/* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==============================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "re2/re2.h" #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing/parse_testdata.h" #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing/tflite_driver.h" #include "tensorflow/contrib/lite/testing/util.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/status_test_util.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/env.h" #include "tensorflow/core/platform/subprocess.h" #include "tensorflow/core/util/command_line_flags.h" namespace tflite { namespace testing { namespace { bool FLAGS_ignore_known_bugs = true; // TODO(b/71769302) zip_files_dir should have a more accurate default, if // possible string* FLAGS_zip_file_path = new string("./"); string* FLAGS_unzip_binary_path = new string("/usr/bin/unzip"); } // namespace // TensorFlow system environment for file system called. tensorflow::Env* env = tensorflow::Env::Default(); // List of tests that are expected to fail when // --test_arg=--ignore_known_bugs=false // Key is a substring of the test name and value is a bug number. // TODO(ahentz): make sure we clean this list up frequently. std::map kBrokenTests = { // Add only supports float32. (and "constant" tests use Add) {R"(^\/add_a.*int32)", "68808744"}, {R"(^\/constant.*int32)", "68808744"}, {R"(^\/mul.*int32)", "68808744"}, {R"(^\/div.*int32)", "68808744"}, {R"(^\/sub.*int32)", "68808744"}, // Pad and PadV2 only supports 4D tensors. {R"(^\/pad.*,input_shape=\[.,.\],paddings=\[\[.,.\],\[.,.\]\])", "70527055"}, {R"(^\/padv2.*,input_shape=\[.,.\],paddings=\[\[.,.\],\[.,.\]\])", "70527055"}, // L2Norm only supports tensors with 4D or fewer. {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=.*,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[.,.,.,.,.*\])", "67963684"}, // SpaceToBatchND only supports 4D tensors. {R"(^\/space_to_batch_nd.*input_shape=\[1,4,4,4,1,1\])", "70848787"}, // L2Norm only works for dim=-1. {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=-2,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[.,.\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=0,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[.,.\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=-2,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[3,15,14,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=-2,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[1,3,4,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=2,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[3,15,14,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=2,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[1,3,4,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=0,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[3,15,14,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=0,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[1,3,4,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=1,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[3,15,14,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=1,epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[1,3,4,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=\[2,3\],epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[3,15,14,3\])", "67963812"}, {R"(^\/l2norm_dim=\[2,3\],epsilon=.*,input_shape=\[1,3,4,3\])", "67963812"}, // ResizeBilinear looks completely incompatible with Tensorflow {R"(^\/resize_bilinear.*dtype=tf.int32)", "72401107"}, // Transpose only supports 1D-4D input tensors. {R"(^\/transpose.*input_shape=\[.,.,.,.,.\])", "71545879"}, // PRelu only supports 4D input with (1, 1, channels) 3D alpha now. {R"(^\/prelu.*shared_axes=\[1\])", "75975192"}, // No support for axis!=0 in GatherV2. {R"(^\/gather.*axis=1)", "76910444"}, // No support for arbitrary dimensions in ArgMax. {R"(^\/arg_max.*axis_is_last_dim=False.*input_shape=\[.,.,.,.\])", "77546240"}, {R"(^\/arg_max.*axis_is_last_dim=False.*input_shape=\[.,.,.\])", "77546240"}, {R"(^\/arg_max.*axis_is_last_dim=False.*input_shape=\[.,.\])", "77546240"}, }; // Allows test data to be unzipped into a temporary directory and makes // sure those temporary directories are removed later. class ZipEnvironment : public ::testing::Environment { public: ~ZipEnvironment() override {} // Delete all temporary directories on teardown. void TearDown() override { for (const auto& dir : temporary_directories_) { tensorflow::int64 undeleted_dirs, undeleted_files; TF_CHECK_OK( env->DeleteRecursively(dir, &undeleted_dirs, &undeleted_files)); } temporary_directories_.clear(); } // Unzip `zip` file into a new temporary directory `out_dir`. tensorflow::Status UnZip(const string& zip, string* out_dir) { string dir; TF_CHECK_OK(MakeTemporaryDirectory(&dir)); tensorflow::SubProcess proc; string unzip_binary = *FLAGS_unzip_binary_path; TF_CHECK_OK(env->FileExists(unzip_binary)); TF_CHECK_OK(env->FileExists(zip)); proc.SetProgram(unzip_binary, {"unzip", "-d", dir, zip}); proc.SetChannelAction(tensorflow::CHAN_STDOUT, tensorflow::ACTION_PIPE); proc.SetChannelAction(tensorflow::CHAN_STDERR, tensorflow::ACTION_PIPE); if (!proc.Start()) return tensorflow::Status(tensorflow::error::UNKNOWN, "unzip couldn't start"); string out, err; int status = proc.Communicate(nullptr, &out, &err); if (WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) { *out_dir = dir; return tensorflow::Status::OK(); } else { return tensorflow::Status(tensorflow::error::UNKNOWN, "unzip failed. " "stdout:\n" + out + "\nstderr:\n" + err); } } private: // Make a temporary directory and return its name in `temporary`. tensorflow::Status MakeTemporaryDirectory(string* temporary) { if (env->LocalTempFilename(temporary)) { TF_CHECK_OK(env->CreateDir(*temporary)); temporary_directories_.push_back(*temporary); return tensorflow::Status::OK(); } return tensorflow::Status(tensorflow::error::UNKNOWN, "make temporary directory failed"); } std::vector temporary_directories_; }; // Return the singleton zip_environment. ZipEnvironment* zip_environment() { static ZipEnvironment* env = new ZipEnvironment; return env; } // Read the manifest.txt out of the unarchived zip file. Specifically // `original_file` is the original zip file for error messages. `dir` is // the temporary directory where the zip file has been unarchived and // `test_paths` is the list of test prefixes that were in the manifest. // Note, it is an error for a manifest to contain no tests. tensorflow::Status ReadManifest(const string& original_file, const string& dir, std::vector* test_paths) { // Read the newline delimited list of entries in the manifest. std::ifstream manifest_fp(dir + "/manifest.txt"); string manifest((std::istreambuf_iterator(manifest_fp)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); size_t pos = 0; int added = 0; while (true) { size_t end_pos = manifest.find("\n", pos); if (end_pos == string::npos) break; string filename = manifest.substr(pos, end_pos - pos); test_paths->push_back(dir + "/" + filename); pos = end_pos + 1; added += 1; } if (!added) { string message = "Test had no examples: " + original_file; return tensorflow::Status(tensorflow::error::UNKNOWN, message.c_str()); } return tensorflow::Status::OK(); } // Get a list of tests from a zip file `zip_file_name`. std::vector UnarchiveZipAndFindTestNames(const string& zip_file) { string decompress_tmp_dir; TF_CHECK_OK(zip_environment()->UnZip(zip_file, &decompress_tmp_dir)); std::vector stuff; TF_CHECK_OK(ReadManifest(zip_file, decompress_tmp_dir, &stuff)); return stuff; } class OpsTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam {}; TEST_P(OpsTest, RunZipTests) { string test_path = GetParam(); string tflite_test_case = test_path + "_tests.txt"; string tflite_dir = test_path.substr(0, test_path.find_last_of("/")); string test_name = test_path.substr(test_path.find_last_of('/')); std::ifstream tflite_stream(tflite_test_case); ASSERT_TRUE(tflite_stream.is_open()) << tflite_test_case; tflite::testing::TfLiteDriver test_driver(/*use_nnapi=*/true); test_driver.SetModelBaseDir(tflite_dir); string bug_number; for (const auto& p : kBrokenTests) { if (RE2::PartialMatch(test_name, p.first)) { bug_number = p.second; } } bool result = tflite::testing::ParseAndRunTests(&tflite_stream, &test_driver); if (bug_number.empty()) { EXPECT_TRUE(result) << test_driver.GetErrorMessage(); } else { if (FLAGS_ignore_known_bugs) { EXPECT_FALSE(result) << "Test was expected to fail but is now passing; " "you can mark http://b/" << bug_number << " as fixed! Yay!"; } else { EXPECT_TRUE(result) << test_driver.GetErrorMessage() << ": Possibly due to http://b/" << bug_number; } } } struct ZipPathParamName { template string operator()(const ::testing::TestParamInfo& info) const { string param_name = info.param; size_t last_slash = param_name.find_last_of("\\/"); if (last_slash != string::npos) { param_name = param_name.substr(last_slash); } for (size_t index = 0; index < param_name.size(); ++index) { if (!isalnum(param_name[index]) && param_name[index] != '_') param_name[index] = '_'; } return param_name; } }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( tests, OpsTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(UnarchiveZipAndFindTestNames(*FLAGS_zip_file_path)), ZipPathParamName()); } // namespace testing } // namespace tflite int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(tflite::testing::zip_environment()); std::vector flags = { tensorflow::Flag( "ignore_known_bugs", &tflite::testing::FLAGS_ignore_known_bugs, "If a particular model is affected by a known bug, the " "corresponding test should expect the outputs to not match."), tensorflow::Flag("zip_file_path", tflite::testing::FLAGS_zip_file_path, "Required: Location of the test zip file."), tensorflow::Flag("unzip_binary_path", tflite::testing::FLAGS_unzip_binary_path, "Required: Location of a suitable unzip binary.")}; bool success = tensorflow::Flags::Parse(&argc, argv, flags); if (!success || (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--helpfull"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", tensorflow::Flags::Usage(argv[0], flags).c_str()); return 1; } ::tflite::LogToStderr(); ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }