package(default_visibility = [ "//visibility:public", ]) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "py_test") load("//tensorflow/contrib/lite:special_rules.bzl", "tflite_portable_test_suite") py_binary( name = "upgrade_schema", srcs = [ "", ], data = [ "schema_v0.fbs", "schema_v1.fbs", "schema_v2.fbs", "schema_v3.fbs", "@flatbuffers//:flatc", ], deps = [ "//tensorflow:tensorflow_py", "//tensorflow/python:platform", ], ) py_test( name = "upgrade_schema_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], srcs_version = "PY2AND3", tags = [ "no_oss", "no_pip", ], deps = [ ":upgrade_schema", "//tensorflow/python:client_testlib", "//tensorflow/python:framework_test_lib", ], ) exports_files([ "schema_v0.fbs", "schema_v1.fbs", "schema_v2.fbs", "schema_v3.fbs", ]) load("@flatbuffers//:build_defs.bzl", "flatbuffer_cc_library") # Generic schema for inference on device. flatbuffer_cc_library( name = "schema_fbs", srcs = ["schema.fbs"], ) # Generic schema for inference on device (but with reflections makes bigger). flatbuffer_cc_library( name = "schema_fbs_with_reflection", srcs = ["schema.fbs"], flatc_args = [ "--reflect-types", "--reflect-names", "--no-union-value-namespacing", "--gen-object-api", ], gen_reflections = True, out_prefix = "reflection/", ) # Schema test to make sure we don't introduce backward incompatible changes # to schemas. cc_test( name = "flatbuffer_compatibility_test", size = "small", srcs = [""], data = [ "schema.fbs", "schema_v3.fbs", ], tags = [ "no_oss", "tflite_not_portable_android", "tflite_not_portable_ios", ], deps = [ "//tensorflow/core:lib_platform", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", "@flatbuffers//:flatc_library", ], ) tflite_portable_test_suite()