/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #ifndef TENSORFLOW_CORE_COMMON_RUNTIME_DIRECT_SESSION_H_ #define TENSORFLOW_CORE_COMMON_RUNTIME_DIRECT_SESSION_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/costmodel_manager.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/debugger_state_interface.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device_mgr.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/device_set.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/executor.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/graph_execution_state.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/process_function_library_runtime.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/rendezvous_mgr.h" #include "tensorflow/core/common_runtime/session_factory.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/cancellation.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/collective.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.pb.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/session_state.h" #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/macros.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/mutex.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/thread_annotations.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h" #include "tensorflow/core/public/session.h" namespace tensorflow { class CostModel; class DebugGateway; class Device; class DirectSessionFactory; class DirectSession : public Session { public: typedef std::function CloseCallback; // Takes ownership of 'device_mgr'. // 'factory' is used to unregister the DirectSession with 'factory' when its // closed. This ensures that Reset requests from the 'factory' don't get sent // to sessions that are already closed. DirectSession(const SessionOptions& options, const DeviceMgr* device_mgr, DirectSessionFactory* factory); ~DirectSession() override; typedef std::vector> NamedTensorList; typedef std::unordered_map NameNodeMap; ::tensorflow::Status Create(const GraphDef& graph) override; ::tensorflow::Status Extend(const GraphDef& graph) override; ::tensorflow::Status Run(const NamedTensorList& inputs, const std::vector& output_names, const std::vector& target_nodes, std::vector* outputs) override; // NOTE: Experimental and subject to change. ::tensorflow::Status Run(const ::tensorflow::RunOptions& run_options, const NamedTensorList& inputs, const std::vector& output_names, const std::vector& target_nodes, std::vector* outputs, RunMetadata* run_metadata) override; // NOTE: PRunSetup and PRun are added to support partial execution. This // feature is experimental and subject to change. ::tensorflow::Status PRunSetup(const std::vector& input_names, const std::vector& output_names, const std::vector& target_nodes, string* handle) override; ::tensorflow::Status PRun(const string& handle, const NamedTensorList& inputs, const std::vector& output_names, std::vector* outputs) override; // Reset clears 'containers' from the device_mgr of the DirectSession. // If 'containers' is empty, then Reset clears the default container. ::tensorflow::Status Reset(const std::vector& containers); ::tensorflow::Status ListDevices( std::vector* response) override; ::tensorflow::Status Close() override; ::tensorflow::Status LocalDeviceManager(const DeviceMgr** output) override { *output = device_mgr_.get(); return ::tensorflow::Status::OK(); } void ExportCostModels(CostModelManager::CostModelMap* cost_models) { cost_model_manager_.ExportCostModels(cost_models); } ::tensorflow::Status MakeCallable(const CallableOptions& callable_options, CallableHandle* out_handle) override; ::tensorflow::Status RunCallable(CallableHandle handle, const std::vector& feed_tensors, std::vector* fetch_tensors, RunMetadata* run_metadata) override; ::tensorflow::Status ReleaseCallable(CallableHandle handle) override; private: // For access to collective_graph_key_. friend class DirectSessionCollectiveTest; // We create one executor and its dependent library runtime for // every partition. struct PerPartitionExecutorsAndLib { Graph* graph = nullptr; // not owned. Device* device = nullptr; // not owned. FunctionLibraryRuntime* flib = nullptr; // not owned. std::unique_ptr executor; }; // An ExecutorsAndKeys is created for a given set of feeds/fetches. // 'step_count' is the number of times this graph is executed. // 'graph' is the entire graph being executed. 'name_to_node' // maps node name to node. We keep 'graph' and 'name_to_node' only in // the case of partial runs. Each item in 'items' is the executor for // a partition of the graph bundled with its dependent library runtime. // 'input_keys' are the rendezvous keys for the feeds and 'output_keys' // are rendezvous keys for the fetches. struct ExecutorsAndKeys { ExecutorsAndKeys() : step_count(0) {} std::atomic_int_fast64_t step_count; std::unique_ptr graph; NameNodeMap name_to_node; std::vector items; std::unordered_map input_name_to_index; std::unordered_map input_name_to_rendezvous_key; std::unordered_map output_name_to_index; std::unordered_map output_name_to_rendezvous_key; DataTypeVector input_types; DataTypeVector output_types; CallableOptions callable_options; int64 collective_graph_key = BuildGraphOptions::kNoCollectiveGraphKey; }; // A FunctionInfo object is created for every unique set of feeds/fetches. // This info could be folded into the ExecutorsAndKeys object but we would // like to maintain a deletion order in which the OpKernels (owned by the // executor) should be destroyed first, followed by the resources in the // device and then followed by the function stuff. // TODO(rohanj): Consolidate function library definitions so that we can // instantiate only one ProcFLR and lib_def and make this just a member // variable and not a vector. // 'flib_def' is the function library used. // 'proc_flr' is the collection of FunctionLibraryRuntime objects, one per // device. struct FunctionInfo { std::unique_ptr flib_def; std::unique_ptr proc_flr; }; // For each live partial execution, the session maintains a RunState. // 'status' is the current status of this partial execution. 'executor_done' // is "notified" when all executors are done. 'pending_inputs' are the set // of pending feeds and 'pending_outputs' are the set of pending fetches. struct RunState { mutex mu_; Status status GUARDED_BY(mu_); IntraProcessRendezvous* rendez = nullptr; std::unique_ptr collective_executor; std::unique_ptr collector; Notification executors_done; std::unordered_map pending_inputs; // true if fed std::unordered_map pending_outputs; // true if fetched TensorStore tensor_store; ScopedStepContainer step_container; RunState(int64 step_id, const std::vector* devices); RunState(const std::vector& pending_input_names, const std::vector& pending_output_names, int64 step_id, const std::vector* devices); // Returns true if all pending inputs and outputs have been completed. bool PendingDone() const; ~RunState(); }; struct RunStateArgs { RunStateArgs(const DebugOptions& options) : debug_options(options) {} bool is_partial_run = false; string handle; std::unique_ptr graph; const DebugOptions& debug_options; int64 collective_graph_key = BuildGraphOptions::kNoCollectiveGraphKey; }; // Initializes the base execution state given the 'graph', // if not already initialized. Status MaybeInitializeExecutionState(const GraphDef& graph, bool* out_already_initialized) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(graph_state_lock_); // Retrieves an already existing set of executors to run 'inputs' and // 'outputs', or creates and caches them for future use. ::tensorflow::Status GetOrCreateExecutors( gtl::ArraySlice inputs, gtl::ArraySlice outputs, gtl::ArraySlice target_nodes, ExecutorsAndKeys** executors_and_keys, RunStateArgs* run_state_args); // Creates a set of executors to run the subgraph defined by // `callable_options`. ::tensorflow::Status CreateExecutors( const CallableOptions& callable_options, std::unique_ptr* out_executors_and_keys, std::unique_ptr* out_func_info, RunStateArgs* run_state_args); // Creates several graphs given the existing graph_def_ and the // input feeds and fetches, given 'devices'. The graphs share a common // function library 'flib_def'. ::tensorflow::Status CreateGraphs( const BuildGraphOptions& options, std::unordered_map>* outputs, std::unique_ptr* flib_def, RunStateArgs* run_state_args, DataTypeVector* input_types, DataTypeVector* output_types, int64* collective_graph_key); ::tensorflow::Status RunInternal(int64 step_id, const RunOptions& run_options, CallFrameInterface* call_frame, ExecutorsAndKeys* executors_and_keys, RunMetadata* run_metadata); // Returns whether inter-op execution uses a global pool. bool ShouldUseRunHandlerPool() const; ::tensorflow::Status ExtendLocked(const GraphDef& graph) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(graph_state_lock_); ::tensorflow::Status ResourceHandleToInputTensor( const Tensor& resource_tensor, Tensor* retrieved_tensor); // Feeds more inputs to the executors, triggering further execution. ::tensorflow::Status SendPRunInputs( const std::vector>& inputs, const ExecutorsAndKeys* executors_and_keys, IntraProcessRendezvous* rendez); // Fetches more outputs from the executors. It waits until the output // tensors are computed. ::tensorflow::Status RecvPRunOutputs( const std::vector& output_names, const ExecutorsAndKeys* executors_and_keys, RunState* run_state, std::vector* outputs); // Check if the specified fetches can be computed from the feeds // that we have already provided. ::tensorflow::Status CheckFetch( const std::vector>& feeds, const std::vector& fetches, const ExecutorsAndKeys* executors_and_keys, const RunState* run_state); // Use the appropriate WaitForNotification function based on whether // operation_timeout_in_ms is greater than 0. // // If the timeout expires, the `cm->StartCancel()` will be called. ::tensorflow::Status WaitForNotification(Notification* n, int64 timeout_in_ms); void WaitForNotification(RunState* run_state, CancellationManager* cm, int64 timeout_in_ms); ::tensorflow::Status CheckNotClosed() { mutex_lock l(closed_lock_); if (closed_) return errors::Cancelled("Session has been closed."); return ::tensorflow::Status::OK(); } ::tensorflow::Status CheckGraphCreated(const char* method) { mutex_lock l(graph_state_lock_); if (!graph_created_) { return errors::InvalidArgument( "Session was not created with a graph before ", method, "!"); } return ::tensorflow::Status::OK(); } ::tensorflow::Status CreateDebuggerState( const CallableOptions& options, int64 global_step, int64 session_run_index, int64 executor_step_index, std::unique_ptr* debugger_state); ::tensorflow::Status DecorateAndPublishGraphForDebug( const DebugOptions& debug_options, Graph* graph, Device* device); const SessionOptions options_; // Device structures. const std::unique_ptr device_mgr_; std::vector devices_; // not owned DeviceSet device_set_; string session_handle_; mutex graph_state_lock_; bool graph_created_ GUARDED_BY(graph_state_lock_) = false; // The thread-pools to use for running ops, with a bool indicating if the pool // is owned. std::vector> thread_pools_; Status init_error_; // Set to an error if construction failed. // If true, blocks until device has finished all queued operations in a step. bool sync_on_finish_ = true; // Schedules 'c' for execution on pool. void SchedClosure(thread::ThreadPool* pool, std::function c); std::vector> functions_ GUARDED_BY(executor_lock_); mutex executor_lock_; // protects executors_ // Holds mappings from signature to the executors that process // it. The reason for a level of indirection around mapped_type is // to guarantee address stability. // The map value is a shared_ptr since multiple map keys can point to the // same ExecutorsAndKey object. std::unordered_map> executors_ GUARDED_BY(executor_lock_); class RunCallableCallFrame; struct Callable { std::shared_ptr executors_and_keys; std::shared_ptr function_info; ~Callable(); }; mutex callables_lock_; int64 next_callable_handle_ GUARDED_BY(callables_lock_) = 0; std::unordered_map callables_ GUARDED_BY(callables_lock_); // Holds mappings from handle to partial run state. std::unordered_map> partial_runs_ GUARDED_BY(executor_lock_); // This holds all the tensors that are currently alive in the session. SessionState session_state_; DirectSessionFactory* const factory_; // not owned CancellationManager* cancellation_manager_; std::unique_ptr collective_executor_mgr_; // Map of placed stateful nodes, i.e. nodes for which is_stateful() // is true, such as "params" and "queue" nodes. Once placed these // nodes can not be moved to a different device. Maps node names to // device names. std::unordered_map stateful_placements_ GUARDED_BY(graph_state_lock_); // Execution_state; used when placing the entire graph. std::unique_ptr execution_state_ GUARDED_BY(graph_state_lock_); // The function library, before any rewrites or optimizations have been // performed. In particular, CreateGraphs() may need to modify the function // library; it copies and modifies the function library. std::unique_ptr flib_def_; // true if the Session has been Closed. mutex closed_lock_; bool closed_ GUARDED_BY(closed_lock_) = false; // For generating unique names for this session instance. std::atomic edge_name_counter_ = {0}; std::atomic handle_name_counter_ = {0}; // For generating step ids that are unique across this sessions. static std::atomic_int_fast64_t step_id_counter_; // Global timeout for all blocking operations in this session. const int64 operation_timeout_in_ms_ = 0; // Manages all the cost models for the graphs executed in this session. CostModelManager cost_model_manager_; // For testing collective graph key generation. mutex collective_graph_key_lock_; int64 collective_graph_key_ GUARDED_BY(collective_graph_key_lock_) = -1; TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DirectSession); // EXPERIMENTAL: debugger (tfdbg) related friend class DebugGateway; }; } // end namespace tensorflow #endif // TENSORFLOW_CORE_COMMON_RUNTIME_DIRECT_SESSION_H_