# TensorFlow Style Guide This page contains style decisions that both developers and users of TensorFlow should follow to increase the readability of their code, reduce the number of errors, and promote consistency. [TOC] ## Python style Generally follow [PEP8 Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/), except for using 2 spaces. ## Python 2 and 3 compatible * All code needs to be compatible with Python 2 and 3. * Next lines should be present in all Python files: ``` from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function ``` * Use `six` to write compatible code (for example `six.moves.range`). ## Bazel BUILD rules TensorFlow uses Bazel build system and enforces next requirements: * Every BUILD file should contain next header: ``` # Description: # <...> package( default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"], features = ["-parse_headers"], ) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 exports_files(["LICENSE"]) ``` * At the end of every BUILD file, should contain: ``` filegroup( name = "all_files", srcs = glob( ["**/*"], exclude = [ "**/METADATA", "**/OWNERS", ], ), visibility = ["//third_party/tensorflow:__subpackages__"], ) ``` * When adding new BUILD file, add this line to `tensorflow/BUILD` file into `all_opensource_files` target. ``` "//third_party/tensorflow/:all_files", ``` * For all Python BUILD targets (libraries and tests) add next line: ``` srcs_version = "PY2AND3", ``` ## Tensor * Operations that deal with batches may assume that the first dimension of a Tensor is the batch dimension. ## Python operations A *Python operation* is a function that, given input tensors and parameters, creates a part of the graph and returns output tensors. * The first arguments should be tensors, followed by basic python parameters. The last argument is `name` with a default value of `None`. If operation needs to save some `Tensor`s to Graph collections, put the arguments with names of the collections right before `name` argument. * Tensor arguments should be either a single tensor or an iterable of tensors. E.g. a "Tensor or list of Tensors" is too broad. See `assert_proper_iterable`. * Operations that take tensors as arguments should call `convert_to_tensor` to convert non-tensor inputs into tensors if they are using C++ operations. Note that the arguments are still described as a `Tensor` object of a specific dtype in the documentation. * Each Python operation should have an `op_scope` like below. Pass list of input tensors, `name` and a default name of the op as arguments. * Operations should contain an extensive Python comment with Args and Returns declarations that explain both the type and meaning of each value. Possible shapes, dtypes, or ranks should be specified in the description. [See documentation details](documentation/index.md) * For increased usability include an example of usage with inputs / outputs of the op in Example section. Example: def my_op(tensor_in, other_tensor_in, my_param, other_param=0.5, output_collections=(), name=None): """My operation that adds two tensors with given coefficients. Args: tensor_in: `Tensor`, input tensor. other_tensor_in: `Tensor`, same shape as `tensor_in`, other input tensor. my_param: `float`, coefficient for `tensor_in`. other_param: `float`, coefficient for `other_tensor_in`. output_collections: `tuple` of `string`s, name of the collection to collect result of this op. name: `string`, name of the operation. Returns: `Tensor` of same shape as `tensor_in`, sum of input values with coefficients. Example: >>> my_op([1., 2.], [3., 4.], my_param=0.5, other_param=0.6, output_collections=['MY_OPS'], name='add_t1t2') [2.3, 3.4] """ with tf.op_scope([tensor_in, other_tensor_in], name, "my_op"): tensor_in = tf.convert_to_tensor(tensor_in) other_tensor_in = tf.convert_to_tensor(other_tensor_in) result = my_param * tensor_in + other_param * other_tensor_in tf.add_to_collections(output_collections, result) return result Usage: output = my_op(t1, t2, my_param=0.5, other_param=0.6, output_collections=['MY_OPS'], name='add_t1t2') ## Layers A *Layer* is a Python operation that combines variable creation and/or one or many other graph operations. Follow the same requirements as for regular Python operation. * If a layer creates one or more variables, the layer function should take next arguments also following order: - `initializers`: Optionally allow to specify initializers for the variables. - `regularizers`: Optionally allow to specify regularizers for the variables. - `trainable`: which control if their variables are trainable or not. - `scope`: `VariableScope` object that variable will be put under. - `reuse`: `bool` indicator if the variable should be reused if it's present in the scope. * Layers that behave differently during training should have: - `is_training`: `bool` to indicate if a training graph is been built. Example: def conv2d(inputs, num_filters_out, kernel_size, stride=1, padding='SAME', activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, normalization_fn=add_bias, normalization_params=None, initializers=None, regularizers=None, trainable=True, scope=None, reuse=None): ... see implementation at tensorflow/contrib/layers/python/layers/layers.py ...