# Introduction ## Overview ![Textadept](images/textadept.png) Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers. Written in a combination of C and [Lua][] and relentlessly optimized for speed and minimalism over the years, Textadept is an ideal editor for programmers who want endless extensibility without sacrificing speed or succumbing to code bloat and featuritis. [Lua]: http://lua.org ### Fast Textadept is _fast_. It starts up instantly and has a very responsive user interface. Even though the editor consists primarily of Lua, Lua is one of the fastest scripting languages available. With the optional [LuaJIT][] version, Textadept runs faster than ever before. [LuaJIT]: http://luajit.org ### Minimalist Textadept is minimalist. Not only does its appearance exhibit this, but the editor's C core pledges to never exceed 2000 lines of code and its Lua extension code avoids going beyond 4000 lines. After more than 5 years of development, Textadept contains the same amount of code since its inception while evolving into a vastly superior editor. ### Remarkably Extensible Textadept is remarkably extensible. Designed to be that way from the very beginning, the editor's features came later. Most of Textadept's internals use Lua, from syntax highlighting to opening and saving files to searching and replacing and more. Textadept gives you complete control over the entire application using Lua. Everything from moving the caret to changing menus and key commands on-the-fly to handling core events is possible. Its potential is vast. ![Split Views](images/splitviews.png) ## Manual Notation The manual represents directories and file paths like this: */path/to/dir/* and */path/to/file*. (Windows machines use '/' and '\' interchangeably as directory separators.) Paths that do not begin with '/' or "C:\", are relative to the location of Textadept. *~/* denotes the user's home directory. On Windows machines this is the value of the "USERHOME" environment variable, typically *C:\Users\username\\* or *C:\Documents and Settings\username\\*. On Linux, BSD, and Mac OSX machines it is the value of "$HOME", typically */home/username/* and */Users/username/*, respectively. The manual expresses key bindings like this: `Ctrl+N`. They are not case sensitive. `Ctrl+N` stands for pressing the "N" key while only holding down the "Control" modifier key, not the "Shift" modifier key. `Ctrl+Shift+N` stands for pressing the "N" key while holding down both the "Control" and "Shift" modifiers. The same notation applies to key chains like `Ctrl+N, N` and `Ctrl+N, Shift+N`. The first key chain represents pressing "Control" and "N" followed by "N" with no modifiers. The second represents pressing "Control" and "N" followed by "Shift" and "N". When mentioning key bindings, the manual often shows the Mac OSX and curses equivalents in parenthesis. It may be tempting to assume that some Windows/Linux keys map to Mac OSX's (e.g. `Ctrl` to `⌘`) or curses' (e.g. `Ctrl` to `^`), but this is not always the case. To minimize confusion, view key equivalents as separate entities, not as translations of one another.