# TensorFlow Time Series TensorFlow Time Series (TFTS) is a collection of ready-to-use classic models (state space, autoregressive), and flexible infrastructure for building high-performance time series models with custom architectures. It includes tools for chunking and batching a series, and for saving model state across chunks, making use of parallel computation even when training sequential models on long series (using truncated backpropagation). To get started, take a look at the `examples/` directory, which includes: - Making probabilistic forecasts (`examples/predict.py`) - Using exogenous features to train on data with known anomalies/changepoints (`examples/known_anomaly.py`) - Learning correlations between series (multivariate forecasting/anomaly detection; `examples/multivariate.py`) - More advanced custom model building (`examples/lstm.py`) TFTS includes many other modeling tools, including non-linear autoregression (see the `hidden_layer_sizes` argument to `ARRegressor` in `estimators.py`) and a collection of components for linear state space modeling (level, trend, period, vector autoregression, moving averages; see the `StructuralEnsembleRegressor` in `estimators.py`). Both model classes support heuristics for ignoring un-labeled anomalies in training data. Trained models can be exported for inference/serving in [SavedModel format](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/saved_model/README.md) (see `examples/multivariate.py`).