# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """A simple stack that associates filename and line numbers with each object.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.util import tf_stack class TraceableObject(object): """Wrap an object together with its the code definition location.""" # Return codes for the set_filename_and_line_from_caller() method. SUCCESS, HEURISTIC_USED, FAILURE = (0, 1, 2) def __init__(self, obj, filename=None, lineno=None): self.obj = obj self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno def set_filename_and_line_from_caller(self, offset=0): """Set filename and line using the caller's stack frame. If the requested stack information is not available, a heuristic may be applied and self.HEURISTIC USED will be returned. If the heuristic fails then no change will be made to the filename and lineno members (None by default) and self.FAILURE will be returned. Args: offset: Integer. If 0, the caller's stack frame is used. If 1, the caller's caller's stack frame is used. Larger values are permissible but if out-of-range (larger than the number of stack frames available) the outermost stack frame will be used. Returns: TraceableObject.SUCCESS if appropriate stack information was found, TraceableObject.HEURISTIC_USED if the offset was larger than the stack, and TraceableObject.FAILURE if the stack was empty. """ # Offset is defined in "Args" as relative to the caller. We are one frame # beyond the caller. local_offset = offset + 1 frame_records = tf_stack.extract_stack() if not frame_records: return self.FAILURE if len(frame_records) >= local_offset: # Negative indexing is one-indexed instead of zero-indexed. negative_offset = -(local_offset + 1) self.filename, self.lineno = frame_records[negative_offset][:2] return self.SUCCESS else: # If the offset is too large then we use the largest offset possible, # meaning we use the outermost stack frame at index 0. self.filename, self.lineno = frame_records[0][:2] return self.HEURISTIC_USED def copy_metadata(self): """Return a TraceableObject like this one, but without the object.""" return self.__class__(None, filename=self.filename, lineno=self.lineno) class TraceableStack(object): """A stack of TraceableObjects.""" def __init__(self, existing_stack=None): """Constructor. Args: existing_stack: [TraceableObject, ...] If provided, this object will set its new stack to a SHALLOW COPY of existing_stack. """ self._stack = existing_stack[:] if existing_stack else [] def push_obj(self, obj, offset=0): """Add object to the stack and record its filename and line information. Args: obj: An object to store on the stack. offset: Integer. If 0, the caller's stack frame is used. If 1, the caller's caller's stack frame is used. Returns: TraceableObject.SUCCESS if appropriate stack information was found, TraceableObject.HEURISTIC_USED if the stack was smaller than expected, and TraceableObject.FAILURE if the stack was empty. """ traceable_obj = TraceableObject(obj) self._stack.append(traceable_obj) # Offset is defined in "Args" as relative to the caller. We are 1 frame # beyond the caller and need to compensate. return traceable_obj.set_filename_and_line_from_caller(offset + 1) def pop_obj(self): """Remove last-inserted object and return it, without filename/line info.""" return self._stack.pop().obj def peek_objs(self): """Return list of stored objects ordered newest to oldest.""" return [t_obj.obj for t_obj in reversed(self._stack)] def peek_traceable_objs(self): """Return list of stored TraceableObjects ordered newest to oldest.""" return list(reversed(self._stack)) def __len__(self): """Return number of items on the stack, and used for truth-value testing.""" return len(self._stack) def copy(self): """Return a copy of self referencing the same objects but in a new list. This method is implemented to support thread-local stacks. Returns: TraceableStack with a new list that holds existing objects. """ return TraceableStack(self._stack)