-- Copyright 2007-2011 Mitchell mitchellcaladbolg.net. See LICENSE. -- This is a DUMMY FILE used for making LuaDoc for built-in functions in the -- global buffer table. --- -- The current buffer in the currently focused view. -- It also represents the structure of any buffer table in 'buffers'. module('buffer') -- Markdown: -- ## Fields -- -- * `additional_caret_fore` [number]: The foreground color of additional carets -- in 0xBBGGRR format. -- * `additional_carets_blink` [bool]: Whether additional carets will blink. -- * `additional_carets_visible` [bool]: Whether additional carets are visible. -- * `additional_sel_alpha` [number]: The alpha of additional selections. -- Alpha ranges from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque) or 256 for no alpha. -- * `additional_sel_back` [number]: The background color of additional -- selections in 0xBBGGRR format. `buffer:set_sel_back(true, ...)` must have -- been called previously for this to have an effect. -- * `additional_sel_fore` [number]: The foreground color of additional -- selections in 0xBBGGRR format. `buffer:set_sel_fore(true, ...)` must have -- been called previously for this to have an effect. -- * `additional_selection_typing` [bool]: Whether typing can be performed into -- multiple selections. -- * `anchor` [number]: The position of the opposite end of the selection to the -- caret. -- * `annotation_lines` [table]: Table of the number of annotation lines for -- lines starting from zero. (Read-only) -- * `annotation_style` [table]: Table of style numbers for annotations for -- lines starting at zero. -- * `annotation_style_offset` [number]: The start of the range of style numbers -- used for annotations. Annotation styles may be completely separated from -- standard text styles by setting a style offset. For example, setting this -- to 512 would allow the annotation styles to be numbered from 512 upto 767 -- so they do not overlap styles set by lexers (or margins if margins offset -- is 256). Each style number set with `buffer.annotation_style` has the -- offset added before looking up the style. -- * `annotation_visible` [number]: The visibility of annotations.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.ANNOTATION_HIDDEN` (0): Annotations are not -- displayed. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.ANNOTATION_STANDARD` (1): Annotations are drawn -- left justified with no adornment. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.ANNOTATION_BOXED` (2): Annotations are indented -- to match the text and are surrounded by a box. -- * `auto_c_auto_hide` [bool]: Whether or not autocompletion is hidden -- automatically when nothing matches. By default, the list is cancelled if -- there are no viable matches (the user has typed characters that no longer -- match a list entry). -- * `auto_c_cancel_at_start` [bool]: Whether auto-completion is cancelled by -- backspacing to a position before where the box was created. If `false`, the -- list is not cancelled until the caret moves before the first character of -- the word being completed. -- should be cancelled if the user backspaces to a position before where it -- was created. -- * `auto_c_choose_single` [bool]: Whether a single item auto-completion list -- automatically choose the item. The default is to display the list even if -- there is only a single item. -- * `auto_c_drop_rest_of_word` [bool]: Whether or not autocompletion deletes -- any word characters after the inserted text upon completion. The default is -- `false`. -- * `auto_c_fill_ups` [string]: A set of characters that when typed will cause -- the autocompletion to choose the selected item. By default, no fillup -- characters are set. (Write-only) -- * `auto_c_ignore_case` [bool]: Whether case is significant when performing -- auto-completion searches. By default, matching of characters to list -- members is case sensitive. -- * `auto_c_max_height` [number]: The maximum height, in rows, of -- auto-completion and user lists. The default is 5 rows. -- * `auto_c_max_width` [number]: The maximum width, in characters, of -- auto-completion and user lists. Set to 0 to autosize to fit longest item, -- which is the default. -- * `auto_c_separator` [number]: The auto-completion list separator character -- byte. The default is the space character. -- * `auto_c_type_separator` [number]: The auto-completion list type-separator -- character byte. The default is '?'. Autocompletion list items may display -- an image as well as text. Each image is first registered with an integer -- type. Then this integer is included in the text of the list separated by a -- '?' from the text. -- * `back_space_un_indents` [bool]: Whether a backspace pressed when caret is -- within indentation unindents. -- * `buffered_draw` [bool]: Whether drawing is buffered. If drawing is buffered -- then each line of text is drawn into a bitmap buffer before drawing it to -- the screen to avoid flicker. The default is for drawing to be buffered. -- first or directly onto the screen. -- * `call_tip_back` [number]: The background color for the call tip in 0xBBGGRR -- format. (Write-only) -- * `call_tip_fore` [number]: The foreground color for the call tip in 0xBBGGRR -- format. (Write-only) -- * `call_tip_fore_hlt` [number]: The foreground color for the highlighted part -- of the call tip in 0xBBGGRR format. (Write-only) -- * `call_tip_use_style` [number]: Enable use of -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_CALLTIP` and set call tip tab size in pixels. -- If the tab size is less than 1, Tab characters are not treated specially. -- * `caret_fore` [number]: The foreground color of the caret in 0xBBGGRR -- format. -- * `caret_line_back` [number]: The color of the background of the line -- containing the caret in 0xBBGGRR format. -- * `caret_line_back_alpha` [number]: The background alpha of the caret line. -- Alpha ranges from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque) or 256 for no alpha. -- * `caret_line_visible` [bool]: Whether the background of the line containing -- the caret is in a different color. -- * `caret_period` [number]: The time in milliseconds that the caret is on and -- off. Setting the period to 0 stops the caret blinking. The default value is -- 500 milliseconds. -- * `caret_sticky` [number]: The caret preferred x position changing when the -- user types.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CARETSTICKY_OFF` (0): All text changes (and -- all caret position changes) will remember the caret's new horizontal -- position when moving to different lines. This is the default. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CARETSTICKY_ON` (1): The only thing which -- will cause the editor to remember the horizontal caret position is -- moving the caret with mouse or keyboard (left/right arrow keys, -- home/end keys, etc). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CARETSTICKY_WHITESPACE` (2): The caret acts -- like sticky off except under one special case; when space or tab -- characters are inserted. (Including pasting *only space/tabs* -- -- undo, redo, etc. do not exhibit this behavior..). -- * `caret_style` [number]: The style of the caret to be drawn.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE` (0): Not draw the caret -- at all. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARETSTYLE_LINE` (1): A line caret. This is the -- default value. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK` (2): A block caret. -- * `caret_width` [number]: The width of the insert mode caret in pixels. Can -- be 0, 1, 2 or 3 pixels. The default width is 1 pixel. This setting only -- affects the width of the cursor when the cursor style is set to line caret -- mode, it does not affect the width for a block caret. -- * `char_at` [table]: Table of character bytes at positions in the document -- starting at zero. (Read-only) -- * `code_page` [number]: The code page used to interpret the bytes of the -- document as characters. The `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CP_UTF8` value can be -- used to enter Unicode mode. -- * `column` [table]: Table of column numbers, taking tab widths into account, -- for positions starting from zero. (Read-only) -- * `control_char_symbol` [number]: The way control characters are displayed. -- If less than 32, keep the rounded rectangle as ASCII mnemonics. Otherwise, -- use the given character byte. The default value is 0. -- * `current_pos` [number]: The position of the caret. When setting, the caret -- is not scrolled into view. -- * `cursor` [number]: The cursor type.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CURSORNORMAL` (-1): The normal cursor is -- displayed. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CURSORWAIT` (4): The wait cursor is -- displayed when the mouse is over the view. -- * `direct_function` [number]: A pointer to a function that processes messages -- for this view. (Read-only) -- * `direct_pointer` [number]: A pointer value to use as the first argument -- when calling the function returned by direct_function. (Read-only) -- * `dirty` [bool]: Flag indicating whether or not the buffer has been modified -- since it was last saved. -- * `doc_pointer` [number]: A pointer to the document object. (Read-only) -- * `eol_mode` [number]: The current end of line mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CRLF` (0): `CRLF`. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CR` (1): `CR`. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_LF` (2): `LF`. -- * `edge_colour` [number]: The color used in edge indication in 0xBBGGRR -- format. -- * `edge_column` [number]: The column number which text should be kept within. -- * `edge_mode` [number]: The edge highlight mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.EDGE_NONE` (0): Long lines are not marked. This -- is the default state. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.EDGE_LINE` (1): A vertical line is drawn at the -- column number set by `buffer.edge_column`. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.EDGE_BACKGROUND` (2): The background color of -- characters after the column limit is changed to the color set by -- `buffer.edge_colour`. -- * `encoding` [string or nil]: The encoding of the file on the hard disk. It -- will be nil if the file is a binary file. -- * `encoding_bom` [string]: The byte-order mark of the file encoding (if any). -- * `end_at_last_line` [bool]: Whether the maximum scroll position has the last -- line at the bottom of the view. If `false`, allows scrolling one page below -- the last line. The default value is `true`. -- * `end_styled` [number]: The position of the last correctly styled character. -- (Read-only) -- * `extra_ascent` [number]: The extra ascent, the maximum that any style -- extends above the baseline, added to each line. -- * `extra_descent` [number]: The extra descent, the maximum that any style -- extends below the baseline, added to each line. -- * `filename` [string]: The absolute path to the file associated with this -- buffer. It is encoded in UTF-8. Use [`string.iconv()`][string_iconv] for -- charset conversions. -- * `first_visible_line` [number]: The display line at the top of the display. -- * `focus` [bool]: The internal focus flag. -- * `fold_expanded` [bool]: Expanded state of a header line. -- * `fold_level` [table]: Table of fold levels for lines starting from zero. -- Fold levels encodes an integer level along witth flags indicating whether -- the line is a header and whether it is effectively white space.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDLEVELBASE` (0x400): Initial fold level. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG` (0x1000): Indicates that -- the line is blank. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG` (0x2000): Indicates -- that the line is a header (fold point). -- * `fold_parent` [table]: Table of parent line numbers for child lines -- starting from zero. -1 means no line was found. (Read-only) -- * `font_quality` [number]: The quality level for text. (Windows only)
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EFF_QUALITY_DEFAULt` (0). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EFF_QUALITY_NON_ANTIALIASED` (1). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EFF_QUALITY_ANTIALIASED` (2). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EFF_QUALITY_LCD_OPTIMIZED` (3). -- * `h_scroll_bar` [bool]: Whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. Set to -- `false` to never see it and `true` to enable it again. The default state is -- to display it when needed. -- * `highlight_guide` [number]: The highlighted indentation guide column. Set -- to 0 to cancel this highlight. -- * `hotspot_active_underline` [bool]: Whether active hotspots are underlined. -- * `hotspot_single_line` [bool]: Whether hotspots are limited to single line -- so hotspots on two lines don't merge. -- * `indent` [number]: Ihe number of spaces used for one level of indentation. -- For a width of 0, the indent size is the same as the tab size. -- * `indentation_guides` [number]: Indentation guides appearance. -- Indentation guides are dotted vertical lines that appear within indentation -- white space every indent size columns. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_NONE` (0): No indentation guides are -- shown. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_REAL` (1): Indentation guides are shown -- inside real indentation white space. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_LOOKFORWARD` (2): Indentation guides are -- shown beyond the actual indentation up to the level of the next -- non-empty line. If the previous non-empty line was a fold header then -- indentation guides are shown for one more level of indent than that -- line. This setting is good for Python. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_LOOKBOTH` (3): Indentation guides are -- shown beyond the actual indentation up to the level of the next -- non-empty line or previous non-empty line whichever is the greater. -- This setting is good for most languages. -- * `indic_alpha` [table]: Table of alpha transparency values ranging from 0 -- (transparent) to 255 (opaque) or 256 (no alpha) for indicators from 0 to -- 31. Used for drawing the fill color of the `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` and -- `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` rectangle. -- * `indic_fore` [table]: Table of foreground colors in 0xBBGGRR format for -- indicators from zero to 31. -- * `indic_outline_alpha` [table]: Table of alpha transparency values ranging -- from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque) or 256 (no alpha) for indicators from -- 0 to 31. Used for drawing the outline color of the `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` and -- `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` rectangle. -- * `indic_style` [table]: Table of styles for indicators from zero to 31. --
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_PLAIN` (0): Underlined with a single, -- straight line. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_SQUIGGLE` (1): A squiggly underline. -- Requires 3 pixels of descender space. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_TT` (2): A line of small T shapes. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DIAGONAL` (3): Diagonal hatching. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_STRIKE` (4): Strike out. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_HIDDEN` (5): An indicator with no visual -- effect. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_BOX` (6): A rectangle around the text. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_ROUNDBOX` (7): A rectangle with rounded -- corners around the text using translucent drawing with the interior -- usually more transparent than the border. Use `buffer.indic_alpha` -- and `buffer.indic_outline_alpha` to control the alpha transparency -- values. The default alpha values are 30 for fill color and 50 for -- outline color. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` (8): A rectangle around the -- text using translucent drawing with the interior usually more -- transparent than the border. You can use `buffer.indic_alpha` and -- `buffer.indic_outline_alpha` to control the alpha transparency -- values. The default alpha values are 30 for fill color and 50 for -- outline color. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DASH` (9): A dashed underline. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DOTS` (10): A dotted underline. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW` (11): Similar to -- `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` but only using 2 vertical pixels so will fit under -- small fonts. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DOTBOX` (12): A dotted rectangle around -- the text using translucent drawing. Translucency alternates between -- the alpha and outline alpha settings with the top-left pixel using -- the alpha setting. `buffer.indic_alpha` and -- `buffer.indic_outline_alpha` control the alpha transparency values. -- The default values are 30 for alpha and 50 for outline alpha. To -- avoid excessive memory allocation the maximum width of a dotted box -- is 4000 pixels. -- * Use `_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()` for custom indicators. -- * `indic_under` [table]: Table of booleans for drawing under text or over -- (default) for indicators from zero to 31. -- * `indicator_current` [number]: The indicator in the range of 0 to 31 used -- for `buffer:indicator_fill_range()` and `buffer:indicator_clear_range()`. -- * `indicator_value` [number]: The indicator value used for -- `buffer:indicator_fill_range()`. Currently all values are drawn the same. -- * `keys_unicode` [bool]: Interpret keyboard input as Unicode. -- * `layout_cache` [number]: The degree of caching of layout information.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_NONE` (0): No lines are cached. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_CARET` (1): The line containing the -- text caret. This is the default. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_PAGE` (2): Visible lines plus the line -- containing the caret. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_DOCUMENT` (3): All lines in the -- document. -- * `length` [number]: The number of bytes in the document. -- (Read-only) -- * `lexer` [number]: The lexing language of the document. -- * `line_count` [number]: The number of lines in the document. There is always -- at least one. (Read-only) -- * `line_end_position` [table]: Table of positions after the last visible -- characters on a line for lines starting from zero. (Read-only) -- * `line_indent_position` [table]: Table of positions before the first non -- indentation character on a line for lines starting from zero. (Read-only) -- * `line_indentation` [table]: Table of line indentation amounts for lines -- starting from zero. The indentation is measured in character columns, which -- correspond to the width of space characters. -- * `line_state` [table]: Table of extra styling information for lines starting -- from zero. As well as the 8 bits of lexical state stored for each character -- there is also an integer stored for each line. This can be used for longer -- lived parse states. -- * `line_visible` [bool]: Is a line visible? (Read-only) -- * `lines_on_screen` [number]: The number of lines completely visible. -- (Read-only) -- * `main_selection` [number]: The main selection. The main selection may be -- displayed in different colors or with a differently styled caret. Only an -- already existing selection can be made main. -- * `margin_cursor_n` [table]: Table of cursors shown for margins from zero to -- four. A reversed arrow cursor is normally shown over all margins. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CURSORARROW`: Normal arrow. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CURSORREVERSEARROW`: Reversed arrow. -- * `margin_left` [number]: The size in pixels of the left margin. The default -- is to one pixel. -- * `margin_mask_n` [table]: Table of marker masks for margins from zero to -- four. A mask determines which markers are displayed in a margin. -- * `margin_options` [number]: A bit mask of margin options.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGINOPTION_NONE` (0): None (default). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGINOPTION_SUBLINESELECT` (1): Controls -- how wrapped lines are selected when clicking on margin in front of -- them. If set, only sub line of wrapped line is selected, otherwise -- whole wrapped line is selected. -- * `margin_right` [number]: The size in pixels of the right margin. The -- default is to one pixel. -- * `margin_sensitive_n` [table]: Table of mouse click sensitivity booleans for -- margins from zero to four. A click in a sensitive margin emits a -- `margin_click` event. By default, all margins are insensitive. -- * `margin_style` [table]: Table of style numbers for text margin lines -- starting from zero. -- * `margin_style_offset` [number]: The start of the range of style numbers -- used for margin text. Margin styles may be completely separated from -- standard text styles by setting a style offset. For example, setting this -- to 256 would allow the margin styles to be numbered from 256 upto 511 so -- they do not overlap styles set by lexers. Each style number set with -- `buffer.margin_style` has the offset added before looking up the style. -- * `margin_type_n` [table]: Table of margin types for margins from zero to -- four.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL` (0): A symbol margin. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_NUMBER` (1): A line number margin. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_BACK` (2): A symbol margin that sets -- its background color to match the default text background color. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_FORE` (3): A symbol margin that sets -- its background color to match the default text foreground color. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_TEXT` (4): A text margin. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_RTEXT` (5): A right justified text -- margin. -- * `margin_width_n` [table]: Table of margin widths expressed in pixes for -- margins from zero to four. -- * `max_line_state` [number]: The last line number that has line state. -- (Read-only) -- * `modify` [bool]: Whether the document is different from when it was last -- saved. -- * `mouse_down_captures` [bool]: Whether the mouse is captured when its button -- is pressed. -- * `mouse_dwell_time` [number]: The time the mouse must sit still to generate -- a mouse dwell event. If set to `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_TIME_FOREVER`, the -- default, no dwell events are generated. -- * `multi_paste` [bool]: The effect of pasting when there are multiple -- selections.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MULTIPASTE_ONCE` (0): Pasted text can go -- into just the main selection (default). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH` (1): Pasted text can go -- into each selection. -- * `multiple_selection` [bool]: Whether multiple selections can be made. When -- multiple selection is disabled, it is not possible to select multiple -- ranges by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging with the mouse. -- * `overtype` [bool]: Overtype mode. -- * `position_cache` [number]: The number of entries in the position cache. The -- position cache stores position information for short runs of text so that -- their layout can be determined more quickly if the run recurs. -- * `print_colour_mode` [number]: The print color mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_PRINT_NORMAL` (0): Print using the current -- screen colors. This is the default. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_PRINT_INVERTLIGHT` (1): If you use a dark -- screen background this saves ink by inverting the light value of all -- colors and printing on a white background. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_PRINT_BLACKONWHITE` (2): Print all text as -- black on a white background. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_PRINT_COLOURONWHITE` (3): Everything prints -- in its own color on a white background. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_PRINT_COLOURONWHITEDEFAULTBG` (4): -- Everything prints in its own color on a white background except that -- line numbers use their own background color. -- * `print_magnification` [number]: The print magnification added to the point -- size of each style for printing. -- * `print_wrap_mode` [number]: Printing line wrap mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_NONE` (0): Each line of text generates -- one line of output and the line is truncated if it is too long to fit -- into the print area. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_WORD` (1): Wraps printed output so that -- all characters fit into the print rectangle. Tries to wrap only -- between words as indicated by white space or style changes although -- if a word is longer than a line, it will be wrapped before the line -- end. This is the default. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_CHAR` (2). -- * `property` [table]: Table of keyword:value string pairs used by a lexer for -- some optional features. (Write-only) -- * `property_int` [table]: Interprets `buffer.property[keyword]` as an integer -- if found or returns 0. (Read-only) -- * `read_only` [bool]: Read-only mode. -- * `rectangular_selection_anchor` [number]: The position of the anchor of the -- rectangular selection. -- * `rectangular_selection_anchor_virtual_space` [number]: The amount of -- virtual space for the anchor of the rectangular selection. -- * `rectangular_selection_caret` [number]: The position of the caret of the -- rectangular selection. -- * `rectangular_selection_caret_virtual_space` [number]: The amount of virtual -- space for the caret of the rectangular selection. -- * `rectangular_selection_modifier` [number]: The modifier key used to -- indicate that a rectangular selection should be created when combined with -- a mouse drag.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL` (2): Control key (default). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT` (4): Alt key. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SUPER` (8): Left Windows key on a Windows -- keyboard or the Command key on a Mac. -- * `rgba_image_height` [number]: The height for future RGBA image data. -- * `rgba_image_width` [number]: The width for future RGBA image data. -- * `scroll_width` [number]: The document width assumed for scrolling. For -- performance, the view does not measure the display width of the document to -- determine the properties of the horizontal scroll bar. Instead, an assumed -- width is used. The default value is 2000. To ensure the width of the -- currently visible lines can be scrolled use `buffer.scroll_width_tracking`. -- * `scroll_width_tracking` [bool]: Whether the maximum width line displayed is -- used to set scroll width. -- * `search_flags` [number]: The search flags used by -- `buffer:search_in_target()`. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_WHOLEWORD` (2): A match only occurs with -- text that matches the case of the search string. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_MATCHCASE` (4): A match only occurs if -- the characters before and after are not word characters. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_WORDSTART` (0x00100000): A match only -- occurs if the character before is not a word character. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_REGEXP` (0x00200000): The search string -- should be interpreted as a regular expression. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_POSIX` (0x00400000): Treat regular -- expression in a more POSIX compatible manner by interpreting bare `(` -- and `)` for tagged sections rather than `\(` and `\)`. -- * `sel_alpha` [number]: The alpha of the selection, between 0 (transparent) -- and 255 (opaque), or 256 for no alpha. -- * `sel_eol_filled` [bool]: The selection end of line fill. The selection can -- be drawn up to the right hand border by setting this property. -- * `selection_end` [number]: The position that ends the selection - this -- becomes the current position. This does not make the caret visible. -- * `selection_is_rectangle` [bool]: Is the selection rectangular? The -- alternative is the more common stream selection. (Read-only) -- * `selection_mode` [number]: The mode of the current selection.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_STREAM` (0): Stream. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_RECTANGLE` (1): Rectangle. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_LINES` (2): Lines. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_THIN` (3): Thin rectangular. -- * `selection_n_anchor` [table]: Table of anchor positions for existing -- selections starting from zero, the main selection. -- * `selection_n_anchor_virtual_space` [table]: Table of the amount of virtual -- space for anchors for existing selections starting from zero, the main -- selection. -- * `selection_n_caret` [table]: Table of caret positions for existing -- selections starting from zero, the main selection. -- * `selection_n_caret_virtual_space` [table]: Table of the amount of virtual -- space for carets for existing selections starting from zero, the main -- selection. -- * `selection_n_end` [table]: Table of positions that end selections for -- existing selections starting from zero, the main selection. -- * `selection_n_start` [table]: Table of positions that start selections for -- existing selections starting from zero, the main selection. -- * `selection_start` [number]: The position that starts the selection - this -- becomes the anchor. This does not make the caret visible. -- * `selections` [number]: The number of selections currently active. -- (Read-only) -- * `status` [number]: The error status.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_STATUS_OK` (0): No failures. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_STATUS_FAILURE` (1): Generic failure. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_STATUS_BADALLOC` (2): Memory is exhausted. -- * `style_at` [table]: Table of style bytes at positions in the document -- starting at zero. (Read-only) -- * `style_back` [table]: Table of background colors in 0xBBGGRR format for -- styles from zero to 255. -- * `style_bits` [number]: The number of bits in style bytes used to hold the -- lexical state. -- * `style_bits_needed` [number]: The number of bits the current lexer needs -- for styling. (Read-only) -- * `style_bold` [table]: Table of booleans for bold styles from zero to 255. -- * `style_case` [table]: Table of cases for styles from zero to 255.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CASE_MIXED` (0): Normal, mixed case. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CASE_UPPER` (1): Upper case. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CASE_LOWER` (2): Lower case. -- * `style_changeable` [table]: Table of booleans for changeable styles from -- zero to 255. The default setting is `true`. -- * `style_character_set` [table]: Table of character sets for styles from zero -- to 255. -- * `style_eol_filled` [table]: Table of booleans for end of line filled styles -- from zero to 255. -- of line is filled. -- * `style_font` [table]: Table of font faces for styles from zero to 255. -- * `style_fore` [table]: Table of foreground colors in 0xBBGGRR format for -- styles from zero to 255. -- * `style_hot_spot` [table]: Table of boolean hotspot styles from zero to 255. -- * `style_italic` [table]: Table of booleans for italic styles from zero to -- 255. -- * `style_size` [table]: Table of font sizes for styles from zero to 255. -- * `style_underline` [table]: Table of booleans for underlined styles from -- zero to 255. -- * `style_visible` [table]: Table of booleans for visible styles from zero to -- 255. -- * `tab_indents` [bool]: Whether a tab pressed when caret is within -- indentation indents. -- * `tab_width` [number]: The visible size of a tab as a multiple of the width -- of a space character. The default tab width is 8 characters. -- * `target_end` [number]: The position that ends the target which is used for -- updating the document without affecting the scroll position. The target -- is also set by a successful `buffer:search_in_target()`. -- * `target_start` [number]: The position that starts the target which is used -- for updating the document without affecting the scroll position. The target -- is also set by a successful `buffer:search_in_target()`. -- * `text_length` [number]: The number of characters in the document. -- (Read-only) -- * `two_phase_draw` [bool]: Two phase drawing mode. When `true`, drawing is -- performed in two phases, first the background and then the foreground. This -- avoids chopping off characters that overlap the next run. The default is -- for drawing to be two phase. -- * `undo_collection` [bool]: Whether to collect undo information. When -- stopping collection, use `buffer:empty_undo_buffer()` to avoid the undo -- buffer being unsynchronized with the data in the buffer. -- * `use_tabs` [bool]: Whether tabs will be used in indentation. The default is -- `true`. `false` will only use space characters. -- * `v_scroll_bar` [bool]: Whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. Set to -- `false` to never see it and `true` to enable it again. The default state is -- to display it when required. -- * `view_eol` [bool]: Whether the end of line characters are visible. -- Normally, the end of line characters are hidden. -- * `view_ws` [number]: The visibility of white space characters.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCWS_INVISIBLE` (0): The normal display mode -- with white space displayed as an empty background color. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCWS_VISIBLEALWAYS` (1): White space characters -- are drawn as dots and arrows. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCWS_VISIBLEAFTERINDENT` (2): White space used -- for indentation is displayed normally but after the first visible -- character, it is shown as dots and arrows. -- * `virtual_space_options` [number]: Virtual space options.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCVS_NONE` (0): Disables all use of virtual -- space (default). -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCVS_RECTANGULARSELECTION` (1): Enabled only -- for rectangular selections. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCVS_USERACCESSIBLE` (2): Enabled. -- * `whitespace_chars` [string]: The set of characters making up whitespace for -- when moving or selecting by word. Use after setting `buffer.word_chars`. -- (Write-only) -- * `wrap_indent_mode` [number]: How wrapped sublines are placed. Default is -- fixed.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_INDENT_FIXED` (0): Wrapped sublines -- aligned to left of window plus amount set by -- `buffer.wrap_start_indent`. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_INDENT_SAME` (1): Wrapped sublines are -- aligned to first subline indent. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_INDENT_INDENT` (2): Wrapped sublines -- are aligned to first subline indent plus one more level of -- indentation. -- * `whitespace_size` [number]: The size of the dots used to mark space -- characters. -- * `word_chars` [string]: The set of characters making up words when moving or -- selecting by word. (Write-only) -- * `wrap_mode` [number]: Text word wrap mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_NONE` (0): Disable line wrapping. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_WORD` (1): Enable wrapping on word -- boundaries. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_CHAR` (2): Enable wrapping between any -- characters. -- * `wrap_start_indent` [number]: The start indent for wrapped lines. -- * `wrap_visual_flags` [number]: The display mode of visual flags for wrapped -- lines.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE` (0): No visual flags. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END` (1): Visual flag at end -- of subline of a wrapped line. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_START` (2): Visual flag at -- begin of subline of a wrapped line. Subline is indented by at least 1 -- to make room for the flag. -- * `wrap_visual_flags_location` [number]: The location of visual flags for -- wrapped lines.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_DEFAULT` (0): Visual flags -- drawn near border. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT` (1): Visual -- flag at end of subline drawn near text. -- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_START_BY_TEXT` (2): Visual -- flag at beginning of subline drawn near text. -- * `x_offset` [number]: The horizontal scroll position. A value of 0 is the -- normal position with the first text column visible at the left of the view. -- * `zoom` [number]: The number of points added to the size of all fonts. It -- may be positive to magnify or negative to reduce. -- -- [string_iconv]: ../modules/string.html#iconv --- -- Add a selection from anchor to caret as the main selection. -- Retainings all other selections as additional selections. Since there is -- always at least one selection, to set a list of selections, the first -- selection should be added with `buffer:set_selection()` and later selections -- added with this function. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param caret The caret. -- @param anchor The anchor. function buffer.add_selection(buffer, caret, anchor) end --- -- Add text to the document at current position. -- The current position is set at the end of the inserted text, but it is not -- scrolled into view. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text to add. function buffer.add_text(buffer, text) end --- -- Enlarge the document to a particular size of text bytes. -- The document will not be made smaller than its current contents. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param bytes function buffer.allocate(buffer, bytes) end --- -- Clear the annotations from all lines. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.annotation_clear_all(buffer) end --- -- Get the annotation text for a line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return string function buffer.annotation_get_text(buffer, line) end --- -- Set the annotation text for a line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @param text The text. function buffer.annotation_set_text(buffer, line, text) end --- -- Append a string to the end of the document without changing the selection. -- The current selection is not changed and the new text is not scrolled into -- view. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text. function buffer.append_text(buffer, text) end --- -- Is there an auto-completion list visible? -- @param buffer -- @return bool function buffer.auto_c_active(buffer) end --- -- Remove the auto-completion list from the screen. -- A set of characters that will cancel autocompletion can be specified with -- buffer:auto_c_stops(). -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.auto_c_cancel(buffer) end --- -- User has selected an item so remove the list and insert the selection. -- This has the same effect as the tab key. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.auto_c_complete(buffer) end --- -- Get currently selected item position in the auto-completion list. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return number function buffer.auto_c_get_current(buffer) end --- -- Get currently selected item text in the auto-completion list. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return string function buffer.auto_c_get_current_text(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve the position of the caret when the auto-completion list was -- displayed. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return number function buffer.auto_c_pos_start(buffer) end --- -- Select the item in the auto-completion list that starts with a string. -- By default, comparisons are case sensitive, but this can change with -- buffer.auto_c_ignore_case. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param string function buffer.auto_c_select(buffer, string) end --- -- Display an auto-completion list. -- @param len_entered The number of characters before the caret used to provide -- the context. -- @param item_list List of words separated by separator characters (initially -- spaces). The list of words should be in sorted order. function buffer.auto_c_show(buffer, len_entered, item_list) end --- -- Define a set of characters that when typed cancel the auto-completion list. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param chars String list of characters. This list is empty by default. function buffer.auto_c_stops(buffer, chars) end --- -- Dedent the selected lines. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.back_tab(buffer) end --- -- Start a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit. -- May be nested. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.begin_undo_action(buffer) end --- -- Highlight the character at a position indicating there is no matching brace. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position or -1 to remove the highlight. function buffer.brace_bad_light(buffer, pos) end --- -- Use specified indicator to highlight non matching brace instead of changing -- its style. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_indicator Use an indicator. -- @param indic_num The indicator number. function buffer.brace_bad_light_indicator(buffer, use_indicator, indic_num) end --- -- Highlight the characters at two positions. -- If indent guides are enabled, the indent that corresponds with the brace can -- be highlighted by locating the column with `buffer.column` and highlight the -- indent with `buffer.highlight_guide`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos1 The first position. -- @param pos2 The second position. function buffer.brace_highlight(buffer, pos1, pos2) end --- -- Use specified indicator to highlight matching braces instead of changing -- their style. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_indicator Use an indicator. -- @param indic_num The indicator number. function buffer.brace_highlight_indicator(buffer, use_indicator, indic_num) end --- -- Find the position of a matching brace or -1 if no match. -- The brace characters handled are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '<', and '>'. -- The search is forwards from an opening brace and backwards from a closing -- brace. A match only occurs if the style of the matching brace is the same as -- the starting brace or the matching brace is beyond the end of styling. Nested -- braces are handled correctly. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @return number. function buffer.brace_match(buffer, pos) end --- -- Is there an active call tip? -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return bool function buffer.call_tip_active(buffer) end --- -- Remove the call tip from the screen. -- Call tips are also removed if any keyboard commands that are not compatible -- with editing the argument list of a function are used. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.call_tip_cancel(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve the position where the caret was before displaying the call tip. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return number function buffer.call_tip_pos_start(buffer) end --- -- Highlights a segment of a call tip. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_pos The start position. -- @param end_pos The end position. function buffer.call_tip_set_hlt(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end --- -- Show a call tip containing a definition near position pos. -- The call tip text is aligned to start 1 line below this character unless up -- and/or down arrows have been included in the call tip text in which case the -- tip is aligned to the right-hand edge of the rightmost arrow. The assumption -- is that the text starts with something like "\001 1 of 3 \002". -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @param text The text. function buffer.call_tip_show(buffer, pos, text) end --- -- Will a paste succeed? -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return bool function buffer.can_paste(buffer) end --- -- Are there any redoable actions in the undo history? -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return bool function buffer.can_redo(buffer) end --- -- Are there any undoable actions in the undo history? -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return bool function buffer.can_undo(buffer) end --- -- Cancel any modes such as call tip or auto-completion list display. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.cancel(buffer) end --- -- Indicate that the internal state of a lexer has changed over a range and -- therefore there may be a need to redraw. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_pos The start position. -- @param end_pos The end position. function buffer.change_lexer_state(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end --- -- Move caret left one character. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.char_left(buffer) end --- -- Move caret left one character extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.char_left_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret left one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.char_left_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Find the position of a character from a point within the window. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param x -- @param y -- @return number function buffer.char_position_from_point(buffer, x, y) end --- -- Find the position of a character from a point within the window. -- Return -1 if not close to text. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param x -- @param y -- @return number function buffer.char_position_from_point_close(buffer, x, y) end --- -- Move caret right one character. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.char_right(buffer) end --- -- Move caret right one character extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.char_right_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret right one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.char_right_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Set the last x chosen value to be the caret x position. -- The view remembers the x value of the last position horizontally moved to -- explicitly by the user and this value is then used when moving vertically -- such as by using the up and down keys. This function sets the current x -- position of the caret as the remembered value. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.choose_caret_x(buffer) end --- -- Clear the selection. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.clear(buffer) end --- -- Delete all text in the document. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.clear_all(buffer) end --- -- Drop all key mappings. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.clear_all_cmd_keys(buffer) end --- -- Set all style bytes to 0, remove all folding information. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.clear_document_style(buffer) end --- -- Clear all the registered XPM images. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.clear_registered_images(buffer) end --- -- Clear selections to a single empty stream selection. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.clear_selections(buffer) end --- -- colorise a segment of the document using the current lexing language. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_pos The start position. -- @param end_pos The end position or -1 to style from start_pos to the end of -- the document. function buffer.colourise(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end --- -- Find the next line at or after line_start that is a contracted fold header -- line. -- Return -1 when no more lines. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line_start The start line number. -- @return number function buffer.contracted_fold_next(buffer, line_start) end --- -- Converts all line endings in the document to one mode. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param mode The line ending mode. Valid values are: -- _SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CRLF (0), -- _SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CR (1), or -- _SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_LF (2). function buffer.convert_eo_ls(buffer, mode) end --- -- Copy the selection to the clipboard. -- @param buffer The buffer function buffer.copy(buffer) end --- -- Copy the selection, if selection empty copy the line with the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.copy_allow_line(buffer) end --- -- Copy a range of text to the clipboard. Positions are clipped into the -- document. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_pos The start position. -- @param end_pos The end position. function buffer.copy_range(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end --- -- Copy argument text to the clipboard. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text. function buffer.copy_text(buffer, text) end --- -- Cut the selection to the clipboard. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.cut(buffer) end --- -- Delete back from the current position to the start of the line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.del_line_left(buffer) end --- -- Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.del_line_right(buffer) end --- -- Delete the word to the left of the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.del_word_left(buffer) end --- -- Delete the word to the right of the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.del_word_right(buffer) end --- -- Delete the word to the right of the caret, but not the trailing non-word -- characters. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.del_word_right_end(buffer) end --- -- Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.delete_back(buffer) end --- -- Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret. -- Will not delete the character before at the start of a line. function buffer.delete_back_not_line(buffer) end --- -- Find the document line of a display line taking hidden lines into account. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return number function buffer.doc_line_from_visible(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to last position in document. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.document_end(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to last position in document extending selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.document_end_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to first position in document. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.document_start(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to first position in document extending selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.document_start_extend(buffer) end --- -- Switch from insert to overtype mode or the reverse. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.edit_toggle_overtype(buffer) end --- -- Delete the undo history. -- It also sets the save point to the start of the undo buffer, so the document -- will appear to be unmodified. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.empty_undo_buffer(buffer) end --- -- Translates a UTF8 string into the document encoding. -- Return the length of the result in bytes. On error return 0. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param string The string. -- @return number function buffer.encoded_from_utf8(buffer, string) end --- -- End a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.end_undo_action(buffer) end --- -- Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. function buffer.ensure_visible(buffer, line) end --- -- Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it. -- Use the currently set visibility policy to determine which range to display. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. function buffer.ensure_visible_enforce_policy(buffer, line) end --- -- Find the position of a column on a line taking into account tabs and -- multi-byte characters. -- If beyond end of line, return line end position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @param column The column number. function buffer.find_column(buffer, line, column) end --- -- Insert a Form Feed character. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.form_feed(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve the text of the line containing the caret. -- Also returns the index of the caret on the line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return string, number function buffer.get_cur_line(buffer) end --- -- Get the back color for active hotspots in 0xBBGGRR format. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return number function buffer.get_hotspot_active_back(buffer) end --- -- Get the fore color for active hotspots. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return number function buffer.get_hotspot_active_fore(buffer) end --- -- Find the last child line of a header line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param header_line The line number of a header line. -- @param level The level or -1 for the level of header_line. function buffer.get_last_child(buffer, header_line, level) end --- -- Retrieve the name of the lexer. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.get_lexer_language(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve the contents of a line. -- Also returns the length of the line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return string, number function buffer.get_line(buffer, line) end --- -- Retrieve the position of the end of the selection at the given line (-1 if no -- selection on this line). -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. function buffer.get_line_sel_end_position(buffer, line) end --- -- Retrieve the position of the start of the selection at the given line (-1 if -- no selection on this line). -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. function buffer.get_line_sel_start_position(buffer, line) end --- -- Retrieve a "property" value previously set with `buffer.property`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param key Keyword. -- @return string function buffer.get_property(buffer, key) end --- -- Retrieve a "property" value previously set with `buffer.property`, with "$()" -- variable replacement on returned buffer. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param key Keyword. -- @return string function buffer.get_property_expanded(buffer, key) end --- -- Retrieve the selected text. -- Also returns the length of the text. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @return string, number function buffer.get_sel_text(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve the value of a tag from a regular expression search. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param tag_num The tag number. -- @return string function buffer.get_tag(buffer, tag_num) end --- -- Retrieve all the text in the document. -- Also returns number of characters retrieved. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.get_text(buffer) end --- -- Set caret to start of a line and ensure it is visible. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. function buffer.goto_line(buffer, line) end --- -- Set caret to a position and ensure it is visible. -- The anchor position is set the same as the current position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. function buffer.goto_pos(buffer, pos) end --- -- Set the focus to this view. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.grab_focus(buffer) end --- -- Make a range of lines invisible. -- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags. start_line can not be -- hidden. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_line The start line. -- @param end_line The end line. function buffer.hide_lines(buffer, start_line, end_line) end --- -- Draw the selection in normal style or with selection highlighted. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param normal Draw normal selection. function buffer.hide_selection(buffer, normal) end --- -- Move caret to first position on line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.home(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to first position on display line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.home_display(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.home_display_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to first position on line extending selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.home_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to first position on line, extending rectangular selection to new -- caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.home_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to the start of the display line when word-wrap is enabled. -- If already there, go to the start of the document line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.home_wrap(buffer) end --- -- Like `buffer:home_wrap()` but extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.home_wrap_extend(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve a bitmap value representing which indicators are non-zero at a -- position. -- Bit 0 is set if indicator 0 is present, bit 1 for indicator 1 and so on. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @return number function buffer.indicator_all_on_for(buffer, pos) end --- -- Turn a indicator off over a range. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The start position. -- @param clear_length The length. function buffer.indicator_clear_range(buffer, pos, clear_length) end --- -- Find the position where a particular indicator ends. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param indicator An indicator number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param pos The position of the indicator. function buffer.indicator_end(buffer, indicator, pos) end --- -- Turn a indicator on over a range. -- This function fills with the current indicator value. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos the start position. -- @param fill_length The length. function buffer.indicator_fill_range(buffer, pos, fill_length) end --- -- Find the position where a particular indicator starts. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param indicator An indicator number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param pos The position of the indicator. function buffer.indicator_start(buffer, indicator, pos) end --- -- Retrieve the value of a particular indicator at a position. -- Currently all values are drawn the same. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param indicator The indicator number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param pos The position. -- @return number function buffer.indicator_value_at(buffer, indicator, pos) end --- -- Insert string at a position. -- If the current position is after the insertion point then it is moved along -- with its surrounding text but no scrolling is performed. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position to insert text at or -1 for the current position. -- @param text The text to insert. function buffer.insert_text(buffer, pos, text) end --- -- Copy the line containing the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_copy(buffer) end --- -- Cut the line containing the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_cut(buffer) end --- -- Delete the line containing the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_delete(buffer) end --- -- Move caret down one line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_down(buffer) end --- -- Move caret down one line extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_down_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret down one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_down_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Duplicate the current line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_duplicate(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to last position on line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_end(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to last position on display line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_end_display(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_end_display_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to last position on line extending selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_end_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to last position on line, extending rectangular selection to new -- caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_end_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to the end of the display line when word-wrap is enabled. -- If already there, go to the end of the document line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_end_wrap(buffer) end --- -- Like `buffer:line_end_wrap()` but extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_end_wrap_extend(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve the line containing a position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @return number function buffer.line_from_position(buffer, pos) end --- -- Returns how many characters are on a line, including end of line characters. -- To get the length of the line not including any end of line characters, use -- `buffer.line_end_position[line] - buffer:position_from_line(line)`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return number function buffer.line_length(buffer, line) end --- -- Scroll horizontally and vertically. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param columns The number of columns to scroll horizontally. -- @param lines The number of lines to scroll vertically. function buffer.line_scroll(buffer, columns, lines) end --- -- Scroll the document down, keeping the caret visible. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_scroll_down(buffer) end --- -- Scroll the document up, keeping the caret visible. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_scroll_up(buffer) end --- -- Switch the current line with the previous. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_transpose(buffer) end --- -- Move caret up one line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_up(buffer) end --- -- Move caret up one line extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_up_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret up one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.line_up_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Join the lines in the target. -- Where this would lead to no space between words, an extra space is inserted. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.lines_join(buffer) end --- -- Split the lines in the target into lines that are less wide than pixel_width -- where possible. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pixel_width The pixel width. When 0, the width of the view is used. function buffer.lines_split(buffer, pixel_width) end --- -- Transform the selection to lower case. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.lower_case(buffer) end --- -- Get the text in the text margin for a line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return string function buffer.margin_get_text(buffer, line) end --- -- Set the text in the text margin for a line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @param text The text. function buffer.margin_set_text(buffer, line, text) end --- -- Clear the margin text on all lines. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.margin_text_clear_all(buffer) end --- -- Add a marker to a line, returning an ID which can be used to find or delete -- the marker. -- Returns -1 if this fails (illegal line number, out of memory). -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @return number function buffer.marker_add(buffer, line, marker_num) end --- -- Add a set of markers to a line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @param marker_mask A mask of markers to set. Set bit 0 to set marker 0, bit -- 1 for marker 1 and so on. function buffer.marker_add_set(buffer, line, marker_mask) end --- -- Set the symbol used for a particular marker number. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param marker_symbol A marker symbol: _SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARK_*. -- @see _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number function buffer.marker_define(buffer, marker_num, marker_symbol) end --- -- Define a marker from a pixmap. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param pixmap Null-terminated pixmap data. function buffer.marker_define_pixmap(buffer, marker_num, pixmap) end --- -- Define a marker from RGBA data. -- It has the width and height from `buffer.rgba_image_width` and -- `buffer.rgba_image_height`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param pixels A sequence of 4 byte pixel values starting with the pixels for -- the top line, with the leftmost pixel first, then continuing with the -- pixels for subsequent lines. There is no gap between lines for alignment -- reasons. Each pixel consists of, in order, a red byte, a green byte, a blue -- byte and an alpha byte. The colour bytes are not premultiplied by the alpha -- value. That is, a fully red pixel that is 25% opaque will be [FF, 00, 00, -- 3F]. function buffer.marker_define_rgba_image(buffer, marker_num, pixels) end --- -- Delete a marker from a line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31 or -1 to delete all -- markers from the line. function buffer.marker_delete(buffer, line, marker_num) end --- -- Delete all markers with a particular number from all lines. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31 or -1 to delete all -- markers from all lines. function buffer.marker_delete_all(buffer, marker_num) end --- -- Delete a marker. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param handle The identifier of a marker returned by buffer:marker_add(). function buffer.marker_delete_handle(buffer, handle) end --- -- Enable/disable highlight for current folding block (smallest one that -- contains the caret) -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param enabled function buffer.marker_enable_highlight(buffer, enabled) end --- -- Get a bit mask of all the markers set on a line. -- Bit 0 is set if marker 0 is present, bit 1 for marker 1 and so on. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return number. function buffer.marker_get(buffer, line) end --- -- Retrieve the line number at which a particular marker is located. -- Returns -1 if it not found. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param handle The identifier of a marker returned by buffer:marker_add(). -- @return number function buffer.marker_line_from_handle(buffer, handle) end --- -- Find the next line at or after start_line that includes a marker in mask. -- Return -1 when no more lines. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_line The start line. -- @param marker_mask A mask of markers to find. Set bit 0 to find marker 0, bit -- 1 for marker 1 and so on. -- @return number function buffer.marker_next(buffer, start_line, marker_mask) end --- -- Find the previous line before lineStart that includes a marker in mask. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_line The start line. -- @param marker_mask A mask of markers to find. Set bit 0 to find marker 0, bit -- 1 for marker 1 and so on. -- @return number function buffer.marker_previous(buffer, start_line, marker_mask) end --- -- Set the alpha used for a marker that is drawn in the text area, not the -- margin. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param alpha An alpha value between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque), or 256 -- for no alpha. function buffer.marker_set_alpha(buffer, marker_num, alpha) end --- -- Set the background color used for a particular marker number. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.marker_set_back(buffer, marker_num, color) end --- -- Set the background color used for a particular marker number when its -- folding block is selected. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. The default color is #FF0000. function buffer.marker_set_back_selected(buffer, marker_num, color) end --- -- Set the foreground color used for a particular marker number. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.marker_set_fore(buffer, marker_num, color) end --- -- Return the symbol defined for marker_num with `buffer:marker_define()`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of 0 to 31. -- @return number function buffer.marker_symbol_defined(buffer, marker_num) end --- -- Move the caret inside current view if it's not there already. -- Any selection is lost. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.move_caret_inside_view(buffer) end --- -- Move the selected lines down one line, shifting the line below before the -- selection. -- The selection will be automatically extended to the beginning of the -- selection's first line and the end of the seletion's last line. If nothing -- was selected, the line the cursor is currently at will be selected. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.move_selected_lines_down(buffer) end --- -- Move the selected lines up one line, shifting the line above after the -- selection. -- The selection will be automatically extended to the beginning of the -- selection's first line and the end of the seletion's last line. If nothing -- was selected, the line the cursor is currently at will be selected. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.move_selected_lines_up(buffer) end --- -- Insert a new line, may use a CRLF, CR or LF depending on EOL mode. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.new_line(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one page down. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.page_down(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one page down extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.page_down_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one page down, extending rectangular selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.page_down_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one page up. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.page_up(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one page up extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.page_up_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one page up, extending rectangular selection to new caret -- position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.page_up_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one paragraph down (delimited by empty lines). -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.para_down(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one paragraph down (delimited by empty lines) extending selection -- to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.para_down_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one paragraph up (delimited by empty lines). -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.para_up(buffer) end --- -- Move caret one paragraph up (delimited by empty lines) extending selection to -- new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.para_up_extend(buffer) end --- -- Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document replacing the -- selection. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.paste(buffer) end --- -- For private communication between an application and a known lexer. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param operation An operation number. -- @param data Number data. function buffer.private_lexer_call(buffer, operation, data) end --- -- Retrieve the x value of the point in the window where a position is -- displayed. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @return number function buffer.point_x_from_position(buffer, pos) end --- -- Retrieve the y value of the point in the window where a position is -- displayed. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @return number function buffer.point_y_from_position(buffer, pos) end --- -- Given a valid document position, return the next position taking code page -- into account. Maximum value returned is the last position in the document. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. function buffer.position_after(buffer, pos) end --- -- Given a valid document position, return the previous position taking code -- page into account. Returns 0 if passed 0. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @return number function buffer.position_before(buffer, pos) end --- -- Retrieve the position at the start of a line. -- If line is greater than the lines in the document, returns -1. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line. -- @return number function buffer.position_from_line(buffer, line) end --- -- Find the position from a point within the window. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param x -- @param y -- @return number function buffer.position_from_point(buffer, x, y) end --- -- Returns the position from a point within the window, but return -1 if not -- close to text. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param x -- @param y -- @return number function buffer.position_from_point_close(buffer, x, y) end --- -- Redoes the next action on the undo history. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.redo(buffer) end --- -- Register an XPM image for use in autocompletion lists. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param type Integer type to register the image with. -- @param xpm_data XPM data as is described for buffer:marker_define_pixmap(). function buffer.register_image(buffer, type, xpm_data) end --- -- Register an RGBA image for use in autocompletion lists. -- It has the width and height from `buffer.rgba_image_width` and -- `buffer.rgba_image_height`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param type Integer type to register the image with. -- @param pixels RGBA data as is described for -- buffer:marker_define_rgba_image(). function buffer.register_rgba_image(buffer, type, pixels) end --- -- Replace the selected text with the argument text. -- The caret is positioned after the inserted text and the caret is scrolled -- into view. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text. function buffer.replace_sel(buffer, text) end --- -- Replace the target text with the argument text. -- After replacement, the target range refers to the replacement text. -- Returns the length of the replacement text. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text (can contain NULs). -- @return number function buffer.replace_target(buffer, text) end --- -- Replace the target text with the argument text after \d processing. -- Looks for \d where d is between 1 and 9 and replaces these with the strings -- matched in the last search operation which were surrounded by \( and \). -- Returns the length of the replacement text including any change caused by -- processing the \d patterns. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text (can contain NULs). -- @return number function buffer.replace_target_re(buffer, text) end --- -- Set the main selection to the next selection. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.rotate_selection(buffer) end --- -- Ensure the caret is visible. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.scroll_caret(buffer) end --- -- Scroll to end of document. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.scroll_to_end(buffer) end --- -- Scroll to start of document. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.scroll_to_start(buffer) end --- -- Sets the current caret position to be the search anchor. -- Always call this before calling either of `buffer:search_next()` or -- `buffer:search_prev()`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.search_anchor(buffer) end --- -- Search for a counted string in the target and set the target to the found -- range. -- Returns length of range or -1 for failure in which case target is not moved. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text (can contain NULs). -- @return number function buffer.search_in_target(buffer, text) end --- -- Find some text starting at the search anchor. -- The return value is -1 if nothing is found, otherwise the return value is the -- start position of the matching text. The selection is updated to show the -- matched text, but is not scrolled into view. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param flags Search flags. See `buffer.search_flags`. -- @param text The text. -- @return number function buffer.search_next(buffer, flags, text) end --- -- Find some text starting at the search anchor and moving backwards. -- The return value is -1 if nothing is found, otherwise the return value is the -- start position of the matching text. The selection is updated to show the -- matched text, but is not scrolled into view. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param flags Search flags. See `buffer.search_flags`. -- @param text The text. -- @return number function buffer.search_prev(buffer, flags, text) end --- -- Select all the text in the document. -- The current position is not scrolled into view. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.select_all(buffer) end --- -- Duplicate the selection. -- If selection empty duplicate the line containing the caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.selection_duplicate(buffer) end --- -- Reset the set of characters for whitespace and word characters to the -- defaults. -- This sets whitespace to space, tab and other characters with codes less than -- 0x20, with word characters set to alphanumeric and '_'. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.set_chars_default(buffer) end --- -- Set caret to a position, while removing any existing selection. -- The caret is not scrolled into view. -- @param buffer The buffer -- @param pos The position to move to. function buffer.set_empty_selection(buffer, pos) end --- -- Set some style options for folding. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param flags Mask of fold flags. Flags available are -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_EXPANDED` (2): Draw above if -- expanded; `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEBEFORE_CONTRACTED` (4): -- Draw above if not expanded; -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_EXPANDED` (8): Draw below if -- expanded; `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDFLAG_LINEAFTER_CONTRACTED` (16): -- Draw below if not expanded function buffer.set_fold_flags(buffer, flags) end --- -- Set the colors used as a chequerboard pattern in the fold margin. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_fold_margin_colour(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set the colors used as a chequerboard pattern in the fold margin. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_fold_margin_hi_colour(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set a back color for active hotspots. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable the color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_hotspot_active_back(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set a fore color for active hotspots. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable the color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_hotspot_active_fore(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set the length of the utf8 argument for calling `buffer:encoded_from_utf8()`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param bytes Bytes or -1 for measuring to first nul. function buffer.set_length_for_encode(buffer, bytes) end --- -- Set the lexing language of the document based on string name. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param language_name The language name. function buffer.set_lexer_language(buffer, language_name) end --- -- Remember the current position in the undo history as the position at which -- the document was saved. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.set_save_point(buffer) end --- -- Select a range of text. -- The caret is scrolled into view after this operation. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_pos Start position. If negative, it means the end of the -- document. -- @param end_pos End position. If negative, it means remove any selection (i.e. -- set the anchor to the same position as current_pos). function buffer.set_sel(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end --- -- Set the background color of the main and additional selections and whether to -- use this setting. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_sel_back(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set the foreground color of the main and additional selections and whether -- to use this setting. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_sel_fore(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set a simple selection from anchor to caret. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param caret The caret. -- @param anchor The anchor. function buffer.set_selection(buffer, caret, anchor) end --- -- Change style from current styling position for length characters to a style -- and move the current styling position to after this newly styled segment. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param length The length to style. -- @param style The style number to set. function buffer.set_styling(buffer, length, style) end --- -- Replace the contents of the document with the argument text. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param text The text. function buffer.set_text(buffer, text) end --- -- Set the way the display area is determined when a particular line is to be -- moved to by `buffer:goto_line()`, etc. -- It is similar in operation to `buffer:set_y_caret_policy()`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param visible_policy A combination of `_SCINTILLA.constants.VISIBLE_SLOP`, -- (0x01) and `_SCINTILLA.constants.VISIBLE_STRICT` (0x04). -- @param visible_slop The slop value. function buffer.set_visible_policy(buffer, visible_policy, visible_slop) end --- -- Set the background color of all whitespace and whether to use this setting. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_whitespace_back(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set the foreground color of all whitespace and whether to use this setting. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param use_setting Enable color change. -- @param color A color in 0xBBGGRR format. function buffer.set_whitespace_fore(buffer, use_setting, color) end --- -- Set the way the caret is kept visible when going sideway. -- The exclusion zone is given in pixels. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param caret_policy A combination of `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_SLOP` -- (0x01), `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_STRICT` (0x04), -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_JUMPS` (0x10), and -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_EVEN` (0x08). -- @param caret_slop A slop value. function buffer.set_x_caret_policy(buffer, caret_policy, caret_slop) end --- -- Set the way the line the caret is on is kept visible. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param caret_policy A combination of `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_SLOP` -- (0x01), `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_STRICT` (0x04), -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_JUMPS` (0x10), and -- `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARET_EVEN` (0x08). -- @param caret_slop A slop value. function buffer.set_y_caret_policy(buffer, caret_policy, caret_slop) end --- -- Make a range of lines visible. -- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags. start_line can not be -- hidden. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param start_line The start line. -- @param end_line The end line. function buffer.show_lines(buffer, start_line, end_line) end --- -- Start notifying the container of all key presses and commands. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.start_record(buffer) end --- -- Set the current styling position to pos and the styling mask to mask. -- The styling mask can be used to protect some bits in each styling byte from -- modification. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param position The styling position. -- @param mask The bit mask of the style bytes that can be set. function buffer.start_styling(buffer, position, mask) end --- -- Stop notifying the container of all key presses and commands. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.stop_record(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.stuttered_page_down(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page, -- extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.stuttered_page_down_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.stuttered_page_up(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page, -- extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.stuttered_page_up_extend(buffer) end --- -- Clear all the styles and make equivalent to the global default style. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.style_clear_all(buffer) end --- -- Returns the font name of a given style. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param style_num The style number. -- @return string function buffer.style_get_font(buffer, style_num) end --- -- Reset the default style to its state at startup. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.style_reset_default(buffer) end --- -- Swap that caret and anchor of the main selection. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.swap_main_anchor_caret(buffer) end --- -- If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab -- character, or if more than one line selected, indent the lines. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.tab(buffer) end --- -- Returns the target converted to UTF8. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.target_as_utf8(buffer) end --- -- Make the target range start and end be the same as the selection range start -- and end. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.target_from_selection(buffer) end --- -- Retrieve the height of a particular line of text in pixels. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return number function buffer.text_height(buffer, line) end --- -- Measure the pixel width of some text in a particular style. -- Does not handle tab or control characters. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param style_num The style number. -- @param text The text. -- @return number function buffer.text_width(buffer, style_num, text) end --- -- Switch between sticky and non-sticky: meant to be bound to a key. -- See `buffer.caret_sticky`. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.toggle_caret_sticky(buffer) end --- -- Switch a header line between expanded and contracted. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. function buffer.toggle_fold(buffer, line) end --- -- Undo one action in the undo history. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.undo(buffer) end --- -- Transform the selection to upper case. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.upper_case(buffer) end --- -- Sets whether a pop up menu is displayed automatically when the user presses -- the wrong mouse button. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param allow_popup Allow popup menu. function buffer.use_pop_up(buffer, allow_popup) end --- -- Display a list of strings and send notification when user chooses one. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param list_type A list identifier number greater than zero. -- @param item_list List of words separated by separator characters (initially -- spaces). -- @see _SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type function buffer.user_list_show(buffer, list_type, item_list) end --- -- Move caret to before first visible character on line. -- If already there move to first character on line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.vc_home(buffer) end --- -- Like `buffer:vc_home()` but extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.vc_home_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to before first visible character on line. -- If already there move to first character on line. In either case, extend -- rectangular selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.vc_home_rect_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret to before first visible character on display line when word-wrap -- is enabled. -- If already there, go to first character on display line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.vc_home_wrap(buffer) end --- -- Like `buffer:vc_home_wrap()` but extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.vc_home_wrap_extend(buffer) end --- -- Center current line in window. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.vertical_centre_caret(buffer) end --- -- Find the display line of a document line taking hidden lines into account. -- If there is folding and line is outside the range of lines in the document, -- the return value is -1. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return number function buffer.visible_from_doc_line(buffer, line) end --- -- Get position of end of word. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @param only_word_chars If `true`, stops searching at the first non-word -- character in the search direction. Otherwise, the first character in the -- search direction sets the type of the search as word or non-word and the -- search stops at the first non-matching character. Searches are also -- terminated by the start or end of the document. function buffer.word_end_position(buffer, pos, only_word_chars) end --- -- Move caret left one word. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_left(buffer) end --- -- Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_left_end(buffer) end --- -- Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection -- to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_left_end_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret left one word extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_left_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move to the previous change in capitalisation or underscores. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_part_left(buffer) end --- -- Move to the previous change in capitalisation or underscores extending -- selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_part_left_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move to the next change in capitalisation or underscores. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_part_right(buffer) end --- -- Move to the next change in capitalisation or underscores extending selection -- to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_part_right_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret right one word. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_right(buffer) end --- -- Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_right_end(buffer) end --- -- Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word, extending -- selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_right_end_extend(buffer) end --- -- Move caret right one word extending selection to new caret position. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.word_right_extend(buffer) end --- -- Get position of start of word. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param pos The position. -- @param only_word_chars If `true`, stops searching at the first non-word -- character in the search direction. Otherwise, the first character in the -- search direction sets the type of the search as word or non-word and the -- search stops at the first non-matching character. Searches are also -- terminated by the start or end of the document. function buffer.word_start_position(buffer, pos, only_word_chars) end --- -- Returns the number of display lines needed to wrap a document line. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param line The line number. -- @return number function buffer.wrap_count(buffer, line) end --- -- Magnify the displayed text by increasing the sizes by 1 point if the current -- zoom factor is less than 20 points. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.zoom_in(buffer) end --- -- Make the displayed text smaller by decreasing the sizes by 1 point if the -- current zoom factor is greater than -10 points. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.zoom_out(buffer) end -- External functions. --- -- Gets a range of text from the current buffer. -- @param buffer The currently focused buffer. -- @param start_pos The beginning position of the range of text to get. -- @param end_pos The end position of the range of text to get. function buffer.text_range(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end --- -- Deletes the current buffer. -- WARNING: this function should NOT be called via scripts. io provides a -- close() function for buffers to prompt for confirmation if necessary; this -- function does not. Activates the 'buffer_deleted' signal. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.delete(buffer) end --- -- Reloads the file in a given buffer. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.reload(buffer) end --- -- Sets the encoding for the buffer, converting its contents in the process. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param encoding The encoding to set. Valid encodings are ones that GTK's -- g_convert() function accepts (typically GNU iconv's encodings). -- @usage buffer.set_encoding(buffer, 'ASCII') function buffer.set_encoding(buffer) end --- -- Saves the current buffer to a file. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.save(buffer) end --- -- Saves the current buffer to a file different than its filename property. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param utf8_filename The new filepath to save the buffer to. Must be UTF-8 -- encoded. function buffer.save_as(buffer) end --- -- Closes the current buffer. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- If the buffer is dirty, the user is prompted to continue. The buffer is not -- saved automatically. It must be done manually. function buffer.close(buffer) end --- -- Replacement for buffer.set_lexer_language(buffer). -- Sets a buffer._lexer field so it can be restored without querying the -- mime-types tables. Also if the user manually sets the lexer, it should be -- restored. -- Loads the language-specific module if it exists. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param lang The string language to set. -- @usage buffer.set_lexer(buffer, 'language_name') function buffer.set_lexer(buffer, lang) end --- -- Replacement for buffer.get_lexer_language(buffer). -- @param buffer The focused buffer. function buffer.get_lexer(buffer) end --- -- Returns the name of the style associated with a style number. -- @param buffer The focused buffer. -- @param style_num A style number in the range 0 <= style_num < 256. -- @see buffer.style_at function buffer.get_style_name(buffer, style_num) end -- Unused Fields. -- * use_palette -- * mod_event_mask -- * paste_convert_endings -- * character_pointer -- * identifier -- * key_words -- Unused Functions. -- * add_styled_text -- * get_styled_text -- * assign_cmd_key -- * clear_cmd_key -- * set_styling_ex -- * find_text -- * format_range -- * null -- * create_document -- * add_ref_document -- * release_document -- * margin_set_styles -- * margin_get_styles -- * annotation_set_styles -- * annotation_get_styles -- * add_undo_action -- * load_lexer_library -- * property_names -- * property_type -- * describe_property -- * describe_key_word_sets