DEPTH` is now `99` since `MAX` is the limiting factor. * Use constant names in theme options instead of nondescript integers. * Added new [`lexer.last_char_includes()`][] function for better regex detection. * Updated AWK lexer. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.selection_empty`][]. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:vc_home_display()`][] and [`buffer:vc_home_display_extend()`][] for navigating wrapped lines. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.2.2. [`_M.textadept.bookmarks.toggle()`]: api.html#textadept.bookmarks.toggle [`lexer.last_char_includes()`]: api.html#lexer.last_char_includes [`buffer.selection_empty`]: api.html#buffer.selection_empty [`buffer:vc_home_display()`]: api.html#buffer.vc_home_display [`buffer:vc_home_display_extend()`]: api.html#buffer.vc_home_display_extend [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 6.0 beta (01 Aug 2012) Bugfixes: * Lots of bugfixes to the experimental ncurses version. * Fixed bug with `$$` variables in Perl lexer. * Scintilla: do not show empty autocompletion list if `buffer.auto_c_choose_single` is set. * Scintilla: fixed `buffer:marker_delete()` to only delete one marker per call. * Scintilla: fixed caret positioning after undoing multiple deletions. * Scintilla: fixed margin drawing after `buffer.margin_style` is altered. * Scintilla: fixed margin click handling. * Scintilla: fixed hang when drawing block carets on a zero-width space at the beginning of a buffer. * Scintilla: fixed crash deleting negative ranges. * Scintilla: fixed drawing of overlapping characters. Changes: * Removed Lua, Ruby, and PHP modules' `goto_required()` functions. * Moved `_M.textadept.editing.prepare_for_save()` directly into event handler. * Moved `_M.textadept.session.prompt_load()` and `prompt_save()` functionality into [`_M.textadept.session.load()`][] and [`_M.textadept.session.save()`][]. * Removed `_G.user_dofile()`. * Converted some `buffer` "get" and "set" functions into properties. * Moved `_M.textadept.adeptsense.complete_symbol()` and `show_documentation()` functionality into `_M.textadept.adeptsense.complete()` and `show_apidoc()`. * New 64-bit Windows version (note: without LuaJIT). * Updated Perl lexer. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.punctuation_chars`][], [`buffer.word_chars`][], and [`buffer.whitespace_chars`][] for manipulating character sets. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.2.1. [`_M.textadept.session.load()`]: api.html#textadept.session.load [`_M.textadept.session.save()`]: api.html#textadept.session.save [`buffer.punctuation_chars`]: api.html#buffer.punctuation_chars [`buffer.word_chars`]: api.html#buffer.word_chars [`buffer.whitespace_chars`]: api.html#buffer.whitespace_chars [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 5.5 beta (01 Jul 2012) Bugfixes: * None. Changes: * Experimental ncurses support. * No more `'gtk-'` stock menu item support and changed `'separator'` to `''`. * Renamed `gui.gtkmenu()` to [`gui.menu()`][]. * Changed `gui.statusbar_text` to be write-only. * Changed 'Quit' key command to 'Ctrl+Q' on Win32 and Linux. * Show text that could not be localized. * Changed `make` commands for [compiling][] Textadept. * x86\_64 binary provides `libpng12` executables by default. * Can cross compile to Mac OSX from Linux. * Updated AWK lexer. * Updated HTML lexer to recognize HTML5 'script' and 'style' tags. * Updated to [Lua 5.2.1][]. * Updated to [LuaJIT][] 2.0.0-beta10. [`gui.menu()`]: api.html#ui.menu [compiling]: manual.html#compiling [Lua 5.2.1]: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/ [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org ### 5.4 (01 Jun 2012) Bugfixes: * Scintilla: fixed boxed annotation drawing. * Scintilla: fixed virtual space selection bug in rectangular selections. * Scintilla: replacing multiple selections with newlines is a single undo action. * Scintilla: fixed autocompletion list height in GTK 3. * Scintilla: fixed mouse scrolling due to recent GTK changes. Changes: * Identify more file extensions. * Updated Batch lexer. * Scintilla: `Ctrl+Double Click` and `Ctrl+Triple Click` adds words and lines, respectively, to selections. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:delete_range()`][] for deleting ranges of text. * Scintilla: added `buffer.WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN` for drawing wrap markers in margins. * Scintilla: improved UTF-8 validity checks. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.2.0. [`buffer:delete_range()`]: api.html#buffer.delete_range [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 5.3 (01 May 2012) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with run/compile commands in LuaJIT version. * User annotation preferences are preserved. * Fixed bug with number representation in some locales. * Scintilla: fixed selection drawing in word wrap indentation. * Scintilla: fixed styling bug. * Scintilla: fixed problems with drawing in margins. * Scintilla: fixed corner case in `buffer:move_selected_lines_*()`. * Scintilla: fixed scrolling with mousewheel. * Scintilla: fixed column calculations to count tabs correctly. Changes: * Annotations are used for showing run/compile command output. * Textadept is [single-instance][] by default on Linux and Mac OSX. * Textadept requires [GTK][] 2.18 or higher now instead of 2.16. * The provided Textadept binaries [require][] [GLib][] 2.28 or higher. * Scintilla: added `buffer.auto_c_case_insensitive_behaviour` for controlling case sensitivity in autocompletion lists. * Scintilla: `\0` in regex replacements represents the full found text. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.1.0. [single-instance]: manual.html#single-instance [GTK]: https://gtk.org [require]: manual.html#requirements [GLib]: https://gtk.org/download/linux.php [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 5.2 (01 Apr 2012) Bugfixes: * Fixed LuaDoc for `buffer:get_lexer()`. * Fixed bug with relative paths from command line files. * `buffer:get_lexer(true)` is used more often when it should be. * Improved message double-clicking behavior for run and compile commands. * Scintilla: line and selection duplication is one undo action. * Scintilla: allow indicators to be set for entire document. * Scintilla: fixed crash in `buffer:move_selected_lines_*()`. * Scintilla: fixed image and fold marker drawing. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of multiple clicks in margins. * Scintilla: fixed `buffer:page_*()` not returning to the original line. * Scintilla: fixed various issues with wrapped lines. * Scintilla: fixed line end selection drawing. Changes: * `_M.set_buffer_properties()` is now optional for language modules. * Added keypad keys to `keys.KEYSYMS`. * `_G.timeout()` accepts fractional seconds. * Replaced `scripts/update_doc` with `src/Makefile` targets. * New Manual and LuaDoc HTML page formatting. * `_M.textadept.editing.autocomplete_word()` accepts default words. * Added documentation on [generating LuaDoc][] and Lua Adeptsense. * Moved `Markdown:` comments into LuaDoc. * Added Spanish and German translations. * Updated VB and VBScript lexers. * Improved the speed of simple code folding. * Use [GTK][] 2.24 on Windows. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.0.4. [generating LuaDoc]: manual.html#generating-luadoc [GTK]: https://gtk.org [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 5.1 (01 Mar 2012) Bugfixes: * Fixed crash caused by `gui.filteredlist()` dialogs. * Support multiple `@return` tags in Lua Adeptsense. * Fixed display of `buffer._type` when it has slashes in its name. Changes: * Better Lua Adeptsense formatting. * Use new Cocoa-based [GtkOSXApplication][] library for better OSX support. * Lexers with no tokens can be styled manually. * Added more OSX default key shortcuts. [GtkOSXApplication]: https://live.gnome.org/GTK%2B/OSX/Integration#Gtk-mac-integration.2BAC8-GtkOSXApplication ### 5.0 (01 Feb 2012) Please see the [4 to 5 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 4 to Textadept 5. Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with recent files in sessions. * Scintilla: fixed page up/down in autocompletion lists. * Scintilla: fixed fold highlighting. Changes: * Added default extension and folder filters in `modules/textadept/snapopen.lua`. * Added ChucK lexer. * Updated Lua lexer. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.0.3. * Also include [LuaJIT][] executables in releases. [4 to 5 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-4-to-5 [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org ### 5.0 beta (11 Jan 2012) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in `reset()` from update to Lua 5.2. Changes: * Changed `locale.localize()` to global [`_L`][] table and removed `locale` module. * Renamed `_m` to [`_M`][]. * Do not clear registered images when autocompleting with Adeptsense. * Renamed editing module's `current_word()` to [`select_word()`][]. * Updated [manual][]. * Updated D lexer. [`_L`]: api.html#_L [`_M`]: api.html#_M [manual]: manual.html [`select_word()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.select_word ### 5.0 alpha (21 Dec 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in Matlab lexer for operators. * Fixed highlighting of variables in Bash. * Fixed multi-line delimited and token strings in D lexer. Changes: * Updated to [Lua 5.2][]. * Updated sections in the [manual][] to reflect Lua 5.2 changes. * Textadept can be compiled with [LuaJIT][]. [Lua 5.2]: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/ [manual]: manual.html [LuaJIT]: https://luajit.org ### 4.3 (01 Dec 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with opening files in the current directory from the command line. * Fixed erroneous charset conversion. * Fixed bug with folding line comments. * Scintilla: fixed drawing at style boundaries on Mac OSX. * Scintilla: fixed crash when painting uninitialized pixmaps. Changes: * Added on-the-fly theme switching. * All new `light` and `dark` themes. * Removed `_m.textadept.editing.select_style()`. * Simplify theming via [gtkrc][] by naming `GtkWindow` only. * Added [`lexer.REGEX`][] and [`lexer.LABEL`][] tokens. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.0.1. [gtkrc]: manual.html#gui-theme [`lexer.REGEX`]: api.html#lexer.REGEX [`lexer.LABEL`]: api.html#lexer.LABEL [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 4.2 (01 Nov 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with `%n` in Replace introduced in 4.1. * Fixed Adeptsense autocomplete for single item. * Scintilla: fixed annotation drawing in multiple, wrapped views. Changes: * Scintilla: drawing improvements and various optimizations. * Scintilla: call tips can be displayed above text. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 3.0.0. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 4.1 (01 Oct 2011) Bugfixes: * Only fold when clicking on fold margin, not any sensitive one. * Fixed bug with `CALL_TIP_CLICK` event disconnect in Adeptsense. * Fixed bug with autocomplete and capitalization. * Scintilla: fixed incorrect mouse cursor changes. * Scintilla: fixed end-of-document indicator growth. Changes: * Handle mouse [dwell events][] `DWELL_START` and `DWELL_END`. * Rearranged `Tools` menu slightly. * Slight API changes: + [`_BUFFERS`][] and [`_VIEWS`][] structure changed. + Removed `buffer.doc_pointer` and `view.doc_pointer`. + Added [`view.buffer`][] field. + Renamed `gui.check_focused_buffer()` to `buffer:check_global()`. + [`view:goto_buffer()`][] and [`gui.goto_view()`][] arguments make sense now. (May require changes to custom key bindings.) * Directory is remembered in file chooser dialog after open or save as. * Added language-specific [context menu][] support. * Use [LuaCoco][] patch for Lua 5.1.4. * Use lexer at the caret for key bindings and snippets. * Added `selected` and `monospaced-font` options for dropdown and textbox dialogs, respectively. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.29. [dwell events]: api.html#events [`_BUFFERS`]: api.html#_BUFFERS [`_VIEWS`]: api.html#_VIEWS [`view.buffer`]: api.html#view.buffer [`view:goto_buffer()`]: api.html#view.goto_buffer [`gui.goto_view()`]: api.html#ui.goto_view [context menu]: api.html#_M.Context.Menu [LuaCoco]: https://coco.luajit.org/ [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 4.0 (01 Sep 2011) Please see the [3 to 4 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 3 to Textadept 4. Bugfixes: * Makefile should only link to `libdl.so` on Linux/BSD. * Fixed memory access bug in `gui.dialog()`. * Autocompletion list sort order respects `buffer.auto_c_ignore_case` now. * Fixed split view focus bug with the same buffer in two views. * Set new buffer EOL mode properly on Mac OSX. * Fixed some general bugs in folding. Changes: * Added Russian translation. * Changed some key bindings from 4.0 beta 2. * Do not hide the statusbar when the command entry has focus. [3 to 4 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-3-to-4 ### 4.0 beta 2 (11 Aug 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed transpose characters bug at end of buffer. * Do not autosave over explicitly loaded session. * Fixed startup crash on Mac OSX. * Fixed resize crash on Mac OSX Lion. Changes: * Added Scala lexer. * Add [recent file list][] to session files. * Autocomplete supports multiple selections. * Swapped OSX `c` and `m` key command definition modifiers. * Changed some key bindings from 4.0 beta. [recent file list]: api.html#io.recent_files ### 4.0 beta (01 Aug 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed Markdown lexer styles. * Fixed bug when setting both dialog with and height. * Scintilla: fixed incorrect mouse cursor changes. * Scintilla: fixed bug with annotations beyond the document end. * Scintilla: fixed incorrect drawing of background colors and translucent selection. * Scintilla: fixed lexer initialization. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of fold highlight drawing. * Scintilla: fixed some cases of case insensitive searching. Changes: * Mac OSX uses GTK 2.24. * Added [`io.open_recent_file()`][]. * Changes to localization file again. * [`buffer`][] functions may omit the first `buffer` argument (e.g.n `buffer.line_down()` is allowed). * Complete overhaul of menus and added accelerators to [menu][] items. * Renamed `_m.textadept.editing.SAVE_STRIPS_WS` to [`_m.textadept.editing.STRIP_WHITESPACE_ON_SAVE`][]. * Renamed `_m.textadept.editing.select_scope()` to `_m.textadept.editing.select_style()`. * *Completely new set of key bindings.* * Scintilla: translucent RGBA images can be used in margins and autocompletion and user lists. * Scintilla: added new `buffer.INDIC_DOTBOX` indicator. * Scintilla: IME input now works. * Scintilla: `Ctrl+Shift+U` used for Unicode input. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.28. [`io.open_recent_file()`]: api.html#io.open_recent_file [`buffer`]: api.html#buffer [`_m.textadept.editing.STRIP_WHITESPACE_ON_SAVE`]: api.html#textadept.editing.STRIP_WHITESPACE_ON_SAVE [menu]: api.html#ui.menu [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 3.9 (01 Jul 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug for when `gui.dialog()` steals focus. * Colors are now styled correctly in the Properties lexer. * Scintilla: fixed bug with wrong colors being drawn. * Scintilla: fixed font leak. * Scintilla: fixed automatic scrolling for wrapped lines. * Scintilla: fixed multiple selection typing when selections collapse. * Scintilla: expand folds when needed in word wrap mode. * Scintilla: fixed edge line drawing for wrapped lines. * Scintilla: fixed unnecessary scrolling in `buffer:goto_line()`. * Scintilla: fixed undo functionality when deleting within virtual space. Changes: * Added support for [GTK][] 3.0. * Use ID generator [functions][] for marker, indicator, and user list IDs. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:set_empty_selection()`][] for setting selections without scrolling or redrawing. * Scintilla: added new `buffer.INDIC_DASH`, `buffer.INDIC_DOTS`, and `buffer.INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW` indicators. * Scintilla: added option to allow margin clicks to select wrapped lines. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.27. * Use string constants for event names. * Compile and run commands [emit events][]. * Enhanced Luadoc and Lua Adeptsense. * Added `fold.line.comments` property for folding multiple single-line comments. * Use [GTK][] 2.22 on Windows. * Can localize the labels and buttons in the GUI [find][] frame. * Added ConTeXt lexer and updated Coffeescript, HTML, LaTeX, and TeX lexers. * Multiple single-line comments can be folded with the `fold.line.comments` property set to `1`. [GTK]: https://gtk.org [functions]: api.html#_SCINTILLA [`buffer:set_empty_selection()`]: api.html#buffer.set_empty_selection [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [emit events]: api.html#events.COMPILE_OUTPUT [find]: api.html#ui.find ### 3.8 (11 Jun 2011) Bugfixes: * Removed non-existant key chain. * Fixed bug in snippets. * Fixed bug in lexers that fold by indentation. * Scintilla: fixed indentation guide drawing on the first line. * Scintilla: fixed display of folds for wrapped lines. * Scintilla: fixed various GTK-related bugs. Changes: * Updated Adeptsense and documentation. * `events.handlers` is accessible. * Added menu mnemonics for indentation size. * Added support for indicator and hotspot [events][]. * Updated [documentation][] for installing [official modules][]. * Scintilla: allow highlighting of margin symbols for the current folding block. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:move_selected_lines_up()`][] and [`buffer:move_selected_lines_down()`][] for moving lines. * Scintilla: added new `buffer.INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` indicator. * Scintilla: indicators can be used for brace matching. * Scintilla: translucency can be changed for `buffer.INDIC_*BOX` indicators. * Scintilla: improved text drawing and measuring. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.26. * Writing custom folding for lexers is much [easier][] now. * Added native folding for more than 60% of existing lexers. The rest still use folding by indentation by default. * Added regex support for Coffeescript lexer. * Embed Coffeescript lexer in HTML lexer. [events]: api.html#events [documentation]: manual.html#getting-modules [official modules]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept-modules [`buffer:move_selected_lines_up()`]: api.html#buffer.move_selected_lines_up [`buffer:move_selected_lines_down()`]: api.html#buffer.move_selected_lines_down [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [easier]: api.html#code-folding ### 3.7 (01 May 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in `buffer:get_lexer()`. Changes: * Changed Mac OSX Adeptsense complete key command from `~` to `Ctrl+Escape`. * Added PHP module. ### 3.7 beta 3 (01 Apr 2011) Bugfixes: * Small Adeptsense bugfixes. * Snapopen respects filesystem encoding. * Standard input dialogs have "Cancel" button by default. * Scintilla: fixed performance with the caret on a long line. Changes: * Adeptsense tweaks for better completion and apidoc support. * Language modules load a user `post_init.lua` script if it exists. * Added Ruby on Rails lexer and module. * Added RHTML module. * Updated mime-types and prioritize by shebang, pattern, and then file extension. * `buffer:get_lexer(true)` returns the lexer at the caret position. * Adeptsense can be triggered in embedded lexers now. * Added C standard library and Lua C API to C/C++ Adeptsense. * Lua module fields are now in Lua Adeptsense. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.25. * Rewrote [`_m.textadept.snippets`][] with syntax changes. * `Alt+I` (`Ctrl+I` on Mac OSX) is now "Select Snippet" instead of "Show Style". "Show Style" is now `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I` (`Ctrl+Apple+Shift+I`). * Adeptsense can exclude types matched by `sense.syntax.type_declarations` patterns. * `Ctrl+T, V` (`Apple+T, V` on Mac OSX) keychain for toggling whitespace, wrap, etc. is now `Ctrl+Shift+B` (`Apple+Shift+B`). * Key bindings and menu definition syntax changed. * Snapopen allows for multiple-selection. * `gui.print()` handles `nil` and non-string arguments properly. * Officially supported modules have their own [repository][] and are available as a separate download. * Added cancel button to standard dialogs. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [`_m.textadept.snippets`]: api.html#textadept.snippets [repository]: https://github.com/orbitalquark/textadept-modules ### 3.7 beta 2 (01 Mar 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with Win32 paths in Adeptsense `goto_ctag()`. * Adeptsense could not recognize some symbols. * Handle `\n` sequences correctly in Adeptsense apidoc. * Fixed bug with Adeptsense C/C++ type declarations. * Adeptsense can now recognize more than 1 level of inheritence. * Keychain is cleared on key command error. * Fixed infinite loop bug in `_m.textadept.editing.select_scope()`. * Fixed bug with nested embedded lexers. * Scintilla: fixed memory leak. * Scintilla: fixed double-click behavior around word boundaries. * Scintilla: right-click cancels autocompletion. * Scintilla: fixed some virtual space problems. * Scintilla: fixed unnecessary redrawing. * Scintilla: fixed rectangular selection creation performance. Changes: * Scintilla: `events.UPDATE_UI` now occurs when scrolling. * Scintilla: added per-margin mouse cursors. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.24. * Updated mime-types. * Line margin width is now `4`. * Adeptsense completion list images are accessible via scripts. * Added class context completion to Adeptsense. * Added class type-inference through variable assignment to Adeptsense. * Added Adeptsense tutorial. * Added `_m.textadept.adeptsense.always_show_globals` setting for showing globals in completion lists. * `Ctrl+H` (highlight word) is now `Ctrl+Shift+H`. * `Ctrl+H` now shows Adeptsense documentation. * Added Adeptsense `complete()` and `show_documentation()` functions to the menu. * Language modules condensed into single `init.lua` file. * Added `sense.syntax.word_chars` to Adeptsense. * Included libpng12 build for 64-bit Debian-based Linux distros (Ubuntu). * Added [CSS][], [HTML][], Java, and [Ruby][] modules with Adeptsenses. * Updated BibTeX lexer. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [CSS]: api.html#_M.css [HTML]: api.html#_M.html [Ruby]: api.html#_M.ruby ### 3.7 beta (01 Feb 2011) Bugfixes: * `update_ui` is called properly for `buffer_new` and `view_new` events. * Use proper pointer type for Scintilla calls. * Fixed bug with loading lexers from `_USERHOME` on Win32. Changes: * More informative error message for unfocused buffer. * Added Adeptsense, a smarter form of autocompletion for programming languages. * Emit a `language_module_loaded` as appropriate. * Added indentation settings to "Buffer" menu (finally). * Added `gui.filteredlist()` shortcut for `gui.dialog('filteredlist', ...)`. * Can navigate between bookmarks with a filteredlist. * Language-specific [`char_matches`][] and [`braces`][] can be defined. * `command_entry_keypress` event accepts modifier keys. * Updated BibTeX and Lua lexers. [`char_matches`]: api.html#textadept.editing.auto_pairs [`braces`]: api.html#textadept.editing.brace_matches ### 3.6 (01 Jan 2011) Bugfixes: * Fixed infinite recursion errors caused in events. * Fix statusbar update bug with key chains. * Do not emit `buffer_new` event when splitting the view. * Fixed comment bug in Caml lexer. Changes: * `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` on Linux is the Super/Windows key. * Improved HTML lexer. * Added Markdown, BibTeX, CMake, CUDA, Desktop Entry, F#, GLSL, and Nemerle lexers. * Added [`_m.textadept.filter_through`][] module for [shell commands][]. * Moved GUI events from `core/events.lua` to `core/gui.lua`. * Separated key command manager from key command definitions. [`_m.textadept.filter_through`]: api.html#textadept.editing.filter_through [shell commands]: manual.html#shell-commands-and-filtering-text ### 3.5 (01 Dec 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug introduced when exposing Find in Files API. * Fixed bug in Tcl lexer with comments. Changes: * Lua files are syntax-checked for errors on save. * [Menus][] are easier to create. * Changed `_m.textadept.editing.enclose()` behavior. * Win32 and Mac OSX packages are all-in-one bundles; GTK is no longer an external dependency. * New [manual][]. * Added [`file_after_save`][] event. [Menus]: api.html#textadept.menu [manual]: manual.html [`file_after_save`]: api.html#events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE ### 3.4 (01 Nov 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed menu item conflicts. * Pressing `Cancel` in the [Switch Buffers][] dialog does not jump to the selected buffer anymore. * Autocomplete lists sort properly for machines with a different locale. * Statusbar is not cleared when set from a key command. * Unreadable files are handled appropriately. * Scintilla: fixed scrolling bug where caret was not kept visible. * Scintilla: fixed caret position caching after autocompletion. * Scintilla: fixed paging up/down in virtual space. * Scintilla: fixed crash with negative arguments passed to `buffer:marker_add()` and `buffer:marker_add_set()`. * Scintilla: dwell notifications are not emitted when the mouse is outside the view. Changes: * Multi-language lexers (HTML, PHP, RHTML, etc.) are processed as fast as single language ones, resulting in a huge speed improvement. * An `update_ui` event is triggered after a Lua command is entered. * `gui.dialog()` can take tables of strings as arguments now. * [`_m.textadept.snapopen.open()`][] takes a recursion depth as a parameter and falls back on a `DEFAULT_DEPTH` if necessary. * Removed `_m.textadept.editing.smart_cutcopy()` and `_m.textadept.editing.squeeze()` functions. * Added `_m.textadept.editing.SAVE_STRIPS_WS` option to disable strip whitespace on save. * Changed locale implementation. Locale files are much easier to create now. * `gui.statusbar_text` is now readable instead of being write-only. * Can [highlight][] all occurances of a word. * Added jsp lexer. * More consistant handling of `\` directory separator for Win32. * Consolidated `textadept.h` and `lua_interface.c` into single `textadept.c` file. * Added [`_G.timeout()`][] function for calling functions and/or events after a period of time. * Find in files is accessible through [find API][]. * Updated XML lexer. * Added `search-column` and `output-column` options for filteredlist dialogs. * Scintilla: added [`buffer:contracted_fold_next()`][] for retrieving fold states. * Scintilla: added `buffer:vertical_centre_caret()`. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.22. * Renamed `_G.MAC` to [`_G.OSX`][]. [Switch Buffers]: manual.html#buffers [`_m.textadept.snapopen.open()`]: api.html#io.quick_open [highlight]: manual.html#word-highlight [`_G.timeout()`]: api.html#timeout [find API]: api.html#ui.find.find_in_files [`buffer:contracted_fold_next()`]: api.html#buffer.contracted_fold_next [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [`_G.OSX`]: api.html#OSX ### 3.3 (01 Oct 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed buggy snippet menu. * Comments do not need to begin the line in Properties lexer. Changes: * Added [`_m.textadept.snapopen`][] module with menu options for rapidly opening files. * Added coffeescript lexer. * Updated D and Java lexers. [`_m.textadept.snapopen`]: api.html#io.quick_open ### 3.2 (01 Sep 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed "Replace All" infinite loop bug. * Handle strings properly in Groovy and Vala lexers. * Scintilla: fixed drawing bug after horizontally scrolling too much. * Scintilla: fixed various folding bugs. Changes: * Updated to the new Scintillua that does not required patched Scintilla. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.21. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 3.1 (21 Aug 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed memory leak in Mac OSX. * Scintilla: fixed crash when searching for empty strings. * Scintilla: fixed lexing and folding bugs when pressing enter at the beginning of a line. * Scintilla: fixed bug in line selection mode. * Scintilla: fixed alpha indicator value ranges. * Scintilla: fixed compiler errors for some compilers. * Scintilla: fixed memory leak in autocompletion and user lists. Changes: * Refactored key commands to support propagation. * Updated TeX lexer. * Only highlight C/C++ preprocessor words, not the whole line. * Scintilla: added new `buffer.CARETSTICKY_WHITESPACE` caret sticky option. * Scintilla: lexing improvements. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.20. * Added Lua autocompletion. [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 3.0 (01 Jul 2010) Please see the [2 to 3 migration guide][] for upgrading from Textadept 2 to Textadept 3. Bugfixes: * None Changes: * More accurate CSS and Diff lexers. [2 to 3 migration guide]: manual.html#textadept-2-to-3 ### 3.0 beta (21 Jun 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed Mac OSX paste issue. * Fixed `buffer:text_range()` argcheck problem. * Differentiate between division and regex in Javascript lexer. * Fixed bug with child's main lexer not having a `_tokenstyles` table. * Scintilla: fixed flashing while scrolling. * Scintilla: fixed marker movement when inserting newlines. * Scintilla: fixed middle-click paste in block-selection mode. * Scintilla: fixed selection bounds returned for rectangular selections. * Scintilla: fixed case-insensitive searching for non-ASCII characters. * Scintilla: fixed bad-UTF-8 byte handling. * Scintilla: fixed bug when rectangular selections were extended into multiple selections. * Scintilla: fixed incorrect caret placement after scrolling. * Scintilla: fixed text disappearing after wrapping bug. * Scintilla: fixed various regex search bugs. * Scintilla: improved scrolling performance. * Scintilla: fixed `Shift+Tab` handling for rectangular selection. Changes: * Remove initial "Untitled" buffer when necessary. * Moved core extension modules into [`textadept`][] module. * New [API][]. * `~/.textadept/init.lua` is created for you if one does not exist. * No more autoload of `~/.textadept/key_commands.lua` and `~/.textadept/snippets.lua` * Updated Java and D lexers. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.multi_paste`][] for pasting into multiple selections. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.12. * [Abbreviated][] Lua commands in the command entry. * Dynamic command line [arguments][]. * Added statusbar notification on `reset()`. * Added Gtkrc, Prolog, and Go lexers. [`textadept`]: api.html#textadept [API]: api.html [`buffer.multi_paste`]: api.html#buffer.multi_paste [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Abbreviated]: manual.html#lua-command-entry [arguments]: api.html#args ### 2.2 (11 May 2010) Bugfixes: * Save buffer before compiling or running. * Fixed error in the manual for `~/.textadept/init.lua` example. * Ignore `file://` prefix for filenames. Changes: * `_USERHOME` comes before `_HOME` in `package.path` so `require` searches `~/.textadept/` first. ### 2.2 beta 2 (01 May 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed crash with `buffer:text_range()`. * Fixed snippets bug with `%n` sequences. * Respect tab settings for snippets. * Fixed help hanging bug in Win32. * Fixed Lua module commands bug. * Fixed bug with style metatables. * Fixed bug with XML namespaces. Changes: * Added BSD support. * Removed kill-ring from editing module. * [Compile and Run][] commands are in language modules. * [Block comment][] strings are in language modules now. * Remove "Untitled" buffer when necessary. * Moved "Search" menu into "Tools" menu to prevent `Alt+S` key conflict. * Rewrote lexers implementation. * Added Inform, Lilypond, and NSIS lexers. * `_m.textadept.editing.enclosure` is now an accessible table. * Updated D, Java, and LaTeX lexers. [Compile and run]: api.html#_M.Compile.and.Run [Block comment]: api.html#textadept.editing.comment_string ### 2.2 beta (01 Apr 2010) Bugfixes: * Fixed transform bug in snippets. * Fixed bug with Io lexer mime-type. * Fixed embedded css/javascript bug in HTML lexer. * Fixed bug in multi-language lexer detection. Changes: * Removed `_m.textadept.mlines` module since Scintilla's multiple selections supercedes it. * Removed side pane. * New [`gui.dialog('filteredlist', ...)][] from [gtdialog][]. * Can select buffer from filteredlist dialog (replacing side pane buffer list). * Can select lexer from filteredlist dialog. * Can have user `key_commands.lua`, `snippets.lua`, `mime_types.conf`, `locale.conf` that are loaded by their respective modules. * Added Matlab/Octave lexer and updated Haskell lexer. * Backspace deletes auto-inserted character pairs. * Added notification for session files not found. * Snippets use multiple carets. * Removed api file support. [gtdialog]: https://orbitalquark.github.io/gtdialog [`gui.dialog('filteredlist', ...)]: api.html#ui.dialog ### 2.1 (01 Mar 2010) Bugfixes: * Do not close files opened from command line when loading PM session. * Fixed bug for running a file with no path. * Fixed error message for session file not being found. * Fixed key command for word autocomplete on Win32. * Changed conflicting menu shortcut for Lexers menu. * Fixed typos in templates generated by modules PM browser. * Scintilla: fixed crash after adding an annotation and then adding a new line below it. * Scintilla: fixed `buffer:get_sel_text()`. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of text positioning. * Scintilla: fixed various problems with rectangular selections and rectangular pastes. * Scintilla: fixed some instances of navigation through and display of wrapped lines. * Scintilla: fixed drag and drop. * Scintilla: fixed extra background styling at the end of the buffer. * Scintilla: fixed crash when adding markers to non-existant lines. * Scintilla: fixed indentation guide drawing over text in some cases. Changes: * Added Dot and JSON lexers. * Search `_USERHOME` in addition to `_HOME` for themes. * Added command line option for not loading/saving session. * Modified key bindings to be more key-layout agnostic. * Added `reset_before` and `reset_after` events while `textadept.reset()` is being run. * Reload current lexer module after `textadept.reset()`. * Added `~/.textadept/modules/` to `package.path`. * Scintilla: added support for multiple selections and virtual space. * Scintilla: `buffer.first_visible_line` is no longer read-only. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.whitespace_size`][] for changing the size of visible whitespace. * Scintilla: added [`buffer.auto_c_current_text`][] for retrieving the currently selected autocompletion text. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 2.03. * Modified quit and close dialogs to be more readable. [`buffer.whitespace_size`]: api.html#buffer.whitespace_size [`buffer.auto_c_current_text`]: api.html#buffer.auto_c_current_text [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org ### 2.0 (01 Oct 2009) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with reloading PM width from session file. * Only show a non-nil PM context menu. * Fixed bug in `modules/textadept/lsnippets.lua`. * Fixed bug in `core/ext/mime_types.lua` caused during `textadept.reset()`. * Close all buffers before loading a session. * Identify `shellscript` files correctly. * D lexer no longer has key-command conflicts. Changes: * Refactored `modules/textadept/lsnippets.lua`. * Updated key bindings. * Allow PM modules in the `~/.textadept` user directory. * Added [`style_whitespace`][] to [lexers][] for custom styles. * Added standard `F3` key command for "Find Next" for Windows/Linux. [`style_whitespace`]: api.html#lexer.STYLE_WHITESPACE [lexers]: api.html#lexer ### 2.0 beta (31 Jul 2009) Bugfixes: * Alphabetize lexer list. * Fixed some locale issues. * Fixed some small memory leaks. * Try a [list of encodings][] rather than just UTF-8 so "conversion failed" does not happen so often. * Restore a manually set lexer. Changes: * Removed `_m.textadept.macros` module and respective PM browser (use Lua instead). * Linux version can be installed and run from anywhere; no need to recompile anymore. * Added many more [events][] to hook into lots of core functionality. * Updated to [Scintilla][] 1.79. * Run module allows more flexible [compile commands][] and [run commands][]. * Save project manager cursor over sessions. * Allow mime-types and compile and run commands to be user-redefinable in user scripts. * Use `~/.textadept/` for holding user lexers, themes, sessions, etc. * Added "Help" menu linking to Manual and LuaDoc. * Textadept compiles as C99 code. (Drops Microsoft Visual Studio support.) * Sessions functionality moved to `modules/textadept/session.lua` from `core/file_io.lua`. * The `char_added` event now passes an int, not a string, to handler functions. * Replaced [cocoaDialog][] and [lua_dialog][] with my C-based [gtdialog][]. * [Incremental find][] via the Lua command entry. * *NO* dependencies other than [GTK][] on _all_ platforms. + Win32 no longer requires the MSVC++ 2008 Runtime. + Linux no longer requires `libffi`. + Mac OSX no longer requires [cocoaDialog][]. * Can cross compile to Win32 from Linux. * Removed confusing `local function` and `local table` LuaDoc. * Rewrote the manual and most of the documentation. [list of encodings]: api.html#io.encodings [events]: api.html#events [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [compile commands]: api.html#textadept.run.compile_commands [run commands]: api.html#textadept.run.run_commands [gtdialog]: https://orbitalquark.github.io/gtdialog [lua_dialog]: http://luaforge.net/projects/lua-dialog [cocoaDialog]: http://cocoadialog.sf.net [Incremental find]: manual.html#incremental-find [GTK]: https://gtk.org ### 1.6 (01 Apr 2009) Bugfixes: * Fixed `NULL` byte bug associated with Lua interface due to multi-encoding support. * Find marker is colored consistently. * Fixed issue with buffer browser cursor saving. * Fixed block character insertion issue on GTK-OSX. Updates: * Trimmed theme files. * Added [`file_before_save`][] event. [`file_before_save`]: api.html#events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE ### 1.6 beta (01 Mar 2009) Bugfixes: * Fixed bookmarks bugs. * PM browsers are not re-added to the list again on `textadept.reset()`. * Fixed ctags PM browser bug with filenames. * Marker colors are set for all views now. * Fixed never-ending "reload modified file?" dialog bug. * Fixed key command for `m_snippets.list`. * Fixed issues with `_m.textadept.run` module. * Fixed document modification status bug for unfocused split views. * Fixed filename encoding issues for Windows. Updates: * Added key bindings and menu items to navigate "Find in Files" list. * The `recent_files` popup list behaves better. * Attempt to preserve existing EOL mode for opened files. * Add drag-and-dropped directories to the PM browser list. * Removed `project` PM browser. * Multiple character encoding support for opening and saving files. ### 1.5 (20 Feb 2009) Bugfixes: * Fixed some corner cases in Find in Files user interface. * Fixed some OSX key command issues for consistency. * Fixed some key command modifiers for "enclose in" series. Updates: * Consolidated *core/ext/key_commands_{std,mac}.lua* into single *core/ext/key_commands.lua*. * Can use the `Tab` and `Shift+Tab` keys for snippets now. * Removed support for Textmate-style snippets in favor of Lua-style snippets. * Load drag-and-dropped directories into file browser. * Can toggle showing "dot" files in file browser. * Prompt for file reload when files are modified outside Textadept. * Added `textadept.context_menu` field for right-click inside Scintilla. * Project Manager cursors are saved and restored. * Only use escape sequences in Lua pattern searches. * Rewrote *modules/textadept/run.lua* to be easier to use and configure. * Find in Files marks the selected line for easier reference. * Save special buffers in session file (e.g. error buffer, message buffer, etc.) * Moved mime-types into *core/ext/mime_types.conf* configuration file. * Moved localization into *core/locale.conf* configuration file. ### 1.4 (10 Feb 2009) Bugfixes: * Handle empty clipboard properly. * Fixed some widget focus issues. * Fixed a couple Find in Files bugs. * Workaround for GTK-OSX pasting issue. Updates: * Added menu options for changing line endings. * The Project Manager Entry responds better. * Improved Lua State integrity for critical data. * Keep only 10 items in Find/Replace history. * Special buffers are not "Untitled" anymore. * Moved `textadept.locale` table to `_G`. ### 1.3 (30 Jan 2009) Bugfixes: * Binary files are opened and handled properly. * Drag-and-dropped files are now opened in the correct split view they were dropped in. * Fixed some various GTK-OSX UI issues. * Fixed a special case of "Replace All". * Clicking "Ok" closes any error dialogs on init. * Fixed statusbar glitch when creating new buffers. * Windows' CR+LF line endings are handled properly. * Do not go to non-existent buffer index when loading session. * Do not attempt to open non-existent files when double-clicking error messages. Updates: * Look for `~/.ta_theme` for setting Textadept `_THEME`. * `_THEME` can now be a directory path. * Themes now contain their own *lexer.lua* for defining lexer colors. * Added "Find in Files" support. * Can set the Project Manager cursor through Lua. * Look for *~/.ta_modules* to load instead of default modules in *init.lua*. * Added "Replace All" for just selected text. * Removed menu label text in favor of using menu id numbers for menu actions. * Added Find/Replace history. * Use a combo entry for the Project Manager browser entry. * Print messages to a split view instead of switching buffers. ### 1.2 (21 Jan 2009) Bugfixes: * None. Updates: * Windows command line support ("Open With Textadept" works too). * New [`_m.textadept.run`][] module for compiling and running programs. Output is displayed in a message buffer and you can double-click errors and warnings to go to them in the source file. [`_m.textadept.run`]: api.html#textadept.run ### 1.1 (11 Jan 2009) Bugfixes: * Fixed *core/ext/key_commands_std.lua* key conflict (`Ctrl+V`). Updates: * Dramatic speed increase in lexing for large, single-language files. * Added [localization][] support. * Added [bookmarks][] support. * All `require` statements have been moved to *init.lua* for easy module configuration. * Various improvements to efficiency, speed, and readability of source code. * Manually parse *~/.gtkrc-2.0* on Mac since GTK-OSX does not do it. [localization]: api.html#_L [bookmarks]: api.html#textadept.bookmarks ### 1.0 (01 Jan 2009) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with placeholders in Lua-style snippets. * Fixed view grow/shrink error thrown when the view is not split. * Various fixes to recognize windows directory separators. * Fixed some Find bugs. * Fixed macro recording and playback bugs. Updates: * Added actions for all menu items. * Added Lua interface functions and fields for the [find][] box. * Nearly full Mac OSX support with [GTK-OSX][]. * Compile [LPeg][] and [LuaFileSystem][] libraries into Textadept by default. * Use UTF-8 encoding by default. * Added `light` color theme used by default. * New Textadept icons. * Added a true project manager. [find]: api.html#ui.find [GTK-OSX]: https://www.gtk.org/download/macos.php [LPeg]: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html [LuaFileSystem]: https://keplerproject.github.com/luafilesystem/ ### 0.6 (03 Oct 2008) Bugfixes: * Gracefully exit when *core/init.lua* fails to load. Updates: * Windows support! (finally) * [Theming][] support (SciTE theme used by default). * Added `textadept.size` field and save it in session files. * Some C++ API-simplifying changes. * Drag-and-drop files into Textadept works as expected. * Revised [manual][]. * Buffer and View properties are no longer set in C++, but in Lua through "buffer_new" and "view_new" event handlers respectively. * File types can be recognized by [pattern matching][] the first line. [Theming]: manual.html#themes [manual]: manual.html [pattern matching]: manual.html#file-types ### 0.5 (23 Jul 2008) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in Lua module when there is no matching file to go to. Updates: * Added user-friendly key bindings and menus. * Added 43 more lexers. * Moved block-comment commands from language modules to `textadept.editing` module. * Updated some Luadoc. ### 0.4 (25 Jun 2008) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug with "%" being contained in text to replace. * Fixed compile warnings. * Fixed bug for menu actions on non-focused buffer. Updates: * Added [bookmark][] support through *modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua* (not loaded by default). * Added icons to Textadept. * Added a modules browser for adding, deleting, and editing modules easily. * Consolidated source files into *textadept.c*, *textadept.h*, and *lua_interface.c*. * Always load project manager settings from session file if available. * Include *liblua5.1.a* for compiling Lua into Textadept. * Added true [tab-completion][] to Lua command entry. * Added Doxygen documentation for C source files. * Updated Luadoc, and added Textadept manual. [bookmark]: api.html#textadept.bookmarks [tab-completion]: manual.html#command-entry-tab-completion ### 0.3 (04 Mar 2008) Bugfixes: * Fixed bug in editing module's `select_indented_block()`. * Fixed empty `buffer.filename` bug in `textadept.io.save_as()`. * Fixed setting of Ruby lexer after detecting filetype. Updates: * Makefile builds Textadept to optimize for small size. * Lua is no longer an external dependency and built into Textadept. * [Zenity][] is no longer a dependency on Linux. [lua_dialog][] is used instead. * Resources from `io.popen()` are handled more appropriately. * Added `textadept.reset()` function for for reloading Lua scripts. * Added new find in files project manager browser. * Fixed some code redundancy and typos in documentation. [Zenity]: https://live.gnome.org/Zenity [lua_dialog]: http://luaforge.net/projects/lua-dialog ### 0.2 (20 Dec 2007) Bugfixes: * Fixed command line parameters bug. * Fixed `package.path` precedence bug. * Use 8 style bits by default. Updates: * Scintilla-st. * Lexers. * Improved support for embedded language-specific snippets. ### 0.1 (01 Dec 2007) Initial Release