# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Generate docs for the TensorFlow Python API.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import fnmatch import os import shutil import tempfile import six from tensorflow.python.util import tf_inspect from tensorflow.tools.common import public_api from tensorflow.tools.common import traverse from tensorflow.tools.docs import doc_controls from tensorflow.tools.docs import doc_generator_visitor from tensorflow.tools.docs import parser from tensorflow.tools.docs import pretty_docs from tensorflow.tools.docs import py_guide_parser def write_docs(output_dir, parser_config, yaml_toc, root_title='TensorFlow', search_hints=True, site_api_path=''): """Write previously extracted docs to disk. Write a docs page for each symbol included in the indices of parser_config to a tree of docs at `output_dir`. Symbols with multiple aliases will have only one page written about them, which is referenced for all aliases. Args: output_dir: Directory to write documentation markdown files to. Will be created if it doesn't exist. parser_config: A `parser.ParserConfig` object, containing all the necessary indices. yaml_toc: Set to `True` to generate a "_toc.yaml" file. root_title: The title name for the root level index.md. search_hints: (bool) include meta-data search hints at the top of each output file. site_api_path: The output path relative to the site root. Used in the `_toc.yaml` and `_redirects.yaml` files. Raises: ValueError: if `output_dir` is not an absolute path """ # Make output_dir. if not os.path.isabs(output_dir): raise ValueError("'output_dir' must be an absolute path.\n" " output_dir='%s'" % output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # These dictionaries are used for table-of-contents generation below # They will contain, after the for-loop below:: # - module name(string):classes and functions the module contains(list) module_children = {} # - symbol name(string):pathname (string) symbol_to_file = {} # Collect redirects for an api _redirects.yaml file. redirects = [] # Parse and write Markdown pages, resolving cross-links (@{symbol}). for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(parser_config.index): parser_config.reference_resolver.current_doc_full_name = full_name if full_name in parser_config.duplicate_of: continue # Methods and some routines are documented only as part of their class. if not (tf_inspect.ismodule(py_object) or tf_inspect.isclass(py_object) or parser.is_free_function(py_object, full_name, parser_config.index)): continue sitepath = os.path.join('api_docs/python', parser.documentation_path(full_name)[:-3]) # For TOC, we need to store a mapping from full_name to the file # we're generating symbol_to_file[full_name] = sitepath # For a module, remember the module for the table-of-contents if tf_inspect.ismodule(py_object): if full_name in parser_config.tree: module_children.setdefault(full_name, []) # For something else that's documented, # figure out what module it lives in else: subname = str(full_name) while True: subname = subname[:subname.rindex('.')] if tf_inspect.ismodule(parser_config.index[subname]): module_children.setdefault(subname, []).append(full_name) break # Generate docs for `py_object`, resolving references. page_info = parser.docs_for_object(full_name, py_object, parser_config) path = os.path.join(output_dir, parser.documentation_path(full_name)) directory = os.path.dirname(path) try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) # This function returns raw bytes in PY2 or unicode in PY3. if search_hints: content = [page_info.get_metadata_html()] else: content = [''] content.append(pretty_docs.build_md_page(page_info)) text = '\n'.join(content) if six.PY3: text = text.encode('utf-8') with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(text) except OSError: raise OSError( 'Cannot write documentation for %s to %s' % (full_name, directory)) duplicates = parser_config.duplicates.get(full_name, []) if not duplicates: continue duplicates = [item for item in duplicates if item != full_name] for dup in duplicates: from_path = os.path.join(site_api_path, dup.replace('.', '/')) to_path = os.path.join(site_api_path, full_name.replace('.', '/')) redirects.append(( os.path.join('/', from_path), os.path.join('/', to_path))) if redirects: redirects = sorted(redirects) template = ('- from: {}\n' ' to: {}\n') redirects = [template.format(f, t) for f, t in redirects] api_redirects_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '_redirects.yaml') with open(api_redirects_path, 'w') as redirect_file: redirect_file.write('redirects:\n') redirect_file.write(''.join(redirects)) if yaml_toc: # Generate table of contents # Put modules in alphabetical order, case-insensitive modules = sorted(module_children.keys(), key=lambda a: a.upper()) leftnav_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '_toc.yaml') with open(leftnav_path, 'w') as f: # Generate header f.write('# Automatically generated file; please do not edit\ntoc:\n') for module in modules: indent_num = module.count('.') # Don't list `tf.submodule` inside `tf` indent_num = max(indent_num, 1) indent = ' '*indent_num if indent_num > 1: # tf.contrib.baysflow.entropy will be under # tf.contrib->baysflow->entropy title = module.split('.')[-1] else: title = module header = [ '- title: ' + title, ' section:', ' - title: Overview', ' path: ' + os.path.join('/', site_api_path, symbol_to_file[module])] header = ''.join([indent+line+'\n' for line in header]) f.write(header) symbols_in_module = module_children.get(module, []) # Sort case-insensitive, if equal sort case sensitive (upper first) symbols_in_module.sort(key=lambda a: (a.upper(), a)) for full_name in symbols_in_module: item = [ ' - title: ' + full_name[len(module) + 1:], ' path: ' + os.path.join('/', site_api_path, symbol_to_file[full_name])] item = ''.join([indent+line+'\n' for line in item]) f.write(item) # Write a global index containing all full names with links. with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.md'), 'w') as f: f.write( parser.generate_global_index(root_title, parser_config.index, parser_config.reference_resolver)) def add_dict_to_dict(add_from, add_to): for key in add_from: if key in add_to: add_to[key].extend(add_from[key]) else: add_to[key] = add_from[key] # Exclude some libraries in contrib from the documentation altogether. def _get_default_private_map(): return { 'tf.contrib.autograph': ['utils', 'operators'], 'tf.test': ['mock'], 'tf.compat': ['v1', 'v2'], } # Exclude members of some libraries. def _get_default_do_not_descend_map(): # TODO(markdaoust): Use docs_controls decorators, locally, instead. return { 'tf': ['cli', 'lib', 'wrappers'], 'tf.contrib': [ 'compiler', 'grid_rnn', # Block contrib.keras to de-clutter the docs 'keras', 'labeled_tensor', 'quantization', 'session_bundle', 'slim', 'solvers', 'specs', 'tensor_forest', 'tensorboard', 'testing', 'tfprof', ], 'tf.contrib.bayesflow': [ 'special_math', 'stochastic_gradient_estimators', 'stochastic_variables' ], 'tf.contrib.ffmpeg': ['ffmpeg_ops'], 'tf.contrib.graph_editor': [ 'edit', 'match', 'reroute', 'subgraph', 'transform', 'select', 'util' ], 'tf.contrib.keras': ['api', 'python'], 'tf.contrib.layers': ['feature_column', 'summaries'], 'tf.contrib.learn': [ 'datasets', 'head', 'graph_actions', 'io', 'models', 'monitors', 'ops', 'preprocessing', 'utils', ], 'tf.contrib.util': ['loader'], } class DocControlsAwareCrawler(public_api.PublicAPIVisitor): """A `docs_controls` aware API-crawler.""" def _is_private(self, path, name, obj): if doc_controls.should_skip(obj): return True return super(DocControlsAwareCrawler, self)._is_private(path, name, obj) def extract(py_modules, private_map, do_not_descend_map, visitor_cls=doc_generator_visitor.DocGeneratorVisitor): """Extract docs from tf namespace and write them to disk.""" # Traverse the first module. visitor = visitor_cls(py_modules[0][0]) api_visitor = DocControlsAwareCrawler(visitor) api_visitor.set_root_name(py_modules[0][0]) add_dict_to_dict(private_map, api_visitor.private_map) add_dict_to_dict(do_not_descend_map, api_visitor.do_not_descend_map) traverse.traverse(py_modules[0][1], api_visitor) # Traverse all py_modules after the first: for module_name, module in py_modules[1:]: visitor.set_root_name(module_name) api_visitor.set_root_name(module_name) traverse.traverse(module, api_visitor) return visitor class _GetMarkdownTitle(py_guide_parser.PyGuideParser): """Extract the title from a .md file.""" def __init__(self): self.title = None py_guide_parser.PyGuideParser.__init__(self) def process_title(self, _, title): if self.title is None: # only use the first title self.title = title class _DocInfo(object): """A simple struct for holding a doc's url and title.""" def __init__(self, url, title): self.url = url self.title = title def build_doc_index(src_dir): """Build an index from a keyword designating a doc to _DocInfo objects.""" doc_index = {} if not os.path.isabs(src_dir): raise ValueError("'src_dir' must be an absolute path.\n" " src_dir='%s'" % src_dir) if not os.path.exists(src_dir): raise ValueError("'src_dir' path must exist.\n" " src_dir='%s'" % src_dir) for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(src_dir): suffix = os.path.relpath(path=dirpath, start=src_dir) for base_name in filenames: if not base_name.endswith('.md'): continue title_parser = _GetMarkdownTitle() title_parser.process(os.path.join(dirpath, base_name)) if title_parser.title is None: msg = ('`{}` has no markdown title (# title)'.format( os.path.join(dirpath, base_name))) raise ValueError(msg) key_parts = os.path.join(suffix, base_name[:-3]).split('/') if key_parts[-1] == 'index': key_parts = key_parts[:-1] doc_info = _DocInfo(os.path.join(suffix, base_name), title_parser.title) doc_index[key_parts[-1]] = doc_info if len(key_parts) > 1: doc_index['/'.join(key_parts[-2:])] = doc_info return doc_index class _GuideRef(object): def __init__(self, base_name, title, section_title, section_tag): self.url = 'api_guides/python/' + (('%s#%s' % (base_name, section_tag)) if section_tag else base_name) self.link_text = (('%s > %s' % (title, section_title)) if section_title else title) def make_md_link(self, url_prefix): return '[%s](%s%s)' % (self.link_text, url_prefix, self.url) class _GenerateGuideIndex(py_guide_parser.PyGuideParser): """Turn guide files into an index from symbol name to a list of _GuideRefs.""" def __init__(self): self.index = {} py_guide_parser.PyGuideParser.__init__(self) def process(self, full_path, base_name): """Index a file, reading from `full_path`, with `base_name` as the link.""" self.full_path = full_path self.base_name = base_name self.title = None self.section_title = None self.section_tag = None py_guide_parser.PyGuideParser.process(self, full_path) def process_title(self, _, title): if self.title is None: # only use the first title self.title = title def process_section(self, _, section_title, tag): self.section_title = section_title self.section_tag = tag def process_line(self, _, line): """Index the file and section of each `symbol` reference.""" for match in parser.AUTO_REFERENCE_RE.finditer(line): val = self.index.get(match.group(1), []) val.append( _GuideRef(self.base_name, self.title, self.section_title, self.section_tag)) self.index[match.group(1)] = val def _build_guide_index(guide_src_dir): """Return dict: symbol name -> _GuideRef from the files in `guide_src_dir`.""" index_generator = _GenerateGuideIndex() if os.path.exists(guide_src_dir): for full_path, base_name in py_guide_parser.md_files_in_dir(guide_src_dir): index_generator.process(full_path, base_name) return index_generator.index class _UpdateTags(py_guide_parser.PyGuideParser): """Rewrites a Python guide so that each section has an explicit id tag. "section" here refers to blocks delimited by second level headings. """ def process_section(self, line_number, section_title, tag): self.replace_line(line_number, '


' % (tag, section_title)) def update_id_tags_inplace(src_dir): """Set explicit ids on all second-level headings to ensure back-links work. Args: src_dir: The directory of md-files to convert (inplace). """ tag_updater = _UpdateTags() for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(src_dir): for base_name in filenames: if not base_name.endswith('.md'): continue full_path = os.path.join(src_dir, dirpath, base_name) # Tag updater loads the file, makes the replacements, and returns the # modified file contents content = tag_updater.process(full_path) with open(full_path, 'w') as f: f.write(content) EXCLUDED = set(['__init__.py', 'OWNERS', 'README.txt']) def replace_refs(src_dir, output_dir, reference_resolver, file_pattern='*.md', api_docs_relpath='api_docs'): """Fix @{} references in all files under `src_dir` matching `file_pattern`. A matching directory structure, with the modified files is written to `output_dir`. `{"__init__.py","OWNERS","README.txt"}` are skipped. Files not matching `file_pattern` (using `fnmatch`) are copied with no change. Also, files in the `api_guides/python` directory get explicit ids set on all heading-2s to ensure back-links work. Args: src_dir: The directory to convert files from. output_dir: The root directory to write the resulting files to. reference_resolver: A `parser.ReferenceResolver` to make the replacements. file_pattern: Only replace references in files matching file_patters, using fnmatch. Non-matching files are copied unchanged. api_docs_relpath: Relative-path string to the api_docs, from the src_dir. """ # Iterate through all the source files and process them. for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(src_dir): depth = os.path.relpath(src_dir, start=dirpath) # How to get from `dirpath` to api_docs/python/ relative_path_to_root = os.path.join(depth, api_docs_relpath, 'python') # Make the directory under output_dir. new_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.relpath(path=dirpath, start=src_dir)) if not os.path.exists(new_dir): os.makedirs(new_dir) for base_name in filenames: if base_name in EXCLUDED: continue full_in_path = os.path.join(dirpath, base_name) # Set the `current_doc_full_name` so bad files can be reported on errors. reference_resolver.current_doc_full_name = full_in_path suffix = os.path.relpath(path=full_in_path, start=src_dir) full_out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, suffix) # Copy files that do not match the file_pattern, unmodified. if not fnmatch.fnmatch(base_name, file_pattern): if full_in_path != full_out_path: shutil.copyfile(full_in_path, full_out_path) continue with open(full_in_path, 'rb') as f: content = f.read().decode('utf-8') content = reference_resolver.replace_references(content, relative_path_to_root) with open(full_out_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(content.encode('utf-8')) class DocGenerator(object): """Main entry point for generating docs.""" def __init__(self): self.argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self._py_modules = None self._private_map = _get_default_private_map() self._do_not_descend_map = _get_default_do_not_descend_map() self.yaml_toc = True self.argument_parser.add_argument( '--no_search_hints', dest='search_hints', action='store_false', default=True) self.argument_parser.add_argument( '--site_api_path', type=str, default='', help='The path from the site-root to api_docs' 'directory for this project') self.argument_parser.add_argument( '--api_cache_out_path', type=str, default=None, help='Path to store a json-serialized api-index, so links can be ' 'inserted into docs without rebuilding the api_docs') def add_output_dir_argument(self): self.argument_parser.add_argument( '--output_dir', type=str, default=None, required=True, help='Directory to write docs to.') def add_src_dir_argument(self): self.argument_parser.add_argument( '--src_dir', type=str, default=tempfile.mkdtemp(), required=False, help='Optional directory of source docs to add api_docs links to') def add_base_dir_argument(self, default_base_dir): self.argument_parser.add_argument( '--base_dir', type=str, default=default_base_dir, help='Base directory to strip from file names referenced in docs.') def parse_known_args(self): flags, _ = self.argument_parser.parse_known_args() return flags def add_to_private_map(self, d): add_dict_to_dict(d, self._private_map) def add_to_do_not_descend_map(self, d): add_dict_to_dict(d, self._do_not_descend_map) def set_private_map(self, d): self._private_map = d def set_do_not_descend_map(self, d): self._do_not_descend_map = d def set_py_modules(self, py_modules): self._py_modules = py_modules def py_module_names(self): if self._py_modules is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Must call set_py_modules() before running py_module_names().') return [name for (name, _) in self._py_modules] def make_reference_resolver(self, visitor, doc_index): return parser.ReferenceResolver.from_visitor( visitor, doc_index, py_module_names=self.py_module_names()) def make_parser_config(self, visitor, reference_resolver, guide_index, base_dir): return parser.ParserConfig( reference_resolver=reference_resolver, duplicates=visitor.duplicates, duplicate_of=visitor.duplicate_of, tree=visitor.tree, index=visitor.index, reverse_index=visitor.reverse_index, guide_index=guide_index, base_dir=base_dir) def run_extraction(self): return extract(self._py_modules, self._private_map, self._do_not_descend_map) def build(self, flags): """Build all the docs. This produces two outputs python api docs: * generated from modules set with `set_py_modules`. * written to '{FLAGS.output_dir}/api_docs/python/' non-api docs: * Everything in '{FLAGS.src_dir}' is copied to '{FLAGS.output_dir}'. * '@{}' references in '.md' files are replaced with links. * '.md' files under 'api_guides/python' have explicit ids set for their second level headings. Args: flags: * src_dir: Where to fetch the non-api-docs. * base_dir: Base of the docs directory (Used to build correct relative links). * output_dir: Where to write the resulting docs. Returns: The number of errors encountered while processing. """ # Extract the python api from the _py_modules doc_index = build_doc_index(flags.src_dir) visitor = self.run_extraction() reference_resolver = self.make_reference_resolver(visitor, doc_index) if getattr(flags, 'api_cache_out_path', None): reference_resolver.to_json_file(flags.api_cache_out_path) # Build the guide_index for the api_docs back links. root_title = getattr(flags, 'root_title', 'TensorFlow') guide_index = _build_guide_index( os.path.join(flags.src_dir, 'api_guides/python')) # Write the api docs. parser_config = self.make_parser_config(visitor, reference_resolver, guide_index, flags.base_dir) output_dir = os.path.join(flags.output_dir, 'api_docs/python') write_docs( output_dir, parser_config, yaml_toc=self.yaml_toc, root_title=root_title, search_hints=getattr(flags, 'search_hints', True), site_api_path=getattr(flags, 'site_api_path', '')) # Replace all the @{} references in files under `FLAGS.src_dir` replace_refs(flags.src_dir, flags.output_dir, reference_resolver, '*.md') # Fix the tags in the guide dir. guide_dir = os.path.join(flags.output_dir, 'api_guides/python') if os.path.exists(guide_dir): update_id_tags_inplace(guide_dir) # Report all errors found by the reference resolver, and return the error # code. parser_config.reference_resolver.log_errors() return parser_config.reference_resolver.num_errors()