# Copyright 2007-2020 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. # Arabic localization file for Textadept by Ahed Eid . # # When translating this file into your native language, all translated text must # be encoded in UTF-8. For each "key = value" line, please replace the "value" # part with the translation of "key". Any whitespace around '=' is ignored. # # Note: for languages that support it, buttons and menu items may have a "_" # before any single letter, which means that pressing the "Alt" modifier key # along with that letter will activate (click) the button or menu item. You are # free to use or omit these "_" mnemonics from your translations as you see fit. # [core/events.lua] # This error message is displayed if the user accidentally emits an event with # no name (e.g. mistypes the name of an existing event). Undefined event name = اسم حدث غير معرّف # [core/file_io.lua] # The title of dialogs prompting the user to open a file. Open = افتح # The error message displayed when a file's text encoding could not be detected # and when that text cannot be converted into UTF-8 for display. Encoding conversion failed. = فشل تحويل الترميز. # The title of dialogs prompting the user to save a file. Save = احفظ # The text displayed for untitled and unsaved buffers. Untitled = بدون-عنوان # The text displayed in a dialog when the user attempts to close a file with # unsaved changes. Close without saving? = أَتُغلِق بدون حفظ؟ There are unsaved changes in = يوجد تغيرات غير محفوطة في _Cancel = _إلغاء Close _without saving = أغْلِق _بدون حفظ # The text displayed in a dialog when a file has been externally modified. Reload? = أتُحدِّث؟ Reload modified file? = أتحدِّث الملف المعدل؟ has been modified. Reload it? = تم تعديل الملف. أتحدِّثه؟ _Yes = _نعم _No = _لا # The column label for lists of filenames in dialogs. File = ملف # The text displayed in a dialog when more than X files were found in the quick # open dialog. files or more were found. Showing the first = وجدت ملفات. سأعرض الأول File Limit Exceeded = اصطدمت بالحد الأقصى _OK = _موافق # [core/keys.lua] # The statusbar text shown when the user has pressed a key that is part of a key # chain (e.g. "Ctrl+Alt+V" followed by "S"). Textadept is waiting for another # keypress. Keychain: = سلسلة مفاتيح: # The statusbar text shown when the user started a key chain, but the next # keypress was unrecognized. Thus the key sequence is invalid. Invalid sequence = تسلسل غير صالح # [core/ui.lua] # The name of the buffer Textadept prints messages and error messages to. [Message Buffer] = [رسالة المذكرة] # The column label for lists of buffer names in dialogs. Name = اسم # The title of the dialog for switching between open buffers. Switch Buffers = بدِّل المذكرات # The line-ending, indentation, and positional buffer information shown in the # statusbar. CRLF = CRLF LF = LF Tabs: = المسافات العريضة: Spaces: = المسافات: Line: = السطر: Col: = العمود: # The statusbar text shown when the user resets Textadept's internal Lua state. Lua reset = Lua reset # The text displayed in a dialog when the user attempts to quit Textadept with # unsaved changes in open buffers. Quit without saving? = أتَخْرُج بدون حفظ؟ The following buffers are unsaved: = المذكرات التَّالِيَة أسماؤُهم غير محفوظة Quit _without saving = أخْرُج _بدون حفظ # [modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua] # The text displayed in the dialog for selecting a bookmark to jump to. Select Bookmark = اختر إشارة Bookmark = إشارة # [modules/textadept/editing.lua] # The text displayed in the dialog for jumping to a particular line. Go To = اذهب إلى Line Number: = رقم السطر: # The statusbar message displayed when a shell command used to filter text # through returns a non-zero status (indicating failure). returned non-zero status = returned non-zero status # [modules/textadept/find.lua] # The text displayed in the GUI find & replace pane. _Find: = _ابحث: R_eplace: = ا_ستبدال: Find _Next = ابحث عن ال_تالي Find _Prev = ابحث عن ال_سابق _Replace = اس_تبدل Replace _All = استبدال ال_كل _Match case = _طابق الحالة _Whole word = _كل الكلمة Rege_x = Rege_x _In files = _في الملفات # The text displayed in the terminal version's find & replace pane. Find: = ا_بحث Replace: = استبدل: [Next] = [التالي] [Prev] = [السابق] [Replace] = [استبدل] [All] = [الكل] Case(F1) = حالة(F1) Word(F2) = كلمة(F2) Regex(F3) = Regex(F3) Files(F4) = ملفات(F4) # The statusbar text shown when a search has wrapped back to the beginning of # the buffer. Search wrapped = تلقائيًا عُدْ إلى البداية # The statusbar text shown when the text to search for was not found. No results found = عذرًا, لا يوجد نتائج # The title of the dialog for selecting files to search in. Find in Files = ابحث في الملفات # The name of the buffer Textadept prints "Find in Files" results to. [Files Found Buffer] = [مذكرة الملفات التي بحثْتُ عنها] # The "Find in Files" result for text found in a binary file. This result is # shown in place of binary buffer text. Binary file matches. = Binary file matches. # The text displayed in a dialog when the user is prompted to continue a "Find # in Files" search that has taken longer than X seconds to complete. Continue? = Continue? Still searching in files... Continue waiting? = Still searching in files... Continue waiting? # The message displayed when a "Find in Files" search is aborted by the user. Find in Files aborted = Find in Files aborted # The statusbar text shown after performing a "Replace All". replacement(s) made = وضع الاستبدال # [modules/textadept/macros.lua] # The message displayed in the statusbar while a macro is being recorded. Macro recording = Macro recording # The message displayed in the statusbar when finished recording a macro. Macro stopped recording = Macro stopped recording # The title of the dialog for selecting a file to save a recorded macro in. Save Macro = Save Macro # The title of the dialog for selecting a file to load a recorded macro from. Load Macro = Load Macro # [modules/textadept/menu.lua] # Typical "File" menu items for creating new files, opening, saving, and closing # existing files, opening and saving sessions, and quitting Textadept. _File = _ملف _New = أ_نْشِئ _Open = _افتح Open _Recent... = _فَتحتَهُ مؤخرا... Re_load = _تحديث _Save = _حفظ Save _As = حفظ _كــ Save All = حفظ الكل _Close = أ_غلِق Close All = أغلِق الكل Loa_d Session... = حمِّل الجلسة... Sav_e Session... = احْفَظ الجلسة... _Quit = ا_خْرُج # Typical "Edit" menu items for manipulating buffer text and source code. _Edit = _حَرّر _Undo = _تَرَاجع _Redo = أ_عِدْ Cu_t = _قُص _Copy = _انْسَخ _Paste = إ_لْصِق Paste Re_indent = Paste Re_indent Duplicate _Line = _كرِّر السطر _Delete = ا_حْذِف D_elete Word = اح_ذف كلمة Select _All = ا_ختيار الكل _Match Brace = __طابق القوس Complete _Word = كمّل ال_كلمة _Highlight Word = _ظلّل الكلمة Toggle _Block Comment = _بدِّل التعليق T_ranspose Characters = ا_سحب الحرف _Join Lines = ا_دمج الأسطر # The menu item for filtering text through a shell command and replacing input # text with that command's output text. _Filter Through = _رشِّح # Menu items for selecting text and entities. _Select = ح_دِّد Select between _Matching Delimiters = Select between _Matching Delimiters Select between _XML Tags = ح_دِّد ما بين أوسمة الXML Select in XML _Tag = حدِّد داخل _وسم الXML Select _Word = حدِّد _كلمة Select _Line = حدِّد _سطر Select Para_graph = حدِّد _فقرة # Menu items for transforming selected text. Selectio_n = المحَدًّد _Upper Case Selection = حوله لأحرف ك_بيرة _Lower Case Selection = حوله لأحرف ص_غيرة Enclose as _XML Tags = احتويه كوسم _XML Enclose as Single XML _Tag = احتويه ك_وسم XML فردي Enclose in Single _Quotes = احتويه في علامتي _تنصيص Enclose in _Double Quotes = احتويه في علامتي تنصيص _مزدوجة Enclose in _Parentheses = احتويه في أقواس م_عقوفة Enclose in _Brackets = احتويه في أقواس م_ربعة Enclose in B_races = احتويه في أقواس م_نحنية _Move Selected Lines Up = _حرّكه لأعلى Move Selected Lines Do_wn = ح_رّكه لأسفل # Menu items for searching and replacing text within buffers and files. _Search = _بحث _Find = ا_بحث Find _Previous = جد ال_سابق Find _Incremental = ابحث _تتابعيًا Find in Fi_les = ابحث في ال_ملفات Goto Nex_t File Found = اذهب إلى الم_لف التالي Goto Previou_s File Found = اذهب إلى المل_ف السابق # Menu item for jumping to a specific line in a buffer. _Jump to = ا_نتقل إلى # Menu items for various tools and utilities for editing and working with source # code. _Tools = أ_دوات # Menu item for opening Textadept's Lua command entry. Command _Entry = أ_كتب أمرًا # Menu item for selecting a menu command to run. Select Co_mmand = ا_ختر أمرًا # Menu items for running or compiling the current source file. _Run = _شغل _Compile = _ترجم # Menu item for setting command line arguments for run and compile commands. Set _Arguments... = Set _Arguments... # The text displayed in the dialog for specifying command line arguments for run # and compile commands. Command line arguments = Command line arguments For Run: = For Run: For Compile: = For Compile: # Menu item for building the current project. Buil_d = ا_بْن ِ # Menu item for stopping a run, compile, or build shell command. S_top = قِفْ # Menu items for navigating through recognized shell command errors. _Next Error = اذهب لل_خطأ التالي _Previous Error = اذهب للخطأ ال_سابق # Menu items for working with bookmarked lines in buffers. _Bookmark = ع_لامات _Toggle Bookmark = _بدِّل العلامة _Clear Bookmarks = ا_مسح العلامات _Next Bookmark = العلامة ال_تالية _Previous Bookmark = العلامة ال_سابقة _Goto Bookmark... = ا_ذهب إلى العلامة .. # Menu items for recording, playing back, saving, and loading macros. _Macros = _Macros Start/Stop _Recording = Start/Stop _Recording _Play = _Play Sa_ve... = Sa_ve... _Load... = _Load... # Menu items for launching a quick open dialog in order to open files in certain # directories. A quick open dialog lists all files in a directory and its # subdirectories and filters the list down as the user types. Quick _Open = Quick _Open Quickly Open _User Home = Quickly Open _User Home Quickly Open _Textadept Home = Quickly Open _Textadept Home Quickly Open _Current Directory = Quickly Open _Current Directory Quickly Open Current _Project = Quickly Open Current _Project # Menu items for working with snippets, insert-able pieces of code that act like # templates with placeholders for user input. _Snippets = _قُصَاصات _Insert Snippet... = أ_دخِل القُصَاصة _Expand Snippet/Next Placeholder = _فعِّل القصاصة\الموضع التالي _Previous Snippet Placeholder = ا_نتقل لموضع القصاصة السابق _Cancel Snippet = إ_لغ ِالقُصاصة # Menu items for auto-completing programming language symbols and showing # documentation for them (e.g. typing `textadept.editing.` followed by a # "Complete Symbol" would show all possible completions for that symbol). _Complete Symbol = أكْ_مِل الرمز Show _Documentation = ا_عْرض الوثائق # Menu item for inspecting the character under the caret. The character's byte # information, the lexer used to syntax-highlight that character, and the # character's lexical style (e.g. string, comment, number, etc.) are shown. Show St_yle = اعرض ال_نسق Lexer = معجم Style = نسق # Menu items for navigating between open buffers. _Buffer = م_ذكرة _Next Buffer = المذكرة ال_تالي _Previous Buffer = المذكرة ال_سابق _Switch to Buffer... = ا_نتقل إلى المذكرة... # Menu items for changing the indentation settings for the current buffer. _Indentation = ال_بادئة Tab width: _2 = سعة المسافة العريضة: _2 Tab width: _3 = سعة المسافة العريضة: _3 Tab width: _4 = سعة المسافة العريضة: _4 Tab width: _8 = سعة المسافة العريضة: _8 _Toggle Use Tabs = _بدِّل المسافات العريضة _Convert Indentation = ت_حويل البادئة # Menu item for changing the end-of-line mode for the current buffer. _EOL Mode = _علامة نهاية السطر(EOL) # Menu items for changing the encoding of the current buffer's text. E_ncoding = ال_ترميز _UTF-8 Encoding = ترميز الـUTF-8 _ASCII Encoding = ترميز الـASCII _CP-1252 Encoding = ترميز الـCP-1252 UTF-1_6 Encoding = ترميز الـUTF-1_6 # Menu items for changing the way the current buffer is displayed. Toggle View _EOL = بدِّل عرض _نهاية السطر Toggle _Wrap Mode = بدِّل ال_تفاف النص Toggle View White_space = بدِّل عرض ال_مسافة البيضاء # Menu items for changing and refreshing the syntax-highlighting language for # the current buffer. Select _Lexer... = اختر ال_معجم... _Refresh Syntax Highlighting = أ_عِدْ التضليل النحوي # Menu items for navigating between views, splitting them, closing them, and # resizing them. _View = _عرض _Next View = انتقل للمنظر ال_تالي _Previous View = انتقل للمنظر ال_سابق Split View _Horizontal = اقسم المنظر أ_فقيًا Split View _Vertical = اقسم المنظر _رأسيًا _Unsplit View = إ_لغِ تقسيم المنظر Unsplit _All Views = إلغِ ت_قسيم كل المناظر _Grow View = _كبِّر المنظر Shrin_k View = _صغِّر المنظر # Menu item for folding (showing/hiding) the block of code the starts on the # current line. Fold-able blocks of code are typically classes, functions, and # control structures. Toggle Current _Fold = بدّل ال_طوي الحالي # Menu item for showing line indentation markers. Toggle Show In_dent Guides = بدِّل عرض علامات ال_بادئة التوضيحية # Menu item for allowing the caret to move beyond line ends and into "virtual # space". Toggle _Virtual Space = بدِّل المسافة ال_ظاهرية # Menu items for changing the zoom factor of displayed buffer text. Zoom _In = ك_بّر Zoom _Out = ص_غّر _Reset Zoom = أع_د الضبط # Menu items for getting help on Textadept and its Lua API documentation. _Help = م_ساعدة Show _Manual = عرض الد_ليل Show _LuaDoc = عرض و_ثائق لُوَ _About = ع_ن # The error message displayed when activating a menu item associated with an # unknown command. Unknown command: = أمر مجهول: # The text displayed in the dialog for running an arbitrary menu command. Any # key binding associated with commands are also shown. Run Command = شغِّل الأمر Command = أمر Key Binding = أمر أساسي # [modules/textadept/file_types.lua] # The title of the dialog for selecting a lexer for the current buffer. Lexers # perform syntax highlighting of source code. Select Lexer = اختر المعجم # [modules/textadept/session.lua] # The title of the dialog for selecting a session file to load. Load Session = حمّل الجلسة # The text displayed in a dialog when files in a loaded session were not found. Session Files Not Found = ملفات المكتب غير موجودة The following session files were not found = ملفات المكتب التالية غير موجودة # The title of the dialog for selecting a session file to save. Save Session = احفظ الجلسة # [modules/textadept/snippets.lua] # The text displayed in the dialog for selecting a snippet to insert. Snippets # have a trigger word (pressing the "Tab" key after that word inserts the # snippet) and snippet text. Select Snippet = اختر قصاصة Trigger = الدافع Snippet Text = نص القصاصة