# TensorBoard TensorBoard is a suite of web applications for inspecting and understanding your TensorFlow runs and graphs. Example Usage: ``` python tensorflow/tensorboard/tensorboard.py --logdir=path/to/logs # if installed via pip tensorboard --logdir=path/to/logs # if building from source bazel build tensorflow/tensorboard:tensorboard ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tensorboard/tensorboard --logdir=path/to/logs # then connect to http://localhost:6006 ``` Note that TensorBoard requires a `logdir` to read logs from. For info on configuring TensorBoard, run `tensorboard --help`. TensorBoard includes a backend (tensorboard.py) that reads TensorFlow event data from the *tfevents* files, and then serves this data to the browser. It also includes a frontend (app/tf-tensorboard.html) that contains html and javascript for displaying this data in a UI. ## Building the TensorBoard frontend ### Install Node, npm, gulp, bower, and tsd in your machine Get nodejs and npm through whatever package distribution system is appropriate for your machine. For example, on Ubuntu 14.04, run `sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm`. Then, run `sudo npm install -g gulp bower tsd`. ### Install project dependencies Inside this directory (`tensorflow/tensorboard`), run the following commands. npm install bower install tsd install ### Run Gulp Vulcanize Inside this directory, run `gulp vulcanize`. That will compile all of the html/js/css dependencies for TensorBoard into a monolithic index.html file under dist/. Once you've done this, you can locally run your own TensorBoard instance and it will have a working frontend. ### Frontend General Dev Instructions To speed up the development process, we can run the frontend code independently of the backend, and mock out the backend with static JSON files. This allows testing the frontend's correctness without needing to find real data and spin up a real server. Look at app/demo/index.html for an example. The following gulp commands are useful: * `gulp test` - build, test, and lint the code * `gulp watch` - build, test, and rebuild on change * `gulp server` - start a livereload server on localhost:8000 * `gulp` - alias for `gulp watch` * `gulp vulcanize` -