-- Copyright 2007-2011 Mitchell mitchellcaladbolg.net. See LICENSE. -- This is a DUMMY FILE used for making LuaDoc for built-in functions in the -- global gui table. --- The core gui table. module('gui') -- Markdown: -- ## Fields -- -- * `title` [string]: The title of the Textadept window. -- * `menubar` [table]: A table of GTK menus defining a menubar. (Write-only) -- * `context_menu`: A GTK menu defining the editor's context menu. -- * `clipboard_text` [string]: The text on the clipboard. (Read-only) -- * `statusbar_text` [string]: The text displayed by the statusbar. -- * `docstatusbar_text` [string]: The text displayed by the doc statusbar. -- (Write-only) -- * `size` [table]: The size of the Textadept window (`{ width, height }`). --- -- Goes to the specified view. -- Generates `VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH` and `VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH` events. -- @param n A relative or absolute view index. -- @param relative Flag indicating if n is a relative index or not. Defaults to -- false. function goto_view(n, relative) end --- -- Goes to the buffer with the given filename. -- If the desired buffer is open in a view, goes to that view. Otherwise, opens -- the buffer in either the `preferred_view` if given, the first view that is -- not the current one, a split view if `split` is `true`, or the current view. -- @param filename The filename of the buffer to go to. -- @param split If there is only one view, split it and open the buffer in the -- other view. -- @param preferred_view When multiple views exist and the desired buffer is not -- open in any of them, open it in this one. function goto_file(filename, split, preferred_view) end --- -- Gets the current split view structure. -- @return table of split views. Each split view entry is a table with 4 -- fields: `1`, `2`, `vertical`, and `size`. `1` and `2` have values of either -- split view entries or the index of the buffer shown in each view; -- `vertical` is a flag indicating if the split is vertical or not; and -- `size` is the integer position of the split resizer. function get_split_table() end --- -- Creates a GTK menu, returning the userdata. -- @param menu_table A table defining the menu. It is an ordered list of tables -- with a string menu item, integer menu ID, and optional keycode and modifier -- mask. The latter two are used to display key shortcuts in the menu. The -- string menu item is handled as follows: -- `'gtk-*'` - a stock menu item is created based on the GTK stock-id. -- `'separator'` - a menu separator item is created. -- Otherwise a regular menu item with a mnemonic is created. -- Submenus are just nested menu-structure tables. Their title text is defined -- with a `title` key. -- @see keys.get_gdk_key function gtkmenu(menu_table) end --- -- Helper function for printing messages to buffers. -- Splits the view and opens a new buffer for printing messages. If the message -- buffer is already open and a view is currently showing it, the message is -- printed to that view. Otherwise the view is split, goes to the open message -- buffer, and prints to it. -- @param buffer_type String type of message buffer. -- @param ... Message strings. -- @usage gui._print(L('[Error Buffer]'), error_message) -- @usage gui._print(L('[Message Buffer]'), message) function _print(buffer_type, ...) end --- -- Prints messages to the Textadept message buffer. -- Opens a new buffer (if one has not already been opened) for printing -- messages. -- @param ... Message strings. function print(...) end --- -- Displays a dialog with a list of buffers to switch to and switches to the -- selected one, if any. function switch_buffer() end --- -- Displays a gcocoadialog of a specified type with the given string arguments. -- Each argument is like a string in Lua's `arg` table. Tables of strings are -- allowed as arguments and are expanded in place. This is useful for -- filteredlist dialogs with many items. -- @return string gcocoadialog result. function dialog(kind, ...) end --- -- Shortcut function for `gui.dialog('filtered_list', ...)` with 'Ok' and -- 'Cancel' buttons. -- @param title The title for the filteredlist dialog. -- @param columns A column name or list of column names. -- @param items An item or list of items. -- @param int_return If `true`, returns the integer index of the selected item -- in the filteredlist. Defaults to `false`, which returns the string item. -- Not compatible with a `'--select-multiple'` filteredlist. -- @param ... Additional parameters to pass to `gui.dialog()`. -- @return Either a string or integer on success; `nil` otherwise. -- @usage gui.filteredlist('Title', 'Foo', { 'Bar', 'Baz' }) -- @usage gui.filteredlist('Title', { 'Foo', 'Bar' }, { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }, -- false, '--output-column', '2') function filteredlist(title, columns, items, int_return, ...) end --- -- Sets the editor theme from the given name. -- Themes in `_USERHOME/themes/` are checked first, followed by `_HOME/themes/`. -- If the name contains slashes ('/' on Linux and Mac OSX and '\' on Win32), it -- is assumed to be an absolute path so `_USERHOME` and `_HOME` are not checked. -- Throws an error if the theme is not found. Any errors in the theme are -- printed to `io.stderr`. -- @param name The name or absolute path of a theme. If nil, sets the default -- theme. function set_theme(name) end --- -- Prompts the user to select an editor theme from a filtered list. function select_theme() end