#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Crosstool wrapper for compiling CUDA programs. SYNOPSIS: crosstool_wrapper_is_not_gcc [options passed in by cc_library() or cc_binary() rule] DESCRIPTION: This script is expected to be called by the cc_library() or cc_binary() bazel rules. When the option "-x cuda" is present in the list of arguments passed to this script, it invokes the nvcc CUDA compiler. Most arguments are passed as is as a string to --compiler-options of nvcc. When "-x cuda" is not present, this wrapper invokes hybrid_driver_is_not_gcc with the input arguments as is. NOTES: Changes to the contents of this file must be propagated from //third_party/gpus/crosstool/crosstool_wrapper_is_not_gcc to //third_party/gpus/crosstool/v*/*/clang/bin/crosstool_wrapper_is_not_gcc """ from __future__ import print_function __author__ = 'keveman@google.com (Manjunath Kudlur)' from argparse import ArgumentParser import os import subprocess import re import sys import pipes # "configure" uses the specific format to substitute the following string. # If you change it, make sure you modify "configure" as well. CPU_COMPILER = ('/usr/bin/gcc') GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH = ('/usr/bin/gcc') CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) NVCC_PATH = CURRENT_DIR + '/../../../cuda/bin/nvcc' LLVM_HOST_COMPILER_PATH = ('/usr/bin/gcc') PREFIX_DIR = os.path.dirname(GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH) def Log(s): print('gpus/crosstool: {0}'.format(s)) def GetOptionValue(argv, option): """Extract the list of values for option from the argv list. Args: argv: A list of strings, possibly the argv passed to main(). option: The option whose value to extract, without the leading '-'. Returns: A list of values, either directly following the option, (eg., -opt val1 val2) or values collected from multiple occurrences of the option (eg., -opt val1 -opt val2). """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-' + option, nargs='*', action='append') args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(argv) if not args or not vars(args)[option]: return [] else: return sum(vars(args)[option], []) def GetHostCompilerOptions(argv): """Collect the -isystem, -iquote, and --sysroot option values from argv. Args: argv: A list of strings, possibly the argv passed to main(). Returns: The string that can be used as the --compiler-options to nvcc. """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-isystem', nargs='*', action='append') parser.add_argument('-iquote', nargs='*', action='append') parser.add_argument('--sysroot', nargs=1) parser.add_argument('-g', nargs='*', action='append') args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(argv) opts = '' if args.isystem: opts += ' -isystem ' + ' -isystem '.join(sum(args.isystem, [])) if args.iquote: opts += ' -iquote ' + ' -iquote '.join(sum(args.iquote, [])) if args.g: opts += ' -g' + ' -g'.join(sum(args.g, [])) if args.sysroot: opts += ' --sysroot ' + args.sysroot[0] return opts def GetNvccOptions(argv): """Collect the -nvcc_options values from argv. Args: argv: A list of strings, possibly the argv passed to main(). Returns: The string that can be passed directly to nvcc. """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-nvcc_options', nargs='*', action='append') args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(argv) if args.nvcc_options: return ' '.join(['--'+a for a in sum(args.nvcc_options, [])]) return '' def StripAndTransformNvccOptions(argv): """Strips the -nvcc_options values from argv and transforms define-macros. Args: argv: A list of strings, possibly the argv passed to main(). Returns: A list of strings that can be passed directly to gcudacc. """ parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-nvcc_options', nargs='*', action='store') args, leftover = parser.parse_known_args(argv) if args.nvcc_options: for option in args.nvcc_options: (flag, _, value) = option.partition('=') if 'define-macro' in flag: leftover.append('-D' + value) return leftover def InvokeGcudacc(argv, gcudacc_version, gcudacc_flags, log=False): """Call gcudacc with arguments assembled from argv. Args: argv: A list of strings, possibly the argv passed to main(). gcudacc_version: The version of gcudacc; this is a subdirectory name under the gcudacc bin/ directory. gcudacc_flags: A list of extra arguments passed just for gcudacc. log: True if logging is requested. Returns: The return value of calling os.system('gcudacc ' + args) """ gcudacc_cmd = os.path.join(GCUDACC_PATH_BASE, gcudacc_version, 'gcudacc.par') gcudacc_cmd = ( gcudacc_cmd + ' --google_host_compiler={0} '.format(LLVM_HOST_COMPILER_PATH) + ' '.join(sum(gcudacc_flags, [])) + ' -- ' + ' '.join(StripAndTransformNvccOptions(argv))) if log: Log(gcudacc_cmd) return os.system(gcudacc_cmd) def InvokeNvcc(argv, log=False): """Call nvcc with arguments assembled from argv. Args: argv: A list of strings, possibly the argv passed to main(). log: True if logging is requested. Returns: The return value of calling os.system('nvcc ' + args) """ host_compiler_options = GetHostCompilerOptions(argv) nvcc_compiler_options = GetNvccOptions(argv) opt_option = GetOptionValue(argv, 'O') m_options = GetOptionValue(argv, 'm') m_options = ''.join([' -m' + m for m in m_options if m in ['32', '64']]) include_options = GetOptionValue(argv, 'I') out_file = GetOptionValue(argv, 'o') depfiles = GetOptionValue(argv, 'MF') defines = GetOptionValue(argv, 'D') defines = ''.join([' -D' + define for define in defines]) undefines = GetOptionValue(argv, 'U') undefines = ''.join([' -U' + define for define in undefines]) std_options = GetOptionValue(argv, 'std') # currently only c++11 is supported by Cuda 7.0 std argument nvcc_allowed_std_options = ["c++11"] std_options = ''.join([' -std=' + define for define in std_options if define in nvcc_allowed_std_options]) # The list of source files get passed after the -c option. I don't know of # any other reliable way to just get the list of source files to be compiled. src_files = GetOptionValue(argv, 'c') if len(src_files) == 0: return 1 if len(out_file) != 1: return 1 opt = (' -O2' if (len(opt_option) > 0 and int(opt_option[0]) > 0) else ' -g -G') includes = (' -I ' + ' -I '.join(include_options) if len(include_options) > 0 else '') # Unfortunately, there are other options that have -c prefix too. # So allowing only those look like C/C++ files. src_files = [f for f in src_files if re.search('\.cpp$|\.cc$|\.c$|\.cxx$|\.C$', f)] srcs = ' '.join(src_files) out = ' -o ' + out_file[0] # "configure" uses the specific format to substitute the following string. # If you change it, make sure you modify "configure" as well. supported_cuda_compute_capabilities = [ "3.5", "5.2" ] nvccopts = '' for capability in supported_cuda_compute_capabilities: capability = capability.replace('.', '') nvccopts += r'-gencode=arch=compute_%s,\"code=sm_%s,compute_%s\" ' % ( capability, capability, capability) nvccopts += ' ' + nvcc_compiler_options nvccopts += undefines nvccopts += defines nvccopts += std_options nvccopts += m_options if depfiles: # Generate the dependency file depfile = depfiles[0] cmd = (NVCC_PATH + ' ' + nvccopts + ' --compiler-options "' + host_compiler_options + '"' + ' --compiler-bindir=' + GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH + ' -I .' + ' -x cu ' + includes + ' ' + srcs + ' -M -o ' + depfile) if log: Log(cmd) exit_status = os.system(cmd) if exit_status != 0: return exit_status cmd = (NVCC_PATH + ' ' + nvccopts + ' --compiler-options "' + host_compiler_options + ' -fPIC"' + ' --compiler-bindir=' + GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH + ' -I .' + ' -x cu ' + opt + includes + ' -c ' + srcs + out) # TODO(zhengxq): for some reason, 'gcc' needs this help to find 'as'. # Need to investigate and fix. cmd = 'PATH=' + PREFIX_DIR + ' ' + cmd if log: Log(cmd) return os.system(cmd) def main(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-x', nargs=1) parser.add_argument('--cuda_log', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--use_gcudacc', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--gcudacc_version', action='store', default='v8') parser.add_argument('--gcudacc_flag', nargs='*', action='append', default=[]) args, leftover = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args.x and args.x[0] == 'cuda': if args.cuda_log: Log('-x cuda') leftover = [pipes.quote(s) for s in leftover] if args.use_gcudacc: if args.cuda_log: Log('using gcudacc') return InvokeGcudacc(argv=leftover, gcudacc_version=args.gcudacc_version, gcudacc_flags=args.gcudacc_flag, log=args.cuda_log) if args.cuda_log: Log('using nvcc') return InvokeNvcc(leftover, log=args.cuda_log) # Strip our flags before passing through to the CPU compiler for files which # are not -x cuda. We can't just pass 'leftover' because it also strips -x. # We not only want to pass -x to the CPU compiler, but also keep it in its # relative location in the argv list (the compiler is actually sensitive to # this). cpu_compiler_flags = [flag for flag in sys.argv[1:] if not flag.startswith(('--cuda_log', '--use_gcudacc', '--gcudacc_version', '--gcudacc_flag'))] if args.use_gcudacc: # This macro is defined for TUs that are not marked with "-x cuda" but are # built as part of a -config=cuda --use_gcudacc compilation. They are # compiled with the default CPU compiler. Since the objects built from # these TUs are later linked with objects that come from gcudacc, some # parts of the code need to be marked for these special cases. For example, # some types have to be defined similarly for gcudacc-compiled TUs and # default CPU compiler-compiled TUs linked with them, but differently when # nvcc is used. # TODO(eliben): rename to a more descriptive name. cpu_compiler_flags.append('-D__GCUDACC_HOST__') return subprocess.call([CPU_COMPILER] + cpu_compiler_flags) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())