# TensorFlow external dependencies that can be loaded in WORKSPACE files. # If TensorFlow is linked as a submodule, path_prefix is TensorFlow's directory # within the workspace (e.g. "tensorflow/"), and tf_repo_name is the name of the # local_repository rule (e.g. "@tf"). def tf_workspace(path_prefix = "", tf_repo_name = ""): native.new_http_archive( name = "gmock_archive", url = "https://googlemock.googlecode.com/files/gmock-1.7.0.zip", sha256 = "26fcbb5925b74ad5fc8c26b0495dfc96353f4d553492eb97e85a8a6d2f43095b", build_file = path_prefix + "google/protobuf/gmock.BUILD", ) native.new_http_archive( name = "eigen_archive", url = "https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/get/36b0586de49f.tar.gz", sha256 = "86da9dd97c91b6587a257add70d9478f4c463d6697d487564c5bfe83c4a0e8e0", build_file = path_prefix + "eigen.BUILD", ) native.bind( name = "gtest", actual = "@gmock_archive//:gtest", ) native.bind( name = "gtest_main", actual = "@gmock_archive//:gtest_main", ) native.git_repository( name = "re2", remote = "https://github.com/google/re2.git", commit = "791beff", ) native.new_http_archive( name = "jpeg_archive", url = "http://www.ijg.org/files/jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz", sha256 = "3a753ea48d917945dd54a2d97de388aa06ca2eb1066cbfdc6652036349fe05a7", build_file = path_prefix + "jpeg.BUILD", ) native.new_http_archive( name = "png_archive", url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/libpng-public-archive/libpng-1.2.53.tar.gz", sha256 = "e05c9056d7f323088fd7824d8c6acc03a4a758c4b4916715924edc5dd3223a72", build_file = path_prefix + "png.BUILD", ) native.new_http_archive( name = "six_archive", url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/six/six-1.10.0.tar.gz#md5=34eed507548117b2ab523ab14b2f8b55", sha256 = "105f8d68616f8248e24bf0e9372ef04d3cc10104f1980f54d57b2ce73a5ad56a", build_file = path_prefix + "six.BUILD", ) native.bind( name = "six", actual = "@six_archive//:six", ) # grpc expects //external:protobuf_clib and //external:protobuf_compiler # to point to the protobuf's compiler library. native.bind( name = "protobuf_clib", actual = tf_repo_name + "//google/protobuf:protoc_lib", ) native.bind( name = "protobuf_compiler", actual = tf_repo_name + "//google/protobuf:protoc_lib", ) native.git_repository( name = "grpc", commit = "73979f4", init_submodules = True, remote = "https://github.com/grpc/grpc.git", ) # protobuf expects //external:grpc_cpp_plugin to point to grpc's # C++ plugin code generator. native.bind( name = "grpc_cpp_plugin", actual = "@grpc//:grpc_cpp_plugin", ) native.bind( name = "grpc_lib", actual = "@grpc//:grpc++_unsecure", )