# Textadept Manual **Contents** 1. [Introduction](#Introduction) 2. [Installation](#Installation) 3. [User Interface](#User.Interface) 4. [Working with Files and Projects](#Working.with.Files.and.Projects) 5. [Adept Editing](#Adept.Editing) 6. [Compile, Run, and Build](#Compile..Run..and.Build) 7. [Modules](#Modules) 8. [Themes](#Themes) 9. [Scripting](#Scripting) 10. [Compiling](#Compiling) 11. [Appendix](#Appendix) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Overview ![Textadept](images/textadept.png) Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers. Written in a combination of C and [Lua][] and relentlessly optimized for speed and minimalism for more than 12 years, Textadept is an ideal editor for programmers who want endless extensibility without sacrificing speed and disk space, and without succumbing to code bloat and a superabundance of features. The application has both a graphical user interface (GUI) version that runs in a desktop environment, and a terminal version that runs within a terminal emulator. [Lua]: https://www.lua.org Textadept is _fast_. It starts up instantly and has a very responsive user interface. C code is about as fast as you can get, and Lua is widely regarded as being one of the fastest scripting languages available. Textadept is minimalist. Not only is this evident in the editor's appearance, but its C core is limited to around 2000 lines of code and its Lua extension code tries to avoid going beyond 4000 lines. After more than 12 years of development, Textadept contains [roughly the same amount of code][] since its inception while significantly improving year after year. [roughly the same amount of code]: https://foicica.com/stats.html#Textadept Textadept is remarkably extensible. It was designed to be that way from the beginning; the editor's features came later. Most of Textadept's internals are written in Lua: syntax highlighting, opening and saving files, and search and replace, to name a few. Textadept gives you nearly complete control over the entire application using Lua. Capabilities like navigating within the editor, changing menus and key bindings on the fly, handling core events, and highlighting the syntax of new programming languages are possible. The editor's potential is seemingly limitless. ![Split Views](images/splitviews.png) ### About This Manual This manual uses the following typographical conventions: * *Italic*: Used for filenames. * `Constant width`: Used for environment variables, command line arguments, shell code, key bindings, and Lua code, including functions, tables, and variables. Key bindings use the following modifier key representations: Modifier|Windows, Linux, BSD|macOS|Terminal| --------|-------------------|-----|--------| Control |`Ctrl` |`^` |`^` | Alt |`Alt` |`⌥` |`M-` | Command |N/A |`⌘` |N/A | Shift |`Shift` |`⇧` |`S-` | This manual uses the following terminology: * *buffer*: An object that contains editable text. Some other applications call this object a document or file. * *view*: An object that displays a single buffer. Some other applications call this object a window. * *caret*: The visual that represents the text insertion point. It is usually a blinking line. * *module*: A package of Lua code that provides functionality for Textadept. * *lexer*: A Lua module that highlights the syntax of source code written in a particular programming language. Textadept refers to a programming language by its lexer's name. Finally, this manual assumes you are familiar enough with the [Lua][] programming language that you can understand the simple code samples spread throughout the manual's contents. If you would like to quickly get up to speed, or need a refresher, the excerpt from [Lua Quick Reference][] may be of help. [Lua Quick Reference]: https://foicica.com/lua/ ### ~/.textadept Textadept stores all settings and user data in a local user directory that varies, depending on the platform. This directory can also be configured using command line arguments. On Windows systems, the default user directory is *C:\Users\username\.textadept\\* or *C:\Documents and Settings\username\.textadept\\*; on macOS, the default user directory is */Users/username/.textadept/*; and on Linux and BSD, it is */home/username/.textadept/*. (Substitute *username* for your actual user name.) From this point forward, the manual will use *~/.textadept/* in place of any platform-specific user data directory. There is a special file, *~/.textadept/init.lua*, that Textadept will create for you if it does not already exist. This file is what you use to configure Textadept and customize what the application does when it starts. For example, you can use this file to set a color theme, specify default buffer and view settings, change the settings of existing modules, load custom modules, configure key bindings, extend menus, enhance support for file types and programming languages, and run arbitrary Lua code. These topics will be covered throughout the manual. Textadept's comprehensive [Lua API][] lists, among other things, all configurable settings for buffers, views, and modules. Here is a simple *~/.textadept/init.lua* for illustration: -- Adjust the default theme's font and size. if not CURSES then view:set_theme('light', {font = 'DejaVu Sans Mono', size = 12}) end -- Always use tabs for indentation. buffer.use_tabs = true buffer.tab_width = 4 -- Always strip trailing spaces on save, automatically highlight the current -- word, and use C99-style line comments in C code. textadept.editing.strip_trailing_space = true textadept.editing.highlight_words = textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_CURRENT textadept.editing.comment_string.ansi_c = '//' -- Load an external module and bind a key to it. local ctags = require('ctags') keys.f12 = ctags.goto_tag -- Recognize .luadoc files as Lua code. textadept.file_types.extensions.luadoc = 'lua' -- Change the run commands for Lua and Python textadept.run.run_commands.lua = 'lua5.1 "%f"' textadept.run.run_commands.python = 'python3 "%f"' -- Always use PEP-8 indentation style for Python files. events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name) if name ~= 'python' then return end buffer.use_tabs = false buffer.tab_width = 4 end) **Note:** *~/.textadept/init.lua* must not call any functions that create buffers and views (e.g. `ui.print()`, `io.open_file()`, and `buffer.new()`) at file-level scope. Buffers and views can only be created within functions assigned to keys, associated with menu items, or connected to events. [Lua API]: api.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Requirements In its bid for minimalism, Textadept depends on very little to run. On Windows and macOS, it has no external dependencies. On Linux and BSD, the GUI version depends only on [GTK][] (a cross-platform GUI toolkit) version 2.24 or later (circa early 2011), and the terminal version depends only on a wide-character implementation of curses like [ncurses][](w). Most Linux and BSD systems either already have these dependencies installed, or they are readily available from a package manager. Windows XP and Mac OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) are the minimum required operating systems. Linux and BSD have no defined minimum. [GTK]: https://gtk.org [ncurses]: https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ncurses.html ### Download Download Textadept from the project's [download page][] by selecting the appropriate package for your platform. You can also download a separate set of modules that provide extra features and functionality to the core application. The download page also has PGP signatures along with a public key should you wish to manually verify download integrity. For example, on Linux: gpg --import foicica.pgp gpg --verify [package].asc **Windows Note:** antivirus software may flag the Windows package as containing a virus or malware. This is a false-positive, likely due to Textadept's terminal version executable, which is a console application. The following table lists Textadept's approximate download and installation size for each platform. Platform|Download Size|Installed Size --------|-------------|-------------- Linux |4 MB |11 MB macOS |11 MB |35 MB (12 MB without bundled GTK Runtime) Windows |16 MB |41 MB (23 MB without bundled GTK Runtime) **Note:** each platform package contains two executables, one for the GUI version of Textadept, and one for the terminal version. [download page]: https://foicica.com/textadept/download ### Installation Installing Textadept is simple and easy. You do not need administrator privileges. On Windows, Linux, and BSD, simply unpack the archive anywhere. On macOS, unpack the archive and move *Textadept.app* to your user or system *Applications/* directory like any other macOS application. The macOS archive also contains a *ta* script for launching Textadept from the command line. You can put this script somewhere in your `$PATH` (e.g. */usr/local/bin/*), but this is completely optional. If you downloaded the set of extra modules, you can unpack its contents into Textadept's directory (thus merging the *modules/* directories) on Windows, Linux, and BSD. On macOS, it is recommended to create a *~/.textadept/* directory (if it does not already exist) and unpack the modules there (thus creating or merging the *modules/* directory). ### Running Run Textadept on Windows by double-clicking *textadept.exe* or *textadept-curses.exe*. On macOS, double-click *Textadept.app* or invoke the *ta* script from the command line. On Linux and BSD, invoke *textadept* or *textadept-curses* from a file browser, run dialog, terminal, etc. For convenience, you can create shortcuts to the executables on the Windows Desktop, Start Menu, Quick Launch toolbar, etc. On macOS, you can pin the app to your dock. On Linux and BSD, you can create a symbolic link to the executables from somewhere in your `$PATH` (e.g. */usr/local/bin/*) or make a GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc. button or menu launcher. Textadept's *src/textadept.desktop* and *src/textadept-curses.desktop* files may be of help. Textadept accepts a variety of command line arguments, which are listed in the table below. Switch |Arguments|Description -------------------|:-------:|----------- `-e`, `--execute` | 1 |Run Lua code `-f`, `--force` | 0 |Forces unique instance `-h`, `--help` | 0 |Shows this (except in the terminal version) `-l`, `--line` | 1 |Jumps to a line in the previously opened file `-n`, `--nosession`| 0 |No state saving/restoring functionality `-s`, `--session` | 1 |Loads a session on startup `-u`, `--userhome` | 1 |Sets alternate user data directory `-v`, `--version` | 0 |Prints Textadept version and copyright information You can add your own command line arguments using [`args.register()`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: args.register('-r', '--read-only', 0, function() events.connect(events.FILE_OPENED, function() buffer.read_only = true -- make all opened buffers read-only end) textadept.menu.menubar = nil -- hide the menubar end, "Read-only mode") [`args.register()`]: api.html#args.register Textadept can also open files and projects using the command line. For example: textadept /path/to/file1 ../relative/path/to/file2 textadept /path/to/project/ relative/path/to/file1 relative/file2 Unless a filename is specified as an absolute path, Textadept assumes it is relative to the application's current working directory (cwd). Textadept's cwd is initially the command line's cwd. If Textadept is not being run from the command line, its cwd is unspecified. If a project directory is specified, it becomes Textadept's cwd. (Textadept does not open all files in that directory.) If multiple project directories are specified, the last one becomes the cwd. By default, Textadept saves its state when it exits. (This state consists of buffers and split views that are open, the list of recently opened files, the application window's size and maximized state, etc.) If Textadept is not given any files or projects to open, it will try to restore its state at last exit. **Tip:** you can explicitly tell Textadept to load a session by name using the `-s` or `--session` command line argument. You can disable session functionality using `-n` or `--nosession`. Session files are stored in *~/.textadept/*, and the default session name is "session". The GUI version of Textadept is a single-instance application. This means that after you start Textadept, any time you invoke it again (e.g. opening a file from a file browser or command line), the action happens in the original instance. If you want to run separate instances of Textadept, pass the `-f` or `--force` command line flag. On Windows, you can create a shortcut to *textadept.exe* that passes this flag and use that shortcut to run Textadept. On Linux and BSD, you can set up your button or menu launchers to pass the flag to the *textadept* executable. Textadept can be run as a portable application. This is useful if, for example, you want to install Textadept onto a flash drive and take it with you for use on multiple machines. Normally, all settings and user data is stored in *~/.textadept/* (a local user directory that varies, depending on the platform). However, this user directory can be controlled using the `-u` or `--userhome` command line argument. For example, invoking *textadept.exe* with the command line arguments `-u userdata` will read from and store settings and user data to a *userdata/* directory located inside an installation of Textadept. You can create a shortcut that passes these command line arguments to the Textadept executable and use that shortcut to run Textadept portably. Textadept's user interface has been translated into a few different languages. When the application starts, it attempts to auto-detect your language settings by reading from the `$LANG` environment variable. If Textadept cannot determine what language to use, or if it does not support your language, it falls back on English. You can manually set your locale by copying one of the locale configuration files from Textadept's *core/locales/* to your *~/.textadept/* folder and renaming it *locale.conf*. If you would like to translate Textadept into your language, please translate the English messages in *core/locale.conf* and [send me][] the modified file for inclusion in a future release. [send me]: README.html#Contact **macOS Tip:** by default, macOS does not allow GUI applications like *Textadept.app* to see shell environment variables like `$PATH`. (The terminal version is unaffected.) Consequently, any features that utilize programs contained in `$PATH` (e.g. the programs in */usr/bin/* or */usr/local/bin/*) will not find those programs. In order to work around this, Textadept automatically invokes a user-created *~/.textadept/osx_env.sh* file when the application starts. This script should export all of the environment variables you need Textadept to see. For example: export PATH=$PATH **Linux and BSD Note:** providing a single binary that runs on all Linux and BSD platforms proves challenging, since the versions of software installed vary widely from distribution to distribution. If you get an error like: error while loading shared libraries: : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory you will need to [compile](#Compiling) Textadept manually for your system, which is not difficult. ![Linux](images/linux.png)    ![macOS](images/macosx.png)    ![Win32](images/win32.png)    ![curses](images/ncurses.png) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## User Interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![UI](images/ui.png) Textadept's user interface is sleek and simple. It consists of a menu and tab bar, editor view, and statusbar. There is also a find & replace pane and a command entry, though Textadept initially hides them both. Textadept's titlebar shows the name and path of the current, active buffer. A '\*' character, if present, indicates there are unsaved changes in that buffer. ### Menu The GUI version of Textadept has a completely customizable menu that provides access to nearly all of the application's editing features. **Tip:** Textadept is largely a keyboard-driven application, so nearly every menu item has a key binding. For at least the GUI version in the English locale on Windows, Linux, and BSD, each menu and menu item also has a unique mnemonic that can be used to activate it. For example, `Alt+E` accesses the "Edit" menu, `S` opens the "Select" sub-menu, and `L` invokes the menu item that selects the current line. The menu is also accessible in the form of a searchable dialog via `Ctrl+Shift+E` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧E` on macOS, and `M-S-C` in the terminal version. (Despite the fact that the terminal version does not have a menu, it does have this dialog.) Typing part of the name of any command in the dialog filters the list, with spaces being wildcards. The arrow keys move the selection up and down. Pressing `Enter`, selecting `OK`, or double-clicking on a command invokes it. This feature is an alternative to navigating the menus or remembering key bindings. It can also be used to quickly look up key bindings for particular commands. **Note:** for the commands that have more than one key binding, only one of the bindings is shown in the menu and dialog, and that binding is randomly chosen. You can extend Textadept's menu with your own menus, sub-menus, and menu items by modifying the [`textadept.menu.menubar`][] table. Any modifications will show up in the selection dialog mentioned previously, even in the terminal version. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: local tools = textadept.menu.menubar[_L['Tools']] tools[#tools + 1] = {''} -- separator tools[#tools + 1] = {'Extra tool', function() ... end} [`textadept.menu.menubar`]: api.html#textadept.menu.menubar ### Tab Bar The GUI version of Textadept has a tab bar that displays all of Textadept's open buffers by name, though it is only visible when two or more buffers are open. A '\*' character, if present, indicates there are unsaved changes in the marked buffer. There is only one tab bar for the entire application, even if there are multiple split views. When two or more views are open, the state of the tab bar applies only to the active view, and using the tab bar to switch between files also applies only to that view. Right-clicking on the tab bar brings up a configurable context menu that is defined by [`textadept.menu.tab_context_menu`][]. You can turn off the tab bar by setting [`ui.tabs`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: ui.tabs = false [`textadept.menu.tab_context_menu`]: api.html#textadept.menu.tab_context_menu [`ui.tabs`]: api.html#ui.tabs Cycle to the next buffer via `Ctrl+Tab` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⇥` on macOS, and `M-N` in the terminal version. Cycle to the previous buffer via `Ctrl+Shift+Tab`, `^⇧⇥`, and `M-P`. The tab bar is also accessible in the form of a searchable dialog via `Ctrl+B` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘B` on macOS, and `M-B` or `M-S-B` in the terminal version. (Despite the fact that the terminal version does not have a tab bar, it does have this dialog.) The dialog displays a list of currently open buffers. Typing part of any filename filters the list, with spaces being wildcards. The arrow keys move the selection up and down. Pressing `Enter`, selecting `OK`, or double-clicking on a buffer switches to it. This feature is particularly useful when many files are open, and navigating through the tab bar is tedious. ![Buffer Browser](images/bufferbrowser.png)    ![Buffer Browser Filtered](images/bufferbrowserfiltered.png) By default, the most recently opened buffers are shown towards the bottom of the list. You can configure the list to show the most recently viewed buffers first by changing the key binding. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: keys['ctrl+b'] = function() ui.switch_buffer(true) end ### Editor View The editor view is where you will spend most of your time in Textadept. You can split it vertically and horizontally as many times as you like, and you can view the same buffer in two or more separate views. Lua also has near complete control over all views. Right-clicking inside a view brings up a configurable context menu that is defined by [`textadept.menu.context_menu`][]. Split views can be dynamically resized by clicking and dragging on the splitter bar that separates them. The following key bindings apply for split views: * Split a view horizontally into top and bottom views via `Ctrl+Alt+S` or `Ctrl+Alt+H` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^S` on macOS, and `M-^V S` in the terminal version. * Split a view vertically into side-by-side views via `Ctrl+Alt+V` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^V` on macOS, and `M-^V V` in the terminal version. * Cycle to the next split view via `Ctrl+Alt+N` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌥⇥` on macOS, and `M-^V N` in the terminal version. * Cycle to the previous split view via `Ctrl+Alt+P` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌥⇧⇥` on macOS, and `M-^V P` in the terminal version. * Grow or shrink a view via `Ctrl+Alt++` or `Ctrl+Alt+-`, respectively, on Windows, Linux, and BSD; `^+` or `^-`, respectively, on macOS; and `M-^V +` or `M-^V -` in the terminal version. * Unsplit the current view by removing its complement view(s) via `Ctrl+Alt+W` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^W` on macOS, and `M-^V W` in the terminal version. * Unsplit the current view by removing all other views via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+W` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⇧W` on macOS, and `M-^V S-W` in the terminal version. **Note:** depending on the split sequence, the order when cycling between views may not be linear. **Terminal version note:** `M-^V` is the key chain prefix for split views. Press and release the prefix, and then type the next key in the chain by itself in order to perform the split view action. [`textadept.menu.context_menu`]: api.html#textadept.menu.context_menu ### Find & Replace Pane The find & replace pane is a compact, full-featured pane that allows you to quickly search through files and directories. The pane is available only when you need it and quickly gets out of your way when you do not, minimizing distractions. You can summon the find & replace pane via `Ctrl+F` on Windows, Linux and BSD, `⌘F` on macOS, and `M-F` or `M-S-F` in the terminal version. It has the usual find and replace functionality you would expect, along with "Match Case", "Whole Word", "[Regex](#Regex.and.Lua.Pattern.Syntax)", and "In Files" options. The pane also stores find and replace history, up to 10 entries for each. As you search, Textadept automatically highlights all instances of found text in the current buffer. You can turn this off by setting [`ui.find.highlight_all_matches`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: ui.find.highlight_all_matches = false **Note:** Textadept does not support multi-line regex searches. While the pane is open in the GUI, the following key bindings apply: * Perform "Find Next" and "Find Prev" in the "Find" entry via `Enter` and `Shift+Enter`, respectively. * Perform "Replace" and "Replace All" in the "Replace" entry via `Enter` and `Shift+Enter`, respectively. When the "Regex" find option is enabled, `\`*`n`* in the "Replace" entry represents the *n*th captured matching region's text, and `\0` represents all matched text. * For at least the English locale, toggle the find options using their button mnemonics: `Alt+M`, `Alt+W`, `Alt+X`, `Alt+I` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌘M`, `⌘W`, `⌘X`, and `⌘I`, respectively, on macOS. * Cycle through find/replace history via `Up` and `Down`. * Hide the pane via `Esc`. While the pane is open in the terminal version, the following key bindings apply: * Switch between "Find" and "Replace" entries via `Down` and `Up`. * Toggle between "Find Next" and "Find Prev" in the "Find" entry via `Tab`. * Toggle between "Replace" and "Replace All" in the "Replace" entry via `Tab`. * Perform the highlighted find/replace action via `Enter`. * Toggle the find options via `F1`, `F2`, `F3`, and `F4`. * Cycle through find/replace history via `^P` and `^N`. * Erase the contents of the focused entry via `^U`. * Hide the pane via `Esc`. When the pane is closed, you can quickly perform "Find Next", "Find Prev", "Replace", and "Replace All" via `Ctrl+G`, `Ctrl+Shift+G`, `Ctrl+Alt+R`, and `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R`, respectively, on Windows, Linux, and BSD; `⌘G`, `⌘⇧G`, `^R`, and `^⇧R`, respectively, on macOS; and `M-G`, `M-S-G`, `M-R`, and `M-S-R` in the terminal version. **Tip:** by default, "Replace All" replaces all text in the buffer. Selecting a contiguous block of text and then performing "Replace All" replaces all text in that selection only. "Replace All" within non-contiguous selections (e.g. multiple selections) is currently not supported. [`ui.find.highlight_all_matches`]: api.html#ui.find.highlight_all_matches #### Find in Files Textadept can search for text within multiple files and directories via `Ctrl+Shift+F` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌘⇧F` on macOS. (The terminal version does not have a default key binding for finding in files.) Invoking "Find Next" prompts you for a directory to search in. The "Replace" entry has been substituted for a "Filter" entry that contains files and directories to include or exclude from the search. A filter consists of a comma-separated list of [Lua patterns](#Regex.and.Lua.Pattern.Syntax) that match filenames and directories to include or exclude. Patterns are inclusive by default. Exclusive patterns begin with a '!'. If no inclusive patterns are given, any filename is initially considered. As a convenience, file extensions can be specified literally instead of as a Lua pattern (e.g. '.lua' vs. '%.lua$'), and '/' also matches the Windows directory separator ('[/\\]' is not needed). The default filter excludes many common binary files and version control folders from searches. **Tip:** Textadept keeps track of filters set per-directory. You can also set per-directory filters in Lua by modifying [`ui.find_in_files_filters`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: -- Only search in certain source directories. ui.find.find_in_files_filters['/path/to/project'] = {'/include', '/src'} After performing a "Find in Files" search, a temporary buffer lists the search results. You can use the arrow keys to navigate within the list and press `Enter` to jump to a result's location in its respective file. You can also double-click on results or jump to the next or previous result via `Ctrl+Alt+G` or `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G`, respectively, on Windows, Linux, and BSD; and `^⌘G` or `^⌘⇧G`, respectively, on macOS. (The terminal version does not have default key bindings for these actions.) ![Find in Files](images/findinfiles.png) [`ui.find_in_files_filters`]: api.html#ui.find.find_in_files_filters #### Incremental Find Textadept can search for text incrementally as you type by summoning the find & replace pane via `Ctrl+Alt+F` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌘F` on macOS, and `M-^F` in the terminal version. All of the find options apply except for "In Files". ### Command Entry The versatile command entry has many different roles. Its primary role is to execute Lua commands and interact with Textadept's internal Lua state. In another context it filters text through shell commands. [Lua extensions][] allow it to do even more. Like the find & replace pane, the command entry pops in and out as you wish. Each role has its own history that can be cycled through via the `Up` and `Down` key bindings. [Lua extensions]: api.html#ui.command_entry #### Lua Command Entry ![Command Entry](images/commandentry.png) You can access the Lua command entry via `Ctrl+E` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘E` on macOS, and `M-C` in the terminal version. It acts very similarly to Lua's interactive prompt. Type in the Lua command or code to run and press `Enter` to invoke or run it. Textadept's [Lua API][] contains all of the application's built-in commands. For convenience, the contents of the [`buffer`][], [`view`][], and [`ui`][] tables are considered to be global variables, the first parameter to `buffer` and `view` functions may be omitted, and function call parentheses can also be omitted. For example, instead of entering `buffer:append_text('foo')`, you can enter `append_text('foo')`. Instead of `view:split()`, you can simply use `split`. These convenience facilities are not available in normally executed Lua code, such as code in *~/.textadept/init.lua*. **Warning:** if you try to cause instability of Textadept's Lua state, you will probably succeed, so be careful. The following key bindings apply in the Lua command entry: * Show a documentation popup for the command under or behind the caret via `Ctrl+H` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^H` on macOS, and `M-H` or `M-S-H` in the terminal version. * Show completion candidates for Lua variables, tables, functions, and fields via `Tab` on Windows, Linux, BSD, and the terminal version, and `⇥` on macOS. Use the arrow keys to make a selection and press `Enter` to insert it. ![Command Completion](images/commandentrycompletion.png) You can specify on the command line Lua commands to run on startup using the `-e` and `--execute` command line argument. This is useful when you want to run dynamic commands that do not belong in *~/.textadept/init.lua*. **Tip:** a side-effect of single-instance functionality in the GUI version of Textadept is that you can remotely control the original instance of Textadept. For example: ta ~/.textadept/init.lua & ta -e "events.emit(events.FIND, 'require')" This will search for the first instance of the word "require" in the current file. [Lua API]: api.html [`buffer`]: api.html#buffer [`view`]: api.html#view [`ui`]: api.html#ui #### Shell Command Entry and Filtering Text You can filter text through shell commands via `Ctrl+|` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘|` on macOS, and `^\` in the terminal version. An example would be running the shell command `sort`, which accepts lines in a buffer as standard input (stdin), sorts those lines, and then emits them to standard out (stdout), which Textadept replaces the original input text with. [`textadept.editing.filter_through()`][] describes how this feature determines stdin. [`textadept.editing.filter_through()`]: api.html#textadept.editing.filter_through ### Statusbar The statusbar consists of two sections. The left section displays temporary status messages, while the right section shows buffer status information. Buffer status information includes: * The current line and column number. * The lexer language name. * The line ending mode, or EOL mode, which is either CRLF ("\r\n") or LF ('\n'). Line endings are the characters that separate lines. * The indentation settings, a combination of an indentation character (either a tab or a space) and an indentation size (a measure of how many space characters are in one level of indentation). If tabs are used for indentation, then the indentation size is the number of space characters to draw for each tab character. * The buffer's encoding. File and buffer encoding specifies how to interpret text bytes for display. ![Document Statusbar](images/docstatusbar.png) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Working with Files and Projects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textadept allows you to open files using a variety of methods: * Open one or more files in a single directory using a standard file chooser dialog via `Ctrl+O` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘O` on macOS, and `^O` in the terminal version. * Open one or more files in the current project or Textadept's current working directory using a quick open dialog via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌘⇧P` on macOS, and `M-^P` in the terminal version. Typing part of any filename filters the list, with spaces being wildcards. The arrow keys move the selection up and down. Holding down `Shift` while pressing the arrow keys selects multiple files, as does holding down `Ctrl` while clicking. Pressing `Enter` or selecting `OK` opens all selected files. Double-clicking on a single file opens it. * Open one or more files in the directory of the currently opened file using a quick open dialog via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+O` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌘⇧O` on macOS, and `M-S-O` in the terminal version. * Open a file by dragging it from a file manager and dropping it into one of Textadept's views. * Open a recently opened file from a list of recent files via `Ctrl+Alt+O` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌘O` on macOS, and `M-^O` in the terminal version. * Open one or more files in *~/.textadept/* using a quick open dialog via `Ctrl+U` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘U` on macOS, and `^U` in the terminal version. * Reopen the currently opened file, discarding any unsaved changes, via `Ctrl+Shift+O` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧O` on macOS, and `M-O` in the terminal version. Textadept will prompt you to reload a file if the editor detects it has been modified externally. ![Quick Open](images/snapopen.png) When it comes to projects, Textadept's only concept of a project is a parent directory under a recognized form of version control (Git, Mercurial, SVN, Bazaar, and Fossil). There is no "Open Project" action. Textadept can work with multiple projects at once, since the current project depends largely on context. The current project is determined as follows: 1. If the current buffer is a file, its parent directory is searched for a version control directory. If none is found, that directory's parent directory is searched next, and so on. If a version control directory is found, its parent directory is the current project. 2. If Textadept's current working directory (cwd) contains a version control directory, the cwd is the current project. Otherwise, the cwd's parent directory is searched, just like in step 1. 3. If no version control directory is found, there is no current project. **Tip:** you can specify Textadept's current working directory by passing it on the command line when running the application. This effectively starts Textadept with a "default project". By default, Textadept's quick open dialog displays nearly all types of files, and only the first 1000 files it finds. You can assign a project or directory-specific filter that indicates which files to display for that project or directory by modifying [`io.quick_open_filters`][], and you can specify a different maximum file list size that applies to all projects and directories by setting [`io.quick_open_max`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: io.quick_open_filters['/path/to/project'] = {'/include', '/src'} io.quick_open_max = 10000 -- support huge projects A filter consists of a comma-separated list of [Lua patterns](#Regex.and.Lua.Pattern.Syntax) that match filenames and directories to include or exclude. Patterns are inclusive by default. Exclusive patterns begin with a '!'. If no inclusive patterns are given, any filename is initially considered. As a convenience, file extensions can be specified literally instead of as a Lua pattern (e.g. '.lua' vs. '%.lua$'), and '/' also matches the Windows directory separator ('[/\\]' is not needed). The default filter excludes many common binary files and version control folders from searches. You can mimic a more traditional approach to projects by saving and loading project-specific sessions via the "File > Save Session..." and "File > Load Session..." menu items, respectively. A session can be loaded on startup using the `-s` or `--session` command line argument. [`io.quick_open_filters`]: api.html#io.quick_open_filters [`io.quick_open_max`]: api.html#io.quick_open_max #### Language When Textadept opens a file, it automatically attempts to identify the programming language associated with that file and assigns a lexer to perform syntax highlighting of the file's contents. The identification process is as follows: 1. The first line of the file is checked against any Lua patterns in [`textadept.file_types.patterns`][]. If there is a match, the lexer associated with that matching pattern is used. 2. The file's extension is checked against any of the extensions in [`textadept.file_types.extensions`][]. If there is a match, the lexer associated with that matching extension is used. If the file does not have an extension, the entire file name is used in the check. You can associate first line patterns, file extensions, and file names with lexers by modifying [`textadept.file_types.patterns`][] and [`textadept.file_types.extensions`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: textadept.file_types.patterns['^#!.+/zsh'] = 'bash' textadept.file_types.extensions.luadoc = 'lua' Textadept has lexers for more than 100 different programming languages and recognizes hundreds of file types. In the event that your programming language is not understood, you can write a [lexer][] for it, place that lexer in your *~/.textadept/lexers/* directory, and add an extension and/or pattern for it. For a given lexer name, Textadept attempts to find, in order, that lexer from the following locations: 1. Your *~/.textadept/lexers/* folder. 2. Textadept's *lexers/* folder. **Tip:** placing lexers in your user data folder avoids the possibility of you overwriting them when you update Textadept. These lexers also take precedence over the ones installed with Textadept. You can manually change a buffer's lexer via `Ctrl+Shift+L` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧L` on macOS, and `M-S-L` in the terminal version. Typing part of a lexer name in the dialog filters the list, with spaces being wildcards. The arrow keys move the selection up and down. Pressing `Enter`, selecting `OK`, or double-clicking on a lexer assigns it to the current buffer. [`textadept.file_types.patterns`]: api.html#textadept.file_types.patterns [`textadept.file_types.extensions`]: api.html#textadept.file_types.extensions [lexer]: api.html#lexer #### Encoding Textadept has the ability to work with files encoded in one of many different encodings, but by default it only attempts to read UTF-8, ASCII, CP1252, and UTF-16 files, in that order. If you work with files that have other encodings, you will need to add them to [`io.encodings`][], Textadept's known encoding list, before attempting to open one. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: io.encodings[#io.encodings + 1] = 'UTF-32' table.insert(io.encodings, 3, 'Macintosh') -- before CP1252 You can convert a buffer's encoding using the "Buffer > Encoding" menu or [`buffer.set_encoding()`][]. You can extend the menu to include more encodings. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: local menu = textadept.menu.menubar[_L['Buffer']][_L['Encoding']] local encoding = 'UTF-32' menu[#menu + 1] = {encoding, function() buffer:set_encoding(encoding) end} The default encoding for new buffers is UTF-8, due to its wide support in other text editors and all modern operating systems. [`io.encodings`]: api.html#io.encodings [`buffer.set_encoding()`]: api.html#buffer.set_encoding #### Buffer Settings Textadept attempts to auto-detect a file's line end mode (EOL mode), falling back on CRLF ("\r\n") by default on Windows, and LF ('\n') on all other platforms. You can change the line ending mode using the "Buffer > EOL Mode" menu. Textadept does not attempt to auto-detect a file's indentation. The default indentation setting is two spaces, but you can specify your preferred indentation settings globally, and on a language-specific basis. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: -- Default indentation settings for all buffers. buffer.use_tabs = true buffer.tab_width = 8 -- Indentation settings for individual languages. events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name) if name == 'python' then buffer.use_tabs = false buffer.tab_width = 4 elseif name == 'ruby' or name == 'yaml' then buffer.use_tabs = false buffer.tab_width = 2 end end) You can manually change a buffer's indentation using the following three-step process: 1. Toggle between using tabs and spaces via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⇧T` on macOS, and `M-T` or `M-S-T` in the terminal version. 2. Set the indentation size via the "Buffer > Indentation" menu. 3. Convert existing indentation to the new indentation settings via `Ctrl+Alt+I` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^I` on macOS, and `M-I` in the terminal version. This step is not required in buffers that have no indented text. #### View Settings Textadept normally does not wrap long lines into view, nor does it show whitespace characters. You can toggle line wrapping for the current buffer via `Ctrl+Alt+\` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `^\` on macOS. You can toggle whitespace visibility for the current buffer via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `^⇧S` on macOS. Visible spaces are represented by dots, and visible tabs are represented by arrows. (The terminal version does not have default key bindings for these actions.) The GUI version of Textadept can show small guiding lines based on indentation level, and does so by default. You can toggle the visibility of these guides for the current view via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `^⇧I` on macOS. The GUI version of Textadept also allows you to temporarily increase or decrease the font size in the current view. The following key bindings apply for zooming: * Increase the view's font size via `Ctrl+=` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌘=` on macOS. * Decrease the view's font size via `Ctrl+-` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌘-` on macOS. * Reset the view's font size to its normal value via `Ctrl+0` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌘0` on macOS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Adept Editing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textadept implements most of the customary key bindings for navigating text fields on each platform, including Bash-style bindings on macOS and in the terminal version. The editor also implements most of the usual basic editing key bindings (e.g. undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, etc.). All of Textadept's navigation-related key bindings are listed in the "Movement" section of the [key bindings list][]. Textadept's basic editing key bindings are listed in the "Edit" section of that list. (They are also shown in the "Edit" menu.) [key bindings list]: api.html#textadept.keys ### Brace Matching, Auto-pair, and Typeover Textadept automatically highlights matching brace characters when the caret is over one of them: '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', and '}'. You can jump to the current character's complement via `Ctrl+M` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^M` on macOS, and `M-M` in the terminal version. You can add highlighting for '<' and '>' by modifying [`textadept.editing.brace_matches`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: textadept.editing.brace_matches[string.byte('<')] = true textadept.editing.brace_matches[string.byte('>')] = true ![Matching Braces](images/matchingbrace.png) Since braces often go together in pairs, Textadept automatically inserts the complement of opening brace characters you type, deletes that complement if you press `Backspace`, and moves over the complement if you type it (as opposed to inserting it again). Textadept also exhibits this behavior for single and double characters (''', and '"'). You can configure or disable this behavior by modifying [`textadept.editing.auto_pairs`][] and [`textadept.editing.typeover_chars`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: -- Auto-pair and typeover '<' and '>'. textadept.editing.auto_pairs[string.byte('<')] = '>' textadept.editing.typeover_chars[string.byte('>')] = true -- Disable auto-pair and typeover. textadept.editing.auto_pairs = nil textadept.editing.typeover_chars = nil [`textadept.editing.brace_matches`]: api.html#textadept.editing.brace_matches [`textadept.editing.auto_pairs`]: api.html#textadept.editing.auto_pairs [`textadept.editing.typeover_chars`]: api.html#textadept.editing.typeover_chars ### Word Highlight Textadept can be configured to automatically highlight all occurrences of the word under the caret, or all occurrences of the selected word (e.g. a variable name), by setting [`textadept.editing.highlight_words`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: textadept.editing.highlight_words = textadept.editing.HIGHLIGHT_CURRENT Pressing `Esc` clears highlighting. By default, Textadept does not perform any automatic highlighting. ![Word Highlight](images/wordhighlight.png) [`textadept.editing.highlight_words`]: api.html#textadept.editing.highlight_words ### Autocompletion and Documentation Textadept provides buffer-based word completion. It can also autocomplete symbols for programming languages and display documentation for functions and other symbols. You can show word completion candidates for partially-typed words via `Ctrl+Enter` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^Esc` on macOS, and `M-Enter` in the terminal version. Continuing to type changes the suggested completion. Use the arrow keys to navigate within the list and press `Enter` to insert the rest of the selected word. By default, the list of completions comes from the current buffer. You can configure Textadept to look in all open buffers by setting [`textadept.editing.autocomplete_all_words`][]. For example, in *~/.textadept/init.lua*: textadept.editing.autocomplete_all_words = true ![Word Completion](images/wordcompletion.png) For languages that support it, you can show symbol completion candidates at the current position via `Ctrl+Space` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌥Esc` on macOS, and `^Space` in the terminal version. ![Autocomplete Lua](images/adeptsense_lua.png)      ![Autocomplete Lua String](images/adeptsense_string.png) Also for languages that support it, you can show any known documentation for the current symbol via `Ctrl+H` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^H` on macOS, and `M-H` or `M-S-H` in the terminal version. Textadept has built-in autocompletion and documentation support for Lua and C, including for its own Lua API. ![Documentation](images/adeptsense_doc.png) Textadept's framework for providing symbol autocompletion and documentation relies on [autocompleter][] functions and [API files][], which are often supplied by [language][] [modules](#Modules). You can use this framework to write your own autocompletion routines. [`textadept.editing.autocomplete_all_words`]: api.html#textadept.editing.autocomplete_all_words [autocompleter]: api.html#textadept.editing.autocompleters [API files]: api.html#textadept.editing.api_files [language]: api.html#_M ### Selections Textadept has three kinds of selections: contiguous, multiple, and rectangular. You can create contiguous selections as follows: * Make an arbitrary selection anchored at the caret by pressing the arrow keys, home/end, page up/down, etc. while holding down the `Shift` key, or by clicking and dragging the mouse. * The terminal version can also make an arbitrary selection by entering selection mode via `^^` and using normal movement keys. This feature is available since some terminals do not recognize `Shift` with movement keys. While in selection mode, swap the start and end positions via `^]` in order to alter the selection from its opposite side. Exit selection mode by typing text, deleting text, performing an action that does changes text, or by pressing `^^` again. * Select the current word via `Ctrl+Shift+D` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧D` on macOS, and `M-S-W` in the terminal version. Repeated use of this action selects subsequent occurrences of that word as additional selections. * Select the current line via `Ctrl+Shift+N` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧N` on macOS, and `M-S-N` in the terminal version. * Double click to select a word, and triple-click to select a line. * Click and optionally drag within the line number margin to select lines. * Select the current paragraph via `Ctrl+Shift+P` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧P` on macOS, and `M-S-P` in the terminal version. Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines. * Select all buffer text via `Ctrl+A` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘A` on macOS, and `M-A` in the terminal version. * Select text between matching delimiters (parentheses, brackets, braces, single quotes, double-quotes, and back quotes) via `Ctrl+Shift+M` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⇧M` on macOS, and `M-S-M` in the terminal version. Repeated use of this action toggles the selection of the delimiters themselves. * Select between HTML/XML tags via `Ctrl+<` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘<` on macOS, and `M-<` in the terminal version. * Select an HTML/XML tag via `Ctrl+>` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌘>` on macOS. You can create multiple selections as follows: * Add another selection by holding down `Ctrl`, clicking, and optionally dragging the mouse over a range of text. * Select as an additional selection the next occurrence of the current word via `Ctrl+Shift+D` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧D` on macOS, and `M-S-W` in the terminal version. Textadept mirrors any typed text at each selection. You can create a rectangular selection as follows: * Press the arrow keys, home/end, or page up/down, while holding down `Alt+Shift` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌥⇧` on macOS, and `M-S-` in the terminal version. * Click and drag the mouse while holding down the `Alt` key on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌥` on macOS. * Click and drag the mouse without holding down any modifiers (thus making a normal, multi-line selection), press and hold down the `Alt` key on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌥` on macOS, and `M-` in the terminal version, and then continue dragging the mouse. This feature is available because some window managers in Linux consume `Alt+Shift` arrow keys and `Alt` + mouse drag. You are permitted to create a zero-width rectangular selection that spans multiple lines, and for this kind of selection, Textadept mirrors any typed text on all of those lines. ![Rectangular Selection](images/rectangularselection.png)      ![Rectangular Edit](images/rectangularselection2.png) ### Transforms Textadept can apply many different transformations to the current word, line, and selected text. * Enclose the current word or selected text within delimiters like parentheses, braces, brackets, single quotes, double quotes, or HTML/XML tags using the key bindings listed in the "Edit > Selection" submenu. * Convert the selected text to upper or lower case via `Ctrl+Alt+U` or `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U`, respectively, on Windows, Linux, and BSD; `^U` or `^⇧U`, respectively, on macOS; and `M-^U` or `M-^L` in the terminal version. * Increase or decrease the indentation of the selected lines via `Tab` or `Shift+Tab`, respectively, on Windows, Linux, and BSD; `⇥` or `⇧⇥`, respectively on macOS; and `Tab` or `S-Tab` in the terminal version. You do not have to select whole lines; selecting any part of a line is sufficient. * Move the current or selected line(s) up or down via `Ctrl+Shift+Up` or `Ctrl+Shift+Down`, respectively, on Windows, Linux, and BSD; `^⇧⇡` or `^⇧⇣`, respectively, on macOS; and `S-^Up` or `S-^Down` in the terminal version. You do not have to select whole lines; selecting any part of a line is sufficient. * Comment out code on the current or selected line(s) via `Ctrl+/` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘/` on macOS, and `M-/` in the terminal version. You do not have to select whole lines; selecting any part of a line is sufficient. You can auto-enclose selected text between any typed punctuation character (taking into account [`textadept.editing.auto_pairs`][]) by setting [`textadept.editing.auto_enclose`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: textadept.editing.auto_enclose = true [`textadept.editing.auto_pairs`]: api.html#textadept.editing.auto_pairs [`textadept.editing.auto_enclose`]: api.html#textadept.editing.auto_enclose ### Goto Line You can jump to a specific line in the current buffer via `Ctrl+J` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘J` on macOS, and `^J` in the terminal version. Enter the line number to jump to in the prompt, and press `Enter` or click `Ok`. ### Bookmarks Bookmarks are markers attached to lines of interest. They move in sync with the lines they were added to as text is inserted and deleted. Bookmarks show up in the left-hand margin after line numbers. Textadept allows you to bookmark lines and jump back to them later. The following key bindings apply for bookmarks: * Toggle a bookmark on the current line via `Ctrl+F2` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘F2` on macOS, and `F1` in the terminal version. * Jump to the next bookmarked line via `F2`. * Jump to the previously bookmarked line via `Shift+F2` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⇧F2` on macOS, and `F3` in the terminal version. * Jump to the bookmarked line selected from a list via `Alt+F2` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌥F2` on macOS, and `F4` in the terminal version. * Clear all bookmarks in the current buffer via `Ctrl+Shift+F2` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧F2` on macOS, and `F6` in the terminal version. ### Macros Macros allow you to quickly record a series of edits and play them back without having to write a custom Lua script. The following key bindings apply for macros: * Start recording a macro via `F9`. * Stop recording a macro via `Shift+F9` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⇧F9` on macOS, and `F10` in the terminal version. * Play back the most recently recorded macro via `Alt+F9` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌥F9` on macOS, and `F12` in the terminal version. You can use the "Tools > Macros" menu to save the most recently recorded macro to a file, and load one for playback on demand. ### Snippets Snippets are dynamic text templates that can be inserted into the buffer on demand. They can be composed of any combination of plain text, placeholders for interactive input, mirrors and transforms for interactive input, and arbitrary Lua and Shell code. Snippets eliminate the need for typing repetitive code constructs like class definitions, getters and setters, control structures, API calls, and more. ![Snippet](images/snippet.png)      ![Snippet Expanded](images/snippet2.png) A snippet has a trigger word associated with snippet text in the [`snippets`][] table. Language-specific snippets are in a subtable assigned to their language's lexer name, and are often supplied by [language][] [modules](#Modules). Snippets may also be the contents of files in a snippet directory, with file names being the trigger word. The [snippets documentation][] describes snippets and their contents in more detail. The following key bindings apply for snippets: * Insert a snippet from a list of available snippets via `Ctrl+Shift+K` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌥⇧⇥` on macOS, and `M-S-K` in the terminal version. Typing part of a snippet trigger in the dialog filters the list, with spaces being wildcards. The arrow keys move the selection up and down. Pressing `Enter`, selecting `OK`, or double-clicking on a snippet inserts it into the current buffer. * Show completion candidates for a partially-typed snippet trigger word via `Ctrl+K` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌥⇥` on macOS, and `M-K` in the terminal version. Continuing to type changes the suggested completion. Use the arrow keys to navigate within the list and press `Enter` to insert the rest of the trigger word. * Insert a snippet based on the trigger word behind the caret via `Tab` on Windows, Linux, BSD, and in the terminal version, and `⇥` on macOS. You can insert another snippet within an active snippet. A previously active snippet will pick up where it left off after a nested snippet finishes. * Navigate to the next placeholder in the current snippet via `Tab` on Windows, Linux, BSD, and in the terminal version, and `⇥` on macOS. * Navigate to the previous placeholder in the current snippet via `Shift+Tab` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⇧⇥` on macOS, and `S-Tab` in the terminal version. If there is no previous placeholder, the current snippet is canceled. * Cancel the current snippet via `Esc`. [`snippets`]: api.html#_G.snippets [language]: api.html#_M [snippets documentation]: api.html#textadept.snippets ### Code Folding Textadept can temporarily hide blocks of code in supported languages. Markers in the margin to the left of code denote fold points. You can toggle folding for the current block via `Ctrl+*` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘*` on macOS, and `M-*` in the terminal version. You can also click on folding markers in the margin in order to toggle folding. ![Folding](images/folding.png) ### Virtual Space Textadept normally constrains the caret to remain within text lines. Enabling virtual space allows you to move the caret into the space beyond the ends of lines. Toggle virtual space via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `^⇧V` in macOS. (The terminal version does not have a default key binding for toggling virtual space.) ### Key Bindings Key bindings are simply commands (Lua functions) assigned to key sequences in the [`keys`][] table. Key sequences are composed of an ordered combination of modifier keys followed by either the key's inserted character or, if no such character exists, the string representation of the key according to [`keys.KEYSYMS`][]. Language-specific keys are in a subtable assigned to their language's lexer name, and are often supplied by [language][] [modules](#Modules). Key sequences can also be assigned tables of key bindings to create key chains (e.g. Emacs `C-x` prefix). Key bindings can be grouped into modes such that while a mode is active, Textadept ignores all key bindings outside that mode until the mode is unset (e.g. Vim-style modal editing). The [keys documentation][] describes all of this in more detail. [`keys`]: api.html#keys [`keys.KEYSYMS`]: api.html#keys.KEYSYMS [language]: api.html#_M [keys documentation]: api.html#keys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Compile, Run, and Build -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textadept knows most of the commands that compile and/or run code in source files. It also knows some of the commands that build projects. Textadept recognizes many of the warning and error messages emitted by those commands and marks them as they occur in compile/run/build output. Double-clicking on a line with a warning or error in order jumps to its source. The following key bindings apply for compiling and running source files, and for building projects: * Compile the current file via `Ctrl+Shift+R` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧R` on macOS, and `M-^R` in the terminal version. * Run the current file via `Ctrl+R` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘R` on macOS, and `^R` in the terminal version. * Set, using an interactive dialog, the command line arguments for the current file's compile and run commands via `Ctrl+Shift+A` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, and `⌘⇧A` on macOS. (The terminal version does not have a default key binding for setting command line arguments.) Enter the command line arguments for each command and press `Enter` or click `Ok`. * Build the current project via `Ctrl+Shift+B` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧B` on macOS, and `M-^B` in the terminal version. * Stop the currently running compile, run, or build process via `Ctrl+Shift+X` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `⌘⇧X` on macOS, and `M-^X` in the terminal version. * Jump to the source of the next recognized warning or error via `Ctrl+Alt+E` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌘E` on macOS, and `M-X` in the terminal version. * Jump to the source of the previously recognized warning or error via `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E` on Windows, Linux, and BSD, `^⌘⇧E` on macOS, and `M-S-X` in the terminal version. * Jump to the source of the recognized warning or error on the current line via `Enter`. ![Runtime Error](images/runerror.png) When you execute a compile, run, or build command, that command's output is printed to a temporary buffer in real-time. You can configure Textadept to print output in the background by setting [`textadept.run.run_in_background`][]. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: textadept.run.run_in_background = true You can change or add compile, run, and build commands by modifying the [`textadept.run.compile_commands`][], [`textadept.run.run_commands`][], and [`textadept.run.build_commands`][] tables, respectively. You can add Lua patterns that recognize warning and error output by modifying the [`textadept.run.error_patterns`][] table. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: textadept.run.compile_commands.foo = 'foo "%f"' textadept.run.run_commands.foo = './"%e"' textadept.run.error_patterns.foo = {'^(.-):(%d+): (.+)$'} -- bar.foo:1: oops textadept.run.build_commands['/path/to/project'] = 'make -C src -j4' **Tip:** you can set compile and run commands on a per-filename basis, and these commands can contain arguments so that you do not have to invoke "Tools > Set Arguments...". [`textadept.run.run_in_background`]: api.html#textadept.run.run_in_background [`textadept.run.compile_commands`]: api.html#textadept.run.compile_commands [`textadept.run.run_commands`]: api.html#textadept.run.run_commands [`textadept.run.build_commands`]: api.html#textadept.run.build_commands [`textadept.run.error_patterns`]: api.html#textadept.run.error_patterns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Modules -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modules are packages of Lua code that provide functionality for Textadept. Most of the editor's features come from individual modules (see Textadept's *core/* and *modules/* directories). Textadept can load modules when the application starts up, or it can load modules on-demand in response to events. Once a module is loaded, it persists in memory and is never unloaded. Textadept attempts to load, in order, a given module from the following locations: 1. Your *~/.textadept/modules/* folder. 2. Textadept's *modules/* folder. **Tip:** placing modules in your user data folder avoids the possibility of you overwriting them when you update Textadept. These modules also take precedence over the ones installed with Textadept. Textadept will only load modules it is explicitly told to load (e.g. from your *~/.textadept/init.lua*). For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: local ctags = require('ctags') ctags.f12 = ctags.goto_tag events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name) if name == 'lua' then require('lua.extras') end end) The only exception to this auto-loading prohibition is modules that have the same name as a lexer language. These so-called "[language modules][]" will be automatically loaded when an appropriate source file is opened, or when the module's associated lexer is loaded for a buffer. **Note:** lexer language names are typically the names of lexer files in your *~/.textadept/lexers/* directory and Textadept's *lexers/* directory. ### Developing Modules Modules follow the Lua package model: a module is either a single Lua file or a group of Lua files in a directory that contains an *init.lua* file (which is the module's entry point). The name of the module is its file name or directory name, respectively. Here are some basic guidelines for developing modules and some things to keep in mind: * Modules should return a table of functions and fields that are defined locally, rather than globally. (This is standard Lua practice.) That way, the construct `local foo = require('foo')` behaves as expected. * Modules should not define global variables, as all modules share the same Lua state. * Only [language modules][] should be named after lexer languages. * Modules must not call any functions that create buffers and views (e.g. `ui.print()`, `io.open_file()`, and `buffer.new()`) at file-level scope. Buffers and views can only be created within functions assigned to keys, associated with menu items, or connected to events. * Additional documentation on creating language modules can be found in the the [language modules][] documentation. **Tip:** you do not need to have a language module in order to have language-specific editing features. You can simply put language-specific features inside an [`events.LEXER_LOADED`][] event handler. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: -- Auto-pair and brace-match '<' and '>' only in HTML and XML files. events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name) local is_markup = name == 'html' or name == 'xml' textadept.editing.auto_pairs[string.byte('<')] = is_markup and '>' textadept.editing.brace_matches[string.byte('<')] = is_markup textadept.editing.brace_matches[string.byte('>')] = is_markup end) [language modules]: api.html#_M [`events.LEXER_LOADED`]: api.html#events.LEXER_LOADED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Themes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Themes customize Textadept's look and feel. The editor comes with three built-in themes: "light", "dark", and "term". The default theme for the GUI and terminal versions is "light" and "term", respectively. ![Light Theme](images/lighttheme.png)    ![Dark Theme](images/darktheme.png)    ![Term Theme](images/termtheme.png) A theme consists of a single Lua file, and is typically responsible for: * Defining the [colors][] and [text display settings][] (styles) used in syntax highlighting. * Assigning colors to various UI elements such as the caret, selections, margin markers, and call tips. * Specifying what symbols to use for margin markers and how to display visual elements like the brace match indicator and snippet placeholders. [colors]: api.html#lexer.colors [text display settings]: api.html#lexer.styles **Note:** the terminal version only recognizes up to 16 color values, regardless of how many colors your terminal actually supports. (Your terminal emulator's settings determine how to actually display these standard color values, which may end up being completely different in practice.) For some terminals, you may need to set a lexer style's `bold` attribute with the normal color in order to use the light color variant. The color values the terminal version recognizes are as follows: Value |Common Color| Value |Common Color --------|------------|--------|------------ 0x000000|Black |0x404040|Light black 0x000080|Red |0x0000FF|Light red 0x008000|Green |0x00FF00|Light green 0x008080|Yellow |0x00FFFF|Light yellow 0x800000|Blue |0xFF0000|Light blue 0x800080|Magenta |0xFF00FF|Light magenta 0x808000|Cyan |0xFFFF00|Light cyan 0xC0C0C0|White |0xFFFFFF|Light white Textadept attempts to load, in order, a given theme from the following locations: 1. Your *~/.textadept/themes/* folder. 2. Textadept's *themes/* folder. **Tip:** placing themes in your user data folder avoids the possibility of you overwriting them when you update Textadept. These themes also take precedence over the ones installed with Textadept. You can set Textadept's theme using [`view.set_theme()`][]. You can tweak a theme's styles on a per-language basis as well. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: if not CURSES then view:set_theme('light', {font = 'DejaVu Sans Mono', size = 12}) end -- Color Java functions black instead of the default orange. events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name) if name ~= 'java' then return end local default_fore = view.style_fore[view.STYLE_DEFAULT] view.style_fore[buffer:style_of_name('function')] = default_fore end) **Tip:** you can experiment with themes without having to restart Textadept by using the [`reset()`][] command in the [Lua Command Entry](#Lua.Command.Entry). Once you make changes to either your *~/.textadept/init.lua* or theme file, issuing the `reset` command will reload your changes. [`view.set_theme()`]: api.html#view.set_theme [`reset()`]: api.html#reset The widgets in the GUI version of Textadept cannot be themed using Lua theme files. Instead, you must use [GTK Resource Files][], which are part of the GUI toolkit Textadept uses. **Note:** Textadept's pre-built binaries are built for and linked against GTK 2, not GTK 3. [GTK Resource Files]: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk3-Resource-Files.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Scripting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nearly every aspect of Textadept can be scripted, or controlled, using Lua. Textadept contains its own internal copy of [Lua 5.3][], which is largely unmodified compared to the official Lua release. The main difference is that Textadept's Lua does not have any compatibility options turned on for previous versions of Lua. Being an event-driven application, Textadept simply responds to input like key presses, mouse clicks, and state changes by running Lua code (more specifically, executing Lua functions). For example, when you press a key, Textadept emits an `events.KEYPRESS` event, which its *core/keys.lua* is listening for. When a sequence like `Ctrl+O` on Windows, Linux, and BSD is recognized, *core/keys.lua* looks up which Lua function is assigned to the `keys['ctrl+o']` key. By default, it is `io.open_file()`, so that function is executed and the user is prompted for a file to open. You could bind a different function to that key and Textadept will duly execute it. Similarly, when the editor opens a file via `io.open_file()`, that function emits a `events.FILE_OPENED` event, which *modules/textadept/file_types.lua* is listening for. When a Lua file is opened, *modules/textadept/file_types.lua* designates the "lua" lexer to perform syntax highlighting on that file and also loads the Lua language module if it has not already been loaded. You could also listen for `events.FILE_OPENED` in your *~/.textadept/init.lua* and perform your own action, such as loading some project-specific tools for editing that file. Your *~/.textadept/init.lua* is the entry point to scripting Textadept. In this file you can set up custom key bindings, menu items, and event handlers that will perform custom actions. Here are some ideas: * Define custom key bindings and menu items that manipulate buffer contents via the extensive [`buffer`][] API. * Extend Textadept's File menu with a menu item that prompts for a commit message using an [interactive dialog][], and then invokes a shell command that commits the current file to version control using the provided message. * Listen for the `events.FILE_SAVED` [event][] and [spawn][] an asynchronous process that runs a syntax checker, linter, or formatter on a source file when it is saved. * Start searches with the word under the caret by substituting the "Search > Find" menu item and key binding functions with a custom function that pre-populates `ui.find.find_entry_text` before calling `ui.find.focus()` to show the find & replace pane. * Auto-save files as you switch between buffers by listening for the `events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH` event and calling `buffer:save()` for buffers that have a `buffer.filename`. * Overload Textadept's find & replace capabilities to use Lua patterns instead of regex by reacting to `events.FIND` and `events.REPLACE` before Textadept can, and then determining whether or not the editor's default routines should handle those events. Textadept's [Lua API][] is extensively documented and serves as the ultimate resource when it comes to scripting the editor. The claim "Textadept gives you complete control over nearly the entire application using Lua" is not an exaggeration! If you are looking for a more structured scripting resource, [Textadept Quick Reference][] contains a wealth of knowledge on how to script and configure Textadept. It groups the editor's rich API into a series of tasks in a convenient and easy-to-use manner. [Lua 5.3]: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/ [`buffer`]: api.html#buffer [interactive dialog]: api.html#ui.dialogs [event]: api.html#events [spawn]: api.html#os.spawn [Lua API]: api.html [Textadept Quick Reference]: MEDIA.html#Book ### Generate Autocompletion and Documentation Files You can generate for use with Textadept [autocompletion and documentation](#Autocompletion.and.Documentation) files for your Lua modules. Simply run [LuaDoc][] with Textadept's *modules/lua/tadoc.lua* doclet. For example: luadoc -d [output_path] --doclet _HOME/modules/lua/tadoc.lua [module(s)] where `_HOME` is the path where you installed Textadept and `output_path` is an arbitrary path to write the generated *tags* and *api* files to. You can then have Textadept load and use those autocompletion and documentation files when editing Lua code. For example, in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*: local loaded_tags = false events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name) if name ~= 'lua' or loaded_tags then return _M.lua.tags[#_M.lua.tags + 1] = '/path/to/tags' loaded_tags = true end) table.insert(textadept.editing.api_files.lua, '/path/to/api') [LuaDoc]: https://keplerproject.github.com/luadoc/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Compiling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textadept is a bit unusual in that building it is only supported on Linux and BSD. The application is cross-compiled for Windows and macOS from Linux. While it is certainly possible to compile Textadept natively on those platforms, it is simply not supported in any official capacity. ### Requirements The requirements for compiling Textadept on Linux or BSD should be readily available from a package manager. The requirements for cross-compiling Textadept for Windows from Linux should also be easily obtainable. Windows Requirements: * [MinGW][] or [mingw-w64][] 4.9+ (circa early 2014) **Note:** on Ubuntu for example, this dependency would be provided by the `gcc-mingw-w64` and `g++-mingw-w64` packages. [MinGW]: http://mingw.org [mingw-w64]: http://mingw-w64.org/ macOS Requirements: * [OSX cross toolchain][] _with GCC_ 4.9+ (not Clang) **Note:** make sure you run `./build_binutils.sh` before `./build_gcc.sh`. macOS SDK tarballs like *MacOSX10.5.tar.gz* can be found readily on the internet. **Warning:** building an OSX toolchain can easily take 30 minutes or more and ultimately consume nearly 3.5GB of disk space. [OSX cross toolchain]: https://github.com/tpoechtrager/osxcross Linux Requirements: * [GNU C compiler][] (*gcc*) 4.9+ (circa early 2014) * [libstdc++][] version 4.9+ * [GNU Make][] (*make*) * [GTK][] 2.24+ development libraries for the GUI version * [ncurses][](w) development libraries (wide character support) for the terminal version **Note:** on Ubuntu for example, these dependencies would be provided by the `build-essential`, `libgtk2.0-dev`, `libncurses5-dev`, and `libncursesw5-dev` packages. BSD Requirements: * [GNU C compiler][] (*gcc*) 4.9+ (circa early 2014) * [libstdc++][] version 4.9+ * [GNU Make][] (*gmake*) * [pkg-config][] * [libiconv][] * [GTK][] 2.24+ development libraries for the GUI version * [ncurses][](w) development libraries (wide character support) for the terminal version [GNU C compiler]: https://gcc.gnu.org [libstdc++]: https://gcc.gnu.org [GNU Make]: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/ [pkg-config]: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/ [libiconv]: https://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/ [GTK]: https://www.gtk.org/download/linux.php [ncurses]: https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/#download_ncurses ### Compiling Textadept is built from its *src/* directory and binaries are placed in the application's root directory. The general procedure is to have Textadept build its dependencies first, and then its binaries. Textadept is self-contained, meaning you do not have to install it; it can run from its current location. The following table provides a brief summary of `make` rules for building Textadept on Linux and BSD. (On BSD, substitute `make` with `gmake`.) Command |Description ---------------------|----------- `make deps` |Downloads and builds all of Textadept's core dependencies `make deps NIGHTLY=1`|Optionally downloads and builds bleeding-edge dependencies `make verify-deps` |Verifies integrity of downloads (for optional security) `make` |Builds Textadept, provided all dependencies are in place `make DEBUG=1` |Optionally builds Textadept with debug symbols `make install` |Optionally installs Textadept (to */usr/local* by default) `make curses` |Builds the terminal version of Textadept `make curses install`|Optionally installs the terminal version of Textadept `make uninstall` |Uninstalls Textadept (from */usr/local* by default) `make clean` |Deletes all compiled files, leaving only source files `make clean-deps` |Deletes all unpacked dependencies, leaving only downloads `make win32-deps` |Downloads and builds Textadept's Windows dependencies `make win32` |Cross-compiles Textadept for Windows `make win32-curses` |Cross-compiles the terminal version for Windows `make osx-deps` |Downloads and builds Textadept's macOS dependencies `make osx` |Cross-compiles Textadept for macOS `make osx-curses` |Cross-compiles the terminal version for macOS `make osx-app` |Builds *Textadept.app* If you want to install Textadept into a non-standard location, you can specify that location using the `DESTDIR` variable. For example: make install DESTDIR=/prefix/to/install/to **Linux and BSD note:** if any of Textadept's dependencies are installed under a prefix that your compiler flags do not include by default (e.g. */usr/local/*), you will have to run something like: make CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" \ CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib" **Windows note:** the MinGW cross compiler's name prefix is assumed to be "i686-w64-mingw32-". If this is not the case on your system, you will have to specify your system's MinGW name prefix using the `CROSS` variable. For example: make CROSS=i586-mingw32-msvc- win32-deps make CROSS=i586-mingw32-msvc- win32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Appendix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Regex and Lua Pattern Syntax The following table outlines Regex and Lua Pattern syntax: Regex |Lua |Meaning ------------|---------|------- . |. |Matches any character [[:alpha:]] |%a |Matches any letter \d |%d |Matches any digit [[:lower:]] |%l |Matches any lower case character [[:punct:]] |%p |Matches any punctuation character \s |%s |Matches any space character [[:upper:]] |%u |Matches any upper case character \w |%w |Matches any alphanumeric character (Regex includes '_') [[:xdigit:]]|%x |Matches any hexadecimal digit [*set*] |[*set*] |Matches any character in *set*, including ranges [^*set*] |[^*set*] |Matches the complement of *set* \* |\* |Matches the previous item (Regex) or class (Lua) 0+ times \+ |+ |Matches the previous item or class 1+ times \*? |- |Matches the previous item or class 0+ times, non-greedily \+? | |Matches the previous item 1+ times, non-greedily ? |? |Matches the previous item or class once or not at all {*m*,*n*} | |Matches the previous item between *m* and *n* times {*m*,} | |Matches the previous item at least *m* times {*m*} | |Matches the previous item exactly *m* times \| | |Matches either the previous item or the next item   |%b*xy* |Matches a balanced string bounded by *x* and *y*   |%f[*set*]|Matches position between characters outside/inside *set* \\< | |Matches the beginning of a word \\> | |Matches the end of a word \b | |Matches a word boundary ^ |^ |Matches the beginning of a line unless inside a set $ |$ |Matches the end of a line unless inside a set ( |( |The beginning of a captured matching region ) |) |The end of a captured matching region (?:*...*) | |Consider matched "*...*" as a single, uncaptured item \\*n* |%*n* |The *n*th captured matching region's texta \\*x* |%*x* |Non-alphanumeric character *x*, ignoring special meaning aIn replacement text, "\0" (Regex) or "%0" (Lua) represents all matched text. Textadept's regular expressions are based on the C++11 standard for ECMAScript. There are a number of references for this syntax on the internet, including: * [ECMAScript syntax C++ reference](https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/regex/ECMAScript/) * [Modified ECMAScript regular expression grammar](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/regex/ecmascript) * [Regular Expressions (C++)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/standard-library/regular-expressions-cpp) More information on Lua patterns can be found in the [Lua 5.3 Reference Manual](https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#6.4.1). ### Terminal Version Compatibility Textadept's terminal version requires a font with good glyph support (like DejaVu Sans Mono or Liberation Mono), and lacks some GUI features due to the terminal's constraints: * No alpha values or transparency. * No images in autocompletion lists. Instead, autocompletion lists show the first character in the string passed to [`buffer.register_image()`][]. * No buffered or two-phase drawing. * Carets cannot have a period, line style, or width. * No drag and drop. * Edge lines may be obscured by text. * No extra line ascent or descent. * No fold lines above and below lines. * No hotspot underlines on mouse hover. * No indicators other than `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` and `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX`, although neither has translucent drawing and `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` does not have rounded corners. * Some complex marker symbols are not drawn properly or at all. * No mouse cursor types. * Only up to 16 colors recognized, regardless of how many colors the terminal supports. Unrecognized colors default to white. * Not all key sequences are recognized properly. * No style settings like font name, font size, or italics. * No X selection, primary or secondary, integration with the clipboard. * No zoom. * When using the mouse in the Windows console, Shift+Double-click extends selections and quadruple-clicking inside a selection collapses it. [`buffer.register_image()`]: api.html#buffer.register_image ### Folder Structure Textadept's folder structure is organized as follows: * *core/*: Contains Textadept's core Lua modules. These modules are essential for the application to run. They provide Textadept's Lua to C interface, event structure, file interactions, and localization. * *lexers/*: Houses the lexer modules that analyze source code for syntax highlighting. * *modules/*: Contains modules for editing text and source code, as well as language modules. * *themes/*: Contains built-in themes that customize the look and feel of Textadept. * *etc/*, *lib/*, and *share/*: GTK support directories and only appear in the Windows and macOS packages. ### Techologies Textadept is composed of the following technologies: * [GTK][]: cross-platform GUI toolkit * [ncurses][]: terminal UI library for Linux, macOS, and BSD * [pdcurses][]: terminal UI library for Windows * [gtDialog][]: interactive GUI and terminal UI dialog library * [cdk][]: terminal UI widget toolkit * [libtermkey][]: terminal keyboard entry handling library * [Scintilla][]: core text editing component * [Lua][]: core scripting language * [LPeg][]: Lua pattern matching library for syntax highlighting * [LuaFileSystem][]: Lua library for accessing the host filesystem [GTK]: https://www.gtk.org [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [Lua]: https://www.lua.org [LPeg]: http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg.html [LuaFileSystem]: https://keplerproject.github.io/luafilesystem/ [gtDialog]: https://foicica.com/gtdialog/ [ncurses]: https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/ [pdcurses]: http://pdcurses.sourceforge.net/ [cdk]: https://invisible-island.net/cdk/ [libtermkey]: http://www.leonerd.org.uk/code/libtermkey/ ### Migrating from Textadept 10 to 11 #### API Changes Old API |Change |New API ---------------------------|:------:|------- **buffer** | | set_theme() |Renamed |[view:set_theme()][] style_name[n] |Replaced|[name_of_style][](n) CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOUR\_*|Renamed |CASEINSENSITIVEBEHAVIOR\_* INDIC\_GRADIENTCENTRE |Renamed |INDIC\_GRADIENTCENTER MARGIN\_COLOUR |Renamed |MARGIN\_COLOR auto\_c\_case_insensitive\_behaviour|Renamed|auto\_c\_case\_insensitive\_behavior colourise |Renamed |colorize edge\_colour |Renamed |edge\_color set\_fold\_margin\_\*colour|Renamed |set\_fold\_margin\_\*color vertical\_centre\_caret |Renamed |vertical\_center\_caret **events** | | AUTO\_C\_CANCELLED |Renamed |AUTO\_C\_CANCELED N/A |Added |[SESSION_SAVE][] N/A |Added |[SESSION_LOAD][] **io** | | reload_file() |Renamed |[buffer:reload()][] save_file() |Renamed |[buffer:save()][] save_file_as() |Renamed |[buffer:save_as()][] close_buffer() |Renamed |[buffer:close()][] **keys** | | MODE |Renamed |[mode][] **lexer** | | N/A |Added |[to_eol()][] delimited\_range() |Replaced|[range()][] nested\_pair() |Replaced|[range()][] fold\_line\_comments() |Replaced|[fold_consecutive_lines()][]a N/A |Added |[number][] N/A |Added |[colors][] N/A |Added |[styles][] N/A |Added |[folding][] and other fold\* properties **lfs** | | dir\_foreach() |Replaced|for filename in [lfs.walk()][] do ... end **textadept.bookmarks** | | toggle(line, on) |Changed |[toggle()][] **textadept.editing** | | block\_comment() |Renamed |[toggle_comment()][] highlight_word() |Replaced|[highlight_words][] **textadept.file_types** | | lexers |Removed |N/Ab **textadept.find** | | find\_incremental() |Replaced|[incremental][]c find\_incremental\_keys |Removed | N/A |Added |[highlight_all_matches][] **textadept.snippets** | | \_insert() |Renamed |[insert()][] \_previous() |Renamed |[previous()][] \_cancel_current() |Renamed |[cancel_current()][] \_select() |Renamed |[select()][] \_paths |Renamed |[paths][] **ui** | | bufstatusbar\_text |Renamed |[buffer_statusbar_text][] **ui.command_entry** | | N/A |Added |[active][] **ui.dialogs** | | N/A |Added |[progressbar()][] **ui.find** | | find\_in\_files\_timeout |Removed |N/A **view** | | N/A |Added |_buffer functions and fields_d aReturns prefix and function, instead of just function. bUse `for name in buffer:private_lexer_call(_SCINTILLA.functions.property_names[1]):gmatch('[^\n]+') do ... end`.
cUse `textadept.menu.menubar[_L['Search']][_L['Find Incremental']][2]`.
dMost buffer functions and fields are available in views now. See section below. [view:set_theme()]: api.html#view.set_theme [name_of_style]: api.html#buffer.name_of_style [SESSION_SAVE]: api.html#events.SESSION_SAVE [SESSION_LOAD]: api.html#events.SESSION_LOAD [buffer:reload()]: api.html#buffer.reload [buffer:save()]: api.html#buffer.save [buffer:save_as()]: api.html#buffer.save_as [buffer:close()]: api.html#buffer.close [mode]: api.html#keys.mode [to_eol()]: api.html#lexer.to_eol [range()]: api.html#lexer.range [fold_consecutive_lines()]: api.html#lexer.fold_consecutive_lines [number]: api.html#lexer.number [colors]: api.html#lexer.colors [styles]: api.html#lexer.styles [folding]: api.html#lexer.folding [lfs.walk()]: api.html#lfs.walk [toggle()]: api.html#textadept.bookmarks.toggle [toggle_comment()]: api.html#textadept.editing.toggle_comment [highlight_words]: api.html#textadept.editing.highlight_words [incremental]: api.html#ui.find.incremental [highlight_all_matches]: api.html#ui.find.highlight_all_matches [insert()]: api.html#textadept.snippets.insert [previous()]: api.html#textadept.snippets.previous [cancel_current()]: api.html#textadept.snippets.cancel_current [select()]: api.html#textadept.snippets.select [paths]: api.html#textadept.snippets.paths [buffer_statusbar_text]: api.html#ui.buffer_statusbar_text [active]: api.html#ui.command_entry.active [progressbar()]: api.html#ui.dialogs.progressbar #### Buffer Indexing Changes All buffer positions, lines, and countable entities now start from `1` instead of `0`. For example, `buffer:get_line(1)` now returns the contents of the first line instead of `buffer:get_line(0)`, and marker and indicator numbers now count from 1 instead of 0. While this change may seem daunting for migrating user scripts, in practice it is not, since most usage is internal, and an offset of 1 or 0 does not matter. In migrating Textadept's internals, the following changes were made: * Themes that loop through marker numbers will need to be updated from something like `for i = 25, 31 do ... end` to either `for i = 26, 32 do ... end` or `for i = buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, buffer.MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN do ... end`. * Most references of `buffer.length` will need to be changed to `buffer.length + 1`. For example, something like `buffer:goto_pos(buffer.length)` needs to be `buffer:goto_pos(buffer.length + 1)`. The exceptions are when `buffer.length` is not used as a position, as in `buffer:indicator_clear_range(1, buffer.length)`, which is still valid. * Any `buffer` function calls and property indexing with bare numbers should be changed to calls or indexes with those numbers plus 1. For example, `buffer:contracted_fold_next(0)` changes to `buffer:contracted_fold_next(1)`, and `buffer.margin_n_width[1] = ...` changes to `buffer.margin_n_width[2] = ...`. * Any looping through lines, margins, and selections via `for i = 0, buffer.{line_count,margins,selections} - 1 do ... end` needs to be `for i = 1, buffer.{line_count,margins,selections} do ... end`. * Similarly, any language modules that loop back through lines (e.g. to determine types for autocompletion) via `for i = current_line, 0, -1 do ... end` needs to be `for i = current_line, 1, -1 do ... end`. * Marker or indicator masks are produced by subtracting 1 from marker or indicator numbers. For example, `1 << textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK` changes to `1 << textadept.bookmarks.MARK_BOOKMARK - 1`. * Logic that depends on the return value of `buffer:get_cur_line()` may need to be changed. For example, any subsequent references to `pos` after `local line, pos = buffer:get_cur_line()` like `if line:sub(1, pos) ... end` need to be changed to `if line:sub(1, pos - 1) ... end`. I found it helpful to quickly scan source files for syntax-highlighted numbers and then seeing if those numbers needed to be changed. Searching for "- 1", "+ 1", "buffer.length", etc. was also helpful. #### View API Additions and Buffer API Changes Textadept's [buffer][] API is largely based on the [Scintilla API][], which does not distinguish between buffer- and view-specific functionality. Textadept 11 now attempts to separate this functionality, but only superficially. Buffers and views may be used interchangeably for the most part, but the [buffer][] and [view][] API provides _guidance_ (not hard requirements) on which functions and fields are more appropriate for their respective objects. _User scripts do not need to be updated and will continue to function normally_. The following "Find" regex can be used to help convert `buffer.*` functionality to `view.*`:
"Replace" with view\2\3 It is not recommended to blindly "Replace All". Each change should be manually confirmed. [buffer]: api.html#buffer [Scintilla API]: https://scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html [Scintilla]: https://scintilla.org [view]: api.html#view #### Theme and Lexer Changes Themes and lexers have a new, optional API for defining and using colors and styles. Previously, all definitions and access to colors and styles was accomplished through `buffer.property` and `buffer.property_int`. Now it can be done via the `lexer.colors` and `lexer.styles` variables. For example: -- Textadept 10 local property, property_int = buffer.property, buffer.property_int property['color.blue'] = 0xFF0000 property['style.keyword'] = 'fore:$(color.blue),bold' buffer.edge_colour = property_int['color.grey'] -- Textadept 11 local colors, styles = lexer.colors, lexer.styles colors.blue = 0xFF0000 styles.keyword = {fore = colors.blue, bold = true} view.edge_color = colors.grey Any additional settings passed `view:set_theme()` are available as global variables in the theme. Textadept's themes make use of `font` and `size` (the latter of which used to be `fontsize`) for easily configuring font and size per-user. Lexers can also utilize these new features. For example: -- Textadept 10 lex:add_rule('custom_rule', token('custom', P('word'))) lex:add_style('custom', lexer.STYLE_KEYWORD .. 'italic') -- Textadept 11 lex:add_rule('custom_rule', token('custom', P('word'))) lex:add_style('custom', lexer.styles.keyword .. {italic = true}) Note that these features are optional. Themes and lexers setting property strings is still supported. #### Localization Changes GUI mnemonics in localization keys have been removed. For example, `_L['_New']` should be changed to `_L['New']`. Mnemonics can still be used in localization values; it's just the keys that have changed. See Textadept's *core/locale.conf* for examples. #### Key Bindings Changes Key sequence modifiers have changed from their shortened form to a longer form that is more intuitive. `'c'` is now `'ctrl'`, `'a'` is now `'alt'`, `'m'` is now `'cmd'` on macOS and `'meta'` in the terminal version, and `'s'` is now `'shift'`. For example, `keys.cn = ...` is now `keys['ctrl+n'] = ...` and `keys['m<'] = ...` is now `keys['cmd+<'] = ...` or `keys['meta+<'] = ...`. The key binding for inserting a user-specified snippet from a dialog has changed from `Ctrl+K` (`⌥⇥` on macOS | `M-K` on the terminal) to `Ctrl+Shift+K` (`⌥⇧⇥` | `M-S-K`). `Ctrl+K` (`⌥⇥` | `M-K`) now autocompletes snippet names. #### Session Changes Textadept saves and loads session from Lua data files instead of structured text files. As a result, Textadept 11 cannot load session files from 10.x or before. #### Miscellaneous Changes * *~/.textadept/?.lua* and *~/.textadept/?.{so,dll}* has been removed from `package.path` and `package.cpath`, respectively. All modules should be placed in *~/.textadept/modules/*. * The command entry no longer recognizes a Lua 5.1-style '`=`' prefix for printing return values. Printing return values has been the default for quite some time.