-- Copyright 2007-2011 Mitchell mitchellcaladbolg.net. See LICENSE. local M = {} --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Manages key commands in Textadept. module('keys')]] -- Markdown: -- ## Overview -- -- Key commands are defined in the global table `keys`. Each key-value pair in -- `keys` consists of either: -- -- * A string representing a key command and an associated function or table. -- * A string language name and its associated `keys`-like table. -- * A string representing a key command and its associated `keys`-like table. -- (This is a keychain sequence.) -- -- Language names are the names of the lexer files in `lexers/` such as `cpp` -- and `lua`. -- -- A key command string is built from a combination of the `CTRL`, `ALT`, -- `META`, `SHIFT`, and `ADD` constants as well as the pressed key itself. The -- value of `ADD` is inserted between each of `CTRL`, `ALT`, `META`, `SHIFT`, -- and the key. For example: -- -- -- keys.lua: -- CTRL = 'Ctrl' -- ALT = 'Alt' -- SHIFT = 'Shift' -- META = 'Meta' -- ADD = '+' -- -- pressing control, alt, shift, and 'a' yields: 'Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A' -- -- For key values less than 255, Lua's [`string.char()`][string_char] is used to -- determine the key's string representation. Otherwise, the -- [`KEYSYMS`](../modules/_M.textadept.keys.html#KEYSYMS) lookup table is used. -- -- [string_char]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.char -- -- Normally, Lua functions are assigned to key commands, but those functions are -- called without any arguments. In order to pass arguments to a function, -- assign a table to the key command. This table contains the function followed -- by its arguments in order. Any [buffer](../modules/buffer.html) or -- [view](../modules/view.html) references are handled correctly at runtime. -- -- Key commands can be chained like in Emacs using keychain sequences. By -- default, the `Esc` key (`Apple+Esc` on Mac OSX) cancels the current keychain, -- but it can be redefined by setting the `keys.CLEAR` field. Naturally, the -- clear sequence cannot be chained. -- -- ## Settings -- -- + `CTRL` [string]: The string representing the Control key. The default is -- 'c'. -- + `ALT` [string]: The string representing the Alt/option key. The default is -- 'a' -- + `META` [string]: The string representing the Command key on Mac OSX. The -- default is 'm'. -- + `SHIFT` [string]: The string representing the Shift key. The default is -- 's'. -- + `ADD` [string]: The string representing used to join together a sequence of -- Control, Alt, Meta, or Shift modifier keys. The default is ''. -- * `CLEAR` [string]: The string representing the key sequence that clears the -- current keychain. The default is 'esc' (Escape). -- * `LANGUAGE_MODULE_PREFIX` [string]: The starting key command of the keychain -- reserved for language-specific modules. Defaults to Ctrl/Cmd+L. -- -- ## Key Command Precedence -- -- When searching for a key command to execute in the `keys` table, key commands -- in the current lexer have priority, followed by the ones in the global table. -- -- ## Example -- -- keys = { -- ['ctrl+f'] = buffer.char_right -- ['ctrl+b'] = buffer.char_left, -- lua = { -- ['ctrl+f'] = { buffer.add_text, buffer, 'function' }, -- } -- } -- -- The first two key commands are global and call `buffer:char_right()` and -- `buffer:char_left()` respectively. The last command applies only in the Lua -- lexer. If `ctrl+f` is pressed in a Lua file, the global key command with the -- same shortcut is overridden and `function` is added to the buffer. -- -- ## Problems -- -- All Lua functions must be defined BEFORE they are reference in key commands. -- Therefore, any module containing key commands should be loaded after all -- other modules, whose functions are being referenced, have been loaded. local ADD = '' local CTRL, ALT, META, SHIFT = 'c'..ADD, 'a'..ADD, 'm'..ADD, 's'..ADD M.CLEAR = 'esc' M.LANGUAGE_MODULE_PREFIX = (not OSX and CTRL or META)..'l' -- Optimize for speed. local OSX = OSX local string = string local string_byte, string_char = string.byte, string.char local table_unpack = table.unpack local xpcall, next, type = xpcall, next, type local no_args = {} local getmetatable = getmetatable local error = function(e) events.emit(events.ERROR, e) end --- -- Lookup table for key codes higher than 255. -- If a key code given to `keypress()` is higher than 255, this table is used to -- return a string representation of the key if it exists. -- @class table -- @name KEYSYMS M.KEYSYMS = { -- from [0xFE20] = '\t', -- backtab; will be 'shift'ed [0xFF08] = '\b', [0xFF09] = '\t', [0xFF0D] = '\n', [0xFF1B] = 'esc', [0xFFFF] = 'del', [0xFF50] = 'home', [0xFF51] = 'left', [0xFF52] = 'up', [0xFF53] = 'right', [0xFF54] = 'down', [0xFF55] = 'pgup', [0xFF56] = 'pgdn', [0xFF57] = 'end', [0xFF63] = 'ins', [0xFFBE] = 'f1', [0xFFBF] = 'f2', [0xFFC0] = 'f3', [0xFFC1] = 'f4', [0xFFC2] = 'f5', [0xFFC3] = 'f6', [0xFFC4] = 'f7', [0xFFC5] = 'f8', [0xFFC6] = 'f9', [0xFFC7] = 'f10', [0xFFC8] = 'f11', [0xFFC9] = 'f12', } -- The current key sequence. local keychain = {} -- Clears the current key sequence. local function clear_key_sequence() if #keychain > 0 then keychain = {} end gui.statusbar_text = '' end -- Runs a given command. -- This is also used by `modules/textadept/menu.lua`. -- @param command A function or table as described above. -- @param command_type Equivalent to `type(command)`. -- @return the value the command returns. local function run_command(command, command_type) local f, args = command_type == 'function' and command or command[1], no_args if command_type == 'table' then args = command -- If the argument is a view or buffer, use the current one instead. if type(args[2]) == 'table' then local mt, buffer, view = getmetatable(args[2]), buffer, view if mt == getmetatable(buffer) then args[2] = buffer elseif mt == getmetatable(view) then args[2] = view end end end local _, result = xpcall(f, error, table_unpack(args, 2)) return result end M.run_command = run_command -- export for menu.lua without creating LuaDoc -- Return codes for `run_key_command()`. local INVALID, PROPAGATE, CHAIN, HALT = -1, 0, 1, 2 -- Runs a key command associated with the current keychain. -- @param lexer Optional lexer name for lexer-specific commands. -- @return `INVALID`, `PROPAGATE`, `CHAIN`, or `HALT`. local function run_key_command(lexer) local key, key_type = keys, type(keys) if lexer and key_type == 'table' and key[lexer] then key = key[lexer] end if type(key) ~= 'table' then return INVALID end key = key[keychain[1]] for i = 2, #keychain do if type(key) ~= 'table' then return INVALID end key = key[keychain[i]] end key_type = type(key) if key_type ~= 'function' and key_type ~= 'table' then return INVALID end if key_type == 'table' and #key == 0 and next(key) then gui.statusbar_text = _L['Keychain:']..' '..table.concat(keychain, ' ') return CHAIN end return run_command(key, key_type) == false and PROPAGATE or HALT end -- Handles Textadept keypresses. -- It is called every time a key is pressed, and based on lexer, executes a -- command. The command is looked up in the `_G.keys` table. -- @param code The keycode. -- @param shift Whether or not the Shift modifier is pressed. -- @param control Whether or not the Control modifier is pressed. -- @param alt Whether or not the Alt/option modifier is pressed. -- @param meta Whether or not the Command modifier on Mac OSX is pressed. -- @return `true` to stop handling the key; `nil` otherwise. local function keypress(code, shift, control, alt, meta) local buffer = buffer local key --print(code, M.KEYSYMS[ch], shift, control, alt, meta) if code < 256 then key = string_char(code) shift = false -- for printable characters, key is upper case else key = M.KEYSYMS[code] if not key then return end end local key_seq = (control and CTRL or '')..(alt and ALT or '').. (meta and OSX and META or '')..(shift and SHIFT or '')..key --print(key_seq) if #keychain > 0 and key_seq == M.CLEAR then clear_key_sequence() return true end keychain[#keychain + 1] = key_seq local success for i = 1, 2 do local status = run_key_command(i == 1 and buffer:get_lexer(true)) if status > 0 then -- CHAIN or HALT if status == HALT then -- Clear the key sequence, but keep any status messages from the key -- command itself. keychain = {} local text = gui.statusbar_text or '' if text == _L['Invalid sequence'] or text:find(_L['Keychain:']) then gui.statusbar_text = '' end end return true end success = success or status ~= -1 end local size = #keychain - 1 clear_key_sequence() if not success and size > 0 then -- INVALID keychain sequence gui.statusbar_text = _L['Invalid sequence'] return true end -- PROPAGATE otherwise. end events.connect(events.KEYPRESS, keypress, 1) -- Returns the GDK integer keycode and modifier mask for a key sequence. -- This is used for creating menu accelerators. -- @param key_seq The string key sequence. -- @return keycode and modifier mask local function get_gdk_key(key_seq) if not key_seq then return nil end local mods, key = key_seq:match('^([cams]*)(.+)$') if not mods or not key then return nil end local modifiers = ((mods:find('s') or key:lower() ~= key) and 1 or 0) + (mods:find('c') and (not OSX and 4 or 128) or 0) + (mods:find('a') and 8 or 0) + (mods:find('m') and 4 or 0) local byte = string_byte(key) if #key > 1 or byte < 32 then for i, s in pairs(M.KEYSYMS) do if s == key and i ~= 0xFE20 then byte = i break end end end return byte, modifiers end M.get_gdk_key = get_gdk_key -- export for menu.lua without generating LuaDoc return M