# Thanks Thank you everyone for your contributions and feedback. They have helped make Textadept the amazing editor that it is today. ## Code and Documentation Contributors * Alex Bepple * Ana Balan * Anton Verbitski * Bill Meahan * Brian Schott * Callum Wilson * Chris Emerson * Gilles Grégoire * Jay Gould * Jeff Stone * John Benediktsson * M Rawash * Manuel Montenegro * Martin Morawetz * Neil Hodgson * Niklas Wallén * Nils Nordman * Patrick McMorris * Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez * Richard Philips * Robert Gieseke * Russell Dickenson * Ryan Pusztai * Scott Weisman * Steve Donovan * Tymur Gubayev * Vais Salikhov * Vladimir Lomov If I have left off your name, please [contact me][]. I am very sorry about that. [contact me]: README.html#Contact