# File Navigation ## Bookmarks You can place bookmarks on lines in buffers to jump back to them later. Use the `Tools -> Bookmark` menu options or key commands to do so. ## Goto Line To jump to a specific line in a file, press `Ctrl+J` (`⌘J` on Mac OSX) and specify the line number in the prompt and press `Enter` (`↩`) or click `OK`. ## Goto Matching Brace By default, Textadept will highlight the matching brace characters under the caret : `(`, `)`, `[`, `]`, `{`, `}`, `<`, and `>`. Pressing `Ctrl+M` (`^M` on Mac OSX) moves the caret to that matching brace and `Ctrl+Shift+M` (`^⇧M`) extends the selection. ![Matching Braces](images/matchingbrace.png) ## Mac OSX Textadept supports the keybindings you are accustomed to for navigating text fields in Mac OSX.