/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include "tensorflow/core/debug/debug_gateway.h" #include #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device_factory.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/session_factory.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h" namespace tensorflow { DebugGateway::DebugGateway(DirectSession* session) : session_(session) { session_->node_outputs_callback_ = [this]( const string& node_name, const int output_slot, const Tensor* tensor, const bool is_ref, OpKernelContext* ctx) { if (comp_cb_ != nullptr && output_slot <= 0) { // The node completion callback is invoked once for a node regardless // of whether the node has zero, one or more outputs. // The output_slot can be negative (-1, or kControlSlot) if // node_outputs_callback_ is invoked for a node with no output. If that // is the case, notify the callback that the node in question has no // output. comp_cb_(node_name, output_slot == 0); } // Copy tensor values (e.g., from GPU to host) only if the // value callback is not nullptr. if (val_cb_ != nullptr && output_slot >= 0) { CopyTensor( node_name, output_slot, tensor, ctx, [this, node_name, output_slot, is_ref](const Tensor* copied_tensor) { val_cb_(node_name, output_slot, *copied_tensor, is_ref); }); } return Status::OK(); }; } DebugGateway::~DebugGateway() { if (session_ != nullptr) { session_->node_outputs_callback_ = nullptr; } } void DebugGateway::SetNodeCompletionCallback(NodeCompletionCallback callback) { comp_cb_ = std::move(callback); } void DebugGateway::SetNodeValueCallback(NodeValueCallback callback) { val_cb_ = std::move(callback); } void DebugGateway::CopyTensor(const string& node_name, const int output_slot, const Tensor* src_tensor, OpKernelContext* ctx, CopyDoneCallback copy_done_cb) { Device* device = static_cast(ctx->device()); // Determine if the tensor is initialized properly. // The second part of the check is necessary because in some cases, a // tensor can pass the IsInitialized() check, but the dtype is not set, // e.g., tf.FIFOQueue. if (src_tensor->IsInitialized() && DataTypeSize(src_tensor->dtype()) > 0) { // Tensor is initialized. string tensor_tag = strings::StrCat(node_name, ":", output_slot); // Create copied tensor on host Allocator* cpu_allocator = tensorflow::cpu_allocator(); Tensor cpu_tensor(cpu_allocator, src_tensor->dtype(), src_tensor->shape()); // Determine if the tensor is on device (GPU) or host (CPU). // The second part of the check is necessary because even an OpKernel on // may have output tensors allocated on CPU. if ((device->name().find("GPU:") != string::npos || device->name().find("SYCL:") != string::npos) && !ctx->output_alloc_attr(output_slot).on_host()) { // GPU tensors: Copy it to host (CPU). DeviceContext* device_ctxt = ctx->op_device_context(); // Copy device (e.g., GPU) tensor to host and when done, invoke the // callback. device_ctxt->CopyDeviceTensorToCPU( src_tensor, "TensorCopy", device, &cpu_tensor, [node_name, cpu_tensor, copy_done_cb](const Status& s) { if (s.ok()) { copy_done_cb(&cpu_tensor); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Copying of device Tensor " << node_name << " to CPU for debugging failed."; } }); } else { // For CPU tensors, copy the source tensor and own the copy, because the // value callback may outlive the life time of the tensor and the tensor // may shared the underlying buffer with other tensors. cpu_tensor.UnsafeCopyFromInternal(*src_tensor, src_tensor->dtype(), src_tensor->shape()); copy_done_cb(&cpu_tensor); } } else { // Tensor is not initialized: No need to copy. copy_done_cb(src_tensor); } } } // namespace tensorflow