# Compiling ## Requirements Unfortunately, the requirements for building Textadept are not quite as minimal as running it. ### Linux and BSD First, Linux and BSD systems need the [GNU C compiler][] (*gcc*) and [GNU Make][] (*make*). BSD users additionally need to have [libiconv][] installed. These should be available for your distribution through a package manager. For example, Ubuntu includes these tools in the "build-essential" package. Next, the GUI version of Textadept requires the GTK+ development libraries. Again, your package manager should allow you to install them. Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu typically call the package "libgtk2.0-dev". Otherwise, compile and install GTK+ from the [GTK+ website][]. The optional terminal version of Textadept depends on the development library for a curses implementation like ncurses. Similarly, your package manager should provide one. Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu typically call the ncurses package "libncurses5-dev". Otherwise, compile and install ncurses from the [ncurses website][]. Note: you need the wide-character development version of ncurses installed, which handles multibyte sequences. (Therefore, Debian users _also_ need "libncursesw5-dev".) [GNU C compiler]: http://gcc.gnu.org [GNU Make]: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/ [libiconv]: http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/ [GTK+ website]: http://www.gtk.org/download/linux.php [ncurses website]: http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/#download_ncurses ### Windows Compiling Textadept on Windows is no longer supported. The preferred way to compile for Windows is cross-compiling from Linux. To do so, you need [MinGW][] with the Windows header files. Your package manager should offer them. Note: compiling on Windows requires a C compiler that supports the C99 standard, the [GTK+ for Windows bundle][] (2.24 is recommended), and [libiconv for Windows][] (the "Developer files" and "Binaries" zip files). The terminal (pdcurses) version requires my [win32curses bundle][] instead of GTK+ and libiconv. [MinGW]: http://mingw.org [GTK+ for Windows bundle]: http://www.gtk.org/download/win32.php [libiconv for Windows]: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/libiconv.htm [win32curses bundle]: download/win32curses.zip ### Mac OSX Compiling Textadept on Mac OSX is no longer supported. The preferred way is cross-compiling from Linux. To do so, you need the [Apple Cross-compiler][] binaries. [Apple Cross-compiler]: https://launchpad.net/~flosoft/+archive/cross-apple ## Compiling ### Linux and BSD For Linux and BSD systems, simply run `make deps` in the *src/* directory to prepare the build environment followed by `make` to build the *textadept* and *textadeptjit* executables in the root directory. Make a symlink from them to */usr/bin/* or elsewhere in your `PATH`. Similarly, `make curses` builds *textadept-curses* and *textadeptjit-curses*. Note: you may have to run make CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" \ CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib" if the prefix where any dependencies are installed is */usr/local/* and your compiler flags do not include them by default. #### Installing Textadept is self-contained, meaning you do not have to install it, and runs from its current location. Should you choose to install Textadept like a normal Linux application, run `make deps` and then the usual `make` and `make install` or `sudo make install` commands depending on your privileges. The default prefix is */usr/local* but setting `DESTDIR` (e.g. `make install DESTDIR=/prefix/to/install/to`) changes it. Similarly, `make curses` and `make curses install` installs the curses version. ### Cross Compiling for Windows When cross-compiling from within Linux, first make a note of your MinGW compiler names. You may have to either modify the `CROSS` variable in the "win32" block of *src/Makefile* or append something like "CROSS=i486-mingw32-" when running `make`. After considering your MinGW compiler names, run `make win32-deps` or `make CROSS=i486-mingw32- win32-deps` to prepare the build environment followed by `make win32` or `make CROSS=i486-mingw32- win32` to build *../textadept.exe* and *../textadeptjit.exe*. Finally, copy the dll files from *src/win32gtk/bin/* to the directory containing the Textadept executables. Similarly for the terminal version, run `make win32-curses` or its variant as suggested above to build *../textadept-curses.exe* and *../textadeptjit-curses.exe*. Please note the build process produces a *lua51.dll* for _only_ *textadeptjit.exe* and *textadeptjit-curses.exe* because limitations on external Lua library loading do not allow statically linking LuaJIT to Textadept. ### Cross Compiling for Mac OSX When cross-compiling from within Linux, run `make osx-deps` to prepare the build environment followed by `make osx` to build *../textadept.osx* and *../textadeptjit.osx*. Similarly, `make osx-curses` builds *../textadept-curses.osx* and *../textadeptjit-curses.osx*. Build a new *Textadept.app* with `make osx-app`. #### Compiling on OSX (Legacy) Textadept requires [XCode][] as well as [jhbuild][] (for GTK+). After building "meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap" and "meta-gtk-osx-core", build "meta-gtk-osx-themes". Note that the entire compiling process can easily take 30 minutes or more and ultimately consume nearly 1GB of disk space. After using *jhbuild*, GTK+ is in *~/gtk/* so make a symlink from *~/gtk/inst* to *src/gtkosx* in Textadept. Then open *src/Makefile* and uncomment the "Darwin" block. Finally, run `make osx` to build *../textadept.osx* and *../textadeptjit.osx*. Note: to build a GTK+ for OSX bundle, run the following from the *src/* directory before zipping up *gtkosx/include/* and *gtkosx/lib/*: sed -i -e 's|libdir=/Users/username/gtk/inst/lib|libdir=${prefix}/lib|;' \ gtkosx/lib/pkgconfig/*.pc where `username` is your username. Compiling the terminal version is not so expensive and requires no additional libraries. After uncommenting the "Darwin" block mentioned above, simply run `make osx-curses` to build *../textadept-curses.osx* and *../textadeptjit-curses.osx*. [XCode]: http://developer.apple.com/TOOLS/xcode/ [jhbuild]: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gtk-osx/wiki/Build ### Notes on LuaJIT [LuaJIT][] is a Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua and can boost the speed of Lua programs. I have noticed that syntax highlighting can be up to 2 times faster with LuaJIT than with vanilla Lua. This difference is largely unnoticable on modern computers and usually only discernable when initially loading large files. Other than syntax highlighting, LuaJIT offers no real benefit performance-wise to justify it being Textadept's default runtime. LuaJIT's [ffi library][], however, appears to be useful for interfacing with external, non-Lua, libraries. [LuaJIT]: http://luajit.org [ffi library]: http://luajit.org/ext_ffi.html ### Notes on CDK [CDK][] is a library of curses widgets. The terminal version of Textadept includes a slightly modified, stripped down version of this library. The changes made to CDK are in *src/cdk.patch* and listed as follows: * Excluded the following source files: *alphalist.c*, *calendar.c*, *cdk_compat.{c,h}*, *cdk_test.h*, *dialog.c*, *{d,f}scale.{c,h}*, *fslider.{c,h}*, *gen-{scale,slider}.{c,h}*, *get_index.c*, *get_string.c*, *graph.c*, *histogram.c*, *marquee.c*, *matrix.c*, *popup_dialog.c*, *radio.c*, *scale.{c,h}*, *selection.c*, *slider.{c,h}*, *swindow.c*, *template.c*, *u{scale,slider}.{c,h}*, *view_{file,info}.c*, and *viewer.c*. * *cdk.h* does not `#include` "matrix.h", "viewer.h", and any headers labeled "Generated headers" due to their machine-dependence. It also `#define`s `boolean` as `CDKboolean` on Windows platforms since the former is already `typedef`ed. * *cdk_config.h* no longer defines `HAVE_SETLOCALE` since Textadept handles locale settings, no longer defines `HAVE_NCURSES_H` and `NCURSES` since Textadept supports multiple curses implementations (not just ncurses), conditionally enables `HAVE_GRP_H`, `HAVE_LSTAT`, and `HAVE_PWD_H` definitions on \*nix platforms since Windows does not have them, and explicitly undefines `NCURSES_OPAQUE` since newer versions of ncurses on Mac OSX define it. * *cdk_util.h* `#define`s `Beep` as `CDKBeep` on Windows platforms since Windows already defines Beep. * The `baseName` and `dirName` functions in *cdk.c* recognize Window's '\' directory separator. * Deactivated the `deleteFileCB` function in *fselect.c*. [CDK]: http://invisible-island.net/cdk/