-- Copyright 2007-2018 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE. -- This is a DUMMY FILE used for making LuaDoc for built-in functions in the -- ui.dialogs table. --- Provides a set of interactive dialog prompts for user input. module('ui.dialogs') --- -- Prompts the user with a generic message box dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options*, returning the selected button's index. -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the message box. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's extra informative text. -- * `icon`: The dialog's GTK stock icon name. Examples are -- "gtk-dialog-error", "gtk-dialog-info", "gtk-dialog-question", and -- "gtk-dialog-warning". The dialog does not display an icon by default. -- * `icon_file`: The dialog's icon file path. This option has no effect when -- `icon` is set. -- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is -- `_L['_OK']`. -- * `button2`: The middle button's label. -- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` -- to be set. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code -- @usage ui.dialogs.msgbox{title = 'EOL Mode', text = 'Which EOL?', -- icon = 'gtk-dialog-question', button1 = 'CRLF', button2 = 'CR', -- button3 = 'LF'} function msgbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a generic message box dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options* and with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, returning the -- selected button's index. -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the message box. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's extra informative text. -- * `icon`: The dialog's GTK stock icon name. Examples are -- "gtk-dialog-error", "gtk-dialog-info", "gtk-dialog-question", and -- "gtk-dialog-warning". The dialog does not display an icon by default. -- * `icon_file`: The dialog's icon file path. This option has no effect when -- `icon` is set. -- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is -- `false`. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code function ok_msgbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a generic message box dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options* and with localized "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" buttons, -- returning the selected button's index. -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the message box. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's extra informative text. -- * `icon`: The dialog's GTK stock icon name. Examples are -- "gtk-dialog-error", "gtk-dialog-info", "gtk-dialog-question", and -- "gtk-dialog-warning". The dialog does not display an icon by default. -- * `icon_file`: The dialog's icon file path. This option has no effect when -- `icon` is set. -- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is -- `false`. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code function yesno_msgbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with an inputbox dialog defined by dialog options table -- *options*, returning the selected button's index along with the user's -- input text (the latter as a string or table, depending on the type of -- *options*.`informative_text`). -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the user's input text. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a -- table, the first table value is the main message text and any subsequent -- values are used as the labels for multiple entry boxes. Providing a -- single label has no effect. -- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the -- table values are used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by -- `informative_text`. -- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is -- `_L['_OK']`. -- * `button2`: The middle button's label. -- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` -- to be set. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, input text -- @usage ui.dialogs.inputbox{title = 'Goto Line', informative_text = 'Line:', -- text = '1'} function inputbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with an inputbox dialog defined by dialog options table -- *options* and with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, returning the -- selected button's index along with the user's input text (the latter as a -- string or table, depending on the type of *options*.`informative_text`). -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the user's input text. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a -- table, the first table value is the main message text and any subsequent -- values are used as the labels for multiple entry boxes. Providing a -- single label has no effect. -- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the -- table values are used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by -- `informative_text`. -- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is -- `false`. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, input text function standard_inputbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a masked inputbox dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options*, returning the selected button's index along with the user's -- input text (the latter as a string or table, depending on the type of -- *options*.`informative_text`). -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the user's input text. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a -- table, the first table value is the main message text and any subsequent -- values are used as the labels for multiple entry boxes. Providing a -- single label has no effect. -- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the -- table values are used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by -- `informative_text`. -- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is -- `_L['_OK']`. -- * `button2`: The middle button's label. -- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` -- to be set. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, input text function secure_inputbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a masked inputbox dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options* and with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, returning the -- selected button's index along with the user's input text (the latter as a -- string or table, depending on the type of *options*.`informative_text`). -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the user's input text. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the inputbox. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. If the value is a -- table, the first table value is the main message text and any subsequent -- values are used as the labels for multiple entry boxes. Providing a -- single label has no effect. -- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. If the value is a table, the -- table values are used to populate the multiple entry boxes defined by -- `informative_text`. -- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is -- `false`. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, input text function secure_standard_inputbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a file selection dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options*, returning the string file selected. -- If *options*.`select_multiple` is `true`, returns the list of files selected. -- If the user canceled the dialog, returns `nil`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `with_directory`: The initial filesystem directory to show. -- * `with_file`: The initially selected filename. This option requires -- `with_directory` to be set. -- * `with_extension`: The list of extensions selectable files must have. -- * `select_multiple`: Allow the user to select multiple files. The default -- value is `false`. -- * `select_only_directories`: Only allow the user to select directories. The -- default value is `false`. -- @return filename, list of filenames, or nil -- @usage ui.dialogs.fileselect{title = 'Open C File', with_directory = _HOME, -- with_extension = {'c', 'h'}, select_multiple = true} function fileselect(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a file save dialog defined by dialog options table -- *options*, returning the string file chosen. -- If the user canceled the dialog, returns `nil`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `with_directory`: The initial filesystem directory to show. -- * `with_file`: The initially chosen filename. This option requires -- `with_directory` to be set. -- * `with_extension`: The list of extensions selectable files must have. -- * `no_create_directories`: Prevent the user from creating new directories. -- The default value is `false`. -- @return filename or nil function filesave(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a multiple-line textbox dialog defined by dialog -- options table *options*, returning the selected button's index. -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label. -- If *options*.`editable` is `true`, also returns the textbox's text. If the -- dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `text`: The dialog's initial textbox text. -- * `text_from_file`: The filename whose contents are loaded into the -- textbox. This option has no effect when `text` is given. -- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is -- `_L['_OK']`. -- * `button2`: The middle button's label. -- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` -- to be set. -- * `editable`: Allows the user to edit the textbox's text. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `focus_textbox`: Focus the textbox instead of the buttons. The default -- value is `false`. -- * `scroll_to`: Where to scroll the textbox's text. -- The available values are `"top"` and `"bottom"`. The default value is -- `"top"`. -- * `selected`: Select all of the textbox's text. The default value is -- `false`. -- * `monospaced_font`: Use a monospaced font in the textbox instead of a -- proportional one. The default value is `false`. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) or the dialog's exit status instead of the button's index (instead -- of its exit code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, textbox text -- @usage ui.dialogs.textbox{title = 'License Agreement', -- informative_text = 'You agree to:', text_from_file = _HOME..'/LICENSE'} function textbox(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a drop-down item selection dialog defined by dialog -- options table *options*, returning the selected button's index along with the -- index of the selected item. -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the selected item's text. -- If the dialog closed due to *options*.`exit_onchange`, returns `4` along with -- either the selected item's index or its text. If the dialog timed out, -- returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or -- `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the drop-down dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `items`: The list of string items to show in the drop-down. -- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is -- `_L['_OK']`. -- * `button2`: The middle button's label. -- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` -- to be set. -- * `exit_onchange`: Close the dialog after selecting a new item. The default -- value is `false`. -- * `select`: The index of the initially selected list item. The default -- value is `1`. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) and the selected item's text (instead of its index). If no item -- was selected, returns the dialog's exit status (instead of its exit -- code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, selected item -- @usage ui.dialogs.dropdown{title = 'Select Encoding', width = 200, -- items = io.encodings, string_output = true} function dropdown(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a drop-down item selection dialog defined by dialog -- options table *options* and with localized "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons, -- returning the selected button's index along with the selected item's index. -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the selected item's text. -- If the dialog closed due to *options*.`exit_onchange`, returns `4` along with -- either the selected item's index or its text. If the dialog timed out, -- returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the dialog, returns `-1` or -- `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the drop-down dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `items`: The list of string items to show in the drop-down. -- * `no_cancel`: Do not display the "Cancel" button. The default value is -- `false`. -- * `exit_onchange`: Close the dialog after selecting a new item. The default -- value is `false`. -- * `select`: The index of the initially selected list item. The default -- value is `1`. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) and the selected item's text (instead of its index). If no item -- was selected, returns the dialog's exit status (instead of its exit -- code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, selected item function standard_dropdown(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a filtered list item selection dialog defined by dialog -- options table *options*, returning the selected button's index along with the -- index or indices of the selected item or items (depending on whether or not -- *options*.`select_multiple` is `true`). -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the text of the selected item or items. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- Spaces in the filter text are treated as wildcards. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the filtered list dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `informative_text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `text`: The dialog's initial input text. -- * `columns`: The list of string column names for list rows. -- * `items`: The list of string items to show in the filtered list. -- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is -- `_L['_OK']`. -- * `button2`: The middle button's label. -- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` -- to be set. -- * `select_multiple`: Allow the user to select multiple items. The default -- value is `false`. -- * `search_column`: The column number to filter the input text against. The -- default value is `1`. This option requires `columns` to be set and -- contain at least *n* column names. -- * `output_column`: The column number to use for `string_output`. The -- default value is `1`. This option requires `columns` to be set and -- contain at least *n* column names. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label (instead of its -- index) and the selected item's text (instead of its index). If no item -- was selected, returns the dialog's exit status (instead of its exit -- code). The default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, selected item or list of selected items -- @usage ui.dialogs.filteredlist{title = 'Title', columns = {'Foo', 'Bar'}, -- items = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}} function filteredlist(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with an option selection dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options*, returning the selected button's index along with the indices -- of the selected options. -- If *options*.`string_output` is `true`, returns the selected button's label -- along with the text of the selected options. -- If the dialog timed out, returns `0` or `"timeout"`. If the user canceled the -- dialog, returns `-1` or `"delete"`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the option select dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `text`: The dialog's main message text. -- * `items`: The list of string options to show in the option group. -- * `button1`: The right-most button's label. The default value is -- `_L['_OK']`. -- * `button2`: The middle button's label. -- * `button3`: The left-most button's label. This option requires `button2` -- to be set. -- * `select`: The indices of initially selected options. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected button's label or the dialog's exit -- status along with the selected options' text instead of the button's -- index or the dialog's exit code along with the options' indices. The -- default value is `false`. -- * `width`: The dialog's pixel width. -- * `height`: The dialog's pixel height. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- * `timeout`: The integer number of seconds the dialog waits for the user to -- select a button before timing out. Dialogs do not time out by default. -- @return selected button or exit code, list of selected options -- @usage ui.dialogs.optionselect{title = 'Language', -- informative_text = 'Check the languages you understand' -- items = {'English', 'Romanian'}, select = 1, string_output = true} function optionselect(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a color selection dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options*, returning the color selected. -- If the user canceled the dialog, returns `nil`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the option select dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `color`: The initially selected color as either a number in "0xBBGGRR" -- format, or as a string in "#RRGGBB" format. -- * `palette`: The list of colors to show in the dialog's color palette. -- Up to 20 colors can be specified as either numbers in "0xBBGGRR" format -- or as strings in "#RRGGBB" format. If `true` (no list was given), a -- default palette is shown. -- * `string_output`: Return the selected color in string "#RRGGBB" format -- instead of numeric "0xBBGGRR" format. The default value is `false`. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- @return selected color -- @usage ui.dialogs.colorselect{title = 'Foreground color', color = 0x000000, -- palette = {'#000000', 0x0000FF, '#00FF00', 0xFF0000}} function colorselect(options) end --- -- Prompts the user with a font selection dialog defined by dialog options -- table *options*, returning the font selected (including style and size). -- If the user canceled the dialog, returns `nil`. -- @param options Table of key-value option pairs for the option select dialog. -- -- * `title`: The dialog's title text. -- * `text`: The font preview text. -- * `font-name`: The initially selected font name. -- * `font-size`: The initially selected font size. The default value is `12`. -- * `font-style`: The initially selected font style. The available options -- are `"regular"`, `"bold"`, `"italic"`, and `"bold italic"`. The default -- value is `"regular"`. -- * `float`: Show the dialog on top of all desktop windows. The default value -- is `false`. -- @return selected font, including style and size -- @usage ui.dialogs.fontselect{title = 'Font', font_name = 'Monospace', -- font_size = 10} function fontselect(options) end