# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Activity analysis. Requires qualified name annotations (see qual_names.py). """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import copy import weakref import gast from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import anno from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import qual_names from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct import transformer from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct.static_analysis.annos import NodeAnno # TODO(mdan): Add support for PY3 (e.g. Param vs arg). # TODO(alexbw): Ignore named literals (e.g. None) class Scope(object): """Encloses local symbol definition and usage information. This can track for instance whether a symbol is modified in the current scope. Note that scopes do not necessarily align with Python's scopes. For example, the body of an if statement may be considered a separate scope. Attributes: modified: identifiers modified in this scope created: identifiers created in this scope used: identifiers referenced in this scope """ def __init__(self, parent, isolated=True, add_unknown_symbols=False): """Create a new scope. Args: parent: A Scope or None. isolated: Whether the scope is isolated, that is, whether variables created in this scope should be visible to the parent scope. add_unknown_symbols: Whether to handle attributed and subscripts without having first seen the base name. E.g., analyzing the statement 'x.y = z' without first having seen 'x'. """ self.isolated = isolated self.parent = parent self.add_unknown_symbols = add_unknown_symbols self.modified = set() # TODO(mdan): Completely remove this. self.created = set() self.used = set() self.params = {} self.returned = set() # TODO(mdan): Rename to `locals` @property def referenced(self): if not self.isolated and self.parent is not None: return self.used | self.parent.referenced return self.used def __repr__(self): return 'Scope{r=%s, c=%s, w=%s}' % (tuple(self.used), tuple(self.created), tuple(self.modified)) def copy_from(self, other): """Recursively copies the contents of this scope from another scope.""" if (self.parent is None) != (other.parent is None): raise ValueError('cannot copy scopes of different structures') if other.parent is not None: self.parent.copy_from(other.parent) self.isolated = other.isolated self.modified = copy.copy(other.modified) self.created = copy.copy(other.created) self.used = copy.copy(other.used) self.params = copy.copy(other.params) self.returned = copy.copy(other.returned) @classmethod def copy_of(cls, other): if other.parent is not None: parent = cls.copy_of(other.parent) else: parent = None new_copy = cls(parent) new_copy.copy_from(other) return new_copy def merge_from(self, other): if (self.parent is None) != (other.parent is None): raise ValueError('cannot merge scopes of different structures') if other.parent is not None: self.parent.merge_from(other.parent) self.modified |= other.modified self.created |= other.created self.used |= other.used self.params.update(other.params) self.returned |= other.returned def has(self, name): if name in self.modified: return True elif self.parent is not None: return self.parent.has(name) return False def mark_read(self, name): self.used.add(name) if self.parent is not None and name not in self.created: self.parent.mark_read(name) def mark_param(self, name, owner): # Assumption: all AST nodes have the same life span. This lets us use # a weak reference to mark the connection between a symbol node and the # function node whose argument that symbol is. self.params[name] = weakref.ref(owner) def mark_creation(self, name, writes_create_symbol=False): """Mark a qualified name as created.""" if name.is_composite(): parent = name.parent if not writes_create_symbol: return else: if not self.has(parent): if self.add_unknown_symbols: self.mark_read(parent) else: raise ValueError('Unknown symbol "%s".' % parent) self.created.add(name) def mark_write(self, name): """Marks the given symbol as modified in the current scope.""" self.modified.add(name) if self.isolated: self.mark_creation(name) else: if self.parent is None: self.mark_creation(name) else: if not self.parent.has(name): self.mark_creation(name) self.parent.mark_write(name) def mark_returned(self, name): self.returned.add(name) if not self.isolated and self.parent is not None: self.parent.mark_returned(name) class ActivityAnalyzer(transformer.Base): """Annotates nodes with local scope information. See Scope. The use of this class requires that qual_names.resolve() has been called on the node. This class will ignore nodes have not been annotated with their qualified names. """ def __init__(self, context, parent_scope=None, add_unknown_symbols=False): super(ActivityAnalyzer, self).__init__(context) self.scope = Scope(parent_scope, None, add_unknown_symbols) self._in_return_statement = False self._in_aug_assign = False @property def _in_constructor(self): if len(self.enclosing_entities) > 1: innermost = self.enclosing_entities[-1] parent = self.enclosing_entities[-2] return isinstance(parent, gast.ClassDef) and innermost.name == '__init__' return False def _node_sets_self_attribute(self, node): if anno.hasanno(node, anno.Basic.QN): qn = anno.getanno(node, anno.Basic.QN) # TODO(mdan): The 'self' argument is not guaranteed to be called 'self'. if qn.has_attr and qn.parent.qn == ('self',): return True return False def _track_symbol(self, node, composite_writes_alter_parent=False, writes_create_symbol=False): # A QN may be missing when we have an attribute (or subscript) on a function # call. Example: a().b if not anno.hasanno(node, anno.Basic.QN): return qn = anno.getanno(node, anno.Basic.QN) if isinstance(node.ctx, gast.Store): self.scope.mark_write(qn) if qn.is_composite and composite_writes_alter_parent: self.scope.mark_write(qn.parent) if writes_create_symbol: self.scope.mark_creation(qn, writes_create_symbol=True) if self._in_aug_assign: self.scope.mark_read(qn) elif isinstance(node.ctx, gast.Load): self.scope.mark_read(qn) elif isinstance(node.ctx, gast.Param): # Param contexts appear in function defs, so they have the meaning of # defining a variable. self.scope.mark_write(qn) self.scope.mark_param(qn, self.enclosing_entities[-1]) else: raise ValueError('Unknown context %s for node %s.' % (type(node.ctx), qn)) anno.setanno(node, NodeAnno.IS_LOCAL, self.scope.has(qn)) if self._in_return_statement: self.scope.mark_returned(qn) def _enter_scope(self, isolated): self.scope = Scope(self.scope, isolated=isolated) def _exit_scope(self): self.scope = self.scope.parent def _process_statement(self, node): self._enter_scope(False) node = self.generic_visit(node) anno.setanno(node, anno.Static.SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() return node def visit_Expr(self, node): return self._process_statement(node) def visit_Return(self, node): self._in_return_statement = True node = self._process_statement(node) self._in_return_statement = False return node def visit_Assign(self, node): return self._process_statement(node) def visit_AugAssign(self, node): # Special rules for AugAssign. In Assign, the target is only written, # but in AugAssig (e.g. a += b), the target is both read and written. self._in_aug_assign = True node = self._process_statement(node) self._in_aug_assign = False return node def visit_Name(self, node): node = self.generic_visit(node) self._track_symbol(node) return node def visit_Attribute(self, node): node = self.generic_visit(node) if self._in_constructor and self._node_sets_self_attribute(node): self._track_symbol( node, composite_writes_alter_parent=True, writes_create_symbol=True) else: self._track_symbol(node) return node def visit_Subscript(self, node): node = self.generic_visit(node) # Subscript writes (e.g. a[b] = "value") are considered to modify # both the element itself (a[b]) and its parent (a). self._track_symbol(node) return node def visit_Print(self, node): self._enter_scope(False) node.values = self.visit_block(node.values) anno.setanno(node, anno.Static.SCOPE, self.scope) anno.setanno(node, NodeAnno.ARGS_SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() return node def visit_Assert(self, node): return self._process_statement(node) def visit_Call(self, node): self._enter_scope(False) node.args = self.visit_block(node.args) node.keywords = self.visit_block(node.keywords) # TODO(mdan): Account starargs, kwargs anno.setanno(node, NodeAnno.ARGS_SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() node.func = self.visit(node.func) return node def _process_block_node(self, node, block, scope_name): self._enter_scope(False) block = self.visit_block(block) anno.setanno(node, scope_name, self.scope) self._exit_scope() return node def _process_parallel_blocks(self, parent, children): # Because the scopes are not isolated, processing any child block # modifies the parent state causing the other child blocks to be # processed incorrectly. So we need to checkpoint the parent scope so that # each child sees the same context. before_parent = Scope.copy_of(self.scope) after_children = [] for child, scope_name in children: self.scope.copy_from(before_parent) parent = self._process_block_node(parent, child, scope_name) after_child = Scope.copy_of(self.scope) after_children.append(after_child) for after_child in after_children: self.scope.merge_from(after_child) return parent def visit_arguments(self, node): return self._process_statement(node) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): # The FunctionDef node itself has a Scope object that tracks the creation # of its name, along with the usage of any decorator accompany it. self._enter_scope(False) node.decorator_list = self.visit_block(node.decorator_list) self.scope.mark_write(qual_names.QN(node.name)) anno.setanno(node, anno.Static.SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() # A separate Scope tracks the actual function definition. self._enter_scope(True) node.args = self.visit(node.args) # Track the body separately. This is for compatibility reasons, it may not # be strictly needed. self._enter_scope(False) node.body = self.visit_block(node.body) anno.setanno(node, NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() self._exit_scope() return node def visit_With(self, node): self._enter_scope(False) node = self.generic_visit(node) anno.setanno(node, NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() return node def visit_withitem(self, node): return self._process_statement(node) def visit_If(self, node): self._enter_scope(False) node.test = self.visit(node.test) anno.setanno(node, NodeAnno.COND_SCOPE, self.scope) anno.setanno(node.test, anno.Static.SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() node = self._process_parallel_blocks(node, ((node.body, NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE), (node.orelse, NodeAnno.ORELSE_SCOPE))) return node def visit_For(self, node): self._enter_scope(False) node.target = self.visit(node.target) node.iter = self.visit(node.iter) anno.setanno(node.iter, anno.Static.SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() node = self._process_parallel_blocks(node, ((node.body, NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE), (node.orelse, NodeAnno.ORELSE_SCOPE))) return node def visit_While(self, node): self._enter_scope(False) node.test = self.visit(node.test) anno.setanno(node, NodeAnno.COND_SCOPE, self.scope) anno.setanno(node.test, anno.Static.SCOPE, self.scope) self._exit_scope() node = self._process_parallel_blocks(node, ((node.body, NodeAnno.BODY_SCOPE), (node.orelse, NodeAnno.ORELSE_SCOPE))) return node def resolve(node, context, parent_scope=None): return ActivityAnalyzer(context, parent_scope).visit(node)