/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ // See docs in ../ops/image_ops.cc. #if GOOGLE_CUDA #define EIGEN_USE_GPU #include "tensorflow/core/kernels/crop_and_resize_op.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/register_types.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_types.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h" #include "tensorflow/core/util/cuda_kernel_helper.h" namespace tensorflow { typedef Eigen::GpuDevice GPUDevice; namespace { enum InterpolationMethod { BILINEAR = 0, NEAREST = 1, }; template __global__ void CropAndResizeKernel( const int32 nthreads, const T* image_ptr, const float* boxes_ptr, const int32* box_ind_ptr, int num_boxes, int batch, int image_height, int image_width, int crop_height, int crop_width, int depth, int method_id, float extrapolation_value, float* crops_ptr) { CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(out_idx, nthreads) { // out_idx = d + depth * (w + crop_width * (h + crop_height * b)) int idx = out_idx; const int d = idx % depth; idx /= depth; const int x = idx % crop_width; idx /= crop_width; const int y = idx % crop_height; const int b = idx / crop_height; const float y1 = boxes_ptr[b * 4]; const float x1 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 1]; const float y2 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 2]; const float x2 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 3]; const int32 b_in = box_ind_ptr[b]; if (b_in < 0 || b_in >= batch) { continue; } const float height_scale = (crop_height > 1) ? (y2 - y1) * (image_height - 1) / (crop_height - 1) : 0; const float width_scale = (crop_width > 1) ? (x2 - x1) * (image_width - 1) / (crop_width - 1) : 0; const float in_y = (crop_height > 1) ? y1 * (image_height - 1) + y * height_scale : 0.5 * (y1 + y2) * (image_height - 1); if (in_y < 0 || in_y > image_height - 1) { crops_ptr[out_idx] = extrapolation_value; continue; } const float in_x = (crop_width > 1) ? x1 * (image_width - 1) + x * width_scale : 0.5 * (x1 + x2) * (image_width - 1); if (in_x < 0 || in_x > image_width - 1) { crops_ptr[out_idx] = extrapolation_value; continue; } if (method_id == BILINEAR) { const int top_y_index = floorf(in_y); const int bottom_y_index = ceilf(in_y); const float y_lerp = in_y - top_y_index; const int left_x_index = floorf(in_x); const int right_x_index = ceilf(in_x); const float x_lerp = in_x - left_x_index; const float top_left(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + top_y_index) * image_width + left_x_index) * depth + d])); const float top_right(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + top_y_index) * image_width + right_x_index) * depth + d])); const float bottom_left(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + bottom_y_index) * image_width + left_x_index) * depth + d])); const float bottom_right(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + bottom_y_index) * image_width + right_x_index) * depth + d])); const float top = top_left + (top_right - top_left) * x_lerp; const float bottom = bottom_left + (bottom_right - bottom_left) * x_lerp; crops_ptr[out_idx] = top + (bottom - top) * y_lerp; } else { // method_id == kMethodNearestId const int closest_x_index = roundf(in_x); const int closest_y_index = roundf(in_y); crops_ptr[out_idx] = static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + closest_y_index) * image_width + closest_x_index) * depth + d]); } } } template __global__ void CropAndResizeBackpropImageKernel( const int32 nthreads, const float* grads_ptr, const float* boxes_ptr, const int32* box_ind_ptr, int num_boxes, int batch, int image_height, int image_width, int crop_height, int crop_width, int depth, T* grads_image_ptr, int method_id) { CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(out_idx, nthreads) { // out_idx = d + depth * (w + crop_width * (h + crop_height * b)) int idx = out_idx; const int d = idx % depth; idx /= depth; const int x = idx % crop_width; idx /= crop_width; const int y = idx % crop_height; const int b = idx / crop_height; const float y1 = boxes_ptr[b * 4]; const float x1 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 1]; const float y2 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 2]; const float x2 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 3]; const int32 b_in = box_ind_ptr[b]; if (b_in < 0 || b_in >= batch) { continue; } const float height_scale = (crop_height > 1) ? (y2 - y1) * (image_height - 1) / (crop_height - 1) : 0; const float width_scale = (crop_width > 1) ? (x2 - x1) * (image_width - 1) / (crop_width - 1) : 0; const float in_y = (crop_height > 1) ? y1 * (image_height - 1) + y * height_scale : 0.5 * (y1 + y2) * (image_height - 1); if (in_y < 0 || in_y > image_height - 1) { continue; } const float in_x = (crop_width > 1) ? x1 * (image_width - 1) + x * width_scale : 0.5 * (x1 + x2) * (image_width - 1); if (in_x < 0 || in_x > image_width - 1) { continue; } if (method_id == BILINEAR) { const int top_y_index = floorf(in_y); const int bottom_y_index = ceilf(in_y); const float y_lerp = in_y - top_y_index; const int left_x_index = floorf(in_x); const int right_x_index = ceilf(in_x); const float x_lerp = in_x - left_x_index; const float dtop = (1 - y_lerp) * grads_ptr[out_idx]; CudaAtomicAdd(grads_image_ptr + ((b_in * image_height + top_y_index) * image_width + left_x_index) * depth + d, static_cast((1 - x_lerp) * dtop)); CudaAtomicAdd(grads_image_ptr + ((b_in * image_height + top_y_index) * image_width + right_x_index) * depth + d, static_cast(x_lerp * dtop)); const float dbottom = y_lerp * grads_ptr[out_idx]; CudaAtomicAdd(grads_image_ptr + ((b_in * image_height + bottom_y_index) * image_width + left_x_index) * depth + d, static_cast((1 - x_lerp) * dbottom)); CudaAtomicAdd(grads_image_ptr + ((b_in * image_height + bottom_y_index) * image_width + right_x_index) * depth + d, static_cast(x_lerp * dbottom)); } else { // method_id == NEAREST const int closest_x_index = roundf(in_x); const int closest_y_index = roundf(in_y); CudaAtomicAdd(grads_image_ptr + ((b_in * image_height + closest_y_index) * image_width + closest_x_index) * depth + d, static_cast(grads_ptr[out_idx])); } } } template __global__ void CropAndResizeBackpropBoxesKernel( const int32 nthreads, const float* grads_ptr, const T* image_ptr, const float* boxes_ptr, const int32* box_ind_ptr, int num_boxes, int batch, int image_height, int image_width, int crop_height, int crop_width, int depth, float* grads_boxes_ptr) { CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP(out_idx, nthreads) { // out_idx = d + depth * (w + crop_width * (h + crop_height * b)) int idx = out_idx; const int d = idx % depth; idx /= depth; const int x = idx % crop_width; idx /= crop_width; const int y = idx % crop_height; const int b = idx / crop_height; const float y1 = boxes_ptr[b * 4]; const float x1 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 1]; const float y2 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 2]; const float x2 = boxes_ptr[b * 4 + 3]; const int32 b_in = box_ind_ptr[b]; if (b_in < 0 || b_in >= batch) { continue; } const float height_ratio = (crop_height > 1) ? static_cast(image_height - 1) / (crop_height - 1) : 0; const float width_ratio = (crop_width > 1) ? static_cast(image_width - 1) / (crop_width - 1) : 0; const float height_scale = (crop_height > 1) ? (y2 - y1) * height_ratio : 0; const float width_scale = (crop_width > 1) ? (x2 - x1) * width_ratio : 0; const float in_y = (crop_height > 1) ? y1 * (image_height - 1) + y * height_scale : 0.5 * (y1 + y2) * (image_height - 1); if (in_y < 0 || in_y > image_height - 1) { continue; } const float in_x = (crop_width > 1) ? x1 * (image_width - 1) + x * width_scale : 0.5 * (x1 + x2) * (image_width - 1); if (in_x < 0 || in_x > image_width - 1) { continue; } const int top_y_index = floorf(in_y); const int bottom_y_index = ceilf(in_y); const float y_lerp = in_y - top_y_index; const int left_x_index = floorf(in_x); const int right_x_index = ceilf(in_x); const float x_lerp = in_x - left_x_index; const float top_left(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + top_y_index) * image_width + left_x_index) * depth + d])); const float top_right(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + top_y_index) * image_width + right_x_index) * depth + d])); const float bottom_left(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + bottom_y_index) * image_width + left_x_index) * depth + d])); const float bottom_right(static_cast( image_ptr[((b_in * image_height + bottom_y_index) * image_width + right_x_index) * depth + d])); // Compute the image gradient. float image_grad_y = (1 - x_lerp) * (bottom_left - top_left) + x_lerp * (bottom_right - top_right); float image_grad_x = (1 - y_lerp) * (top_right - top_left) + y_lerp * (bottom_right - bottom_left); // Modulate the image gradient with the incoming gradient. const float top_grad = grads_ptr[out_idx]; image_grad_y *= top_grad; image_grad_x *= top_grad; float dy1, dy2; if (crop_height > 1) { dy1 = image_grad_y * (image_height - 1 - y * height_ratio); dy2 = image_grad_y * (y * height_ratio); } else { dy1 = image_grad_y * 0.5 * (image_height - 1); dy2 = image_grad_y * 0.5 * (image_height - 1); } float dx1, dx2; if (crop_width > 1) { dx1 = image_grad_x * (image_width - 1 - x * width_ratio); dx2 = image_grad_x * (x * width_ratio); } else { dx1 = image_grad_x * 0.5 * (image_width - 1); dx2 = image_grad_x * 0.5 * (image_width - 1); } CudaAtomicAdd(grads_boxes_ptr + b * 4 + 0, dy1); CudaAtomicAdd(grads_boxes_ptr + b * 4 + 1, dx1); CudaAtomicAdd(grads_boxes_ptr + b * 4 + 2, dy2); CudaAtomicAdd(grads_boxes_ptr + b * 4 + 3, dx2); } } } // namespace namespace functor { template struct CropAndResize { bool operator()(const OpKernelContext* context, typename TTypes::ConstTensor image, typename TTypes::ConstTensor boxes, typename TTypes::ConstTensor box_ind, string method_name, float extrapolation_value, typename TTypes::Tensor crops) { const int batch = image.dimension(0); const int image_height = image.dimension(1); const int image_width = image.dimension(2); const int num_boxes = crops.dimension(0); const int crop_height = crops.dimension(1); const int crop_width = crops.dimension(2); const int depth = crops.dimension(3); const int total_count = num_boxes * crop_height * crop_width * depth; const GPUDevice& d = context->eigen_device(); InterpolationMethod method = BILINEAR; if (method_name == "nearest") { method = NEAREST; } if (total_count > 0) { CudaLaunchConfig config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(total_count, d); CropAndResizeKernel<<>>( config.virtual_thread_count, image.data(), boxes.data(), box_ind.data(), num_boxes, batch, image_height, image_width, crop_height, crop_width, depth, method, extrapolation_value, crops.data()); } return d.ok(); } }; template struct CropAndResizeBackpropImage { bool operator()(const GPUDevice& d, typename TTypes::ConstTensor grads, typename TTypes::ConstTensor boxes, typename TTypes::ConstTensor box_ind, typename TTypes::Tensor grads_image, const string& method_name) { const int batch = grads_image.dimension(0); const int image_height = grads_image.dimension(1); const int image_width = grads_image.dimension(2); const int num_boxes = grads.dimension(0); const int crop_height = grads.dimension(1); const int crop_width = grads.dimension(2); const int depth = grads.dimension(3); int total_count; CudaLaunchConfig config; // Initialize grads_image with all zeros. total_count = batch * image_height * image_width * depth; if (total_count > 0) { config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(total_count, d); SetZero<<>>( config.virtual_thread_count, grads_image.data()); } // Configurate interpolation method. InterpolationMethod method = BILINEAR; if (method_name == "nearest") { method = NEAREST; } // Accumulate. total_count = num_boxes * crop_height * crop_width * depth; if (total_count > 0) { config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(total_count, d); CropAndResizeBackpropImageKernel<<< config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0, d.stream()>>>( config.virtual_thread_count, grads.data(), boxes.data(), box_ind.data(), num_boxes, batch, image_height, image_width, crop_height, crop_width, depth, grads_image.data(), method); } return d.ok(); } }; template struct CropAndResizeBackpropBoxes { bool operator()(const GPUDevice& d, typename TTypes::ConstTensor grads, typename TTypes::ConstTensor image, typename TTypes::ConstTensor boxes, typename TTypes::ConstTensor box_ind, typename TTypes::Tensor grads_boxes) { const int batch = image.dimension(0); const int image_height = image.dimension(1); const int image_width = image.dimension(2); const int num_boxes = grads.dimension(0); const int crop_height = grads.dimension(1); const int crop_width = grads.dimension(2); const int depth = grads.dimension(3); int total_count; CudaLaunchConfig config; // Initialize grads_boxes with all zeros. total_count = num_boxes * 4; if (total_count > 0) { config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(total_count, d); SetZero<<>>( config.virtual_thread_count, grads_boxes.data()); } // Accumulate. total_count = num_boxes * crop_height * crop_width * depth; if (total_count > 0) { config = GetCudaLaunchConfig(total_count, d); CropAndResizeBackpropBoxesKernel<<< config.block_count, config.thread_per_block, 0, d.stream()>>>( config.virtual_thread_count, grads.data(), image.data(), boxes.data(), box_ind.data(), num_boxes, batch, image_height, image_width, crop_height, crop_width, depth, grads_boxes.data()); } return d.ok(); } }; #define DEFINE_GPU_SPECS(T) \ template struct CropAndResize; \ template struct CropAndResizeBackpropImage; \ template struct CropAndResizeBackpropBoxes; TF_CALL_GPU_NUMBER_TYPES(DEFINE_GPU_SPECS); #undef DEFINE_GPU_SPECS template struct CheckValidBoxIndexHelper; } // namespace functor } // namespace tensorflow #endif // GOOGLE_CUDA