# Headers for 2D Fast Fourier Transform package # from http://momonga.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ooura/fft.html # This is a separate package because the original downloaded archive doesn't # contain any header files. package( default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) # Unrestricted use; can only distribute original package. # See fft/readme.txt licenses(["notice"]) exports_files(["LICENSE"]) cc_library( name = "fft2d_headers", srcs = ["fft.h"], ) objc_library( name = "fft2d_headersd_ios", srcs = ["fft.h"], ) # Export the source code so that it could be compiled for Andoid native apps. filegroup( name = "fft2d_headers_srcs", srcs = ["fft.h"], )