# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Function for interpolating formatted errors from the TensorFlow runtime. Exposes the function `interpolate` to interpolate messages with tags of the form ^^type:name:format^^. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import collections import itertools import os import re import six from tensorflow.python.util import tf_stack _NAME_REGEX = r"[A-Za-z0-9.][A-Za-z0-9_.\-/]*?" _TAG_REGEX = r"\^\^({name}):({name})\^\^".format(name=_NAME_REGEX) _INTERPOLATION_REGEX = r"^(.*?)({tag})".format(tag=_TAG_REGEX) _INTERPOLATION_PATTERN = re.compile(_INTERPOLATION_REGEX) _ParseTag = collections.namedtuple("_ParseTag", ["type", "name"]) _BAD_FILE_SUBSTRINGS = [ os.path.join("tensorflow", "python"), " with tf.device(some_func): The first line will have no padding to its left by default. Subsequent lines will have two spaces of left-padding. Use the prefix argument to increase indentation. """ if not device_assignment_list: message = "No device assignments were active during op '%s' creation." message %= name return prefix + message str_list = [] str_list.append( "%sDevice assignments active during op '%s' creation:" % (prefix, name)) for traceable_obj in device_assignment_list: location_summary = "<{file}:{line}>".format( file=traceable_obj.filename, line=traceable_obj.lineno) subs = { "prefix": prefix, "indent": " ", "dev_name": traceable_obj.obj, "loc": location_summary, } str_list.append( "{prefix}{indent}with tf.device({dev_name}): {loc}".format(**subs)) return "\n".join(str_list) def _compute_device_assignment_summary_from_op(op, prefix=""): # pylint: disable=protected-access return _compute_device_summary_from_list(op.name, op._device_assignments, prefix) # pylint: enable=protected-access def _compute_colocation_summary_from_dict(name, colocation_dict, prefix=""): """Return a summary of an op's colocation stack. Args: name: The op name. colocation_dict: The op._colocation_dict. prefix: An optional string prefix used before each line of the multi- line string returned by this function. Returns: A multi-line string similar to: Node-device colocations active during op creation: with tf.colocate_with(test_node_1): with tf.colocate_with(test_node_2): The first line will have no padding to its left by default. Subsequent lines will have two spaces of left-padding. Use the prefix argument to increase indentation. """ if not colocation_dict: message = "No node-device colocations were active during op '%s' creation." message %= name return prefix + message str_list = [] str_list.append("%sNode-device colocations active during op '%s' creation:" % (prefix, name)) for coloc_name, location in colocation_dict.items(): location_summary = "<{file}:{line}>".format( file=location.filename, line=location.lineno) subs = { "prefix": prefix, "indent": " ", "name": coloc_name, "loc": location_summary, } str_list.append( "{prefix}{indent}with tf.colocate_with({name}): {loc}".format(**subs)) return "\n".join(str_list) def _compute_colocation_summary_from_op(op, prefix=""): """Fetch colocation file, line, and nesting and return a summary string.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access return _compute_colocation_summary_from_dict(op.name, op._colocation_dict, prefix) # pylint: enable=protected-access def _find_index_of_defining_frame_for_op(op): """Return index in op._traceback with first 'useful' frame. This method reads through the stack stored in op._traceback looking for the innermost frame which (hopefully) belongs to the caller. It accomplishes this by rejecting frames whose filename appears to come from TensorFlow (see error_interpolation._BAD_FILE_SUBSTRINGS for the list of rejected substrings). Args: op: the Operation object for which we would like to find the defining location. Returns: Integer index into op._traceback where the first non-TF file was found (innermost to outermost), or 0 (for the outermost stack frame) if all files came from TensorFlow. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access # Index 0 of tf_traceback is the outermost frame. tf_traceback = tf_stack.convert_stack(op._traceback) size = len(tf_traceback) # pylint: enable=protected-access filenames = [frame[tf_stack.TB_FILENAME] for frame in tf_traceback] # We process the filenames from the innermost frame to outermost. for idx, filename in enumerate(reversed(filenames)): contains_bad_substrings = [ss in filename for ss in _BAD_FILE_SUBSTRINGS] if not any(contains_bad_substrings): return size - idx - 1 return 0 def _get_defining_frame_from_op(op): """Find and return stack frame where op was defined.""" frame_index = _find_index_of_defining_frame_for_op(op) # pylint: disable=protected-access frame = op._traceback[frame_index] # pylint: enable=protected-access return frame def compute_field_dict(op): """Return a dictionary mapping interpolation tokens to values. Args: op: op.Operation object having a _traceback member. Returns: A dictionary mapping string tokens to string values. The keys are shown below along with example values. { "file": "tool_utils.py", "line": "124", "defined_at": " (defined at tool_utils.py:124)", "colocations": '''Node-device colocations active during op creation: with tf.colocate_with(test_node_1): with tf.colocate_with(test_node_2): ''' "devices": '''Device assignments active during op 'foo' creation: with tf.device(/cpu:0): with tf.device(some_func): ''' "devs_and_colocs": A concatenation of colocations and devices, e.g. '''Node-device colocations active during op creation: with tf.colocate_with(test_node_1): with tf.colocate_with(test_node_2): ''' Device assignments active during op 'foo' creation: with tf.device(/cpu:0): with tf.device(some_func): ''' } """ frame = _get_defining_frame_from_op(op) filename = frame[tf_stack.TB_FILENAME] lineno = frame[tf_stack.TB_LINENO] defined_at = " (defined at %s:%d)" % (filename, lineno) colocation_summary = _compute_colocation_summary_from_op(op) device_summary = _compute_device_assignment_summary_from_op(op) combined_summary = "\n".join([colocation_summary, device_summary]) field_dict = { "file": filename, "line": lineno, "defined_at": defined_at, "colocations": colocation_summary, "devices": device_summary, "devs_and_colocs": combined_summary, } return field_dict def interpolate(error_message, graph): """Interpolates an error message. The error message can contain tags of the form ^^type:name^^ which will be replaced. Args: error_message: A string to interpolate. graph: ops.Graph object containing all nodes referenced in the error message. Returns: The string with tags of the form ^^type:name^^ interpolated. """ seps, tags = _parse_message(error_message) subs = [] end_msg = "" for t in tags: try: op = graph.get_operation_by_name(t.name) except KeyError: op = None msg = "^^%s:%s^^" % (t.type, t.name) if op is not None: field_dict = compute_field_dict(op) if t.type == "node": msg = "node %s%s " % (t.name, field_dict["defined_at"]) elif t.type == "colocation_node": msg = "node %s%s having device %s " % (t.name, field_dict["defined_at"], field_dict["devices"]) end_msg += "\n\n" + field_dict["devs_and_colocs"] subs.append(msg) subs.append(end_msg) return "".join( itertools.chain(*six.moves.zip_longest(seps, subs, fillvalue="")))