# FAQ **Q:** On Linux I get a `error while loading shared libraries: : cannot open` `shared object file: No such file or directory` when trying to run Textadept. How do I fix it? **A:** It is difficult to provide a binary that runs on all Linux platforms since the library versions installed vary widely from distribution to distribution. For example, `libpng14` has been available for many distributions since late 2009 while the latest 2012 Ubuntu still uses `libpng12`. Unfortunately in these cases, the best idea is to compile Textadept. This process is actually very simple though. See the [compiling][] page. Only the GTK development libraries are needed for the GUI version. (The ncurses development library is required for the terminal version.) [compiling]: 12_Compiling.html - - - **Q:** I downloaded the Linux version, but when I try to compile it, some files are not found. Where do I get these files? **A:** You need to download the source version of the release, not the binary version. The source version contains all the files necessary for compiling Textadept. - - - **Q:** Autocompletion does not work for my language. Why not? **A:** `modules/textadept/key_commands.lua` calls [`_M.textadept.editing.autocomplete_word()`][] with `'%w_'`, which in [Lua][] is all ASCII alphanumeric characters and underscores. You can add character ranges in `'\xXX-\xXX'` or `'\ddd-\ddd'` [format][] (e.g. `'%w_\127-\255'`). Unfortunately this probably will not work for unicode. [`_M.textadept.editing.autocomplete_word()`]: api/_M.textadept.editing.html#autocomplete_word [Lua]: 14_Appendix.html#Lua.Patterns [Format]: http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#3.1 - - - **Q:** When I click the "Compile" or "Run" menu item (or execute the key command), either nothing happens or the wrong command is executed. How can I tell Textadept which command to run? **A:** Take a look at these [commands][]. [commands]: http://foicica.com/wiki/run-supplemental - - - **Q:** Clicking "Block Comment" (or executing the key command) does nothing. Why? **A:** Take a look at these [comments][]. [comments]: http://foicica.com/wiki/comment-supplemental - - - **Q:** The ncurses version does not support feature _x_ the GUI version does. Is this a bug? **A:** Maybe. Some terminals do not recognize certain key commands like `Shift+Arrow` for making selections. Linux's virtual terminals (the ones accessible with `Ctrl+Alt+FunctionKey`) are an example. GNOME Terminal, LXTerminal and XTerm seem to work fine. rxvt and rxvt-unicode do not work out of the box, but may be configurable. Please see the [ncurses compatibility][] section of the appendix. If the feature in question is not listed there, it may be a bug. Please [contact][] me with any bug reports. [ncurses compatibility]: 14_Appendix.html#Ncurses.Compatibility [contact]: README.html#Contact - - - **Q:** Pressing "Control+O" in the ncurses version on Mac OSX does not do anything. Why? **A:** For whatever reason, "Control+O" is discarded by the terminal driver. To enable it, run `stty discard undef` first. You can put the command in your `~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile` to make it permanent. - - - **Q.** After upgrading to Textadept >= 5 from Textadept 4, Textadept crashes hard with no messages. What can I do? **A:** You likely have old modules that are not compatible with Textadept >= 5. Most offending modules use the `module()` Lua 5.1 function which was removed in Lua 5.2. You can temporarily move your `~/.textadept/` directory elsewhere and restart Textadept to be sure old modules are causing problems. You can correct them using the [migration guide][]. [migration guide]: 14_Appendix.html#Textadept.4.to.5 - - - **Q:** Are my Textadept 5.x scripts compatible with Textadept 6.x? **A:** Maybe. There were some API changes. See the [migration guide][]. Most themes are not compatible. [migration guide]: 14_Appendix.html#Textadept.5.to.6 - - - **Q:** Why does Textadept remember its window size but not its window position? **A:** Your window manager is to blame. Textadept is not responsible for, and should never attempt to set its window position. - - -