# Themes Themes customize Textadept's look and feel. The editor's built-in themes are "light", "dark", and "term". The GUI version uses "light" as its default and the terminal version uses "term". ![Light Theme](images/lighttheme.png)    ![Dark Theme](images/darktheme.png)    ![Term Theme](images/termtheme.png) Each theme is a single Lua file. It contains color definitions and definitions for how to highlight (or "style") syntactic elements like comments, strings, and keywords in programming languages. These [definitions][] apply universally to all programming language elements, resulting in a single, unified theme. Themes also set view-related editor properties like caret and selection colors. Note: The only colors that the terminal version of Textadept recognizes are the standard black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, and bold variants of those colors. Your terminal emulator's settings determine how to display these standard colors. [definitions]: api/lexer.html#Styles.and.Styling ## Switch Themes Switch between or reload themes using `Ctrl+Shift+T` (`⌘⇧T` on Mac OSX | none in curses). Set that theme to be the default one by putting gui.set_theme('name') somewhere in your [*~/.textadept/init.lua*][]. [*~/.textadept/init.lua*]: 08_Preferences.html#User.Init ## Customizing Themes Like with modules, try to refrain from editing Textadept's default themes. Instead, put custom or downloaded themes in your *~/.textadept/themes/* directory. Doing this not only prevents you from overwriting your themes when you update Textadept, but causes the editor to load your themes instead of the default ones in *themes/*. For example, having your own *light.lua* theme results in Textadept loading that theme in place of its own. There are two ways to go about customizing themes. You can create a new one from scratch or tweak an existing one. Creating a new one is straightforward -- all you need to do is define a set of colors and a set of styles. Just follow the example of existing themes. If instead you want to use an existing theme like "light" but only change the font face and font size, you do not have to copy the whole theme to your *~/.textadept/themes/light.lua* before changing the font settings. Tweaking themes is very simple with Lua's `dofile()` function. In your *~/.textadept/themes/light.lua*, put: dofile(_HOME..'/themes/light.lua') buffer.property['font'] = 'font face' buffer.property['fontsize'] = size This loads Textadept's "light" theme, but applies your font preferences. The same technique works for tweaking individual theme colors and/or styles. ## GUI Theme There is no way to theme GUI controls like text fields and buttons from within Textadept. Instead, use [GTK+ Resource files][]. The "GtkWindow" name is "textadept". For example, style all text fields with a "textadept-entry-style" like this: widget "textadept*GtkEntry*" style "textadept-entry-style" [GTK+ Resource files]: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/gtk-Resource-Files.html ## Getting Themes For now, the [wiki][] hosts third-party, user-created themes. The classic "dark", "light", and "scite" themes prior to version 4.3 are there too. [wiki]: http://foicica.com/wiki/textadept