:: This script assumes the standard setup on tensorflow Jenkins windows machines. :: It is NOT guaranteed to work on any other machine. Use at your own risk! :: :: REQUIREMENTS: :: * All installed in standard locations: :: - JDK8, and JAVA_HOME set. :: - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition :: - Msys2 :: - Anaconda3 :: - CMake :: Record the directory we are in. Script should be invoked from the root of the repository. SET REPO_ROOT=%cd% :: Make sure we have a clean directory to build things in. SET BUILD_DIR=cmake_build RMDIR %BUILD_DIR% /S /Q MKDIR %BUILD_DIR% CD %BUILD_DIR% :: Set which tests to build SET BUILD_CC_TESTS=OFF SET BUILD_PYTHON_TESTS=ON SET PIP_EXE="C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\Scripts\pip.exe" :: Run the CMAKE build to build the pip package. CALL %REPO_ROOT%\tensorflow\tools\ci_build\windows\cpu\cmake\run_build.bat if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel% :: Attempt to upgrade PIP to work around Anaconda issue #542. %PIP_EXE% install --ignore-installed --upgrade pip setuptools -v -v :: Since there are no wildcards in windows command prompt, use dark magic to get the wheel file name. DIR %REPO_ROOT%\%BUILD_DIR%\tf_python\dist\ /S /B > wheel_filename_file set /p WHEEL_FILENAME=