-- Copyright 2007-2012 Mitchell mitchellcaladbolg.net. See LICENSE. local M = {} --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Textadept's core event structure and handlers. module('events')]] -- Markdown: -- ## Overview -- -- Textadept is very event-driven. Most of its functionality comes through event -- handlers. Events occur when you create a new buffer, press a key, click on a -- menu, etc. You can even make an event occur with Lua code. Instead of having -- a single event handler however, each event can have a set of handlers. These -- handlers are simply Lua functions that are called in the order they were -- added to an event. This enables dynamically loaded modules to add their own -- handlers to events. -- -- Events themselves are nothing special. They do not have to be declared in -- order to be used. They are simply strings containing an arbitrary event name. -- When an event of this name occurs, either generated by Textadept or you, all -- event handlers assigned to it are run. -- -- Events can be given any number of arguments. These arguments will be passed -- to the event's handler functions. If a handler returns either true or false -- explicitly, all subsequent handlers are not called. This is useful if you -- want to stop the propagation of an event like a keypress. -- -- ## Textadept Events -- -- This is the set of default events that Textadept emits with the arguments -- they pass. Events that modules emit are listed on their respective LuaDoc -- pages. -- -- * `APPLEEVENT_ODOC` -- Called when Mac OSX tells Textadept to open a document. -- * `uri`: The URI to open encoded in UTF-8. -- * `AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED` -- Called when the user deleted a character while the autocompletion list was -- active. -- * `AUTO_C_RELEASE` -- Called when the user has cancelled the autocompletion list. -- * `AUTO_C_SELECTION` -- Called when the user has selected an item in an autocompletion list and -- before the selection is inserted. -- Automatic insertion can be cancelled by calling -- [`buffer:auto_c_cancel()`][] before returning from the event handler. -- Arguments: -- * `text`: The text of the selection. -- * `position`: The start position of the word being completed. -- * `BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH` -- Called right after a buffer is switched to. -- * `BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH` -- Called right before another buffer is switched to. -- * `BUFFER_DELETED` -- Called after a buffer was deleted. -- * `BUFFER_NEW` -- Called when a new buffer is created. -- * `CALL_TIP_CLICK` -- Called when the user clicks on a calltip. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: Set to 1 if the click is in an up arrow, 2 if in a down -- arrow, and 0 if elsewhere. -- * `CHAR_ADDED` -- Called when an ordinary text character is added to the buffer. -- Arguments: -- * `ch`: The text character byte. -- * `COMMAND_ENTRY_COMMAND` -- Called when a command is entered into the Command Entry. -- Arguments: -- * `command`: The command text. -- * `COMMAND_ENTRY_KEYPRESS` -- Called when a key is pressed in the Command Entry. -- Arguments: -- * `code`: The key code. -- * `shift`: The Shift key is held down. -- * `ctrl`: The Control/Command key is held down. -- * `alt`: The Alt/option key is held down. -- * `meta`: The Control key on Mac OSX is held down. -- * `DOUBLE_CLICK` -- Called when the mouse button is double-clicked. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The text position of the double click. -- * `line`: The line of the double click. -- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero -- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the Ctrl key is reported as *both* -- Ctrl and Alt due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK. -- * `DWELL_END` -- Called after a `DWELL_START` and the mouse is moved or other activity such -- as key press indicates the dwell is over. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The nearest position in the document to the position where -- the mouse pointer was lingering. -- * `x`: Where the pointer lingered. -- * `y`: Where the pointer lingered. -- * `DWELL_START` -- Called when the user keeps the mouse in one position for the dwell period -- (see `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_SETMOUSEDWELLTIME`). -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The nearest position in the document to the position where -- the mouse pointer was lingering. -- * `x`: Where the pointer lingered. -- * `y`: Where the pointer lingered. -- * `ERROR` -- Called when an error occurs. -- Arguments: -- * `text`: The error text. -- * `FIND` -- Called when finding text via the Find dialog box. -- Arguments: -- * `text`: The text to search for. -- * `next`: Search forward. -- * `HOTSPOT_CLICK` -- Called when the user clicks on text that is in a style with the hotspot -- attribute set. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The text position of the click. -- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero -- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the Ctrl key is reported as *both* -- Ctrl and Alt due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK. -- * `HOTSPOT_DOUBLE_CLICK` -- Called when the user double clicks on text that is in a style with the -- hotspot attribute set. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The text position of the double click. -- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero -- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the Ctrl key is reported as *both* -- Ctrl and Alt due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK. -- * `HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK` -- Called when the user releases the mouse on text that is in a style with the -- hotspot attribute set. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The text position of the release. -- * `INDICATOR_CLICK` -- Called when the user clicks the mouse on text that has an indicator. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The text position of the click. -- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero -- or more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the Ctrl key is reported as *both* -- Ctrl and Alt due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK. -- * `INDICATOR_RELEASE` -- Called when the user releases the mouse on text that has an indicator. -- Arguments: -- * `position`: The text position of the release. -- * `KEYPRESS` -- Called when a key is pressed. -- Arguments: -- * `code`: The key code. -- * `shift`: The Shift key is held down. -- * `ctrl`: The Control/Command key is held down. -- * `alt`: The Alt/option key is held down. -- * `meta`: The Control key on Mac OSX is held down. -- * `MARGIN_CLICK` -- Called when the mouse is clicked inside a margin. -- Arguments: -- * `margin`: The margin number that was clicked. -- * `position`: The position of the start of the line in the buffer that -- corresponds to the margin click. -- * `modifiers`: The appropriate combination of -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_SHIFT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_CTRL`, -- and `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were -- held down at the time of the margin click. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the Ctrl key is reported as *both* -- Ctrl and Alt due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK. -- * `MENU_CLICKED` -- Called when a menu item is selected. -- Arguments: -- * `menu_id`: The numeric ID of the menu item set in [`gui.gtkmenu()`][]. -- * `QUIT` -- Called when quitting Textadept. -- When connecting to this event, connect with an index of 1 or the handler -- will be ignored. -- * `REPLACE` -- Called to replace selected (found) text. -- Arguments: -- * `text`: The text to replace selected text with. -- * `REPLACE_ALL` -- Called to replace all occurances of found text. -- Arguments: -- * `find_text`: The text to search for. -- * `repl_text`: The text to replace found text with. -- * `RESET_AFTER` -- Called after resetting the Lua state. -- This is triggered by [`reset()`][]. -- * `RESET_BEFORE` -- Called before resetting the Lua state. -- This is triggered by [`reset()`][]. -- * `SAVE_POINT_LEFT` -- Called when a save point is left. -- * `SAVE_POINT_REACHED` -- Called when a save point is entered. -- * `UPDATE_UI` -- Called when either the text or styling of the buffer has changed or the -- selection range has changed. -- * `URI_DROPPED` -- Called when the user has dragged a URI such as a file name onto the view. -- Arguments: -- * `text`: The URI text encoded in UTF-8. -- * `USER_LIST_SELECTION` -- Called when the user has selected an item in a user list. -- Arguments: -- * `list_type`: This is set to the list_type parameter from the -- [`buffer:user_list_show()`][] call that initiated the list. -- * `text`: The text of the selection. -- * `position`: The position the list was displayed at. -- * `VIEW_NEW` -- Called when a new view is created. -- * `VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH` -- Called right before another view is switched to. -- * `VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH` -- Called right after another view is switched to. -- -- [`buffer:auto_c_cancel()`]: buffer.html#buffer.auto_c_cancel -- [`gui.gtkmenu()`]: gui.html#gtkmenu -- [`reset()`]: _G.html#reset -- [`buffer:user_list_show()`]: buffer.html#buffer.user_list_show -- -- ## Example -- -- The following Lua code generates and handles a custom `my_event` event: -- -- function my_event_handler(message) -- gui.print(message) -- end -- -- events.connect('my_event', my_event_handler) -- events.emit('my_event', 'my message') -- prints 'my message' to a view --- -- A table of event names and a table of functions connected to them. -- @class table -- @name handlers M.handlers = {} --- -- Adds a handler function to an event. -- @param event The string event name. It is arbitrary and need not be defined -- anywhere. -- @param f The Lua function to add. -- @param index Optional index to insert the handler into. -- @return Index of handler. -- @see disconnect -- @name connect function M.connect(event, f, index) if not event then error(_L['Undefined event name']) end if not M.handlers[event] then M.handlers[event] = {} end local h = M.handlers[event] if index then table.insert(h, index, f) else h[#h + 1] = f end return index or #h end --- -- Disconnects a handler function from an event. -- @param event The string event name. -- @param index Index of the handler (returned by `events.connect()`). -- @see connect -- @name disconnect function M.disconnect(event, index) if not M.handlers[event] then return end table.remove(M.handlers[event], index) end local error_emitted = false --- -- Calls all handlers for the given event in sequence (effectively "generating" -- the event). -- If `true` or `false` is explicitly returned by any handler, the event is not -- propagated any further; iteration ceases. -- @param event The string event name. -- @param ... Arguments passed to the handler. -- @return `true` or `false` if any handler explicitly returned such; nil -- otherwise. -- @name emit function M.emit(event, ...) if not event then error(_L['Undefined event name']) end local h = M.handlers[event] if not h then return end local pcall, table_unpack, type = pcall, table.unpack, type for i = 1, #h do local ok, result = pcall(h[i], table_unpack{...}) if not ok then if not error_emitted then error_emitted = true M.emit(events.ERROR, result) error_emitted = false else io.stderr:write(result) end end if type(result) == 'boolean' then return result end end end --- Map of Scintilla notifications to their handlers. local c = _SCINTILLA.constants local scnotifications = { [c.SCN_CHARADDED] = { 'char_added', 'ch' }, [c.SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED] = { 'save_point_reached' }, [c.SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT] = { 'save_point_left' }, [c.SCN_DOUBLECLICK] = { 'double_click', 'position', 'line', 'modifiers' }, [c.SCN_UPDATEUI] = { 'update_ui' }, [c.SCN_MARGINCLICK] = { 'margin_click', 'margin', 'position', 'modifiers' }, [c.SCN_USERLISTSELECTION] = { 'user_list_selection', 'wParam', 'text', 'position' }, [c.SCN_URIDROPPED] = { 'uri_dropped', 'text' }, [c.SCN_DWELLSTART] = { 'dwell_start', 'position', 'x', 'y' }, [c.SCN_DWELLEND] = { 'dwell_end', 'position', 'x', 'y' }, [c.SCN_HOTSPOTCLICK] = { 'hotspot_click', 'position', 'modifiers' }, [c.SCN_HOTSPOTDOUBLECLICK] = { 'hotspot_double_click', 'position', 'modifiers' }, [c.SCN_CALLTIPCLICK] = { 'call_tip_click', 'position' }, [c.SCN_AUTOCSELECTION] = { 'auto_c_selection', 'text', 'position' }, [c.SCN_INDICATORCLICK] = { 'indicator_click', 'position', 'modifiers' }, [c.SCN_INDICATORRELEASE] = { 'indicator_release', 'position' }, [c.SCN_AUTOCCANCELLED] = { 'auto_c_cancelled' }, [c.SCN_AUTOCCHARDELETED] = { 'auto_c_char_deleted' }, [c.SCN_HOTSPOTRELEASECLICK] = { 'hotspot_release_click', 'position' }, } -- Handles Scintilla notifications. M.connect('SCN', function(n) local f = scnotifications[n.code] if not f then return end local args = {} for i = 2, #f do args[i - 1] = n[f[i]] end return M.emit(f[1], table.unpack(args)) end) -- Set event constants. for _, n in pairs(scnotifications) do M[n[1]:upper()] = n[1] end local ta_events = { 'appleevent_odoc', 'buffer_after_switch', 'buffer_before_switch', 'buffer_deleted', 'buffer_new', 'command_entry_command', 'command_entry_keypress', 'error', 'find', 'keypress', 'menu_clicked', 'quit', 'replace', 'replace_all', 'reset_after', 'reset_before', 'view_after_switch', 'view_before_switch', 'view_new' } for _, e in pairs(ta_events) do M[e:upper()] = e end return M