# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Ops for boosted_trees.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_boosted_trees_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import resources # Re-exporting ops used by other modules. # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_boosted_trees_ops import boosted_trees_calculate_best_gains_per_feature as calculate_best_gains_per_feature from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_boosted_trees_ops import boosted_trees_center_bias as center_bias from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_boosted_trees_ops import boosted_trees_example_debug_outputs as example_debug_outputs from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_boosted_trees_ops import boosted_trees_make_stats_summary as make_stats_summary from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_boosted_trees_ops import boosted_trees_predict as predict from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_boosted_trees_ops import boosted_trees_training_predict as training_predict from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_boosted_trees_ops import boosted_trees_update_ensemble as update_ensemble # pylint: enable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.training import saver class PruningMode(object): """Class for working with Pruning modes.""" NO_PRUNING, PRE_PRUNING, POST_PRUNING = range(0, 3) _map = {'none': NO_PRUNING, 'pre': PRE_PRUNING, 'post': POST_PRUNING} @classmethod def from_str(cls, mode): if mode in cls._map: return cls._map[mode] else: raise ValueError('pruning_mode mode must be one of: {}'.format(', '.join( sorted(cls._map)))) class _TreeEnsembleSavable(saver.BaseSaverBuilder.SaveableObject): """SaveableObject implementation for TreeEnsemble.""" def __init__(self, resource_handle, create_op, name): """Creates a _TreeEnsembleSavable object. Args: resource_handle: handle to the decision tree ensemble variable. create_op: the op to initialize the variable. name: the name to save the tree ensemble variable under. """ stamp_token, serialized = ( gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_serialize_ensemble(resource_handle)) # slice_spec is useful for saving a slice from a variable. # It's not meaningful the tree ensemble variable. So we just pass an empty # value. slice_spec = '' specs = [ saver.BaseSaverBuilder.SaveSpec(stamp_token, slice_spec, name + '_stamp'), saver.BaseSaverBuilder.SaveSpec(serialized, slice_spec, name + '_serialized'), ] super(_TreeEnsembleSavable, self).__init__(resource_handle, specs, name) self._resource_handle = resource_handle self._create_op = create_op def restore(self, restored_tensors, unused_restored_shapes): """Restores the associated tree ensemble from 'restored_tensors'. Args: restored_tensors: the tensors that were loaded from a checkpoint. unused_restored_shapes: the shapes this object should conform to after restore. Not meaningful for trees. Returns: The operation that restores the state of the tree ensemble variable. """ with ops.control_dependencies([self._create_op]): return gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_deserialize_ensemble( self._resource_handle, stamp_token=restored_tensors[0], tree_ensemble_serialized=restored_tensors[1]) class TreeEnsemble(object): """Creates TreeEnsemble resource.""" def __init__(self, name, stamp_token=0, is_local=False, serialized_proto=''): with ops.name_scope(name, 'TreeEnsemble') as name: self._resource_handle = ( gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_ensemble_resource_handle_op( container='', shared_name=name, name=name)) create_op = gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_create_ensemble( self.resource_handle, stamp_token, tree_ensemble_serialized=serialized_proto) is_initialized_op = ( gen_boosted_trees_ops.is_boosted_trees_ensemble_initialized( self._resource_handle)) # Adds the variable to the savable list. if not is_local: saveable = _TreeEnsembleSavable(self.resource_handle, create_op, self.resource_handle.name) ops.add_to_collection(ops.GraphKeys.SAVEABLE_OBJECTS, saveable) resources.register_resource( self.resource_handle, create_op, is_initialized_op, is_shared=not is_local) @property def resource_handle(self): return self._resource_handle def get_stamp_token(self): """Returns the current stamp token of the resource.""" stamp_token, _, _, _, _ = ( gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_get_ensemble_states( self.resource_handle)) return stamp_token def get_states(self): """Returns states of the tree ensemble. Returns: stamp_token, num_trees, num_finalized_trees, num_attempted_layers and range of the nodes in the latest layer. """ (stamp_token, num_trees, num_finalized_trees, num_attempted_layers, nodes_range) = ( gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_get_ensemble_states( self.resource_handle)) # Use identity to give names. return (array_ops.identity(stamp_token, name='stamp_token'), array_ops.identity(num_trees, name='num_trees'), array_ops.identity(num_finalized_trees, name='num_finalized_trees'), array_ops.identity( num_attempted_layers, name='num_attempted_layers'), array_ops.identity(nodes_range, name='last_layer_nodes_range')) def serialize(self): """Serializes the ensemble into proto and returns the serialized proto. Returns: stamp_token: int64 scalar Tensor to denote the stamp of the resource. serialized_proto: string scalar Tensor of the serialized proto. """ return gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_serialize_ensemble( self.resource_handle) def deserialize(self, stamp_token, serialized_proto): """Deserialize the input proto and resets the ensemble from it. Args: stamp_token: int64 scalar Tensor to denote the stamp of the resource. serialized_proto: string scalar Tensor of the serialized proto. Returns: Operation (for dependencies). """ return gen_boosted_trees_ops.boosted_trees_deserialize_ensemble( self.resource_handle, stamp_token, serialized_proto)