# Sparse Tensors Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by `tf.convert_to_tensor`. [TOC] ## Sparse Tensor Representation TensorFlow supports a `SparseTensor` representation for data that is sparse in multiple dimensions. Contrast this representation with `IndexedSlices`, which is efficient for representing tensors that are sparse in their first dimension, and dense along all other dimensions. * `tf.SparseTensor` * `tf.SparseTensorValue` ## Conversion * `tf.sparse_to_dense` * `tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense` * `tf.sparse_to_indicator` * `tf.sparse_merge` ## Manipulation * `tf.sparse_concat` * `tf.sparse_reorder` * `tf.sparse_reshape` * `tf.sparse_split` * `tf.sparse_retain` * `tf.sparse_reset_shape` * `tf.sparse_fill_empty_rows` * `tf.sparse_transpose` ## Reduction * `tf.sparse_reduce_sum` * `tf.sparse_reduce_sum_sparse` ## Math Operations * `tf.sparse_add` * `tf.sparse_softmax` * `tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul` * `tf.sparse_maximum` * `tf.sparse_minimum`