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30 files changed, 1734 insertions, 1512 deletions
diff --git a/core/.buffer.luadoc b/core/.buffer.luadoc
index 54b891a7..fe1cfa3b 100644
--- a/core/.buffer.luadoc
+++ b/core/.buffer.luadoc
@@ -10,598 +10,611 @@
-- [buffer]: _G.html#buffer
-- @field additional_caret_fore (number)
--- The foreground color of additional carets in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of additional carets.
-- @field additional_carets_blink (bool)
--- Whether additional carets will blink.
+-- Allow additional carets to blink.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field additional_carets_visible (bool)
--- Whether additional carets are visible.
+-- Display additional carets.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field additional_sel_alpha (number)
--- The alpha of additional selections. Alpha ranges from `0` (transparent) to
--- `255` (opaque) or `256` for no alpha.
+-- The alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque), of
+-- additional selections.
+-- The default value is `256`, for no alpha.
-- @field additional_sel_back (number)
--- The background color of additional selections in "0xBBGGRR" format.
--- `buffer:set_sel_back(true, ...)` must have been called previously for this
--- to have an effect.
+-- The background color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of additional selections.
+-- This field has no effect when calling `buffer:set_sel_back(false, ...)`.
-- @field additional_sel_fore (number)
--- The foreground color of additional selections in "0xBBGGRR" format.
--- `buffer:set_sel_fore(true, ...)` must have been called previously for this
--- to have an effect.
+-- The foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of additional selections.
+-- This field has no effect when calling `buffer:set_sel_fore(false, ...)`.
-- @field additional_selection_typing (bool)
--- Whether typing can be performed into multiple selections.
+-- Type into multiple selections.
+-- The default value is `false`.
+-- @field all_lines_visible (bool, Read-only)
+-- Whether or not all lines in the buffer are visible.
-- @field anchor (number)
--- The position of the opposite end of the selection to the caret.
+-- The position of the beginning of the selected text.
-- @field annotation_lines (table, Read-only)
--- Table of the number of annotation lines for lines starting from zero.
+-- Table of the number of annotation lines for line numbers starting from
+-- zero.
-- @field annotation_style (table)
--- Table of style numbers for annotations for lines starting at zero.
+-- Table of style numbers for annotations for line numbers starting from zero.
-- Only some style attributes are active in annotations: font,
-- size/size_fractional, bold/weight, italics, fore, back, and character_set.
-- @field annotation_style_offset (number)
--- The start of the range of style numbers used for annotations.
+-- The beginning of the range of style numbers used for annotations.
-- Annotation styles may be completely separated from standard text styles by
-- setting a style offset. For example, setting this to `512` would allow the
-- annotation styles to be numbered from `512` upto `767` so they do not
-- overlap styles set by lexers (or margins if margins offset is `256`). Each
--- style number set with `buffer.annotation_style` has the offset added before
+-- style number set with `annotation_style` has the offset added before
-- looking up the style.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field annotation_text (table)
--- Table of annotation text for lines starting from zero.
+-- Table of annotation text for line numbers starting from zero.
-- @field annotation_visible (number)
--- The visibility of annotations.
+-- The annotation visibility mode.
--- Annotations are not displayed.
+-- Annotations are invisible.
--- Annotations are drawn left justified with no adornment.
+-- Draw annotations left-justified with no decoration.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.ANNOTATION_BOXED` (2)
--- Annotations are indented to match the text and are surrounded by a box.
+-- Indent annotations to match the text and outline with a box.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field auto_c_auto_hide (bool)
--- Whether or not autocompletion is hidden automatically when nothing matches.
--- By default, the list is cancelled if there are no viable matches (the user
--- has typed characters that no longer match a list entry).
+-- Automatically hide the autocompletion list when no entries match typed
+-- text.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field auto_c_cancel_at_start (bool)
--- Whether auto-completion is cancelled by backspacing to a position before
--- where the box was created.
--- If `false`, the list is not cancelled until the caret moves at least one
--- character before the word being completed. If `true`, cancel if the user
--- backspaces to a position before where it was created.
--- @field auto_c_case_insensitive (int)
--- Auto-completion case insensitive behavior.
--- When autocompletion is set to ignore case (`buffer.auto_c_ignore_case`), by
--- default it will nonetheless select the first list member that matches in a
--- case sensitive way to entered characters.
+-- Cancel autocompletion when backspacing to a position before where
+-- autocompletion started or before the word being completed.
+-- The default value is `true`, to cancel when backspacing before where
+-- autocompletion started.
+-- @field auto_c_case_insensitive_behaviour (number)
+-- The behavior setting for case insensitive autocompletion when
+-- [`buffer.auto_c_ignore_case`](#auto_c_ignore_case) is `true`.
--- Prefer case-sensitive matches.
+-- Prefer to select case-sensitive matches.
-- No preference.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field auto_c_choose_single (bool)
--- Whether a single item auto-completion list automatically choose the item.
--- The default is to display the list even if there is only a single item.
+-- Automatically choose the item in a single-item autocompletion list.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field auto_c_current (number, Read-only)
--- The currently selected item position in the auto-completion list.
+-- The index of the currently selected item in the autocompletion list.
-- @field auto_c_current_text (string, Read-only)
--- The currently selected item text in the auto-completion list.
+-- The text of the currently selected item in the autocompletion list.
-- @field auto_c_drop_rest_of_word (bool)
--- Whether or not autocompletion deletes any word characters after the
--- inserted text upon completion.
--- The default is `false`.
+-- Delete word characters after autocompleted text.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field auto_c_fill_ups (string, Write-only)
--- A set of characters that when typed will cause the autocompletion to choose
--- the selected item.
--- By default, no fillup characters are set.
+-- A set of characters that choose the currently selected item in an
+-- autocompletion list when typed.
+-- The default value is an empty string.
-- @field auto_c_ignore_case (bool)
--- Whether case is significant when performing auto-completion searches.
--- By default, matching of characters to list members is case sensitive.
+-- Ignore case when searching an autocompletion list for matches.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field auto_c_max_height (number)
--- The maximum height, in rows, of auto-completion and user lists.
--- The default is 5 rows.
+-- The maximum number of items to show in autocompletion and user lists. The
+-- default value is `5`.
-- @field auto_c_max_width (number)
--- The maximum width, in characters, of auto-completion and user lists.
--- Set to `0` to autosize to fit longest item, which is the default.
+-- The maximum number of characters per row to show in autocompletion and user
+-- lists.
+-- The default value is `0`, which automatically sizes the list to fit the
+-- longest item.
-- @field auto_c_separator (number)
--- The auto-completion list separator character byte.
--- The default is the space character.
+-- The character byte that separates autocompletion list items.
+-- The default value is `32` (' ').
-- @field auto_c_type_separator (number)
--- The auto-completion list type-separator character byte.
--- The default is `63` ('?'). Autocompletion list items may display an image
--- as well as text. Each image is first registered with an integer type. Then
--- this integer is included in the text of the list separated by a '?' from
--- the text.
+-- The character byte that separates autocompletion list items and their
+-- image types.
+-- Autocompletion list items can display both an image and text. Register
+-- images and their types using [`buffer:register_image()`](#register_image)
+-- or [`buffer:register_rgba_image()`](#register_rgba_image) before appending
+-- image types to list items after type separator characters.
+-- The default value is 63 ('?').
-- @field back_space_un_indents (bool)
--- Whether a backspace pressed when caret is within indentation unindents.
+-- Un-indent text when backspacing within indentation.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field buffered_draw (bool)
--- Whether drawing is buffered.
--- If drawing is buffered then each line of text is drawn into a bitmap buffer
--- before drawing it to the screen to avoid flicker. The default is for
--- drawing to be buffered. first or directly onto the screen.
+-- Buffer drawing to avoid flickering.
+-- Buffering draws each line of text into a bitmap buffer before drawing the
+-- bitmap to the screen.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field call_tip_back (number, Write-only)
--- The background color for the call tip in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The background color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for a call tip.
-- @field call_tip_fore (number, Write-only)
--- The foreground color for the call tip in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for a call tip.
-- @field call_tip_fore_hlt (number, Write-only)
--- The foreground color for the highlighted part of the call tip in "0xBBGGRR"
--- format.
+-- The foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for the highlighted part of a
+-- call tip.
-- @field call_tip_position (boolean)
--- The position of calltip, above or below text.
--- By default the calltip is displayed below the text. Setting to `true` will
--- display it above the text.
+-- Display the call tip above or below the text.
+-- The default value is `false` to display the call tip below the text.
-- @field call_tip_use_style (number)
--- Enable use of `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_CALLTIP` and set call tip tab
--- size in pixels.
--- If the tab size is less than `1`, Tab characters are not treated specially.
+-- The size in pixels of tab characters in call tips.
+-- When non-zero, also enables the use of `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_CALLTIP`
+-- instead of `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_DEFAULT` for call tip styles.
+-- The default value is `0`, which does not treat tab characters specially.
-- @field caret_fore (number)
--- The foreground color of the caret in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The foreground color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of the caret.
-- @field caret_line_back (number)
--- The color of the background of the line containing the caret in "0xBBGGRR"
--- format.
+-- The background color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, of the line containing the
+-- caret.
-- @field caret_line_back_alpha (number)
--- The background alpha of the caret line.
--- Alpha ranges from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque) or `256` for no
--- alpha.
+-- The background alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255`
+-- (opaque), of the caret line.
+-- The default value is `256`, for no alpha.
-- @field caret_line_visible (bool)
--- Whether the background of the line containing the caret is in a different
--- color.
+-- Color the background of the line containing the caret a different color.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field caret_period (number)
--- The time in milliseconds that the caret is on and off.
--- Setting the period to `0` stops the caret blinking. The default value is
--- 500 milliseconds.
+-- The time in milliseconds between caret blinks.
+-- A value of `0` stops blinking.
+-- The default value is `500`.
-- @field caret_sticky (number)
--- The caret preferred x position changing when the user types.
+-- The preferred horizontal position of the caret when moving between lines.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CARETSTICKY_OFF` (0)
--- All text changes (and all caret position changes) will remember the
--- caret's new horizontal position when moving to different lines.
--- This is the default.
+-- Use the same position as on the previous line.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CARETSTICKY_ON` (1)
--- The only thing which will cause the editor to remember the horizontal
--- caret position is moving the caret with mouse or keyboard (left/right
--- arrow keys, home/end keys, etc).
+-- Use the last position the caret was moved to via the mouse, left/right
+-- arrow keys, home/end keys, etc. Typing text does not affect the position.
--- The caret acts like sticky off except under one special case; when space
--- or tab characters are inserted. (Including pasting *only space/tabs* --
--- undo, redo, etc. do not exhibit this behavior.)
+-- Use the same position as on the previous line, but prior to any inserted
+-- indentation.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field caret_style (number)
--- The style of the caret to be drawn.
+-- The style of caret to draw.
--- Not draw the caret at all.
+-- No caret.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARETSTYLE_LINE` (1)
--- A line caret. This is the default value.
+-- A line caret.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.CARETSTYLE_BLOCK` (2)
-- A block caret.
+-- The default value is `1`.
-- @field caret_width (number)
--- The width of the insert mode caret in pixels.
--- Can be `0`, `1`, `2` or `3` pixels. The default width is 1 pixel. This
--- setting only affects the width of the cursor when the cursor style is set
--- to line caret mode, it does not affect the width for a block caret.
+-- The pixel width of the caret in insert mode, either `0`, `1`, `2`, or `3`,
+-- and only applicable to line carets.
+-- The default value is `1`.
-- @field char_at (table, Read-only)
--- Table of character bytes at positions in the document starting at zero.
+-- Table of character bytes at positions in the buffer starting from zero.
-- @field code_page (number)
--- The code page used to interpret the bytes of the document as characters.
--- The `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CP_UTF8` value can be used to enter Unicode
--- mode.
+-- The code page used to interpret buffer bytes as characters.
+-- + `0` None.
+-- + `932` Japanese Shift-JIS.
+-- + `936` Simplified Chinese GBK.
+-- + `949` Korean Unified Hangul Code.
+-- + `950` Traditional Chinese Big5.
+-- + `1361` Korean Johab.
+-- + `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CP_UTF8` (65001) UTF-8.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field column (table, Read-only)
--- Table of column numbers, taking tab widths into account, for positions
--- starting from zero.
+-- Table of column numbers, taking tab widths into account, for positions in
+-- the buffer starting from zero.
-- @field control_char_symbol (number)
--- The way control characters are displayed.
--- If less than `32`, keep the rounded rectangle as ASCII mnemonics.
--- Otherwise, use the given character byte. The default value is `0`.
+-- The byte value of the character displayed in place of control characters,
+-- characters whose byte values are less than 32. Values less than 32 dispay
+-- ASCII mnemonics instead.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field current_pos (number)
-- The position of the caret.
--- When setting, the caret is not scrolled into view.
+-- When set, does not scroll the caret into view.
-- @field cursor (number)
-- The cursor type.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CURSORNORMAL` (-1)
--- The normal cursor is displayed.
+-- The normal cursor.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CURSORWAIT` (4)
--- The wait cursor is displayed when the mouse is over the view.
--- @field direct_function (number, Read-only)
--- A pointer to a function that processes messages for this view.
--- @field direct_pointer (number, Read-only)
--- A pointer value to use as the first argument when calling the function
--- returned by direct_function.
--- @field dirty (bool)
--- Flag indicating whether or not the buffer has been modified since it was
--- last saved.
--- @field eol_mode (number)
--- The current end of line mode.
+-- The wait cursor.
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CRLF` (0)
--- "CR+LF" ("\r\n").
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CR` (1)
--- "CR" ("\r").
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_LF` (2)
--- "LF" ("\n").
+-- The default value is `-1`.
+-- @field dirty (bool)
+-- Whether or not the buffer has unsaved changes.
+-- Unlike [`buffer.modify`](#modify), this field is accessible from any
+-- buffer, not just the global one.
-- @field edge_colour (number)
--- The color used in edge indication in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, used for the long line marker.
-- @field edge_column (number)
--- The column number which text should be kept within.
+-- The column number to display the long line marker at.
-- @field edge_mode (number)
--- The edge highlight mode.
+-- The long line edge mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.EDGE_NONE` (0)
--- Long lines are not marked. This is the default state.
+-- Long lines are not marked.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.EDGE_LINE` (1)
--- A vertical line is drawn at the column number set by
--- `buffer.edge_column`.
+-- Draw a vertical line whose color is [`buffer.edge_colour`](#edge_colour)
+-- at column [`buffer.edge_column`](#edge_column).
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.EDGE_BACKGROUND` (2)
--- The background color of characters after the column limit is changed to
--- the color set by `buffer.edge_colour`.
+-- Change the background color of characters after column
+-- [`buffer.edge_column`](#edge_column) to
+-- [`buffer.edge_colour`](#edge_colour).
-- @field encoding (string or nil)
--- The encoding of the file on the hard disk.
--- It will be `nil` if the file is a binary file.
+-- The string encoding of the file on the hard drive or `nil` for binary
+-- files.
-- @field encoding_bom (string)
--- The byte-order mark of the file encoding (if any).
+-- The byte-order mark, if any, of the file encoding.
-- @field end_at_last_line (bool)
--- Whether the maximum scroll position has the last line at the bottom of the
--- view.
--- If `false`, allows scrolling one page below the last line. The default
--- value is `true`.
+-- Disable scrolling past the last line.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field end_styled (number, Read-only)
-- The position of the last correctly styled character.
+-- @field eol_mode (number)
+-- The current end of line mode.
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CRLF` (0)
+-- "CR+LF" ("\r\n").
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CR` (1)
+-- "CR" ("\r").
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_LF` (2)
+-- "LF" ("\n").
+-- The default value is `0` on Windows platforms, `2` otherwise.
-- @field extra_ascent (number)
--- The extra ascent, the maximum that any style extends above the baseline,
--- added to each line.
+-- The amount of pixel padding above line text.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field extra_descent (number)
--- The extra descent, the maximum that any style extends below the baseline,
--- added to each line.
+-- The amount of pixel padding below line text.
+-- The default is `0`.
-- @field filename (string)
--- The absolute path to the file associated with this buffer.
--- It is encoded in UTF-8. Use [`string.iconv()`](string.html#iconv) for
--- charset conversions.
+-- The UTF-8-encoded absolute path to the file associated with the buffer.
+-- Use [`string.iconv()`][] and [`_G._CHARSET`][] for charset conversions.
+-- [`string.iconv()`]: string.html#iconv
+-- [`_G._CHARSET`]: _G.html#_CHARSET
-- @field first_visible_line (number)
--- The display line at the top of the display.
--- @field focus (bool)
--- The internal focus flag.
--- @field fold_expanded (bool)
--- Expanded state of a header line.
+-- The line number of the line at the top of the view, starting from zero.
+-- @field fold_expanded (table)
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not folds are expanded for line
+-- numbers starting from zero.
+-- Setting expanded fold states does not toggle folds; it only updates fold
+-- margin markers. Use [`buffer:toggle_fold()`](#toggle_fold) instead.
-- @field fold_flags (number)
--- The style options for folding.
--- Bits set in flags determine where folding lines are drawn:
+-- Bit-mask of options for drawing folding lines.
--- Draw above if expanded.
+-- Draw lines above expanded folds.
--- Draw above if not expanded.
+-- Draw lines above collapsed folds.
--- Draw below if expanded.
+-- Draw lines below expanded folds.
--- Draw below if not expanded.
+-- Draw lines below collapsed folds.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field fold_level (table)
--- Table of fold levels for lines starting from zero.
--- Fold levels encodes an integer level along with flags indicating whether
--- the line is a header and whether it is effectively white space.
+-- Table of fold level bit-masks for line numbers starting from zero.
+-- Fold level masks are composed of an integer level combined with any of the
+-- following bits:
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDLEVELBASE` (0x400)
--- Initial fold level.
+-- The initial fold level.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG` (0x1000)
--- Indicates that the line is blank.
+-- The line is blank.
--- Indicates that the line is a header (fold point).
+-- The line is a header, or fold point.
-- @field fold_parent (table, Read-only)
--- Table of parent line numbers for child lines starting from zero.
--- `-1` means no line was found.
--- @field font_quality (number) (Windows only)
--- The quality level for text.
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EFF_QUALITY_DEFAULt` (0).
--- @field gap_position (number, Read-only)
--- A position which, to avoid performance costs, should not be within the
--- range of a call to `buffer:get_range_pointer()`.
+-- Table of parent line numbers (fold points) for child line numbers starting
+-- from zero.
+-- A line number of `-1` means no line was found.
-- @field h_scroll_bar (bool)
--- Whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible.
--- Set to `false` to never see it and `true` to enable it again. The default
--- state is to display it when needed.
+-- Display the horizontal scroll bar.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field highlight_guide (number)
--- The highlighted indentation guide column.
--- Set to `0` to cancel this highlight.
+-- The indentation guide column number to highlight, or `0` to stop
+-- highlighting.
-- @field hotspot_active_underline (bool)
--- Whether active hotspots are underlined.
+-- Underline active hotspots.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field hotspot_single_line (bool)
--- Whether hotspots are limited to single line so hotspots on two lines do not
--- merge.
+-- Limit hotspots to a single line.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field indent (number)
--- Ihe number of spaces used for one level of indentation.
--- For a width of `0`, the indent size is the same as the tab size.
+-- The number of spaces used for one level of indentation.
+-- The default value is `0`, which matches the tab size.
-- @field indentation_guides (number)
--- Indentation guides appearance.
+-- The indentation guide drawing mode.
-- Indentation guides are dotted vertical lines that appear within indentation
--- white space every indent size columns.
+-- whitespace at each level of indentation.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_NONE` (0)
--- No indentation guides are shown.
+-- Guides are not drawn.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_REAL` (1)
--- Indentation guides are shown inside real indentation white space.
+-- Draw guides only within indentation whitespace.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_LOOKFORWARD` (2)
--- Indentation guides are shown beyond the actual indentation up to the
--- level of the next non-empty line.
--- If the previous non-empty line was a fold header then indentation guides
--- are shown for one more level of indent than that line. This setting is
--- good for Python.
+-- Draw guides beyond the current line up to the level of the next non-empty
+-- line, but with an additional level if the previous non-empty line is a
+-- fold header.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_IV_LOOKBOTH` (3)
--- Indentation guides are shown beyond the actual indentation up to the
--- level of the next non-empty line or previous non-empty line whichever is
--- the greater.
--- This setting is good for most languages.
+-- Draw guides beyond the current line up to either the level of the
+-- previous or next non-empty line, whichever is greater.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field indic_alpha (table)
--- Table of alpha transparency values ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255`
--- (opaque) or `256` (no alpha) for indicators from `0` to `31`.
--- Used for drawing the fill color of the `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` and
--- `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` rectangle.
+-- Table of fill color alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255`
+-- (opaque), for indicator numbers from `0` to `31` whose styles are either
+-- The default values are `256`, for no alpha.
-- @field indic_fore (table)
--- Table of foreground colors in "0xBBGGRR" format for indicators from `0` to
--- `31`.
+-- Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for indicator numbers
+-- from `0` to `31`.
-- @field indic_outline_alpha (table)
--- Table of alpha transparency values ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255`
--- (opaque) or `256` (no alpha) for indicators from `0` to `31`.
--- Used for drawing the outline color of the `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` and
--- `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` rectangle.
+-- Table of outline color alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to
+-- `255` (opaque), for indicator numbers from `0` to `31` whose styles are
+-- The default values are `256`, for no alpha.
-- @field indic_style (table)
--- Table of styles for indicators from `0` to `31`.
+-- Table of styles for indicator numbers from `0` to `31`.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_PLAIN` (0)
--- Underlined with a single, straight line.
+-- An underline.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_SQUIGGLE` (1)
--- A squiggly underline. Requires 3 pixels of descender space.
+-- A squiggly underline 3 pixels in height.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_TT` (2)
--- A line of small T shapes.
+-- A line of small 'T' shapes.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DIAGONAL` (3)
-- Diagonal hatching.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_STRIKE` (4)
-- Strike out.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_HIDDEN` (5)
--- An indicator with no visual effect.
+-- Invisible.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_BOX` (6)
-- A rectangle around the text.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_ROUNDBOX` (7)
--- A rectangle with rounded corners around the text using translucent
--- drawing with the interior usually more transparent than the border. Use
--- `buffer.indic_alpha` and `buffer.indic_outline_alpha` to control the
--- alpha transparency values. The default alpha values are `30` for fill
--- color and `50` for outline color.
+-- A translucent rectangle with rounded corners around the text. Use
+-- [`buffer.indic_alpha`](#indic_alpha) and
+-- [`buffer.indic_outline_alpha`](#indic_outline_alpha) to set the fill and
+-- outline transparency, respectively. Their default values are `30` and
+-- `50`.
--- A rectangle around the text using translucent drawing with the interior
--- usually more transparent than the border.
--- You can use `buffer.indic_alpha` and `buffer.indic_outline_alpha` to
--- control the alpha transparency values. The default alpha values are `30`
--- for fill color and `50` for outline color.
+-- Similar to `INDIC_ROUNDBOX` but with sharp corners.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DASH` (9)
-- A dashed underline.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DOTS` (10)
-- A dotted underline.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_SQUIGGLELOW` (11)
--- Similar to `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` but only using 2 vertical pixels so will fit
--- under small fonts.
+-- A squiggly underline 2 pixels in height.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.INDIC_DOTBOX` (12)
--- A dotted rectangle around the text using translucent drawing.
--- Translucency alternates between the alpha and outline alpha settings with
--- the top-left pixel using the alpha setting. `buffer.indic_alpha` and
--- `buffer.indic_outline_alpha` control the alpha transparency values.
--- The default values are `30` for alpha and `50` for outline alpha. To
--- avoid excessive memory allocation the maximum width of a dotted box is
--- 4000 pixels.
+-- Similar to `INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX` but with a dotted outline.
+-- Translucency alternates between [`buffer.indic_alpha`](#indic_alpha) and
+-- [`buffer.indic_outline_alpha`](#indic_outline_alpha) starting with the
+-- top-left pixel.
--- A version of `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` that draws using a pixmap instead of as a
--- series of line segments for performance. Measured to be between 3 and 6
--- times faster than `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` on GTK+. Apperance will not be as good
--- as `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` on OSX in HiDPI mode.
--- * Use `_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()` for custom indicators.
+-- Identical to `INDIC_SQUIGGLE` but draws faster by using a pixmap instead
+-- of multiple line segments.
+-- Use [`_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()`][] for custom indicators.
+-- [`_SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()`]: _SCINTILLA.html#next_indic_number
-- @field indic_under (table)
--- Table of booleans for drawing under text or over (default) for indicators
--- from `0` to `31`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether to draw indicators over text or under it
+-- for indicator numbers from `0` to `31`.
+-- For values to be `true`, [`buffer.two_phase_draw`](#two_phase_draw) must be
+-- `true`.
+-- The default values are `false` for drawing indicators over text.
-- @field indicator_current (number)
--- The indicator in the range of `0` to `31` used for
--- `buffer:indicator_fill_range()` and `buffer:indicator_clear_range()`.
+-- The indicator number in the range of `0` to `31` used by
+-- [`buffer:indicator_fill_range()`](#indicator_fill_range) and
+-- [`buffer:indicator_clear_range()`](#indicator_clear_range).
-- @field indicator_value (number)
--- The indicator value used for `buffer:indicator_fill_range()`.
--- Currently all values are drawn the same.
--- @field keys_unicode (bool)
--- Interpret keyboard input as Unicode.
+-- The indicator value used for
+-- [`buffer:indicator_fill_range()`](#indicator_fill_range).
+-- Currently, all values are drawn the same, but it may be possible to draw
+-- different values in different styles in the future.
-- @field layout_cache (number)
--- The degree of caching of layout information.
+-- The layout cache mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_NONE` (0)
-- No lines are cached.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_CARET` (1)
--- The line containing the text caret.
--- This is the default.
+-- Cache the line containing the caret.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_PAGE` (2)
--- Visible lines plus the line containing the caret.
+-- Cache visible lines.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CACHE_DOCUMENT` (3)
--- All lines in the document.
+-- Cache all lines in the buffer.
+-- The default value is `1`.
-- @field length (number, Read-only)
--- The number of bytes in the document.
+-- The number of bytes in the buffer.
-- @field lexer (number)
--- The lexing language of the document.
+-- The numeric ID of the Scintilla lexer used by the buffer.
-- @field lexer_language (string)
--- The name of the lexer.
+-- The name of the Scintilla lexer used by the buffer.
+-- You probably want to use [`buffer:get_lexer()`](#get_lexer) instead.
-- @field line_count (number, Read-only)
--- The number of lines in the document.
+-- The number of lines in the buffer.
-- There is always at least one.
-- @field line_end_position (table, Read-only)
--- Table of positions after the last visible characters on a line for lines
--- starting from zero.
+-- Table of positions at the ends of lines, but before any end of line
+-- characters, for line numbers starting from zero.
-- @field line_indent_position (table, Read-only)
--- Table of positions before the first non indentation character on a line for
--- lines starting from zero.
+-- Table of positions at the ends of line indentation for line numbers
+-- starting from zero.
-- @field line_indentation (table)
--- Table of line indentation amounts for lines starting from zero.
--- The indentation is measured in character columns, which correspond to the
--- width of space characters.
+-- Table of line indentation amounts, measured in character columns, for line
+-- numbers starting from zero.
-- @field line_state (table)
--- Table of extra styling information for lines starting from zero.
--- As well as the 8 bits of lexical state stored for each character there is
--- also an integer stored for each line. This can be used for longer lived
--- parse states.
--- @field line_visible (bool, Read-only)
--- Is a line visible?
+-- Table of integer line states for line numbers starting from zero.
+-- Line states are used for storing longer lived parse states per line. They
+-- are available in addition to the 8 bits of styling information per
+-- character.
+-- @field line_visible (table, Read-only)
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not lines are visible for line numbers
+-- starting from zero.
-- @field lines_on_screen (number, Read-only)
--- The number of lines completely visible.
--- @field lines_visible (bool, Read-only)
--- Are all lines visible?
+-- The number of completely visible lines in the view.
+-- It is possible to have a partial line visible at the bottom of the view.
-- @field main_selection (number)
--- The main selection.
--- The main selection may be displayed in different colors or with a
--- differently styled caret. Only an already existing selection can be made
--- main.
+-- The main, or most recent, selection.
+-- Only an existing selection can be made main.
-- @field margin_cursor_n (table)
--- Table of cursors shown for margins from zero to four.
--- A reversed arrow cursor is normally shown over all margins.
+-- Table of cursors shown for margin numbers from zero to four.
--- Normal arrow.
--- Reversed arrow.
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CURSORARROW` (2)
+-- Normal arrow cursor.
+-- Reversed arrow cursor.
+-- The default values are `7`.
-- @field margin_left (number)
--- The size in pixels of the left margin.
--- The default is to one pixel.
+-- The size in pixels of the left margin of the buffer text.
+-- The default value is `1`.
-- @field margin_mask_n (table)
--- Table of marker masks for margins from zero to four.
--- A mask determines which markers are displayed in a margin.
+-- Table of marker bit-masks for showing margin markers for margin numbers
+-- from zero to four.
+-- The default values are `0`, `0x1FFFFFF`, `0`, `0`, and `0`, for a line
+-- margin and logical marker margin.
-- @field margin_options (number)
--- A bit mask of margin options.
+-- A bit-mask of margin option settings.
--- None (default).
+-- None.
--- Controls how wrapped lines are selected when clicking on margin in front
--- of them.
--- If set, only sub line of wrapped line is selected, otherwise whole
--- wrapped line is selected.
+-- Select only the sub-line of the wrapped line on margin click.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field margin_right (number)
--- The size in pixels of the right margin.
--- The default is to one pixel.
+-- The size in pixels of the right margin of the buffer text.
+-- The default value is `1`.
-- @field margin_sensitive_n (table)
--- Table of mouse click sensitivity booleans for margins from zero to four.
--- A click in a sensitive margin emits a `MARGIN_CLICK` event. By default, all
--- margins are insensitive.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not mouse clicks in margins emit
+-- `MARGIN_CLICK` events for margin numbers from zero to four.
+-- The default values are `false`.
-- @field margin_style (table)
--- Table of style numbers for text margin lines starting from zero.
+-- Table of style numbers for text margin line numbers starting from zero.
-- Only some style attributes are active in text margins: font,
-- size/size_fractional, bold/weight, italics, fore, back, and character_set.
-- @field margin_style_offset (number)
--- The start of the range of style numbers used for margin text.
+-- The beginning of the range of style numbers used for margin text.
-- Margin styles may be completely separated from standard text styles by
-- setting a style offset. For example, setting this to `256` would allow the
-- margin styles to be numbered from `256` upto `511` so they do not overlap
--- styles set by lexers. Each style number set with `buffer.margin_style` has
+-- styles set by lexers. Each style number set with `margin_style` has
-- the offset added before looking up the style.
-- @field margin_text (table)
--- Table of text in the text margin for lines starting from zero.
+-- Table of text in the text margin for line numbers starting from zero.
-- @field margin_type_n (table)
--- Table of margin types for margins from zero to four.
+-- Table of margin types for margin numbers from zero to four.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_SYMBOL` (0)
-- A symbol margin.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_NUMBER` (1)
-- A line number margin.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_BACK` (2)
--- A symbol margin that sets its background color to match the default
--- text background color.
+-- A symbol margin whose background color matches the default text
+-- background color.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_FORE` (3)
--- A symbol margin that sets its background color to match the default
--- text foreground color.
+-- A symbol margin whose foreground color matches the default text
+-- foreground color.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_TEXT` (4)
-- A text margin.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARGIN_RTEXT` (5)
--- A right justified text margin.
+-- A right-justified text margin.
+-- The default values are `true`, `false`, `false`, `false`, and `false`, for
+-- a line number margin and symbol margins.
-- @field margin_width_n (table)
--- Table of margin widths expressed in pixes for margins from zero to four.
+-- Table of margin widths in pixels for margin numbers from zero to four.
-- @field marker_alpha (table, Write-only)
--- Table of alpha values used for markers that are drawn in the text area, not
--- the margin.
--- Markers are numbers in the range of `0` to `31`. Alpha values are between
--- `0` (transparent) and `255` (opaque), or `256` for no alpha.
+-- Table of alpha values, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque),
+-- used for markers drawn in the text area, not the margin, for markers
+-- numbers from `0` to `31`.
+-- The default values are `256`, for no alpha.
-- @field marker_back (table, Write-only)
--- Table of the background colors used for particular marker numbers.
--- Marker numbers are in the range of `0` to `31`. Colors are in "0xBBGGRR"
--- format.
+-- Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, used for marker numbers
+-- from `0` to `31`.
-- @field marker_back_selected (table, Write-only)
--- Table of the background colors used for particular marker numbers when
--- their folding blocks are selected.
--- Marker numbers are in the range of `0` to `31`. Colors are in "0xBBGGRR"
--- format. The default color is `0x0000FF`.
+-- Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, used for markers whose
+-- folding blocks are selected for marker numbers from `0` to `31`.
+-- The default values are `0x0000FF`.
-- @field marker_fore (table, Write-only)
--- Table of the foreground colors used for particular marker numbers.
--- Marker numbers are in the range of `0` to `31`. Colors are in "0xBBGGRR"
--- format.
+-- Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, used for marker numbers
+-- from `0` to `31`.
-- @field max_line_state (number, Read-only)
--- The last line number that has line state.
+-- The last line number with a non-zero line state.
-- @field modify (bool)
--- Whether the document is different from when it was last saved.
--- @field mouse_down_captures (bool)
--- Whether the mouse is captured when its button is pressed.
+-- Whether or not the buffer has unsaved changes.
+-- Unlike [`buffer.dirty`](#dirty), this field is accessible only from the
+-- global buffer.
-- @field mouse_dwell_time (number)
--- The time the mouse must sit still to generate a mouse dwell event.
--- If set to `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_TIME_FOREVER`, the default, no dwell
--- events are generated.
--- @field multi_paste (bool)
--- The effect of pasting when there are multiple selections.
+-- The number of milliseconds the mouse must idle in order to generate a
+-- `DWELL_START` event, or `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_TIME_FOREVER` to never
+-- generate one.
+-- @field multi_paste (number)
+-- The multiple selection paste mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MULTIPASTE_ONCE` (0)
--- Pasted text can go into just the main selection (default).
+-- Paste into only the main selection.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH` (1)
--- Pasted text can go into each selection.
+-- Paste into all selections.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field multiple_selection (bool)
--- Whether multiple selections can be made.
--- When multiple selection is disabled, it is not possible to select multiple
--- ranges by holding down the Ctrl key while dragging with the mouse.
+-- Enable multiple selection.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field overtype (bool)
--- Overtype mode.
+-- Enable overtype mode, where typed characters overwrite existing ones.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field position_cache (number)
-- The number of entries in the position cache.
-- The position cache stores position information for short runs of text so
-- that their layout can be determined more quickly if the run recurs.
+-- The default value is `1024`.
-- @field print_colour_mode (number)
-- The print color mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_PRINT_NORMAL` (0)
--- Print using the current screen colors.
--- This is the default.
+-- Print with the current set of colors.
--- If you use a dark screen background this saves ink by inverting the light
--- value of all colors and printing on a white background.
+-- Print on a white background with the light values of the current color
+-- set.
+-- This mode is good for a dark background color.
--- Print all text as black on a white background.
+-- Print black text on a white background.
--- Everything prints in its own color on a white background.
+-- Print on a white background with the current color set.
--- Everything prints in its own color on a white background except that line
--- numbers use their own background color.
+-- Print on a white background with the current color set except for line
+-- numbers which use their own background color.
-- @field print_magnification (number)
--- The print magnification added to the point size of each style for printing.
+-- The number of points to add to the size of each font when printing.
+-- Negative values are allowed.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field print_wrap_mode (number)
--- Printing line wrap mode.
+-- The print line wrap mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_NONE` (0)
--- Each line of text generates one line of output and the line is truncated
--- if it is too long to fit into the print area.
+-- Truncate long lines.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_WORD` (1)
--- Wraps printed output so that all characters fit into the print rectangle.
--- Tries to wrap only between words as indicated by white space or style
--- changes although if a word is longer than a line, it will be wrapped
--- before the line end. This is the default.
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_CHAR` (2).
+-- Wrap long lines at word boundaries if possible.
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_CHAR` (2)
+-- Wrap long lines at character boundaries.
-- @field property (table)
--- Table of keyword:value string pairs used by a lexer for some optional
--- features.
--- @field property_expanded (table)
--- Table of keyword:value string pairs used by a lexer for some optional
--- features with `$()` variable replacement on returned string.
+-- Map of key-value string pairs used by lexers.
+-- @field property_expanded (table, Read-only)
+-- Map of key-value string pairs used by lexers with `$()` variable
+-- replacement performed in values.
-- @field property_int (table, Read-only)
--- Interprets `buffer.property[keyword]` as an integer if found or returns
--- `0`.
+-- Map of key-value pairs used by lexers with values interpreted as numbers,
+-- or `0` if not found.
-- @field punctuation_chars (string)
--- The set of characters making up punctuation characters.
--- Use after setting `buffer.word_chars`.
+-- The set of characters considered to be punctuation characters.
+-- Set this only after setting [`buffer.word_chars`](#word_chars).
+-- The default value is a string containing all characters not considered to
+-- be whitespace or word characters.
-- @field read_only (bool)
--- Read-only mode.
+-- Whether or not the buffer is read-only.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field rectangular_selection_anchor (number)
-- The position of the anchor of the rectangular selection.
-- @field rectangular_selection_anchor_virtual_space (number)
@@ -611,161 +624,198 @@
-- @field rectangular_selection_caret_virtual_space (number)
-- The amount of virtual space for the caret of the rectangular selection.
-- @field rectangular_selection_modifier (number)
--- The modifier key used to indicate that a rectangular selection should be
--- created when combined with a mouse drag.
+-- The modifier key used in combination with a mouse drag to create a
+-- rectangular selection.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL` (2)
--- Control key (default).
+-- The "Control" modifier key.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT` (4)
--- Alt key.
+-- The "Alt" modifier key.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SUPER` (8)
--- Left Windows key on a Windows keyboard or the Command key on a Mac.
+-- The "Super" modifier key, usually defined as the left "Windows" or
+-- "Command" key.
+-- The default value is `2`.
-- @field rgba_image_height (number)
--- The height for future RGBA image data.
+-- The height for an RGBA image to be defined using
+-- [`buffer:marker_define_rgba_image()`](#marker_define_rgba_image).
-- @field rgba_image_scale (number)
--- The scale factor in percent for future RGBA image data.
+-- The scale factor in percent for an RGBA image to be defined using
+-- [`buffer:marker_define_rgba_image()`](#marker_define_rgba_image).
-- This is useful on OSX with a retina display where each display unit is 2
-- pixels: use a factor of `200` so that each image pixel is dsplayed using a
-- screen pixel. The default scale, `100`, will stretch each image pixel to
-- cover 4 screen pixels on a retina display.
-- @field rgba_image_width (number)
--- The width for future RGBA image data.
+-- The width for an RGBA image to be defined using
+-- [`buffer:marker_define_rgba_image()`](#marker_define_rgba_image).
-- @field scroll_width (number)
--- The document width assumed for scrolling.
--- For performance, the view does not measure the display width of the
--- document to determine the properties of the horizontal scroll bar. Instead,
--- an assumed width is used. The default value is `2000`. To ensure the width
--- of the currently visible lines can be scrolled use
--- `buffer.scroll_width_tracking`.
+-- The assumed document width for horizontal scrolling purposes.
+-- For performance, the view does not measure the display width of the buffer
+-- to determine the properties of the horizontal scroll bar, but uses an
+-- assumed width instead. To ensure the width of the currently visible lines
+-- can be scrolled use
+-- [`buffer.scroll_width_tracking`](#scroll_width_tracking).
+-- The default value is `2000`.
-- @field scroll_width_tracking (bool)
--- Whether the maximum width line displayed is used to set scroll width.
+-- Set the scroll width to the maximum width of a displayed line beyond
+-- [`buffer.scroll_width`](#scroll_width).
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field search_flags (number)
--- The search flags used by `buffer:search_in_target()`.
+-- The bit-mask of search flags used by
+-- [`buffer:search_in_target()`](#search_in_target).
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_WHOLEWORD` (2)
--- A match only occurs with text that matches the case of the search string.
+-- Match text surrounded by non-word characters.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_MATCHCASE` (4)
--- A match only occurs if the characters before and after are not word
--- characters.
+-- Match text case sensitively.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_WORDSTART` (0x00100000)
--- A match only occurs if the character before is not a word character.
+-- Match text when the previous character is a non-word character.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_REGEXP` (0x00200000)
--- The search string should be interpreted as a regular expression.
+-- Interpret the search string as a regular expression.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCFIND_POSIX` (0x00400000)
--- Treat regular expression in a more POSIX compatible manner by
--- interpreting bare '(' and ')' for tagged sections rather than "\\(" and
--- "\\)".
+-- Interpret '(' and ')' as tags instead of "\\(" and "\\)" in a regular
+-- expression.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field sel_alpha (number)
--- The alpha of the selection, between `0` (transparent) and `255` (opaque),
--- or `256` for no alpha.
+-- The alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque), of the
+-- selection.
+-- The default value is `256`, for no alpha.
-- @field sel_eol_filled (bool)
--- The selection end of line fill.
--- The selection can be drawn up to the right hand border by setting this
--- property.
+-- Extend the selection to the right margin of the view.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field selection_empty (bool, Read-only)
--- Is every selected range empty?
+-- Whether or not no text is selected.
-- @field selection_end (number)
--- The position that ends the selection - this becomes the current position.
--- This does not make the caret visible.
+-- The position of the end of the selected text.
+-- When set, becomes the current position, but is not scrolled into view.
-- @field selection_is_rectangle (bool, Read-only)
--- Is the selection rectangular?
--- The alternative is the more common stream selection.
+-- Whether or not the selection is a rectangular selection.
-- @field selection_mode (number)
--- The mode of the current selection.
+-- The selection mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_STREAM` (0)
--- Stream.
+-- Character selection.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_RECTANGLE` (1)
--- Rectangle.
+-- Rectangular selection.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_LINES` (2)
--- Lines.
+-- Line selection.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_SEL_THIN` (3)
--- Thin rectangular.
+-- Thin rectangular selection. This is the mode after a rectangular
+-- selection has been typed into and ensures that no characters are
+-- selected.
+-- When set, caret movement alters the selected text until this field is set
+-- again to the same value or [`buffer:cancel()`](#cancel) is called.
-- @field selection_n_anchor (table)
--- Table of anchor positions for existing selections starting from zero, the
+-- Table of anchor positions for existing selections numbered from zero, the
-- main selection.
-- @field selection_n_anchor_virtual_space (table)
-- Table of the amount of virtual space for anchors for existing selections
--- starting from zero, the main selection.
+-- numbered from zero, the main selection.
-- @field selection_n_caret (table)
--- Table of caret positions for existing selections starting from zero, the
+-- Table of caret positions for existing selections numbered from zero, the
-- main selection.
-- @field selection_n_caret_virtual_space (table)
-- Table of the amount of virtual space for carets for existing selections
--- starting from zero, the main selection.
+-- numbered from zero, the main selection.
-- @field selection_n_end (table)
--- Table of positions that end selections for existing selections starting
--- from zero, the main selection.
+-- Table of positions at the end of existing selections numbered from zero,
+-- the main selection.
-- @field selection_n_start (table)
--- Table of positions that start selections for existing selections starting
--- from zero, the main selection.
+-- Table of positions at the beginning of existing selections numbered from
+-- zero, the main selection.
-- @field selection_start (number)
--- The position that starts the selection - this becomes the anchor.
--- This does not make the caret visible.
+-- The position of the beginning of the selected text.
+-- When set, becomes the anchor, but is not scrolled into view.
-- @field selections (number, Read-only)
--- The number of selections currently active.
--- @field status (number)
--- The error status.
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_STATUS_OK` (0)
--- No failures.
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_STATUS_FAILURE` (1)
--- Generic failure.
--- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_STATUS_BADALLOC` (2)
--- Memory is exhausted.
+-- The number of active selections.
-- @field style_at (table, Read-only)
--- Table of style bytes at positions in the document starting at zero.
+-- Table of style bytes at positions in the buffer starting from zero.
-- @field style_back (table)
--- Table of background colors in "0xBBGGRR" format for styles from `0` to
--- `255`.
+-- Table of background colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for style numbers from
+-- `0` to `255`.
-- @field style_bits (number)
--- The number of bits in style bytes used to hold the lexical state.
+-- The number of bits in an 8-bit style byte to use for styling.
+-- The number of styling bits required by the current lexer is
+-- [`buffer.style_bits_needed`](#style_bits_needed).
+-- The default value is `5`.
-- @field style_bits_needed (number, Read-only)
--- The number of bits the current lexer needs for styling.
+-- The number of styling bits required by the current lexer.
-- @field style_bold (table)
--- Table of booleans for bold styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not text within styles has a bold font
+-- face for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- The default values are `false`.
-- @field style_case (table)
--- Table of cases for styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of letter case modes for text within styles for style numbers from
+-- `0` to `255`.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CASE_MIXED` (0)
--- Normal, mixed case.
+-- Display text in mixed case.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CASE_UPPER` (1)
--- Upper case.
+-- Display text in upper case.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CASE_LOWER` (2)
--- Lower case.
+-- Display text in lower case.
+-- The default values are `0`.
-- @field style_changeable (table)
--- Table of booleans for changeable styles from `0` to `255`.
--- The default setting is `true`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not text within styles is changeable
+-- for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- The default values are `true`.
+-- Currently, read-only styles do not allow the caret into the range of text,
+-- but ranges containing read-only text are deletable.
-- @field style_character_set (table)
--- Table of character sets for styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of character sets for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_ANSI` (0)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_DEFAULT` (1)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_CYRILLIC` (1251)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_EASTEUROPE` (238)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_GB2312` (134)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_HANGUL` (129)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_RUSSIAN` (204)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_SHIFTJIS` (128)
+-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_CHARSET_8859_15` (1000)
+-- The default values are `1`.
-- @field style_eol_filled (table)
--- Table of booleans for end of line filled styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not to extend the background colors of
+-- styles whose characters occur last on lines all the way to the right margin
+-- of the view for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- The default values are `false`.
-- @field style_font (table)
--- Table of font faces for styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of font faces for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
-- @field style_fore (table)
--- Table of foreground colors in "0xBBGGRR" format for styles from `0` to
--- `255`.
+-- Table of foreground colors, in "0xBBGGRR" format, for style numbers from
+-- `0` to `255`.
-- @field style_hot_spot (table)
--- Table of boolean hotspot styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not text within styles is clickable
+-- for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- The default values are `false`.
-- @field style_italic (table)
--- Table of booleans for italic styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not text within styles has an italic
+-- font face for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- The default values are `false`.
-- @field style_size (table)
--- Table of font sizes for styles from `0` to `255`.
--- Font size is a whole number of points.
+-- Table of font sizes, expressed in whole number points, for style numbers
+-- from `0` to `255`.
-- @field style_size_fractional (table)
--- Table of sizes of characters for styles from `0` to `255`.
--- Size is in hundreths of a point and multiplied by 100 internally. For
--- example, a text size of 9.4 points is set with 940.
+-- Table of character sizes, expressed in hundredths of a point, for style
+-- numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- For example, a text size of 9.4 points is set using `940`.
-- @field style_underline (table)
--- Table of booleans for underlined styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not text within styles has an
+-- underlined font face for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- The default values are `false`.
-- @field style_visible (table)
--- Table of booleans for visible styles from `0` to `255`.
+-- Table of flags indicating whether or not text within styles is visible for
+-- style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- The default values are `true`.
-- @field style_weight (table)
--- Table of character weights for styles from `0` to `255`.
--- The weight or boldness of a font can be set with a number between 1 and 999
--- with 1 being very light and 999 very heavy. While any value can be used,
--- fonts often only support between 2 and 4 weights with three weights being
--- common enough to use symbolic names:
+-- Table of character weights ranging from `1` (very light) to `999` (very
+-- heavy) for text within styles for style numbers from `0` to `255`.
+-- However, most fonts only support a small number of weights:
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WEIGHT_NORMAL` (400)
-- Normal.
@@ -773,422 +823,444 @@
-- Semi-bold.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WEIGHT_BOLD` (700)
-- Bold.
+-- The default values are `400`.
-- @field tab_indents (bool)
--- Whether a tab pressed when caret is within indentation indents.
+-- Tabbing indents within indentation.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field tab_width (number)
--- The visible size of a tab as a multiple of the width of a space character.
--- The default tab width is 8 characters.
+-- The number of space characters represented by a tab character.
+-- The default value is `8`.
-- @field tag (table)
--- Table of values of tags from a regular expression search.
+-- List of tag match values from a regular expression search.
-- @field target_end (number)
--- The position that ends the target which is used for updating the document
--- without affecting the scroll position.
--- The target is also set by a successful `buffer:search_in_target()`.
+-- The position of the end of the target range.
+-- This is also set by a successful
+-- [`buffer:search_in_target()`](#search_in_target).
-- @field target_start (number)
--- The position that starts the target which is used for updating the document
--- without affecting the scroll position.
--- The target is also set by a successful `buffer:search_in_target()`.
+-- The position of the beginning of the target range.
+-- This is also set by a successful
+-- [`buffer:search_in_target()`](#search_in_target).
-- @field text_length (number, Read-only)
--- The number of characters in the document.
+-- The number of characters in the buffer.
-- @field two_phase_draw (bool)
--- Two phase drawing mode.
--- When `true`, drawing is performed in two phases, first the background and
--- then the foreground. This avoids chopping off characters that overlap the
--- next run. The default is for drawing to be two phase.
+-- Draw in two phases: first the background and then the foreground.
+-- The default is `true`.
-- @field undo_collection (bool)
--- Whether to collect undo information.
--- When stopping collection, use `buffer:empty_undo_buffer()` to avoid the
--- undo buffer being unsynchronized with the data in the buffer.
+-- Collect undo information.
+-- When setting to `false`, call
+-- [`buffer:empty_undo_buffer()`](#empty_undo_buffer) to avoid desynchronizing
+-- the undo buffer with the buffer text.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field use_tabs (bool)
--- Whether tabs will be used in indentation.
--- The default is `true`. `false` will only use space characters.
+-- Use tabs or spaces in indentation.
+-- The default value is `true`, for using tabs.
-- @field v_scroll_bar (bool)
--- Whether the vertical scroll bar is visible.
--- Set to `false` to never see it and `true` to enable it again. The default
--- state is to display it when required.
+-- Display the vertical scroll bar.
+-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field view_eol (bool)
--- Whether the end of line characters are visible.
--- Normally, the end of line characters are hidden.
+-- Display end of line characters.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field view_ws (number)
--- The visibility of white space characters.
+-- The whitespace character visibility mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCWS_INVISIBLE` (0)
--- The normal display mode with white space displayed as an empty background
--- color.
+-- Whitespace is invisible.
--- White space characters are drawn as dots and arrows.
+-- Display whitespace as dots and arrows.
--- White space used for indentation is displayed normally but after the
--- first visible character, it is shown as dots and arrows.
+-- Display non-indentation whitespace as dots and arrows.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field virtual_space_options (number)
--- Virtual space options.
+-- The virtual space mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCVS_NONE` (0)
--- Disables all use of virtual space (default).
+-- Disable virtual space.
--- Enabled only for rectangular selections.
+-- Enable virtual space only for rectangular selections.
--- Enabled.
+-- Enable virtual space.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field whitespace_chars (string)
--- The set of characters making up whitespace for when moving or selecting by
--- word.
--- Use after setting `buffer.word_chars`.
+-- The set of characters considered to be whitespace characters when moving
+-- or selecting text by word.
+-- Set this only after setting [`buffer.word_chars`](#word_chars).
+-- The default value is a string containing all non-newline characters less
+-- than ASCII value 33.
-- @field whitespace_size (number)
--- The size of the dots used to mark space characters.
+-- The size of the dots in pixels used to represent space characters when
+-- whitespace is visible.
+-- The default value is `1`.
-- @field word_chars (string)
--- The set of characters making up words when moving or selecting by word.
+-- The set of characters considered to be word characters when moving or
+-- selecting text by word.
+-- The default value is a string containing alphanumeric characters, an
+-- underscore, and all characters greater than ASCII value 127.
-- @field wrap_indent_mode (number)
--- How wrapped sublines are placed.
--- Default is fixed.
+-- The wrapped line indent mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_INDENT_FIXED` (0)
--- Wrapped sublines aligned to left of window plus amount set by
--- `buffer.wrap_start_indent`.
+-- Indent wrapped lines by [`buffer.wrap_start_indent`](#wrap_start_indent).
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_INDENT_SAME` (1)
--- Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent.
+-- Indent wrapped lines the same as the first line.
--- Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent plus one more level
--- of indentation.
+-- Indent wrapped lines one more level than the first line.
-- @field wrap_mode (number)
--- Text word wrap mode.
+-- Long line wrap mode.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_NONE` (0)
--- Disable line wrapping.
+-- Long lines are not wrapped.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_WORD` (1)
--- Enable wrapping on word boundaries.
+-- Wrap long lines at word boundaries.
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_WRAP_CHAR` (2)
--- Enable wrapping between any characters.
+-- Wrap long lines at character boundaries.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field wrap_start_indent (number)
--- The start indent for wrapped lines.
+-- The number of spaces to indent wrapped lines by if
+-- [`buffer.wrap_indent_mode`](#wrap_indent_mode) is
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field wrap_visual_flags (number)
--- The display mode of visual flags for wrapped lines.
+-- The wrapped line visual display mode.
-- No visual flags.
--- Visual flag at end of subline of a wrapped line.
+-- Show visual flag at the end of the line.
--- Visual flag at begin of subline of a wrapped line.
--- Subline is indented by at least 1 to make room for the flag.
+-- Show visual flag at the beginning of the sub-line.
+-- Show visual flag in the line number margin of the sub-line.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field wrap_visual_flags_location (number)
--- The location of visual flags for wrapped lines.
+-- The wrapped line visual flag drawing mode.
--- Visual flags drawn near border.
+-- Draw the visual flag near the right border.
--- Visual flag at end of subline drawn near text.
+-- Draw the visual flag near text at the end of the line.
--- Visual flag at beginning of subline drawn near text.
+-- Draw the visual flag near text at the beginning of the subline.
+-- The default value is `0`.
-- @field x_offset (number)
--- The horizontal scroll position.
+-- The horizontal scroll position in pixels.
-- A value of `0` is the normal position with the first text column visible at
-- the left of the view.
-- @field zoom (number)
--- The number of points added to the size of all fonts.
--- It may be positive to magnify or negative to reduce.
+-- The number of points to add to the size of all fonts.
+-- Negative values are allowed.
+-- The default value is `0`.
--- Add a selection from anchor to caret as the main selection.
--- Retainings all other selections as additional selections. Since there is
--- always at least one selection, to set a list of selections, the first
--- selection should be added with `buffer:set_selection()` and later selections
--- added with this function.
+-- Adds a new selection to a text range from *anchor* to *caret* as the main
+-- selection, retaining all other selections as additional selections.
+-- Even if no text is selected, the current position counts as an empty
+-- selection. Use `buffer:set_selection()` first when setting a list of
+-- selections.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param caret The caret.
-- @param anchor The anchor.
function add_selection(buffer, caret, anchor) end
--- Add text to the document at current position.
--- The current position is set at the end of the inserted text, but it is not
--- scrolled into view.
+-- Adds string *text* to the buffer at the current position and moves the
+-- current position to the end of the added text, but does not scroll it into
+-- view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text to add.
function add_text(buffer, text) end
--- Enlarge the document to a particular size of text bytes.
--- The document will not be made smaller than its current contents.
+-- Enlarges the buffer to store *bytes* number of bytes, but never shrinks it
+-- beyond the size of its contents.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param bytes The number of bytes the document can store.
+-- @param bytes The number of bytes the buffer can store.
function allocate(buffer, bytes) end
--- Clear the annotations from all lines.
+-- Clears annotations from all lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function annotation_clear_all(buffer) end
--- Append a string to the end of the document without changing the selection.
--- The current selection is not changed and the new text is not scrolled into
--- view.
+-- Appends string *text* to the end of the buffer without changing the selected
+-- text or scrolling the text into view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text.
function append_text(buffer, text) end
--- Is there an auto-completion list visible?
+-- Returns whether or not an autocompletion list is visible.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return bool
function auto_c_active(buffer) end
--- Remove the auto-completion list from the screen.
--- A set of characters that will cancel autocompletion can be specified with
--- `buffer:auto_c_stops()`.
+-- Cancels the autocompletion list.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function auto_c_cancel(buffer) end
--- User has selected an item so remove the list and insert the selection.
--- This has the same effect as the tab key.
+-- Autocompletes the selected word in the list.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function auto_c_complete(buffer) end
--- Retrieve the position of the caret when the auto-completion list was
--- displayed.
+-- Returns the position where autocompletion started at.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return number
function auto_c_pos_start(buffer) end
--- Select the item in the auto-completion list that starts with a string.
--- By default, comparisons are case sensitive, but this can change with
--- `buffer.auto_c_ignore_case`.
+-- Selects the first item in the autocompletion list that starts with *string*,
+-- considering case sensitiveness depending on `buffer.auto_c_ignore_case`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param string The item in the list to select.
function auto_c_select(buffer, string) end
--- Display an auto-completion list.
+-- Displays an autocompletion list from *item_list*, a sorted string whose items
+-- are delimited by `buffer.auto_c_separator` characters, using *len_entered*
+-- number of characters behind the caret as the prefix of the word to
+-- autocomplete.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param len_entered The number of characters before the caret used to provide
-- the context.
--- @param item_list List of words separated by separator characters (initially
--- spaces). The list of words should be in sorted order.
+-- @param item_list Sorted list of words separated by separator characters
+-- (initially spaces).
function auto_c_show(buffer, len_entered, item_list) end
--- Define a set of characters that when typed cancel the auto-completion list.
+-- Defines *chars* as the set of characters that cancel autocompletion when
+-- typed.
+-- The default set is an empty string.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param chars String list of characters. This list is empty by default.
function auto_c_stops(buffer, chars) end
--- Dedent the selected lines.
+-- Dedents the selected lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function back_tab(buffer) end
--- Start a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit.
+-- Starts a sequence of actions to undo or redo as a single action.
-- May be nested.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function begin_undo_action(buffer) end
--- Highlight the character at a position indicating there is no matching brace.
+-- Highlights the character at position *pos* as an unmatched brace character in
+-- the `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_BRACEBAD` style.
+-- Removes highlighting when *pos* is `-1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position or `-1` to remove the highlight.
function brace_bad_light(buffer, pos) end
--- Use specified indicator to highlight non matching brace instead of changing
--- its style.
+-- Highlights unmatched brace characters with indicator number *indic_num*, in
+-- the range of `0` to `31`, instead of the
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_BRACEBAD` style if *use_indicator* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_indicator Use an indicator.
-- @param indic_num The indicator number.
function brace_bad_light_indicator(buffer, use_indicator, indic_num) end
--- Highlight the characters at two positions.
--- If indent guides are enabled, the indent that corresponds with the brace can
--- be highlighted by locating the column with `buffer.column` and highlight the
--- indent with `buffer.highlight_guide`.
+-- Highlights the characters at positions *pos1* and *pos2* as matching braces
+-- in the `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_BRACELIGHT` style.
+-- If indent guides are enabled, locate the column with `buffer.column` and
+-- set `buffer.highlight_guide` in order to highlight the indent guide.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos1 The first position.
-- @param pos2 The second position.
function brace_highlight(buffer, pos1, pos2) end
--- Use specified indicator to highlight matching braces instead of changing
--- their style.
+-- Highlights matching brace characters with indicator number *indic_num*, in
+-- the range of `0` to `31`, instead of the
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_BRACELIGHT` style if *use_indicator* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_indicator Use an indicator.
-- @param indic_num The indicator number.
function brace_highlight_indicator(buffer, use_indicator, indic_num) end
--- Find the position of a matching brace or `-1` if no match.
--- The brace characters handled are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '<', and '>'.
--- The search is forwards from an opening brace and backwards from a closing
--- brace. A match only occurs if the style of the matching brace is the same as
--- the starting brace or the matching brace is beyond the end of styling. Nested
--- braces are handled correctly.
+-- Returns the position of the matching brace for the brace character at
+-- position *pos*, taking nested braces into account, or `-1`.
+-- The brace characters recognized are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '<', and
+-- '>' and must have the same style.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @return number.
function brace_match(buffer, pos) end
--- Is there an active call tip?
+-- Returns whether or not a call tip is visible.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return bool
function call_tip_active(buffer) end
--- Remove the call tip from the screen.
--- Call tips are also removed if any keyboard commands that are not compatible
--- with editing the argument list of a function are used.
+-- Removes the call tip from view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function call_tip_cancel(buffer) end
--- Retrieve the position where the caret was before displaying the call tip.
+-- Returns the position where the call tip displayed at.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return number
function call_tip_pos_start(buffer) end
--- Highlights a segment of a call tip.
+-- Highlights call tip text from *start_pos*, starting from zero, to *end_pos*
+-- with the color `buffer.call_tip_fore_hlt`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_pos The start position.
-- @param end_pos The end position.
function call_tip_set_hlt(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- Show a call tip containing a definition near position pos.
--- The call tip text is aligned to start 1 line below this character unless up
--- and/or down arrows have been included in the call tip text in which case the
--- tip is aligned to the right-hand edge of the rightmost arrow. The assumption
--- is that the text starts with something like `"\001 1 of 3 \002"`.
+-- Displays a call tip containing string *text* for the word behind position
+-- *pos*.
+-- Any "\001" or "\002" bytes in *text* are replaced by arrow visuals,
+-- indicating the word has more than one call tip.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @param text The text.
function call_tip_show(buffer, pos, text) end
--- Will a paste succeed?
+-- Returns whether or not the clipboard has text to paste.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return bool
function can_paste(buffer) end
--- Are there any redoable actions in the undo history?
+-- Returns whether or not there is an action to redo.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return bool
function can_redo(buffer) end
--- Are there any undoable actions in the undo history?
+-- Returns whether or not there is an action to undo.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return bool
function can_undo(buffer) end
--- Cancel any modes such as call tip or auto-completion list display.
+-- Cancels the active call tip, autocompletion list, user list, selection mode,
+-- etc.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function cancel(buffer) end
--- Indicate that the internal state of a lexer has changed over a range and
--- therefore there may be a need to redraw.
+-- Tells the lexer to re-process the range of text from *start_pos* to
+-- *end_pos*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_pos The start position.
-- @param end_pos The end position.
function change_lexer_state(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- Move caret left one character.
+-- Moves the caret left one character.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function char_left(buffer) end
--- Move caret left one character extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret left one character, extending the selection to the new
+-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function char_left_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret left one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret
--- position.
+-- Moves the caret left one character, extending the rectangular selection to
+-- the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function char_left_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Find the position of a character from a point within the window.
+-- Returns the character position closest to view coordinates *x* and *y*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param x The x-coordinate in the window.
--- @param y The y-coordinate in the window.
+-- @param x The x-coordinate in the view.
+-- @param y The y-coordinate in the view.
-- @return number
function char_position_from_point(buffer, x, y) end
--- Find the position of a character from a point within the window.
--- Return `-1` if not close to text.
+-- Returns the character position closest to view coordinates *x* and *y*, or
+-- `-1` if the point is outside the window or not close to any text.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param x The x-coordinate in the window.
--- @param y The y-coordinate in the window.
+-- @param x The x-coordinate in the view.
+-- @param y The y-coordinate in the view.
-- @return number
function char_position_from_point_close(buffer, x, y) end
--- Move caret right one character.
+-- Moves the caret right one character.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function char_right(buffer) end
--- Move caret right one character extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret right one character, extending the selection to the new
+-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function char_right_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret right one character, extending rectangular selection to new caret
--- position.
+-- Moves the caret right one character, extending the rectangular selection to
+-- the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function char_right_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Set the last x chosen value to be the caret x position.
--- The view remembers the x value of the last position horizontally moved to
--- explicitly by the user and this value is then used when moving vertically
--- such as by using the up and down keys. This function sets the current x
--- position of the caret as the remembered value.
+-- Sets the preferred horizontal position of the caret when moving between
+-- lines to the current position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
+-- @see caret_sticky
function choose_caret_x(buffer) end
--- Clear the selection.
+-- Deletes the selected text or the character at the current position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function clear(buffer) end
--- Delete all text in the document.
+-- Deletes all of the text in the buffer unless the buffer is read-only.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function clear_all(buffer) end
--- Drop all key mappings.
+-- Clears Scintilla's internal key bindings.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function clear_all_cmd_keys(buffer) end
--- Set all style bytes to `0`, remove all folding information.
+-- Clears all styling and folding information in the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function clear_document_style(buffer) end
--- Clear all the registered XPM images.
+-- Clears all images registered using `buffer:register_image()` and
+-- `buffer:register_rgba_image()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function clear_registered_images(buffer) end
--- Clear selections to a single empty stream selection.
+-- Removes all selections and moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function clear_selections(buffer) end
--- Colorise a segment of the document using the current lexing language.
+-- Tells the lexer to style and fold the range of text from *start_pos* to
+-- *end_pos*.
+-- If *end_pos* is `-1`, styles and folds to the end of the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_pos The start position.
-- @param end_pos The end position or `-1` to style from `start_pos` to the end
@@ -1196,16 +1268,15 @@ function clear_selections(buffer) end
function colourise(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- Find the next line at or after line_start that is a contracted fold header
--- line.
--- Return `-1` when no more lines.
+-- Returns the line number of the next contracted fold header line starting at
+-- *line_start*, or `-1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line_start The start line number.
-- @return number
function contracted_fold_next(buffer, line_start) end
--- Converts all line endings in the document to one mode.
+-- Converts all line endings to end of line mode *mode*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param mode The line ending mode. Valid values are:
-- * `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_EOL_CRLF` (0)
@@ -1214,31 +1285,34 @@ function contracted_fold_next(buffer, line_start) end
function convert_eo_ls(buffer, mode) end
--- Copy the selection to the clipboard.
+-- Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
+-- Multiple selections are copied in order with no delimiters. Rectangular
+-- selections are copied from top to bottom with line ending delimiters. Virtual
+-- space is not copied.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function copy(buffer) end
--- Copy the selection, if selection empty copy the line with the caret.
+-- Copies the selected text or the current line to the clipboard.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function copy_allow_line(buffer) end
--- Copy a range of text to the clipboard. Positions are clipped into the
--- document.
+-- Copies the range of text from *start_pos* to *end_pos* to the clipboard.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_pos The start position.
-- @param end_pos The end position.
function copy_range(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- Copy argument text to the clipboard.
+-- Copies string *text* to the clipboard.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text.
function copy_text(buffer, text) end
--- Count characters between two positions.
+-- Returns the number of whole characters in-between positions *start_pos* and
+-- *end_pos*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_pos The start position.
-- @param end_pos The end position.
@@ -1246,216 +1320,232 @@ function copy_text(buffer, text) end
function count_characters(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- Cut the selection to the clipboard.
+-- Cuts the selected text to the clipboard.
+-- Multiple selections are copied in order with no delimiters. Rectangular
+-- selections are copied from top to bottom with line ending delimiters. Virtual
+-- space is not copied.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function cut(buffer) end
--- Delete back from the current position to the start of the line.
+-- Deletes text from the current position to the beginning of the line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function del_line_left(buffer) end
--- Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line.
+-- Deletes text from the current position to the end of the line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function del_line_right(buffer) end
--- Delete the word to the left of the caret.
+-- Deletes the word to the left of the caret, including any leading non-word
+-- characters.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function del_word_left(buffer) end
--- Delete the word to the right of the caret.
+-- Deletes the word to the right of the caret, including any trailing non-word
+-- characters.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function del_word_right(buffer) end
--- Delete the word to the right of the caret, but not the trailing non-word
+-- Deletes the word to the right of the caret, excluding any trailing non-word
-- characters.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function del_word_right_end(buffer) end
--- Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret.
+-- Deletes the selected text or the character behind the caret.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function delete_back(buffer) end
--- Delete the selection or if no selection, the character before the caret.
--- Will not delete the character before at the start of a line.
+-- Deletes the selected text or the character behind the caret unless the caret
+-- is at the beginning of a line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function delete_back_not_line(buffer) end
--- Delete a range of text in the document.
+-- Deletes the range of text from *pos* to *pos* + *length* in the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The start position of the range to delete.
-- @param length The length of the range to delete.
function delete_range(buffer, pos, length) end
--- Find the document line of a display line taking hidden lines into account.
+-- Returns the actual line number of displayed line number *display_line*,
+-- taking hidden lines into account.
+-- If *display_line* is less than or equal to zero, returns `0`. If
+-- *display_line* is greater than or equal to the number of displayed lines,
+-- returns `buffer.line_count`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
+-- @param display_line The display line number.
-- @return number
-function doc_line_from_visible(buffer) end
+function doc_line_from_visible(buffer, display_line) end
--- Move caret to last position in document.
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function document_end(buffer) end
--- Move caret to last position in document extending selection to new caret
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the buffer, extending the selection to the new
-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function document_end_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to first position in document.
+-- Moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function document_start(buffer) end
--- Move caret to first position in document extending selection to new caret
--- position.
+-- Moves the caret to the beginning of the buffer, extending selection to the
+-- new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function document_start_extend(buffer) end
--- Switch from insert to overtype mode or the reverse.
+-- Toggles `buffer.overtype`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function edit_toggle_overtype(buffer) end
--- Delete the undo history.
--- It also sets the save point to the start of the undo buffer, so the document
--- will appear to be unmodified.
+-- Deletes the undo and redo history and sets `buffer.modify` to `false`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function empty_undo_buffer(buffer) end
--- Translates a UTF8 string into the document encoding.
--- Return the length of the result in bytes. On error return `0`.
+-- Returns the result of UTF-8-encoded string *string* converted into the
+-- buffer's encoding.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param string The string.
-- @return number
function encoded_from_utf8(buffer, string) end
--- End a sequence of actions that is undone and redone as a unit.
+-- Ends a sequence of actions to undo or redo as a single action.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function end_undo_action(buffer) end
--- Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it.
+-- Ensures line number *line* is visible by expanding any fold header lines
+-- hiding it.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
function ensure_visible(buffer, line) end
--- Ensure a particular line is visible by expanding any header line hiding it.
--- Use the currently set visibility policy to determine which range to display.
+-- Ensures line number *line* is visible by expanding any fold header lines
+-- hiding it and applies the vertical caret policy set with
+-- `buffer:set_visible_policy()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
function ensure_visible_enforce_policy(buffer, line) end
--- Find the position of a column on a line taking into account tabs and
--- multi-byte characters.
--- If beyond end of line, return line end position.
+-- Returns the position of column number *column* on line number *line*, taking
+-- tab and multi-byte characters into account, or the position at the end of
+-- line *line*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @param column The column number.
function find_column(buffer, line, column) end
--- Insert a Form Feed character.
+-- Inserts a Form Feed ("\f") character at the current position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function form_feed(buffer) end
--- Retrieve the text of the line containing the caret.
--- Also returns the index of the caret on the line.
+-- Returns the current line's text and the index of the caret on the line,
+-- starting from zero.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return string, number
function get_cur_line(buffer) end
--- Get the back color for active hotspots in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- Returns the numeric background color for active hotspots.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return number
function get_hotspot_active_back(buffer) end
--- Get the fore color for active hotspots.
+-- Returns the numeric foreground color for active hotspots.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return number
function get_hotspot_active_fore(buffer) end
--- Find the last child line of a header line.
+-- Returns the line number of the last line after line number *start_line* whose
+-- fold level is greater than *level* or the level of *start_line* if *level* is
+-- `-1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param header_line The line number of a header line.
--- @param level The level or `-1` for the level of `header_line`.
-function get_last_child(buffer, header_line, level) end
+-- @param start_line The line number of a header line.
+-- @param level The level or `-1` for the level of `start_line`.
+function get_last_child(buffer, start_line, level) end
--- Retrieve the contents of a line.
--- Also returns the length of the line.
+-- Returns the text on line number *line*, including end of line characters, and
+-- the length of the line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @return string, number
function get_line(buffer, line) end
--- Retrieve the position of the end of the selection at the given line (`-1` if
--- no selection on this line).
+-- Returns the position of the end of the selected text on line number *line*,
+-- or `-1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
function get_line_sel_end_position(buffer, line) end
--- Retrieve the position of the start of the selection at the given line (`-1`
--- if no selection on this line).
+-- Returns the position of the beginning of the selected text on line number
+-- *line*, or `-1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
function get_line_sel_start_position(buffer, line) end
--- Retrieve the selected text.
--- Also returns the length of the text.
+-- Returns the selected text and its length.
+-- Multiple selections are included in order with no delimiters. Rectangular
+-- selections are included from top to bottom with line ending delimiters.
+-- Virtual space is not included.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @return string, number
function get_sel_text(buffer) end
--- Retrieve all the text in the document.
--- Also returns number of characters retrieved.
+-- Returns all of the text in the buffer and its length.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function get_text(buffer) end
--- Set caret to start of a line and ensure it is visible.
+-- Places the caret an anchor at the beginning of line number *line* and scrolls
+-- them into view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
function goto_line(buffer, line) end
--- Set caret to a position and ensure it is visible.
--- The anchor position is set the same as the current position.
+-- Places the caret and anchor at position *pos* and scrolls them into view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
function goto_pos(buffer, pos) end
--- Set the focus to this view.
+-- Sets the focus to the buffer's view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function grab_focus(buffer) end
--- Make a range of lines invisible.
--- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags. `start_line` can not be
+-- Hides the range of lines from line number *start_line* to *end_line*.
+-- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags and the first line cannot be
-- hidden.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_line The start line.
@@ -1463,91 +1553,93 @@ function grab_focus(buffer) end
function hide_lines(buffer, start_line, end_line) end
--- Draw the selection in normal style or with selection highlighted.
+-- Do not highlight selected text if *normal* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param normal Draw normal selection.
function hide_selection(buffer, normal) end
--- Move caret to first position on line.
+-- Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function home(buffer) end
--- Move caret to first position on display line.
+-- Moves the caret to the beginning of the current wrapped line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function home_display(buffer) end
--- Move caret to first position on display line extending selection to new caret
--- position.
+-- Moves the caret to the beginning of the current wrapped line, extending the
+-- selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function home_display_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to first position on line extending selection to new caret
--- position.
+-- Moves the caret to the beginning of the current line, extending selection to
+-- the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function home_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to first position on line, extending rectangular selection to new
--- caret position.
+-- Moves the caret to beginning of the current line, extending the rectangular
+-- selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function home_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to the start of the display line when word-wrap is enabled.
--- If already there, go to the start of the document line.
+-- Moves the caret to beginning of the current wrapped line, or if already
+-- there, to the beginning of the actual line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function home_wrap(buffer) end
--- Like `buffer:home_wrap()` but extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:home_wrap()`, but extends the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function home_wrap_extend(buffer) end
--- Retrieve a bitmap value representing which indicators are non-zero at a
--- position.
--- Bit 0 is set if indicator 0 is present, bit 1 for indicator 1 and so on.
+-- Returns a bit-mask representing which indicators are on at position *pos*.
+-- Bit 0 is set if indicator 0 is on, bit 1 for indicator 1, etc.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @return number
function indicator_all_on_for(buffer, pos) end
--- Turn a indicator off over a range.
+-- Clears indicator `buffer.indicator_current` over the range of text from *pos*
+-- to *pos* + *clear_length*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The start position.
-- @param clear_length The length.
function indicator_clear_range(buffer, pos, clear_length) end
--- Find the position where a particular indicator ends.
+-- Returns the end position of indicator number *indicator*, in the range of `0`
+-- to `31`, at position *pos*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param indicator An indicator number in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @param pos The position of the indicator.
function indicator_end(buffer, indicator, pos) end
--- Turn a indicator on over a range.
--- This function fills with the current indicator value.
+-- Sets indicator `buffer.indicator_value` or `buffer.indicator_current` over
+-- the range of text from *pos* to *pos* + *fill_length*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The start position.
-- @param fill_length The length.
function indicator_fill_range(buffer, pos, fill_length) end
--- Find the position where a particular indicator starts.
+-- Returns the position of the beginning of indicator number *indicator*, in the
+-- range of `0` to `31`, at position *pos*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param indicator An indicator number in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @param pos The position of the indicator.
function indicator_start(buffer, indicator, pos) end
--- Retrieve the value of a particular indicator at a position.
--- Currently all values are drawn the same.
+-- Returns the value of indicator number *indicator*, in the range of `0` to
+-- `31`, at position *pos*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param indicator The indicator number in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @param pos The position.
@@ -1555,99 +1647,103 @@ function indicator_start(buffer, indicator, pos) end
function indicator_value_at(buffer, indicator, pos) end
--- Insert string at a position.
--- If the current position is after the insertion point then it is moved along
--- with its surrounding text but no scrolling is performed.
+-- Inserts string *text* at position *pos* or the current position if *pos* is
+-- `-1`.
+-- If the current position is after the *pos*, it is moved appropriately, but
+-- not scrolled into view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position to insert text at or `-1` for the current position.
-- @param text The text to insert.
function insert_text(buffer, pos, text) end
--- Copy the line containing the caret.
+-- Copies the current line to the clipboard.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_copy(buffer) end
--- Cut the line containing the caret.
+-- Cuts the current line to the clipboard.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_cut(buffer) end
--- Delete the line containing the caret.
+-- Deletes the current line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_delete(buffer) end
--- Move caret down one line.
+-- Moves the caret down one line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_down(buffer) end
--- Move caret down one line extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret down one line, extending the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_down_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret down one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret
+-- Moves the caret down one line, extending the rectangular selection to the new
-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_down_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Duplicate the current line.
+-- Duplicates the current line below the line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_duplicate(buffer) end
--- Move caret to last position on line.
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the current line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_end(buffer) end
--- Move caret to last position on display line.
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the current wrapped line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_end_display(buffer) end
--- Move caret to last position on display line extending selection to new caret
--- position.
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the current wrapped line, extending the
+-- selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_end_display_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to last position on line extending selection to new caret
--- position.
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the current line, extending the selection to
+-- the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_end_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to last position on line, extending rectangular selection to new
--- caret position.
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the current line, extending the rectangular
+-- selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_end_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to the end of the display line when word-wrap is enabled.
--- If already there, go to the end of the document line.
+-- Moves the caret to the end of the current wrapped line, or if already there,
+-- to the end of the actual line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_end_wrap(buffer) end
--- Like `buffer:line_end_wrap()` but extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:line_end_wrap()`, but extends the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_end_wrap_extend(buffer) end
--- Retrieve the line containing a position.
+-- Returns the line number containing position *pos*.
+-- Returns `0` if *pos* is less than 0 or `buffer.line_count` if *pos* is
+-- greater than `buffer.length`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @return number
function line_from_position(buffer, pos) end
--- Returns how many characters are on a line, including end of line characters.
--- To get the length of the line not including any end of line characters, use
+-- Returns the number of characters on line number *line*, including end of line
+-- characters.
+-- To get line length excluding end of line characters, use
-- `buffer.line_end_position[line] - buffer:position_from_line(line)`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
@@ -1655,70 +1751,72 @@ function line_from_position(buffer, pos) end
function line_length(buffer, line) end
--- Scroll horizontally and vertically.
+-- Scroll right *columns* columns and down *lines* lines.
+-- Negative values are allowed.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param columns The number of columns to scroll horizontally.
-- @param lines The number of lines to scroll vertically.
function line_scroll(buffer, columns, lines) end
--- Scroll the document down, keeping the caret visible.
+-- Scroll the buffer down one line, keeping the current position visible.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_scroll_down(buffer) end
--- Scroll the document up, keeping the caret visible.
+-- Scroll the buffer up one line, keeping the current position visible.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_scroll_up(buffer) end
--- Switch the current line with the previous.
+-- Switch the current line with the previous one.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_transpose(buffer) end
--- Move caret up one line.
+-- Moves the caret up one line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_up(buffer) end
--- Move caret up one line extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret up one line, extending the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_up_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret up one line, extending rectangular selection to new caret
+-- Moves the caret up one line, extending the rectangular selection to the new
-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function line_up_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Join the lines in the target.
--- Where this would lead to no space between words, an extra space is inserted.
+-- Joins the lines in the target range, inserting spaces in-between words on
+-- separate lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function lines_join(buffer) end
--- Split the lines in the target into lines that are less wide than
--- `pixel_width` where possible.
+-- Splits the lines in the target range into lines of width at most
+-- *pixel_width* or the width of the view if *pixel_width* is `0`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pixel_width The pixel width. When `0`, the width of the view is used.
function lines_split(buffer, pixel_width) end
--- Transform the selection to lower case.
+-- Converts the selected text to lower case letters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function lower_case(buffer) end
--- Clear the margin text on all lines.
+-- Clears margin text on all lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function margin_text_clear_all(buffer) end
--- Add a marker to a line, returning an ID which can be used to find or delete
--- the marker.
--- Returns `-1` if this fails (illegal line number, out of memory).
+-- Adds marker number *marker_num*, in the range of `0` to `31`, on line number
+-- *line*, returning a marker handle which can be used in
+-- `buffer:marker_delete_handle()` and `buffer:marker_line_from_handle()`, or
+-- `-1` if the marker cannot be added.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of `0` to `31`.
@@ -1726,7 +1824,9 @@ function margin_text_clear_all(buffer) end
function marker_add(buffer, line, marker_num) end
--- Add a set of markers to a line.
+-- Adds the markers specified in the marker bit-mask *marker_mask* to line
+-- number *line*.
+-- Bit 0 is set to add marker 0, bit 1 for marker 1, etc., up to marker 31.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @param marker_mask A mask of markers to set. Set bit 0 to set marker 0, bit
@@ -1734,7 +1834,8 @@ function marker_add(buffer, line, marker_num) end
function marker_add_set(buffer, line, marker_mask) end
--- Set the symbol used for a particular marker number.
+-- Sets the symbol *marker_symbol* shown in the margin for marker number
+-- *marker_num*, in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @param marker_symbol A marker symbol: `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARK_*`.
@@ -1742,16 +1843,22 @@ function marker_add_set(buffer, line, marker_mask) end
function marker_define(buffer, marker_num, marker_symbol) end
--- Define a marker from a pixmap.
+-- Defines XPM image *pixmap* for marker number *marker_num*, in the range of
+-- `0` to `31`.
+-- Pixmap markers use the `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARK_PIXMAP` marker symbol.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @param pixmap `NULL`-terminated pixmap data.
function marker_define_pixmap(buffer, marker_num, pixmap) end
--- Define a marker from RGBA data.
--- It has the width and height from `buffer.rgba_image_width` and
--- `buffer.rgba_image_height`.
+-- Defines RGBA image *pixels* for marker number *marker_num*, in the range of
+-- `0` to `31`.
+-- RGBA image markers use the `_SCINTILLA.constants.SC_MARK_RGBAIMAGE` marker
+-- symbol. The dimensions for *pixels*, `buffer.rgba_image_width` and
+-- `buffer.rgba_image_height`, must be already defined. *pixels* is a sequence
+-- of 4 byte pixel values (red, blue, green, and alpha) defining the image line
+-- by line starting at the top-left pixel.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @param pixels A sequence of 4 byte pixel values starting with the pixels for
@@ -1764,7 +1871,8 @@ function marker_define_pixmap(buffer, marker_num, pixmap) end
function marker_define_rgba_image(buffer, marker_num, pixels) end
--- Delete a marker from a line.
+-- Deletes marker number *marker_num*, in the range of `0` to `31` or `-1` for
+-- all markers, from line number *line*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of `0` to `31` or `-1` to
@@ -1772,44 +1880,47 @@ function marker_define_rgba_image(buffer, marker_num, pixels) end
function marker_delete(buffer, line, marker_num) end
--- Delete all markers with a particular number from all lines.
+-- Deletes marker number *marker_num*, in the range of `0` to `31` or `-1` for
+-- all markers, from all lines in the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of `0` to `31` or `-1` to
-- delete all markers from the line.
function marker_delete_all(buffer, marker_num) end
--- Delete a marker.
+-- Deletes the marker with handle *handle* returned by `buffer:marker_add()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param handle The identifier of a marker returned by `buffer:marker_add()`.
function marker_delete_handle(buffer, handle) end
--- Enable/disable highlight for current folding block (smallest one that
--- contains the caret)
+-- Highlights the margin fold markers for the current fold block if *enabled* is
+-- `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param enabled Whether to enable highlight.
function marker_enable_highlight(buffer, enabled) end
--- Get a bit mask of all the markers set on a line.
--- Bit 0 is set if marker 0 is present, bit 1 for marker 1 and so on.
+-- Returns a bit-mask representing which markers are set line number *line*.
+-- Bit 0 is set if marker 0 is set, bit 1 for marker 1, etc.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @return number.
function marker_get(buffer, line) end
--- Retrieve the line number at which a particular marker is located.
--- Returns `-1` if it not found.
+-- Returns the line number the marker with handle *handle*, returned by
+-- `buffer:marker_add()`, is on, or `-1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param handle The identifier of a marker returned by `buffer:marker_add()`.
-- @return number
function marker_line_from_handle(buffer, handle) end
--- Find the next line at or after start_line that includes a marker in mask.
--- Return `-1` when no more lines.
+-- Returns the first line number starting at line number *start_line* that has
+-- all of the markers represented by marker bit-mask *marker_mask* set on, or
+-- `-1`.
+-- Bit 0 is set if marker 0 is set, bit 1 for marker 1, etc., up to marker 31.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_line The start line.
-- @param marker_mask A mask of markers to find. Set bit 0 to find marker 0, bit
@@ -1818,7 +1929,10 @@ function marker_line_from_handle(buffer, handle) end
function marker_next(buffer, start_line, marker_mask) end
--- Find the previous line before `start_line` that includes a marker in mask.
+-- Returns the last line number before or on line number *start_line* that has
+-- all of the markers represented by marker bit-mask *marker_mask* set on, or
+-- `-1`.
+-- Bit 0 is set if marker 0 is set, bit 1 for marker 1, etc., up to marker 31.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_line The start line.
-- @param marker_mask A mask of markers to find. Set bit 0 to find marker 0, bit
@@ -1827,180 +1941,176 @@ function marker_next(buffer, start_line, marker_mask) end
function marker_previous(buffer, start_line, marker_mask) end
--- Return the symbol defined for marker_num with `buffer:marker_define()`.
+-- Returns the symbol defined for marker number *marker_num*, in the range of
+-- `0` to `31`, used in `buffer:marker_define()`,
+-- `buffer:marker_define_pixmap()`, or `buffer:marker_define_rgba_image()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param marker_num A marker number in the range of `0` to `31`.
-- @return number
function marker_symbol_defined(buffer, marker_num) end
--- Move the caret inside current view if it is not there already.
--- Any selection is lost.
+-- Moves the current position to be visible inside the view if it is not
+-- already, removing any selections.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function move_caret_inside_view(buffer) end
--- Move the selected lines down one line, shifting the line below before the
--- selection.
--- The selection will be automatically extended to the beginning of the
--- selection's first line and the end of the seletion's last line. If nothing
--- was selected, the line the cursor is currently at will be selected.
+-- Moves the selected lines down one line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function move_selected_lines_down(buffer) end
--- Move the selected lines up one line, shifting the line above after the
--- selection.
--- The selection will be automatically extended to the beginning of the
--- selection's first line and the end of the seletion's last line. If nothing
--- was selected, the line the cursor is currently at will be selected.
+-- Moves the selected lines up one line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function move_selected_lines_up(buffer) end
--- Insert a new line, may use a CRLF, CR or LF depending on EOL mode.
+-- Inserts a new line character(s) at the current position depending on the end
+-- of line mode.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function new_line(buffer) end
--- Move caret one page down.
+-- Moves the caret one page down.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function page_down(buffer) end
--- Move caret one page down extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret one page down, extending the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function page_down_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret one page down, extending rectangular selection to new caret
+-- Moves the caret one page down, extending the rectangular selection to the new
-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function page_down_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret one page up.
+-- Moves the caret one page up.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function page_up(buffer) end
--- Move caret one page up extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret one page up, extending the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function page_up_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret one page up, extending rectangular selection to new caret
+-- Moves the caret one page up, extending the rectangular selection to the new
-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function page_up_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret one paragraph down (delimited by empty lines).
+-- Moves the caret one paragraph down.
+-- Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function para_down(buffer) end
--- Move caret one paragraph down (delimited by empty lines) extending selection
--- to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret one paragraph down, extending the selection to the new
+-- position.
+-- Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function para_down_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret one paragraph up (delimited by empty lines).
+-- Moves the caret one paragraph up.
+-- Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function para_up(buffer) end
--- Move caret one paragraph up (delimited by empty lines) extending selection to
--- new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret one paragraph up, extending the selection to the new
+-- position.
+-- Paragraphs are surrounded by one or more blank lines.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function para_up_extend(buffer) end
--- Paste the contents of the clipboard into the document replacing the
--- selection.
+-- Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the buffer, replacing the selected
+-- text depending on `buffer.multi_paste`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function paste(buffer) end
--- For private communication between an application and a known lexer.
--- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param operation An operation number.
--- @param data Number data.
-function private_lexer_call(buffer, operation, data) end
--- Retrieve the x value of the point in the window where a position is
--- displayed.
+-- Returns the x-coordinate in the view of position *pos*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @return number
function point_x_from_position(buffer, pos) end
--- Retrieve the y value of the point in the window where a position is
--- displayed.
+-- Returns the y-coordinate in the view of position *pos*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @return number
function point_y_from_position(buffer, pos) end
--- Given a valid document position, return the next position taking code page
--- into account. Maximum value returned is the last position in the document.
+-- Returns the position of the next character after position *pos*, taking code
+-- page into account, or `buffer.length - 1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
function position_after(buffer, pos) end
--- Given a valid document position, return the previous position taking code
--- page into account. Returns `0` if passed `0`.
+-- Returns the position of the previous character before position *pos*, taking
+-- code page into account, or `0`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @return number
function position_before(buffer, pos) end
--- Retrieve the position at the start of a line.
--- If line is greater than the lines in the document, returns `-1`.
+-- Returns the position at the beginning of line number *line*.
+-- Returns `-1` if *line* is greater than `buffer.line_count`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line.
-- @return number
function position_from_line(buffer, line) end
--- Find the position from a point within the window.
+-- Returns the position closest to view coordinates *x* and *y*, which may be
+-- in-between multi-byte characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param x The x-coordinate in the window.
--- @param y The y-coordinate in the window.
+-- @param x The x-coordinate in the view.
+-- @param y The y-coordinate in the view.
-- @return number
function position_from_point(buffer, x, y) end
--- Returns the position from a point within the window, but return `-1` if not
--- close to text.
+-- Returns the position closest to view coordinates *x* and *y*, which may be
+-- in-between multi-byte characters, or `-1` if the point is outside the window
+-- or not close to any text.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param x The x-coordinate in the window.
--- @param y The y-coordinate in the window.
+-- @param x The x-coordinate in the view.
+-- @param y The y-coordinate in the view.
-- @return number
function position_from_point_close(buffer, x, y) end
--- Redoes the next action on the undo history.
+-- Redoes the next undone action.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function redo(buffer) end
--- Register an XPM image for use in autocompletion lists.
+-- Registers XPM image *xpm_data* to type number *type* for use in
+-- autocompletion lists.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param type Integer type to register the image with.
-- @param xpm_data XPM data as is described for `buffer:marker_define_pixmap()`.
function register_image(buffer, type, xpm_data) end
--- Register an RGBA image for use in autocompletion lists.
--- It has the width and height from `buffer.rgba_image_width` and
--- `buffer.rgba_image_height`.
+-- Registers RGBA image *pixels* to type number *type* for use in autocompletion
+-- lists.
+-- The dimensions for *pixels*, `buffer.rgba_image_width` and
+-- `buffer.rgba_image_height`, must be already defined. *pixels* is a sequence
+-- of 4 byte pixel values (red, blue, green, and alpha) defining the image line
+-- by line starting at the top-left pixel.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param type Integer type to register the image with.
-- @param pixels RGBA data as is described for
@@ -2008,75 +2118,75 @@ function register_image(buffer, type, xpm_data) end
function register_rgba_image(buffer, type, pixels) end
--- Replace the selected text with the argument text.
--- The caret is positioned after the inserted text and the caret is scrolled
--- into view.
+-- Replaces the selected text with string *text*, scrolling the caret into view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text.
function replace_sel(buffer, text) end
--- Replace the target text with the argument text.
--- After replacement, the target range refers to the replacement text.
--- Returns the length of the replacement text.
+-- Replaces the text in the target range with string *text*, returning the
+-- length of *text*.
+-- The recommended way to delete text in the buffer is to set the target to the
+-- text to be removed, and to call this function with an empty string.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text (can contain null bytes).
-- @return number
function replace_target(buffer, text) end
--- Replace the target text with the argument text after `\d` processing.
--- Looks for `\d` where `d` is between `1` and `9` and replaces these with the
--- strings matched in the last search operation which were surrounded by `\(`
--- and `\)`. Returns the length of the replacement text including any change
--- caused by processing the `\d` patterns.
+-- Replaces the text in the target range with string *text* after replacing any
+-- "\d" sequences, where `d` is a number in the range of `1` to `9`, with the
+-- tag match values from the regular expression or the entire match for "\0",
+-- returning the length of the replacement text.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text (can contain null bytes).
-- @return number
function replace_target_re(buffer, text) end
--- Set the main selection to the next selection.
+-- Sets the next additional selection to be the main selection.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function rotate_selection(buffer) end
--- Ensure the caret is visible.
+-- Scrolls the current position into view based on the policies set with
+-- `buffer:set_x_caret_policy()` and `buffer:set_y_caret_policy()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
+-- @see set_x_caret_policy
+-- @see set_y_caret_policy
function scroll_caret(buffer) end
--- Scroll to end of document.
+-- Scroll to the end of the buffer without moving the caret.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function scroll_to_end(buffer) end
--- Scroll to start of document.
+-- Scroll to the beginning of the buffer without moving the caret.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function scroll_to_start(buffer) end
--- Sets the current caret position to be the search anchor.
--- Always call this before calling either of `buffer:search_next()` or
--- `buffer:search_prev()`.
+-- Sets the current position to anchor subsequent searches with
+-- `buffer:search_next()` and `buffer:search_prev()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function search_anchor(buffer) end
--- Search for a counted string in the target and set the target to the found
--- range.
--- Returns length of range or `-1` for failure in which case target is not
--- moved.
+-- Searches for the first occurrence of string *text* in the target range
+-- bounded by `buffer.target_start` and `buffer.target_end` using search flags
+-- `buffer.search_flags` and, if found, sets the new target range to that
+-- occurrence, returning its position or `-1` otherwise.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text (can contain null bytes).
-- @return number
function search_in_target(buffer, text) end
--- Find some text starting at the search anchor.
--- The return value is `-1` if nothing is found, otherwise the return value is
--- the start position of the matching text. The selection is updated to show the
--- matched text, but is not scrolled into view.
+-- Searches for and selects the first occurrence of string *text* starting at
+-- the search anchor using search flags *flags*, returning the position of the
+-- occurrence or `-1`.
+-- Selected text is not scrolled into view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param flags Search flags. See `buffer.search_flags`.
-- @param text The text.
@@ -2085,10 +2195,9 @@ function search_in_target(buffer, text) end
function search_next(buffer, flags, text) end
--- Find some text starting at the search anchor and moving backwards.
--- The return value is `-1` if nothing is found, otherwise the return value is
--- the start position of the matching text. The selection is updated to show the
--- matched text, but is not scrolled into view.
+-- Searches for and selects the last occurrence of string *text* before the
+-- search anchor using search flags *flags*, returning the position of the
+-- occurrence or `-1`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param flags Search flags. See `buffer.search_flags`.
-- @param text The text.
@@ -2097,75 +2206,75 @@ function search_next(buffer, flags, text) end
function search_prev(buffer, flags, text) end
--- Select all the text in the document.
--- The current position is not scrolled into view.
+-- Selects all of the text in the buffer without scrolling the view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function select_all(buffer) end
--- Duplicate the selection.
--- If selection empty duplicate the line containing the caret.
+-- Duplicates the selected text or the current line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function selection_duplicate(buffer) end
--- Reset the set of characters for whitespace and word characters to the
--- defaults.
--- This sets whitespace to space, tab and other characters with codes less than
--- 0x20, with word characters set to alphanumeric and '_'.
+-- Resets the set of whitespace and word characters to their default characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
+-- @see whitespace_chars
+-- @see word_chars
function set_chars_default(buffer) end
--- Set caret to a position, while removing any existing selection.
--- The caret is not scrolled into view.
+-- Sets the current position to position *pos* without scrolling the view,
+-- removing any selections.
-- @param buffer The buffer
-- @param pos The position to move to.
function set_empty_selection(buffer, pos) end
--- Set the colors used as a chequerboard pattern in the fold margin.
+-- Overrides the default color of the fold margin with *color*, in "0xBBGGRR"
+-- format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_setting Enable color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_fold_margin_colour(buffer, use_setting, color) end
--- Set the colors used as a checkerboard pattern in the fold margin.
+-- Overrides the default highlight color of the fold margin with *color*, in
+-- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_setting Enable color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_fold_margin_hi_colour(buffer, use_setting, color) end
--- Set a back color for active hotspots.
+-- Overrides the default background color of active hotspots with *color*, in
+-- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_setting Enable the color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_hotspot_active_back(buffer, use_setting, color) end
--- Set a fore color for active hotspots.
+-- Overrides the default foreground color of active hotspots with *color*, in
+-- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_setting Enable the color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_hotspot_active_fore(buffer, use_setting, color) end
--- Set the length of the utf8 argument for calling `buffer:encoded_from_utf8()`.
+-- Sets the length of *string* in `buffer:encoded_from_utf8()` to *bytes*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param bytes Bytes or `-1` for measuring to first null byte.
function set_length_for_encode(buffer, bytes) end
--- Remember the current position in the undo history as the position at which
--- the document was saved.
+-- Tells Scintilla the buffer has no unsaved changes.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function set_save_point(buffer) end
--- Select a range of text.
--- The caret is scrolled into view after this operation.
+-- Selects the range of text from *start_pos* to *end_pos* in the buffer,
+-- scrolling the selected text into view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_pos Start position. If negative, it means the end of the
-- document.
@@ -2174,45 +2283,48 @@ function set_save_point(buffer) end
function set_sel(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- Set the background color of the main and additional selections and whether to
--- use this setting.
+-- Overrides the default background color of all selected text with *color*, in
+-- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_setting Enable color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_sel_back(buffer, use_setting, color) end
--- Set the foreground color of the main and additional selections and whether
--- to use this setting.
+-- Overrides the default foreground color of all selected text with *color*, in
+-- "0xBBGGRR" format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_setting Enable color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_sel_fore(buffer, use_setting, color) end
--- Set a simple selection from anchor to caret.
+-- Selects the range of text from *anchor* to *caret* in the buffer, removing
+-- all other selections.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param caret The caret.
-- @param anchor The anchor.
function set_selection(buffer, caret, anchor) end
--- Change style from current styling position for length characters to a style
--- and move the current styling position to after this newly styled segment.
+-- Sets the style of the next *length* characters, from the current styling
+-- position, to style number *style*, in the range from `0` to `255`, and
+-- increments the styling position by *length*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param length The length to style.
-- @param style The style number to set.
function set_styling(buffer, length, style) end
--- Replace the contents of the document with the argument text.
+-- Replaces all of the text in the buffer with string *text*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param text The text.
function set_text(buffer, text) end
--- Set the way the display area is determined when a particular line is to be
--- moved to by `buffer:goto_line()`, etc.
+-- Sets the visible policy bit-mask *visible_policy* for displaying lines using
+-- `buffer:ensure_visible_enforce_policy()` to *visible_slop* number of lines
+-- from the bottom of the view.
-- It is similar in operation to `buffer:set_y_caret_policy()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param visible_policy A combination of `_SCINTILLA.constants.VISIBLE_SLOP`
@@ -2221,15 +2333,16 @@ function set_text(buffer, text) end
function set_visible_policy(buffer, visible_policy, visible_slop) end
--- Set the background color of all whitespace and whether to use this setting.
+-- Overrides the background color of whitespace with *color*, in "0xBBGGRR"
+-- format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param use_setting Enable color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_whitespace_back(buffer, use_setting, color) end
--- Set the foreground color of all whitespace and whether to use this setting.
--- @param buffer The global buffer.
+-- Overrides the foreground color of whitespace with *color*, in "0xBBGGRR"
+-- format, if *use_setting* is `true`.
-- @param use_setting Enable color change.
-- @param color A color in "0xBBGGRR" format.
function set_whitespace_fore(buffer, use_setting, color) end
@@ -2256,8 +2369,8 @@ function set_x_caret_policy(buffer, caret_policy, caret_slop) end
function set_y_caret_policy(buffer, caret_policy, caret_slop) end
--- Make a range of lines visible.
--- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags. `start_line` can not be
+-- Shows the range of lines from line number *start_line* to *end_line*.
+-- This has no effect on fold levels or fold flags and the first line cannot be
-- hidden.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_line The start line.
@@ -2265,88 +2378,81 @@ function set_y_caret_policy(buffer, caret_policy, caret_slop) end
function show_lines(buffer, start_line, end_line) end
--- Start notifying the container of all key presses and commands.
--- @param buffer The global buffer.
-function start_record(buffer) end
--- Set the current styling position to pos and the styling mask to mask.
--- The styling mask can be used to protect some bits in each styling byte from
--- modification.
+-- Begin styling at position *position* with the 8-bit styling bit-mask *mask*
+-- that determines which style bits can be set with `buffer:set_styling()`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param position The styling position.
-- @param mask The bit mask of the style bytes that can be set.
+-- @usage buffer:start_styling(0, 0xFF)
function start_styling(buffer, position, mask) end
--- Stop notifying the container of all key presses and commands.
--- @param buffer The global buffer.
-function stop_record(buffer) end
--- Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page.
+-- Moves the caret to the bottom of the page, or if already there, one page
+-- down.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function stuttered_page_down(buffer) end
--- Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page,
--- extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:stuttered_page_down()`, but extends the selection to the new
+-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function stuttered_page_down_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page.
+-- Moves the caret to the top of the page, or if already there, one page up.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function stuttered_page_up(buffer) end
--- Move caret to top of page, or one page up if already at top of page,
--- extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:stuttered_page_up()`, but extends the selection to the new
+-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function stuttered_page_up_extend(buffer) end
--- Clear all the styles and make equivalent to the global default style.
+-- Sets all styles to have the same properties as
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function style_clear_all(buffer) end
--- Reset the default style to its state at startup.
+-- Resets `_SCINTILLA.constants.STYLE_DEFAULT` to its initial state.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function style_reset_default(buffer) end
--- Swap that caret and anchor of the main selection.
+-- Swaps the anchor and caret positions of the main selection.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function swap_main_anchor_caret(buffer) end
--- If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab
--- character, or if more than one line selected, indent the lines.
+-- Indents the selected lines, replaces the selected text on a line with a Tab
+-- character ("\t"), or inserts a Tab character at the current position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function tab(buffer) end
--- Returns the target converted to UTF8.
+-- Returns the result of the text in the target range converted from the
+-- buffer's code page into UTF-8.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function target_as_utf8(buffer) end
--- Make the target range start and end be the same as the selection range start
--- and end.
+-- Sets the beginning and end positions of the target range to be the beginning
+-- and end positions of the main selection.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function target_from_selection(buffer) end
--- Retrieve the height of a particular line of text in pixels.
+-- Returns the height in pixels of line number *line*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @return number
function text_height(buffer, line) end
--- Measure the pixel width of some text in a particular style.
--- Does not handle tab or control characters.
+-- Returns the width in pixels of string *text* styled with style number
+-- *style_num*, in the range of `0` to `255`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param style_num The style number between `0` and `255`.
-- @param text The text.
@@ -2354,36 +2460,37 @@ function text_height(buffer, line) end
function text_width(buffer, style_num, text) end
--- Switch between sticky and non-sticky: meant to be bound to a key.
--- See `buffer.caret_sticky`.
+-- Cycles between caret sticky option settings
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
+-- @see caret_sticky
function toggle_caret_sticky(buffer) end
--- Switch a header line between expanded and contracted.
+-- Toggles the fold state of a fold header line between expanded, where all
+-- of its child lines are displayed, and contracted, where all of its child
+-- lines are hidden.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
function toggle_fold(buffer, line) end
--- Undo one action in the undo history.
+-- Undoes the most recent action.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function undo(buffer) end
--- Transform the selection to upper case.
+-- Converts the selected text to upper case letters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function upper_case(buffer) end
--- Sets whether a pop up menu is displayed automatically when the user presses
--- the wrong mouse button.
--- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- @param allow_popup Allow popup menu.
-function use_pop_up(buffer, allow_popup) end
--- Display a list of strings and send notification when user chooses one.
+-- Displays a list from *item_list*, a sorted string whose items are delimited
+-- by `buffer.auto_c_separator` characters, using the list identifier number
+-- *list_type* which is greater than zero and sent in a `USER_LIST_SELECTION`
+-- event after selecting an item.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param list_type A list identifier number greater than zero.
-- @param item_list List of words separated by separator characters (initially
@@ -2392,63 +2499,65 @@ function use_pop_up(buffer, allow_popup) end
function user_list_show(buffer, list_type, item_list) end
--- Move caret to before first visible character on line.
--- If already there move to first character on line.
+-- Moves the caret to the first visible character on the current line, or if
+-- already there, to the beginning of the current line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vc_home(buffer) end
--- Move caret to before first visible character on display line.
--- If already there move to first character on display line.
+-- Moves the caret to the first visible character on the current wrapped line,
+-- or if already there, to the beginning of the current wrapped line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vc_home_display(buffer) end
--- Like `buffer:vc_home_display()` but extending selection to new caret
+-- Like `buffer:vc_home_display()`, but extends the selection to the new
-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vc_home_display_extend(buffer) end
--- Like `buffer:vc_home()` but extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:vc_home()`, but extends the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vc_home_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to before first visible character on line.
--- If already there move to first character on line. In either case, extend
--- rectangular selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:vc_home()`, but extends the rectangular selection to the new
+-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vc_home_rect_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret to before first visible character on display line when word-wrap
--- is enabled.
--- If already there, go to first character on display line.
+-- Moves the caret to the first visible character on the wrapped line, or if
+-- already there, to the beginning of the actual line.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vc_home_wrap(buffer) end
--- Like `buffer:vc_home_wrap()` but extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:vc_home_wrap()`, but extends the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vc_home_wrap_extend(buffer) end
--- Center current line in window.
+-- Centers current line in the view.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function vertical_centre_caret(buffer) end
--- Find the display line of a document line taking hidden lines into account.
--- If there is folding and line is outside the range of lines in the document,
--- the return value is `-1`.
+-- Returns the displayed line number of actual line number *line*, taking hidden
+-- lines into account, or `-1` if *line* is outside the range of lines in the
+-- buffer.
+-- Lines can occupy more than one display line if they wrap.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @return number
function visible_from_doc_line(buffer, line) end
--- Get position of end of word.
+-- Returns the position of the end of the word at position *pos*.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters. If *pos* has a non-word
+-- character to its right and *only_word_chars* is `false`, returns the position
+-- of the first word character.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @param only_word_chars If `true`, stops searching at the first non-word
@@ -2459,71 +2568,87 @@ function visible_from_doc_line(buffer, line) end
function word_end_position(buffer, pos, only_word_chars) end
--- Move caret left one word.
+-- Moves the caret left one word.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_left(buffer) end
--- Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word.
+-- Moves the caret left one word, positioning the current position at the end of
+-- the previous word.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_left_end(buffer) end
--- Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection
--- to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:word_left_end()`, but extends the selection to the new position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_left_end_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret left one word extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret left one word, extending the selection to the new position.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_left_extend(buffer) end
--- Move to the previous change in capitalisation or underscores.
+-- Moves to the previous underscore or change in capitalization within the
+-- current word.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_part_left(buffer) end
--- Move to the previous change in capitalisation or underscores extending
--- selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves to the previous underscore or change in capitalization within the
+-- current word, extending the selection to the new position.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_part_left_extend(buffer) end
--- Move to the next change in capitalisation or underscores.
+-- Moves to the next underscore or change in capitalization within the current
+-- word.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_part_right(buffer) end
--- Move to the next change in capitalisation or underscores extending selection
--- to new caret position.
+-- Moves to the next underscore or change in capitalization within the current
+-- word, extending the selection to the new position.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_part_right_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret right one word.
+-- Moves the caret right one word.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_right(buffer) end
--- Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word.
+-- Moves the caret right one word, positioning the cursor at the end of the
+-- current word.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_right_end(buffer) end
--- Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word, extending
--- selection to new caret position.
+-- Like `buffer:word_right_end()`, but extends the selection to the new
+-- position.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_right_end_extend(buffer) end
--- Move caret right one word extending selection to new caret position.
+-- Moves the caret right one word, extending the selection to the new position.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function word_right_extend(buffer) end
--- Get position of start of word.
+-- Returns the position of the beginning of the word at position *pos*.
+-- `buffer.word_chars` contains word characters. If *pos* has a non-word
+-- character to its left and *only_word_chars* is `false`, returns the position
+-- of the last word character.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param pos The position.
-- @param only_word_chars If `true`, stops searching at the first non-word
@@ -2534,58 +2659,56 @@ function word_right_extend(buffer) end
function word_start_position(buffer, pos, only_word_chars) end
--- Returns the number of display lines needed to wrap a document line.
+-- Returns the number of wrapped lines needed to display line number *line*.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param line The line number.
-- @return number
function wrap_count(buffer, line) end
--- Magnify the displayed text by increasing the sizes by 1 point if the current
--- zoom factor is less than 20 points.
+-- Increases the size of all fonts by one point, up to 20.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function zoom_in(buffer) end
--- Make the displayed text smaller by decreasing the sizes by 1 point if the
--- current zoom factor is greater than -10 points.
+-- Decreases the size of all fonts by one point, down to -10.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function zoom_out(buffer) end
-- External functions.
--- Checks whether the given buffer is the global one.
--- If not, throws an error indicating so. It is necessary to call this at the
--- top of all buffer functions to avoid unexpected behavior since most buffer
--- functions operate on `_G.buffer`, which is not necessarily the given one.
+-- Ensures the buffer is the global one, `_G.buffer`, throwing an error
+-- otherwise.
+-- This function must be called in all buffer functions because only the global
+-- buffer can be worked with.
-- @param buffer The buffer to check.
-- @see _G._G.buffer
function check_global(buffer) end
--- Deletes the current buffer.
--- WARNING: this function should NOT be called via scripts. Use `buffer:close()`
--- instead, which prompts for confirmation if necessary. Emits a
+-- Deletes the buffer.
+-- **Do not call this function.** Call `buffer:close()` instead. Emits a
-- `BUFFER_DELETED` event.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @see events.BUFFER_DELETED
function delete(buffer) end
--- Gets a range of text from the current buffer.
+-- Returns the range of text from *start_pos* to *end_pos* in the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param start_pos The beginning position of the range of text to get.
-- @param end_pos The end position of the range of text to get.
function text_range(buffer, start_pos, end_pos) end
--- Reloads the file in a given buffer.
+-- Reloads the file in the buffer.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
function reload(buffer) end
--- Sets the encoding for the buffer, converting its contents in the process.
+-- Sets the encoding for the buffer to *encoding*, converting its contents from
+-- the old encoding to the new one.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param encoding The encoding to set. Valid encodings are ones that GNU iconv
-- accepts.
@@ -2593,14 +2716,14 @@ function reload(buffer) end
function set_encoding(buffer, encoding) end
--- Saves the current buffer to a file.
+-- Saves the buffer to the file.
-- Emits `FILE_BEFORE_SAVE` and `FILE_AFTER_SAVE` events.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @see _G.events
function save(buffer) end
--- Saves the current buffer to a file different than its filename property.
+-- Saves the buffer to the *utf8_filename* or user-specified filename.
-- Emits a `FILE_SAVED_AS` event.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param utf8_filename The new filepath to save the buffer to. Must be UTF-8
@@ -2609,46 +2732,50 @@ function save(buffer) end
function save_as(buffer, utf8_filename) end
--- Closes the current buffer.
+-- Closes the buffer, prompting the user to continue if there are unsaved
+-- changes, and returns `true` if the buffer was closed.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
--- If the buffer is dirty, the user is prompted to continue. The buffer is not
--- saved automatically. It must be done manually.
-- @return `true` if the buffer was closed; `nil` otherwise.
function close(buffer) end
--- Replacement for `buffer.lexer_language =`.
--- Sets a `buffer._lexer` field so it can be restored without querying the
--- mime-types tables. Also if the user manually sets the lexer, it should be
--- restored.
--- Loads the language-specific module if it exists.
--- This function is added by `_M.textadept.mime_types`.
+-- Sets the name of the lexer used by the buffer to *lang*, loading its
+-- language-specific module if the module exists.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param lang The string language to set.
-- @usage buffer.set_lexer(buffer, 'language_name')
function set_lexer(buffer, lang) end
--- Replacement for `buffer.lexer_language`.
+-- Returns the name of the lexer used by the buffer, or the name of the lexer at
+-- the current position in a multiple-language lexer if *current* is `true`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param current Whether to get the lexer at the current caret position in
-- multi-language lexers. The default is `false` and returns the parent lexer.
function get_lexer(buffer, current) end
--- Returns the name of the style associated with a style number.
+-- Returns the name of style number *style_num*, in the range of `0` to `255`.
-- @param buffer The global buffer.
-- @param style_num A style number from `0` to `255`.
-- @see buffer.style_at
function get_style_name(buffer, style_num) end
-- Unused Fields.
+-- * status
+-- * mouse_down_captures
+-- * focus
-- * use_palette
+-- * font_quality
+-- * keys_unicode
-- * doc_pointer
-- * mod_event_mask
-- * paste_convert_endings
+-- * direct_function
+-- * direct_pointer
-- * character_pointer
-- * get_range_pointer
+-- * field gap_position
-- * identifier
-- * key_words
-- * technology
@@ -2662,6 +2789,9 @@ function get_style_name(buffer, style_num) end
-- * find_text
-- * format_range
-- * null
+-- * use_pop_up
+-- * start_record
+-- * stop_record
-- * create_document
-- * add_ref_document
-- * release_document
@@ -2679,3 +2809,4 @@ function get_style_name(buffer, style_num) end
-- * describe_property
-- * describe_key_word_sets
-- * create_loader
+-- * private_lexer_call
diff --git a/core/.iconv.luadoc b/core/.iconv.luadoc
index 78616a30..b21f6c5a 100644
--- a/core/.iconv.luadoc
+++ b/core/.iconv.luadoc
@@ -6,8 +6,30 @@
--- Converts a string from one character set to another using iconv.
--- Valid character sets are [GNU iconv's character sets][].
+-- Converts string *text* from character set *from* to character set *to* using
+-- iconv.
+-- Valid character sets are [GNU iconv's character sets][] and include:
+-- * European: ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16}, KOI8-R, KOI8-U,
+-- KOI8-RU, CP{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1257}, CP{850,866,1131},
+-- Mac{Roman,CentralEurope,Iceland,Croatian,Romania},
+-- Mac{Cyrillic,Ukraine,Greek,Turkish}, Macintosh.
+-- * Semitic: ISO-8859-{6,8}, CP{1255,1256}, CP862, Mac{Hebrew,Arabic}.
+-- * Japanese: EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2,
+-- ISO-2022-JP-1.
+-- * Chinese: EUC-CN, HZ, GBK, CP936, GB18030, EUC-TW, BIG5, CP950,
+-- BIG5-HKSCS, BIG5-HKSCS:2004, BIG5-HKSCS:2001, BIG5-HKSCS:1999,
+-- ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT.
+-- * Korean: EUC-KR, CP949, ISO-2022-KR, JOHAB.
+-- * Armenian: ARMSCII-8.
+-- * Georgian: Georgian-Academy, Georgian-PS.
+-- * Tajik: KOI8-T.
+-- * Kazakh: PT154, RK1048.
+-- * Thai: ISO-8859-11, TIS-620, CP874, MacThai.
+-- * Laotian: MuleLao-1, CP1133.
+-- * Vietnamese: VISCII, TCVN, CP1258.
+-- * Unicode: UTF-8, UCS-2, UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE, UTF-16,
+-- UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-7, C99, JAVA.
-- [GNU iconv's character sets]: http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
-- @param text The text to convert.
diff --git a/core/.view.luadoc b/core/.view.luadoc
index 6913baa6..269c818d 100644
--- a/core/.view.luadoc
+++ b/core/.view.luadoc
@@ -15,29 +15,34 @@ module('view')
local buffer
--- Splits the given view vertically or horizontally and focuses the new view.
+-- Splits the view into top and bottom views, unless *vertical* is `true`,
+-- focuses the new view, and returns both the old and new views.
+-- If *vertical* is `false`, splits the view vertically into left and
+-- right views.
-- Emits a `VIEW_NEW` event.
-- @param view The view to split.
--- @param vertical Flag indicating a vertical split. The default value is
--- `false` for horizontal.
+-- @param vertical Optional flag indicating whether or not to split the view
+-- vertically. The default value is `false` for horizontal.
-- @return old view and new view.
-- @see events.VIEW_NEW
function split(view, vertical) end
--- Unsplits the given view if possible.
+-- Unsplits the view if possible, returning `true` on success.
-- @param view The view to unsplit.
-- @return boolean if the view was unsplit or not.
function unsplit(view) end
--- Goes to the specified buffer in the given view.
+-- Goes to buffer number *n* in the view.
+-- If *relative* is `true`, *n* is an index relative to the index of the current
+-- buffer in `_G._BUFFERS` instead of an absolute index.
-- @param view The view to switch buffers in.
-- @param n A relative or absolute buffer index in `_G._BUFFERS`. An absolute
-- index of `-1` goes to the last buffer.
--- @param relative Flag indicating if `n` is a relative index or not. The
--- default value is `false`.
+-- @param relative Optional flag indicating whether *n* is a relative or
+-- absolute index. The default value is `false` for an absolute index.
-- @see _G._G._BUFFERS
-- @see events.BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH
diff --git a/core/args.lua b/core/args.lua
index 1a410ba4..b7ddde8d 100644
--- a/core/args.lua
+++ b/core/args.lua
@@ -20,23 +20,26 @@ local arg = arg
local switches = {}
--- Registers a command line switch.
--- @param switch1 String switch (short version).
--- @param switch2 String switch (long version).
+-- Registers a command line switch with short and long versions *short* and
+-- *long*, respectively. *narg* is the number of arguments the switch accepts,
+-- *f* is the function called when the switch is tripped, and *description* is
+-- the switch's description when displaying help.
+-- @param short String short version of the switch.
+-- @param long String long version of the switch.
-- @param narg The number of expected parameters for the switch.
-- @param f The Lua function to run when the switch is tripped.
-- @param description Description of the switch for command line help.
-- @name register
-function M.register(switch1, switch2, narg, f, description)
+function M.register(short, long, narg, f, description)
local t = {f, narg, description}
- switches[switch1], switches[switch2] = t, t
+ switches[short], switches[long] = t, t
--- Processes command line arguments.
--- Add command line switches with `args.register()`. Any unrecognized arguments
--- are treated as filepaths and opened.
--- Emits an `'arg_none'` event when no args are present.
+-- Processes command line argument table *arg*, handling switches previously
+-- defined using `args.register()` and treating unrecognized arguments as
+-- filenames to open.
+-- Emits an `'arg_none'` event when no arguments are present.
-- @param arg Argument table.
-- @see register
-- @see events
diff --git a/core/events.lua b/core/events.lua
index 9139a30a..46ee8f6c 100644
--- a/core/events.lua
+++ b/core/events.lua
@@ -27,241 +27,233 @@ local M = {}
-- Called when Mac OSX tells Textadept to open a document.
-- Arguments:
--- * `uri`: The URI to open encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * _`uri`_: The UTF-8-encoded URI to open.
-- @field AUTO_C_CHAR_DELETED (string)
--- Called when the user deleted a character while the autocompletion list was
--- active.
+-- Called when deleting a character while the autocompletion list is active.
-- @field AUTO_C_RELEASE (string)
--- Called when the user has cancelled the autocompletion list.
+-- Called when canceling the autocompletion list.
-- @field AUTO_C_SELECTION (string)
--- Called when the user has selected an item in an autocompletion list and
--- before the selection is inserted.
+-- Called when selecting an item in the autocompletion list and before
+-- inserting the selection.
-- Automatic insertion can be cancelled by calling
-- [`buffer:auto_c_cancel()`][] before returning from the event handler.
-- Arguments:
--- * `text`: The text of the selection.
--- * `position`: The start position of the word being completed.
+-- * _`text`_: The text of the selection.
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer of the beginning of the
+-- autocompleted word.
-- @field BUFFER_AFTER_SWITCH (string)
--- Called right after a buffer is switched to.
--- This is emitted by [`view:goto_buffer()`][].
+-- Called right after switching to another buffer.
+-- Emitted by [`view:goto_buffer()`][].
-- @field BUFFER_BEFORE_SWITCH (string)
--- Called right before another buffer is switched to.
--- This is emitted by [`view:goto_buffer()`][].
+-- Called right before switching to another buffer.
+-- Emitted by [`view:goto_buffer()`][].
-- @field BUFFER_DELETED (string)
--- Called after a buffer was deleted.
--- This is emitted by [`buffer:delete()`][].
+-- Called after deleting a buffer.
+-- Emitted by [`buffer:delete()`][].
-- @field BUFFER_NEW (string)
--- Called when a new buffer is created.
--- This is emitted on startup and by [`new_buffer()`][].
+-- Called after creating a new buffer.
+-- Emitted on startup and by [`new_buffer()`][].
-- @field CALL_TIP_CLICK (string)
--- Called when the user clicks on a calltip.
+-- Called when clicking on a calltip.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: Set to 1 if the click is in an up arrow, 2 if in a down
--- arrow, and 0 if elsewhere.
+-- * _`position`_: `1` if the up arrow was clicked, 2 if the down arrow was
+-- clicked, and 0 otherwise.
-- @field CHAR_ADDED (string)
--- Called when an ordinary text character is added to the buffer.
+-- Called after adding an ordinary text character to the buffer.
-- Arguments:
--- * `ch`: The text character byte.
+-- * _`ch`_: The text character byte.
-- @field COMMAND_ENTRY_COMMAND (string)
--- Called when a command is entered into the Command Entry.
+-- Called to run the command entered into the Command Entry.
-- If any handler returns `true`, the Command Entry does not hide
-- automatically.
-- Arguments:
--- * `command`: The command text.
+-- * _`command`_: The command text.
-- @field COMMAND_ENTRY_KEYPRESS (string)
--- Called when a key is pressed in the Command Entry.
+-- Called when pressing a key in the Command Entry.
-- If any handler returns `true`, the key is not inserted into the entry.
-- Arguments:
--- * `code`: The key code.
--- * `shift`: The "Shift" modifier key is held down.
--- * `ctrl`: The "Control"/"Command" modifier key is held down.
--- * `alt`: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down.
--- * `meta`: The "Control" modifier key on Mac OSX is held down.
+-- * _`code`_: The numeric key code.
+-- * _`shift`_: The "Shift" modifier key is held down.
+-- * _`ctrl`_: The "Control"/"Command" modifier key is held down.
+-- * _`alt`_: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down.
+-- * _`meta`_: The "Control" modifier key on Mac OSX is held down.
-- @field DOUBLE_CLICK (string)
--- Called when the mouse button is double-clicked.
+-- Called after double-clicking the mouse button.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The text position of the double click.
--- * `line`: The line of the double click.
--- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero or
--- more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
--- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer double-clicked.
+-- * _`line`_: The line number double-clicked.
+-- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of modifier keys held down. Modifiers are
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
-- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as
-- *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
-- @field DWELL_END (string)
--- Called after a `DWELL_START` and the mouse is moved or other activity such
--- as key press indicates the dwell is over.
+-- Called after a `DWELL_START` when the mouse moves, a key is pressed, etc.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The nearest position in the document to the position where
--- the mouse pointer was lingering.
--- * `x`: Where the pointer lingered.
--- * `y`: Where the pointer lingered.
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer closest to *x* and *y*.
+-- * _`x`_: The x-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
+-- * _`y`_: The y-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
-- @field DWELL_START (string)
--- Called when the user keeps the mouse in one position for the dwell period
+-- Called after keeping the mouse stationary for the [dwell period][]
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The nearest position in the document to the position where
--- the mouse pointer was lingering.
--- * `x`: Where the pointer lingered.
--- * `y`: Where the pointer lingered.
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer closest to *x* and *y*.
+-- * _`x`_: The x-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
+-- * _`y`_: The y-coordinate of the mouse in the view.
-- @field ERROR (string)
-- Called when an error occurs.
-- Arguments:
--- * `text`: The error text.
+-- * _`text`_: The error text.
-- @field FIND (string)
--- Called when finding text via the Find dialog box.
+-- Called to find text via the Find dialog box.
-- Arguments:
--- * `text`: The text to search for.
--- * `next`: Search forward.
+-- * _`text`_: The text to search for.
+-- * _`next`_: Whether or not to search forward.
-- @field HOTSPOT_CLICK (string)
--- Called when the user clicks on text that is in a style with the hotspot
--- attribute set.
+-- Called when clicking on text that is in a style with the hotspot attribute
+-- set.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The text position of the click.
--- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero or
--- more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
--- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer clicked.
+-- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of modifier keys held down. Modifiers are
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
-- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as
-- *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
-- @field HOTSPOT_DOUBLE_CLICK (string)
--- Called when the user double clicks on text that is in a style with the
--- hotspot attribute set.
+-- Called when double-clicking on text that is in a style with the hotspot
+-- attribute set.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The text position of the double click.
--- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero or
--- more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
--- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer double-clicked.
+-- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of modifier keys held down. Modifiers are
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
-- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as
-- *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
-- @field HOTSPOT_RELEASE_CLICK (string)
--- Called when the user releases the mouse on text that is in a style with the
--- hotspot attribute set.
+-- Called after releasing the mouse after clicking on text that was in a style
+-- with the hotspot attribute set.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The text position of the release.
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer unclicked.
-- @field INDICATOR_CLICK (string)
--- Called when the user clicks the mouse on text that has an indicator.
+-- Called when clicking the mouse on text that has an indicator.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The text position of the click.
--- * `modifiers`: The key modifiers held down. It is a combination of zero or
--- more of `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`,
--- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer clicked.
+-- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of modifier keys held down. Modifiers are
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
-- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as
-- *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
-- @field INDICATOR_RELEASE (string)
--- Called when the user releases the mouse on text that has an indicator.
+-- Called after releasing the mouse after clicking on text that had an
+-- indicator.
-- Arguments:
--- * `position`: The text position of the release.
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer unclicked.
-- @field KEYPRESS (string)
--- Called when a key is pressed.
+-- Called when pressing a key.
-- If any handler returns `true`, the key is not inserted into the buffer.
-- Arguments:
--- * `code`: The key code.
--- * `shift`: The "Shift" modifier key is held down.
--- * `ctrl`: The "Control"/"Command" modifier key is held down.
--- * `alt`: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down.
--- * `meta`: The "Control" modifier key on Mac OSX is held down.
+-- * _`code`_: The numeric key code.
+-- * _`shift`_: The "Shift" modifier key is held down.
+-- * _`ctrl`_: The "Control"/"Command" modifier key is held down.
+-- * _`alt`_: The "Alt"/"Option" modifier key is held down.
+-- * _`meta`_: The "Control" modifier key on Mac OSX is held down.
-- @field MARGIN_CLICK (string)
--- Called when the mouse is clicked inside a margin.
+-- Called when clicking the mouse inside a margin.
-- Arguments:
--- * `margin`: The margin number that was clicked.
--- * `position`: The position of the start of the line in the buffer that
--- corresponds to the margin click.
--- * `modifiers`: The appropriate combination of
--- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_SHIFT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_CTRL`,
--- and `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCI_ALT` to indicate the keys that were held
--- down at the time of the margin click.
+-- * _`margin`_: The margin number clicked.
+-- * _`position`_: The position of the start of the line in the buffer whose
+-- margin line was clicked.
+-- * _`modifiers`_: A bit-mask of modifier keys held down. Modifiers are
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_ALT`, `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`,
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_SHIFT`, and
+-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_META`.
-- Note: If you set `buffer.rectangular_selection_modifier` to
-- `_SCINTILLA.constants.SCMOD_CTRL`, the "Control" modifier is reported as
-- *both* "Control" and "Alt" due to a Scintilla limitation with GTK+.
-- @field MENU_CLICKED (string)
--- Called when a menu item is selected.
+-- Called after selecting a menu item.
-- Arguments:
--- * `menu_id`: The numeric ID of the menu item set in [`gui.menu()`][].
+-- * _`menu_id`_: The numeric ID of the menu item set in [`gui.menu()`][].
-- @field QUIT (string)
-- Called when quitting Textadept.
-- When connecting to this event, connect with an index of 1 or the handler
-- will be ignored.
--- This is emitted by [`quit()`][].
+-- Emitted by [`quit()`][].
-- @field REPLACE (string)
-- Called to replace selected (found) text.
-- Arguments:
--- * `text`: The text to replace selected text with.
+-- * _`text`_: The text to replace the selected text with.
-- @field REPLACE_ALL (string)
--- Called to replace all occurances of found text.
+-- Called to replace all occurrences of found text.
-- Arguments:
--- * `find_text`: The text to search for.
--- * `repl_text`: The text to replace found text with.
+-- * _`find_text`_: The text to search for.
+-- * _`repl_text`_: The text to replace found text with.
-- @field RESET_AFTER (string)
-- Called after resetting the Lua state.
--- This is emitted by [`reset()`][].
+-- Emitted by [`reset()`][].
-- @field RESET_BEFORE (string)
-- Called before resetting the Lua state.
--- This is emitted by [`reset()`][].
+-- Emitted by [`reset()`][].
-- @field SAVE_POINT_LEFT (string)
--- Called when a save point is left.
+-- Called after leaving a save point.
-- @field SAVE_POINT_REACHED (string)
--- Called when a save point is entered.
+-- Called after reaching a save point.
-- @field UPDATE_UI (string)
--- Called when either the text or styling of the buffer has changed or the
--- selection range has changed.
+-- Called when the text, styling, or selection range in the buffer changes.
-- @field URI_DROPPED (string)
--- Called when the user has dragged a URI such as a file name onto the view.
+-- Called after dragging and dropping a URI such as a file name onto the view.
-- Arguments:
--- * `text`: The URI text encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * _`text`_: The UTF-8-encoded URI text.
-- @field USER_LIST_SELECTION (string)
--- Called when the user has selected an item in a user list.
+-- Called after selecting an item in a user list.
-- Arguments:
--- * `list_type`: This is set to the list_type parameter from the
--- [`buffer:user_list_show()`][] call that initiated the list.
--- * `text`: The text of the selection.
--- * `position`: The position the list was displayed at.
+-- * _`list_type`_: The *list_type* from [`buffer:user_list_show()`][].
+-- * _`text`_: The text of the selection.
+-- * _`position`_: The position in the buffer the list was displayed at.
-- @field VIEW_NEW (string)
--- Called when a new view is created.
--- This is emitted on startup and by [`view:split()`][].
+-- Called after creating a new view.
+-- Emitted on startup and by [`view:split()`][].
-- @field VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH (string)
--- Called right before another view is switched to.
--- This is emitted by [`gui.goto_view()`][].
+-- Called right before switching to another view.
+-- Emitted by [`gui.goto_view()`][].
-- @field VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH (string)
--- Called right after another view is switched to.
--- This is emitted by [`gui.goto_view()`][].
+-- Called right after switching to another view.
+-- Emitted by [`gui.goto_view()`][].
-- [`buffer:auto_c_cancel()`]: buffer.html#auto_c_cancel
-- [`view:goto_buffer()`]: view.html#goto_buffer
-- [`new_buffer()`]: _G.html#new_buffer
-- [`buffer:delete()`]: buffer.html#delete
+-- [dwell period]: buffer.html#mouse_dwell_time
-- [`gui.menu()`]: gui.html#menu
-- [`quit()`]: _G.html#quit
-- [`reset()`]: _G.html#reset
@@ -271,18 +263,19 @@ local M = {}
--- A table of event names and a table of functions connected to them.
+-- Map of event names with tables of the functions connected to them.
-- @class table
-- @name handlers
M.handlers = {}
--- Adds a handler function to an event.
--- @param event The string event name. It is arbitrary and does not need to be
--- defined previously.
+-- Adds function *f* to the set of event handlers for *event* at position
+-- *index*, returning a handler ID for *f*. *event* is an arbitrary event name
+-- that does not need to have been previously defined.
+-- @param event The string event name.
-- @param f The Lua function to add.
-- @param index Optional index to insert the handler into.
--- @return Index of handler.
+-- @return handler ID.
-- @usage events.connect('my_event', function(msg) gui.print(msg) end)
-- @see disconnect
-- @name connect
@@ -295,25 +288,28 @@ function M.connect(event, f, index)
--- Disconnects a handler function from an event.
+-- Removes handler ID *id*, returned by `events.connect()`, from the set of
+-- event handlers for *event*.
-- @param event The string event name.
--- @param index Index of the handler returned by `events.connect()`.
+-- @param id ID of the handler returned by `events.connect()`.
-- @see connect
-- @name disconnect
-function M.disconnect(event, index)
+function M.disconnect(event, id)
if not M.handlers[event] then return end
- table.remove(M.handlers[event], index)
+ table.remove(M.handlers[event], id)
local error_emitted = false
--- Calls all handlers for the given event in sequence.
--- If `true` or `false` is explicitly returned by any handler, the event is not
--- propagated any further; iteration ceases. This is useful if you want to stop
--- the propagation of an event like a keypress.
--- @param event The string event name. It is arbitrary and does not need to be
--- defined previously.
+-- Sequentially calls all handler functions for *event* with the given
+-- arguments.
+-- *event* is an arbitrary event name that does not need to have been previously
+-- defined. If any handler explicitly returns `true` or `false`, the event is
+-- not propagated any further, iteration ceases, and `emit()` returns that
+-- value. This is useful for stopping the propagation of an event like a
+-- keypress after it has been handled.
+-- @param event The string event name.
-- @param ... Arguments passed to the handler.
-- @return `true` or `false` if any handler explicitly returned such; `nil`
-- otherwise.
diff --git a/core/file_io.lua b/core/file_io.lua
index 3af44694..6d858d81 100644
--- a/core/file_io.lua
+++ b/core/file_io.lua
@@ -25,33 +25,33 @@
-- [`string.iconv()`]: string.html#iconv
-- [`_CHARSET`]: _G.html#_CHARSET
-- @field _G.events.FILE_OPENED (string)
--- Called when a file is opened in a new buffer.
--- This is emitted by [`open_file()`](#open_file)
+-- Called when opening a file in a new buffer.
+-- Emitted by [`open_file()`](#open_file).
-- Arguments:
--- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
-- @field _G.events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE (string)
--- Called right before a file is saved to disk.
--- This is emitted by [`buffer:save()`][]
+-- Called right before saving a file to disk.
+-- Emitted by [`buffer:save()`][].
-- Arguments:
--- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
-- [`buffer:save()`]: buffer.html#save
-- @field _G.events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE (string)
--- Called right after a file is saved to disk.
--- This is emitted by [`buffer:save()`][]
+-- Called right after saving a file to disk.
+-- Emitted by [`buffer:save()`][].
-- Arguments:
--- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
-- [`buffer:save()`]: buffer.html#save
-- @field _G.events.FILE_SAVED_AS (string)
--- Called when a file is saved under a different filename.
--- This is emitted by [`buffer:save_as()`][]
+-- Called after saving a file under a different filename.
+-- Emitted by [`buffer:save_as()`][].
-- Arguments:
--- * `filename`: The filename encoded in UTF-8.
+-- * _`filename`_: The UTF-8-encoded filename.
-- [`buffer:save_as()`]: buffer.html#save_as
@@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ events.FILE_AFTER_SAVE = 'file_after_save'
events.FILE_SAVED_AS = 'file_saved_as'
--- List of recently opened files.
--- The most recent are towards the top.
+-- List of recently opened files, the most recent being towards the top.
-- @class table
-- @name recent_files
io.recent_files = {}
@@ -109,19 +108,41 @@ end
-- List of encodings to try to decode files as.
-- You should add to this list if you get a "Conversion failed" error when
-- trying to open a file whose encoding is not recognized. Valid encodings are
--- [GNU iconv's encodings][].
+-- [GNU iconv's encodings][] and include:
+-- * European: ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16}, KOI8-R, KOI8-U,
+-- KOI8-RU, CP{1250,1251,1252,1253,1254,1257}, CP{850,866,1131},
+-- Mac{Roman,CentralEurope,Iceland,Croatian,Romania},
+-- Mac{Cyrillic,Ukraine,Greek,Turkish}, Macintosh.
+-- * Semitic: ISO-8859-{6,8}, CP{1255,1256}, CP862, Mac{Hebrew,Arabic}.
+-- * Japanese: EUC-JP, SHIFT_JIS, CP932, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2,
+-- ISO-2022-JP-1.
+-- * Chinese: EUC-CN, HZ, GBK, CP936, GB18030, EUC-TW, BIG5, CP950,
+-- BIG5-HKSCS, BIG5-HKSCS:2004, BIG5-HKSCS:2001, BIG5-HKSCS:1999,
+-- ISO-2022-CN, ISO-2022-CN-EXT.
+-- * Korean: EUC-KR, CP949, ISO-2022-KR, JOHAB.
+-- * Armenian: ARMSCII-8.
+-- * Georgian: Georgian-Academy, Georgian-PS.
+-- * Tajik: KOI8-T.
+-- * Kazakh: PT154, RK1048.
+-- * Thai: ISO-8859-11, TIS-620, CP874, MacThai.
+-- * Laotian: MuleLao-1, CP1133.
+-- * Vietnamese: VISCII, TCVN, CP1258.
+-- * Unicode: UTF-8, UCS-2, UCS-2BE, UCS-2LE, UCS-4, UCS-4BE, UCS-4LE, UTF-16,
+-- UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-7, C99, JAVA.
-- [GNU iconv's encodings]: http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/
+-- @usage io.try_encodings[#io.try_encodings + 1] = 'UTF-16'
-- @class table
-- @name try_encodings
io.try_encodings = {'UTF-8', 'ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'MacRoman'}
--- Opens a list of files.
+-- Opens *utf8_filenames*, a "\n" delimited string of UTF-8-encoded filenames,
+-- or user-selected files.
-- Emits a `FILE_OPENED` event.
--- @param utf8_filenames A "\n" separated list of UTF-8-encoded filenames to
--- open. If `nil`, the user is prompted with a fileselect dialog.
--- @usage io.open_file(utf8_encoded_filename)
+-- @param utf8_filenames Optional list of filenames to open. If `nil`, the user
+-- is prompted with a fileselect dialog.
-- @see _G.events
-- @name open_file
function io.open_file(utf8_filenames)
@@ -276,8 +297,7 @@ local function save_as(buffer, utf8_filename)
--- Saves all dirty buffers to their respective files.
--- @usage io.save_all()
+-- Saves all unsaved buffers to their respective files.
-- @see buffer.save
-- @name save_all
function io.save_all()
@@ -308,10 +328,9 @@ local function close(buffer)
--- Closes all open buffers.
--- If any buffer is dirty, the user is prompted to continue. No buffers are
--- saved automatically. They must be saved manually.
--- @usage io.close_all()
+-- Closes all open buffers, prompting the user to continue with unsaved buffers,
+-- and returning `true` if the user did not cancel.
+-- No buffers are saved automatically. They must be saved manually.
-- @return `true` if user did not cancel.
-- @see buffer.close
-- @name close_all
diff --git a/core/gui.lua b/core/gui.lua
index 635ea7d6..9d86f8f8 100644
--- a/core/gui.lua
+++ b/core/gui.lua
@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ local gui = gui
--[[ This comment is for LuaDoc.
--- Utilities for Textadept's user interface.
+-- Utilities for interacting with Textadept's user interface.
-- @field title (string, Write-only)
-- The title of the Textadept window.
-- @field context_menu
--- A [`gui.menu`](#menu) defining the editor's context menu.
+-- The editor's context menu, a [`gui.menu()`](#menu).
+-- This is a low-level field. You probably want to use the higher-level
+-- `_M.textadept.menu.set_contextmenu()`.
-- @field clipboard_text (string, Read-only)
-- The text on the clipboard.
-- @field statusbar_text (string, Write-only)
@@ -65,15 +67,19 @@ function gui._print(buffer_type, ...) pcall(_print, buffer_type, ...) end
function gui.print(...) gui._print(_L['[Message Buffer]'], ...) end
--- Shortcut function for `gui.dialog('filteredlist', ...)` with "Ok" and
--- "Cancel" buttons.
+-- Convenience function for `gui.dialog('filteredlist', ...)` with "Ok" and
+-- "Cancel" buttons that returns the text or index of the selection depending on
+-- the boolean value of *int_return*.
+-- *title* is the title of the dialog,*columns* is a list of column names, and
+-- *items* is a list of items to show.
-- @param title The title for the filtered list dialog.
-- @param columns A column name or list of column names.
-- @param items An item or list of items.
--- @param int_return If `true`, returns the integer index of the selected item
--- in the filtered list and is not compatible with the `'--select-multiple'`
--- option. The default value is `false`, which returns the string item(s).
--- @param ... Additional parameters to pass to `gui.dialog()`.
+-- @param int_return Optional flag indicating whether to return the integer
+-- index of the selected item in the filtered list or the string selected
+-- item. A `true` value is not compatible with the `'--select-multiple'`
+-- option. The default value is `false`.
+-- @param ... Optional additional parameters to pass to `gui.dialog()`.
-- @return Either a string or integer on success; `nil` otherwise. In strings,
-- multiple items are separated by newlines.
-- @usage gui.filteredlist('Title', 'Foo', {'Bar', 'Baz'})
@@ -99,8 +105,7 @@ function gui.filteredlist(title, columns, items, int_return, ...)
--- Displays a dialog with a list of buffers to switch to and switches to the
--- selected one, if any.
+-- Prompts the user to select a buffer to switch to.
-- @name switch_buffer
function gui.switch_buffer()
local columns, items = {_L['Name'], _L['File']}, {}
@@ -116,20 +121,22 @@ function gui.switch_buffer()
--- Goes to the buffer with the given filename.
--- If the desired buffer is open in a view, goes to that view. Otherwise, opens
--- the buffer in either the `preferred_view` if given, the first view that is
--- not the current one, a split view if `split` is `true`, or the current view.
+-- Goes to the buffer whose filename is *filename* in an existing view,
+-- otherwise splitting the current view if *split* is `true` or going to the
+-- next or *preferred_view* view instead of staying in the current one.
+-- If *sloppy* is `true`, only the last part of *filename* is matched to a
+-- buffer's `filename`.
-- @param filename The filename of the buffer to go to.
--- @param split If there is only one view, split it and open the buffer in the
--- other view.
--- @param preferred_view When multiple views exist and the desired buffer is not
--- open in any of them, open it in this one.
--- @param sloppy Flag indicating whether or not to not match `filename` to
--- `buffer.filename` exactly. When `true`, matches `filename` to only the last
--- part of `buffer.filename` This is useful for run and compile commands which
--- output relative filenames and paths instead of full ones and it is likely
--- that the file in question is already open. The default value is `false`.
+-- @param split Optional flag indicating whether or not to open the buffer in a
+-- split view if there is only one view. The default value is `false`.
+-- @param preferred_view Optional view to open the desired buffer in if the
+-- buffer is not visible in any other view.
+-- @param sloppy Optional flag indicating whether or not to not match `filename`
+-- to `buffer.filename` exactly. When `true`, matches `filename` to only the
+-- last part of `buffer.filename` This is useful for run and compile commands
+-- which output relative filenames and paths instead of full ones and it is
+-- likely that the file in question is already open. The default value is
+-- `false`.
-- @name goto_file
function gui.goto_file(filename, split, preferred_view, sloppy)
local patt = not sloppy and '^'..filename..'$' or filename..'$'
@@ -152,15 +159,15 @@ end
local theme_file = not NCURSES and 'theme' or 'theme_term'
local THEME
--- Sets the editor theme from the given name.
--- Themes with the given name in the *`_USERHOME`/themes/* directory override
--- themes of the same name in *`_HOME`/themes/*. If the name contains slashes
--- ('\' on Windows, '/' otherwise), it is assumed to be an absolute path to a
--- theme instead of a theme name. An error is thrown if the theme is not found.
--- Any errors in the theme are printed to `io.stderr`. Running Textadept from a
+-- Sets the editor theme name to *name* or the default platform theme.
+-- Themes with *name* in the *`_USERHOME`/themes/* directory override themes of
+-- the same name in *`_HOME`/themes/*. If *name* contains slashes ('\' on
+-- Windows, '/' otherwise), it is assumed to be an absolute path to a theme
+-- instead of a theme name. An error is thrown if the theme is not found. Any
+-- errors in the theme are printed to `io.stderr`. Running Textadept from a
-- terminal is the easiest way to see errors as they occur.
--- @param name The name or absolute path of a theme. If `nil`, sets the default
--- theme.
+-- @param name Optional name or absolute path of a theme. If `nil`, sets the
+-- default platform theme.
-- @name set_theme
function gui.set_theme(name)
if not name then
@@ -213,9 +220,8 @@ function gui.set_theme(name)
--- Prompts the user to select an editor theme from a filtered list dialog.
--- Themes in the *`_HOME`/themes/* and *`_USERHOME`/themes/* directories are
--- listed.
+-- Prompts the user to select an editor theme from a list of themes found in the
+-- *`_HOME`/themes/* and *`_USERHOME`/themes/* directories.
-- @name select_theme
function gui.select_theme()
local themes, themes_found = {}, {}
@@ -444,10 +450,10 @@ local size
The functions below are Lua C functions.
--- Displays a [gtdialog][1] of a specified type with the given string arguments.
--- Each argument is like a string in Lua's `arg` table. Tables of strings are
--- allowed as arguments and are expanded in place. This is useful for
--- filtered list dialogs with many items.
+-- Displays a *kind* [gtdialog][1] with the given string arguments to pass to
+-- the dialog and returns a formatted string of the dialog's output.
+-- Table arguments containing strings are allowed and expanded in place. This is
+-- useful for filtered list dialogs with many items.
-- For more information on gtdialog, see [http://foicica.com/gtdialog][1].
-- [1]: http://foicica.com/gtdialog
@@ -459,7 +465,7 @@ The functions below are Lua C functions.
local dialog
--- Gets the current split view structure.
+-- Returns the current split view structure.
-- This is primarily used in session saving.
-- @return table of split views. Each split view entry is a table with 4
-- fields: `1`, `2`, `vertical`, and `size`. `1` and `2` have values of either
@@ -471,11 +477,13 @@ local dialog
local get_split_table
--- Goes to the specified view.
+-- Goes to view number *n*.
+-- If *relative* is `true`, *n* is an index relative to the index of the current
+-- view in `_G._VIEWS` instead of an absolute index.
-- @param n A relative or absolute view index in `_G._VIEWS`.
--- @param relative Flag indicating if n is a relative index or not. The default
--- value is `false`.
+-- @param relative Optional flag indicating whether *n* is a relative or
+-- absolute index. The default value is `false` for an absolute index.
-- @see _G._G._VIEWS
-- @see events.VIEW_BEFORE_SWITCH
-- @see events.VIEW_AFTER_SWITCH
@@ -484,10 +492,11 @@ local get_split_table
local goto_view
--- Creates a menu, returning the userdata.
--- This is a low-level function. You probably want to use the higher-level
--- `_M.textadept.menu.set_menubar()` or `_M.textadept.menu.set_contextmenu()`
--- functions. Emits a `MENU_CLICKED` event when a menu item is selected.
+-- Low-level function for creating a menu from table *menu_table* and returning
+-- the userdata.
+-- You probably want to use the higher-level `_M.textadept.menu.set_menubar()`
+-- or `_M.textadept.menu.set_contextmenu()` functions. Emits a `MENU_CLICKED`
+-- event when a menu item is selected.
-- @param menu_table A table defining the menu. It is an ordered list of tables
-- with a string menu item, integer menu ID, and optional GDK keycode and
-- modifier mask. The latter two are used to display key shortcuts in the
diff --git a/core/iface.lua b/core/iface.lua
index d71f7db7..decc97b0 100644
--- a/core/iface.lua
+++ b/core/iface.lua
@@ -10,22 +10,20 @@ local M = {}
--- Scintilla constants.
--- Each key is a Scintilla constant with its associated numeric value.
+-- Map of Scintilla constant names to their numeric values.
-- @class table
-- @name constants
--- Scintilla functions.
--- Each key is a Scintilla function name with a table value containing its ID,
--- return type, wParam type, and lParam type. Types are as follows:
+-- Map of Scintilla function names to tables containing their IDs, return types,
+-- wParam types, and lParam types. Types are as follows:
-- + `0`: Void.
-- + `1`: Integer.
-- + `2`: Length of the given lParam string.
-- + `3`: Integer position.
--- + `4`: Colour in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- + `4`: Color, in "0xBBGGRR" format.
-- + `5`: Boolean `true` or `false`.
-- + `6`: Bitmask of Scintilla key modifiers and a key value.
-- + `7`: String parameter.
M.functions = {add_ref_document={2376,0,0,1},add_selection={2573,1,1,1},add_styled_text={2002,0,2,9},add_text={2001,0,2,7},add_undo_action={2560,0,1,1},allocate={2446,0,1,0},annotation_clear_all={2547,0,0,0},append_text={2282,0,2,7},assign_cmd_key={2070,0,6,1},auto_c_active={2102,5,0,0},auto_c_cancel={2101,0,0,0},auto_c_complete={2104,0,0,0},auto_c_pos_start={2103,3,0,0},auto_c_select={2108,0,0,7},auto_c_show={2100,0,1,7},auto_c_stops={2105,0,0,7},back_tab={2328,0,0,0},begin_undo_action={2078,0,0,0},brace_bad_light={2352,0,3,0},brace_bad_light_indicator={2499,0,5,1},brace_highlight={2351,0,3,3},brace_highlight_indicator={2498,0,5,1},brace_match={2353,3,3,0},call_tip_active={2202,5,0,0},call_tip_cancel={2201,0,0,0},call_tip_pos_start={2203,3,0,0},call_tip_set_hlt={2204,0,1,1},call_tip_show={2200,0,3,7},can_paste={2173,5,0,0},can_redo={2016,5,0,0},can_undo={2174,5,0,0},cancel={2325,0,0,0},change_lexer_state={2617,1,3,3},char_left={2304,0,0,0},char_left_extend={2305,0,0,0},char_left_rect_extend={2428,0,0,0},char_position_from_point={2561,3,1,1},char_position_from_point_close={2562,3,1,1},char_right={2306,0,0,0},char_right_extend={2307,0,0,0},char_right_rect_extend={2429,0,0,0},choose_caret_x={2399,0,0,0},clear={2180,0,0,0},clear_all={2004,0,0,0},clear_all_cmd_keys={2072,0,0,0},clear_cmd_key={2071,0,6,0},clear_document_style={2005,0,0,0},clear_registered_images={2408,0,0,0},clear_selections={2571,0,0,0},colourise={4003,0,3,3},contracted_fold_next={2618,1,1,0},convert_eo_ls={2029,0,1,0},copy={2178,0,0,0},copy_allow_line={2519,0,0,0},copy_range={2419,0,3,3},copy_text={2420,0,2,7},count_characters={2633,1,1,1},create_document={2375,1,0,0},create_loader={2632,1,1,0},cut={2177,0,0,0},del_line_left={2395,0,0,0},del_line_right={2396,0,0,0},del_word_left={2335,0,0,0},del_word_right={2336,0,0,0},del_word_right_end={2518,0,0,0},delete_back={2326,0,0,0},delete_back_not_line={2344,0,0,0},delete_range={2645,0,3,1},describe_key_word_sets={4017,1,0,8},describe_property={4016,1,7,8},doc_line_from_visible={2221,1,1,0},document_end={2318,0,0,0},document_end_extend={2319,0,0,0},document_start={2316,0,0,0},document_start_extend={2317,0,0,0},edit_toggle_overtype={2324,0,0,0},empty_undo_buffer={2175,0,0,0},encoded_from_utf8={2449,1,7,8},end_undo_action={2079,0,0,0},ensure_visible={2232,0,1,0},ensure_visible_enforce_policy={2234,0,1,0},find_column={2456,1,1,1},find_indicator_flash={2641,0,3,3},find_indicator_hide={2642,0,0,0},find_indicator_show={2640,0,3,3},find_text={2150,3,1,11},form_feed={2330,0,0,0},format_range={2151,3,5,12},get_cur_line={2027,1,2,8},get_hotspot_active_back={2495,4,0,0},get_hotspot_active_fore={2494,4,0,0},get_last_child={2224,1,1,1},get_line={2153,1,1,8},get_line_sel_end_position={2425,3,1,0},get_line_sel_start_position={2424,3,1,0},get_range_pointer={2643,1,1,1},get_sel_text={2161,1,0,8},get_styled_text={2015,1,0,10},get_text={2182,1,2,8},get_text_range={2162,1,0,10},goto_line={2024,0,1,0},goto_pos={2025,0,3,0},grab_focus={2400,0,0,0},hide_lines={2227,0,1,1},hide_selection={2163,0,5,0},home={2312,0,0,0},home_display={2345,0,0,0},home_display_extend={2346,0,0,0},home_extend={2313,0,0,0},home_rect_extend={2430,0,0,0},home_wrap={2349,0,0,0},home_wrap_extend={2450,0,0,0},indicator_all_on_for={2506,1,1,0},indicator_clear_range={2505,0,1,1},indicator_end={2509,1,1,1},indicator_fill_range={2504,0,1,1},indicator_start={2508,1,1,1},indicator_value_at={2507,1,1,1},insert_text={2003,0,3,7},line_copy={2455,0,0,0},line_cut={2337,0,0,0},line_delete={2338,0,0,0},line_down={2300,0,0,0},line_down_extend={2301,0,0,0},line_down_rect_extend={2426,0,0,0},line_duplicate={2404,0,0,0},line_end={2314,0,0,0},line_end_display={2347,0,0,0},line_end_display_extend={2348,0,0,0},line_end_extend={2315,0,0,0},line_end_rect_extend={2432,0,0,0},line_end_wrap={2451,0,0,0},line_end_wrap_extend={2452,0,0,0},line_from_position={2166,1,3,0},line_length={2350,1,1,0},line_scroll={2168,0,1,1},line_scroll_down={2342,0,0,0},line_scroll_up={2343,0,0,0},line_transpose={2339,0,0,0},line_up={2302,0,0,0},line_up_extend={2303,0,0,0},line_up_rect_extend={2427,0,0,0},lines_join={2288,0,0,0},lines_split={2289,0,1,0},load_lexer_library={4007,0,0,7},lower_case={2340,0,0,0},margin_text_clear_all={2536,0,0,0},marker_add={2043,1,1,1},marker_add_set={2466,0,1,1},marker_define={2040,0,1,1},marker_define_pixmap={2049,0,1,7},marker_define_rgba_image={2626,0,1,7},marker_delete={2044,0,1,1},marker_delete_all={2045,0,1,0},marker_delete_handle={2018,0,1,0},marker_enable_highlight={2293,0,5,0},marker_get={2046,1,1,0},marker_line_from_handle={2017,1,1,0},marker_next={2047,1,1,1},marker_previous={2048,1,1,1},marker_symbol_defined={2529,1,1,0},move_caret_inside_view={2401,0,0,0},move_selected_lines_down={2621,0,0,0},move_selected_lines_up={2620,0,0,0},new_line={2329,0,0,0},null={2172,0,0,0},page_down={2322,0,0,0},page_down_extend={2323,0,0,0},page_down_rect_extend={2434,0,0,0},page_up={2320,0,0,0},page_up_extend={2321,0,0,0},page_up_rect_extend={2433,0,0,0},para_down={2413,0,0,0},para_down_extend={2414,0,0,0},para_up={2415,0,0,0},para_up_extend={2416,0,0,0},paste={2179,0,0,0},point_x_from_position={2164,1,0,3},point_y_from_position={2165,1,0,3},position_after={2418,3,3,0},position_before={2417,3,3,0},position_from_line={2167,3,1,0},position_from_point={2022,3,1,1},position_from_point_close={2023,3,1,1},private_lexer_call={4013,1,1,1},property_names={4014,1,0,8},property_type={4015,1,7,0},redo={2011,0,0,0},register_image={2405,0,1,7},register_rgba_image={2627,0,1,7},release_document={2377,0,0,1},replace_sel={2170,0,0,7},replace_target={2194,1,2,7},replace_target_re={2195,1,2,7},rotate_selection={2606,0,0,0},scroll_caret={2169,0,0,0},scroll_to_end={2629,0,0,0},scroll_to_start={2628,0,0,0},search_anchor={2366,0,0,0},search_in_target={2197,1,2,7},search_next={2367,1,1,7},search_prev={2368,1,1,7},select_all={2013,0,0,0},selection_duplicate={2469,0,0,0},set_chars_default={2444,0,0,0},set_empty_selection={2556,0,3,0},set_fold_margin_colour={2290,0,5,4},set_fold_margin_hi_colour={2291,0,5,4},set_hotspot_active_back={2411,0,5,4},set_hotspot_active_fore={2410,0,5,4},set_length_for_encode={2448,0,1,0},set_save_point={2014,0,0,0},set_sel={2160,0,3,3},set_sel_back={2068,0,5,4},set_sel_fore={2067,0,5,4},set_selection={2572,1,1,1},set_styling={2033,0,2,1},set_styling_ex={2073,0,2,7},set_text={2181,0,0,7},set_visible_policy={2394,0,1,1},set_whitespace_back={2085,0,5,4},set_whitespace_fore={2084,0,5,4},set_x_caret_policy={2402,0,1,1},set_y_caret_policy={2403,0,1,1},show_lines={2226,0,1,1},start_record={3001,0,0,0},start_styling={2032,0,3,1},stop_record={3002,0,0,0},stuttered_page_down={2437,0,0,0},stuttered_page_down_extend={2438,0,0,0},stuttered_page_up={2435,0,0,0},stuttered_page_up_extend={2436,0,0,0},style_clear_all={2050,0,0,0},style_reset_default={2058,0,0,0},swap_main_anchor_caret={2607,0,0,0},tab={2327,0,0,0},target_as_utf8={2447,1,0,8},target_from_selection={2287,0,0,0},text_height={2279,1,1,0},text_width={2276,1,1,7},toggle_caret_sticky={2459,0,0,0},toggle_fold={2231,0,1,0},undo={2176,0,0,0},upper_case={2341,0,0,0},use_pop_up={2371,0,5,0},user_list_show={2117,0,1,7},vc_home={2331,0,0,0},vc_home_display={2652,0,0,0},vc_home_display_extend={2653,0,0,0},vc_home_extend={2332,0,0,0},vc_home_rect_extend={2431,0,0,0},vc_home_wrap={2453,0,0,0},vc_home_wrap_extend={2454,0,0,0},vertical_centre_caret={2619,0,0,0},visible_from_doc_line={2220,1,1,0},word_end_position={2267,1,3,5},word_left={2308,0,0,0},word_left_end={2439,0,0,0},word_left_end_extend={2440,0,0,0},word_left_extend={2309,0,0,0},word_part_left={2390,0,0,0},word_part_left_extend={2391,0,0,0},word_part_right={2392,0,0,0},word_part_right_extend={2393,0,0,0},word_right={2310,0,0,0},word_right_end={2441,0,0,0},word_right_end_extend={2442,0,0,0},word_right_extend={2311,0,0,0},word_start_position={2266,1,3,5},wrap_count={2235,1,1,0},zoom_in={2333,0,0,0},zoom_out={2334,0,0,0}}
--- Scintilla properties.
--- Each key is a Scintilla property name with a table value containing the ID of
--- its "get" function, the ID of its "set" function, its return type, and its
--- wParam type. The wParam type will be non-zero if the property is an indexable
--- property. Types are the same as in the `functions` table.
+-- Map of Scintilla property names to table values containing their "get"
+-- function IDs, "set" function IDs, return types, and wParam types.
+-- The wParam type will be non-zero if the property is indexable.
+-- Types are the same as in the `functions` table.
-- @see functions
-- @class table
-- @name properties
@@ -48,7 +45,7 @@ M.properties = {additional_caret_fore={2605,2604,4,0},additional_carets_blink={2
local marker_number, indic_number, list_type = -1, 7, 0
--- Returns a unique marker number.
+-- Returns a unique marker number for use with `buffer.marker_define()`.
-- Use this function for custom markers in order to prevent clashes with
-- identifiers of other custom markers.
-- @usage local marknum = _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number()
@@ -60,7 +57,7 @@ function M.next_marker_number()
--- Returns a unique indicator number.
+-- Returns a unique indicator number for use with custom indicators.
-- Use this function for custom indicators in order to prevent clashes with
-- identifiers of other custom indicators.
-- @usage local indic_num = _SCINTILLA.next_indic_number()
@@ -72,7 +69,7 @@ function M.next_indic_number()
--- Returns a unique user list type.
+-- Returns a unique user list type for use with `buffer.user_list_show()`.
-- Use this function for custom user lists in order to prevent clashes with
-- list identifiers of other custom user lists.
-- @usage local list_type = _SCINTILLA.next_user_list_type()
diff --git a/core/init.lua b/core/init.lua
index e0efd459..8ac2dade 100644
--- a/core/init.lua
+++ b/core/init.lua
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ _M = {} -- modules table
-- Extends Lua's _G table to provide extra functions and fields for Textadept.
-- @field _HOME (string)
--- Path to the directory containing Textadept.
+-- The path to the directory containing Textadept.
-- @field _LEXERPATH (string)
--- Paths to lexers, formatted like [`package.path`][].
+-- The paths to lexers, formatted like Lua's [`package.path`][].
-- [`package.path`]: http://lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-package.path
-- @field _RELEASE (string)
--- The Textadept release version.
+-- The Textadept release version string.
-- @field _USERHOME (string)
--- Path to the user's *~/.textadept/*, where all preferences and user-data is
--- stored.
+-- The path to the user's *~/.textadept/* directory, where all preferences and
+-- user-data is stored.
-- On Windows machines *~/* is the value of the "USERHOME" environment
-- variable, typically *C:\Users\username\\* or
-- *C:\Documents and Settings\username\\*. On Linux, BSD, and Mac OSX
@@ -53,16 +53,12 @@ _M = {} -- modules table
-- ncurses feature incompatibilities are listed in the [Appendix][].
-- [Appendix]: ../14_Appendix.html#Ncurses.Compatibility
--- @field buffer The current [buffer][] in the current [view](#view).
--- [buffer]: buffer.html
--- @field view The currently focused [view](view.html).
--[[ The tables below were defined in C.
--- Command line parameters passed to Textadept.
+-- Table of command line parameters passed to Textadept.
-- @class table
-- @see _G.args
-- @name arg
@@ -73,8 +69,8 @@ local arg
-- Numeric keys have buffer values and buffer keys have their associated numeric
-- keys.
-- @class table
--- @usage _BUFFERS[1] contains the first buffer.
--- @usage _BUFFERS[buffer] returns the index of the current buffer in _BUFFERS.
+-- @usage _BUFFERS[n] --> buffer at index n
+-- @usage _BUFFERS[buffer] --> index of buffer in _BUFFERS
-- @see _G.buffer
-- @name _BUFFERS
local _BUFFERS
@@ -84,16 +80,28 @@ local _BUFFERS
-- Numeric keys have view values and view keys have their associated numeric
-- keys.
-- @class table
--- @usage _VIEWS[1] contains the first view.
--- @usage _VIEWS[view] returns the index of the current view in _VIEWS.
+-- @usage _VIEWS[n] --> view at index n
+-- @usage _VIEWS[view] --> index of view in _VIEWS
-- @see _G.view
-- @name _VIEWS
local _VIEWS
+-- The current [buffer](buffer.html) in the current [view](#view).
+-- @class table
+-- @name buffer
+local buffer
+-- The currently focused [view](view.html).
+-- @class table
+-- @name view
+local view
-- The functions below are Lua C functions.
--- Creates a new buffer.
+-- Creates and returns a new buffer.
-- Emits a `BUFFER_NEW` event.
-- @return the new buffer.
-- @class function
@@ -102,16 +110,15 @@ local _VIEWS
local new_buffer
--- Quits Textadept.
--- Emits a `QUIT` event. If any handler returns `false`, Textadept does not
--- quit.
+-- Emits a `QUIT` event, and unless any handler returns `false`, quits
+-- Textadept.
-- @see events.QUIT
-- @class function
-- @name quit
local quit
--- Resets the Lua state by reloading all init scripts.
+-- Resets the Lua state by reloading all initialization scripts.
-- Language-specific modules for opened files are NOT reloaded. Re-opening the
-- files that use them will reload those modules instead.
-- This function is useful for modifying user scripts (such as
@@ -125,9 +132,9 @@ local quit
local reset
--- Calls a given function after an interval of time.
--- To repeatedly call the function, return `true` inside the function. A `nil`
--- or `false` return value stops repetition.
+-- Calls the function *f* with the given arguments after *interval* seconds and
+-- then repeatedly while *f* returns `true`. A `nil` or `false` return value
+-- stops repetition.
-- @param interval The interval in seconds to call the function after.
-- @param f The function to call.
-- @param ... Additional arguments to pass to `f`.
diff --git a/core/keys.lua b/core/keys.lua
index ba1df7b4..7d2b06a0 100644
--- a/core/keys.lua
+++ b/core/keys.lua
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ local M = {}
-- The default value is `'esc'` for the `Esc` (`⎋` on Mac OSX | `Esc` in
-- ncurses) key.
-- @field LANGUAGE_MODULE_PREFIX (string)
--- The starting key command of the key chain reserved for language-specific
--- modules.
--- The default value is `Ctrl+L` (`⌘L` on Mac OSX | `M-L` in ncurses).
+-- The starting key of the key chain reserved for language-specific modules.
+-- The default value is `'cl'` on platforms other than Mac OSX, `'ml'`
+-- otherwise. Equivalent to `Ctrl+L` (`⌘L` on Mac OSX | `M-L` in ncurses).
local ADD = ''
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ local error = function(e) events.emit(events.ERROR, e) end
-- Lookup table for string representations of key codes higher than 255.
-- Key codes can be identified by temporarily uncommenting the `print()`
--- statements in *core/keys.lua*
+-- statements in *core/keys.lua*.
-- @class table
-- @name KEYSYMS
@@ -282,4 +282,11 @@ local function get_gdk_key(key_seq)
M.get_gdk_key = get_gdk_key -- export for menu.lua without generating LuaDoc
+-- Map of key bindings to commands, with language-specific key tables assigned
+-- to a lexer name key.
+-- @class table
+-- @name _G.keys
+local keys
return M
diff --git a/core/locale.lua b/core/locale.lua
index 715e817e..87123183 100644
--- a/core/locale.lua
+++ b/core/locale.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local M = {}
--[[ This comment is for LuaDoc.
--- Table of all messages used by Textadept for localization.
+-- Map of all messages used by Textadept to their localized form.
-- If the table does not contain the localized version of a given message, it
-- returns a string indicating so via a metamethod.
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ module('_L')]]
local none = 'No Localization: '
--- Returns whether or not a localized message exists for the given message.
+-- Returns whether or not *message* is localized.
-- This function is necessary since `_L[message]` never returns `nil`.
-- @param message The message to localize.
-- @return `true` if a localization exists, `false` otherwise.
+-- @name _EXISTS
function M._EXISTS(message) return M[message] ~= none..message end
local f = io.open(_USERHOME..'/locale.conf', 'rb')
diff --git a/doc/markdowndoc.lua b/doc/markdowndoc.lua
index e9dc5577..20e3fbee 100644
--- a/doc/markdowndoc.lua
+++ b/doc/markdowndoc.lua
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ local M = {}
local NAVFILE = '%s* [%s](%s)\n'
local FIELD = '<a id="%s"></a>\n### `%s` %s\n\n'
-local FUNCTION = '<a id="%s"></a>\n### `%s` (%s)\n\n'
+local FUNCTION = '<a id="%s"></a>\n### `%s`(*%s*)\n\n'
+local FUNCTION_NO_PARAMS = '<a id="%s"></a>\n### `%s`()\n\n'
--local FUNCTION = '### `%s` (%s)\n\n'
local DESCRIPTION = '%s\n\n'
local LIST_TITLE = '%s:\n\n'
-local PARAM = '* `%s`: %s\n'
+local PARAM = '* *`%s`*: %s\n'
local USAGE = '* `%s`\n'
local RETURN = '* %s\n'
local SEE = '* [`%s`](%s)\n'
@@ -225,8 +226,12 @@ function M.start(doc)
f:write('- - -\n\n')
for _, fname in ipairs(funcs) do
local func = funcs[fname]
- f:write(string_format(FUNCTION, func.name, func.name,
- table_concat(func.param, ', '):gsub('_', '\\_')))
+ local params = table_concat(func.param, ', '):gsub('_', '\\_')
+ if params ~= '' then
+ f:write(string_format(FUNCTION, func.name, func.name, params))
+ else
+ f:write(string_format(FUNCTION_NO_PARAMS, func.name, func.name))
+ end
write_description(f, func.description)
write_hashmap(f, PARAM, func.param)
write_list(f, USAGE, func.usage)
diff --git a/modules/cpp/init.lua b/modules/cpp/init.lua
index e1c6dc67..45b6cf5d 100644
--- a/modules/cpp/init.lua
+++ b/modules/cpp/init.lua
@@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ local M = {}
-- + `Ctrl+L, M` (`⌘L, M` on Mac OSX | `M-L, M` in ncurses)
-- Open this module for editing.
-- + `.`
--- When to the right of a known symbol, show an autocompletion list of fields
--- and functions.
+-- Show an autocompletion list of members for the symbol behind the caret.
-- + `->`
--- When to the right of a known symbol, show an autocompletion list of fields
--- and functions.
+-- Show an autocompletion list of members for the symbol behind the caret.
-- + `Shift+Enter` (`⇧↩` | `S-Enter`)
-- Add ';' to the end of the current line and insert a newline.
-- @field sense
@@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ end
-- Commands.
--- Container for C/C++-specific key bindings.
+-- Table of C/C++-specific key bindings.
-- @class table
-- @name _G.keys.cpp
keys.cpp = {
@@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ keys.cpp = {
-- Snippets.
--- Container for C/C++-specific snippets.
+-- Table of C/C++-specific snippets.
-- @class table
-- @name _G.snippets.cpp
if type(snippets) == 'table' then
diff --git a/modules/lua/init.lua b/modules/lua/init.lua
index 5ea32fd2..b9a2ed80 100644
--- a/modules/lua/init.lua
+++ b/modules/lua/init.lua
@@ -11,15 +11,13 @@ local M = {}
-- + `Ctrl+L, M` (`⌘L, M` on Mac OSX | `M-L, M` in ncurses)
-- Open this module for editing.
--- + `Shift+Enter` (`⇧↩` | `S-Enter`)
--- Try to autocomplete an `if`, `while`, `for`, etc. control structures with
--- `end`.
-- + `.`
--- When to the right of a known symbol, show an autocompletion list of fields
--- and functions.
+-- Show an autocompletion list of fields for the symbol behind the caret.
-- + `:`
--- When to the right of a known symbol, show an autocompletion list of
--- functions only.
+-- Show an autocompletion list of functions for the symbol behind the caret.
+-- + `Shift+Enter` (`⇧↩` | `S-Enter`)
+-- Autocomplete an `if`, `while`, `for`, etc. control structure with the `end`
+-- keyword.
-- @field sense
-- The Lua [Adeptsense](_M.textadept.adeptsense.html).
-- It loads user tags from *`_USERHOME`/modules/lua/tags* and user apidocs
@@ -96,7 +94,7 @@ end
-- Commands.
--- Patterns for auto `end` completion for control structures.
+-- List of patterns for auto-`end` completion for control structures.
-- @class table
-- @name control_structure_patterns
-- @see try_to_autocomplete_end
@@ -106,8 +104,8 @@ local control_structure_patterns = {
--- Tries to autocomplete Lua's `end` keyword for control structures like `if`,
--- `while`, `for`, etc.
+-- Tries to autocomplete control structures like `if`, `while`, `for`, etc. with
+-- the `end` keyword.
-- @see control_structure_patterns
-- @name try_to_autocomplete_end
function M.try_to_autocomplete_end()
diff --git a/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua b/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua
index 6f19163e..5f42fcdc 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/adeptsense.lua
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ local M = {}
-- ### Summary
--- The above method of setting syntax options, ctags kinds, and trigger
+-- The above method of setting syntax options, Ctags kinds, and trigger
-- characters for an Adeptsense is sufficient for most static and some dynamic
-- languages. The rest of this document is devoted to more complex techniques.
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ local M = {}
-- @field always_show_globals (bool)
-- Include globals in the list of completions offered.
-- Globals are classes, functions, and fields that do not belong to another
--- class. They are contained in `completions['']`.
+-- class. They are contained in `sense.completions['']`.
-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field FUNCTIONS (string)
-- XPM image for Adeptsense functions.
@@ -393,7 +393,8 @@ M.FIELD = 'fields'
-- Returns a full symbol (if any) and current symbol part (if any) behind the
-- caret.
--- For example: `buffer.cur` would return `'buffer'` and `'cur'`.
+-- For example: `buffer.cur` would return `'buffer'` and `'cur'`. Returns empty
+-- strings instead of `nil`.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
-- @return symbol or `''`
-- @return part or `''`
@@ -408,11 +409,11 @@ function M.get_symbol(sense)
--- Returns the class name for a given symbol.
--- If the symbol is `sense.syntax.self` and a class definition using the
--- `sense.syntax.class_definition` keyword is found, that class is returned.
--- Otherwise the buffer is searched backwards for a type declaration of the
--- symbol according to the patterns in `sense.syntax.type_declarations`.
+-- Returns the class name for *symbol* name.
+-- If *symbol* is `sense.syntax.self` and inside a class definition matching
+-- `sense.syntax.class_definition`, that class is returned. Otherwise the
+-- buffer is searched backwards for a type declaration of *symbol* according to
+-- the patterns in `sense.syntax.type_declarations`.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
-- @param symbol The symbol to get the class of.
-- @return class or `nil`
@@ -504,13 +505,14 @@ local function add_inherited(sense, class, only_fields, only_funcs, c, added)
--- Returns a list of completions for the given symbol.
+-- Returns a list of function (unless *only_fields* is `true`) and field (unless
+-- *only_funcs* is `true`) completions for *symbol* name.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
-- @param symbol The symbol to get completions for.
--- @param only_fields If `true`, returns list of only fields. The default value
--- is `false`.
--- @param only_functions If `true`, returns list of only functions. The default
--- value is `false`.
+-- @param only_fields Optional flag indicating whether or not to return a list
+-- of only fields. The default value is `false`.
+-- @param only_functions Optional flag indicating whether or not to return a
+-- list of only functions. The default value is `false`.
-- @return completion_list or `nil`
-- @name get_completions
function M.get_completions(sense, symbol, only_fields, only_functions)
@@ -560,13 +562,15 @@ function M.get_completions(sense, symbol, only_fields, only_functions)
--- Shows an autocompletion list for the symbol behind the caret.
+-- Shows an autocompletion list of functions (unless *only_fields* is `true`)
+-- and fields (unless *only_funcs* is `true`) for the symbol behind the caret,
+-- returning `true` on success.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`. If `nil`, uses
-- the current language's Adeptsense (if it exists).
--- @param only_fields If `true`, returns list of only fields. The default value
--- is `false`.
--- @param only_functions If `true`, returns list of only functions. The default
--- value is `false`.
+-- @param only_fields Optional flag indicating whether or not to return a list
+-- of only fields. The default value is `false`.
+-- @param only_functions Optional flag indicating whether or not to return a
+-- list of only functions. The default value is `false`.
-- @return `true` on success or `false`.
-- @see get_symbol
-- @see get_completions
@@ -592,14 +596,16 @@ function M.complete(sense, only_fields, only_functions)
--- Sets the trigger for autocompletion.
+-- Sets the trigger character(s) *c* for autocompletion.
+-- If *only_fields* is `true`, the trigger only completes fields. If
+-- *only_functions* is `true`, the trigger only completes functions.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
-- @param c The character(s) that triggers the autocompletion. You can have up
-- to two characters.
--- @param only_fields If `true`, this trigger only completes fields. The default
--- value is `false`.
--- @param only_functions If `true`, this trigger only completes functions.
--- The default value is `false`.
+-- @param only_fields Optional flag indicating whether or not this trigger only
+-- completes fields. The default value is `false`.
+-- @param only_functions Optional flag indicating whether or not this trigger
+-- only completes functions. The default value is `false`.
-- @usage sense:add_trigger('.')
-- @usage sense:add_trigger(':', false, true) -- only functions
-- @usage sense:add_trigger('->')
@@ -617,9 +623,8 @@ function M.add_trigger(sense, c, only_fields, only_functions)
--- Returns a list of apidocs for the given symbol.
--- If there are multiple apidocs, the index of one to display is the value of
--- the `pos` key in the returned list.
+-- Returns a list of apidocs for *symbol* name.
+-- The list contains a `pos` key with the index of the apidoc to show.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
-- @param symbol The symbol to get apidocs for.
-- @return apidoc_list or `nil`
@@ -656,7 +661,7 @@ end
local apidocs = nil
--- Shows a calltip with API documentation for the symbol behind the caret.
+-- Shows a call tip with API documentation for the symbol behind the caret.
-- If documentation is already being shown, cycles through multiple definitions.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`. If `nil`, uses
-- the current language's Adeptsense (if it exists).
@@ -705,14 +710,16 @@ events.connect(events.CALL_TIP_CLICK, function(position)
--- Loads the given ctags file for autocompletion.
--- It is recommended to pass `-n` to ctags in order to use line numbers instead
--- of text patterns to locate tags. This will greatly reduce memory usage for a
--- large number of symbols if `nolocations` is not `true`.
+-- Loads the Ctags file *tag_file* for autocompletions.
+-- If *nolocations* is `true`, `sense:goto_ctag()` cannot be used with this set
+-- of tags. It is recommended to pass `-n` to `ctags` in order to use line
+-- numbers instead of text patterns to locate tags. This will greatly reduce
+-- memory usage for a large number of symbols if `nolocations` is `false`.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
--- @param tag_file The path of the ctags file to load.
--- @param nolocations If `true`, does not store the locations of the tags for
--- use by `goto_ctag()`. The default value is `false`.
+-- @param tag_file The path of the Ctags file to load.
+-- @param nolocations Optional flag indicating whether or not to discard the
+-- locations of the tags for use by `sense:goto_ctag()`. The default value is
+-- `false`.
-- @name load_ctags
function M.load_ctags(sense, tag_file, nolocations)
local ctags_kinds = sense.ctags_kinds
@@ -785,21 +792,21 @@ function M.load_ctags(sense, tag_file, nolocations)
--- Displays a filtered list dialog of all known symbols of the given kind
--- (classes, functions, fields, etc.) and jumps to the source of the selected
--- one.
+-- Prompts the user to select a symbol to jump to from a list of all known
+-- symbols of kind *kind* (classes, functions, fields, etc.) shown in a filtered
+-- list dialog whose title text is *title*.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
--- @param k The ctag character kind (e.g. `'f'` for a Lua function).
+-- @param kind The Ctag character kind (e.g. `'f'` for a Lua function).
-- @param title The title for the filtered list dialog.
-- @name goto_ctag
-function M.goto_ctag(sense, k, title)
- if not sense.locations[k] then return end -- no ctags loaded
+function M.goto_ctag(sense, kind, title)
+ if not sense.locations[kind] then return end -- no Ctags loaded
local items = {}
- local kind = sense.ctags_kinds[k]
- for k, v in pairs(sense.locations[k]) do
- items[#items + 1] = k:match('[^#]+$') -- symbol name
+ local kind = sense.ctags_kinds[kind]
+ for kind, v in pairs(sense.locations[kind]) do
+ items[#items + 1] = kind:match('[^#]+$') -- symbol name
if kind == M.FUNCTION or kind == M.FIELD then
- items[#items + 1] = k:match('^[^#]+') -- class name
+ items[#items + 1] = kind:match('^[^#]+') -- class name
items[#items + 1] = v[1]..':'..v[2]
@@ -825,21 +832,21 @@ function M.goto_ctag(sense, k, title)
--- Called by `load_ctags()` when a ctag kind is not recognized.
--- This method should be replaced with your own that is specific to the
--- language.
+-- Called by `load_ctags()` when a Ctag kind is not recognized.
+-- The parameters are extracted from Ctags' [tag format][]. This method should
+-- be replaced with your own that is specific to the language.
+-- [tag format]: http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ctags.html#TAG%20FILE%20FORMAT
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
-- @param tag_name The tag name.
-- @param file_name The name of the file the tag belongs to.
--- @param ex_cmd The `ex_cmd` returned by ctags.
--- @param ext_fields The `ext_fields` returned by ctags.
+-- @param ex_cmd The `ex_cmd` returned by Ctags.
+-- @param ext_fields The `ext_fields` returned by Ctags.
-- @name handle_ctag
function M.handle_ctag(sense, tag_name, file_name, ex_cmd, ext_fields) end
--- Clears an Adeptsense.
--- This is necessary for loading a new ctags file or completions from a
--- different project.
+-- Clears the Adeptsense for loading new Ctags or project files.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
-- @name clear
function M.clear(sense)
@@ -851,7 +858,7 @@ function M.clear(sense)
--- Called when clearing an Adeptsense.
+-- Called when clearing the Adeptsense.
-- This function should be replaced with your own if you have any persistant
-- objects that need to be deleted.
-- @param sense The Adeptsense returned by `adeptsense.new()`.
@@ -859,7 +866,7 @@ end
function M.handle_clear(sense) end
--- Creates a new Adeptsense for the given lexer language.
+-- Creates and returns a new Adeptsense for *lang* name.
-- Only one sense can exist per language.
-- @param lang The lexer language to create an Adeptsense for.
-- @return adeptsense
@@ -883,7 +890,7 @@ function M.new(lang)
always_show_globals = true,
--- Contains a map of ctags kinds to Adeptsense kinds.
+-- A map of Ctags kinds to Adeptsense kinds.
-- Recognized kinds are `FUNCTION`, `FIELD`, and `CLASS`. Classes are quite
-- simply containers for functions and fields so Lua modules would count as
-- classes. Any other kinds will be passed to `handle_ctag()` for user-defined
@@ -901,13 +908,14 @@ function M.new(lang)
ctags_kinds = {},
--- Contains a map of classes and a list of their inherited classes.
+-- A map of classes and a list of their inherited classes, normally populated by
+-- `load_ctags()`.
-- @class table
-- @name inherited_classes
inherited_classes = {},
--- Contains lists of possible completions for known symbols.
+-- A list containing lists of possible completions for known symbols.
-- Each symbol key has a table value that contains a list of field completions
-- with a `fields` key and a list of functions completions with a `functions`
-- key. This table is normally populated by `load_ctags()`, but can also be set
@@ -917,14 +925,14 @@ inherited_classes = {},
completions = {},
--- Contains the locations of known symbols.
--- This table is populated by `load_ctags()`.
+-- A list of the locations of known symbols, normally populated by
+-- `load_ctags()`.
-- @class table
-- @name locations
locations = {},
--- Contains a list of api files used by `show_apidoc()`.
+-- A list of api files used by `show_apidoc()`.
-- Each line in the api file contains a symbol name (not the full symbol)
-- followed by a space character and then the symbol's documentation. Since
-- there may be many duplicate symbol names, it is recommended to put the full
@@ -937,35 +945,36 @@ locations = {},
api_files = {},
--- Contains syntax-specific values for the language.
--- @field self The language's syntax-equivalent of `self`. Default is `'self'`.
+-- Map of language-specific syntax settings.
+-- @field self The language's syntax-equivalent of `self`. The default value is
+-- `'self'`.
-- @field class_definition A Lua pattern representing the language's class
-- definition syntax. The first capture returned must be the class name. A
-- second, optional capture contains the class' superclass (if any). If no
-- completions are found for the class name, completions for the superclass
-- are shown (if any). Completions will not be shown for both a class and
--- superclass unless defined in a previously loaded ctags file. Also, multiple
--- superclasses cannot be recognized by this pattern; use a ctags file
+-- superclass unless defined in a previously loaded Ctags file. Also, multiple
+-- superclasses cannot be recognized by this pattern; use a Ctags file
-- instead. The default value is `'class%s+([%w_]+)'`.
-- @field word_chars A Lua pattern of characters allowed in a word.
--- The default is `'%w_'`.
+-- The default value is `'%w_'`.
-- @field symbol_chars A Lua pattern of characters allowed in a symbol,
-- including member operators. The pattern should be a character set.
--- The default is `'[%w_%.]'`.
+-- The default value is `'[%w_%.]'`.
-- @field type_declarations A list of Lua patterns used for determining the
-- class type of a symbol. The first capture returned must be the class name.
-- Use `%_` to match the symbol.
-- The default value is `'(%u[%w_%.]+)%s+%_'`.
-- @field type_declarations_exclude A table of types to exclude, even if they
--- match a type_declaration pattern. Each excluded type is a table key and has
--- a `true` boolean value. For example, `{Foo = true}` excludes any type whose
--- name is `Foo`.
+-- match a `type_declarations` pattern. Each excluded type is a table key and
+-- has a `true` boolean value. For example, `{Foo = true}` excludes any type
+-- whose name is `Foo`.
-- The default value is `{}`.
-- @field type_assignments A map of Lua patterns to class types for variable
--- assignments. This is typically used for dynamically typed languages. For
--- example, `sense.type_assignments['^"'] = 'string'` would recognize string
+-- assignments, typically used for dynamically typed languages. For example,
+-- `sense.syntax.type_assignments['^"'] = 'string'` would recognize string
-- assignments in Lua so the `foo` in `foo = "bar"` would be recognized as
--- type `string`. The class type value can contain pattern captures.
+-- type `string`. The class type value may contain `%n` pattern captures.
-- @class table
-- @name syntax
-- @see get_class
diff --git a/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua b/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua
index 1b568357..e7b7a3b4 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/bookmarks.lua
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ local M = {}
-- Bookmarks for Textadept.
-- @field MARK_BOOKMARK_COLOR (number)
--- The color used for a bookmarked line in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, used for a bookmarked line.
M.MARK_BOOKMARK_COLOR = not NCURSES and 0xB3661A or 0xFF0000
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ M.MARK_BOOKMARK_COLOR = not NCURSES and 0xB3661A or 0xFF0000
local MARK_BOOKMARK = _SCINTILLA.next_marker_number()
--- Toggles a bookmark on the current line.
--- @param on If `true`, adds a bookmark to the current line. If `false`, removes
--- the bookmark on the current line. Otherwise, toggles a bookmark.
+-- Toggles the bookmark on the current line unless *on* is given.
+-- If *on* is `true` or `false`, adds or removes the bookmark, respectively.
+-- @param on Optional flag indicating whether to add or remove a bookmark on the
+-- current line. The default value is `nil`, toggling a bookmark.
-- @name toggle
function M.toggle(on)
local buffer = buffer
@@ -52,21 +53,21 @@ local function goto_mark(f, increment, wrap_start)
--- Goes to the next bookmark in the current buffer.
+-- Goes to the next bookmarked line in the current buffer.
-- @name goto_next
function M.goto_next()
goto_mark(buffer.marker_next, 1, 0)
--- Goes to the previous bookmark in the current buffer.
+-- Goes to the previous bookmarked line in the current buffer.
-- @name goto_prev
function M.goto_prev()
goto_mark(buffer.marker_previous, -1, buffer.line_count)
--- Goes to selected bookmark from a filtered list.
+-- Prompts the user to select a bookmarked line to go to.
-- @name goto_bookmark
function M.goto_bookmark()
local buffer = buffer
diff --git a/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua b/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua
index 6226ff6c..149c37c8 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/command_entry.lua
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ end)
local focus
--- Shows the given list of completions for the current word prefix.
--- On selection, the current word prefix is replaced with the completion. Word
--- prefix characters are alphanumerics and underscores.
+-- Shows the completion list *completions* for the current word prefix.
+-- Word prefix characters are alphanumerics and underscores. On selection, the
+-- word prefix is replaced with the completion.
-- @param completions The table of completions to show. Non-string values are
-- ignored.
-- @class function
diff --git a/modules/textadept/editing.lua b/modules/textadept/editing.lua
index c7f7b755..c7c6b381 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/editing.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/editing.lua
@@ -6,31 +6,30 @@ local M = {}
-- Editing features for Textadept.
-- @field AUTOPAIR (bool)
--- Opening '(', '[', '{', '&quot;', or '&apos;' characters are automatically
--- closed.
+-- Automatically close opening '(', '[', '{', '&quot;', or '&apos;'
+-- characters.
-- The default value is `true`.
-- Auto-paired characters are defined in the [`char_matches`](#char_matches)
-- table.
-- @field HIGHLIGHT_BRACES (bool)
--- Highlight matching "()[]{}" characters.
+-- Highlight matching brace characters like "()[]{}".
-- The default value is `true`.
-- Matching braces are defined in the [`braces`](#braces) table.
-- @field AUTOINDENT (bool)
--- Match the indentation level of the previous line when pressing the `Enter`
--- (`↩` on Mac OSX | `Enter` in ncurses) key.
+-- Match the indentation level of the previous line when inserting a new line.
-- The default value is `true`.
-- Strip trailing whitespace on file save.
-- The default value is `true`.
-- @field MARK_HIGHLIGHT_BACK (number)
--- The background color used for a line containing a
--- [highlighted word](#highlight_word) in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The background color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, used for a line containing the
+-- [highlighted word](#highlight_word).
-- @field INDIC_HIGHLIGHT_BACK (number)
--- The color used for an indicator for a [highlighted word](#highlight_word)
--- in "0xBBGGRR" format.
+-- The color, in "0xBBGGRR" format, used for an indicator for the
+-- [highlighted word](#highlight_word).
-- @field INDIC_HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA (number)
--- The alpha transparency value between `0` (transparent) and `255` (opaque)
--- used for an indicator for a [highlighted word](#highlight_word).
+-- The alpha value, ranging from `0` (transparent) to `255` (opaque) used for
+-- an indicator for the [highlighted word](#highlight_word).
-- The default value is `100`.
@@ -44,10 +43,10 @@ M.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT_BACK = 0x4D99E6
--- Comment strings for various lexer languages.
--- Used by the `block_comment()` function. Keys are lexer language names and
--- values are the line comment delimiters for the language. This table is
--- typically populated by [language-specific modules][].
+-- Map of lexer names to line comment prefix strings for programming languages,
+-- used by the `block_comment()` function.
+-- Keys are lexer names and values are the line comment prefixes for the
+-- language. This table is typically populated by [language-specific modules][].
-- [language-specific modules]: _M.html#Block.Comment
-- @class table
@@ -56,12 +55,12 @@ M.INDIC_HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA = 100
M.comment_string = {}
--- Auto-matched characters.
--- Used for auto-matching parentheses, brackets, braces, quotes, etc. Keys are
--- lexer language names and values are tables of character match pairs. A pair's
--- key is an ASCII value and the value is the string character match. The
--- defaults are "()", "[]", "{}", "&apos;&apos;", and "&quot;&quot;".
--- This table can be populated by language-specific modules.
+-- Map of auto-paired characters like parentheses, brackets, braces, and quotes,
+-- with language-specific auto-paired character maps assigned to a lexer name
+-- key.
+-- The ASCII values of opening characters are assigned to strings containing
+-- complement characters. The default auto-paired characters are "()", "[]",
+-- "{}", "&apos;&apos;", and "&quot;&quot;".
-- @class table
-- @name char_matches
-- @usage _M.textadept.editing.char_matches.hypertext = {..., [60] = '>'}
@@ -69,11 +68,10 @@ M.comment_string = {}
M.char_matches = {[40] = ')', [91] = ']', [123] = '}', [39] = "'", [34] = '"'}
--- Highlighted brace characters.
--- Keys are lexer language names and values are tables of character ASCII values
--- that count as brace characters. The defaults are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', and
--- '}'.
--- This table can be populated by language-specific modules.
+-- Table of brace characters to highlight, with language-specific brace
+-- character tables assigned to a lexer name key.
+-- The ASCII values of brace characters are keys and are assigned non-`nil`
+-- values. The default brace characters are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', and '}'.
-- @class table
-- @name braces
-- @usage _M.textadept.editing.braces.hypertext = {..., [60] = 1, [62] = 1}
@@ -182,8 +180,10 @@ events_connect(events.FILE_BEFORE_SAVE, function()
--- Goes to a matching brace position, selecting the text inside if specified to.
--- @param select If `true`, selects the text between matching braces.
+-- Goes to the current character's matching brace, selecting the text in-between
+-- if *select* is `true`.
+-- @param select Optional flag indicating whether or not to select the text
+-- between matching braces. The default value is `false`.
-- @name match_brace
function M.match_brace(select)
local buffer = buffer
@@ -200,8 +200,10 @@ function M.match_brace(select)
--- Pops up an autocompletion list for the current word based on other words in
--- the document.
+-- Displays an autocompletion list, built from the set of *default_words* and
+-- existing words in the buffer, for the word behind the caret, returning `true`
+-- if completions were found.
+-- *word_chars* contains a set of word characters.
-- @param word_chars String of characters considered to be part of words. Since
-- this string is used in a Lua pattern character set, character classes and
-- ranges may be used.
@@ -260,17 +262,20 @@ function M.autocomplete_word(word_chars, default_words)
--- Block comments or uncomments code with a given comment string.
--- If none is specified, uses the `comment_string` table.
--- @param comment The comment string inserted or removed from the beginning of
--- each line in the selection.
+-- Comments or uncomments the selected lines with line comment prefix string
+-- *prefix* or the prefix from the `comment_string` table for the current lexer.
+-- As long as any part of a line is selected, the entire line is eligible for
+-- commenting/uncommenting.
+-- @param prefix Optional prefix string inserted or removed from the beginning
+-- of each line in the selection. The default value is the prefix in the
+-- `comment_string` table for the current lexer.
-- @see comment_string
-- @name block_comment
-function M.block_comment(comment)
+function M.block_comment(prefix)
local buffer = buffer
- if not comment then
- comment = M.comment_string[buffer:get_lexer(true)]
- if not comment then return end
+ if not prefix then
+ prefix = M.comment_string[buffer:get_lexer(true)]
+ if not prefix then return end
local anchor, caret = buffer.selection_start, buffer.selection_end
local s = buffer:line_from_position(anchor)
@@ -280,13 +285,13 @@ function M.block_comment(comment)
for line = s, e do
local pos = buffer:position_from_line(line)
- if buffer:text_range(pos, pos + #comment) == comment then
- buffer:set_sel(pos, pos + #comment)
+ if buffer:text_range(pos, pos + #prefix) == prefix then
+ buffer:set_sel(pos, pos + #prefix)
- caret = caret - #comment
+ caret = caret - #prefix
- buffer:insert_text(pos, comment)
- caret = caret + #comment
+ buffer:insert_text(pos, prefix)
+ caret = caret + #prefix
@@ -294,7 +299,7 @@ function M.block_comment(comment)
--- Goes to the requested line.
+-- Goes to line number *line* or the user-specified line in the buffer.
-- @param line Optional line number to go to. If `nil`, the user is prompted for
-- one.
-- @name goto_line
@@ -328,10 +333,10 @@ function M.transpose_chars()
--- Joins the currently selected lines.
+-- Joins the currently selected lines or the current line with the line below
+-- it.
-- As long as any part of a line is selected, the entire line is eligible for
--- joining. If no lines are selected, joins the current line with the line
--- below.
+-- joining.
-- @name join_lines
function M.join_lines()
local buffer = buffer
@@ -345,9 +350,8 @@ function M.join_lines()
--- Encloses text within a given pair of strings.
--- If text is selected, it is enclosed. Otherwise, the previous word is
--- enclosed.
+-- Encloses the selected text or the word behind the caret within strings *left*
+-- and *right*.
-- @param left The left part of the enclosure.
-- @param right The right part of the enclosure.
-- @name enclose
@@ -361,7 +365,7 @@ function M.enclose(left, right)
--- Selects text between a given pair of strings.
+-- Selects the text in-between strings *left* and *right* containing the caret.
-- @param left The left part of the enclosure.
-- @param right The right part of the enclosure.
-- @name select_enclosed
@@ -373,7 +377,7 @@ function M.select_enclosed(left, right)
--- Grows the selection by the given number of characters on either end.
+-- Grows the selected text by *amount* number of characters on either end.
-- @param amount The number of characters to grow the selection by on either
-- end.
-- @name grow_selection
@@ -415,7 +419,7 @@ function M.select_paragraph()
--- Selects indented blocks intelligently.
+-- Selects indented text blocks intelligently.
-- If no block of text is selected, all text with the current level of
-- indentation is selected. If a block of text is selected and the lines
-- immediately above and below it are one indentation level lower, they are
@@ -440,9 +444,11 @@ function M.select_indented_block()
--- Converts indentation between tabs and spaces.
--- If `buffer.use_tabs` is `true`, all indenting spaces are converted to tabs.
--- Otherwise, all indenting tabs are converted to spaces.
+-- Converts indentation between tabs and spaces depending on the buffer's
+-- indentation settings.
+-- If `buffer.use_tabs` is `true`, `buffer.tab_width` indenting spaces are
+-- converted to tabs. Otherwise, all indenting tabs are converted to
+-- `buffer.tab_width` spaces.
-- @see buffer.use_tabs
-- @name convert_indentation
function M.convert_indentation()
@@ -483,8 +489,8 @@ events_connect(events.KEYPRESS, function(code)
--- Highlights all occurances of either the selected text or the word under the
--- caret and adds markers to the lines they are on.
+-- Highlights all occurrences of the selected text or the word under the caret
+-- and adds markers to the lines they are on.
-- @see buffer.word_chars
-- @name highlight_word
function M.highlight_word()
diff --git a/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua b/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua
index e31de61f..07ef3aea 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/filter_through.lua
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ local tmpfile = _USERHOME..'/.ft'
local filter_through_active = false
--- Prompts for a Linux, BSD, Mac OSX, or Windows shell command to filter text
--- through.
--- The standard input (stdin) for shell commands is determined as follows:
+-- Prompts the user for a Linux, BSD, Mac OSX, or Windows shell command to
+-- filter text through with standard input (stdin) as follows:
-- 1. If text is selected and spans multiple lines, all text on the lines
-- containing the selection is used. However, if the end of the selection is at
diff --git a/modules/textadept/find.lua b/modules/textadept/find.lua
index 63faf80c..65ea70ef 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/find.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/find.lua
@@ -11,12 +11,16 @@ local find = gui.find
-- The text in the replace entry.
-- @field match_case (bool)
-- Searches are case-sensitive.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field whole_word (bool)
--- Only whole-word matches are allowed in searches.
+-- Match only whole-words in searches.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field lua (bool)
--- The search text is interpreted as a Lua pattern.
+-- Interpret search text as a Lua pattern.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field in_files (bool)
-- Search for the text in a list of files.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @field find_label_text (string, Write-only)
-- The text of the "Find" label.
-- This is primarily used for localization.
@@ -85,12 +89,12 @@ local escapes = {
--- Searches the given directory for files that match search text and options and
--- prints the results to a buffer.
+-- Searches the *utf8_dir* or user-specified directory for files that match
+-- search text and options and prints the results to a buffer.
-- Use the `find_text`, `match_case`, `whole_word`, and `lua` fields to set the
-- search text and option flags, respectively.
--- @param utf8_dir UTF-8 encoded directory name. If `nil`, the user is prompted
--- for one.
+-- @param utf8_dir Optional UTF-8 encoded directory name to search. If `nil`,
+-- the user is prompted for one.
-- @name find_in_files
function find.find_in_files(utf8_dir)
if not utf8_dir then
@@ -383,9 +387,10 @@ end
events_connect(events.DOUBLE_CLICK, goto_file)
--- Goes to the next or previous file found relative to the file on the current
--- line in the results list.
--- @param next Flag indicating whether or not to go to the next file.
+-- If *next* is `true`, goes to the next file found, relative to the file on the
+-- current line in the results list. Otherwise goes to the previous file found.
+-- @param next Optional flag indicating whether or not to go to the next file.
+-- The default value is `false`.
-- @name goto_file_in_list
function find.goto_file_in_list(next)
local orig_view = _VIEWS[view]
@@ -428,25 +433,25 @@ end)
local focus
--- Mimicks a press of the "Find Next" button.
+-- Mimics pressing the "Find Next" button.
-- @class function
-- @name find_next
local find_next
--- Mimicks a press of the "Find Prev" button.
+-- Mimics pressing the "Find Prev" button.
-- @class function
-- @name find_prev
local find_prev
--- Mimicks a press of the "Replace" button.
+-- Mimics pressing the "Replace" button.
-- @class function
-- @name replace
local replace
--- Mimicks a press of the "Replace All" button.
+-- Mimics pressing the "Replace All" button.
-- @class function
-- @name replace_all
local replace_all
diff --git a/modules/textadept/keys.lua b/modules/textadept/keys.lua
index c6263f16..7f4bf8b7 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/keys.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/keys.lua
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ local M = {}
--[[ This comment is for LuaDoc.
-- Defines key commands for Textadept.
--- This set of key commands is pretty standard among other text editors.
--- This module should be `require`d last, but before `_M.textadept.menu`.
+-- This set of key commands is pretty standard among other text editors. If
+-- applicable, load this module second to last in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*,
+-- before `_M.textadept.menu`.
-- ## Key Bindings
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ local M = {}
-- None |None |None |Load session...
-- Ctrl+Q |⌘Q |^Q |Quit
-- **Edit** | | |
--- Ctrl+Z<br/>Alt+Backspace|⌘Z |^Z |Undo
+-- Ctrl+Z<br/>Alt+Bksp |⌘Z |^Z |Undo
-- Ctrl+Y<br/>Ctrl+Shift+Z |⌘⇧Z |^Y |Redo
-- Ctrl+X<br/>Shift+Del |⌘X<br/>⇧⌦|^X |Cut
-- Ctrl+C<br/>Ctrl+Ins |⌘C |^C |Copy
@@ -113,14 +114,15 @@ local M = {}
-- None |None |None |UTF-8 encoding
-- None |None |None |ASCII encoding
-- None |None |None |ISO-8859-1 encoding
+-- None |None |None |MacRoman encoding
-- None |None |None |UTF-16 encoding
-- Ctrl+Shift+L |⌘⇧L |M-S-L |Select lexer...
-- F5 |F5 |^L<br/>F5 |Refresh syntax highlighting
-- **View** | | |
-- Ctrl+Alt+N |^⌥⇥ |N/A |Next view
-- Ctrl+Alt+P |^⌥⇧⇥ |N/A |Previous view
--- Ctrl+Alt+S<br/>Ctrl+Alt+H|^S |N/A |Split view horizontal
--- Ctrl+Alt+V |^V |N/A |Split view vertical
+-- Ctrl+Alt+S<br/>Ctrl+Alt+H|^S |N/A |Split view horizontally
+-- Ctrl+Alt+V |^V |N/A |Split view vertically
-- Ctrl+Alt+W |^W |N/A |Unsplit view
-- Ctrl+Alt+Shift+W |^⇧W |N/A |Unsplit all views
-- Ctrl+Alt++<br/>Ctrl+Alt+=|^+<br/>^=|N/A |Grow view
diff --git a/modules/textadept/menu.lua b/modules/textadept/menu.lua
index f02c27a2..e224ca82 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/menu.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/menu.lua
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ local M = {}
--[[ This comment is for LuaDoc.
--- Provides dynamic menus for Textadept.
--- This module should be `require`d last, after `_M.textadept.keys` since it
--- looks up defined key commands to show them in menus.
+-- Defines the menus used by Textadept.
+-- If applicable, load this module last in your *~/.textadept/init.lua*, after
+-- `_M.textadept.keys` since it looks up defined key commands to show them in
+-- menus.
-- Get a string uniquely identifying a key binding.
@@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ local utils = m_textadept.keys.utils
local SEPARATOR, c = {''}, _SCINTILLA.constants
--- Contains the main menubar.
+-- Defines the default main menubar.
+-- Changing this field does not change the menubar. Use `set_menubar()` instead.
-- @see set_menubar
-- @class table
-- @name menubar
@@ -218,7 +220,9 @@ M.menubar = {
--- Contains the default right-click context menu.
+-- Defines the default right-click context menu.
+-- Changing this field does not change the context menu. Use `set_contextmenu()`
+-- instead.
-- @see set_contextmenu
-- @class table
-- @name context_menu
@@ -287,12 +291,13 @@ local function build_command_tables(menu, title, items, commands)
--- Sets `gui.menubar` from the given table of menus.
--- @param menubar The table of menus to create the menubar from. Each menu is
--- an ordered list of menu entries and has a `title` key for the menu/submenu
--- title. Menu entries are either submenus of the same form as menus, or
--- tables containing menu text and either a function to call or a table
--- containing the function to call with its parameters.
+-- Sets `gui.menubar` from *menubar*, a table of menus.
+-- Each menu is an ordered list of menu items and has a `title` key for the
+-- title text. Menu items are tables containing menu text and either a function
+-- to call or a table containing a function with its parameters to call when an
+-- item is clicked. Menu items may also be sub-menus, ordered lists of menu
+-- items with an additional `title` key for the sub-menu's title text.
+-- @param menubar The table of menus to create the menubar from.
-- @see gui.menubar
-- @see gui.menu
-- @name set_menubar
@@ -311,24 +316,24 @@ end
--- Sets `gui.context_menu` from the given menu table.
--- @param menu_table The menu table to create the context menu from. The menu is
--- an ordered list of menu entries and, if applicable, has a `title` key for
--- the submenu title. Menu entries are either submenus of the same form as
--- menus, or tables containing menu text and either a function to call or a
--- table containing the function to call with its parameters.
+-- Sets `gui.context_menu` from *menu*, an ordered list of menu items.
+-- Menu items are tables containing menu text and either a function to call or
+-- a table containing a function with its parameters to call when an item is
+-- clicked. Menu items may also be sub-menus, ordered lists of menu items with
+-- an additional `title` key for the sub-menu's title text.
+-- @param menu The menu to create the context menu from.
-- @see gui.context_menu
-- @see gui.menu
-- @name set_contextmenu
-function M.set_contextmenu(menu_table)
+function M.set_contextmenu(menu)
contextmenu_actions = {}
- gui.context_menu = gui.menu(read_menu_table(menu_table, true))
+ gui.context_menu = gui.menu(read_menu_table(menu, true))
if not NCURSES then M.set_contextmenu(M.context_menu) end
local columns = {_L['Command'], _L['Key Command']}
--- Prompts the user with a filtered list dialog to run menu commands.
+-- Prompts the user to select a menu command to run.
-- @name select_command
function M.select_command()
local i = gui.filteredlist(_L['Run Command'], columns, items, true,
diff --git a/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua b/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
index 2675b9fc..2e07a3a4 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/mime_types.lua
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ local M = {}
--[[ This comment is for LuaDoc.
--- Handles file type detection.
+-- Handles file type detection for Textadept.
-- @field _G.events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED (string)
-- Called after loading a language-specific module.
-- This is useful for overriding a language-specific module's key bindings
-- or other properties since the module is not loaded when Textadept starts.
-- Arguments:
--- * `lang`: The language lexer name.
+-- * *`lang`*: The language lexer name.
-- Events.
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ local events, events_connect = events, events.connect
events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED = 'language_module_loaded'
--- Table of file extensions with their associated lexers.
+-- Map of file extensions (excluding the leading '.') to their associated
+-- lexers.
-- If the file type is not recognized by shebang words or first-line patterns,
-- each file extension is matched against the file's extension.
-- @class table
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ events.LANGUAGE_MODULE_LOADED = 'language_module_loaded'
M.extensions = {}
--- Table of shebang words and their associated lexers.
+-- Map of shebang words to their associated lexers.
-- If the file has a shebang line, a line that starts with "#!" and is the first
-- line in the file, each shebang word is matched against that line.
-- @class table
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ M.extensions = {}
M.shebangs = {}
--- Table of first-line patterns and their associated lexers.
+-- Map of first-line patterns to their associated lexers.
-- If a file type is not recognized by shebang words, each pattern is matched
-- against the first line in the file.
-- @class table
@@ -69,8 +70,7 @@ for line in mime_types:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
--- List of detected lexers.
--- Lexers are read from *lexers/* and *~/.textadept/lexers/*.
+-- List of detected lexers are read from *lexers/* and *~/.textadept/lexers/*.
-- @class table
-- @name lexers
M.lexers = {}
@@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ for lexer in pairs(lexers_found) do M.lexers[#M.lexers + 1] = lexer end
--- Prompts the user to select a lexer from a filtered list for the current
--- buffer.
+-- Prompts the user to select a lexer for the current buffer.
-- @see buffer.set_lexer
-- @name select_lexer
function M.select_lexer()
diff --git a/modules/textadept/run.lua b/modules/textadept/run.lua
index 149c6738..a4089e5a 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/run.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/run.lua
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ local M = {}
-- [language-specific modules]: _M.html#Compile.and.Run
-- @field _G.events.COMPILE_OUTPUT (string)
--- Called after a compile command is executed.
+-- Called after executing a language's compile command.
-- By default, compiler output is printed to the message buffer. To override
-- this behavior, connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`.
-- Arguments:
--- * `lexer`: The lexer language.
--- * `output`: The output from the command.
+-- * `lexer`: The lexer language name.
+-- * `output`: The string output from the command.
-- @field _G.events.RUN_OUTPUT (string)
--- Called after a run command is executed.
+-- Called after executing a language's run command.
-- By default, output is printed to the message buffer. To override this
-- behavior, connect to the event with an index of `1` and return `true`.
-- Arguments:
--- * `lexer`: The lexer language.
--- * `output`: The output from the command.
+-- * `lexer`: The lexer language name.
+-- * `output`: The string output from the command.
-- Events.
@@ -110,15 +110,14 @@ local function print_output(lexer, output)
--- File extensions and their associated "compile" shell commands.
--- Each key is a file extension whose value is a either a command line string to
--- execute or a function returning one. The command string can have the
--- following macros:
+-- Map of file extensions (excluding the leading '.') to their associated
+-- "compile" shell command line strings or functions returning such strings.
+-- Command line strings may have the following macros:
-- + `%(filepath)`: The full path of the current file.
-- + `%(filedir)`: The current file's directory path.
--- + `%(filename)`: The name of the file including extension.
--- + `%(filename_noext)`: The name of the file excluding extension.
+-- + `%(filename)`: The name of the file, including its extension.
+-- + `%(filename_noext)`: The name of the file, excluding its extension.
-- This table is typically populated by [language-specific modules][].
@@ -138,15 +137,14 @@ function M.compile() command(M.compile_command, true) end
events_connect(events.COMPILE_OUTPUT, print_output)
--- File extensions and their associated "run" shell commands.
--- Each key is a file extension whose value is either a command line string to
--- execute or a function returning one. The command string can have the
--- following macros:
+-- Map of file extensions (excluding the leading '.') to their associated
+-- "run" shell command line strings or functions returning such strings.
+-- Command line strings may have the following macros:
-- + `%(filepath)`: The full path of the current file.
-- + `%(filedir)`: The current file's directory path.
--- + `%(filename)`: The name of the file including extension.
--- + `%(filename_noext)`: The name of the file excluding extension.
+-- + `%(filename)`: The name of the file, including its extension.
+-- + `%(filename_noext)`: The name of the file, excluding its extension.
-- This table is typically populated by [language-specific modules][].
@@ -166,17 +164,17 @@ function M.run() command(M.run_command) end
events_connect(events.RUN_OUTPUT, print_output)
--- A table of error string details for different programming languages.
--- Each key is a lexer name whose value is a table with the following fields:
+-- Map of lexer names to their error string details, tables containing the
+-- following fields:
--- + `pattern`: The Lua pattern that matches a specific error string with
--- captures for the filename the error occurs in, the line number the error
--- occurred on, and an optional error message.
--- + `filename`: The index of the Lua capture that contains the filename the
--- error occured in.
--- + `line`: The index of the Lua capture that contains the line number the
--- error occured on.
--- + `message`: (Optional) The index of the Lua capture that contains the
+-- + `pattern`: A Lua pattern that matches the language's error string,
+-- capturing the filename the error occurs in, the line number the error
+-- occurred on, and optionally the error message.
+-- + `filename`: The numeric index of the Lua capture containing the filename
+-- the error occurred in.
+-- + `line`: The numeric index of the Lua capture containing the line number
+-- the error occurred on.
+-- + `message`: (Optional) The numeric index of the Lua capture containing the
-- error's message. An annotation will be displayed if a message was
-- captured.
@@ -190,8 +188,9 @@ events_connect(events.RUN_OUTPUT, print_output)
M.error_detail = {}
--- Goes to the line in the file an error occured at based on the error message
--- at the given position and displays an annotation with the error message.
+-- Goes to line number *line_num* in the file an error occurred at based on the
+-- error message at position *pos* in the buffer and displays an annotation with
+-- the error message.
-- This is typically called by an event handler for when the user double-clicks
-- on an error message.
-- @param pos The position of the caret.
diff --git a/modules/textadept/session.lua b/modules/textadept/session.lua
index 80122183..82f5415b 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/session.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/session.lua
@@ -6,18 +6,17 @@ local M = {}
-- Session support for Textadept.
-- @field DEFAULT_SESSION (string)
--- The path to the default session file.
--- The default value is *`_USERHOME`/session*, or *`_USERHOME`/session_term*
--- if [`_G.NCURSES`][] is `true`.
+-- The path to the default session file, *`_USERHOME`/session*, or
+-- *`_USERHOME`/session_term* if [`_G.NCURSES`][] is `true`.
-- [`_G.NCURSES`]: _G.html#NCURSES
-- @field SAVE_ON_QUIT (bool)
-- Save the session when quitting.
--- The default value is `true`, but can be disabled by passing the command
--- line switch `-n` or `--nosession` to Textadept.
+-- The default value is `true`, but is disabled when passing the command line
+-- switch `-n` or `--nosession` to Textadept.
-- @field MAX_RECENT_FILES (number)
--- The maximum number of files from [`io.recent_files`][] to save to the
--- session.
+-- The maximum number of recent files to save to the session.
+-- Recent files are stored in [`io.recent_files`][].
-- The default value is `10`.
-- [`io.recent_files`]: io.html#recent_files
@@ -28,11 +27,12 @@ M.SAVE_ON_QUIT = true
--- Loads a Textadept session file.
+-- Loads the Textadept session file *filename* or prompts the user to select
+-- one, returning `true` if the session file was opened and read.
-- Textadept restores split views, opened buffers, cursor information, and
-- recent files.
--- @param filename The absolute path to the session file to load. If `nil`, the
--- user is prompted for one.
+-- @param filename Optional absolute path to the session file to load. If `nil`,
+-- the user is prompted for one.
-- @return `true` if the session file was opened and read; `false` otherwise.
-- @usage _M.textadept.session.load(filename)
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ events.connect('arg_none', function()
--- Saves a Textadept session to a file.
+-- Saves a Textadept session to file *filename* or a user-selected file.
-- Saves split views, opened buffers, cursor information, and recent files.
--- @param filename The absolute path to the session file to save. If `nil`, the
--- user is prompted for one.
+-- @param filename Optional absolute path to the session file to save. If `nil`,
+-- the user is prompted for one.
-- @usage _M.textadept.session.save(filename)
-- @name save
diff --git a/modules/textadept/snapopen.lua b/modules/textadept/snapopen.lua
index 0e91966b..48ad2783 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/snapopen.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/snapopen.lua
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ local M = {}
-- Quickly open files in a set of directories using a filtered list dialog.
-- @field DEFAULT_DEPTH (number)
--- Maximum directory depth to search.
+-- The maximum directory depth to search.
-- The default value is `99`.
-- @field MAX (number)
--- Maximum number of files to list.
+-- The maximum number of files to list.
-- The default value is `1000`.
diff --git a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua b/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
index 9654a7c2..0d85f314 100644
--- a/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
+++ b/modules/textadept/snippets.lua
@@ -130,10 +130,11 @@ local function new_snippet(text, trigger)
--- Inserts a new snippet or goes to the next placeholder of the active snippet.
+-- Inserts snippet text *text* or the snippet associated with the trigger behind
+-- the caret as a snippet, or goes to the next placeholder of the active
+-- snippet, ultimately only returning `false` if no action was taken.
-- @param text Optional snippet text. If `nil`, attempts to insert a new snippet
--- based on the trigger, the word to the left of the caret, and the current
--- lexer.
+-- based on the trigger, the word behind caret, and the current lexer.
-- @return `false` if no action was taken; `nil` otherwise.
-- @see buffer.word_chars
-- @name _insert
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ end
-- Goes back to the previous snippet placeholder, reverting any changes from the
--- current one.
+-- current one, but returns `false` only if no snippet is active.
-- @return `false` if no snippet is active; `nil` otherwise.
-- @name _previous
function M._previous()
@@ -166,16 +167,15 @@ function M._previous()
--- Cancels the active snippet, reverting to the state before its activation, and
--- restores the previously running snippet (if any).
+-- Cancels insertion of the active snippet.
-- @name _cancel_current
function M._cancel_current()
if #snippet_stack > 0 then snippet_stack[#snippet_stack]:cancel() end
--- Prompts the user to select a snippet to insert from a filtered list dialog.
--- Global snippets and snippets in the current lexer are shown.
+-- Prompts the user for a snippet to insert from a list of global and
+-- language-specific snippets.
-- @name _select
function M._select()
local list = {}
@@ -387,9 +387,8 @@ events.connect(events.VIEW_NEW,
function() buffer.indic_style[INDIC_SNIPPET] = INDIC_HIDDEN end)
--- Table of snippet triggers with their snippet text.
--- Language-specific snippets are in another table value whose key is the
--- language's lexer name.
+-- Map of snippet triggers with their snippet text, with language-specific
+-- snippets tables assigned to a lexer name key.
-- This table also contains the `_M.textadept.snippets` module.
-- @class table
-- @name _G.snippets
diff --git a/themes/dark/view.lua b/themes/dark/view.lua
index c5bc0761..f246c681 100644
--- a/themes/dark/view.lua
+++ b/themes/dark/view.lua
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ buffer.auto_c_choose_single = true
--buffer.auto_c_max_width =
-- Call Tips.
-buffer.call_tip_use_style = 0
+--buffer.call_tip_use_style =
-- Folding.
diff --git a/themes/light/view.lua b/themes/light/view.lua
index a21a92eb..23562a68 100644
--- a/themes/light/view.lua
+++ b/themes/light/view.lua
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ buffer.auto_c_choose_single = true
--buffer.auto_c_max_width =
-- Call Tips.
-buffer.call_tip_use_style = 0
+--buffer.call_tip_use_style =
-- Folding.
diff --git a/themes/term/view.lua b/themes/term/view.lua
index aaab37ac..0b76efa2 100644
--- a/themes/term/view.lua
+++ b/themes/term/view.lua
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ buffer.auto_c_choose_single = true
--buffer.auto_c_max_width =
-- Call Tips.
-buffer.call_tip_use_style = 0
+--buffer.call_tip_use_style =
-- Folding.