# NVIDIA nccl # A package of optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication. licenses(["notice"]) # BSD exports_files(["LICENSE.txt"]) load("@local_config_cuda//cuda:build_defs.bzl", "cuda_default_copts", "if_cuda") SRCS = [ "src/all_gather.cu", "src/all_reduce.cu", "src/broadcast.cu", "src/core.cu", "src/libwrap.cu", "src/reduce.cu", "src/reduce_scatter.cu", ] # Copy .cu to .cu.cc so they can be in srcs of cc_library. [ genrule( name = "gen_" + src, srcs = [src], outs = [src + ".cc"], cmd = "cp $(location " + src + ") $(location " + src + ".cc)", ) for src in SRCS ] SRCS_CU_CC = [src + ".cc" for src in SRCS] cc_library( name = "nccl", srcs = if_cuda(SRCS_CU_CC + glob(["src/*.h"])), hdrs = if_cuda(["src/nccl.h"]), copts = [ "-DCUDA_MAJOR=0", "-DCUDA_MINOR=0", "-DNCCL_MAJOR=0", "-DNCCL_MINOR=0", "-DNCCL_PATCH=0", "-Iexternal/nccl_archive/src", "-O3", ] + cuda_default_copts(), visibility = ["//visibility:public"], deps = ["@local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda_headers"], )