path: root/themes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'themes')
12 files changed, 316 insertions, 680 deletions
diff --git a/themes/dark.lua b/themes/dark.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45764062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/dark.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+-- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
+-- Dark theme for Textadept.
+-- Contributions by Ana Balan.
+local buffer = buffer
+local property, property_int = buffer.property, buffer.property_int
+-- Greyscale colors.
+--property['color.dark_black'] = 0x000000
+property['color.black'] = 0x1A1A1A
+property['color.light_black'] = 0x333333
+--property['color.grey_black'] = 0x4D4D4D
+property['color.dark_grey'] = 0x666666
+property['color.grey'] = 0x808080
+property['color.light_grey'] = 0x999999
+--property['color.grey_white'] = 0xB3B3B3
+property['color.dark_white'] = 0xCCCCCC
+--property['color.white'] = 0xE6E6E6
+--property['color.light_white'] = 0xFFFFFF
+-- Dark colors.
+--property['color.dark_red'] = 0x1A1A66
+--property['color.dark_yellow'] = 0x1A6666
+--property['color.dark_green'] = 0x1A661A
+--property['color.dark_teal'] = 0x66661A
+--property['color.dark_purple'] = 0x661A66
+--property['color.dark_orange'] = 0x1A66B3
+--property['color.dark_pink'] = 0x6666B3
+--property['color.dark_lavender'] = 0xB36666
+--property['color.dark_blue'] = 0xB3661A
+-- Normal colors.
+property['color.red'] = 0x4D4D99
+property['color.yellow'] = 0x4D9999
+property['color.green'] = 0x4D994D
+property['color.teal'] = 0x99994D
+property['color.purple'] = 0x994D99
+property['color.orange'] = 0x4D99E6
+--property['color.pink'] = 0x9999E6
+property['color.lavender'] = 0xE69999
+property['color.blue'] = 0xE6994D
+-- Light colors.
+property['color.light_red'] = 0x8080CC
+property['color.light_yellow'] = 0x80CCCC
+property['color.light_green'] = 0x80CC80
+--property['color.light_teal'] = 0xCCCC80
+--property['color.light_purple'] = 0xCC80CC
+--property['color.light_orange'] = 0x80CCFF
+--property['color.light_pink'] = 0xCCCCFF
+--property['color.light_lavender'] = 0xFFCCCC
+property['color.light_blue'] = 0xFFCC80
+-- Default style.
+local font, size = 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 10
+if WIN32 then
+ font = 'Courier New'
+elseif OSX then
+ font, size = 'Monaco', 12
+property['style.default'] = 'font:'..font..',size:'..size..
+ ',fore:$(color.light_grey),back:$(color.black)'
+-- Token styles.
+property['style.nothing'] = ''
+property['style.class'] = 'fore:$(color.light_yellow)'
+property['style.comment'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_grey)'
+property['style.constant'] = 'fore:$(color.red)'
+property['style.error'] = 'fore:$(color.red),italics'
+property['style.function'] = 'fore:$(color.blue)'
+property['style.keyword'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_white)'
+property['style.label'] = 'fore:$(color.orange)'
+property['style.number'] = 'fore:$(color.teal)'
+property['style.operator'] = 'fore:$(color.yellow)'
+property['style.regex'] = 'fore:$(color.light_green)'
+property['style.string'] = 'fore:$(color.green)'
+property['style.preprocessor'] = 'fore:$(color.purple)'
+property['style.type'] = 'fore:$(color.lavender)'
+property['style.variable'] = 'fore:$(color.light_blue)'
+property['style.whitespace'] = ''
+property['style.embedded'] = '$(style.tag),back:$(color.light_black)'
+property['style.identifier'] = '$(style.nothing)'
+-- Predefined styles.
+property['style.linenumber'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_grey),back:$(color.black)'
+property['style.bracelight'] = 'fore:$(color.light_blue)'
+property['style.bracebad'] = 'fore:$(color.light_red)'
+property['style.controlchar'] = '$(style.nothing)'
+property['style.indentguide'] = 'fore:$(color.light_black)'
+property['style.calltip'] = 'fore:$(color.light_grey),back:$(color.light_black)'
+-- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space
+--buffer.additional_sel_alpha =
+--buffer.additional_sel_fore =
+--buffer.additional_sel_back =
+--buffer.additional_caret_fore =
+-- Caret and Selection Styles.
+buffer:set_sel_fore(true, property_int['color.light_black'])
+buffer:set_sel_back(true, property_int['color.grey'])
+--buffer.sel_alpha =
+buffer.caret_fore = property_int['color.grey']
+buffer.caret_line_back = property_int['color.light_black']
+--buffer.caret_line_back_alpha =
+-- Fold Margin.
+buffer:set_fold_margin_colour(true, property_int['color.black'])
+buffer:set_fold_margin_hi_colour(true, property_int['color.black'])
+-- Fold Margin Markers.
+local c = _SCINTILLA.constants
+buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = property_int['color.dark_grey']
+buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = property_int['color.dark_grey']
+buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = property_int['color.dark_grey']
+buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = property_int['color.dark_grey']
+-- Long Lines.
+buffer.edge_colour = property_int['color.dark_grey']
diff --git a/themes/dark/buffer.lua b/themes/dark/buffer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dfa07b2..00000000
--- a/themes/dark/buffer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Dark editor theme for Textadept.
-local buffer = buffer
--- Folding.
-buffer.property['fold'] = '1'
-buffer.property['fold.by.indentation'] = '1'
-buffer.property['fold.line.comments'] = '0'
--- Tabs and Indentation.
-buffer.tab_width = 2
-buffer.use_tabs = false
---buffer.indent = 2
-buffer.tab_indents = true
-buffer.back_space_un_indents = true
diff --git a/themes/dark/lexer.lua b/themes/dark/lexer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4824fb8c..00000000
--- a/themes/dark/lexer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Dark lexer theme for Textadept.
--- Contributions by Ana Balan.
--- Please note this theme is in a separate Lua state than Textadept's main one.
--- This means the global variables like 'buffer', 'view', and 'gui' are not
--- available here. Only the variables in the 'lexer' module are.
-local l, color, style = lexer, lexer.color, lexer.style
-l.colors = {
- -- Greyscale colors.
---dark_black = color('00', '00', '00'),
- black = color('1A', '1A', '1A'),
- light_black = color('33', '33', '33'),
- -- color('4D', '4D', '4D'),
- dark_grey = color('66', '66', '66'),
---grey = color('80', '80', '80'),
- light_grey = color('99', '99', '99'),
- -- color('B3', 'B3', 'B3'),
- dark_white = color('CC', 'CC', 'CC'),
---white = color('E6', 'E6', 'E6'),
---light_white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'),
- -- Dark colors.
---dark_red = color('66', '1A', '1A'),
---dark_yellow = color('66', '66', '1A'),
---dark_green = color('1A', '66', '1A'),
---dark_teal = color('1A', '66', '66'),
---dark_purple = color('66', '1A', '66'),
---dark_orange = color('B3', '66', '1A'),
---dark_pink = color('B3', '66', '66'),
---dark_lavender = color('66', '66', 'B3'),
---dark_blue = color('1A', '66', 'B3'),
- -- Normal colors.
- red = color('99', '4D', '4D'),
- yellow = color('99', '99', '4D'),
- green = color('4D', '99', '4D'),
- teal = color('4D', '99', '99'),
- purple = color('99', '4D', '99'),
- orange = color('E6', '99', '4D'),
---pink = color('E6', '99', '99'),
- lavender = color('99', '99', 'E6'),
- blue = color('4D', '99', 'E6'),
- -- Light colors.
- light_red = color('CC', '80', '80'),
- light_yellow = color('CC', 'CC', '80'),
- light_green = color('80', 'CC', '80'),
---light_teal = color('80', 'CC', 'CC'),
---light_purple = color('CC', '80', 'CC'),
---light_orange = color('FF', 'CC', '80'),
---light_pink = color('FF', 'CC', 'CC'),
---light_lavender = color('CC', 'CC', 'FF'),
- light_blue = color('80', 'CC', 'FF'),
-l.style_nothing = style{ }
-l.style_class = style{fore = l.colors.light_yellow }
-l.style_comment = style{fore = l.colors.dark_grey }
-l.style_constant = style{fore = l.colors.red }
-l.style_definition = style{fore = l.colors.light_yellow }
-l.style_error = style{fore = l.colors.red, italic = true}
-l.style_function = style{fore = l.colors.blue }
-l.style_keyword = style{fore = l.colors.dark_white }
-l.style_label = style{fore = l.colors.orange }
-l.style_number = style{fore = l.colors.teal }
-l.style_operator = style{fore = l.colors.yellow }
-l.style_regex = style{fore = l.colors.light_green }
-l.style_string = style{fore = l.colors.green }
-l.style_preproc = style{fore = l.colors.purple }
-l.style_tag = style{fore = l.colors.dark_white }
-l.style_type = style{fore = l.colors.lavender }
-l.style_variable = style{fore = l.colors.light_blue }
-l.style_whitespace = style{ }
-l.style_embedded = l.style_tag..{back = l.colors.light_black}
-l.style_identifier = l.style_nothing
--- Default styles.
-local font_face = 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono'
-local font_size = 10
-if WIN32 then
- font_face = 'Courier New'
-elseif OSX then
- font_face = 'Monaco'
- font_size = 12
-l.style_default = style{
- font = font_face, size = font_size,
- fore = l.colors.light_grey, back = l.colors.black
-l.style_line_number = style{fore = l.colors.dark_grey, back = l.colors.black}
-l.style_bracelight = style{fore = l.colors.light_blue}
-l.style_bracebad = style{fore = l.colors.light_red}
-l.style_controlchar = l.style_nothing
-l.style_indentguide = style{
- fore = l.colors.light_black, back = l.colors.light_black
-l.style_calltip = style{fore = l.colors.light_grey, back = l.colors.light_black}
diff --git a/themes/dark/view.lua b/themes/dark/view.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 76170b12..00000000
--- a/themes/dark/view.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Dark editor theme for Textadept.
-local c = _SCINTILLA.constants
-local buffer = buffer
--- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space
-buffer.multiple_selection = true
-buffer.additional_selection_typing = true
---buffer.multi_paste = c.SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH
---buffer.virtual_space_options = c.SCVS_RECTANGULARSELECTION +
-buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier = (WIN32 or OSX) and c.SCMOD_ALT or
---buffer.additional_sel_alpha =
---buffer.additional_sel_fore =
---buffer.additional_sel_back =
---buffer.additional_caret_fore =
---buffer.additional_carets_blink = false
---buffer.additional_carets_visible = false
--- Scrolling.
-buffer:set_x_caret_policy(1, 20) -- CARET_SLOP
-buffer:set_y_caret_policy(13, 1) -- CARET_SLOP | CARET_STRICT | CARET_EVEN
---buffer.h_scroll_bar = false
---buffer.v_scroll_bar = false
---buffer.x_offset =
---buffer.scroll_width =
---buffer.scroll_width_tracking = true
---buffer.end_at_last_line = false
--- Whitespace
---buffer.view_ws = c.SCWS_VISIBLEALWAYS
---buffer.whitespace_size =
---buffer.extra_ascent =
---buffer.extra_descent =
--- Line Endings
---buffer.view_eol = true
--- Caret and Selection Styles.
-buffer:set_sel_fore(true, 0x333333)
-buffer:set_sel_back(true, 0x808080)
---buffer.sel_alpha =
---buffer.sel_eol_filled = true
-buffer.caret_fore = 0x808080
-buffer.caret_line_visible = true
---buffer.caret_line_visible_always = true
-buffer.caret_line_back = 0x333333
---buffer.caret_line_back_alpha =
---buffer.caret_period = 0
---buffer.caret_style = c.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK
---buffer.caret_width =
---buffer.caret_sticky = c.SC_CARETSTICKY_ON
--- Line Number Margin.
-buffer.margin_width_n[0] = 4 + 4 * buffer:text_width(c.STYLE_LINENUMBER, '9')
--- Marker Margin.
-buffer.margin_width_n[1] = 0 -- marker margin invisible
--- Fold Margin.
-buffer.margin_type_n[2] = c.SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL
-buffer.margin_width_n[2] = 10
-buffer.margin_mask_n[2] = c.SC_MASK_FOLDERS
-buffer.margin_sensitive_n[2] = true
---buffer.margin_left =
---buffer.margin_right =
-buffer:set_fold_margin_colour(true, 0x1A1A1A)
-buffer:set_fold_margin_hi_colour(true, 0x1A1A1A)
--- Annotations.
-buffer.annotation_visible = c.ANNOTATION_BOXED
--- Other.
-buffer.buffered_draw = not OSX -- Quartz buffers drawing
---buffer.two_phase_draw = false
--- Indentation Guides.
-buffer.indentation_guides = c.SC_IV_LOOKBOTH
--- Fold Margin Markers.
-buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = 0x666666
-buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = 0x666666
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, c.SC_MARK_ARROW)
-buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = 0x666666
-buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = 0x666666
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
--- Autocompletion.
---buffer.auto_c_cancel_at_start = false
-buffer.auto_c_choose_single = true
---buffer.auto_c_auto_hide = false
---buffer.auto_c_max_height =
---buffer.auto_c_max_width =
--- Call Tips.
---buffer.call_tip_use_style =
--- Folding.
--- Line Wrapping.
---buffer.wrap_mode = c.SC_WRAP_WORD
---buffer.wrap_visual_flags = c.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN
---buffer.wrap_visual_flags_location = c.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT
---buffer.wrap_indent_mode = c.SC_WRAPINDENT_SAME
---buffer.wrap_start_indent =
--- Long Lines.
---buffer.edge_mode = c.EDGE_LINE
---buffer.edge_column = 80
---buffer.edge_colour = 0x666666
--- Notifications.
-buffer.mod_event_mask = c.SC_MOD_CHANGEFOLD
diff --git a/themes/light.lua b/themes/light.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ea1a292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/light.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+-- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
+-- Light theme for Textadept.
+-- Contributions by Ana Balan.
+local buffer = buffer
+local property, property_int = buffer.property, buffer.property_int
+-- Greyscale colors.
+--property['color.dark_black'] = 0x000000
+--property['color.black'] = 0x1A1A1A
+property['color.light_black'] = 0x333333
+property['color.grey_black'] = 0x4D4D4D
+--property['color.dark_grey'] = 0x666666
+property['color.grey'] = 0x808080
+property['color.light_grey'] = 0x999999
+--property['color.grey_white'] = 0xB3B3B3
+property['color.dark_white'] = 0xCCCCCC
+property['color.white'] = 0xE6E6E6
+--property['color.light_white'] = 0xFFFFFF
+-- Dark colors.
+--property['color.dark_red'] = 0x1A1A66
+property['color.dark_yellow'] = 0x1A6666
+property['color.dark_green'] = 0x1A661A
+--property['color.dark_teal'] = 0x66661A
+--property['color.dark_purple'] = 0x661A66
+property['color.dark_orange'] = 0x1A66B3
+--property['color.dark_pink'] = 0x6666B3
+property['color.dark_lavender'] = 0xB36666
+property['color.dark_blue'] = 0xB3661A
+-- Normal colors.
+property['color.red'] = 0x4D4D99
+property['color.yellow'] = 0x4D9999
+property['color.green'] = 0x4D994D
+property['color.teal'] = 0x99994D
+property['color.purple'] = 0x994D99
+property['color.orange'] = 0x4D99E6
+--property['color.pink'] = 0x9999E6
+property['color.lavender'] = 0xE69999
+--property['color.blue'] = 0xE6994D
+-- Light colors.
+property['color.light_red'] = 0x8080CC
+--property['color.light_yellow'] = 0x80CCCC
+--property['color.light_green'] = 0x80CC80
+--property['color.light_teal'] = 0xCCCC80
+--property['color.light_purple'] = 0xCC80CC
+--property['color.light_orange'] = 0x80CCFF
+--property['color.light_pink'] = 0xCCCCFF
+--property['color.light_lavender'] = 0xFFCCCC
+property['color.light_blue'] = 0xFFCC80
+-- Default style.
+local font, size = 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 10
+if WIN32 then
+ font = 'Courier New'
+elseif OSX then
+ font, size = 'Monaco', 12
+property['style.default'] = 'font:'..font..',size:'..size..
+ ',fore:$(color.light_black),back:$(color.white)'
+-- Token styles.
+property['style.nothing'] = ''
+property['style.class'] = 'fore:$(color.yellow)'
+property['style.comment'] = 'fore:$(color.grey)'
+property['style.constant'] = 'fore:$(color.red)'
+property['style.error'] = 'fore:$(color.red),italics'
+property['style.function'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_orange)'
+property['style.keyword'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_blue)'
+property['style.label'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_orange)'
+property['style.number'] = 'fore:$(color.teal)'
+property['style.operator'] = 'fore:$(color.purple)'
+property['style.regex'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_green)'
+property['style.string'] = 'fore:$(color.green)'
+property['style.preprocessor'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_yellow)'
+property['style.type'] = 'fore:$(color.lavender)'
+property['style.variable'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_lavender)'
+property['style.whitespace'] = ''
+property['style.embedded'] = '$(style.tag),back:$(color.dark_white)'
+property['style.identifier'] = '$(style.nothing)'
+-- Predefined styles.
+property['style.linenumber'] = 'fore:$(color.grey),back:$(color.white)'
+property['style.bracelight'] = 'fore:$(color.light_blue)'
+property['style.bracebad'] = 'fore:$(color.light_red)'
+property['style.controlchar'] = '$(style.nothing)'
+property['style.indentguide'] = 'fore:$(color.dark_white)'
+property['style.calltip'] = 'fore:$(color.light_black),back:$(color.dark_white)'
+-- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space
+--buffer.additional_sel_alpha =
+--buffer.additional_sel_fore =
+--buffer.additional_sel_back =
+--buffer.additional_caret_fore =
+-- Caret and Selection Styles.
+buffer:set_sel_fore(true, property_int['color.light_black'])
+buffer:set_sel_back(true, property_int['color.light_grey'])
+--buffer.sel_alpha =
+buffer.caret_fore = property_int['color.grey_black']
+buffer.caret_line_back = property_int['color.dark_white']
+--buffer.caret_line_back_alpha =
+-- Fold Margin.
+buffer:set_fold_margin_colour(true, property_int['color.white'])
+buffer:set_fold_margin_hi_colour(true, property_int['color.white'])
+-- Fold Margin Markers.
+local c = _SCINTILLA.constants
+buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = property_int['color.grey']
+buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = property_int['color.grey']
+buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = property_int['color.grey']
+buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = property_int['color.grey']
+-- Long Lines.
+buffer.edge_colour = property_int['color.grey']
diff --git a/themes/light/buffer.lua b/themes/light/buffer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e86af33a..00000000
--- a/themes/light/buffer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Light editor theme for Textadept.
-local buffer = buffer
--- Folding.
-buffer.property['fold'] = '1'
-buffer.property['fold.by.indentation'] = '1'
-buffer.property['fold.line.comments'] = '0'
--- Tabs and Indentation.
-buffer.tab_width = 2
-buffer.use_tabs = false
---buffer.indent = 2
-buffer.tab_indents = true
-buffer.back_space_un_indents = true
diff --git a/themes/light/lexer.lua b/themes/light/lexer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5865e363..00000000
--- a/themes/light/lexer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Light lexer theme for Textadept.
--- Please note this theme is in a separate Lua state than Textadept's main one.
--- This means the global variables like 'buffer', 'view', and 'gui' are not
--- available here. Only the variables in the 'lexer' module are.
-local l, color, style = lexer, lexer.color, lexer.style
-l.colors = {
- -- Greyscale colors.
---dark_black = color('00', '00', '00'),
---black = color('1A', '1A', '1A'),
- light_black = color('33', '33', '33'),
- -- color('4D', '4D', '4D'),
---dark_grey = color('66', '66', '66'),
- grey = color('80', '80', '80'),
---light_grey = color('99', '99', '99'),
- -- color('B3', 'B3', 'B3'),
- dark_white = color('CC', 'CC', 'CC'),
- white = color('E6', 'E6', 'E6'),
---light_white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'),
- -- Dark colors.
---dark_red = color('66', '1A', '1A'),
- dark_yellow = color('66', '66', '1A'),
- dark_green = color('1A', '66', '1A'),
---dark_teal = color('1A', '66', '66'),
---dark_purple = color('66', '1A', '66'),
- dark_orange = color('B3', '66', '1A'),
---dark_pink = color('B3', '66', '66'),
- dark_lavender = color('66', '66', 'B3'),
- dark_blue = color('1A', '66', 'B3'),
- -- Normal colors.
- red = color('99', '4D', '4D'),
- yellow = color('99', '99', '4D'),
- green = color('4D', '99', '4D'),
- teal = color('4D', '99', '99'),
- purple = color('99', '4D', '99'),
---orange = color('E6', '99', '4D'),
---pink = color('E6', '99', '99'),
- lavender = color('99', '99', 'E6'),
---blue = color('4D', '99', 'E6'),
- -- Light colors.
- light_red = color('CC', '80', '80'),
---light_yellow = color('CC', 'CC', '80'),
---light_green = color('80', 'CC', '80'),
---light_teal = color('80', 'CC', 'CC'),
---light_purple = color('CC', '80', 'CC'),
---light_orange = color('FF', 'CC', '80'),
---light_pink = color('FF', 'CC', 'CC'),
---light_lavender = color('CC', 'CC', 'FF'),
- light_blue = color('80', 'CC', 'FF'),
-l.style_nothing = style{ }
-l.style_class = style{fore = l.colors.yellow }
-l.style_comment = style{fore = l.colors.grey }
-l.style_constant = style{fore = l.colors.red }
-l.style_definition = style{fore = l.colors.yellow }
-l.style_error = style{fore = l.colors.red, italic = true}
-l.style_function = style{fore = l.colors.dark_orange }
-l.style_keyword = style{fore = l.colors.dark_blue }
-l.style_label = style{fore = l.colors.dark_orange }
-l.style_number = style{fore = l.colors.teal }
-l.style_operator = style{fore = l.colors.purple }
-l.style_regex = style{fore = l.colors.dark_green }
-l.style_string = style{fore = l.colors.green }
-l.style_preproc = style{fore = l.colors.dark_yellow }
-l.style_tag = style{fore = l.colors.dark_blue }
-l.style_type = style{fore = l.colors.lavender }
-l.style_variable = style{fore = l.colors.dark_lavender }
-l.style_whitespace = style{ }
-l.style_embedded = l.style_tag..{back = l.colors.dark_white}
-l.style_identifier = l.style_nothing
--- Default styles.
-local font_face = 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono'
-local font_size = 10
-if WIN32 then
- font_face = 'Courier New'
-elseif OSX then
- font_face = 'Monaco'
- font_size = 12
-l.style_default = style{
- font = font_face, size = font_size,
- fore = l.colors.light_black, back = l.colors.white
-l.style_line_number = style{fore = l.colors.grey, back = l.colors.white}
-l.style_bracelight = style{fore = l.colors.light_blue}
-l.style_bracebad = style{fore = l.colors.light_red}
-l.style_controlchar = l.style_nothing
-l.style_indentguide = style{
- fore = l.colors.dark_white, back = l.colors.dark_white
-l.style_calltip = style{fore = l.colors.light_black, back = l.colors.dark_white}
diff --git a/themes/light/view.lua b/themes/light/view.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index edb72b11..00000000
--- a/themes/light/view.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Light editor theme for Textadept.
-local c = _SCINTILLA.constants
-local buffer = buffer
--- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space
-buffer.multiple_selection = true
-buffer.additional_selection_typing = true
---buffer.multi_paste = c.SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH
---buffer.virtual_space_options = c.SCVS_RECTANGULARSELECTION +
-buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier = (WIN32 or OSX) and c.SCMOD_ALT or
---buffer.additional_sel_alpha =
---buffer.additional_sel_fore =
---buffer.additional_sel_back =
---buffer.additional_caret_fore =
---buffer.additional_carets_blink = false
---buffer.additional_carets_visible = false
--- Scrolling.
-buffer:set_x_caret_policy(1, 20) -- CARET_SLOP
-buffer:set_y_caret_policy(13, 1) -- CARET_SLOP | CARET_STRICT | CARET_EVEN
---buffer.h_scroll_bar = false
---buffer.v_scroll_bar = false
---buffer.x_offset =
---buffer.scroll_width =
---buffer.scroll_width_tracking = true
---buffer.end_at_last_line = false
--- Whitespace
---buffer.view_ws = c.SCWS_VISIBLEALWAYS
---buffer.whitespace_size =
---buffer.extra_ascent =
---buffer.extra_descent =
--- Line Endings
---buffer.view_eol = true
--- Caret and Selection Styles.
-buffer:set_sel_fore(true, 0x333333)
-buffer:set_sel_back(true, 0x999999)
---buffer.sel_alpha =
---buffer.sel_eol_filled = true
-buffer.caret_fore = 0x4D4D4D
-buffer.caret_line_visible = true
---buffer.caret_line_visible_always = true
-buffer.caret_line_back = 0xCCCCCC
---buffer.caret_line_back_alpha =
---buffer.caret_period = 0
---buffer.caret_style = c.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK
---buffer.caret_width =
---buffer.caret_sticky = c.SC_CARETSTICKY_ON
--- Line Number Margin.
-buffer.margin_width_n[0] = 4 + 4 * buffer:text_width(c.STYLE_LINENUMBER, '9')
--- Marker Margin.
-buffer.margin_width_n[1] = 0 -- marker margin invisible
--- Fold Margin.
-buffer.margin_type_n[2] = c.SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL
-buffer.margin_width_n[2] = 10
-buffer.margin_mask_n[2] = c.SC_MASK_FOLDERS
-buffer.margin_sensitive_n[2] = true
---buffer.margin_left =
---buffer.margin_right =
-buffer:set_fold_margin_colour(true, 0xE6E6E6)
-buffer:set_fold_margin_hi_colour(true, 0xE6E6E6)
--- Annotations.
-buffer.annotation_visible = c.ANNOTATION_BOXED
--- Other.
-buffer.buffered_draw = not OSX -- Quartz buffers drawing
---buffer.two_phase_draw = false
--- Indentation Guides.
-buffer.indentation_guides = c.SC_IV_LOOKBOTH
--- Fold Margin Markers.
-buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = 0x808080
-buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN] = 0x808080
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, c.SC_MARK_ARROW)
-buffer.marker_fore[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = 0x808080
-buffer.marker_back[c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER] = 0x808080
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
-buffer:marker_define(c.SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, c.SC_MARK_EMPTY)
--- Autocompletion.
---buffer.auto_c_cancel_at_start = false
-buffer.auto_c_choose_single = true
---buffer.auto_c_auto_hide = false
---buffer.auto_c_max_height =
---buffer.auto_c_max_width =
--- Call Tips.
---buffer.call_tip_use_style =
--- Folding.
--- Line Wrapping.
---buffer.wrap_mode = c.SC_WRAP_WORD
---buffer.wrap_visual_flags = c.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN
---buffer.wrap_visual_flags_location = c.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT
---buffer.wrap_indent_mode = c.SC_WRAPINDENT_SAME
---buffer.wrap_start_indent =
--- Long Lines.
---buffer.edge_mode = c.EDGE_LINE
---buffer.edge_column = 80
---buffer.edge_colour = 0x808080
--- Notifications.
-buffer.mod_event_mask = c.SC_MOD_CHANGEFOLD
diff --git a/themes/term.lua b/themes/term.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23d06678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/term.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+-- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
+-- Terminal theme for Textadept.
+-- Contributions by Ana Balan.
+local buffer = buffer
+local property, property_int = buffer.property, buffer.property_int
+-- Normal colors.
+property['color.black'] = 0x000000
+property['color.red'] = 0x000080
+property['color.green'] = 0x008000
+property['color.yellow'] = 0x008080
+property['color.blue'] = 0x800000
+property['color.magenta'] = 0x800080
+property['color.cyan'] = 0x808000
+property['color.white'] = 0xC0C0C0
+-- Light colors. (16 color terminals only.)
+-- These only apply to 16 color terminals. For other terminals, set the
+-- style's `bold` attribute to use the light color variant.
+property['color.light_black'] = 0x404040
+property['color.light_red'] = 0x0000FF
+property['color.light_green'] = 0x00FF00
+property['color.light_yellow'] = 0x00FFFF
+property['color.light_blue'] = 0xFF0000
+property['color.light_magenta'] = 0xFF00FF
+property['color.light_cyan'] = 0xFFFF00
+property['color.light_white'] = 0xFFFFFF
+-- Default style.
+property['style.default'] = 'fore:$(color.white),back:$(color.black)'
+-- Token styles.
+property['style.nothing'] = ''
+property['style.class'] = 'fore:$(color.yellow)'
+property['style.comment'] = 'fore:$(color.black),bold'
+property['style.constant'] = 'fore:$(color.red)'
+property['style.error'] = 'fore:$(color.red),bold'
+property['style.function'] = 'fore:$(color.blue)'
+property['style.keyword'] = 'fore:$(color.white),bold'
+property['style.label'] = 'fore:$(color.red),bold'
+property['style.number'] = 'fore:$(color.cyan)'
+property['style.operator'] = 'fore:$(color.yellow)'
+property['style.regex'] = 'fore:$(color.green),bold'
+property['style.string'] = 'fore:$(color.green)'
+property['style.preprocessor'] = 'fore:$(color.magenta)'
+property['style.type'] = 'fore:$(color.magenta),bold'
+property['style.variable'] = 'fore:$(color.blue),bold'
+property['style.whitespace'] = ''
+property['style.embedded'] = '$(style.tag),back:$(color.black),bold'
+property['style.identifier'] = '$(style.nothing)'
+-- Predefined styles.
+property['style.linenumber'] = '$(style.default)'
+property['style.bracelight'] = 'fore:$(color.black),back:$(color.white)'
+property['style.bracebad'] = 'fore:$(color.red),bold'
+property['style.controlchar'] = '$(style.nothing)'
+property['style.indentguide'] = '$(style.nothing)'
+property['style.calltip'] = '$(style.default)'
+-- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space
+--buffer.additional_sel_alpha =
+--buffer.additional_sel_fore =
+--buffer.additional_sel_back =
+--buffer.additional_caret_fore =
+-- Caret and Selection Styles.
+--buffer:set_sel_fore(true, property_int['color.white'])
+--buffer:set_sel_back(true, property_int['color.black'])
+--buffer.sel_alpha =
+--buffer.caret_fore = property_int['color.black']
+--buffer.caret_line_back =
+--buffer.caret_line_back_alpha =
+-- Fold Margin.
+--buffer:set_fold_margin_colour(true, property_int['color.white'])
+--buffer:set_fold_margin_hi_colour(true, property_int['color.white'])
+-- Long Lines.
+buffer.edge_colour = property_int['color.white']
diff --git a/themes/term/buffer.lua b/themes/term/buffer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b55911a..00000000
--- a/themes/term/buffer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Terminal editor theme for Textadept.
-local buffer = buffer
--- Folding.
-buffer.property['fold'] = '1'
-buffer.property['fold.by.indentation'] = '1'
-buffer.property['fold.line.comments'] = '0'
--- Tabs and Indentation.
-buffer.tab_width = 2
-buffer.use_tabs = false
---buffer.indent = 2
-buffer.tab_indents = true
-buffer.back_space_un_indents = true
diff --git a/themes/term/lexer.lua b/themes/term/lexer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e570c1..00000000
--- a/themes/term/lexer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Terminal lexer theme for Textadept.
--- Contributions by Ana Balan.
--- Please note this theme is in a separate Lua state than Textadept's main one.
--- This means the global variables like 'buffer', 'view', and 'gui' are not
--- available here. Only the variables in the 'lexer' module are.
-local l, color, style = lexer, lexer.color, lexer.style
-l.colors = {
- -- Normal colors.
- black = color('00', '00', '00'),
- red = color('80', '00', '00'),
- green = color('00', '80', '00'),
- yellow = color('80', '80', '00'),
- blue = color('00', '00', '80'),
- magenta = color('80', '00', '80'),
- cyan = color('00', '80', '80'),
- white = color('C0', 'C0', 'C0'),
- -- Light colors. (16 color terminals only.)
- -- These only apply to 16 color terminals. For other terminals, set the
- -- style's `bold` attribute to use the light color variant.
- light_black = color('40', '40', '40'),
- light_red = color('FF', '00', '00'),
- light_green = color('00', 'FF', '00'),
- light_yellow = color('FF', 'FF', '00'),
- light_blue = color('00', '00', 'FF'),
- light_magenta = color('FF', '00', 'FF'),
- light_cyan = color('00', 'FF', 'FF'),
- light_white = color('FF', 'FF', 'FF'),
-l.style_nothing = style{ }
-l.style_class = style{fore = l.colors.yellow, bold = true }
-l.style_comment = style{fore = l.colors.black, bold = true }
-l.style_constant = style{fore = l.colors.red }
-l.style_definition = style{fore = l.colors.yellow, bold = true }
-l.style_error = style{fore = l.colors.red, bold = true }
-l.style_function = style{fore = l.colors.blue }
-l.style_keyword = style{fore = l.colors.white, bold = true }
-l.style_label = style{fore = l.colors.red, bold = true }
-l.style_number = style{fore = l.colors.cyan }
-l.style_operator = style{fore = l.colors.yellow }
-l.style_regex = style{fore = l.colors.green, bold = true }
-l.style_string = style{fore = l.colors.green }
-l.style_preproc = style{fore = l.colors.magenta }
-l.style_tag = style{fore = l.colors.white, bold = true }
-l.style_type = style{fore = l.colors.magenta, bold = true}
-l.style_variable = style{fore = l.colors.blue, bold = true }
-l.style_whitespace = l.style_nothing
-l.style_embedded = l.style_tag..{back = l.colors.black, bold = true}
-l.style_identifier = l.style_nothing
--- Default styles.
-l.style_default = style{fore = l.colors.white, back = l.colors.black}
-l.style_line_number = l.style_default
-l.style_bracelight = style{fore = l.colors.black, back = l.colors.white}
-l.style_bracebad = style{fore = l.colors.red, bold = true}
-l.style_controlchar = l.style_nothing
-l.style_indentguide = l.style_nothing
-l.style_calltip = l.style_default
diff --git a/themes/term/view.lua b/themes/term/view.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a3b32d1..00000000
--- a/themes/term/view.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2007-2013 Mitchell mitchell.att.foicica.com. See LICENSE.
--- Terminal editor theme for Textadept.
-local c = _SCINTILLA.constants
-local buffer = buffer
--- Multiple Selection and Virtual Space
---buffer.multiple_selection = true
-buffer.additional_selection_typing = true
---buffer.multi_paste = c.SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH
---buffer.virtual_space_options = c.SCVS_RECTANGULARSELECTION +
---buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier = c.SCMOD_SUPER
---buffer.additional_sel_alpha =
---buffer.additional_sel_fore =
---buffer.additional_sel_back =
---buffer.additional_caret_fore =
---buffer.additional_carets_blink = false
---buffer.additional_carets_visible = false
--- Scrolling.
-buffer:set_x_caret_policy(1, 20) -- CARET_SLOP
-buffer:set_y_caret_policy(13, 1) -- CARET_SLOP | CARET_STRICT | CARET_EVEN
---buffer.h_scroll_bar = true
---buffer.v_scroll_bar = true
---buffer.x_offset =
---buffer.scroll_width =
---buffer.scroll_width_tracking = true
---buffer.end_at_last_line = false
--- Whitespace
---buffer.view_ws = c.SCWS_VISIBLEALWAYS
---buffer.whitespace_size =
---buffer.extra_ascent =
---buffer.extra_descent =
--- Line Endings
---buffer.view_eol = true
--- Caret and Selection Styles.
---buffer:set_sel_fore(true, 0xFFFFFF)
---buffer:set_sel_back(true, 0x000000)
---buffer.sel_alpha =
---buffer.sel_eol_filled = true
---buffer.caret_fore = 0x000000
---buffer.caret_line_visible = true
---buffer.caret_line_visible_always = true
---buffer.caret_line_back =
---buffer.caret_line_back_alpha =
---buffer.caret_period = 500
---buffer.caret_style = c.CARETSTYLE_LINE
---buffer.caret_width =
---buffer.caret_sticky = c.SC_CARETSTICKY_ON
--- Line Number Margin.
-buffer.margin_width_n[0] = 4
--- Marker Margin.
---buffer.margin_width_n[1] = 0 -- marker margin invisible
--- Fold Margin.
---buffer.margin_type_n[2] =
-buffer.margin_width_n[2] = 1
-buffer.margin_mask_n[2] = c.SC_MASK_FOLDERS
---buffer.margin_sensitive_n[2] = true
---buffer.margin_left =
---buffer.margin_right =
---buffer:set_fold_margin_colour(true, 0xFFFFFF)
---buffer:set_fold_margin_hi_colour(true, 0xFFFFFF)
--- Annotations.
-buffer.annotation_visible = c.ANNOTATION_BOXED
--- Other.
---buffer.buffered_draw = true
---buffer.two_phase_draw = true
--- Indentation Guides.
---buffer.indentation_guides = c.SC_IV_LOOKBOTH
--- Fold Margin Markers.
--- c.SC_MARK_CHARACTER + string.byte('_'))
--- c.SC_MARK_CHARACTER + string.byte('L'))
--- c.SC_MARK_CHARACTER + string.byte('+'))
--- c.SC_MARK_CHARACTER + string.byte('+'))
--- c.SC_MARK_CHARACTER + string.byte('t'))
--- Autocompletion.
---buffer.auto_c_cancel_at_start = false
-buffer.auto_c_choose_single = true
---buffer.auto_c_auto_hide = false
---buffer.auto_c_max_height =
---buffer.auto_c_max_width =
--- Call Tips.
---buffer.call_tip_use_style =
--- Folding.
--- Line Wrapping.
---buffer.wrap_mode = c.SC_WRAP_WORD
---buffer.wrap_visual_flags = c.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_MARGIN
---buffer.wrap_visual_flags_location = c.SC_WRAPVISUALFLAGLOC_END_BY_TEXT
-buffer.wrap_indent_mode = c.SC_WRAPINDENT_SAME
---buffer.wrap_start_indent =
--- Long Lines.
---buffer.edge_mode = c.EDGE_BACKGROUND
---buffer.edge_column = 80
---buffer.edge_colour = 0xFFFFFF
--- Notifications.
---buffer.mod_event_mask =