# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """This pip smoke test verifies dependency files exist in the pip package. This script runs bazel queries to see what python files are required by the tests and ensures they are in the pip package superset. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import subprocess os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../.."))) PIP_PACKAGE_QUERY_EXPRESSION = ( "deps(//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package)") def GetBuild(dir_base): """Get the list of BUILD file all targets recursively startind at dir_base.""" items = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(dir_base): for name in files: if (name == "BUILD" and root.find("tensorflow/contrib/lite/examples/android") == -1): items.append("//" + root + ":all") return items def BuildPyTestDependencies(): python_targets = GetBuild("tensorflow/python") contrib_targets = GetBuild("tensorflow/contrib") tensorboard_targets = GetBuild("tensorflow/contrib/tensorboard") tensorflow_targets = GetBuild("tensorflow") # Build list of test targets, # python + contrib - tensorboard - attr(manual|pno_pip) targets = " + ".join(python_targets) for t in contrib_targets: targets += " + " + t for t in tensorboard_targets: targets += " - " + t targets += ' - attr(tags, "manual|no_pip", %s)' % " + ".join( tensorflow_targets) query_kind = "kind(py_test, %s)" % targets # Skip benchmarks etc. query_filter = 'filter("^((?!benchmark).)*$", %s)' % query_kind # Get the dependencies query_deps = "deps(%s, 1)" % query_filter return python_targets, query_deps PYTHON_TARGETS, PY_TEST_QUERY_EXPRESSION = BuildPyTestDependencies() # Hard-coded blacklist of files if not included in pip package # TODO(amitpatankar): Clean up blacklist. BLACKLIST = [ "//tensorflow/python:extra_py_tests_deps", "//tensorflow/cc/saved_model:saved_model_half_plus_two", "//tensorflow:no_tensorflow_py_deps", "//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:win_pip_package_marker", "//tensorflow/python:test_ops_2", "//tensorflow/python:tf_optimizer", "//tensorflow/python:compare_test_proto_py", "//tensorflow/core:image_testdata", "//tensorflow/core:lmdb_testdata", "//tensorflow/core/kernels/cloud:bigquery_reader_ops", "//tensorflow/python/feature_column:vocabulary_testdata", "//tensorflow/python:framework/test_file_system.so", # contrib "//tensorflow/contrib/session_bundle:session_bundle_half_plus_two", "//tensorflow/contrib/keras:testing_utils", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/python:interpreter", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/python:interpreter_test", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/python:interpreter.py", "//tensorflow/contrib/lite/python:interpreter_test.py", "//tensorflow/contrib/ffmpeg:test_data", "//tensorflow/contrib/fused_conv:fused_conv2d_bias_activation_op_test_base", "//tensorflow/contrib/hadoop:test_data", "//tensorflow/contrib/factorization/examples:mnist", "//tensorflow/contrib/factorization/examples:mnist.py", "//tensorflow/contrib/factorization:factorization_py_CYCLIC_DEPENDENCIES_THAT_NEED_TO_GO", # pylint:disable=line-too-long "//tensorflow/contrib/framework:checkpoint_ops_testdata", "//tensorflow/contrib/bayesflow:reinforce_simple_example", "//tensorflow/contrib/bayesflow:examples/reinforce_simple/reinforce_simple_example.py", # pylint:disable=line-too-long "//tensorflow/contrib/timeseries/examples:predict", "//tensorflow/contrib/timeseries/examples:multivariate", "//tensorflow/contrib/timeseries/examples:known_anomaly", "//tensorflow/contrib/timeseries/examples:data/period_trend.csv", # pylint:disable=line-too-long "//tensorflow/contrib/timeseries/python/timeseries:test_utils", "//tensorflow/contrib/timeseries/python/timeseries/state_space_models:test_utils", # pylint:disable=line-too-long "//tensorflow/contrib/image:sparse_image_warp_test_data", "//tools/build_defs/apple:ios.bzl", ] def main(): """This script runs the pip smoke test. Raises: RuntimeError: If any dependencies for py_tests exist in subSet Prerequisites: 1. Bazel is installed. 2. Running in github repo of tensorflow. 3. Configure has been run. """ # pip_package_dependencies_list is the list of included files in pip packages pip_package_dependencies = subprocess.check_output( ["bazel", "cquery", PIP_PACKAGE_QUERY_EXPRESSION]) pip_package_dependencies_list = pip_package_dependencies.strip().split("\n") pip_package_dependencies_list = [ x.split()[0] for x in pip_package_dependencies_list ] print("Pip package superset size: %d" % len(pip_package_dependencies_list)) # tf_py_test_dependencies is the list of dependencies for all python # tests in tensorflow tf_py_test_dependencies = subprocess.check_output( ["bazel", "cquery", PY_TEST_QUERY_EXPRESSION]) tf_py_test_dependencies_list = tf_py_test_dependencies.strip().split("\n") tf_py_test_dependencies_list = [ x.split()[0] for x in tf_py_test_dependencies.strip().split("\n") ] print("Pytest dependency subset size: %d" % len(tf_py_test_dependencies_list)) missing_dependencies = [] # File extensions and endings to ignore ignore_extensions = ["_test", "_test.py"] ignored_files = 0 blacklisted_files = len(BLACKLIST) # Compare dependencies for dependency in tf_py_test_dependencies_list: if dependency and dependency.startswith("//tensorflow"): ignore = False # Ignore extensions if any(dependency.endswith(ext) for ext in ignore_extensions): ignore = True ignored_files += 1 # Check if the dependency is in the pip package, the blacklist, or # should be ignored because of its file extension if not (ignore or dependency in pip_package_dependencies_list or dependency in BLACKLIST): missing_dependencies.append(dependency) print("Ignored files: %d" % ignored_files) print("Blacklisted files: %d" % blacklisted_files) if missing_dependencies: print("Missing the following dependencies from pip_packages:") for missing_dependency in missing_dependencies: print("\nMissing dependency: %s " % missing_dependency) print("Affected Tests:") rdep_query = ("rdeps(kind(py_test, %s), %s)" % (" + ".join(PYTHON_TARGETS), missing_dependency)) affected_tests = subprocess.check_output(["bazel", "cquery", rdep_query]) affected_tests_list = affected_tests.split("\n")[:-2] print("\n".join(affected_tests_list)) raise RuntimeError(""" One or more added test dependencies are not in the pip package. If these test dependencies need to be in TensorFlow pip package, please add them to //tensorflow/tools/pip_package/BUILD. Else either blacklist the dependencies in //tensorflow/tools/pip_package/pip_smoke_test.py or add no_pip tag to the test.""") else: print("TEST PASSED") if __name__ == "__main__": main()