# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Command parsing module for TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg).""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import ast import re import sys _BRACKETS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\[[^\]]*\]") _QUOTES_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\')") _WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\s+") _NUMBER_PATTERN = re.compile(r"[-+]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?") class Interval(object): """Represents an interval between a start and end value.""" def __init__(self, start, start_included, end, end_included): self.start = start self.start_included = start_included self.end = end self.end_included = end_included def contains(self, value): if value < self.start or value == self.start and not self.start_included: return False if value > self.end or value == self.end and not self.end_included: return False return True def __eq__(self, other): return (self.start == other.start and self.start_included == other.start_included and self.end == other.end and self.end_included == other.end_included) def parse_command(command): """Parse command string into a list of arguments. - Disregards whitespace inside double quotes and brackets. - Strips paired leading and trailing double quotes in arguments. - Splits the command at whitespace. Nested double quotes and brackets are not handled. Args: command: (str) Input command. Returns: (list of str) List of arguments. """ command = command.strip() if not command: return [] brackets_intervals = [f.span() for f in _BRACKETS_PATTERN.finditer(command)] quotes_intervals = [f.span() for f in _QUOTES_PATTERN.finditer(command)] whitespaces_intervals = [ f.span() for f in _WHITESPACE_PATTERN.finditer(command) ] if not whitespaces_intervals: return [command] arguments = [] idx0 = 0 for start, end in whitespaces_intervals + [(len(command), None)]: # Skip whitespace stretches enclosed in brackets or double quotes. if not any(interval[0] < start < interval[1] for interval in brackets_intervals + quotes_intervals): argument = command[idx0:start] # Strip leading and trailing double quote if they are paired. if (argument.startswith("\"") and argument.endswith("\"") or argument.startswith("'") and argument.endswith("'")): argument = argument[1:-1] arguments.append(argument) idx0 = end return arguments def extract_output_file_path(args): """Extract output file path from command arguments. Args: args: (list of str) command arguments. Returns: (list of str) Command arguments with the output file path part stripped. (str or None) Output file path (if any). Raises: SyntaxError: If there is no file path after the last ">" character. """ if args and args[-1].endswith(">"): raise SyntaxError("Redirect file path is empty") elif args and args[-1].startswith(">"): try: _parse_interval(args[-1]) if len(args) > 1 and args[-2].startswith("-"): output_file_path = None else: output_file_path = args[-1][1:] args = args[:-1] except ValueError: output_file_path = args[-1][1:] args = args[:-1] elif len(args) > 1 and args[-2] == ">": output_file_path = args[-1] args = args[:-2] elif args and args[-1].count(">") == 1: gt_index = args[-1].index(">") if gt_index > 0 and args[-1][gt_index - 1] == "=": output_file_path = None else: output_file_path = args[-1][gt_index + 1:] args[-1] = args[-1][:gt_index] elif len(args) > 1 and args[-2].endswith(">"): output_file_path = args[-1] args = args[:-1] args[-1] = args[-1][:-1] else: output_file_path = None return args, output_file_path def parse_tensor_name_with_slicing(in_str): """Parse tensor name, potentially suffixed by slicing string. Args: in_str: (str) Input name of the tensor, potentially followed by a slicing string. E.g.: Without slicing string: "hidden/weights/Variable:0", with slicing string: "hidden/weights/Variable:0[1, :]" Returns: (str) name of the tensor (str) slicing string, if any. If no slicing string is present, return "". """ if in_str.count("[") == 1 and in_str.endswith("]"): tensor_name = in_str[:in_str.index("[")] tensor_slicing = in_str[in_str.index("["):] else: tensor_name = in_str tensor_slicing = "" return tensor_name, tensor_slicing def validate_slicing_string(slicing_string): """Validate a slicing string. Check if the input string contains only brackets, digits, commas and colons that are valid characters in numpy-style array slicing. Args: slicing_string: (str) Input slicing string to be validated. Returns: (bool) True if and only if the slicing string is valid. """ return bool(re.search(r"^\[(\d|,|\s|:)+\]$", slicing_string)) def _parse_slices(slicing_string): """Construct a tuple of slices from the slicing string. The string must be a valid slicing string. Args: slicing_string: (str) Input slicing string to be parsed. Returns: tuple(slice1, slice2, ...) Raises: ValueError: If tensor_slicing is not a valid numpy ndarray slicing str. """ parsed = [] for slice_string in slicing_string[1:-1].split(","): indices = slice_string.split(":") if len(indices) == 1: parsed.append(int(indices[0].strip())) elif 2 <= len(indices) <= 3: parsed.append( slice(*[ int(index.strip()) if index.strip() else None for index in indices ])) else: raise ValueError("Invalid tensor-slicing string.") return tuple(parsed) def parse_indices(indices_string): """Parse a string representing indices. For example, if the input is "[1, 2, 3]", the return value will be a list of indices: [1, 2, 3] Args: indices_string: (str) a string representing indices. Can optionally be surrounded by a pair of brackets. Returns: (list of int): Parsed indices. """ # Strip whitespace. indices_string = re.sub(r"\s+", "", indices_string) # Strip any brackets at the two ends. if indices_string.startswith("[") and indices_string.endswith("]"): indices_string = indices_string[1:-1] return [int(element) for element in indices_string.split(",")] def parse_ranges(range_string): """Parse a string representing numerical range(s). Args: range_string: (str) A string representing a numerical range or a list of them. For example: "[-1.0,1.0]", "[-inf, 0]", "[[-inf, -1.0], [1.0, inf]]" Returns: (list of list of float) A list of numerical ranges parsed from the input string. Raises: ValueError: If the input doesn't represent a range or a list of ranges. """ range_string = range_string.strip() if not range_string: return [] if "inf" in range_string: range_string = re.sub(r"inf", repr(sys.float_info.max), range_string) ranges = ast.literal_eval(range_string) if isinstance(ranges, list) and not isinstance(ranges[0], list): ranges = [ranges] # Verify that ranges is a list of list of numbers. for item in ranges: if len(item) != 2: raise ValueError("Incorrect number of elements in range") elif not isinstance(item[0], (int, float)): raise ValueError("Incorrect type in the 1st element of range: %s" % type(item[0])) elif not isinstance(item[1], (int, float)): raise ValueError("Incorrect type in the 2nd element of range: %s" % type(item[0])) return ranges def parse_memory_interval(interval_str): """Convert a human-readable memory interval to a tuple of start and end value. Args: interval_str: (`str`) A human-readable str representing an interval (e.g., "[10kB, 20kB]", "<100M", ">100G"). Only the units "kB", "MB", "GB" are supported. The "B character at the end of the input `str` may be omitted. Returns: `Interval` object where start and end are in bytes. Raises: ValueError: if the input is not valid. """ str_interval = _parse_interval(interval_str) interval_start = 0 interval_end = float("inf") if str_interval.start: interval_start = parse_readable_size_str(str_interval.start) if str_interval.end: interval_end = parse_readable_size_str(str_interval.end) if interval_start > interval_end: raise ValueError( "Invalid interval %s. Start of interval must be less than or equal " "to end of interval." % interval_str) return Interval(interval_start, str_interval.start_included, interval_end, str_interval.end_included) def parse_time_interval(interval_str): """Convert a human-readable time interval to a tuple of start and end value. Args: interval_str: (`str`) A human-readable str representing an interval (e.g., "[10us, 20us]", "<100s", ">100ms"). Supported time suffixes are us, ms, s. Returns: `Interval` object where start and end are in microseconds. Raises: ValueError: if the input is not valid. """ str_interval = _parse_interval(interval_str) interval_start = 0 interval_end = float("inf") if str_interval.start: interval_start = parse_readable_time_str(str_interval.start) if str_interval.end: interval_end = parse_readable_time_str(str_interval.end) if interval_start > interval_end: raise ValueError( "Invalid interval %s. Start must be before end of interval." % interval_str) return Interval(interval_start, str_interval.start_included, interval_end, str_interval.end_included) def _parse_interval(interval_str): """Convert a human-readable interval to a tuple of start and end value. Args: interval_str: (`str`) A human-readable str representing an interval (e.g., "[1M, 2M]", "<100k", ">100ms"). The items following the ">", "<", ">=" and "<=" signs have to start with a number (e.g., 3.0, -2, .98). The same requirement applies to the items in the parentheses or brackets. Returns: Interval object where start or end can be None if the range is specified as "N" respectively. Raises: ValueError: if the input is not valid. """ interval_str = interval_str.strip() if interval_str.startswith("<="): if _NUMBER_PATTERN.match(interval_str[2:].strip()): return Interval(start=None, start_included=False, end=interval_str[2:].strip(), end_included=True) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value string after <= in '%s'" % interval_str) if interval_str.startswith("<"): if _NUMBER_PATTERN.match(interval_str[1:].strip()): return Interval(start=None, start_included=False, end=interval_str[1:].strip(), end_included=False) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value string after < in '%s'" % interval_str) if interval_str.startswith(">="): if _NUMBER_PATTERN.match(interval_str[2:].strip()): return Interval(start=interval_str[2:].strip(), start_included=True, end=None, end_included=False) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value string after >= in '%s'" % interval_str) if interval_str.startswith(">"): if _NUMBER_PATTERN.match(interval_str[1:].strip()): return Interval(start=interval_str[1:].strip(), start_included=False, end=None, end_included=False) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value string after > in '%s'" % interval_str) if (not interval_str.startswith(("[", "(")) or not interval_str.endswith(("]", ")"))): raise ValueError( "Invalid interval format: %s. Valid formats are: [min, max], " "(min, max), min" % interval_str) interval = interval_str[1:-1].split(",") if len(interval) != 2: raise ValueError( "Incorrect interval format: %s. Interval should specify two values: " "[min, max] or (min, max)." % interval_str) start_item = interval[0].strip() if not _NUMBER_PATTERN.match(start_item): raise ValueError("Invalid first item in interval: '%s'" % start_item) end_item = interval[1].strip() if not _NUMBER_PATTERN.match(end_item): raise ValueError("Invalid second item in interval: '%s'" % end_item) return Interval(start=start_item, start_included=(interval_str[0] == "["), end=end_item, end_included=(interval_str[-1] == "]")) def parse_readable_size_str(size_str): """Convert a human-readable str representation to number of bytes. Only the units "kB", "MB", "GB" are supported. The "B character at the end of the input `str` may be omitted. Args: size_str: (`str`) A human-readable str representing a number of bytes (e.g., "0", "1023", "1.1kB", "24 MB", "23GB", "100 G". Returns: (`int`) The parsed number of bytes. Raises: ValueError: on failure to parse the input `size_str`. """ size_str = size_str.strip() if size_str.endswith("B"): size_str = size_str[:-1] if size_str.isdigit(): return int(size_str) elif size_str.endswith("k"): return int(float(size_str[:-1]) * 1024) elif size_str.endswith("M"): return int(float(size_str[:-1]) * 1048576) elif size_str.endswith("G"): return int(float(size_str[:-1]) * 1073741824) else: raise ValueError("Failed to parsed human-readable byte size str: \"%s\"" % size_str) def parse_readable_time_str(time_str): """Parses a time string in the format N, Nus, Nms, Ns. Args: time_str: (`str`) string consisting of an integer time value optionally followed by 'us', 'ms', or 's' suffix. If suffix is not specified, value is assumed to be in microseconds. (e.g. 100us, 8ms, 5s, 100). Returns: Microseconds value. """ def parse_positive_float(value_str): value = float(value_str) if value < 0: raise ValueError( "Invalid time %s. Time value must be positive." % value_str) return value time_str = time_str.strip() if time_str.endswith("us"): return int(parse_positive_float(time_str[:-2])) elif time_str.endswith("ms"): return int(parse_positive_float(time_str[:-2]) * 1e3) elif time_str.endswith("s"): return int(parse_positive_float(time_str[:-1]) * 1e6) return int(parse_positive_float(time_str)) def evaluate_tensor_slice(tensor, tensor_slicing): """Call eval on the slicing of a tensor, with validation. Args: tensor: (numpy ndarray) The tensor value. tensor_slicing: (str or None) Slicing of the tensor, e.g., "[:, 1]". If None, no slicing will be performed on the tensor. Returns: (numpy ndarray) The sliced tensor. Raises: ValueError: If tensor_slicing is not a valid numpy ndarray slicing str. """ _ = tensor if not validate_slicing_string(tensor_slicing): raise ValueError("Invalid tensor-slicing string.") return tensor[_parse_slices(tensor_slicing)] def get_print_tensor_argparser(description): """Get an ArgumentParser for a command that prints tensor values. Examples of such commands include print_tensor and print_feed. Args: description: Description of the ArgumentParser. Returns: An instance of argparse.ArgumentParser. """ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, usage=argparse.SUPPRESS) ap.add_argument( "tensor_name", type=str, help="Name of the tensor, followed by any slicing indices, " "e.g., hidden1/Wx_plus_b/MatMul:0, " "hidden1/Wx_plus_b/MatMul:0[1, :]") ap.add_argument( "-n", "--number", dest="number", type=int, default=-1, help="0-based dump number for the specified tensor. " "Required for tensor with multiple dumps.") ap.add_argument( "-r", "--ranges", dest="ranges", type=str, default="", help="Numerical ranges to highlight tensor elements in. " "Examples: -r 0,1e-8, -r [-0.1,0.1], " "-r \"[[-inf, -0.1], [0.1, inf]]\"") ap.add_argument( "-a", "--all", dest="print_all", action="store_true", help="Print the tensor in its entirety, i.e., do not use ellipses.") ap.add_argument( "-s", "--numeric_summary", action="store_true", help="Include summary for non-empty tensors of numeric (int*, float*, " "complex*) and Boolean types.") ap.add_argument( "-w", "--write_path", type=str, default="", help="Path of the numpy file to write the tensor data to, using " "numpy.save().") return ap