# Description: # This package provides build-time generation of proto3 text format functions # (ProtoDebugString, ProtoShortDebugString, and ProtoParseFromString) which # provide equivalent functionality as proto.DebugString, proto.ShortDebugString, # and TextFormat parsing, but can be used with protos generated with # LITE_RUNTIME. # # Note that proto3 well-known types (e.g. Any) are not handled in a special way # by the generated code. package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"]) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 exports_files([ "LICENSE", "placeholder.txt", ]) load( "//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_generate_proto_text_sources", ) # For platform specific build config load( "//tensorflow/core:platform/default/build_config.bzl", "tf_proto_library_cc", ) cc_binary( name = "gen_proto_text_functions", srcs = ["gen_proto_text_functions.cc"], visibility = ["//tensorflow:internal"], deps = [ ":gen_proto_text_functions_lib", "//tensorflow/core:lib", ], ) cc_library( name = "gen_proto_text_functions_lib", srcs = ["gen_proto_text_functions_lib.cc"], hdrs = ["gen_proto_text_functions_lib.h"], linkopts = [ "-lm", "-lpthread", ] + select({ "//tensorflow:darwin": [], "//conditions:default": ["-lrt"], }), deps = [ "//tensorflow/core:lib", ], ) tf_proto_library_cc( name = "test_proto", srcs = ["test.proto"], ) tf_generate_proto_text_sources( name = "test_proto_text_srcs", srcs = ["test.proto"], srcs_relative_dir = "tensorflow/tools/proto_text/", ) cc_test( name = "gen_proto_text_functions_lib_test", size = "small", srcs = [ "gen_proto_text_functions_lib_test.cc", ":test_proto_text_srcs", ], deps = [ ":gen_proto_text_functions_lib", ":test_proto_cc", "//tensorflow/core:lib", "//tensorflow/core:lib_internal", "//tensorflow/core:test", "//tensorflow/core:test_main", ], ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Google-internal targets. These must be at the end for syncrepo. filegroup( name = "all_files", srcs = glob( ["**/*"], exclude = [ "**/METADATA", "**/OWNERS", ], ), visibility = ["//tensorflow:__subpackages__"], )