licenses(["restricted"]) package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) cc_toolchain_suite( name = "toolchain", toolchains = { "local|compiler": ":cc-compiler-local", "darwin|compiler": ":cc-compiler-darwin", "x64_windows|msvc-cl": ":cc-compiler-windows", }, ) cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-local", all_files = "%{linker_files}", compiler_files = ":empty", cpu = "local", dwp_files = ":empty", dynamic_runtime_libs = [":empty"], linker_files = "%{linker_files}", objcopy_files = ":empty", static_runtime_libs = [":empty"], strip_files = ":empty", # To support linker flags that need to go to the start of command line # we need the toolchain to support parameter files. Parameter files are # last on the command line and contain all shared libraries to link, so all # regular options will be left of them. supports_param_files = 1, ) cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-darwin", all_files = "%{linker_files}", compiler_files = ":empty", cpu = "darwin", dwp_files = ":empty", dynamic_runtime_libs = [":empty"], linker_files = "%{linker_files}", objcopy_files = ":empty", static_runtime_libs = [":empty"], strip_files = ":empty", supports_param_files = 0, ) cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-windows", all_files = "%{win_linker_files}", compiler_files = ":empty", cpu = "x64_windows", dwp_files = ":empty", dynamic_runtime_libs = [":empty"], linker_files = "%{win_linker_files}", objcopy_files = ":empty", static_runtime_libs = [":empty"], strip_files = ":empty", supports_param_files = 1, ) filegroup( name = "empty", srcs = [], ) filegroup( name = "crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc", srcs = ["clang/bin/crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc"], ) filegroup( name = "windows_msvc_wrapper_files", srcs = glob(["windows/msvc_*"]), )