/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include "tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/fold_constants_lib.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/constant_folding.h" #include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.h" #include "tensorflow/core/graph/node_builder.h" #include "tensorflow/core/graph/subgraph.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/init_main.h" #include "tensorflow/core/public/session.h" #include "tensorflow/core/util/command_line_flags.h" #include "tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_utils.h" namespace tensorflow { namespace graph_transforms { // Converts Conv2D or MatMul ops followed by column-wise Muls into equivalent // ops with the Mul baked into the convolution weights, to save computation // during inference. Status FoldBatchNorms(const GraphDef& input_graph_def, const TransformFuncContext& context, GraphDef* output_graph_def) { GraphDef replaced_graph_def; TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReplaceMatchingOpTypes( input_graph_def, // clang-format off {"Mul", // mul_node { {"Conv2D|MatMul", // conv_node { {"*"}, // input_node {"Const"}, // weights_node } }, {"Const"}, // mul_values_node } }, // clang-format on [](const NodeMatch& match, const std::set& input_nodes, const std::set& output_nodes, std::vector* new_nodes) { // Find all the nodes we expect in the subgraph. const NodeDef& mul_node = match.node; const NodeDef& conv_node = match.inputs[0].node; const NodeDef& input_node = match.inputs[0].inputs[0].node; const NodeDef& weights_node = match.inputs[0].inputs[1].node; const NodeDef& mul_values_node = match.inputs[1].node; // Check that nodes that we use are not used somewhere else. for (const auto& node : {conv_node, weights_node, mul_values_node}) { if (output_nodes.count(node.name())) { // Return original nodes. new_nodes->insert(new_nodes->end(), {mul_node, conv_node, input_node, weights_node, mul_values_node}); return Status::OK(); } } Tensor weights = GetNodeTensorAttr(weights_node, "value"); Tensor mul_values = GetNodeTensorAttr(mul_values_node, "value"); // Make sure all the inputs really are vectors, with as many entries as // there are columns in the weights. const int weights_cols_index = conv_node.op() == "Conv2D" ? 3 : 1; const int64 weights_cols = weights.shape().dim_size(weights_cols_index); if ((mul_values.shape().dims() != 1) || (mul_values.shape().dim_size(0) != weights_cols)) { return errors::InvalidArgument( "Mul constant input to batch norm has bad shape: ", mul_values.shape().DebugString()); } // Multiply the original weights by the scale vector. auto weights_matrix = weights.flat_inner_dims(); Tensor scaled_weights(DT_FLOAT, weights.shape()); auto scaled_weights_matrix = scaled_weights.flat_inner_dims(); for (int64 row = 0; row < weights_matrix.dimension(0); ++row) { for (int64 col = 0; col < weights_cols; ++col) { scaled_weights_matrix(row, col) = weights_matrix(row, col) * mul_values.flat()(col); } } // Construct the new nodes. NodeDef scaled_weights_node; scaled_weights_node.set_op("Const"); scaled_weights_node.set_name(weights_node.name()); SetNodeAttr("dtype", DT_FLOAT, &scaled_weights_node); SetNodeTensorAttr("value", scaled_weights, &scaled_weights_node); new_nodes->push_back(scaled_weights_node); new_nodes->push_back(input_node); NodeDef new_conv_node; new_conv_node = conv_node; new_conv_node.set_name(mul_node.name()); new_nodes->push_back(new_conv_node); return Status::OK(); }, {}, &replaced_graph_def)); *output_graph_def = replaced_graph_def; return Status::OK(); } REGISTER_GRAPH_TRANSFORM("fold_batch_norms", FoldBatchNorms); } // namespace graph_transforms } // namespace tensorflow