#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """This tool creates an html visualization of a TensorFlow Lite graph. Example usage: python visualize.py foo.tflite foo.html """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import json import os import sys from tensorflow.python.platform import resource_loader # Schema to use for flatbuffers _SCHEMA = "third_party/tensorflow/contrib/lite/schema/schema.fbs" # TODO(angerson): fix later when rules are simplified.. _SCHEMA = resource_loader.get_path_to_datafile("../schema/schema.fbs") _BINARY = resource_loader.get_path_to_datafile("../../../../flatbuffers/flatc") # Account for different package positioning internal vs. external. if not os.path.exists(_BINARY): _BINARY = resource_loader.get_path_to_datafile( "../../../../../flatbuffers/flatc") if not os.path.exists(_SCHEMA): raise RuntimeError("Sorry, schema file cannot be found at %r" % _SCHEMA) if not os.path.exists(_BINARY): raise RuntimeError("Sorry, flatc is not available at %r" % _BINARY) # A CSS description for making the visualizer _CSS = """ """ _D3_HTML_TEMPLATE = """ """ class OpCodeMapper(object): """Maps an opcode index to an op name.""" def __init__(self, data): self.code_to_name = {} for idx, d in enumerate(data["operator_codes"]): self.code_to_name[idx] = d["builtin_code"] def __call__(self, x): if x not in self.code_to_name: s = "" else: s = self.code_to_name[x] return "%s (opcode=%d)" % (s, x) class DataSizeMapper(object): """For buffers, report the number of bytes.""" def __call__(self, x): if x is not None: return "%d bytes" % len(x) else: return "--" class TensorMapper(object): """Maps a list of tensor indices to a tooltip hoverable indicator of more.""" def __init__(self, subgraph_data): self.data = subgraph_data def __call__(self, x): html = "" html += "" for i in x: tensor = self.data["tensors"][i] html += str(i) + " " html += tensor["name"] + " " html += str(tensor["type"]) + " " html += (repr(tensor["shape"]) if "shape" in tensor else "[]") + "
" html += "
" html += repr(x) html += "
" return html def GenerateGraph(subgraph_idx, g, opcode_mapper): """Produces the HTML required to have a d3 visualization of the dag.""" def TensorName(idx): return "t%d" % idx def OpName(idx): return "o%d" % idx edges = [] nodes = [] first = {} pixel_mult = 50 # TODO(aselle): multiplier for initial placement for op_index, op in enumerate(g["operators"]): for tensor_input_position, tensor_index in enumerate(op["inputs"]): if tensor_index not in first: first[tensor_index] = ( op_index * pixel_mult, tensor_input_position * pixel_mult - pixel_mult / 2) edges.append({ "source": TensorName(tensor_index), "target": OpName(op_index) }) for tensor_index in op["outputs"]: edges.append({ "target": TensorName(tensor_index), "source": OpName(op_index) }) nodes.append({ "id": OpName(op_index), "name": opcode_mapper(op["opcode_index"]), "group": 2, "x": pixel_mult, "y": op_index * pixel_mult }) for tensor_index, tensor in enumerate(g["tensors"]): initial_y = ( first[tensor_index] if tensor_index in first else len(g["operators"])) nodes.append({ "id": TensorName(tensor_index), "name": "%s (%d)" % (tensor["name"], tensor_index), "group": 1, "x": 2, "y": initial_y }) graph_str = json.dumps({"nodes": nodes, "edges": edges}) html = _D3_HTML_TEMPLATE % (graph_str, subgraph_idx) return html def GenerateTableHtml(items, keys_to_print, display_index=True): """Given a list of object values and keys to print, make an HTML table. Args: items: Items to print an array of dicts. keys_to_print: (key, display_fn). `key` is a key in the object. i.e. items[0][key] should exist. display_fn is the mapping function on display. i.e. the displayed html cell will have the string returned by `mapping_fn(items[0][key])`. display_index: add a column which is the index of each row in `items`. Returns: An html table. """ html = "" # Print the list of items html += "\n" html += "\n" if display_index: html += "" for h, mapper in keys_to_print: html += "" % h html += "\n" for idx, tensor in enumerate(items): html += "\n" if display_index: html += "" % idx # print tensor.keys() for h, mapper in keys_to_print: val = tensor[h] if h in tensor else None val = val if mapper is None else mapper(val) html += "\n" % val html += "\n" html += "
\n" return html def CreateHtmlFile(tflite_input, html_output): """Given a tflite model in `tflite_input` file, produce html description.""" # Convert the model into a JSON flatbuffer using flatc (build if doesn't # exist. if not os.path.exists(tflite_input): raise RuntimeError("Invalid filename %r" % tflite_input) if tflite_input.endswith(".tflite") or tflite_input.endswith(".bin"): # Run convert cmd = ( _BINARY + " -t " "--strict-json --defaults-json -o /tmp {schema} -- {input}".format( input=tflite_input, schema=_SCHEMA)) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) real_output = ("/tmp/" + os.path.splitext( os.path.split(tflite_input)[-1])[0] + ".json") data = json.load(open(real_output)) elif tflite_input.endswith(".json"): data = json.load(open(tflite_input)) else: raise RuntimeError("Input file was not .tflite or .json") html = "" html += _CSS html += "

TensorFlow Lite Model

" data["filename"] = tflite_input # Avoid special case toplevel_stuff = [("filename", None), ("version", None), ("description", None)] html += "\n" for key, mapping in toplevel_stuff: if not mapping: mapping = lambda x: x html += "\n" % (key, mapping(data.get(key))) html += "
\n" # Spec on what keys to display buffer_keys_to_display = [("data", DataSizeMapper())] operator_keys_to_display = [("builtin_code", None)] for subgraph_idx, g in enumerate(data["subgraphs"]): # Subgraph local specs on what to display html += "
" tensor_mapper = TensorMapper(g) opcode_mapper = OpCodeMapper(data) op_keys_to_display = [("inputs", tensor_mapper), ("outputs", tensor_mapper), ("builtin_options", None), ("opcode_index", opcode_mapper)] tensor_keys_to_display = [("name", None), ("type", None), ("shape", None), ("buffer", None), ("quantization", None)] html += "

Subgraph %d

\n" % subgraph_idx # Inputs and outputs. html += "


\n" html += GenerateTableHtml( [{ "inputs": g["inputs"], "outputs": g["outputs"] }], [("inputs", tensor_mapper), ("outputs", tensor_mapper)], display_index=False) # Print the tensors. html += "


\n" html += GenerateTableHtml(g["tensors"], tensor_keys_to_display) # Print the ops. html += "


\n" html += GenerateTableHtml(g["operators"], op_keys_to_display) # Visual graph. html += "\n" % ( subgraph_idx,) html += GenerateGraph(subgraph_idx, g, opcode_mapper) html += "
" # Buffers have no data, but maybe in the future they will html += "


\n" html += GenerateTableHtml(data["buffers"], buffer_keys_to_display) # Operator codes html += "

Operator Codes

\n" html += GenerateTableHtml(data["operator_codes"], operator_keys_to_display) html += "\n" open(html_output, "w").write(html) def main(argv): try: tflite_input = argv[1] html_output = argv[2] except IndexError: print("Usage: %s " % (argv[0])) else: CreateHtmlFile(tflite_input, html_output) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)