-- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. local M = {} --[[ This comment is for LuaDoc. --- -- Textadept's core event structure and handlers. -- -- ## Overview -- -- Textadept emits events when you do things like create a new buffer, press a -- key, click on a menu, etc. You can even emit events yourself using Lua. Each -- event has a set of event handlers, which are simply Lua functions called in -- the order they were connected to an event. For example, if you created a -- module that needs to do something each time Textadept creates a new buffer, -- connect a Lua function to the [BUFFER_NEW](#BUFFER_NEW) event: -- -- events.connect(events.BUFFER_NEW, function() -- -- Do something here. -- end) -- -- Events themselves are nothing special. You do not have to declare one before -- using it. Events are simply strings containing arbitrary event names. When -- either you or Textadept emits an event, Textadept runs all event handlers -- connected to the event, passing any given arguments to the event's handler -- functions. If an event handler explicitly returns a `true` or `false` boolean -- value, Textadept will not call subsequent handlers. This is useful if you -- want to stop the propagation of an event like a keypress if your event -- handler handled it. -- -- @field APPLEEVENT_ODOC (string) -- Emitted when Mac OSX tells Textadept to open a file. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`uri`_: The UTF-8-encoded URI to open. -- @field AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED (string) -- Emitted when deleting a character while the autocompletion list is active. -- @field AUTO_C_RELEASE (string) -- Emitted when canceling the autocompletion list. -- @field AUTO_C_SELECTION (string) -- Emitted when selecting an item in the autocompletion list and before -- inserting the selection. -- Automatic insertion can be cancelled by calling -- [`buffer:auto_c_cancel()`][] before returning from the event handler. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`text`_: The text of the selection. -- * _`position`_: The position of the beginning of the autocompleted word. -- @field BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH (string) -- Emitted right after switching to another buffer. -- Emitted by [`view:goto_buffer()`][]. -- @field BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH (string) -- Emitted right before switching to another buffer. -- Emitted by [`view:goto_buffer()`][]. -- @field BUFFER_DELETED (string) -- Emitted after deleting a buffer. -- Emitted by [`buffer:delete()`][]. -- @field BUFFER_NEW (string) -- Emitted after creating a new buffer. -- Emitted on startup and by [`buffer.new()`][]. -- @field CALL_TIP_CLICK (string) -- Emitted when clicking on a calltip. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: `1` if the up arrow was clicked, 2 if the down arrow was -- clicked, and 0 otherwise. -- @field CHAR_ADDED (string) -- Emitted after adding a text character to the buffer. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`byte`_: The text character's byte. -- @field COMMAND_ENTRY_KEYPRESS (string) -- Emitted when pressing a key in the Command Entry. -- If any handler returns `true`, the key is not inserted into the entry. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`code`_: The numeric key code. -- * _`shift`_: The "Shift" modifier key is held down. -- * _`ctrl`_: The "Control"/"Command" modifier key is held down. -- * _`alt`_: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down. -- * _`meta`_: The "Control" modifier key on Mac OSX is held down. -- @field DOUBLE_CLICK (string) -- Emitted after double-clicking the mouse button. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position double-clicked. -- * _`line`_: The line number double-clicked. -- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, -- `buffer.MOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.MOD_ALT`, and `buffer.MOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both* "Control" -- and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+. -- @field DWELL_END (string) -- Emitted after a `DWELL_START` when the user moves the mouse, presses a key, -- etc. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position closest to *x* and *y*. -- * _`x`_: The x-coordinate of the mouse in the view. -- * _`y`_: The y-coordinate of the mouse in the view. -- @field DWELL_START (string) -- Emitted after keeping the mouse stationary for -- [`buffer.mouse_dwell_time`][] milliseconds. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position closest to *x* and *y*. -- * _`x`_: The x-coordinate of the mouse in the view. -- * _`y`_: The y-coordinate of the mouse in the view. -- @field ERROR (string) -- Emitted when an error occurs. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`text`_: The error message text. -- @field FIND (string) -- Emitted to find text via the Find dialog box. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`text`_: The text to search for. -- * _`next`_: Whether or not to search forward. -- @field HOTSPOT_CLICK (string) -- Emitted when clicking on text that is in a style with the hotspot attribute -- set. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position clicked. -- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, -- `buffer.MOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.MOD_ALT`, and `buffer.MOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both* "Control" -- and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+. -- @field HOTSPOT_DOUBLE_CLICK (string) -- Emitted when double-clicking on text that is in a style with the hotspot -- attribute set. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position double-clicked. -- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, -- `buffer.MOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.MOD_ALT`, and `buffer.MOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both* "Control" -- and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+. -- @field HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK (string) -- Emitted after releasing the mouse after clicking on text that was in a -- style with the hotspot attribute set. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position unclicked. -- @field INDICATOR_CLICK (string) -- Emitted when clicking the mouse on text that has an indicator present. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position of the clicked text. -- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, -- `buffer.MOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.MOD_ALT`, and `buffer.MOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both* "Control" -- and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+. -- @field INDICATOR_RELEASE (string) -- Emitted when releasing the mouse after clicking on text that has an -- indicator present. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`position`_: The position of the clicked text. -- @field INITIALIZED (string) -- Emitted after Textadept finishes initializing. -- @field KEYPRESS (string) -- Emitted when pressing a key. -- If any handler returns `true`, the key is not inserted into the buffer. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`code`_: The numeric key code. -- * _`shift`_: The "Shift" modifier key is held down. -- * _`ctrl`_: The "Control"/"Command" modifier key is held down. -- * _`alt`_: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down. -- * _`meta`_: The "Control" modifier key on Mac OSX is held down. -- @field MARGIN_CLICK (string) -- Emitted when clicking the mouse inside a sensitive margin. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`margin`_: The margin number clicked. -- * _`position`_: The position of the start of the line whose margin was -- clicked. -- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of any modifier keys used: `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, -- `buffer.MOD_SHIFT`, `buffer.MOD_ALT`, and `buffer.MOD_META`. -- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to -- `buffer.MOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as *both* "Control" -- and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+. -- @field MENU_CLICKED (string) -- Emitted after selecting a menu item. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`menu_id`_: The numeric ID of the menu item set in [`ui.menu()`][]. -- @field QUIT (string) -- Emitted when quitting Textadept. -- When connecting to this event, connect with an index of 1 or the handler -- will be ignored. -- Emitted by [`quit()`][]. -- @field REPLACE (string) -- Emitted to replace selected (found) text. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`text`_: The text to replace the selected text with. -- @field REPLACE_ALL (string) -- Emitted to replace all occurrences of found text. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`find_text`_: The text to search for. -- * _`repl_text`_: The text to replace found text with. -- @field RESET_AFTER (string) -- Emitted after resetting the Lua state. -- Emitted by [`reset()`][]. -- @field RESET_BEFORE (string) -- Emitted before resetting the Lua state. -- Emitted by [`reset()`][]. -- @field SAVE_POINT_LEFT (string) -- Emitted after leaving a save point. -- @field SAVE_POINT_REACHED (string) -- Emitted after reaching a save point. -- @field UPDATE_UI (string) -- Emitted when buffer content, styling, selection, or scroll position -- changes. -- @field URI_DROPPED (string) -- Emitted after dragging and dropping a URI into the view. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`text`_: The UTF-8-encoded URI dropped. -- @field USER_LIST_SELECTION (string) -- Emitted after selecting an item in a user list. -- Arguments: -- -- * _`list_type`_: The *list_type* from [`buffer:user_list_show()`][]. -- * _`text`_: The text of the selection. -- * _`position`_: The position the list was displayed at. -- @field VIEW_NEW (string) -- Emitted after creating a new view. -- Emitted on startup and by [`view:split()`][]. -- @field VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH (string) -- Emitted right before switching to another view. -- Emitted by [`ui.goto_view()`][]. -- @field VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH (string) -- Emitted right after switching to another view. -- Emitted by [`ui.goto_view()`][]. -- -- [`buffer:auto_c_cancel()`]: buffer.html#auto_c_cancel -- [`view:goto_buffer()`]: view.html#goto_buffer -- [`buffer.new()`]: buffer.html#new -- [`buffer:delete()`]: buffer.html#delete -- [`buffer.mouse_dwell_time`]: buffer.html#mouse_dwell_time -- [`ui.menu()`]: ui.html#menu -- [`quit()`]: _G.html#quit -- [`reset()`]: _G.html#reset -- [`buffer:user_list_show()`]: buffer.html#user_list_show -- [`view:split()`]: view.html#split -- [`ui.goto_view()`]: ui.html#goto_view module('events')]] local handlers = {} --- -- Adds function *f* to the set of event handlers for event *event* at position -- *index*. -- *event* may be any arbitrary string and does not need to have been previously -- defined. -- @param event The string event name. -- @param f The Lua function to connect to *event*. -- @param index Optional index to insert the handler into. -- @usage events.connect('my_event', function(msg) ui.print(msg) end) -- @see disconnect -- @name connect function M.connect(event, f, index) if not event then error(_L['Undefined event name']) end if not handlers[event] then handlers[event] = {} end if handlers[event][f] then M.disconnect(event, f) end table.insert(handlers[event], index or #handlers[event] + 1, f) handlers[event][f] = index or #handlers[event] end --- -- Removes function *f* from the set of handlers for event *event*. -- @param event The string event name. -- @param f The Lua function connected to *event*. -- @see connect -- @name disconnect function M.disconnect(event, f) if not handlers[event] or not handlers[event][f] then return end table.remove(handlers[event], handlers[event][f]) handlers[event][f] = nil end local error_emitted = false --- -- Sequentially calls all handler functions for event *event* with the given -- arguments. -- *event* may be any arbitrary string and does not need to have been previously -- defined. If any handler explicitly returns `true` or `false`, `emit()` -- returns that value and ceases to call subsequent handlers. This is useful for -- stopping the propagation of an event like a keypress after it has been -- handled. -- @param event The string event name. -- @param ... Arguments passed to the handler. -- @return `true` or `false` if any handler explicitly returned such; `nil` -- otherwise. -- @usage events.emit('my_event', 'my message') -- @name emit function M.emit(event, ...) if not event then error(_L['Undefined event name']) end local h = handlers[event] if not h then return end local pcall, table_unpack, type = pcall, table.unpack, type for i = 1, #h do local ok, result = pcall(h[i], table_unpack{...}) if not ok then if not error_emitted then error_emitted = true M.emit(events.ERROR, result) error_emitted = false else io.stderr:write(result) end end if type(result) == 'boolean' then return result end end end --- Map of Scintilla notifications to their handlers. local c = _SCINTILLA.constants local scnotifications = { [c.SCN_CHARADDED] = {'char_added', 'ch'}, [c.SCN_SAVEPOINTREACHED] = {'save_point_reached'}, [c.SCN_SAVEPOINTLEFT] = {'save_point_left'}, [c.SCN_DOUBLECLICK] = {'double_click', 'position', 'line', 'modifiers'}, [c.SCN_UPDATEUI] = {'update_ui'}, [c.SCN_MODIFIED] = {'modified', 'modification_type'}, -- undocumented [c.SCN_MARGINCLICK] = {'margin_click', 'margin', 'position', 'modifiers'}, [c.SCN_USERLISTSELECTION] = { 'user_list_selection', 'wParam', 'text', 'position' }, [c.SCN_URIDROPPED] = {'uri_dropped', 'text'}, [c.SCN_DWELLSTART] = {'dwell_start', 'position', 'x', 'y'}, [c.SCN_DWELLEND] = {'dwell_end', 'position', 'x', 'y'}, [c.SCN_HOTSPOTCLICK] = {'hotspot_click', 'position', 'modifiers'}, [c.SCN_HOTSPOTDOUBLECLICK] = { 'hotspot_double_click', 'position', 'modifiers' }, [c.SCN_CALLTIPCLICK] = {'call_tip_click', 'position'}, [c.SCN_AUTOCSELECTION] = {'auto_c_selection', 'text', 'position'}, [c.SCN_INDICATORCLICK] = {'indicator_click', 'position', 'modifiers'}, [c.SCN_INDICATORRELEASE] = {'indicator_release', 'position'}, [c.SCN_AUTOCCANCELLED] = {'auto_c_cancelled'}, [c.SCN_AUTOCCHARDELETED] = {'auto_c_char_deleted'}, [c.SCN_HOTSPOTRELEASECLICK] = {'hotspot_release_click', 'position'}, } -- Handles Scintilla notifications. M.connect('SCN', function(n) local f = scnotifications[n.code] if not f then return end local args = {} for i = 2, #f do args[i - 1] = n[f[i]] end return M.emit(f[1], table.unpack(args)) end) -- Set event constants. for _, n in pairs(scnotifications) do M[n[1]:upper()] = n[1] end local ta_events = { 'appleevent_odoc', 'buffer_after_switch', 'buffer_before_switch', 'buffer_deleted', 'buffer_new', 'command_entry_command', 'command_entry_keypress', 'error', 'find', 'initialized', 'keypress', 'menu_clicked', 'quit', 'replace', 'replace_all', 'reset_after', 'reset_before', 'view_after_switch', 'view_before_switch', 'view_new' } for _, e in pairs(ta_events) do M[e:upper()] = e end return M