-- Copyright 2007-2020 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. -- This is a DUMMY FILE used for making LuaDoc for Views. --- -- A Textadept view object. -- Constants are documented in the fields they apply to. -- While you can work with individual view instances, it is often useful to work -- with just the global one. -- Many of these functions and fields are derived from view-specific -- functionality the Scintilla editing component, and additional information can -- be found on the Scintilla website: -- [http://scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html]( -- http://scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html) -- Note that with regard to Scintilla-specific functionality, this API is a -- _suggestion_, not a hard requirement. All of that functionality also exists -- in [`buffer`](), even if undocumented. -- @field additional_caret_fore (number) -- The foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of additional carets. -- @field additional_carets_blink (bool) -- Allow additional carets to blink. -- The default value is `true`. -- @field additional_carets_visible (bool) -- Display additional carets. -- The default value is `true`. -- @field additional_sel_alpha (number) -- The alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque), of -- additional selections. -- The default value is `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha. -- @field additional_sel_back (number, Write-only) -- The background color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of additional selections. -- This field has no effect when calling `view:set_sel_back(false, ...)`. -- @field additional_sel_fore (number, Write-only) -- The foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of additional selections. -- This field has no effect when calling `view:set_sel_fore(false, ...)`. -- @field all_lines_visible (bool, Read-only) -- Whether or not all lines are visible. -- @field annotation_visible (number) -- The annotation visibility mode. -- -- * `view.ANNOTATION_HIDDEN` -- Annotations are invisible. -- * `view.ANNOTATION_STANDARD` -- Draw annotations left-justified with no decoration. -- * `view.ANNOTATION_BOXED` -- Indent annotations to match the annotated text and outline them with a -- box. -- * `view.ANNOTATION_INDENTED` -- Indent non-decorated annotations to match the annotated text. -- -- The default value is `view.ANNOTATION_HIDDEN`. -- @field auto_c_max_height (number) -- The maximum number of items per page to show in autocompletion and user -- lists. The default value is `5`. -- @field auto_c_max_width (number) -- The maximum number of characters per item to show in autocompletion and -- user lists. -- The default value is `0`, which automatically sizes the width to fit the -- longest item. -- @field call_tip_fore_hlt (number, Write-only) -- A call tip's highlighted text foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format. -- @field call_tip_pos_start (number, Write-only) -- The position in which backspacing beyond it hides a visible call tip. -- @field call_tip_position (boolean) -- Display a call tip above the current line instead of below it. -- The default value is `false`. -- @field call_tip_use_style (number) -- The pixel width of tab characters in call tips. -- When non-zero, also enables the use of style number `view.STYLE_CALLTIP` -- instead of `view.STYLE_DEFAULT` for call tip styles. -- The default value is `0`. -- @field caret_fore (number) -- The caret's foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format. -- @field caret_line_back (number) -- The background color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of the line that contains the -- caret. -- @field caret_line_back_alpha (number) -- The caret line's background alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to -- `255` (opaque). -- The default value is `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha. -- @field caret_line_frame (number) -- The caret line's frame width in pixels. -- When non-zero, the line that contains the caret is framed instead of -- colored in. The `view.caret_line_back` and `view.caret_line_back_alpha` -- properties apply to the frame. -- The default value is `0`. -- @field caret_line_visible (bool) -- Color the background of the line that contains the caret a different color. -- The default value is `false`. -- @field caret_line_visible_always (bool) -- Always show the caret line, even when the window is not in focus. -- The default value is `false`, showing the line only when the window is in -- focus. -- @field caret_period (number) -- The time between caret blinks in milliseconds. -- A value of `0` stops blinking. -- The default value is `500`. -- @field caret_style (number) -- The caret's visual style. -- -- * `view.CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE` -- No caret. -- * `view.CARETSTYLE_LINE` -- A line caret. -- * `view.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK` -- A block caret. -- -- Any block setting may be combined with `view.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK_AFTER` via -- bitwise OR (`|`) in order to draw the caret after the end of a selection, -- as opposed to just inside it. -- -- The default value is `view.CARETSTYLE_LINE`. -- @field caret_width (number) -- The line caret's pixel width in insert mode, either `0`, `1`, `2`, or `3`. -- The default value is `1`. -- @field cursor (number) -- The display cursor type. -- -- * `view.CURSORNORMAL` -- The text insert cursor. -- * `view.CURSORARROW` -- The arrow cursor. -- * `view.CURSORWAIT` -- The wait cursor. -- * `view.CURSORREVERSEARROW` -- The reversed arrow cursor. -- -- The default value is `view.CURSORNORMAL`. -- @field edge_color (number) -- The color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of the single edge or background for long -- lines according to `view.edge_mode`. -- @field edge_column (number) -- The column number to mark long lines at. -- @field edge_mode (number) -- The long line mark mode. -- -- * `view.EDGE_NONE` -- Long lines are not marked. -- * `view.EDGE_LINE` -- Draw a single vertical line whose color is [`view.edge_color`]() at -- column [`view.edge_column`](). -- * `view.EDGE_BACKGROUND` -- Change the background color of text after column [`view.edge_column`]() -- to [`view.edge_color`](). -- * `view.EDGE_MULTILINE` -- Draw vertical lines whose colors and columns are defined by calls to -- [`view:multi_edge_add_line()`](). -- @field end_at_last_line (bool) -- Disable scrolling past the last line. -- The default value is `true`. -- @field extra_ascent (number) -- The amount of pixel padding above lines. -- The default value is `0`. -- @field extra_descent (number) -- The amount of pixel padding below lines. -- The default is `0`. -- @field first_visible_line (number) -- The line number of the line at the top of the view. -- @field fold_display_text_style (number) -- The fold display text mode. -- -- * `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_HIDDEN` -- Fold display text is not shown. -- * `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_STANDARD` -- Fold display text is shown with no decoration. -- * `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_BOXED` -- Fold display text is shown outlined with a box. -- -- The default value is `view.FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_HIDDEN`. -- @field fold_expanded (table) -- Table of flags per line number that indicate whether or not fold points are -- expanded for those line numbers. -- Setting expanded fold states does not toggle folds; it only updates fold -- margin markers. Use [`view.toggle_fold()`]() instead. -- @field fold_flags (number, Read-only) -- Bit-mask of folding lines to draw in the buffer. -- -- * `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_EXPANDED` -- Draw lines above expanded folds. -- * `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED` -- Draw lines above collapsed folds. -- * `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_EXPANDED` -- Draw lines below expanded folds. -- * `view.FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED` -- Draw lines below collapsed folds. -- * `view.FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS` -- Show hexadecimal fold levels in line margins. -- This option cannot be combined with `FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE`. -- * `view.FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE` -- Show line state in line margins. -- This option cannot be combined with `FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS`. -- -- The default value is `0`. -- @field h_scroll_bar (bool) -- Display the horizontal scroll bar. -- The default value is `true`. -- @field highlight_guide (number) -- The indentation guide column number to also highlight when highlighting -- matching braces, or `0` to stop indentation guide highlighting. -- @field idle_styling (number) -- The idle styling mode. -- This mode has no effect when `view.wrap_mode` is on. -- -- * `view.IDLESTYLING_NONE` -- Style all the currently visible text before displaying it. -- * `view.IDLESTYLING_TOVISIBLE` -- Style some text before displaying it and then style the rest -- incrementally in the background as an idle-time task. -- * `view.IDLESTYLING_AFTERVISIBLE` -- Style text after the currently visible portion in the background. -- * `view.IDLESTYLING_ALL` -- Style text both before and after the visible text in the background. -- -- The default value is `view.IDLESTYLING_NONE`. -- @field indentation_guides (number) -- The indentation guide drawing mode. -- Indentation guides are dotted vertical lines that appear within indentation -- whitespace at each level of indentation. -- -- * `view.IV_NONE` -- Does not draw any guides. -- * `view.IV_REAL` -- Draw guides only within indentation whitespace. -- * `view.IV_LOOKFORWARD` -- Draw guides beyond the current line up to the next non-empty line's -- indentation level, but with an additional level if the previous non-empty -- line is a fold point. -- * `view.IV_LOOKBOTH` -- Draw guides beyond the current line up to either the indentation level of -- the previous or next non-empty line, whichever is greater. -- -- The default value is `view.IV_NONE`. -- @field indic_alpha (table) -- Table of fill color alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` -- (opaque), for indicator numbers from `1` to `32` whose styles are either -- `INDIC_ROUNDBOX`, `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX`, or `INDIC_DOTBOX`. -- The default values are `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha. -- @field indic_fore (table) -- Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for indicator numbers -- from `1` to `32`. -- Changing an indicator's foreground color resets that indicator's hover -- foreground color. -- @field indic_hover_fore (table) -- Table of hover foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for indicator -- numbers from `1` to `32`. -- The default values are the respective indicator foreground colors. -- @field indic_hover_style (table) -- Table of hover styles for indicators numbers from `1` to `32`. An -- indicator's hover style drawn when either the cursor hovers over that -- indicator or the caret is within that indicator. -- The default values are the respective indicator styles. -- @field indic_outline_alpha (table) -- Table of outline color alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to -- `255` (opaque), for indicator numbers from `1` to `32` whose styles are -- either `INDIC_ROUNDBOX`, `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX`, or `INDIC_DOTBOX`. -- The default values are `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha. -- @field indic_style (table) -- Table of styles for indicator numbers from `1` to `32`. -- -- * `view.INDIC_PLAIN` -- An underline. -- * `view.INDIC_SQUIGGLE` -- A squiggly underline 3 pixels in height. -- * `view.INDIC_TT` -- An underline of small 'T' shapes. -- * `view.INDIC_DIAGONAL` -- An underline of diagonal hatches. -- * `view.INDIC_STRIKE` -- Strike out. -- * `view.INDIC_HIDDEN` -- Invisible. -- * `view.INDIC_BOX` -- A bounding box. -- * `view.INDIC_ROUNDBOX` -- A translucent box with rounded corners around the text. Use -- [`view.indic_alpha`]() and [`view.indic_outline_alpha`]() to set the -- fill and outline transparency, respectively. Their default values are -- `30` and `50`. -- * `view.INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` -- Similar to `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` but with sharp corners. -- * `view.INDIC_DASH` -- A dashed underline. -- * `view.INDIC_DOTS` -- A dotted underline. -- * `view.INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW` -- A squiggly underline 2 pixels in height. -- * `view.INDIC_DOTBOX` -- Similar to `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` but with a dotted outline. -- Translucency alternates between [`view.indic_alpha`]() and -- [`view.indic_outline_alpha`]() starting with the top-left pixel. -- * `view.INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP` -- Identical to `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` but draws faster by using a pixmap instead -- of multiple line segments. -- * `view.INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHICK` -- A 2-pixel thick underline at the bottom of the line inset by 1 pixel on -- on either side. Similar in appearance to the target in Asian language -- input composition. -- * `view.INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN` -- A 1-pixel thick underline just before the bottom of the line inset by 1 -- pixel on either side. Similar in appearance to the non-target ranges in -- Asian language input composition. -- * `view.INDIC_FULLBOX` -- Similar to `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` but extends to the top of its line, -- potentially touching any similar indicators on the line above. -- * `view.INDIC_TEXTFORE` -- Changes the color of text to an indicator's foreground color. -- * `view.INDIC_POINT` -- A triangle below the start of the indicator range. -- * `view.INDIC_POINTCHARACTER` -- A triangle below the center of the first character of the indicator -- range. -- * `view.INDIC_GRADIENT` -- A box with a vertical gradient from solid on top to transparent on -- bottom. -- * `view.INDIC_GRADIENTCENTER` -- A box with a centered gradient from solid in the middle to transparent on -- the top and bottom. -- -- Use [`_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()`]() for custom indicators. -- Changing an indicator's style resets that indicator's hover style. -- @field indic_under (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not to draw indicators behind text -- instead of over the top of it for indicator numbers from `1` to `32`. -- The default values are `false`. -- @field line_visible (table, Read-only) -- Table of flags per line number that indicate whether or not lines are -- visible for those line numbers. -- @field lines_on_screen (number, Read-only) -- The number of completely visible lines in the view. -- It is possible to have a partial line visible at the bottom of the view. -- @field margins (number) -- The number of margins. -- The default value is `5`. -- @field margin_back_n (table) -- Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of margin numbers from -- `1` to `view.margins` (`5` by default). -- Only affects margins of type `view.MARGIN_COLOR`. -- @field margin_cursor_n (table) -- Table of cursor types shown over margin numbers from `1` to -- `view.margins` (`5` by default). -- -- * `view.CURSORARROW` -- Normal arrow cursor. -- * `view.CURSORREVERSEARROW` -- Reversed arrow cursor. -- -- The default values are `view.CURSORREVERSEARROW`. -- @field margin_left (number) -- The pixel size of the left margin of the buffer text. -- The default value is `1`. -- @field margin_mask_n (table) -- Table of bit-masks of markers whose symbols marker symbol margins can -- display for margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` by default). -- Bit-masks are 32-bit values whose bits correspond to the 32 available -- markers. -- The default values are `0`, `view.MASK_FOLDERS`, `0`, `0`, and `0`, for -- a line margin and logical marker margin. -- @field margin_options (number) -- A bit-mask of margin option settings. -- -- * `view.MARGINOPTION_NONE` -- None. -- * `view.MARGINOPTION_SUBLINESELECT` -- Select only a wrapped line's sub-line (rather than the entire line) when -- the line number margin is clicked. -- -- The default value is `view.MARGINOPTION_NONE`. -- @field margin_right (number) -- The pixel size of the right margin of the buffer text. -- The default value is `1`. -- @field margin_sensitive_n (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not mouse clicks in margins emit -- `MARGIN_CLICK` events for margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` -- by default). -- The default values are `false`. -- @field margin_type_n (table) -- Table of margin types for margin numbers from `1` to `view.margins` (`5` -- by default). -- -- * `view.MARGIN_SYMBOL` -- A marker symbol margin. -- * `view.MARGIN_NUMBER` -- A line number margin. -- * `view.MARGIN_BACK` -- A marker symbol margin whose background color matches the default text -- background color. -- * `view.MARGIN_FORE` -- A marker symbol margin whose background color matches the default text -- foreground color. -- * `view.MARGIN_TEXT` -- A text margin. -- * `view.MARGIN_RTEXT` -- A right-justified text margin. -- * `view.MARGIN_COLOR` -- A marker symbol margin whose background color is configurable. -- -- The default value for the first margin is `view.MARGIN_NUMBER`, followed -- by `view.MARGIN_SYMBOL` for the rest. -- @field margin_width_n (table) -- Table of pixel margin widths for margin numbers from `1` to -- `view.margins` (`5` by default). -- @field marker_alpha (table, Write-only) -- Table of alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque), -- of markers drawn in the text area (not the margin) for markers numbers from -- `1` to `32`. -- The default values are `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha. -- @field marker_back (table, Write-only) -- Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of marker numbers from -- `1` to `32`. -- @field marker_back_selected (table, Write-only) -- Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of markers whose folding -- blocks are selected for marker numbers from `1` to `32`. -- @field marker_fore (table, Write-only) -- Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of marker numbers from -- `1` to `32`. -- @field mouse_dwell_time (number) -- The number of milliseconds the mouse must idle before generating a -- `DWELL_START` event. A time of `view.TIME_FOREVER` will never generate -- one. -- @field mouse_selection_rectangular_switch (bool) -- Whether or not pressing [`view.rectangular_selection_modifier`]() when -- selecting text normally with the mouse turns on rectangular selection. -- The default value is `false`. -- @field property (table) -- Map of key-value string pairs used by lexers. -- @field property_expanded (table, Read-only) -- Map of key-value string pairs used by lexers with `$()` and `%()` variable -- replacement performed in values. -- @field property_int (table, Read-only) -- Map of key-value pairs used by lexers with values interpreted as numbers, -- or `0` if not found. -- @field rectangular_selection_modifier (number) -- The modifier key used in combination with a mouse drag in order to create a -- rectangular selection. -- -- * `view.MOD_CTRL` -- The "Control" modifier key. -- * `view.MOD_ALT` -- The "Alt" modifier key. -- * `view.MOD_SUPER` -- The "Super" modifier key, usually defined as the left "Windows" or -- "Command" key. -- -- The default value is `view.MOD_CTRL`. -- @field representation (table) -- The alternative string representations of characters. -- Representations are displayed in the same way control characters are. Use -- the empty string for the '\0' character when assigning its representation. -- Call [`view.clear_representation()`]() to remove a representation. -- @field rgba_image_height (number) -- The height of the RGBA image to be defined using -- [`view.marker_define_rgba_image()`](). -- @field rgba_image_scale (number) -- The scale factor in percent of the RGBA image to be defined using -- [`view.marker_define_rgba_image()`](). -- This is useful on OSX with a retina display where each display unit is 2 -- pixels: use a factor of `200` so that each image pixel is displayed using a -- screen pixel. The default scale, `100`, will stretch each image pixel to -- cover 4 screen pixels on a retina display. -- @field rgba_image_width (number) -- The width of the RGBA image to be defined using -- [`view.marker_define_rgba_image()`]() and -- [`view.register_rgba_image()`](). -- @field scroll_width (number) -- The horizontal scrolling pixel width. -- For performance, the view does not measure the display width of the buffer -- to determine the properties of the horizontal scroll bar, but uses an -- assumed width instead. To ensure the width of the currently visible lines -- can be scrolled use [`view.scroll_width_tracking`](). -- The default value is `2000`. -- @field scroll_width_tracking (bool) -- Continuously update the horizontal scrolling width to match the maximum -- width of a displayed line beyond [`view.scroll_width`](). -- The default value is `false`. -- @field sel_alpha (number) -- The selection's alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` -- (opaque). -- The default value is `view.ALPHA_NOALPHA`, for no alpha. -- @field sel_eol_filled (bool) -- Extend the selection to the view's right margin. -- The default value is `false`. -- @field size (number) -- The split resizer's pixel position if the view is a split one. -- @field style_back (table) -- Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of text for style numbers -- from `1` to `256`. -- @field style_bold (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is bold for style numbers -- from `1` to `256`. -- The default values are `false`. -- @field style_case (table) -- Table of letter case modes of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`. -- -- * `view.CASE_MIXED` -- Display text in normally. -- * `view.CASE_UPPER` -- Display text in upper case. -- * `view.CASE_LOWER` -- Display text in lower case. -- * `view.CASE_CAMEL` -- Display text in camel case. -- -- The default values are `view.CASE_MIXED`. -- @field style_changeable (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is changeable for style -- numbers from `1` to `256`. -- The default values are `true`. -- Read-only styles do not allow the caret into the range of text. -- @field style_eol_filled (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not the background colors of styles -- whose characters occur last on lines extend all the way to the view's right -- margin for style numbers from `1` to `256`. -- The default values are `false`. -- @field style_font (table) -- Table of string font names of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`. -- @field style_fore (table) -- Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of text for style numbers -- from `1` to `256`. -- @field style_italic (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is italic for style -- numbers from `1` to `256`. -- The default values are `false`. -- @field style_size (table) -- Table of font sizes of text for style numbers from `1` to `256`. -- @field style_underline (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is underlined for style -- numbers from `1` to `256`. -- The default values are `false`. -- @field style_visible (table) -- Table of flags that indicate whether or not text is visible for style -- numbers from `1` to `256`. -- The default values are `true`. -- @field tab_draw_mode (number) -- The draw mode of visible tabs. -- -- * `view.TD_LONGARROW` -- An arrow that stretches until the tabstop. -- * `view.TD_STRIKEOUT` -- A horizontal line that stretches until the tabstop. -- -- The default value is `view.TD_LONGARROW`. -- @field v_scroll_bar (bool) -- Display the vertical scroll bar. -- The default value is `true`. -- @field view_eol (bool) -- Display end of line characters. -- The default value is `false`. -- @field view_ws (number) -- The whitespace visibility mode. -- -- * `view.WS_INVISIBLE` -- Whitespace is invisible. -- * `view.WS_VISIBLEALWAYS` -- Display all space characters as dots and tab characters as arrows. -- * `view.WS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT` -- Display only non-indentation spaces and tabs as dots and arrows. -- * `view.WS_VISIBLEONLYININDENT` -- Display only indentation spaces and tabs as dots and arrows. -- -- The default value is `view.WS_INVISIBLE`. -- @field whitespace_size (number) -- The pixel size of the dots that represent space characters when whitespace -- is visible. -- The default value is `1`. -- @field wrap_indent_mode (number) -- The wrapped line indent mode. -- -- * `view.WRAPINDENT_FIXED` -- Indent wrapped lines by [`view.wrap_start_indent`](). -- * `view.WRAPINDENT_SAME` -- Indent wrapped lines the same amount as the first line. -- * `view.WRAPINDENT_INDENT` -- Indent wrapped lines one more level than the level of the first line. -- * `view.WRAPINDENT_DEEPINDENT` -- Indent wrapped lines two more levels than the level of the first line. -- -- The default value is `view.WRAPINDENT_FIXED`. -- @field wrap_mode (number) -- Long line wrap mode. -- -- * `view.WRAP_NONE` -- Long lines are not wrapped. -- * `view.WRAP_WORD` -- Wrap long lines at word (and style) boundaries. -- * `view.WRAP_CHAR` -- Wrap long lines at character boundaries. -- * `view.WRAP_WHITESPACE` -- Wrap long lines at word boundaries (ignoring style boundaries). -- -- The default value is `view.WRAP_NONE`. -- @field wrap_start_indent (number) -- The number of spaces of indentation to display wrapped lines with if -- [`view.wrap_indent_mode`]() is `view.WRAPINDENT_FIXED`. -- The default value is `0`. -- @field wrap_visual_flags (number) -- The wrapped line visual flag display mode. -- -- * `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE` -- No visual flags. -- * `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_END` -- Show a visual flag at the end of a wrapped line. -- * `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_START` -- Show a visual flag at the beginning of a sub-line. -- * `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN` -- Show a visual flag in the sub-line's line number margin. -- -- The default value is `view.WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE`. -- @field wrap_visual_flags_location (number) -- The wrapped line visual flag drawing mode. -- -- * `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT` -- Draw a visual flag near the view's right margin. -- * `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT` -- Draw a visual flag near text at the end of a wrapped line. -- * `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT` -- Draw a visual flag near text at the beginning of a subline. -- -- The default value is `view.WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT`. -- @field x_offset (number) -- The horizontal scroll pixel position. -- A value of `0` is the normal position with the first text column visible at -- the left of the view. -- @field zoom (number) -- The number of points to add to the size of all fonts. -- Negative values are allowed. -- The default value is `0`. -- @field ANNOTATION_BOXED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field ANNOTATION_HIDDEN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field ANNOTATION_STANDARD (number, Read-only) -- -- @field ANNOTATION_INDENTED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CARETSTYLE_BLOCK (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CARETSTYLE_LINE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CARET_EVEN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CARET_JUMPS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CARET_SLOP (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CARET_STRICT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field EDGE_BACKGROUND (number, Read-only) -- -- @field EDGE_LINE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field EDGE_MULTILINE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field EDGE_NONE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDACTION_CONTRACT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDACTION_EXPAND (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDACTION_TOGGLE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_HIDDEN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_STANDARD (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDDISPLAYTEXT_BOXED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_BOX (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHICK (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_COMPOSITIONTHIN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_DASH (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_DIAGONAL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_DOTBOX (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_DOTS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_FULLBOX (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_GRADIENT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_GRADIENTCENTER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_HIDDEN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_PLAIN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_POINT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_POINTCHARACTER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_ROUNDBOX (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_SQUIGGLE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_STRIKE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_TEXTFORE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field INDIC_TT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOD_ALT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOD_CTRL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOD_META (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOD_SHIFT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOD_SUPER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOUSE_DRAG (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOUSE_PRESS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MOUSE_RELEASE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WS_INVISIBLE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WS_VISIBLEALWAYS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WS_VISIBLEONLYININDENT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field ALPHA_NOALPHA (number, Read-only) -- -- @field ALPHA_OPAQUE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field ALPHA_TRANSPARENT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CASE_CAMEL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CASE_LOWER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CASE_MIXED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CASE_UPPER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CURSORARROW (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CURSORNORMAL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CURSORREVERSEARROW (number, Read-only) -- -- @field CURSORWAIT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDFLAG_LEVELNUMBERS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_EXPANDED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_EXPANDED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field IV_LOOKBOTH (number, Read-only) -- -- @field IV_LOOKFORWARD (number, Read-only) -- -- @field IV_NONE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field IV_REAL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGINOPTION_NONE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGINOPTION_SUBLINESELECT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGIN_BACK (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGIN_COLOR (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGIN_FORE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGIN_NUMBER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGIN_RTEXT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGIN_SYMBOL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARGIN_TEXT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_ARROW (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_ARROWDOWN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_ARROWS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_BACKGROUND (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_BOOKMARK (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_BOXMINUS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_BOXMINUSCONNECTED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_BOXPLUS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_BOXPLUSCONNECTED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_CHARACTER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_CIRCLE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_CIRCLEMINUS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_CIRCLEMINUSCONNECTED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_CIRCLEPLUS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_CIRCLEPLUSCONNECTED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_DOTDOTDOT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_EMPTY (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_FULLRECT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_LCORNER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_LCORNERCURVE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_LEFTRECT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_MINUS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_PIXMAP (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_PLUS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_RGBAIMAGE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_ROUNDRECT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_SHORTARROW (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_SMALLRECT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_TCORNER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_TCORNERCURVE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_UNDERLINE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_VERTICALBOOKMARK (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MARK_VLINE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field MASK_FOLDERS (number, Read-only) -- -- @field TD_LONGARROW (number, Read-only) -- -- @field TD_STRIKEOUT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field TIME_FOREVER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPINDENT_DEEPINDENT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPINDENT_FIXED (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPINDENT_INDENT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPINDENT_SAME (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPVISUALFLAG_END (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAPVISUALFLAG_START (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAP_CHAR (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAP_NONE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAP_WHITESPACE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field WRAP_WORD (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_BRACEBAD (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_BRACELIGHT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_CALLTIP (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_CONTROLCHAR (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_DEFAULT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_INDENTGUIDE (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_LINENUMBER (number, Read-only) -- -- @field STYLE_MAX (number, Read-only) -- -- @field UPDATE_H_SCROLL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field UPDATE_V_SCROLL (number, Read-only) -- -- @field VISIBLE_SLOP (number, Read-only) -- -- @field VISIBLE_STRICT (number, Read-only) -- module('view') --- -- The [buffer](#buffer) the view contains. (Read-only) -- @class table -- @name buffer local buffer --- -- Highlights the character at position *pos* as an unmatched brace character -- using the `'style.bracebad'` style. -- Removes highlighting when *pos* is `-1`. -- @param view A view. -- @param pos The position in *view*'s buffer to highlight, or `-1` to remove -- the highlight. function brace_bad_light(view, pos) end --- -- Highlights unmatched brace characters with indicator number *indicator*, in -- the range of `1` to `32`, instead of the -- `view.STYLE_BRACEBAD` style if *use_indicator* is `true`. -- @param view A view. -- @param use_indicator Whether or not to use an indicator. -- @param indicator The indicator number to use. function brace_bad_light_indicator(view, use_indicator, indicator) end --- -- Highlights the characters at positions *pos1* and *pos2* as matching braces -- using the `'style.bracelight'` style. -- If indent guides are enabled, locates the column with `buffer.column` and -- sets `view.highlight_guide` in order to highlight the indent guide. -- @param view A view. -- @param pos1 The first position in *view*'s buffer to highlight. -- @param pos2 The second position in *view*'s buffer to highlight. function brace_highlight(view, pos1, pos2) end --- -- Highlights matching brace characters with indicator number *indicator*, in -- the range of `1` to `32`, instead of the -- `view.STYLE_BRACELIGHT` style if *use_indicator* is `true`. -- @param view A view. -- @param use_indicator Whether or not to use an indicator. -- @param indicator The indicator number to use. function brace_highlight_indicator(view, use_indicator, indicator) end --- -- Returns whether or not a call tip is visible. -- @param view A view. -- @return bool function call_tip_active(view) end --- -- Removes a call tip from view. -- @param view A view. function call_tip_cancel(view) end --- -- Returns a call tip's display position. -- @param view A view. -- @return number function call_tip_pos_start(view) end --- -- Highlights a call tip's text between positions *start_pos* to *end_pos* with -- the color `view.call_tip_fore_hlt`. -- @param view A view. -- @param start_pos The start position in a call tip text to highlight. -- @param end_pos The end position in a call tip text to highlight. function call_tip_set_hlt(view, start_pos, end_pos) end --- -- Displays a call tip at position *pos* with string *text* as the call tip's -- contents. -- Any "\001" or "\002" bytes in *text* are replaced by clickable up or down -- arrow visuals, respectively. These may be used to indicate that a symbol has -- more than one call tip, for example. -- @param view A view. -- @param pos The position in *view*'s buffer to show a call tip at. -- @param text The call tip text to show. function call_tip_show(view, pos, text) end --- -- Clears all images registered using `view.register_image()` and -- `view.register_rgba_image()`. -- @param view A view. function clear_registered_images(view) end --- -- Removes the alternate string representation for character *char*. -- @param view A view. -- @param char The character in `buffer.representations` to remove the alternate -- string representation for. function clear_representation(view, char) end --- -- Returns the line number of the next contracted fold point starting from line -- number *line*, or `-1` if none exists. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to start at. -- @return number function contracted_fold_next(view, line) end --- -- Returns the actual line number of displayed line number *display_line*, -- taking hidden lines into account. -- If *display_line* is less than or equal to `1`, returns `1`. If -- *display_line* is greater than the number of displayed lines, returns -- `buffer.line_count`. -- @param view A view. -- @param display_line The display line number to use. -- @return number function doc_line_from_visible(view, display_line) end --- -- Ensures line number *line* is visible by expanding any fold points hiding it. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to ensure visible. function ensure_visible(view, line) end --- -- Ensures line number *line* is visible by expanding any fold points hiding it -- based on the vertical caret policy previously defined in -- `view.set_visible_policy()`. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to ensure visible. function ensure_visible_enforce_policy(view, line) end --- -- Contracts, expands, or toggles all fold points, depending on *action*. -- When toggling, the state of the first fold point determines whether to -- expand or contract. -- @param view A view. -- @param action The fold action to perform. Valid values are: -- * `view.FOLDACTION_CONTRACT` -- * `view.FOLDACTION_EXPAND` -- * `view.FOLDACTION_TOGGLE` function fold_all(view, action) end --- -- Contracts, expands, or toggles the fold point on line number *line*, as well -- as all of its children, depending on *action*. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to set the fold states for. -- @param action The fold action to perform. Valid values are: -- * `view.FOLDACTION_CONTRACT` -- * `view.FOLDACTION_EXPAND` -- * `view.FOLDACTION_TOGGLE` function fold_children(view, line, action) end --- -- Contracts, expands, or toggles the fold point on line number *line*, -- depending on *action*. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to set the fold state for. -- @param action The fold action to perform. Valid values are: -- * `view.FOLDACTION_CONTRACT` -- * `view.FOLDACTION_EXPAND` -- * `view.FOLDACTION_TOGGLE` function fold_line(view, line, action) end --- -- Returns the default fold display text. -- @param view A view. function get_default_fold_display_text(view) end --- -- Hides the range of lines between line numbers *start_line* to *end_line*. -- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags and the first line cannot be -- hidden. -- @param view A view. -- @param start_line The start line of the range of lines in *view* to hide. -- @param end_line The end line of the range of lines in *view* to hide. function hide_lines(view, start_line, end_line) end --- -- Scrolls the buffer right *columns* columns and down *lines* lines. -- Negative values are allowed. -- @param view A view. -- @param columns The number of columns to scroll horizontally. -- @param lines The number of lines to scroll vertically. function line_scroll(view, columns, lines) end --- -- Scrolls the buffer down one line, keeping the caret visible. -- @param view A view. function line_scroll_down(view) end --- -- Scrolls the buffer up one line, keeping the caret visible. -- @param view A view. function line_scroll_up(view) end --- -- Assigns marker symbol *symbol* to marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` -- to `32`. -- *symbol* is shown in marker symbol margins next to lines marked with -- *marker*. -- @param view A view. -- @param marker The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to set *symbol* -- for. -- @param symbol The marker symbol: `buffer.MARK_*`. -- @see _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number function marker_define(view, marker, symbol) end --- -- Associates marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, with XPM -- image *pixmap*. -- The `view.MARK_PIXMAP` marker symbol must be assigned to *marker*. -- *pixmap* is shown in marker symbol margins next to lines marked with -- *marker*. -- @param view A view. -- @param marker The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to define -- pixmap *pixmap* for. -- @param pixmap The string pixmap data. function marker_define_pixmap(view, marker, pixmap) end --- -- Associates marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to `32`, with RGBA -- image *pixels*. -- The dimensions for *pixels* (`view.rgba_image_width` and -- `view.rgba_image_height`) must have already been defined. *pixels* is a -- sequence of 4 byte pixel values (red, blue, green, and alpha) defining the -- image line by line starting at the top-left pixel. -- The `view.MARK_RGBAIMAGE` marker symbol must be assigned to *marker*. -- *pixels* is shown in symbol margins next to lines marked with *marker*. -- @param view A view. -- @param marker The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to define RGBA -- data *pixels* for. -- @param pixels The string sequence of 4 byte pixel values starting with the -- pixels for the top line, with the leftmost pixel first, then continuing -- with the pixels for subsequent lines. There is no gap between lines for -- alignment reasons. Each pixel consists of, in order, a red byte, a green -- byte, a blue byte and an alpha byte. The color bytes are not premultiplied -- by the alpha value. That is, a fully red pixel that is 25% opaque will be -- `[FF, 00, 00, 3F]`. function marker_define_rgba_image(view, marker, pixels) end --- -- Highlights the margin fold markers for the current fold block if *enabled* is -- `true`. -- @param view A view. -- @param enabled Whether or not to enable highlight. function marker_enable_highlight(view, enabled) end --- -- Returns the symbol assigned to marker number *marker*, in the range of `1` to -- `32`, used in `view.marker_define()`, -- `view.marker_define_pixmap()`, or `view.marker_define_rgba_image()`. -- @param view A view. -- @param marker The marker number in the range of `1` to `32` to get the symbol -- of. -- @return number function marker_symbol_defined(view, marker) end --- -- Adds a new vertical line at column number *column* with color *color*, in -- "0xBBGGRR" format. -- @param view A view. -- @param column The column number to add a vertical line at. -- @param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format. function multi_edge_add_line(view, column, color) end --- -- Clears all vertical lines created by `view:multi_edge_add_line()`. -- @param view A view. function multi_edge_clear_all(view) end --- -- Registers XPM image *xpm_data* to type number *type* for use in -- autocompletion and user lists. -- @param view A view. -- @param type Integer type to register the image with. -- @param xpm_data The XPM data as described in `view.marker_define_pixmap()`. function register_image(view, type, xpm_data) end --- -- Registers RGBA image *pixels* to type number *type* for use in autocompletion -- and user lists. -- The dimensions for *pixels* (`view.rgba_image_width` and -- `view.rgba_image_height`) must have already been defined. *pixels* is a -- sequence of 4 byte pixel values (red, blue, green, and alpha) defining the -- image line by line starting at the top-left pixel. -- @param view A view. -- @param type Integer type to register the image with. -- @param pixels The RGBA data as described in -- `view.marker_define_rgba_image()`. function register_rgba_image(view, type, pixels) end --- -- Scrolls the caret into view based on the policies previously defined in -- `view.set_x_caret_policy()` and `view.set_y_caret_policy()`. -- @param view A view. -- @see set_x_caret_policy -- @see set_y_caret_policy function scroll_caret(view) end --- -- Scrolls to the end of the buffer without moving the caret. -- @param view A view. function scroll_to_end(view) end --- -- Scrolls to the beginning of the buffer without moving the caret. -- @param view A view. function scroll_to_start(view) end --- -- Scrolls into view the range of text between positions *primary_pos* and -- *secondary_pos*, with priority given to *primary_pos*. -- Similar to `view.scroll_caret()`, but with *primary_pos* instead of -- `buffer.current_pos`. -- This is useful for scrolling search results into view. -- @param view A view. -- @param secondary_pos The secondary range position to scroll into view. -- @param primary_pos The primary range position to scroll into view. function scroll_range(view, secondary_pos, primary_pos) end --- -- Sets the default fold display text to string *text*. -- @param view A view. -- @param text The text to display by default next to folded lines. -- @see toggle_fold_show_text function set_default_fold_display_text(view, text) end --- -- Overrides the fold margin's default color with color *color*, in "0xBBGGRR" -- format, -- if *use_setting* is `true`. -- @param view A view. -- @param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*. -- @param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format. function set_fold_margin_color(view, use_setting, color) end --- -- Overrides the fold margin's default highlight color with color *color*, in -- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`. -- @param view A view. -- @param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*. -- @param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format. function set_fold_margin_hi_color(view, use_setting, color) end --- -- Overrides the selection's default background color with color *color*, in -- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`. -- Overwrites any existing `view.additional_sel_back` color. -- @param view A view. -- @param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*. -- @param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format. function set_sel_back(view, use_setting, color) end --- -- Overrides the selection's default foreground color with color *color*, in -- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`. -- Overwrites any existing `view.additional_sel_fore` color. -- @param view A view. -- @param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*. -- @param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format. function set_sel_fore(view, use_setting, color) end --- -- Defines scrolling policy bit-mask *policy* as the policy for keeping the -- caret *y* number of lines away from the vertical margins as -- `view.ensure_visible_enforce_policy()` redisplays hidden or folded lines. -- It is similar in operation to `view.set_y_caret_policy()`. -- @param view A view. -- @param policy The combination of `view.VISIBLE_SLOP` and -- `view.VISIBLE_STRICT` policy flags to set. -- @param y The number of lines from the vertical margins to keep the caret. function set_visible_policy(view, policy, y) end --- -- Overrides the background color of whitespace with color *color*, in -- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`. -- @param view A view. -- @param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*. -- @param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format. function set_whitespace_back(view, use_setting, color) end --- -- Overrides the foreground color of whitespace with color *color*, in -- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`. -- @param use_setting Whether or not to use *color*. -- @param color The color in "0xBBGGRR" format. function set_whitespace_fore(view, use_setting, color) end --- -- Defines scrolling policy bit-mask *policy* as the policy for keeping the -- caret *x* number of pixels away from the horizontal margins. -- @param view A view. -- @param policy The combination of `view.CARET_SLOP`, `view.CARET_STRICT`, -- `view.CARET_EVEN`, and `view.CARET_JUMPS` policy flags to set. -- @param x The number of pixels from the horizontal margins to keep the caret. function set_x_caret_policy(view, policy, x) end --- -- Defines scrolling policy bit-mask *policy* as the policy for keeping the -- caret *y* number of lines away from the vertical margins. -- @param view A view. -- @param policy The combination of `view.CARET_SLOP`, `view.CARET_STRICT`, -- `view.CARET_EVEN`, and `view.CARET_JUMPS` policy flags to set. -- @param y The number of lines from the vertical margins to keep the caret. function set_y_caret_policy(view, policy, y) end --- -- Shows the range of lines between line numbers *start_line* to *end_line*. -- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags and the first line cannot be -- hidden. -- @param view A view. -- @param start_line The start line of the range of lines in *view* to show. -- @param end_line The end line of the range of lines in *view* to show. function show_lines(view, start_line, end_line) end --- -- Reverts all styles to having the same properties as `view.STYLE_DEFAULT`. -- @param view A view. function style_clear_all(view) end --- -- Resets `view.STYLE_DEFAULT` to its initial state. -- @param view A view. function style_reset_default(view) end --- -- Returns the pixel height of line number *line*. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to get the pixel height of. -- @return number function text_height(view, line) end --- -- Returns the pixel width string *text* would have when styled with style -- number *style_num*, in the range of `1` to `256`. -- @param view A view. -- @param style_num The style number between `1` and `256` to use. -- @param text The text to measure the width of. -- @return number function text_width(view, style_num, text) end --- -- Toggles the fold point on line number *line* between expanded (where all of -- its child lines are displayed) and contracted (where all of its child lines -- are hidden). -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to toggle the fold on. -- @see set_default_fold_display_text function toggle_fold(view, line) end --- -- Toggles a fold point on line number *line* between expanded (where all of -- its child lines are displayed) and contracted (where all of its child lines -- are hidden), and shows string *text* after the line. -- *text* is drawn with style number `view.STYLE_FOLDDISPLAYTEXT`. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to toggle the fold on and display -- *text* after. -- @param text The text to display after the line. function toggle_fold_show_text(view, line, text) end --- -- Centers current line in the view. -- @param view A view. function vertical_center_caret(view) end --- -- Returns the displayed line number of actual line number *line*, taking hidden -- lines into account, or `-1` if *line* is outside the range of lines in the -- buffer. -- Lines can occupy more than one display line if they wrap. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to use. -- @return number function visible_from_doc_line(view, line) end --- -- Returns the number of wrapped lines needed to fully display line number -- *line*. -- @param view A view. -- @param line The line number in *view* to use. -- @return number function wrap_count(view, line) end --- -- Increases the size of all fonts by one point, up to 20. -- @param view A view. function zoom_in(view) end --- -- Decreases the size of all fonts by one point, down to -10. -- @param view A view. function zoom_out(view) end -- External functions. --- -- Splits the view into top and bottom views (unless *vertical* is `true`), -- focuses the new view, and returns both the old and new views. -- If *vertical* is `false`, splits the view vertically into left and -- right views. -- Emits a `VIEW_NEW` event. -- @param view The view to split. -- @param vertical Optional flag indicating whether or not to split the view -- vertically. The default value is `false`, for horizontal. -- @return old view and new view. -- @see events.VIEW_NEW function split(view, vertical) end --- -- Unsplits the view if possible, returning `true` on success. -- @param view The view to unsplit. -- @return boolean if the view was unsplit or not. function unsplit(view) end --- -- Switches to buffer *buffer* or the buffer *buffer* number of buffers relative -- to the current one. -- Emits `BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH` and `BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH` events. -- @param view The view to switch buffers in. -- @param buffer A buffer or relative buffer number (typically 1 or -1). -- @see _G._BUFFERS -- @see events.BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH -- @see events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH function goto_buffer(view, buffer) end --- -- Sets the view's color theme to be string *name*, with the contents of table -- *options* available as global variables. -- User themes override Textadept's default themes when they have the same name. -- If *name* contains slashes, it is assumed to be an absolute path to a theme -- instead of a theme name. -- @param view A view. -- @param name The name or absolute path of a theme to set. -- @param options Optional table of global variables themes can utilize to -- override default settings such as font and size. -- @usage view:set_theme('light', {font = 'Monospace', size = 12}) -- @name set_theme -- @see _G.lexer.colors -- @see _G.lexer.styles function set_theme(view, name, options) end