/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #ifndef TENSORFLOW_CORE_UTIL_MKL_UTIL_H_ #define TENSORFLOW_CORE_UTIL_MKL_UTIL_H_ #ifdef INTEL_MKL #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY) || defined(INTEL_MKL_DNN_ONLY) #ifndef INTEL_MKL #error "INTEL_MKL_{ML,DNN}_ONLY require INTEL_MKL" #endif #endif #if defined(INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY) && defined(INTEL_MKL_DNN_ONLY) #error "at most one of INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY and INTEL_MKL_DNN_ONLY may be defined" #endif #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY // Using pragma message since #warning doesn't work with all compilers #pragma message("Compiling for INTEL MKL ML only will be deprecated soon.") #pragma message("Please use MKL DNN (the default option for --config=mkl)") #endif #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY #include "mkl_dnn.h" #include "mkl_dnn_types.h" #include "mkl_service.h" #include "mkl_trans.h" #endif #include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h" #include "tensorflow/core/graph/mkl_graph_util.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/array_slice.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_info.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h" #include "tensorflow/core/util/padding.h" #include "tensorflow/core/util/tensor_format.h" #include "tensorflow/core/util/env_var.h" #ifndef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY #include "mkldnn.hpp" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h" using mkldnn::engine; using mkldnn::memory; using mkldnn::padding_kind; using mkldnn::primitive; using mkldnn::reorder; #endif #ifdef _WIN32 typedef unsigned int uint; #endif namespace tensorflow { // The file contains a number of utility classes and functions used by MKL // enabled kernels // This class encapsulates all the meta data that is associated with an MKL // tensor. A tensor is an MKL tensor if it was created as the result of an // MKL operation, and did not go through a conversion to a standard // Tensorflow tensor. typedef enum { W = 0, H = 1, C = 2, N = 3 } MklDims; typedef enum { Dim_N = 0, Dim_C = 1, Dim_H = 2, Dim_W = 3, Dim_O = 0, Dim_I = 1 } MklDnnDims; typedef enum { Dim3d_N = 0, Dim3d_C = 1, Dim3d_D = 2, Dim3d_H = 3, Dim3d_W = 4, Dim3d_O = 0, Dim3d_I = 1 } MklDnnDims3D; static const int kSmallBatchSize = 32; #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY class MklShape { public: MklShape() {} TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MklShape); // Cannot copy ~MklShape() { if (sizes_) delete[] sizes_; if (strides_) delete[] strides_; if (mklLayout_) CHECK_EQ(dnnLayoutDelete_F32(mklLayout_), E_SUCCESS); if (tfLayout_) CHECK_EQ(dnnLayoutDelete_F32(tfLayout_), E_SUCCESS); if (tf_to_mkl_dim_map_) delete[] tf_to_mkl_dim_map_; } const bool IsMklTensor() const { return isMklTensor_; } void SetMklTensor(const bool isMklTensor) { isMklTensor_ = isMklTensor; } void SetDimensions(const size_t dimension) { dimension_ = dimension; } void SetMklLayout(dnnLayout_t mklLayout) { mklLayout_ = mklLayout; } void SetMklLayout(const void* primitive, size_t resourceType) { CHECK_EQ( dnnLayoutCreateFromPrimitive_F32(&mklLayout_, (dnnPrimitive_t)primitive, (dnnResourceType_t)resourceType), E_SUCCESS); } void SetTfLayout(const size_t dimension, const size_t* sizes, const size_t* strides) { dimension_ = dimension; if (dimension > 0) { // MKl doesn't support zero dimension tensors sizes_ = new size_t[dimension]; strides_ = new size_t[dimension]; for (int ii = 0; ii < dimension; ii++) { sizes_[ii] = sizes[ii]; strides_[ii] = strides[ii]; } CHECK_EQ(dnnLayoutCreate_F32(&tfLayout_, dimension, sizes, strides), E_SUCCESS); } } // Default case - MKL dim ordering is opposite of TF dim ordering // MKL -> (DIMS-1)...0 where (DIMS-1) is outermost dim and 0 is innermost dim // TF -> 0...(DIMS-1) where 0 is outermost dim and (DIMS-1) is innermost dim // For layers that rely on data_format semantics (conv, pooling etc.) // or operate only on certain dimensions (relu, concat, split etc.), // Mkl APIs might require us to reorder these dimensions. In such cases, // kernels should explicitly set this map void SetTfDimOrder(const size_t dimension) { CHECK(dimension == dimension_); if (tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ == nullptr) { tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ = new size_t[dimension]; } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < dimension; ii++) { tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[ii] = dimension - (ii + 1); } } void SetTfDimOrder(const size_t dimension, const size_t* tf_to_mkl_dim_map) { CHECK(dimension == dimension_); if (tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ == nullptr) { tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ = new size_t[dimension]; } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < dimension; ii++) { tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[ii] = tf_to_mkl_dim_map[ii]; } } void SetTfDimOrder(const size_t dimension, TensorFormat data_format) { CHECK_EQ(dimension, 4); CHECK(dimension == dimension_); if (tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ == nullptr) { tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ = new size_t[dimension]; } tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'W')] = MklDims::W; tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'H')] = MklDims::H; tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'C')] = MklDims::C; tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'N')] = MklDims::N; } const dnnLayout_t GetMklLayout() const { return mklLayout_; } const dnnLayout_t GetTfLayout() const { return tfLayout_; } const dnnLayout_t GetCurLayout() const { return isMklTensor_ ? mklLayout_ : tfLayout_; } size_t GetDimension() const { return dimension_; } const size_t* GetSizes() const { return sizes_; } int64 dim_size(int index) const { return sizes_[index]; } int64 tf_dim_size(int index) const { return sizes_[tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[index]]; } const size_t* GetStrides() const { return strides_; } const size_t* GetTfToMklDimMap() const { return tf_to_mkl_dim_map_; } size_t tf_dim_idx(int index) const { return tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[index]; } // Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' // corresponds to MKL's Channel dimension. bool IsMklChannelDim(int d) const { return tf_dim_idx(d) == MklDims::C; } // Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' // corresponds to MKL's Batch dimension. bool IsMklBatchDim(int d) const { return tf_dim_idx(d) == MklDims::N; } // Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' // corresponds to MKL's Width dimension. bool IsMklWidthDim(int d) const { return tf_dim_idx(d) == MklDims::W; } // Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' // corresponds to MKL's Height dimension. bool IsMklHeightDim(int d) const { return tf_dim_idx(d) == MklDims::H; } // Check if the TF-Mkl dimension ordering map specifies if the input // tensor is in NCHW format. bool IsTensorInNCHWFormat() const { TensorFormat data_format = FORMAT_NCHW; return (IsMklBatchDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'N')) && IsMklChannelDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'C')) && IsMklHeightDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'H')) && IsMklWidthDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'W'))); } // Check if the TF-Mkl dimension ordering map specifies if the input // tensor is in NHWC format. bool IsTensorInNHWCFormat() const { TensorFormat data_format = FORMAT_NHWC; return (IsMklBatchDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'N')) && IsMklChannelDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'C')) && IsMklHeightDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'H')) && IsMklWidthDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'W'))); } void GetConvertedFlatData(dnnLayout_t targetLayout, void* input, void* output) const { dnnLayout_t curLayout; if (isMklTensor_) curLayout = mklLayout_; else curLayout = tfLayout_; dnnPrimitive_t convert; CHECK_EQ(dnnConversionCreate_F32(&convert, curLayout, targetLayout), E_SUCCESS); CHECK_EQ(dnnConversionExecute_F32(convert, input, output), E_SUCCESS); CHECK_EQ(dnnDelete_F32(convert), E_SUCCESS); } // The following methods are used for serializing and de-serializing the // contents of the mklshape object. // The data is serialized in this order // isMklTensor_ // dimension_ // sizes_ // strides_ // mklLayout_ // tfLayout_ // tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ #define SIZE_OF_MKL_DNN_BUF \ (dnnLayoutSerializationBufferSize_F32()) // Size of buffer needed to // serialize dnn_layout pointer // Size of buffer to hold the serialized object, the size is computed as // follows sizeof(isMklTensor_) + sizeof(dimension_) + sizeof(sizes_) + // sizeof(strides_) // + sizeof(mklLayout_ buffer) + sizeof(tfLayout_ buffer) // + sizeof(tf_to_mkl_dim_map_) #define SIZE_OF_MKL_SERIAL_DATA(dims) \ (2 * sizeof(size_t) + 3 * dims * sizeof(size_t) + 2 * SIZE_OF_MKL_DNN_BUF) // First we need to define some macro for offsets into the serial buffer where // different elements of Mklshape is written/read from #define IS_MKL_TENSOR_OFFSET 0 // Location from start of buffer where isMklTensor_ is serialized #define DIMS_OFFSET \ (IS_MKL_TENSOR_OFFSET + sizeof(size_t)) // Location of dimension_ // Location of sizes. Note dim is not used here, left here // to make macros consistent. #define SIZES_OFFSET(dims) (DIMS_OFFSET + sizeof(size_t)) #define STRIDES_OFFSET(dims) \ (SIZES_OFFSET(dims) + dims * sizeof(size_t)) // Location of strides #define MKL_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dims) \ (STRIDES_OFFSET(dims) + dims * sizeof(size_t)) // Location of mklLayout_ #define TF_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dims) \ (MKL_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dims) + SIZE_OF_MKL_DNN_BUF) // Location of tfLayout_ // Location of tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ #define TF_TO_MKL_DIM_MAP_OFFSET(dims) \ (TF_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dims) + SIZE_OF_MKL_DNN_BUF) // TODO(agramesh1) make sure to create a const to share with rewrite pass // for min size of MKL metadata tensor. void DeSerializeMklShape(const unsigned char* buf, size_t buf_size) { CHECK(buf_size >= sizeof(size_t)) << "Bufsize too small in DeSerialize"; // Make sure buffer holds at least isMklTensor_ isMklTensor_ = *reinterpret_cast(buf + IS_MKL_TENSOR_OFFSET) != 0; if (isMklTensor_) { // If it is an MKL Tensor then read the rest dimension_ = *(reinterpret_cast(buf + DIMS_OFFSET)); CHECK(buf_size >= SIZE_OF_MKL_SERIAL_DATA(dimension_)) << "Bufsize too small in DeSerialize"; sizes_ = new size_t[dimension_]; strides_ = new size_t[dimension_]; tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ = new size_t[dimension_]; for (int i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) { sizes_[i] = reinterpret_cast(buf + SIZES_OFFSET(dimension_))[i]; strides_[i] = reinterpret_cast( buf + STRIDES_OFFSET(dimension_))[i]; tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[i] = reinterpret_cast( buf + TF_TO_MKL_DIM_MAP_OFFSET(dimension_))[i]; } CHECK_EQ(dnnLayoutDeserialize_F32(&mklLayout_, buf + MKL_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dimension_)), E_SUCCESS); CHECK_EQ(dnnLayoutDeserialize_F32(&tfLayout_, buf + TF_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dimension_)), E_SUCCESS); } } void SerializeMklShape(unsigned char* buf, size_t buf_size) const { CHECK(buf_size >= SIZE_OF_MKL_SERIAL_DATA(dimension_)) << "Bufsize too small to Serialize"; *reinterpret_cast(buf + IS_MKL_TENSOR_OFFSET) = isMklTensor_ ? 1 : 0; if (isMklTensor_) { *(reinterpret_cast(buf + DIMS_OFFSET)) = dimension_; for (int i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) { reinterpret_cast(buf + SIZES_OFFSET(dimension_))[i] = sizes_[i]; reinterpret_cast(buf + STRIDES_OFFSET(dimension_))[i] = strides_[i]; reinterpret_cast(buf + TF_TO_MKL_DIM_MAP_OFFSET(dimension_))[i] = tf_to_mkl_dim_map_[i]; } CHECK_EQ(dnnLayoutSerialize_F32(mklLayout_, buf + MKL_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dimension_)), E_SUCCESS); CHECK_EQ( dnnLayoutSerialize_F32(tfLayout_, buf + TF_LAYOUT_OFFSET(dimension_)), E_SUCCESS); } } private: bool isMklTensor_ = false; // Flag to indicate if the tensor is an MKL tensor or not dnnLayout_t mklLayout_ = nullptr; // Pointer to the MKL layout dnnLayout_t tfLayout_ = nullptr; // Pointer to layout of corresponding // Tensorflow tensor, used when conversion from MKL to standard tensor size_t dimension_ = 0; size_t* sizes_ = nullptr; // Required by MKL for conversions size_t* strides_ = nullptr; // Required by MKL for conversions size_t* tf_to_mkl_dim_map_ = nullptr; // TF dimension corresponding to this MKL dimension }; #else // Forward decl TensorFormat MklDnn3DDataFormatToTFDataFormat(memory::format format); TensorFormat MklDnnDataFormatToTFDataFormat(memory::format format); memory::dims CalculateTFStrides(const memory::dims& dims_tf_order); memory::desc CreateBlockedMemDescHelper(const memory::dims& dim, const memory::dims& strides, memory::data_type dtype); class MklDnnShape { private: typedef struct { /// Flag to indicate if the tensor is an MKL tensor or not bool is_mkl_tensor_ = false; /// Number of dimensions in Tensorflow format size_t dimension_ = 0; /// Required by MKLDNN for conversions mkldnn_dims_t sizes_; // Required by MKL for conversions memory::format tf_data_format_ = memory::format::format_undef; memory::data_type T_ = memory::data_type::data_undef; // MKL layout mkldnn_memory_desc_t mkl_md_; /// TF dimension corresponding to this MKL dimension mkldnn_dims_t map_; } MklShapeData; MklShapeData data_; typedef std::remove_extent::type mkldnn_dim_t; #define INVALID_DIM_SIZE -1 public: MklDnnShape() { for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(data_.sizes_) / sizeof(data_.sizes_[0]); ++i) { data_.sizes_[i] = -1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(data_.map_) / sizeof(data_.map_[0]); ++i) { data_.map_[i] = -1; } } ~MklDnnShape() {} TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MklDnnShape); // Cannot copy /// Helper function to compare memory::desc objects for MklDnn. /// May be this should go into MklDnn directly. inline bool CompareMklDnnLayouts(const memory::desc& md1, const memory::desc& md2) const { mkldnn_memory_desc_t mdd1 = md1.data; mkldnn_memory_desc_t mdd2 = md2.data; const char* d1 = reinterpret_cast(&mdd1); const char* d2 = reinterpret_cast(&mdd2); size_t md_size = sizeof(mdd1); for (size_t i = 0; i < md_size; i++) { if (*d1++ != *d2++) { return false; } } return true; } /// Equality function for MklDnnShape objects /// @return true if both are equal; false otherwise. inline bool operator==(const MklDnnShape& input_shape) const { if (this->IsMklTensor() != input_shape.IsMklTensor()) { return false; } // If input tensors are in Mkl layout, then we check for dimensions and // sizes. if (this->IsMklTensor()) { return this->GetTfShape() == input_shape.GetTfShape() && CompareMklDnnLayouts(this->GetMklLayout(), input_shape.GetMklLayout()); } return true; } /// Equality operator for MklDnnShape and TFShape. /// Returns: true if TF shapes for both are the same, false otherwise inline bool operator==(const TensorShape& input_shape) const { if (!this->IsMklTensor()) { return false; } return this->GetTfShape() == input_shape; } inline const bool IsMklTensor() const { return data_.is_mkl_tensor_; } inline void SetMklTensor(bool is_mkl_tensor) { data_.is_mkl_tensor_ = is_mkl_tensor; } inline void SetDimensions(const size_t dimension) { data_.dimension_ = dimension; } inline size_t GetDimension(char dimension) const { int index = GetMklDnnTensorDimIndex(dimension); CHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->GetDimension()) << "Invalid index from the dimension: " << index << ", " << dimension; return this->DimSize(index); } inline size_t GetDimension3D(char dimension) const { int index = GetMklDnnTensor3DDimIndex(dimension); CHECK(index >= 0 && index < this->GetDimension()) << "Invalid index from the dimension: " << index << ", " << dimension; return this->DimSize(index); } inline int32 GetMklDnnTensorDimIndex(char dimension) const { switch (dimension) { case 'N': return MklDnnDims::Dim_N; case 'C': return MklDnnDims::Dim_C; case 'H': return MklDnnDims::Dim_H; case 'W': return MklDnnDims::Dim_W; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid dimension: " << dimension; return -1; // Avoid compiler warning about missing return value } } inline int32 GetMklDnnTensor3DDimIndex(char dimension) const { switch (dimension) { case 'N': return MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_N; case 'C': return MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_C; case 'D': return MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_D; case 'H': return MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_H; case 'W': return MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_W; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid dimension: " << dimension; return -1; // Avoid compiler warning about missing return value } } inline size_t GetDimension() const { return data_.dimension_; } inline const int* GetSizes() const { return reinterpret_cast(&data_.sizes_[0]); } // Returns an mkldnn::memory::dims object that contains the sizes of this // MklDnnShape object. inline memory::dims GetSizesAsMklDnnDims() const { memory::dims retVal; if (data_.is_mkl_tensor_) { size_t dimensions = sizeof(data_.sizes_) / sizeof(data_.sizes_[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { if (data_.sizes_[i] != INVALID_DIM_SIZE) retVal.push_back(data_.sizes_[i]); } } else { CHECK_EQ(data_.is_mkl_tensor_, true); } return retVal; } inline int64 DimSize(int index) const { CHECK_LT(index, sizeof(data_.sizes_) / sizeof(data_.sizes_[0])); return data_.sizes_[index]; } /// Return TensorShape that describes the Tensorflow shape of the tensor /// represented by this MklShape. inline TensorShape GetTfShape() const { CHECK_EQ(data_.is_mkl_tensor_, true); std::vector shape(data_.dimension_, -1); if (data_.tf_data_format_ != memory::format::blocked) { for (size_t idx = 0; idx < data_.dimension_; ++idx) { shape[idx] = data_.sizes_[TfDimIdx(idx)]; } } else { // If Tensorflow shape is in Blocked format, then we don't have dimension // map for it. So we just create Tensorflow shape from sizes in the // specified order. for (size_t idx = 0; idx < data_.dimension_; ++idx) { shape[idx] = data_.sizes_[idx]; } } TensorShape ts; bool ret = TensorShapeUtils::MakeShape(shape, &ts).ok(); CHECK_EQ(ret, true); return ts; } inline void SetElemType(memory::data_type dt) { data_.T_ = dt; } inline const memory::data_type GetElemType() { return data_.T_; } inline void SetMklLayout(memory::primitive_desc* pd) { CHECK_NOTNULL(pd); data_.mkl_md_ = pd->desc().data; } inline void SetMklLayout(memory::desc* md) { CHECK_NOTNULL(md); data_.mkl_md_ = md->data; } inline const memory::desc GetMklLayout() const { return memory::desc(data_.mkl_md_); } inline memory::format GetTfDataFormat() const { return data_.tf_data_format_; } /// We don't create primitive_descriptor for TensorFlow layout now. /// We use lazy evaluation and create it only when needed. Input format can /// also be Blocked format. inline void SetTfLayout(size_t dims, const memory::dims& sizes, memory::format format) { CHECK_EQ(dims, sizes.size()); data_.dimension_ = dims; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < dims; ii++) { data_.sizes_[ii] = sizes[ii]; } data_.tf_data_format_ = format; if (format != memory::format::blocked) { SetTfDimOrder(dims, format); } } inline const memory::desc GetTfLayout() const { memory::dims dims; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < data_.dimension_; ii++) { dims.push_back(data_.sizes_[ii]); } // Create Blocked memory desc if input TF format was set like that. if (data_.tf_data_format_ == memory::format::blocked) { auto strides = CalculateTFStrides(dims); return CreateBlockedMemDescHelper(dims, strides, data_.T_); } else { return memory::desc(dims, data_.T_, data_.tf_data_format_); } } inline const memory::desc GetCurLayout() const { return IsMklTensor() ? GetMklLayout() : GetTfLayout(); } // nhasabni - I've removed SetTfDimOrder that was setting default order in // case of MKL-ML. We don't need a case of default dimension order because // when an operator that does not get data_format attribute gets all inputs // in Tensorflow format, it will produce output in Tensorflow format. inline void SetTfDimOrder(const size_t dimension, const mkldnn_dims_t map) { CHECK(dimension == data_.dimension_); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < dimension; ii++) { data_.map_[ii] = map[ii]; } } inline void SetTfDimOrder(const size_t dimension, TensorFormat data_format) { if (dimension == 5) { CHECK(dimension == data_.dimension_); data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<3>(data_format, '0')] = MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_D; data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<3>(data_format, '1')] = MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_H; data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<3>(data_format, '2')] = MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_W; data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<3>(data_format, 'C')] = MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_C; data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<3>(data_format, 'N')] = MklDnnDims3D::Dim3d_N; } else { CHECK_EQ(dimension, 4); CHECK(dimension == data_.dimension_); data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'W')] = MklDnnDims::Dim_W; data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'H')] = MklDnnDims::Dim_H; data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'C')] = MklDnnDims::Dim_C; data_.map_[GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'N')] = MklDnnDims::Dim_N; } } inline void SetTfDimOrder(const size_t dimension, memory::format format) { TensorFormat data_format = MklDnnDataFormatToTFDataFormat(format); SetTfDimOrder(dimension, data_format); } inline const mkldnn_dim_t* GetTfToMklDimMap() const { return &data_.map_[0]; } inline size_t TfDimIdx(int index) const { return data_.map_[index]; } inline int64 TfDimSize(int index) const { return data_.sizes_[TfDimIdx(index)]; } /// Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' /// corresponds to MKL's Channel dimension. inline bool IsMklChannelDim(int d) const { return TfDimIdx(d) == MklDnnDims::Dim_C; } /// Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' /// corresponds to MKL's Batch dimension. inline bool IsMklBatchDim(int d) const { return TfDimIdx(d) == MklDnnDims::Dim_N; } /// Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' /// corresponds to MKL's Width dimension. inline bool IsMklWidthDim(int d) const { return TfDimIdx(d) == MklDnnDims::Dim_W; } /// Query TF-MKL dimension ordering map and check if Tensorflow dimension 'd' /// corresponds to MKL's Height dimension. inline bool IsMklHeightDim(int d) const { return TfDimIdx(d) == MklDnnDims::Dim_H; } /// Check if the TF-Mkl dimension ordering map specifies if the input /// tensor is in NCHW format. inline bool IsTensorInNCHWFormat() const { TensorFormat data_format = FORMAT_NCHW; return (IsMklBatchDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'N')) && IsMklChannelDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'C')) && IsMklHeightDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'H')) && IsMklWidthDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'W'))); } /// Check if the TF-Mkl dimension ordering map specifies if the input /// tensor is in NHWC format. inline bool IsTensorInNHWCFormat() const { TensorFormat data_format = FORMAT_NHWC; return (IsMklBatchDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'N')) && IsMklChannelDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'C')) && IsMklHeightDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'H')) && IsMklWidthDim(GetTensorDimIndex<2>(data_format, 'W'))); } /// The following methods are used for serializing and de-serializing the /// contents of the mklshape object. /// The data is serialized in this order /// is_mkl_tensor_ : dimension_ : sizes_ : map_: format_ : T_ : mkl_pd_; /// Size of buffer to hold the serialized object, the size is computed by /// following above mentioned order inline size_t GetSerializeBufferSize() const { return sizeof(MklShapeData); } void SerializeMklDnnShape(unsigned char* buf, size_t buf_size) const { CHECK(buf_size >= GetSerializeBufferSize()) << "Buffer size is too small to SerializeMklDnnShape"; *reinterpret_cast(buf) = data_; } void DeSerializeMklDnnShape(const unsigned char* buf, size_t buf_size) { // Make sure buffer holds at least is_mkl_tensor_. CHECK(buf_size >= sizeof(data_.is_mkl_tensor_)) << "Buffer size is too small in DeSerializeMklDnnShape"; const bool is_mkl_tensor = *reinterpret_cast(buf); if (is_mkl_tensor) { // If it is an MKL Tensor then read the rest CHECK(buf_size >= GetSerializeBufferSize()) << "Buffer size is too small in DeSerializeMklDnnShape"; data_ = *reinterpret_cast(buf); } } }; #endif // List of MklShape objects. Used in Concat/Split layers. #ifndef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY typedef std::vector MklDnnShapeList; #else typedef std::vector MklShapeList; #endif #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY // Check if all tensors specified by MklShapes are MKL tensors. inline bool AreAllMklTensors(const MklShapeList& shapes) { for (auto& s : shapes) { if (!s.IsMklTensor()) { return false; } } return true; } template inline Tensor ConvertMklToTF(OpKernelContext* context, const Tensor& mkl_tensor, const MklShape& mkl_shape) { Tensor output_tensor; TensorShape output_shape; for (size_t j = 0; j < mkl_shape.GetDimension(); j++) { // Outermost to innermost dimension output_shape.AddDim(mkl_shape.GetSizes()[mkl_shape.tf_dim_idx(j)]); } // Allocate output tensor. context->allocate_temp(DataTypeToEnum::v(), output_shape, &output_tensor); dnnLayout_t output_layout = static_cast(mkl_shape.GetTfLayout()); void* input_buffer = const_cast(mkl_tensor.flat().data()); void* output_buffer = const_cast(output_tensor.flat().data()); if (mkl_tensor.NumElements() != 0) { mkl_shape.GetConvertedFlatData(output_layout, input_buffer, output_buffer); } return output_tensor; } #else using mkldnn::stream; template class MklDnnData; template inline Tensor ConvertMklToTF(OpKernelContext* context, const Tensor& mkl_tensor, const MklDnnShape& mkl_shape) { Tensor output_tensor; try { if (!mkl_shape.IsMklTensor()) return mkl_tensor; // return input since it is already TF tensor TensorShape output_shape = mkl_shape.GetTfShape();; // Allocate output tensor. context->allocate_temp(DataTypeToEnum::v(), output_shape, &output_tensor); auto cpu_engine = engine(engine::cpu, 0); MklDnnData input(&cpu_engine); // Get Mkl layout of input tensor. auto input_mkl_md = mkl_shape.GetMklLayout(); auto output_tf_md = mkl_shape.GetTfLayout(); auto output_tf_pd = memory::primitive_desc(output_tf_md, cpu_engine); input.SetUsrMem(input_mkl_md, &mkl_tensor); // reorder if (input.IsReorderNeeded(output_tf_pd)) { std::vector net; CHECK_EQ(input.CheckReorderToOpMem(output_tf_pd, &output_tensor, &net), true); stream(stream::kind::eager).submit(net).wait(); } else { // If not, just forward input tensor to output tensor. CHECK(output_tensor.CopyFrom(mkl_tensor, output_shape)); } } catch (mkldnn::error& e) { string error_msg = "Status: " + std::to_string(e.status) + ", message: " + string(e.message) + ", in file " + string(__FILE__) + ":" + std::to_string(__LINE__); LOG(FATAL) << "Operation received an exception: " << error_msg; } return output_tensor; } #endif // Get the MKL shape from the second string tensor #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY inline void GetMklShape(OpKernelContext* ctext, int n, MklShape* mklshape) { mklshape->DeSerializeMklShape( ctext->input(GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_inputs())) .flat() .data(), ctext->input(GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_inputs())) .flat() .size() * sizeof(uint8)); } #else inline void GetMklShape(OpKernelContext* ctext, int n, MklDnnShape* mklshape) { mklshape->DeSerializeMklDnnShape( ctext->input(GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_inputs())) .flat() .data(), ctext->input(GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_inputs())) .flat() .size() * sizeof(uint8)); } #endif // Gets the actual input inline const Tensor& MklGetInput(OpKernelContext* ctext, int n) { return ctext->input(GetTensorDataIndex(n, ctext->num_inputs())); } inline void GetMklInputList(OpKernelContext* ctext, StringPiece name, OpInputList* input_tensors) { CHECK_NOTNULL(input_tensors); ctext->input_list(name, input_tensors); } #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY inline void GetMklShapeList(OpKernelContext* ctext, StringPiece name, MklShapeList* mkl_shapes) { OpInputList input_mkl_tensors; GetMklInputList(ctext, strings::StrCat("mkl_", name), &input_mkl_tensors); for (int i = 0; i < input_mkl_tensors.size(); i++) { (*mkl_shapes)[i].DeSerializeMklShape( input_mkl_tensors[i].flat().data(), input_mkl_tensors[i].flat().size() * sizeof(uint8)); } } #else inline void GetMklShapeList(OpKernelContext* ctext, StringPiece name, MklDnnShapeList* mkl_shapes) { OpInputList input_mkl_tensors; GetMklInputList(ctext, strings::StrCat("mkl_", name), &input_mkl_tensors); for (int i = 0; i < input_mkl_tensors.size(); i++) { (*mkl_shapes)[i].DeSerializeMklDnnShape( input_mkl_tensors[i].flat().data(), input_mkl_tensors[i].flat().size() * sizeof(uint8)); } } #endif #ifndef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY /// Get shape of input tensor pointed by 'input_idx' in TensorShape format. /// If the input tensor is in MKL layout, then obtains TensorShape from /// MklShape. inline TensorShape GetTfShape(OpKernelContext* context, size_t input_idx) { // Sanity check. CHECK_NOTNULL(context); CHECK_LT(input_idx, context->num_inputs()); MklDnnShape input_mkl_shape; GetMklShape(context, input_idx, &input_mkl_shape); if (input_mkl_shape.IsMklTensor()) { return input_mkl_shape.GetTfShape(); } else { const Tensor& t = MklGetInput(context, input_idx); return t.shape(); } } #endif #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY // Allocate the second output tensor that will contain // the MKL shape serialized inline void AllocateOutputSetMklShape(OpKernelContext* ctext, int n, const MklShape& mkl_shape) { Tensor* second_tensor = nullptr; TensorShape second_shape; second_shape.AddDim(SIZE_OF_MKL_SERIAL_DATA(mkl_shape.GetDimension())); OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctext, ctext->allocate_output( GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_outputs()), second_shape, &second_tensor)); mkl_shape.SerializeMklShape( second_tensor->flat().data(), second_tensor->flat().size() * sizeof(uint8)); } #else // Allocate the second output tensor that will contain // the MKL shape serialized inline void AllocateOutputSetMklShape(OpKernelContext* ctext, int n, const MklDnnShape& mkl_shape) { Tensor* second_tensor = nullptr; TensorShape second_shape; second_shape.AddDim(mkl_shape.GetSerializeBufferSize()); OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctext, ctext->allocate_output( GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_outputs()), second_shape, &second_tensor)); mkl_shape.SerializeMklDnnShape( second_tensor->flat().data(), second_tensor->flat().size() * sizeof(uint8)); } #endif #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY // Allocate the output tensor, create a second output tensor that will contain // the MKL shape serialized inline void AllocateOutputSetMklShape(OpKernelContext* ctext, int n, Tensor** output, const TensorShape& tf_shape, const MklShape& mkl_shape) { Tensor* second_tensor = nullptr; TensorShape second_shape; second_shape.AddDim(SIZE_OF_MKL_SERIAL_DATA(mkl_shape.GetDimension())); OP_REQUIRES_OK( ctext, ctext->allocate_output(GetTensorDataIndex(n, ctext->num_outputs()), tf_shape, output)); OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctext, ctext->allocate_output( GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_outputs()), second_shape, &second_tensor)); mkl_shape.SerializeMklShape( second_tensor->flat().data(), second_tensor->flat().size() * sizeof(uint8)); } #else // Allocate the output tensor, create a second output tensor that will contain // the MKL shape serialized inline void AllocateOutputSetMklShape(OpKernelContext* ctext, int n, Tensor** output, const TensorShape& tf_shape, const MklDnnShape& mkl_shape) { Tensor* second_tensor = nullptr; TensorShape second_shape; second_shape.AddDim(mkl_shape.GetSerializeBufferSize()); OP_REQUIRES_OK( ctext, ctext->allocate_output(GetTensorDataIndex(n, ctext->num_outputs()), tf_shape, output)); OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctext, ctext->allocate_output( GetTensorMetaDataIndex(n, ctext->num_outputs()), second_shape, &second_tensor)); mkl_shape.SerializeMklDnnShape( second_tensor->flat().data(), second_tensor->flat().size() * sizeof(uint8)); } #endif // Allocates a temp tensor and returns the data buffer for temporary storage. // Currently #ifndef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY template inline void AllocTmpBuffer(OpKernelContext* context, Tensor* tensor_out, const memory::primitive_desc& pd, void** buf_out) { TensorShape tf_shape; tf_shape.AddDim(pd.get_size() / sizeof(T) + 1); OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_temp(DataTypeToEnum::v(), tf_shape, tensor_out)); *buf_out = static_cast(tensor_out->flat().data()); } #else inline void AllocTmpBuffer(OpKernelContext* context, Tensor* tensor_out, dnnLayout_t lt_buff, void** buf_out) { TensorShape tf_shape; tf_shape.AddDim( dnnLayoutGetMemorySize_F32(static_cast(lt_buff)) / sizeof(float) + 1); OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_temp(DataTypeToEnum::v(), tf_shape, tensor_out)); *buf_out = static_cast(tensor_out->flat().data()); } #endif template inline void AllocTmpBuffer(OpKernelContext* context, Tensor* tensor_out, TensorShape tf_shape) { OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_temp(DataTypeToEnum::v(), tf_shape, tensor_out)); } inline void GetStridesFromSizes(TensorFormat data_format, size_t* strides, const size_t* sizes) { // MKL requires strides in NCHW if (data_format == FORMAT_NHWC) { strides[0] = sizes[2]; strides[1] = sizes[0] * sizes[2]; strides[2] = 1; strides[3] = sizes[0] * sizes[1] * sizes[2]; } else { strides[0] = 1; strides[1] = sizes[0]; strides[2] = sizes[0] * sizes[1]; strides[3] = sizes[0] * sizes[1] * sizes[2]; } } #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY inline void MklSizesToTFSizes(OpKernelContext* context, TensorFormat data_format_, const MklShape& mkl_shape, TensorShape* tf_shape) { size_t tf_dim = mkl_shape.GetDimension(); const size_t* tf_sizes = mkl_shape.GetSizes(); OP_REQUIRES(context, tf_dim == 4, errors::InvalidArgument("MKLSizesToTFSizes: size must be 4-dim")); std::vector sizes; sizes.push_back(tf_sizes[3]); if (data_format_ == FORMAT_NHWC) { sizes.push_back(tf_sizes[1]); sizes.push_back(tf_sizes[0]); sizes.push_back(tf_sizes[2]); } else { sizes.push_back(tf_sizes[2]); sizes.push_back(tf_sizes[1]); sizes.push_back(tf_sizes[0]); } OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, TensorShapeUtils::MakeShape(sizes, tf_shape)); } #endif inline int32 GetMklTensorDimIndex(char dimension) { switch (dimension) { case 'N': return MklDims::N; case 'C': return MklDims::C; case 'H': return MklDims::H; case 'W': return MklDims::W; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid dimension: " << dimension; return -1; // Avoid compiler warning about missing return value } } #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY inline int64 GetMklTensorDim(const MklShape& mkl_shape, char dimension) { int index = GetMklTensorDimIndex(dimension); CHECK(index >= 0 && index < mkl_shape.GetDimension()) << "Invalid index from the dimension: " << index << ", " << dimension; return mkl_shape.dim_size(index); } #endif inline void CopyMklTensorInToOut(OpKernelContext* context, int idx_in, int idx_out) { int num_inputs = context->num_inputs(); int num_outputs = context->num_outputs(); int idx_data_in = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_meta_in = GetTensorMetaDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_data_out = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); int idx_meta_out = GetTensorMetaDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); const Tensor& data = context->input(idx_data_in); const Tensor& meta = context->input(idx_meta_in); Tensor output(data.dtype()); Tensor meta_output(meta.dtype()); // TODO(intel_tf): alternatively, call forward_input_to_output_with_shape(...) CHECK(output.CopyFrom(data, data.shape())); CHECK(meta_output.CopyFrom(meta, meta.shape())); context->set_output(idx_data_out, output); context->set_output(idx_meta_out, meta_output); } #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY inline void CopyTfTensorInToOutWithShape(OpKernelContext* context, int idx_in, int idx_out, const TensorShape& shape) { int num_inputs = context->num_inputs(); int num_outputs = context->num_outputs(); int idx_data_in = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_data_out = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); const Tensor& data = context->input(idx_data_in); MklShape mkl_shape_output; mkl_shape_output.SetMklTensor(false); AllocateOutputSetMklShape(context, idx_out, mkl_shape_output); Tensor output(data.dtype()); // TODO(intel_tf): alternatively, call forward_input_to_output_with_shape(...) CHECK(output.CopyFrom(data, shape)); context->set_output(idx_data_out, output); } #else inline void CopyTfTensorInToOutWithShape(OpKernelContext* context, int idx_in, int idx_out, const TensorShape& shape) { int num_inputs = context->num_inputs(); int num_outputs = context->num_outputs(); int idx_data_in = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_data_out = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); const Tensor& data = context->input(idx_data_in); MklDnnShape mkl_shape_output; mkl_shape_output.SetMklTensor(false); AllocateOutputSetMklShape(context, idx_out, mkl_shape_output); Tensor output(data.dtype()); // TODO(intel_tf): alternatively, call forward_input_to_output_with_shape(...) CHECK(output.CopyFrom(data, shape)); context->set_output(idx_data_out, output); } #endif #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY inline void ForwardTfTensorInToOut(OpKernelContext* context, int idx_in, int idx_out) { int num_inputs = context->num_inputs(); int num_outputs = context->num_outputs(); int idx_data_in = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_data_out = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); MklShape mkl_shape_output; mkl_shape_output.SetMklTensor(false); AllocateOutputSetMklShape(context, idx_out, mkl_shape_output); if (IsRefType(context->input_dtype(idx_data_in))) { context->forward_ref_input_to_ref_output(idx_data_in, idx_data_out); } else { context->set_output(idx_data_out, context->input(idx_data_in)); } } #else inline void ForwardTfTensorInToOut(OpKernelContext* context, int idx_in, int idx_out) { int num_inputs = context->num_inputs(); int num_outputs = context->num_outputs(); int idx_data_in = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_data_out = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); MklDnnShape dnn_shape_output; dnn_shape_output.SetMklTensor(false); AllocateOutputSetMklShape(context, idx_out, dnn_shape_output); if (IsRefType(context->input_dtype(idx_data_in))) { context->forward_ref_input_to_ref_output(idx_data_in, idx_data_out); } else { context->set_output(idx_data_out, context->input(idx_data_in)); } } #endif inline void ForwardMklTensorInToOut(OpKernelContext* context, int idx_in, int idx_out) { int num_inputs = context->num_inputs(); int num_outputs = context->num_outputs(); int idx_data_in = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_meta_in = GetTensorMetaDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_data_out = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); int idx_meta_out = GetTensorMetaDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); if (IsRefType(context->input_dtype(idx_data_in))) { context->forward_ref_input_to_ref_output(idx_data_in, idx_data_out); context->forward_ref_input_to_ref_output(idx_meta_in, idx_meta_out); } else { context->set_output(idx_data_out, context->input(idx_data_in)); context->set_output(idx_meta_out, context->input(idx_meta_in)); } } #ifndef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY // Set a dummy MKLDNN shape (called when the output is in TF format) inline void SetDummyMklDnnShapeOutput(OpKernelContext* context, uint32 idx_data_out) { MklDnnShape mkl_shape_output; mkl_shape_output.SetMklTensor(false); AllocateOutputSetMklShape(context, idx_data_out, mkl_shape_output); } inline void ForwardMklTensorInToOutWithMklShape(OpKernelContext* context, int idx_in, int idx_out, const MklDnnShape& mkl_shape) { int num_inputs = context->num_inputs(); int num_outputs = context->num_outputs(); int idx_data_in = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_in, num_inputs); int idx_data_out = GetTensorDataIndex(idx_out, num_outputs); AllocateOutputSetMklShape(context, idx_out, mkl_shape); if (IsRefType(context->input_dtype(idx_data_in))) { context->forward_ref_input_to_ref_output(idx_data_in, idx_data_out); } else { context->set_output(idx_data_out, context->input(idx_data_in)); } } #endif // Forward the MKL shape ONLY (used in elementwise and other ops where // we call the eigen implementation and MKL shape is not used) inline void ForwardMklMetaDataInToOut(OpKernelContext* context, uint32 idx_data_in, uint32_t idx_data_out) { uint32 idx_meta_in = GetTensorMetaDataIndex(idx_data_in, context->num_inputs()); uint32 idx_meta_out = GetTensorMetaDataIndex(idx_data_out, context->num_outputs()); if (IsRefType(context->input_dtype(idx_data_in))) { context->forward_ref_input_to_ref_output(idx_meta_in, idx_meta_out); } else { context->set_output(idx_meta_out, context->input(idx_meta_in)); } } #ifdef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY // Set a dummy MKL shape (called when the output is in TF format) inline void SetDummyMklShapeOutput(OpKernelContext* context, uint32 idx_data_out) { MklShape mkl_shape_output; mkl_shape_output.SetMklTensor(false); AllocateOutputSetMklShape(context, idx_data_out, mkl_shape_output); } // We don't need these functions in MKLDNN. We have defined equality operator // on MklDnnShape class directly. // Checks if the TF shape for both MKL tensors is the same or not // Returns: true if both TF shapes are the same, false otherwise inline bool MklCompareShapes(const MklShape* input_shape_0, const MklShape* input_shape_1) { // Check for number of dimensions if (input_shape_0->GetDimension() != input_shape_1->GetDimension()) { return false; } // Check size of each dimension size_t ndims = input_shape_0->GetDimension(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (input_shape_0->dim_size(i) != input_shape_1->dim_size(i)) { return false; } } return true; } // Checks if the TF shape for both tensors is the same or not // Returns: true if TF shapes for both are the same, false otherwise inline bool MklCompareShapes(const MklShape* input_shape_0, const TensorShape* input_shape_1) { // Check for number of dimensions if (input_shape_0->GetDimension() != input_shape_1->dims()) { return false; } // Check size of each dimension size_t ndims = input_shape_0->GetDimension(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (input_shape_0->tf_dim_size(i) != input_shape_1->dim_size(i)) { return false; } } return true; } // Checks if the TF shape for both tensors is the same or not // Returns: true if TF shapes for both are the same, false otherwise inline bool MklCompareShapes(const TensorShape* input_shape_0, const MklShape* input_shape_1) { return MklCompareShapes(input_shape_1, input_shape_0); } // Checks if the TF shape for both tensors is the same or not // Returns: true if TF shapes for both are the same, false otherwise inline bool MklCompareShapes(const TensorShape* input_shape_0, const TensorShape* input_shape_1) { // Check for number of dimensions if (input_shape_0->dims() != input_shape_1->dims()) { return false; } // Check size of each dimension size_t ndims = input_shape_0->dims(); for (size_t i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { if (input_shape_0->dim_size(i) != input_shape_1->dim_size(i)) { return false; } } return true; } // These functions do not compile with MKL-DNN since mkl.h is missing. // We may need to remove them later. // TODO(intel_tf): Remove this routine when faster MKL layout conversion is // out. inline void MklNHWCToNCHW(const Tensor& input, Tensor** output) { const float* buf_in = input.flat().data(); float* buf_out = (*output)->flat().data(); int64 N = input.dim_size(0); int64 H = input.dim_size(1); int64 W = input.dim_size(2); int64 C = input.dim_size(3); int64 stride_n = H * W * C; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(16) for (int64 n = 0; n < N; ++n) { mkl_somatcopy('R', 'T', H * W, C, 1, buf_in + n * stride_n, C, buf_out + n * stride_n, H * W); } } inline void MklNCHWToNHWC(const Tensor& input, Tensor** output) { const float* buf_in = input.flat().data(); float* buf_out = (*output)->flat().data(); int64 N = (*output)->dim_size(0); int64 H = (*output)->dim_size(1); int64 W = (*output)->dim_size(2); int64 C = (*output)->dim_size(3); int64 stride_n = H * W * C; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(16) for (int64 n = 0; n < N; ++n) { mkl_somatcopy('R', 'T', C, H * W, 1, buf_in + n * stride_n, H * W, buf_out + n * stride_n, C); } } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef INTEL_MKL_ML_ONLY /// Return MKL-DNN data type (memory::data_type) for input type T /// /// @input None /// @return memory::data_type corresponding to type T template static memory::data_type MklDnnType(); /// Instantiation for float type. Add similar instantiations for other /// type if needed. template <> memory::data_type MklDnnType() { return memory::data_type::f32; } /// Map TensorFlow's data format into MKL-DNN 3D data format /// @input: TensorFlow data format /// @return: memory::format corresponding to TensorFlow data format; /// Fails with an error if invalid data format. inline memory::format TFDataFormatToMklDnn3DDataFormat(TensorFormat format) { if (format == FORMAT_NHWC) return memory::format::ndhwc; else if (format == FORMAT_NCHW) return memory::format::ncdhw; TF_CHECK_OK(Status(error::Code::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported data format")); return memory::format::format_undef; } /// Map TensorFlow's data format into MKL-DNN data format /// /// @input: TensorFlow data format /// @return: memory::format corresponding to TensorFlow data format; /// Fails with an error if invalid data format. inline memory::format TFDataFormatToMklDnnDataFormat(TensorFormat format) { if (format == FORMAT_NHWC) return memory::format::nhwc; else if (format == FORMAT_NCHW) return memory::format::nchw; TF_CHECK_OK(Status(error::Code::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported data format")); return memory::format::format_undef; } /// Map MKL-DNN data format to TensorFlow's data format /// /// @input: memory::format /// @return: Tensorflow data format corresponding to memory::format /// Fails with an error if invalid data format. inline TensorFormat MklDnnDataFormatToTFDataFormat(memory::format format) { if (format == memory::format::nhwc || format == memory::format::ndhwc) return FORMAT_NHWC; else if (format == memory::format::nchw || format == memory::format::ncdhw) return FORMAT_NCHW; TF_CHECK_OK(Status(error::Code::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Unsupported data format")); // Return to prevent compiler warnings, otherwise TF_CHECK_OK will ensure // that we don't come here. return FORMAT_NHWC; } /// Map TensorShape object into memory::dims required by MKL-DNN /// /// This function will simply map input TensorShape into MKL-DNN dims /// naively. So it will preserve the order of dimensions. E.g., if /// input tensor is in NHWC format, then dims will be in NHWC format /// also. /// /// @input TensorShape object in shape /// @return memory::dims corresponding to TensorShape inline memory::dims TFShapeToMklDnnDims(const TensorShape& shape) { memory::dims dims(shape.dims()); for (int d = 0; d < shape.dims(); ++d) { dims[d] = shape.dim_size(d); } return dims; } /// Map TensorShape object into memory::dims in NCHW format required by MKL-DNN /// /// This function is a specific one than above function. It will map input /// TensorShape into MKL-DNN dims in NCHW format. So it may not preserve the /// order of dimensions. E.g., if input tensor is in NHWC format, then dims /// will be in NCHW format, and not in NHWC format. /// /// @input TensorShape object in shape /// @return memory::dims in MKL-DNN required NCHW format inline memory::dims TFShapeToMklDnnDimsInNCHW(const TensorShape& shape, TensorFormat format) { // Check validity of format. CHECK_NE(TFDataFormatToMklDnnDataFormat(format), memory::format::format_undef); int n = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'N')); int c = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'C')); int h = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'H')); int w = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'W')); // MKL-DNN requires dimensions in NCHW format. return memory::dims({n, c, h, w}); } inline memory::dims TFShapeToMklDnnDimsInNCDHW(const TensorShape& shape, TensorFormat format) { // Check validity of format. CHECK_NE(TFDataFormatToMklDnn3DDataFormat(format), memory::format::format_undef); int n = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex<3>(format, 'N')); int c = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex<3>(format, 'C')); int d = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex<3>(format, '0')); int h = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex<3>(format, '1')); int w = shape.dim_size(GetTensorDimIndex<3>(format, '2')); // MKL-DNN requires dimensions in NCDHW format. return memory::dims({n, c, d, h, w}); } /// Overloaded version of function above. Input parameters are /// self-explanatory. inline memory::dims MklDnnDimsInNCHW(const memory::dims& in_dims, TensorFormat format) { // Check validity of format. CHECK_NE(TFDataFormatToMklDnnDataFormat(format), memory::format::format_undef); int n = in_dims[GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'N')]; int c = in_dims[GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'C')]; int h = in_dims[GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'H')]; int w = in_dims[GetTensorDimIndex(format, 'W')]; // MKL-DNN requires dimensions in NCHW format. return memory::dims({n, c, h, w}); } /// Map MklDnn memory::dims object into TensorShape object. /// /// This function will simply map input shape in MKL-DNN memory::dims format /// in Tensorflow's TensorShape object by preserving dimension order. /// /// @input MKL-DNN memory::dims object /// @output TensorShape corresponding to memory::dims inline TensorShape MklDnnDimsToTFShape(const memory::dims& dims) { std::vector shape(dims.size(), -1); for (int d = 0; d < dims.size(); d++) { shape[d] = dims[d]; } TensorShape ret; CHECK_EQ(TensorShapeUtils::MakeShape(shape, &ret).ok(), true); return ret; } /// Function to calculate strides given tensor shape in Tensorflow order /// E.g., if dims_tf_order is {1, 2, 3, 4}, then as per Tensorflow convention, /// dimesion with size 1 is outermost dimension; while dimension with size 4 is /// innermost dimension. So strides for this tensor would be {4 * 3 * 2, /// 4 * 3, 4, 1}, i.e., {24, 12, 4, 1}. /// /// @input Tensorflow shape in memory::dims type /// @return memory::dims containing strides for the tensor. inline memory::dims CalculateTFStrides(const memory::dims& dims_tf_order) { CHECK_GT(dims_tf_order.size(), 0); memory::dims strides(dims_tf_order.size()); int last_dim_idx = dims_tf_order.size() - 1; strides[last_dim_idx] = 1; for (int d = last_dim_idx - 1; d >= 0; d--) { strides[d] = strides[d + 1] * dims_tf_order[d + 1]; } return strides; } inline padding_kind TFPaddingToMklDnnPadding(Padding pad) { // MKL-DNN only supports zero padding. return padding_kind::zero; } /// Helper function to create memory descriptor in Blocked format /// /// @input: Tensor dimensions /// @input: strides corresponding to dimensions. One can use utility /// function such as CalculateTFStrides to compute strides /// for given dimensions. /// @return: memory::desc object corresponding to blocked memory format /// for given dimensions and strides. inline memory::desc CreateBlockedMemDescHelper(const memory::dims& dim, const memory::dims& strides, memory::data_type dtype) { CHECK_EQ(dim.size(), strides.size()); // We have to construct memory descriptor in a C style. This is not at all // ideal but MKLDNN does not offer any API to construct descriptor in // blocked format except a copy constructor that accepts // mkldnn_memory_desc_t. mkldnn_memory_desc_t md; md.primitive_kind = mkldnn_memory; md.ndims = dim.size(); md.format = mkldnn_blocked; md.data_type = memory::convert_to_c(dtype); for (size_t i = 0; i < dim.size(); i++) { md.layout_desc.blocking.block_dims[i] = 1; md.layout_desc.blocking.strides[1][i] = 1; md.layout_desc.blocking.strides[0][i] = strides[i]; md.layout_desc.blocking.padding_dims[i] = dim[i]; md.layout_desc.blocking.offset_padding_to_data[i] = 0; md.dims[i] = dim[i]; } md.layout_desc.blocking.offset_padding = 0; return memory::desc(md); } template inline primitive FindOrCreateReorder(const memory* from, const memory* to); /* * Class to represent all the resources corresponding to a tensor in TensorFlow * that are required to execute an operation (such as Convolution). */ template class MklDnnData { private: /// MKL-DNN memory primitive for input user memory memory* user_memory_; /// MKL-DNN memory primitive in case input or output reorder is needed. memory* reorder_memory_; /// Operations memory descriptor memory::desc* op_md_; // flat to indicate if data is 3D or not. bool bIs3D; /// Operations temp buffer void* allocated_buffer_; /// CPU engine on which operation will be executed const engine* cpu_engine_; public: explicit MklDnnData(const engine* e) : user_memory_(nullptr), reorder_memory_(nullptr), op_md_(nullptr), allocated_buffer_(nullptr), cpu_engine_(e) {} ~MklDnnData() { cpu_engine_ = nullptr; // We don't own this. delete (user_memory_); delete (reorder_memory_); delete (op_md_); } inline void* GetTensorBuffer(const Tensor* tensor) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor); return const_cast( static_cast(tensor->flat().data())); } void SetIs3DData(bool bIs3D_) { bIs3D = bIs3D_; } bool GetIs3D() { return bIs3D; } /// Set user memory primitive using specified dimensions, memory format and /// data_buffer. Function automatically uses element data type by using /// input type T used for creating call object. /// /// In a nutshell, function allows user to describe the input tensor to /// an operation. E.g., filter of Conv2D is of shape {1, 2, 3, 4}, and /// memory format HWIO, and the buffer that contains actual values is /// pointed by data_buffer. inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::dims& dim, memory::format fm, void* data_buffer = nullptr) { auto md = memory::desc(dim, MklDnnType(), fm); SetUsrMem(md, data_buffer); } inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::dims& dim, memory::format fm, const Tensor* tensor) { CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor); SetUsrMem(dim, fm, GetTensorBuffer(tensor)); } /// Helper function to create memory descriptor in Blocked format /// /// @input: Tensor dimensions /// @input: strides corresponding to dimensions. One can use utility /// function such as CalculateTFStrides to compute strides /// for given dimensions. /// @return: memory::desc object corresponding to blocked memory format /// for given dimensions and strides. static inline memory::desc CreateBlockedMemDesc(const memory::dims& dim, const memory::dims& strides) { return CreateBlockedMemDescHelper(dim, strides, MklDnnType()); } /// A version of SetUsrMem call that allows user to create memory in blocked /// format. So in addition to accepting dimensions, it also accepts strides. /// This allows user to create memory for tensor in a format that is not /// supported by MKLDNN. E.g., MKLDNN does not support tensor format for 6 /// dimensional tensor as a native format. But by using blocked format, a user /// can create memory for 6D tensor. inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::dims& dim, const memory::dims& strides, void* data_buffer = nullptr) { CHECK_EQ(dim.size(), strides.size()); auto blocked_md = MklDnnData::CreateBlockedMemDesc(dim, strides); SetUsrMem(blocked_md, data_buffer); } inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::dims& dim, const memory::dims& strides, const Tensor* tensor) { CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor); SetUsrMem(dim, strides, GetTensorBuffer(tensor)); } /// A version of function to set user memory primitive that accepts memory /// descriptor directly, instead of accepting dimensions and format. This /// function is more generic that the one above, but the function above is /// sufficient in most cases. inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::desc& md, void* data_buffer = nullptr) { auto pd = memory::primitive_desc(md, *cpu_engine_); SetUsrMem(pd, data_buffer); } /// A version of SetUsrMem with memory descriptor and tensor inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::desc& md, const Tensor* tensor) { CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor); SetUsrMem(md, GetTensorBuffer(tensor)); } /// A version of function to set user memory primitive that accepts primitive /// descriptor directly, instead of accepting dimensions and format. This /// function is more generic that the one above, but the function above is /// sufficient in most cases. inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::primitive_desc& pd, void* data_buffer = nullptr) { CHECK_NOTNULL(cpu_engine_); // TODO(nhasabni): can we remove dynamic memory allocation? if (data_buffer) { user_memory_ = new memory(pd, data_buffer); } else { user_memory_ = new memory(pd); } } /// A version of SetUsrMem with primitive descriptor and tensor inline void SetUsrMem(const memory::primitive_desc& pd, const Tensor* tensor) { CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor); SetUsrMem(pd, GetTensorBuffer(tensor)); } /// Get function for user memory primitive. inline const memory* GetUsrMem() const { return user_memory_; } /// Get function for primitive descriptor of user memory primitive. inline const memory::primitive_desc GetUsrMemPrimDesc() const { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); return user_memory_->get_primitive_desc(); } /// Get function for descriptor of user memory. inline memory::desc GetUsrMemDesc() { // This is ugly. Why MKL-DNN does not provide desc() method of const type?? const memory::primitive_desc pd = GetUsrMemPrimDesc(); return const_cast(&pd)->desc(); } /// Get function for data buffer of user memory primitive. inline void* GetUsrMemDataHandle() const { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); return user_memory_->get_data_handle(); } /// Set function for data buffer of user memory primitive. inline void SetUsrMemDataHandle(void* data_buffer) { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); CHECK_NOTNULL(data_buffer); user_memory_->set_data_handle(data_buffer); } /// Set function for data buffer of user memory primitive. inline void SetUsrMemDataHandle(const Tensor* tensor) { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor); user_memory_->set_data_handle(GetTensorBuffer(tensor)); } /// allocate function for data buffer inline void AllocateBuffer(size_t size) { const int64 kMemoryAlginment = 64; // For AVX512 memory alignment. allocated_buffer_ = cpu_allocator()->AllocateRaw(kMemoryAlginment, size); } inline void* GetAllocatedBuffer() { return allocated_buffer_; } /// Get the memory primitive for input and output of an op. If inputs /// to an op require reorders, then this function returns memory primitive /// for reorder. Otherwise, it will return memory primitive for user memory. /// /// E.g., Conv2D(I, F) is a primitive with I and F being inputs. Then to /// execute Conv2D, we need memory primitive for I and F. Buf if reorder is /// required for I and F (say I_r is reorder primitive for I; F_r is reorder /// primitive for F), then we need I_r and F_r to perform Conv2D. inline const memory& GetOpMem() const { return reorder_memory_ ? *reorder_memory_ : *user_memory_; } /// Set memory descriptor of an operation in terms of dimensions and memory /// format. E.g., For Conv2D, the dimensions would be same as user dimensions /// but memory::format would be mkldnn::any because we want MKL-DNN to choose /// best layout/format for given input dimensions. inline void SetOpMemDesc(const memory::dims& dim, memory::format fm) { // TODO(nhasabni): can we remove dynamic memory allocation? op_md_ = new memory::desc(dim, MklDnnType(), fm); } /// Get function for memory descriptor for an operation inline const memory::desc& GetOpMemDesc() const { return *op_md_; } /// Predicate that checks if we need to reorder user's memory into memory /// pointed by op_pd. /// /// @input: op_pd - memory primitive descriptor of the given input of an /// operation /// @return: true in case reorder of input is needed; false, otherwise. inline bool IsReorderNeeded(const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); return op_pd != user_memory_->get_primitive_desc(); } /// Predicate that checks if we need to reorder user's memory into memory /// based on the provided format. /// /// @input: target_format - memory format of the given input of an /// operation /// @return: true in case reorder of input is needed; false, otherwise. inline bool IsReorderNeeded(const memory::format& target_format) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); return target_format != user_memory_->get_primitive_desc().desc().data.format; } /// Function to create a reorder from memory pointed by from to memory pointed /// by to. Returns created primitive. inline primitive CreateReorder(const memory* from, const memory* to) const { CHECK_NOTNULL(from); CHECK_NOTNULL(to); return reorder(*from, *to); } /// Function to handle input reordering /// /// Check if we need to reorder this input of an operation. /// Return true and allocate reorder memory primitive if reorder is needed. /// Otherwise, return false and do not allocate reorder memory primitive. /// /// To check if reorder is needed, this function compares memory primitive /// descriptor of an operation (op_pd) for the given input with the /// user-specified memory primitive descriptor. /// /// @input: op_pd - memory primitive descriptor of the given input of an /// operation /// @input: net - net to which to add reorder primitive in case it is needed. /// @return: true in case reorder of input is needed; false, otherwise. inline bool CheckReorderToOpMem(const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd, std::vector* net) { CHECK_NOTNULL(net); CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); if (IsReorderNeeded(op_pd)) { // TODO(nhasabni): can we remove dynamic memory allocation? reorder_memory_ = new memory(op_pd); net->push_back(CreateReorder(user_memory_, reorder_memory_)); return true; } return false; } /// TODO: this is a faster path with reorder primitive cache compared with /// CheckReorderToOpMem(..., std::vector* net), will remove /// slow path in the future inline bool CheckReorderToOpMem(const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd) { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); if (IsReorderNeeded(op_pd)) { // TODO(nhasabni): can we remove dynamic memory allocation? // primitive reuse don't allow two same reorder prim in // one stream, so submit it immediately reorder_memory_ = new memory(op_pd); std::vector net; net.push_back(FindOrCreateReorder(user_memory_, reorder_memory_)); stream(stream::kind::eager).submit(net).wait(); return true; } return false; } /// Overloaded version of above function that accepts memory buffer /// where output of reorder needs to be stored. /// /// @input: op_pd - memory primitive descriptor of the given input of an /// operation /// @reorder_data_handle - memory buffer where output of reorder needs to be /// stored. Primitive does not check if buffer is /// enough size to write. /// @input: net - net to which to add reorder primitive in case it is needed. /// @return: true in case reorder of input is needed; false, otherwise. inline bool CheckReorderToOpMem(const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd, void* reorder_data_handle, std::vector* net) { CHECK_NOTNULL(net); CHECK_NOTNULL(reorder_data_handle); CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); if (IsReorderNeeded(op_pd)) { // TODO(nhasabni): can we remove dynamic memory allocation? reorder_memory_ = new memory(op_pd, reorder_data_handle); net->push_back(CreateReorder(user_memory_, reorder_memory_)); return true; } return false; } /// TODO: this is a faster path with reorder primitive cache compared with /// CheckReorderToOpMem(..., std::vector* net), will remove /// slow path in the future inline bool CheckReorderToOpMem(const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd, void* reorder_data_handle) { CHECK_NOTNULL(reorder_data_handle); CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); if (IsReorderNeeded(op_pd)) { // TODO(nhasabni): can we remove dynamic memory allocation? // primitive reuse don't allow two same reorder prim in // one stream, so submit it immediately std::vector net; reorder_memory_ = new memory(op_pd, reorder_data_handle); net.push_back(FindOrCreateReorder(user_memory_, reorder_memory_)); stream(stream::kind::eager).submit(net).wait(); return true; } return false; } /// Another overloaded version of CheckReorderToOpMem that accepts Tensor /// where output of reorder needs to be stored. /// /// @input: op_pd - memory primitive descriptor of the given input of an /// operation /// @reorder_tensor - Tensor whose buffer is to be used to store output of /// reorder. Primitive does not check if buffer is /// enough size to write. /// @input: net - net to which to add reorder primitive in case it is needed. /// @return: true in case reorder of input is needed; false, otherwise. inline bool CheckReorderToOpMem(const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd, Tensor* reorder_tensor, std::vector* net) { CHECK_NOTNULL(net); CHECK_NOTNULL(reorder_tensor); return CheckReorderToOpMem(op_pd, GetTensorBuffer(reorder_tensor), net); } /// TODO: this is a faster path with reorder primitive cache compared with /// CheckReorderToOpMem(..., std::vector* net), will remove /// slow path in the future inline bool CheckReorderToOpMem(const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd, Tensor* reorder_tensor) { CHECK_NOTNULL(reorder_tensor); return CheckReorderToOpMem(op_pd, GetTensorBuffer(reorder_tensor)); } /// Function to handle output reorder /// /// This function performs very similar functionality as input reordering /// function above. The only difference is that this function does not add /// reorder primitive to the net. The reason for this is: the reorder /// primitive for output needs to be added to the list only after operation /// has executed. But we need to prepare a temporary buffer in case output /// reorder is needed. And this temporary buffer will hold the output of /// an operation before it is fed to reorder primitive. /// /// @input memory primitive descriptor for the given output of an operation /// @return: true in case reorder of output is needed; false, otherwise. inline bool PrepareReorderToUserMemIfReq( const memory::primitive_desc& op_pd) { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); if (IsReorderNeeded(op_pd)) { // TODO(nhasabni): can we remove dynamic memory allocation? reorder_memory_ = new memory(op_pd); return true; } return false; } /// Function to actually insert reorder primitive in the net /// /// This function completes remaining part of output reordering. It inserts /// a reordering primitive from the temporary buffer that holds the output /// to the user-specified output buffer. /// /// @input: net - net to which to add reorder primitive inline void InsertReorderToUserMem(std::vector* net) { CHECK_NOTNULL(net); CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); CHECK_NOTNULL(reorder_memory_); net->push_back(CreateReorder(reorder_memory_, user_memory_)); } /// TODO: this is a faster path with reorder primitive cache compared with /// InsertReorderToUserMem(std::vector* net), will remove /// slow path in the future inline void InsertReorderToUserMem() { CHECK_NOTNULL(user_memory_); CHECK_NOTNULL(reorder_memory_); // primitive reuse don't allow two same reorder prim in // one stream, so submit it immediately std::vector net; net.push_back(FindOrCreateReorder(reorder_memory_, user_memory_)); stream(stream::kind::eager).submit(net).wait(); } }; /// Base class for operations with reuse of primitives /// class MklPrimitive { public: virtual ~MklPrimitive() {} // Dummy data which MKL DNN never operates on unsigned char* DummyData = nullptr; }; const mkldnn::memory::dims NONE_DIMS = {}; template class MklPrimitiveFactory { public: MklPrimitiveFactory() { } ~MklPrimitiveFactory() {} MklPrimitive* GetOp(const string& key) { auto& map = MklPrimitiveFactory::GetHashMap(); auto stream_iter = map.find(key); if (stream_iter == map.end()) { return nullptr; } else { CHECK(stream_iter->second != nullptr) << "nullptr present in map"; return stream_iter->second; } } void SetOp(const string& key, MklPrimitive* op) { auto& map = MklPrimitiveFactory::GetHashMap(); auto stream_iter = map.find(key); CHECK(stream_iter == map.end()); map[key] = op; } /// Function to decide whether HW has AVX512 or AVX2 /// For those legacy device(w/o AVX512 and AVX2), /// MKL-DNN GEMM will be used. static inline bool IsLegacyPlatform() { return (!port::TestCPUFeature(port::CPUFeature::AVX512F) && !port::TestCPUFeature(port::CPUFeature::AVX2)); } /// Fuction to check whether primitive memory optimization is enabled static inline bool IsPrimitiveMemOptEnabled() { bool is_primitive_mem_opt_enabled = true; TF_CHECK_OK(ReadBoolFromEnvVar("TF_MKL_OPTIMIZE_PRIMITIVE_MEMUSE", true, &is_primitive_mem_opt_enabled)); return is_primitive_mem_opt_enabled; } private: static inline std::unordered_map& GetHashMap() { static thread_local std::unordered_map map_; return map_; } }; // utility class for creating keys of MKL primitive pool. class FactoryKeyCreator { public: FactoryKeyCreator() { key_.reserve(kMaxKeyLength); } ~FactoryKeyCreator() {} void AddAsKey(const string& str) { Append(str); } void AddAsKey(const mkldnn::memory::dims &dims) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dims.size(); i++) { AddAsKey(dims[i]); } } template void AddAsKey(const T data) { auto buffer = reinterpret_cast(&data); Append(StringPiece(buffer, sizeof(T))); } string GetKey() { return key_; } private: string key_; const char delimiter = 'x'; const int kMaxKeyLength = 256; void Append(StringPiece s) { key_.append(string(s)); key_.append(1, delimiter); } }; static inline memory::format get_desired_format(int channel, bool is_2d = true) { memory::format fmt_desired = memory::format::any; if (port::TestCPUFeature(port::CPUFeature::AVX512F)) { fmt_desired = is_2d ? memory::format::nChw16c : memory::format::nCdhw16c; } else if (port::TestCPUFeature(port::CPUFeature::AVX2) && (channel % 8) == 0) { fmt_desired = is_2d ? memory::format::nChw8c : memory::format::ncdhw; // no avx2 support for 3d yet. } else { fmt_desired = is_2d ? memory::format::nchw : memory::format::ncdhw; } return fmt_desired; } class MklReorderPrimitive : public MklPrimitive { public: explicit MklReorderPrimitive(const memory* from, const memory* to) { Setup(from, to); } ~MklReorderPrimitive() {} std::shared_ptr GetPrimitive() { return context_.reorder_prim; } void SetMemory(const memory* from, const memory* to) { context_.src_mem->set_data_handle(from->get_data_handle()); context_.dst_mem->set_data_handle(to->get_data_handle()); } private: struct ReorderContext { std::shared_ptr src_mem; std::shared_ptr dst_mem; std::shared_ptr reorder_prim; ReorderContext(): src_mem(nullptr), dst_mem(nullptr), reorder_prim(nullptr) { } } context_; engine cpu_engine_ = engine(engine::cpu, 0); void Setup(const memory* from, const memory* to) { context_.src_mem.reset(new memory( {from->get_primitive_desc().desc(), cpu_engine_}, DummyData)); context_.dst_mem.reset(new memory( {to->get_primitive_desc().desc(), cpu_engine_}, DummyData)); context_.reorder_prim = std::make_shared( reorder(*context_.src_mem, *context_.dst_mem)); } }; template class MklReorderPrimitiveFactory : public MklPrimitiveFactory { public: static MklReorderPrimitive* Get(const memory* from, const memory* to) { auto reorderPrim = static_cast( MklReorderPrimitiveFactory::GetInstance().GetReorder(from, to)); if (reorderPrim == nullptr) { reorderPrim = new MklReorderPrimitive(from, to); MklReorderPrimitiveFactory::GetInstance().SetReorder(from, to, reorderPrim); } reorderPrim->SetMemory(from, to); return reorderPrim; } static MklReorderPrimitiveFactory & GetInstance() { static MklReorderPrimitiveFactory instance_; return instance_; } private: MklReorderPrimitiveFactory() {} ~MklReorderPrimitiveFactory() {} static string CreateKey(const memory* from, const memory* to) { string prefix = "reorder"; FactoryKeyCreator key_creator; auto const &from_desc = from->get_primitive_desc().desc().data; auto const &to_desc = to->get_primitive_desc().desc().data; memory::dims from_dims(from_desc.dims, &from_desc.dims[from_desc.ndims]); memory::dims to_dims(to_desc.dims, &to_desc.dims[to_desc.ndims]); key_creator.AddAsKey(prefix); key_creator.AddAsKey(static_cast(from_desc.format)); key_creator.AddAsKey(static_cast(from_desc.data_type)); key_creator.AddAsKey(from_dims); key_creator.AddAsKey(static_cast(to_desc.format)); key_creator.AddAsKey(static_cast(to_desc.data_type)); key_creator.AddAsKey(to_dims); return key_creator.GetKey(); } MklPrimitive* GetReorder(const memory* from, const memory* to) { string key = CreateKey(from, to); return this->GetOp(key); } void SetReorder(const memory* from, const memory* to, MklPrimitive* op) { string key = CreateKey(from, to); this->SetOp(key, op); } }; /// Fuction to find(or create) a reorder from memory pointed by /// from to memory pointed by to, it will created primitive or /// get primitive from pool if it is cached. /// Returns the primitive. template inline primitive FindOrCreateReorder(const memory* from, const memory* to) { CHECK_NOTNULL(from); CHECK_NOTNULL(to); MklReorderPrimitive* reorder_prim = MklReorderPrimitiveFactory::Get(from, to); return *reorder_prim->GetPrimitive(); } // utility function to determine if it is conv 1x1 and stride != 1 // for purpose of temporarily disabling primitive reuse inline bool IsConv1x1StrideNot1(memory::dims filter_dims, memory::dims strides) { if (filter_dims.size() != 4 || strides.size() != 2) return false; return ((filter_dims[2] == 1) && (filter_dims[3] == 1) && ((strides[0] != 1) || (strides[1] != 1))); } #endif // INTEL_MKL_DNN } // namespace tensorflow #endif // INTEL_MKL #endif // TENSORFLOW_CORE_UTIL_MKL_UTIL_H_