A Reader that outputs the records from a TFRecords file. See ReaderBase for supported methods. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.__init__(name=None, options=None)` {#TFRecordReader.__init__} Create a TFRecordReader. ##### Args: * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). * `options`: A TFRecordOptions object (optional). - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.num_records_produced(name=None)` {#TFRecordReader.num_records_produced} Returns the number of records this reader has produced. This is the same as the number of Read executions that have succeeded. ##### Args: * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). ##### Returns: An int64 Tensor. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.num_work_units_completed(name=None)` {#TFRecordReader.num_work_units_completed} Returns the number of work units this reader has finished processing. ##### Args: * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). ##### Returns: An int64 Tensor. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.read(queue, name=None)` {#TFRecordReader.read} Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader. Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has finished with the previous file). ##### Args: * `queue`: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle to a Queue, with string work items. * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). ##### Returns: A tuple of Tensors (key, value). * `key`: A string scalar Tensor. * `value`: A string scalar Tensor. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.read_up_to(queue, num_records, name=None)` {#TFRecordReader.read_up_to} Returns up to num_records (key, value pairs) produced by a reader. Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g., when the Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has finished with the previous file). It may return less than num_records even before the last batch. ##### Args: * `queue`: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle to a Queue, with string work items. * `num_records`: Number of records to read. * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). ##### Returns: A tuple of Tensors (keys, values). * `keys`: A 1-D string Tensor. * `values`: A 1-D string Tensor. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.reader_ref` {#TFRecordReader.reader_ref} Op that implements the reader. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.reset(name=None)` {#TFRecordReader.reset} Restore a reader to its initial clean state. ##### Args: * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). ##### Returns: The created Operation. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.restore_state(state, name=None)` {#TFRecordReader.restore_state} Restore a reader to a previously saved state. Not all Readers support being restored, so this can produce an Unimplemented error. ##### Args: * `state`: A string Tensor. Result of a SerializeState of a Reader with matching type. * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). ##### Returns: The created Operation. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.serialize_state(name=None)` {#TFRecordReader.serialize_state} Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader. Not all Readers support being serialized, so this can produce an Unimplemented error. ##### Args: * `name`: A name for the operation (optional). ##### Returns: A string Tensor. - - - #### `tf.TFRecordReader.supports_serialize` {#TFRecordReader.supports_serialize} Whether the Reader implementation can serialize its state.