# FAQ **Q:** On Linux I get a `error while loading shared libraries: : cannot open` `shared object file: No such file or directory` when trying to run Textadept. How do I fix it? **A:** It is difficult to provide a binary that runs on all Linux platforms since the library versions installed vary widely from distribution to distribution. For example, "libpng14" has been available for many distributions since late 2009 while the latest 2012 Ubuntu still uses "libpng12". Unfortunately in these cases, the best idea is to compile Textadept. This process is actually very simple though. See the [compiling][] page. Only the GTK+ development libraries are needed for the GUI version. (The ncurses development library is required for the terminal version.) [compiling]: 12_Compiling.html - - - **Q:** I downloaded the Linux version, but when I try to compile it, some files are not found. Where do I get these files? **A:** You need to download the source version of the release, not the binary version. The source version contains all the files necessary for compiling Textadept. - - - **Q:** Autocompletion does not work for my language. Why not? **A:** *modules/textadept/key_commands.lua* calls [`_M.textadept.editing.autocomplete_word()`][] with `'%w_'`, which in [Lua][] is all ASCII alphanumeric characters and underscores. You can add character ranges in `'\xXX-\xXX'` or `'\ddd-\ddd'` [format][] (e.g. `'%w_\127-\255'`). Unfortunately this probably will not work for unicode. [`_M.textadept.editing.autocomplete_word()`]: api/_M.textadept.editing.html#autocomplete_word [Lua]: 14_Appendix.html#Lua.Patterns [Format]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#3.1 - - - **Q:** When I click the "Compile" or "Run" menu item (or execute the key command), either nothing happens or the wrong command is executed. How can I tell Textadept which command to run? **A:** Take a look at these [commands][]. [commands]: http://foicica.com/wiki/run-supplemental - - - **Q:** Clicking "Block Comment" (or executing the key command) does nothing. Why? **A:** Take a look at these [comments][]. [comments]: http://foicica.com/wiki/comment-supplemental - - - **Q:** The ncurses version does not support feature _x_ the GUI version does. Is this a bug? **A:** Maybe. Some terminals do not recognize certain key commands like `Shift+Arrow` for making selections. Linux's virtual terminals (the ones accessible with `Ctrl+Alt+FunctionKey`) are an example. GNOME Terminal, LXTerminal and XTerm seem to work fine. rxvt and rxvt-unicode do not work out of the box, but may be configurable. Please see the [ncurses compatibility][] section of the appendix. If the feature in question is not listed there, it may be a bug. Please [contact][] me with any bug reports. [ncurses compatibility]: 14_Appendix.html#Ncurses.Compatibility [contact]: README.html#Contact - - - **Q:** Pressing `^O` in the ncurses version on Mac OSX does not do anything. Why? **A:** For whatever reason, `^O` is discarded by the terminal driver. To enable it, run `stty discard undef` first. You can put the command in your *~/.bashrc* or *~/.bash_profile* to make it permanent. - - - **Q.** After upgrading to Textadept >= 5 from Textadept 4, Textadept crashes hard with no messages. What can I do? **A:** You likely have old modules that are not compatible with Textadept >= 5. Most offending modules use the `module()` Lua 5.1 function which was removed in Lua 5.2. You can temporarily move your *~/.textadept/* directory elsewhere and restart Textadept to be sure old modules are causing problems. You can correct them using the [migration guide][]. [migration guide]: 14_Appendix.html#Textadept.4.to.5 - - - **Q:** Are my Textadept 5.x scripts compatible with Textadept 6.x? **A:** Maybe. There were some API changes. See the [migration guide][]. Most themes are not compatible. [migration guide]: 14_Appendix.html#Textadept.5.to.6 - - - **Q:** Why does Textadept remember its window size but not its window position? **A:** Your window manager is to blame. Textadept is not responsible for, and should never attempt to set its window position. - - -